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Portable version of the OpenBSD maintained mg, micro emacs clone
This project forked from hboetes/mg
Portable version of the OpenBSD maintained mg, micro emacs clone
This is a fork of https://github.com/hboetes/mg. The canonical source for this version is at https://github.com/ctarbide/mg. Changes: - completely new Makefile, easier to customize and maintain - include relevant code and headers from libbsd Just type 'make' or 'bmake' to build, there is also a 'make install' using ${HOME}/local as prefix. The original README follows: **************************************************************** [This is an edited version of the original mg README, updated slightly to reflect changes in the last 20 years.] Mg (mg) is a Public Domain EMACS style editor. It is "broadly" compatible with GNU Emacs, the latest creation of Richard M. Stallman, Chief GNUisance and inventor of Emacs. GNU Emacs (and other portions of GNU as they are released) are essentially free, (there are handling charges for obtaining it) and so is Mg. You may never have to learn another editor. (But probably will, at least long enough to port Mg...) Mg was formerly named MicroGnuEmacs, the name change was done at the request of Richard Stallman. Mg is not associated with the GNU project, and it does not have the copyright restrictions present in GNU Emacs. (However, some modules do have copyright notices.) The Mg authors individually may or may not agree with the opinions expressed by Richard Stallman in "The GNU Manifesto". This program is intended to be a small, fast, and portable editor for people who can't (or don't want to) run real Emacs for one reason or another. It is compatible with GNU because there shouldn't be any reason to learn more than one Emacs flavor. Beyond the work of Dave Conroy, author of the original public domain v30, the current version contains the work of: [email protected] Bob Larson [email protected] Mic Kaczmarczik [email protected] Mike Meyer [email protected] Sandra Loosemore [email protected] Michael Portuesi [email protected] Stephen Walton [email protected] Marion Hakanson People who have worked on previous versions of Mg: [email protected] Dave Brower Early release history: * Nov 16, 1986: First release to mod.sources * Mar 3, 1987: First Release (mg1a) via comp.sources.unix * May 26, 1988: Second release: (mg2a) via comp.sources.misc * Jan 26, 1992: Linux port released by Charles Hedrick. This version later makes its way onto tsx-11, Infomagic, and various other Linux repositories. * Feb 25, 2000: First import into the OpenBSD tree, where it is currently maintained with contributions from many others. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Known limitations: Recursive bindings may cause help and key rebinding code to go into an infinite loop, aborting with a stack overflow. Overwrite mode does not work in macros. (Characters are inserted rather than overwriting.) Dired mode has some problems: .. and . are not recognized as special cases. Also, mg uses the output of the command 'ls' to populate a dired buffer. This is not ideal, dired mode should probably be rewritten to use the directory(3) set of functions. On systems with 16 bit integers, the kill buffer cannot exceed 32767 bytes. Unlike GNU Emacs, Mg's minibuffer isn't multi-line aware and hence some commands like "shell-command-on-region" always pop up a buffer to display output irrespective of output's size. While navigating source code using Mg's cscope commands, the cursor is always at the match location rather than in *cscope* buffer. Mg uses the same keybindings of GNU Emacs's xcscope package for it's cscope commands. As Mg's keybindings are case-insensitive some of the commands don't have a default keybinding. New implementation oddities: insert and define-key are new commands corresponding to the mocklisp functions in GNU Emacs. (Mg does not have non-command functions.) (Mg's insert will only insert one string.) The display wrap code does not work at all like that of GNU emacs. Some commands that do not mimic emacs exactly don't have a "standard" emacs name. For example 'backup-to-home-directory' is only a partial implementation of emacs' range of commands that allow a user to customise the backup file location. If a more complete implementation were coded of these commands the non standard commands would probably be removed.
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