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fixed-table-header's Issues

Whole page scrolls when div has height 100%

when I set height : 100% in div , my whole page scrolls not only tbody.
It should be just table with scrolling table body, filling the page left over.

<div> <md-content> <md-table-container class="fixed-header-table-container"> <div style="overflow: auto;height: 100%"> <table md-table md-row-select md-progress="promise" ng-class="'data-table'"> <thead fix-head md-head md-order="standardTable.query.order" class="fixed-table-header"> ..... .... </thead> <tbody> ..... </tbody> <table> </div> </md-table-container> </md-content> </div>

Not working with table header ng-repeat, Controller 'mdTable', required by directive 'mdRow', can't be found!

Tried to use with table headers that are generated dynamically by ng-repeat

<thead fix-head md-head md-order="vm.order" md-on-reorder="vm.reorder">
            <tr md-row>
                <th ng-repeat="header in vm.tHeaders" md-column md-numeric="header.numeric"
                    ng-attr-flex="{{header.flex ? header.flex : ''}}"
                    ng-attr-md-order-by="{{header.order === false ? '' : header.field}}"
                    ng-attr-md-desc="{{header.desc}}" ng-hide="vm.showHideColumns && !header.visible">
                    <span translate>{{header.text}}</span>

On compile of header.clone, it is giving error Controller 'mdTable', required by directive 'mdRow', can't be found!

Maybe cause header.clone, contain only thead without table tag and directive md-table. So tried to compile appended version table.clone.append(header.clone)[0], compilation was successfull, but instead of populated th tags i see comment <--ngRepeat in header in vm.tHeaders-->

It deseappear when ised with uib-tabset


Thank you for this fantastic fixed header.
I've discovered a problem ๐Ÿ‘
The header deseappear if the table is contained inside a tab .
The tabs are from angular-ui (, etc ...)

Maybe somebody has a workaround ?
Thank you a lot

Reduce watcher by using ResizeObserver

I found out that 'getWitht' is CPU consuming if there is a lot of $digest.
So instead of using $watch, ResizeObserver in chrome is a better choice.

                    if (ResizeObserver) {
                        //window.console.log("ResizeObserver exists", ResizeObserver);
                        new ResizeObserver((outputsize) => {
                    } else {
                        //window.console.log("ResizeObserver does not exists", ResizeObserver);
                        var listener = scope.$watch(getWidth, setWidth);

Also, "scope.$watch(cells, updateCells);" is not need, I think, if the number of cells in header does not change. It can be replace directly by "updateCells();"

Cannot read property '0' of undefined

Cannot read property '0' of undefined

var cell = cells.original[index];
var style = $window.getComputedStyle(cell[0]);


Sometimes when the table is scrolled the header looks glitchy.

Cannot use jQuery resize event to resize on ngShow.

We have an issue where we have several uibTabs that use ngHide and ngShow to display content. When the content is hidden and displayed again, the header column widths are set to their default. The only way to fix this is with native javascript events which differs from our use of jQuery events. Is there a way to fix this or do we just keep using native JS?

Support with md-data-table

I have an md-data-table:

        <table md-table>
            <thead md-head md-order="order" md-on-reorder="onReorder">
                <tr md-row>
                    <th md-column ng-repeat="column in columns" md-order-by="{{}}"><span translate="{{}}"></span></th>
            <tbody md-body>
                    <tr md-row ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy: order">
                        <td md-cell ng-repeat-start="column in columns">

To add a fixed header, I've added fix-head to the <thead> element and giving the <md-table-container> a fixed height and overflow.

White-space shows above the table on initial load and the header doesn't stick when scrolling.

Please help!

Table header is not fixing

Above 16 records table header is not visible in 1366*768 resolution laptop.
In iPad and some other device resolutions it works good.
please take a look and solve this.

Food Types
<!-- exact table from live demo -->

<md-table-container >

        <table id="foodTypeTable" md-table multiple md-progress="promiseGetFT">
            <thead fix-head md-head md-order="FTOrderBy" md-on-reorder="getFoodTypes">
                <tr md-row>
                    <th md-column md-order-by="id"><span>ID</span></th>
                    <th md-column md-numeric md-order-by="foodName"><span>@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.foodName) Food Type</span></th>
                    <th md-column md-numeric>Fat (g)</th>

            <tbody md-body>
                <tr md-row md-select="item" md-select-id="foodName" md-auto-select ng-repeat="item in FoodTypes | orderBy : FTOrderBy ">
                    <td md-cell>{{}}</td>
                    <td md-cell>{{item.foodName}}</td>
                    <td md-cell>{{item.foodName}}</td>




Script error: c[0] is not defined when using interpolation lower down on the page

I have followed the instructions and it works fine if I don't have any interpolated string on the page lower down after the table where I use the directive. But when I add some interpolated strings, it keeps on throwing the js error. See attached images for more details.

