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hostileworlds_invasions's Issues

I can’t make the game work!

As you may have seen in the title I can’t make the game work... Can you help me, I put the mod but the problem is that the invasion never happens (I checked in creatively, the mod blocks are there) Thank you very much!!

Allow miner mobs to drop the blocks they mine

One thing I would really like is if the miner zombie could either collect drops on the ground and drop them on death, or at least cause anything mined to drop on the ground if they can't collect AND drop on death. That keeps them from permanently destroying expensive to replace machine blocks.

[Feature] Gamestages Integration

It would be really nice to be able to change invasion rate with GameStages, so that I can--for instance--increase the invasion rate once the player reaches the Nether, or prevent invasions from starting until the player achieves some goal.

Suggestion: Reward/Display for clearing the invasion.

I recently got an idea from a player of my pack telling me that the Invasions are super fun. But he finds it sad he can’t see how many mobs are left or that he doesn’t get anything special for clearing all invasion mobs.

This gave me the idea for this. Would it be able to ad an option to trigger a score board like thing to appear that displays the amount of mobs or mob waves left? I mean you have a function already that specifically targets all mobs on daybreak to do damage to them to clear them out so I guess you have a function to determine what an invasion mob is and what not.

So let’s say this triggers a scoreboard and a reward (reward adjustable as possible rewards (items added via id or something) for each invasion type in the config) below it for defeating all mobs (before the instant kill damage at daybreak gets them of course).

So I could for example say you defeat the Big Insect Rift (Invasion of Erebus insect mobs) and if the player kills them all he gets a random reward from the list of items added to that invasion (for example some golden apples or an extra life or whatever)

Of course the hard part would be determining how many Invasion mobs will be spawned, how many are already killed and how many are left for the scoreboard etc. So that the reward doesn’t get triggered if X amount of mobs Survived until dawn when they get killed by the Sun.

What do you think would that be a nice addition or not?

Git push for 1.16

Can you update this repo? I'd like to use it as an example for my own mod and I only have your jar file

[1.1.9] Invasions dont triggered

minecraft 1.12.2

Invasions not working.

only if i set
its work

changing one of this breaks event triggering

Odd NoSuchField Error is a weird error i have encountered which causes the game to crash as soon as the wave of enemies spawn on invasion nights. I have not modified the mod in anyway and would like to know what mods,(or other things), might be causing this issue.

Status message error

[CHAT] §cThe undead horde is approaching...

"wave_message": "§cThe undead horde is approaching...",

A white symbol shows up before invasions, presumably because of the color code symbol. It shows for some players, and some don't get it. It might be something to do with Windows language, but I'm not sure.

I have noticed a few Server sided Problems.

Minecraft 1.12.2
Java 8

Modpack Sayva
Modpack version 1.4.8-4

I am running the Mod in a Pack with 190+ Mods on a server and have noticed a few things that work fine in Singleplayer but don't work on a server.

This is getting Ignored on the Server, instead it just uses

External explosions coming from mobs such as creepers etc are destroying blocks and don't leave repairing blocks behind despite having it turned on in the configs
this only affects mobs which are not spawned through the invasion, invasions work fine.

The Next Invasion in x Days is not working, there are probably a lot of other messages which aren't working correctly, i haven't had the time to test them all yet.

[Feature Request] Invasion Rate?

Please add a feature that picks at random between a min and max value (for days until the next invasion)

As a server admin, I want to have the ability to decide the minimum and maximum time between invasions, so that I can keep my players on edge as to when the next invasion will occur.

This would keep me guessing as to when the invasion will occur, and make playing feel more dynamic.

Question: Ai_mining

Seem like ai_mining only work with mob that have pickaxe. I testing with a bunch of other mod and only pick-wielding mob can break block, barehand or tools like hammer or chainsaw doesn't work.

Bug: Liquids will flow into repairing blocks and replace them.

Bug: Liquids will flow into repairing blocks and replace them.

Liquids like lava and water etc will flow into repairing blocks and replace them. This is really bad since people using lava moats for example or decorative / automotive needed water sources will have to repair their things manually after an invasion if for example a miner dug into the source or if a creeper exploded making way for a large breach of the liquid spilling out.

Liquids should not be able to pass through these blocks is there a way to make liquids (source and flowing blocks) think that the red framed repairing blocks are solid blocks but keep it so that players and mobs can walk trough?

Spawning Improvement during Invasions and more.

