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curve-dao-contracts's Introduction


Vyper contracts used in the Curve Governance DAO.


Curve DAO consists of multiple smart contracts connected by Aragon. Interaction with Aragon occurs through a modified implementation of the Aragon Voting App. Aragon's standard one token, one vote method is replaced with a weighting system based on locking tokens. Curve DAO has a token (CRV) which is used for both governance and value accrual.

View the documentation for a more in-depth explanation of how Curve DAO works.

Testing and Development



To get started, first create and initialize a Python virtual environment. Next, clone the repo and install the developer dependencies:

git clone
cd curve-dao-contracts
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Tests

The test suite is split between unit and integration tests. To run the entire suite:

brownie test

To run only the unit tests or integration tests:

brownie test tests/unitary
brownie test tests/integration


See the deployment documentation for detailed information on how to deploy Curve DAO.

Audits and Security

Curve DAO contracts have been audited by Trail of Bits and Quantstamp. These audit reports are made available on the Curve website.

There is also an active bug bounty for issues which can lead to substantial loss of money, critical bugs such as a broken live-ness condition, or irreversible loss of funds.


You may find the following guides useful:

  1. Curve and Curve DAO Resources
  2. How to earn and claim CRV
  3. Voting and vote locking on Curve DAO


If you have any questions about this project, or wish to engage with us:


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

curve-dao-contracts's People


bneiluj avatar bout3fiddy avatar iamdefinitelyahuman avatar iconationdevteam avatar jakobp avatar michwill avatar pengiundev avatar romanagureev avatar samwerner avatar skellet0r avatar


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curve-dao-contracts's Issues

How do you enforce non-contract calls?

Your docs state that

The account which locks the tokens cannot be a smart contract (because can be tradable and/or tokenized), unless it is one of whitelisted smart contracts (for example, widely used multi-signature wallets).

How do you want to enforce that though in a way that cannot be cheated by technical means (e.g. constructor calls)?

Etherscan API Key is missing?

when I run the script it throws cause it doesn't have an etherscan API key.
The question is where to put that?

Missing arguments on deploy_dao script

I'm trying to deploy the contracts on a local forked network, and at some point of the process some of the contracts fail to deploy because they are missing some required arguments.

Expected behaviour

After executing

brownie run scripts/deployment/ development --network mainnet-fork

should run through all the required transactions and end up successfully with all contracts deployed.

Actual behaviour

When executing

brownie run scripts/deployment/ development --network mainnet-fork

it fails at with

  File "brownie/_cli/", line 50, in main
    return_value, frame = run(
  File "brownie/project/", line 103, in run
    return_value = f_locals[method_name](*args, **kwargs)
  File "./scripts/deployment/", line 70, in development
    deploy_part_two(accounts[0], token, voting_escrow)
  File "./scripts/deployment/", line 101, in deploy_part_two
    pool_proxy = PoolProxy.deploy({"from": admin, "required_confs": confs})
  File "brownie/network/", line 528, in __call__
    return tx["from"].deploy(
  File "brownie/network/", line 509, in deploy
    data = contract.deploy.encode_input(*args)
  File "brownie/network/", line 557, in encode_input
    data = format_input(self.abi, args)
  File "brownie/convert/", line 20, in format_input
    raise type(e)(f"{abi['name']} {e}") from None
ValueError: constructor Sequence has incorrect length, expected 3 but got 0

If I add the required arguments on the required line, then the error changes to:

  File "brownie/_cli/", line 50, in main
    return_value, frame = run(
  File "brownie/project/", line 103, in run
    return_value = f_locals[method_name](*args, **kwargs)
  File "./scripts/deployment/", line 70, in development
    deploy_part_two(accounts[0], token, voting_escrow)
  File "./scripts/deployment/", line 115, in deploy_part_two
    gauge = LiquidityGauge.deploy(lp_token, minter, {"from": admin, "required_confs": confs})
  File "brownie/network/", line 528, in __call__
    return tx["from"].deploy(
  File "brownie/network/", line 509, in deploy
    data = contract.deploy.encode_input(*args)
  File "brownie/network/", line 557, in encode_input
    data = format_input(self.abi, args)
  File "brownie/convert/", line 20, in format_input
    raise type(e)(f"{abi['name']} {e}") from None
ValueError: constructor Sequence has incorrect length, expected 3 but got 2

