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Takuya's dotfiles

Warning: Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!

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Check out my app called Inkdrop



  • vim (Neovim) config
  • tmux config
  • git config
  • fish config
  • PowerShell config

Neovim setup


  • Neovim >= 0.9.0 (needs to be built with LuaJIT)
  • Git >= 2.19.0 (for partial clones support)
  • LazyVim
  • Nerd Font(v3.0 or greater) (optional, but needed to display some icons)
  • lazygit (optional)
  • C compiler for nvim-treesitter. See here
  • for telescope.nvim (optional)
  • a terminal that support true color and undercurl:
  • Solarized Osaka

Shell setup (macOS & Linux)

PowerShell setup (Windows)

How to use

Watch my video tutorials:

  1. My Neovim setup
  2. My dev workflow using tmux and vim
  3. A productive command-line Git workflow for indie app developers
  4. My Fish shell workflow for coding
  5. How to set up PowerShell prompt with Oh My Posh on Windows 11

About me

dotfiles-public's People


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dotfiles-public's Issues

Problem with icons

Could you explain the exact configuration of the icons ? They show up all the time [?]

Pseudo-transparency of lualine and tmux statusline

Hey there,
I took some influences by this config especially in terms of design and everything works as intended. The only think I don't seem to grasp is how the transparency of lualine and statusline works. Is this something that actually works or is it something that happens in post production when putting together the video?

My terminal looks like this but a bit later in the video the bars turn transparent.

I'm using kitty instead of iTerm2 and I'm also on macOS.

Problem with searching file contents

Hello, I love your dotfiles and YouTube videos demoing your workflow. I've worked to improve my workflow by incorporating some of them.

In your Denite configuration file you have this line of code:

\ 'start_filter': v:true,

Which as I understand shows the "lambda" search box to filter the popup window. This works OK for the ;f keystrokes to search filenames but when I want to grep file contents (;r) using the Dgrep function, I receive an error as follows:

[denite] option "-start_filter=": type is invalid.

I can then search by pattern, but can no longer filter after searching. I am wondering if you've seen this before? Perhaps a Denite version incompatibility with the dotfiles and a newer version? I'm not sure.

I have tried substituting v:true with 1 (which did not work). I'm curious if you have any other suggestions.

Thank you in advance.

Need Help!

I am using your configuration file, why do I get the red circle on the picture when I execute any command.

problem with diagnostic-languageserver

Spawning language server with cmd: diagnostic-languageserver fai
led. The language server is either not installed, missing from PAT
H, or not executable. if I open any Javascript or Typescript file it show. I don't have any idea How to solve this.

Patched Fonts

There is a problem with the fonts. I don't get the curved edges. Maybe it is a problem with the fonts. You mentioned that some patched font must be installed. I already have one installed for the powerline look in vim. But you didn't mention what font to install?


if has("nvim")


should i really add if and endif?

there's a console error

Split-Path: C:\Users\Lenovo.config\powershell\user_profile.ps1:6
Line |
6 | function Get-ScriptDirectory { Split-Path $MyInvocation.SctiptName }
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null.

Join-Path: C:\Users\Lenovo.config\powershell\user_profile.ps1:7
Line |
7 | $CONFIG = Join-Path (Get-ScriptDirectory) 'takuya.omp.json'
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null.

flag needs an argument: -config
Usage of C:\Users\Lenovo\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\oh-my-posh\oh-my-posh.exe:
-author string
Add the author to the exported image using --export-img
-bg-color string
Set the background color when using --export-img (default "#151515")
-command string
Render a tooltip based on the command value
-config string
Add the path to a configuration you wish to load
-config-format string
The format to print the config in. Valid options are:
- json
- yaml
- toml
(default "json")
-cursor-padding int
Pad the cursor with x when using --export-img (default 30)
Print debug information
-error int
Error code of previously executed command
Run in eval mode
-execution-time float
Execution time of the previously executed command
Create an image based on the current configuration
Initialize the shell
Get the current time in milliseconds
Print a plain prompt without ANSI
Print the current config in json format
Print the shell initialization script
Print the current shell name
Print the transient prompt
-pswd string
the powershell path you are working in, useful when working with drives
-pwd string
the path you are working in
Only print the rprompt block
-rprompt-offset int
Offset the right prompt with x when using --export-img (default 40)
-shell string
Override the shell you are working in
-stack-count int
The current location stack count
Print the current version of the binary

vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics is deprecated

When using the the nvim configs on neovim 0.7.0, nvim throws the following error:
vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics is deprecated. See :h deprecated

I followed the neovim documentation and changed the following line
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>e', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>e', '<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.open_float()<CR>', opts)
and now the error is not thrown, but no diagnostics are shown when pressing the corresponding keymap.
From the the neovim documentation I followed a link to the documentation for vim.diagnostic.open_float() but the link seems to be broken right now, and I could not find useful information else where nor figure out a fix by myself.

forgot fix path for macos

path need to fix
file:.config/tmux/tmux.conf +85

if-shell "uname -s | grep -q Darwin" "source ./macos.conf"


if-shell "uname -s | grep -q Darwin" "source ~/.config/tmux/macos.conf"



Hello Takuya, how are you?
This is my suggestion to improve your workflow, I see you use format in save right?
Well, you don't always need to format right? sometimes you just need to save, why not disable format on save and enable autosave and create new keymap to format.



local function on_attach(client, bufnr)
  local bufopts = { noremap = true, silent = true, buffer = bufnr }

 vim.keymap.set('n', '<space>l', vim.lsp.buf.format, bufopts)

 vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'InsertLeave', 'TextChanged' }, {
   buffer = bufnr,
   command = 'update',

looking forward to your new videos.

Tailwindcss stop autocompleting

Did you have problems with Tailwindcss not autocompleting after updating your lsp-config from update.capabilities to default.capabilities? Just wondering.

Not working on Windows 11

Packer is not installed
Error detected while processing C:\Users\happe\AppData\Local\nvim\after\plugin\gitsigns.rc.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk:\happe\AppData\Local\nvim\after\plugin\gitsigns.rc.lua:1: module 'gitsigns' not found:
        no field package.preload['gitsigns']
        no file '.\gitsigns.lua'
        no file 'C:\Users\happe\scoop\apps\neovim\current\bin\lua\gitsigns.lua'
        no file 'C:\Users\happe\scoop\apps\neovim\current\bin\lua\gitsigns\init.lua'
        no file '.\gitsigns.dll'
        no file 'C:\Users\happe\scoop\apps\neovim\current\bin\gitsigns.dll'
        no file 'C:\Users\happe\scoop\apps\neovim\current\bin\loadall.dll'
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'require'\happe\AppData\Local\nvim\after\plugin\gitsigns.rc.lua:1: in main chunk

Can I learn from you?

I can learn from you, very admire you use the terminal to develop their own products, I have always wanted to do the same!

Error executing some lua callback ... in Telescope live_grep

Hi I am trying to use live_grep, Telescope plugin:

I am getting some strange error, Please help me to fix it

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: The coroutine f
ailed with this message: ...ocal/share/nvim/plugged/plenary.nvim/lua/plenary/log.lua:138: /Users/adham/.cache/nvim/telesco
pe.log: No such file or directory
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error' in function 'callback_or_next' in function <

how can I change the default shell?