Would it be possible to have an option that mob ignore light levels during invasions when checking for a spawn able are? But not simply ignore it that would result in them spawning next to players in their bases. But rather just ignore it when they can find a place to spawn because of light and then only at a set range like 40 blocks away from the player this would prevent them to spawn directly in the palyers base but still spawn them outside so they can go to them. Because atm it feels like when every area I s lit up they don’t spawn as much as they should? Correct me if I am wrong pls.

On the other hand there are a few things regarding the way mobs try to get to the player that need a bit of tweaking I think.

  1. When a mob starts mining a block it should not stop and change the block it wants to mine just because the player moved like one block from one chest to the other.

  2. Mobs shouldn’t mine randomly around when they can’t find a target rather have them try to move to the last known location of the player as the player mostly will be around there. This prevents the destruction of some blocks that don’t respawn properly like farmlands/fences/and crops etc (I know you are already working on an even better thing to prevent this with the black list feature I just thought this would add to the effectiveness of pathing.)

  3. Mobs still have a hard time dealing with players living in Underground or Sky bases. For Sky bases they simply can’t get up to them isn’t there a way to give them a dedicated pillar block? Like the repairing block just for mobs to walk on (well that would be a bit immersion breaking but maybe that works with dedicated cmod ai that carries them and can build with them like a corpse block XD) or maybe simply have them throw each other upwards to the player when they can’t pillar up on each other high enough as again once the player moves just little they mostly stop towering and fall apart so the one that was digging trough the sky base falls and well mostly dies never finishing to dig up.

  4. For Underground bases Mobs can dig downwards until they reach the players base that is not a problem again only if the player moves they stop digging and try to find another way in which leaves them constantly changing their digged block so they never really finish.

  5. Another problem with underground bases would be that if there is a cave underneath or in modpacks a big cave system the invasion mobs that spawn down there suffer the same problem as if they try to get to a sky base. If they could somehow properly get up there that would help. Same problem with tall buildings when the player is so far up that they simply can’t find a place to spawn.

So basically by improving how mobs spawn so they don’t get stuck with the worst spawn places in some tiny underground corner and maybe have them sometimes finish their task of mining (or maybe have them finish digging the path they planned to take completely) would already improve mobs getting to the player a lot.

PS: you can ignore it all if it’s not possible or would take too much effort just wanted to get the ideas out of my head.

invasion_number cannot be more than 3

I was working with the mob_spawns, and I found that any invasion that needed an invasion count higher than 3 will not spawn. I had used the technique used here:\
to cause an invasion to spawn and end several times, but It would never give me any invasion that required an invasion_count beyond 3. I did make sure my json was correct.

So far this is an excellent mod, sorry if this isn't the best issue tracker.

Modded Armor Does Not Increase Equipment Rating

The equipment rating stays at zero when wearing armor from Thermal Foundation or Construct's Armory. Wearing vanilla armor like iron or diamond armor increases equipment rating as expected.

Question: Small problem with Mobs breaking Blocks like Fences, stairs and Half Slabs.

There is a small problem with Miner Mobs breaking Blocks like Fences, Stairs or Half Slabs and not turning them into repairing blocks even if the setting is enabled. I don’t know if this is to prevent them from breaking multy blocks or machines from other Mods (which is a good thing).

But i wanted to ask if there is a way to make them turn these simple building blocks into repairing blocks as well so people don’t end up with a fenceless farms or broken stairs every invasion? IF not is it possible to have the mobs ignore these blocks making them like step over fences or seeking a path around tunnel under it or place a scaffold like block that disappears to get over it?

(PS: Any plans for a feature to get the mobs climbing? Invasions have a hard time dealing with people on mountains when the mobs spawn at the bottom or with people building floating platforms. The hoisting feature is nice but only helps with small ledges)

Crash: Miners mining dynamic trees seems to crash the game (Crash log provided)

Miners mining dynamic trees seems to crash the game. ( here the log) Will there be at least a blacklist for certain blocks to be ignored to prevent such things from happening? (That would also fix the problem with miners mining blocks they shouldn’t mine as they don’t respawn simply by making them not mine that block) (Making it so they can phase trough such blocks would be even better so people can’t abuse these types of blocks to make walls) I think that would fix a lot of problems.

PS: sry for opening so many different issues i try to keep them managable seperate. instead of making one big report mixed with suggestions and other bugs in one.

[Suggestion] Per Spawn Template spawnRange

It would be great to be able to change how far a mob is spawned locally rather than globally.
Ive been trying to balance Illager+ mobs with Ice and Fire Dragons. The dragons won't take flight reliably unless they are spawned at least 150 blocks away, but the Illagers seem to despawn if they are spawned that far away. Being able to tell one set of spawn entities to spawn at one distance, and a different set of spawn entities to spawn at a different distance would solve conflicts like this and provide more options for modpacks.