Which I could solve adding admin as the third argument on this line.
So finally the last error was:

  File "brownie/_cli/", line 50, in main
    return_value, frame = run(
  File "brownie/project/", line 103, in run
    return_value = f_locals[method_name](*args, **kwargs)
  File "./scripts/deployment/", line 70, in development
    deploy_part_two(accounts[0], token, voting_escrow)
  File "./scripts/deployment/", line 120, in deploy_part_two
    gauge = LiquidityGaugeReward.deploy(
  File "brownie/network/", line 528, in __call__
    return tx["from"].deploy(
  File "brownie/network/", line 509, in deploy
    data = contract.deploy.encode_input(*args)
  File "brownie/network/", line 557, in encode_input
    data = format_input(self.abi, args)
  File "brownie/convert/", line 20, in format_input
    raise type(e)(f"{abi['name']} {e}") from None
ValueError: constructor Sequence has incorrect length, expected 5 but got 4

Which I had to fix by adding admin as a 5th argument on this contract instantiation.

After those changes, the deploy went well. :)

Steps to reproduce

brownie run scripts/deployment/ development --network mainnet-fork

I would create a PR, but I'm not sure that the arguments I set on those contracts are the ones that really have to be cos I didnt used the contracts after deployment. Specially the PoolProxy one.

Is it possible the scripts are outdated?

Gauge admin can add faulty reward tokens

On LiquidityGaugeV5, the add_reward function does not check that _distributor is not the zero address. This is important, because the gauge assumes reward tokens with a zero distributor are uninitialized (i.e. not added to the gauge).

A zero distributor means that deposit_reward_token will not be callable, nor can this situation be fixed using set_reward_distributor. Additionally, the admin would then be able to add the same reward token again to the gauge, since add_reward only checks for the current distributor to be unset.

This is not a security concern due to the following:

  • if the reward token is only added once, no rewards will be able to be issued for it, and the gauge will behave as if the distributor never sent any tokens
  • if the reward token is added multiple times, the internal accounting will not be broken since all reward tokens are fully processed before moving on to the next one (see e.g. _checkpoint_rewards)

This does result in extra gas being used by all users, and one (or more) of the 8 reward token slots being forever burned.

The proposed fix is to simply check that _distributor is not the zero address in add_reward. From what I've seen, this issue is not present just on the V5 gauge but also all past gauges. Care should be taken to not add a reward token with a zero distributor in these.

Problems deploying on Eth mainnet

Hi respectful Curve team and community. I try to reuse VotingEscrow contract with some changes and we already deployed it successfully on BSC and Rinkeby, but on Ethereum main net deploy fails with code 0x0.

Transaction 0x745fc97de84dca7ce65fd86af6b9bfba1f552d1b5c2266c02bc4339a3fa63608 has failed with status: 0x0. Gas used: 313223. Revert reason: 'execution reverted'

We thought the contract size might be an issue and I reduced it, but it does not help. If it is possible to get your consultation, please help. I also attach the customized code of your contract that we are using.

----------------------Contract code-----------------

# @version 0.2.12
@title Voting Escrow
@author Curve Finance &
@license MIT
@notice Votes have a weight depending on time, so that users are
        committed to the future of (whatever they are voting for)
@dev Vote weight decays linearly over time. Lock time cannot be
     more than `MAXTIME` (4 years).

# Voting escrow to have time-weighted votes
# Votes have a weight depending on time, so that users are committed
# to the future of (whatever they are voting for).
# The weight in this implementation is linear, and lock cannot be more than maxtime:
# w ^
# 1 +        /
#   |      /
#   |    /
#   |  /
#   |/
# 0 +--------+------> time
#       maxtime (4 years?)

struct Point:
    bias: int128
    slope: int128  # - dweight / dt
    ts: uint256
    blk: uint256  # block
# We cannot really do block numbers per se b/c slope is per time, not per block
# and per block could be fairly bad b/c Ethereum changes blocktimes.
# What we can do is to extrapolate ***At functions

struct LockedBalance:
    amount: int128
    end: uint256

interface ERC20:
    def decimals() -> uint256: view
    def name() -> String[64]: view
    def symbol() -> String[32]: view
    def transfer(to: address, amount: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable
    def transferFrom(spender: address, to: address, amount: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable

# Interface for checking whether address belongs to a whitelisted
# type of a smart wallet.
# When new types are added - the whole contract is changed
# The check() method is modifying to be able to use caching
# for individual wallet addresses
interface SmartWalletChecker:
    def check(addr: address) -> bool: nonpayable

DEPOSIT_FOR_TYPE: constant(int128) = 0
CREATE_LOCK_TYPE: constant(int128) = 1
INCREASE_LOCK_AMOUNT: constant(int128) = 2
INCREASE_UNLOCK_TIME: constant(int128) = 3

event Deposit:
    provider: indexed(address)
    value: uint256
    locktime: indexed(uint256)
    type: int128
    ts: uint256

event Withdraw:
    provider: indexed(address)
    value: uint256
    ts: uint256

event Supply:
    prevSupply: uint256
    supply: uint256

WEEK: constant(uint256) = 7 * 86400  # all future times are rounded by week
MAXTIME: constant(uint256) = 4 * 365 * 86400  # 4 years
MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 10 ** 18

token: public(address)
supply: public(uint256)

locked: public(HashMap[address, LockedBalance])

epoch: public(uint256)
point_history: public(Point[100000000000000000000000000000])  # epoch -> unsigned point
user_point_history: public(HashMap[address, Point[1000000000]])  # user -> Point[user_epoch]
user_point_epoch: public(HashMap[address, uint256])
slope_changes: public(HashMap[uint256, int128])  # time -> signed slope change

# Aragon's view methods for compatibility
controller: public(address)
transfersEnabled: public(bool)

name: public(String[64])
symbol: public(String[32])
version: public(String[32])
decimals: public(uint256)

# Checker for whitelisted (smart contract) wallets which are allowed to deposit
# The goal is to prevent tokenizing the escrow
future_smart_wallet_checker: public(address)
smart_wallet_checker: public(address)

def __init__(token_addr: address, _name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _version: String[32]):
    @notice Contract constructor
    @param token_addr `ERC20CRV` token address
    @param _name Token name
    @param _symbol Token symbol
    @param _version Contract version - required for Aragon compatibility
    self.token = token_addr
    self.point_history[0].blk = block.number
    self.point_history[0].ts = block.timestamp
    self.controller = msg.sender
    self.transfersEnabled = True

    _decimals: uint256 = ERC20(token_addr).decimals()
    assert _decimals <= 255
    self.decimals = _decimals = _name
    self.symbol = _symbol
    self.version = _version

def get_last_user_slope(addr: address) -> int128:
    @notice Get the most recently recorded rate of voting power decrease for `addr`
    @param addr Address of the user wallet
    @return Value of the slope
    uepoch: uint256 = self.user_point_epoch[addr]
    return self.user_point_history[addr][uepoch].slope

def user_point_history__ts(_addr: address, _idx: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Get the timestamp for checkpoint `_idx` for `_addr`
    @param _addr User wallet address
    @param _idx User epoch number
    @return Epoch time of the checkpoint
    return self.user_point_history[_addr][_idx].ts

def locked__end(_addr: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Get timestamp when `_addr`'s lock finishes
    @param _addr User wallet
    @return Epoch time of the lock end
    return self.locked[_addr].end

def _checkpoint(addr: address, old_locked: LockedBalance, new_locked: LockedBalance):
    @notice Record global and per-user data to checkpoint
    @param addr User's wallet address. No user checkpoint if 0x0
    @param old_locked Pevious locked amount / end lock time for the user
    @param new_locked New locked amount / end lock time for the user
    u_old: Point = empty(Point)
    u_new: Point = empty(Point)
    old_dslope: int128 = 0
    new_dslope: int128 = 0
    _epoch: uint256 = self.epoch

    if addr != ZERO_ADDRESS:
        # Calculate slopes and biases
        # Kept at zero when they have to
        if old_locked.end > block.timestamp and old_locked.amount > 0:
            u_old.slope = old_locked.amount / MAXTIME
            u_old.bias = u_old.slope * convert(old_locked.end - block.timestamp, int128)
        if new_locked.end > block.timestamp and new_locked.amount > 0:
            u_new.slope = new_locked.amount / MAXTIME
            u_new.bias = u_new.slope * convert(new_locked.end - block.timestamp, int128)