Thanks for owner, anyone know about change default shell ?
I use fish as my default shell,but attach tmux as zsh.
I try change my config:

set-option -g default-shell $SHELL

$SHELL is correct fish path.It's not work.

no respon when call :MarkdownPreview


i try use :call mkdp#util#install() and the error above appears, i dont have fish but i dont know how to change fish to my terminal (windows terminal)
thank you

I have been able to fix several problems, however even the nvim is not 100%,

I have been able to fix several problems, however even the nvim is not 100%,

  • I was able to fix lsp to detect the syntax.... -> TSinstall html css javascript,
  • I was able to fix guibg -> bg errors.... -> modify lua file configs.
  • lsp finder not working 100%
  • prettier autoformatter doesn't work in any of my environments.

tested on windows 11 and ubuntu WSL.

check my fixes and more mappings.

why you use the hyper terminal if you can use any fast terminal

with dwm+patch you can get a terminal+browser looks like that:

here: I use vanity gaps that control 4 gaps:

static const unsigned int gappih    = 0;       /* horiz inner gap between windows */
static const unsigned int gappiv    = 0;       /* vert inner gap between windows */
static const unsigned int gappoh    = 10;       /* horiz outer gap between windows and screen edge */
static const unsigned int gappov    = 10;       /* vert outer gap between windows and screen edge */

you can use also:

  • patch or key binding to move stack/master to right/left
  • fake fullscreen to make browser full screen in this our stack/master windows

my config

  • you can check my dwm config here
  • you can also sponsor me ^_^

Deprecated error

Hey I get the following error. I tried a lot already but I can't fix it maybe someone has an idea?

used_by is deprecated, please use 'filetype_to_parsername'
Fehler beim Ausführen von "/Users/user/.config/nvim/after/plugin/lspkind.rc.lua":
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: Vim(echoerr):DEPRECATED replaced by mode option.
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'nvim_command' in function 'init'
        /Users/user/.config/nvim/after/plugin/lspkind.rc.lua:4: in main chunk

Thanks in advanced



merge = 0


merged = 0


repo = "neoclide/coc.nvim"
merge = 0
rev = "release"
hook_add = """
source ~/.config/nvim/plugins/coc.rc.vim

Note: When 'merged': 0 not present, coc.nvim will be unable to start.

error in lspsaga unexpected event

I have the following problem and I have not been able to solve it yet

Error detected while processing /home/Guaynora/.config/nvim/plugin/lspsaga.rc.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: ...k/packer/start/lspsaga.nvim/lua/lspsaga/symbolwinbar.lua:289: unexpected event
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'nvim_create_autocmd'
        ...k/packer/start/lspsaga.nvim/lua/lspsaga/symbolwinbar.lua:289: in function 'config_symbol_autocmd' in function 'init_lsp_saga'
        /home/Guaynora/.config/nvim/plugin/lspsaga.rc.lua:4: in main chunk

tested on fedora kde 36

eslint_d not detected, but installed.

Hi, im viewers of devaslife. I like your dotfiles for nvim, so i use for that. Installed on my os, mac, linux and windows. But, i have a problem.

[null-ls] failed to run generator:\pack\packer\start\null-ls.nvim/lua/null-ls/loop.lua:165: command eslint_d is not executable (make sure it's installed and on your $PATH)

This error always show after i opened some script with nvim.
This said eslint_d is not executable, but i have installed the eslint_d with my npm and global install. This only fetch on my windows, my mac, linux is working fine. Without a problem.

I hope someone can help me, a user on stackoverflow have the same problem but not fixed.

Windows Terminal using Powershell.


On load neosolarized, status return nil

Hello, when i load neosolarized in neosolarized.rc.lua it return a null value and doesn't load theme.
Could you help me ?

local satus, n = pcall(require, 'neosolarized')
if (not status) then 


Issue with `git df` command and my solution


I had some issue with your .gitconfig df alias.

df = "!git hist | peco | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} git diff {}^ {}"

In your config, you always awk column 2. However, it isn't always the case. For example, in this case, they are probably column 3 or column 4.
CleanShot 2022-08-12 at 21 25 47

So the df command won't work on these cases.

How to open echo'ed URL in terminal

Hi. Thanks for updloading dotfiles. It was a great job. I am very intusiastic about the estetics and overall look of your setups.

Many of your vids showed that u have opened localhost url in terminal to work with

I am very currious how it works.

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