[Feature Request] Moon phase settings

make it possible to choose the phase of the moon in which invasions will occur. I wanted to make every 'new moon'.

I expected that it could be done with settings like:
but it turned out that the second setting counts from day one

Help with time frozen

Was messing around with spawning invasions using the /hw_invasion setPLayerTime command, and one way or another I bugged out my game, so time has stopped. More specifically, the day/night cycle rapidly switches back and forth, and after a restart, the time now just inches forwards, then back over and over. Ex. . There is no output in the console for any sort of time changing, so I'm really not sure what to do to fix. Any help would be much appreciated.

Bug: Invasions not triggering at the set time anymore maybe newer forge versions changed something

It seems like some newer forge versions or may have changed something but I set the days for the first invasion to happen to 5 and the invasion repeat time to 5 as well and have the by player function to true to make servers have less problems. I had this setting since forever in my modpack always worked great but recently it seems to not trigger the first invasion anymore. Sometimes the invasion than comes at night 10 instead and sometimes they don’t come at all until you manually change the config to a different number and than back. Is there a way to fix this so it actually triggers the first invasion again?

EDIT: maybe it has somethig to do with how minecraft always starts with day 0 and than goes to night 1 day 1 night 2 day 2 night 3 day 3 night 4 day 4 night 5...because if i set it to (0 or 4) days played untill first invasion it always pops the message at day 4 and spawns an invasion at night 5

Need help making my config

Hey. I'm having issues making my own invasions. I removed (made a backup) of the original mob_spawns.json to make my own. I made a simple invasion, but it's not working. However, when I put the original ones back and run the commands to trigger an invasion, the original invasions do trigger. My new mob spawn json is named "mob_spawns_1.json". Can you help me?

Suggestions: about customizable invasions

Suggestions about customizable invasions
In the page you say:
“Highly configurable invasion system for building your own invasions to have literally anything invade you with various buffs, even infernal mobs buffs, but documentation for all of this is still very much a work in progress.”

Well since I couldn’t find a way to customize them I wanted to request these things sry if they already exist.

  1. Option to make reappearing blocks reappear faster.
  2. Option to make Enderman or creepers that spawn during the invasion steal/explode blocks (but have them replaced with reappearing blocks) even if game rules say no grifing for them.
  3. Option to add custom invasions (like making lists of entities that can invade the player this way Modpack makers could add to the normal invasions some custom ones like embers:ancientgolem, iceandfire:dragon etc for really hard invasions (or funny bunny invasions))
  4. Option to decide what the altar needs in order to skip an invasion (setting an item in the configs)

Bug: Dimension Change Blocker not always working during invasions. (Especially on servers)

Ok I noticed that certain ways to Change Dimensions During an invasion aren’t blocked for example The Spectral Key from Random Things teleporting the player to the pocket dimension or the Dimension Changer from aroma Mining Dimension seem to always work. I know that teleporting items can be blocked as for example the Grave key from tombstones can’t port you to your grave during an invasion.

Also if the player is in another Dimension during an invasion he can just stay there and ignore the invasion. There should be a config option to force teleport the Player out of any other Dimension than the Over world once his Invasion starts. Maybe with a little timer message popping up! Like: “You will be teleported back to your spawn point in 10 seconds as an invasion is about to happen” (If text is configurable I would in my pack say something like “Akashic: I will have to teleport you back to your save point in 10 seconds. A Rift is about to open! Other Dimensions are too unstable during this time.”)

This would help prevent players just staying in the nether when they know an invasion is about to happen or teleporting to the save little pocket dimension. Especially on Servers as the Over world mostly doesn’t unload when a player is in another dimension.


Suggestion: Scaling health Mod Difficulty integration.

Suggestion: Scaling health Mod Difficulty integration.

Is it possible to have a calculation option for the Scaling health mod (that adds difficulty bar going up over time etc) to the difficulty Wight? Like there are for the health and for the dps etc. would make adjusting invasions strength a lot easier.
(currently I am only using health as difficulty factor for my pack since it’s the easiest to balance with so many mods there it’s hard to balance it if I use other meanest like dps that could randomly spike it if a player gets for example a onetime use dmg item that does a lot XD)

Simply having the invasion strength scale up with the difficulty as well as the player health would enable me to make an even better balance and player experience. That isn’t prone to any random factoring like random big dmg or having an afk player rise the difficulty like the other sources.

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