        # Read values of scheduled changes in the slope
        # old_locked.end can be in the past and in the future
        # new_locked.end can ONLY by in the FUTURE unless everything expired: than zeros
        old_dslope = self.slope_changes[old_locked.end]
        if new_locked.end != 0:
            if new_locked.end == old_locked.end:
                new_dslope = old_dslope
                new_dslope = self.slope_changes[new_locked.end]

    last_point: Point = Point({bias: 0, slope: 0, ts: block.timestamp, blk: block.number})
    if _epoch > 0:
        last_point = self.point_history[_epoch]
    last_checkpoint: uint256 = last_point.ts
    # initial_last_point is used for extrapolation to calculate block number
    # (approximately, for *At methods) and save them
    # as we cannot figure that out exactly from inside the contract
    initial_last_point: Point = last_point
    block_slope: uint256 = 0  # dblock/dt
    if block.timestamp > last_point.ts:
        block_slope = MULTIPLIER * (block.number - last_point.blk) / (block.timestamp - last_point.ts)
    # If last point is already recorded in this block, slope=0
    # But that's ok b/c we know the block in such case

    # Go over weeks to fill history and calculate what the current point is
    t_i: uint256 = (last_checkpoint / WEEK) * WEEK
    for i in range(255):
        # Hopefully it won't happen that this won't get used in 5 years!
        # If it does, users will be able to withdraw but vote weight will be broken
        t_i += WEEK
        d_slope: int128 = 0
        if t_i > block.timestamp:
            t_i = block.timestamp
            d_slope = self.slope_changes[t_i]
        last_point.bias -= last_point.slope * convert(t_i - last_checkpoint, int128)
        last_point.slope += d_slope
        if last_point.bias < 0:  # This can happen
            last_point.bias = 0
        if last_point.slope < 0:  # This cannot happen - just in case
            last_point.slope = 0
        last_checkpoint = t_i
        last_point.ts = t_i
        last_point.blk = initial_last_point.blk + block_slope * (t_i - initial_last_point.ts) / MULTIPLIER
        _epoch += 1
        if t_i == block.timestamp:
            last_point.blk = block.number
            self.point_history[_epoch] = last_point

    self.epoch = _epoch
    # Now point_history is filled until t=now

    if addr != ZERO_ADDRESS:
        # If last point was in this block, the slope change has been applied already
        # But in such case we have 0 slope(s)
        last_point.slope += (u_new.slope - u_old.slope)
        last_point.bias += (u_new.bias - u_old.bias)
        if last_point.slope < 0:
            last_point.slope = 0
        if last_point.bias < 0:
            last_point.bias = 0

    # Record the changed point into history
    self.point_history[_epoch] = last_point

    if addr != ZERO_ADDRESS:
        # Schedule the slope changes (slope is going down)
        # We subtract new_user_slope from [new_locked.end]
        # and add old_user_slope to [old_locked.end]
        if old_locked.end > block.timestamp:
            # old_dslope was <something> - u_old.slope, so we cancel that
            old_dslope += u_old.slope
            if new_locked.end == old_locked.end:
                old_dslope -= u_new.slope  # It was a new deposit, not extension
            self.slope_changes[old_locked.end] = old_dslope

        if new_locked.end > block.timestamp:
            if new_locked.end > old_locked.end:
                new_dslope -= u_new.slope  # old slope disappeared at this point
                self.slope_changes[new_locked.end] = new_dslope
            # else: we recorded it already in old_dslope

        # Now handle user history
        user_epoch: uint256 = self.user_point_epoch[addr] + 1

        self.user_point_epoch[addr] = user_epoch
        u_new.ts = block.timestamp
        u_new.blk = block.number
        self.user_point_history[addr][user_epoch] = u_new

def _deposit_for(_addr: address, _value: uint256, unlock_time: uint256, locked_balance: LockedBalance, type: int128):
    @notice Deposit and lock tokens for a user
    @param _addr User's wallet address
    @param _value Amount to deposit
    @param unlock_time New time when to unlock the tokens, or 0 if unchanged
    @param locked_balance Previous locked amount / timestamp
    _locked: LockedBalance = locked_balance
    supply_before: uint256 = = supply_before + _value
    old_locked: LockedBalance = _locked
    # Adding to existing lock, or if a lock is expired - creating a new one
    _locked.amount += convert(_value, int128)
    if unlock_time != 0:
        _locked.end = unlock_time
    self.locked[_addr] = _locked

    # Possibilities:
    # Both old_locked.end could be current or expired (>/< block.timestamp)
    # value == 0 (extend lock) or value > 0 (add to lock or extend lock)
    # _locked.end > block.timestamp (always)
    self._checkpoint(_addr, old_locked, _locked)

    if _value != 0:
        assert ERC20(self.token).transferFrom(_addr, self, _value)

    log Deposit(_addr, _value, _locked.end, type, block.timestamp)
    log Supply(supply_before, supply_before + _value)

def _passive_deposit_for(_addr: address, _value: uint256, unlock_time: uint256, locked_balance: LockedBalance, type: int128):
    @notice Deposit and lock tokens for a user
    @param _addr User's wallet address
    @param _value Amount to deposit
    @param unlock_time New time when to unlock the tokens, or 0 if unchanged
    @param locked_balance Previous locked amount / timestamp
    _locked: LockedBalance = locked_balance
    supply_before: uint256 = = supply_before + _value
    old_locked: LockedBalance = _locked
    # Adding to existing lock, or if a lock is expired - creating a new one
    _locked.amount += convert(_value, int128)
    if unlock_time != 0:
        _locked.end = unlock_time
    self.locked[_addr] = _locked

    # Possibilities:
    # Both old_locked.end could be current or expired (>/< block.timestamp)
    # value == 0 (extend lock) or value > 0 (add to lock or extend lock)
    # _locked.end > block.timestamp (always)
    self._checkpoint(_addr, old_locked, _locked)

    log Deposit(_addr, _value, _locked.end, type, block.timestamp)
    log Supply(supply_before, supply_before + _value)

def checkpoint():
    @notice Record global data to checkpoint
    self._checkpoint(ZERO_ADDRESS, empty(LockedBalance), empty(LockedBalance))

def deposit_for(_addr: address, _value: uint256):
    @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `_addr` and add to the lock
    @dev Anyone (even a smart contract) can deposit for someone else, but
         cannot extend their locktime and deposit for a brand new user
    @param _addr User's wallet address
    @param _value Amount to add to user's lock
    _locked: LockedBalance = self.locked[_addr]

    assert _value > 0  # dev: need non-zero value
    assert _locked.amount > 0, "No existing lock found"
    assert _locked.end > block.timestamp, "Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw"

    self._deposit_for(_addr, _value, 0, self.locked[_addr], DEPOSIT_FOR_TYPE)

def create_lock(_value: uint256, _unlock_time: uint256):
    @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `msg.sender` and lock until `_unlock_time`
    @param _value Amount to deposit
    @param _unlock_time Epoch time when tokens unlock, rounded down to whole weeks
    if msg.sender != tx.origin:
        raise "Smart contract depositors not allowed"

    unlock_time: uint256 = (_unlock_time / WEEK) * WEEK  # Locktime is rounded down to weeks
    _locked: LockedBalance = self.locked[msg.sender]

    assert _value > 0  # dev: need non-zero value
    assert _locked.amount == 0, "Withdraw old tokens first"
    assert unlock_time > block.timestamp, "Can only lock until time in the future"
    assert unlock_time <= block.timestamp + MAXTIME, "Voting lock can be 4 years max"

    self._deposit_for(msg.sender, _value, unlock_time, _locked, CREATE_LOCK_TYPE)

def create_lock_for_origin(_value: uint256, _unlock_time: uint256):
    @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `tx.origin` and lock until `_unlock_time`
    @param _value Amount to deposit
    @param _unlock_time Epoch time when tokens unlock, rounded down to whole weeks
    assert self.crowdsale == msg.sender, "Sender should be crowdsale"
    unlock_time: uint256 = (_unlock_time / WEEK) * WEEK  # Locktime is rounded down to weeks
    _locked: LockedBalance = self.locked[tx.origin]

    assert _value > 0  # dev: need non-zero value
    assert _locked.amount == 0, "Withdraw old tokens first"
    assert unlock_time > block.timestamp, "Can only lock until time in the future"
    assert unlock_time <= block.timestamp + MAXTIME, "Voting lock can be 4 years max"

    self._passive_deposit_for(tx.origin, _value, unlock_time, _locked, CREATE_LOCK_TYPE)

def increase_amount(_value: uint256):
    @notice Deposit `_value` additional tokens for `msg.sender`
            without modifying the unlock time
    @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit and add to the lock
    _locked: LockedBalance = self.locked[msg.sender]

    assert _value > 0  # dev: need non-zero value
    assert _locked.amount > 0, "No existing lock found"
    assert _locked.end > block.timestamp, "Cannot add to expired lock. Withdraw"

    self._deposit_for(msg.sender, _value, 0, _locked, INCREASE_LOCK_AMOUNT)

def increase_unlock_time(_unlock_time: uint256):
    @notice Extend the unlock time for `msg.sender` to `_unlock_time`
    @param _unlock_time New epoch time for unlocking
    _locked: LockedBalance = self.locked[msg.sender]
    unlock_time: uint256 = (_unlock_time / WEEK) * WEEK  # Locktime is rounded down to weeks

    assert _locked.end > block.timestamp, "Lock expired"
    assert _locked.amount > 0, "Nothing is locked"
    assert unlock_time > _locked.end, "Can only increase lock duration"
    assert unlock_time <= block.timestamp + MAXTIME, "Voting lock can be 4 years max"

    self._deposit_for(msg.sender, 0, unlock_time, _locked, INCREASE_UNLOCK_TIME)

def withdraw():
    @notice Withdraw all tokens for `msg.sender`
    @dev Only possible if the lock has expired
    _locked: LockedBalance = self.locked[msg.sender]
    assert block.timestamp >= _locked.end, "The lock didn't expire"
    value: uint256 = convert(_locked.amount, uint256)

    old_locked: LockedBalance = _locked
    _locked.end = 0
    _locked.amount = 0
    self.locked[msg.sender] = _locked
    supply_before: uint256 = = supply_before - value

    # old_locked can have either expired <= timestamp or zero end
    # _locked has only 0 end
    # Both can have >= 0 amount
    self._checkpoint(msg.sender, old_locked, _locked)

    assert ERC20(self.token).transfer(msg.sender, value)

    log Withdraw(msg.sender, value, block.timestamp)
    log Supply(supply_before, supply_before - value)

# The following ERC20/minime-compatible methods are not real balanceOf and supply!
# They measure the weights for the purpose of voting, so they don't represent
# real coins.

def find_block_epoch(_block: uint256, max_epoch: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Binary search to estimate timestamp for block number
    @param _block Block to find
    @param max_epoch Don't go beyond this epoch
    @return Approximate timestamp for block
    # Binary search
    _min: uint256 = 0
    _max: uint256 = max_epoch
    for i in range(128):  # Will be always enough for 128-bit numbers
        if _min >= _max:
        _mid: uint256 = (_min + _max + 1) / 2
        if self.point_history[_mid].blk <= _block:
            _min = _mid
            _max = _mid - 1
    return _min

crowdsale: public(address)

def changeCrowdsale(_newCrowdsale: address):
    assert msg.sender == self.controller, "Caller should be controller"
    self.crowdsale = _newCrowdsale

How can I retrieve the rewards amount of CRV tokens from the Curve pool using a curve contract method?

Hi all,
I have invested in a pool that offers two types of rewards: CRV tokens and ARB tokens. I am able to obtain the amount of ARB tokens through the claimable_reward method of the Gauge contract, but I am unsure how to retrieve the amount of CRV tokens using the Gauge contract.

Could anyone with relevant experience provide some advice on how to get the CRV amount using the curve contract method? Thank you.

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minor - brownie test stops on some some naming conflicts


brownie test

Breacks with error, massage see below


Just run sub-test directly

brownie test tests/unitary
brownie test tests/integration


Just remove brownie test from README.txt


======================ERRORS ===================

imported module 'test_fee_distribution' has this file attribute:
which is not the same as the test file we want to collect:
HINT: remove pycache / .pyc files and/or use a unique basename for your test file modules

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