Image 1: Working code + interpolated string without fix-head.
Image 2: Interpolation fails due to js error, the moment I use fix-head on my table.

before error
with sticky header directive

overflow: auto causes css rendering issue in chrome

Wrapping the table in a dive with a fixed height and overflow of auto causes the header styling to disappear on scroll in chrome. Removing overflow: auto fixes the styling but disables fixed-head. I haven't noticed this issue in Firefox or Safari.

angular.js:13708 Error: [$compile:ctreq] Controller 'mdTable', required by directive 'mdRow', can't be found!

    <div ng-repeat="tab in tabs"  flex="{{ tab.width }}">
        <md-table-container >
            <div style="overflow: auto; max-height: 300px;" ng-table-height>
                 <table md-table multiple md-progress="tab.promise" >
                    <thead md-head md-order="tab.query.order"  md-on-reorder="logOrder" fiex>
                        <tr md-row>
                            <th md-column  ng-repeat="obj in tab.source|filter:{if_visible:true}" md-order-by="{{ obj.row_name }}" md-tabindex="$parent.$index">
                                <span>{{ obj.show_name }}</span>
                    <tbody md-body>
                        <tr md-row ng-repeat="dessert in">
                            <td md-cell ng-repeat="val in dessert track by $index" ng-class="{'headcol':$first}">
                                {{ val }}
                                    {{ dessert[0] }}
        </md-table-container >

angular.js:13708 Error: [$compile:ctreq] Controller 'mdTable', required by directive 'mdRow', can't be found!$compile/ctreq?p0=mdTable&p1=mdRow
Error: [$compile:ctreq] Controller 'mdTable', required by directive 'mdColumn', can't be found!$compile/ctreq?p0=mdTable&p1=mdColumn
at angular.js:68
at getControllers (angular.js:9296)
at getControllers (angular.js:9303)
at nodeLinkFn (angular.js:9219)
at compositeLinkFn (angular.js:8510)
at publicLinkFn (angular.js:8390)
at lazyCompilation (angular.js:8728)
at boundTranscludeFn (angular.js:8527)
at controllersBoundTransclude (angular.js:9265)
at ngRepeatAction (angular.js:29607)

angular.js:13708 TypeError: Cannot read property 'parent' of undefined
at Object.enter (angular.js:5446)
at ngRepeatTransclude (angular.js:29613)
at publicLinkFn (angular.js:8389)
at lazyCompilation (angular.js:8728)
at boundTranscludeFn (angular.js:8527)
at controllersBoundTransclude (angular.js:9265)
at ngRepeatAction (angular.js:29607)
at $watchCollectionAction (angular.js:17147)
at Scope.$digest (angular.js:17286)
at Scope.$apply (angular.js:17552)


dammage that this lib isn't continued! this is very interesting lib

Cell width and pagination

I found out that when using pagination in md-table, the header cells width is not always correct.
I switch to page 2 for example, but the header cells do not adapt to the new table layout.

To fix that, you just have to use angulars $timeout function as a wrapper in your setWidth function:

var setWidth = function () {
	$timeout(function () {
			minWidth: style.width,
			maxWidth: style.width

Obviously $timeout also has to be listed in the $inject array and function parameters

Issue with dynamic columns

Hi, I'm having an issue with (i think) dynamic columns,
Getting this error:

angular.js:13920 TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
     at http://localhost/MyApp/Scripts/fixed-table-header.js:86:52
     at Array.forEach (native)
     at updateCells (http://localhost/MyApp/Scripts/fixed-table-header.js:77:21)
     at Scope.$digest (http://localhost/MyApp/Scripts/angular.js:17524:23) ....

Not sure where to look, or what to fix. Any help?

var cell = cells.original[index];
var style = $window.getComputedStyle(cell[0]);  **// **This line fails.****

here is the header

<thead fix-head>
    <th class="tableLabelHeaderInputs">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-click="ToggleAllItems(!listtoggle)" style="vertical-align: middle" />
    <th class="tableLabelHeaderInputs">
    <th data-ng-repeat="x in ColumnNames" ng-if="x.ShouldDisplayColumn" ng-hide="HiddenColumns[x.ColumnName]" class="tableLabelHeader">

      <span ng-click="setOrderBy(x.ColumnName)" class="tableLabelTitle">
        {{GetColumnHeader(x.ColumnName)}}<span class="glyphicon sort-icon sortArrow"

      <span class="fa fa-times topRightRemove grey" ng-click="HideColumn(x.ColumnName)"></span>

  <tr ng-show="ToggleQuickFilters">
    <th data-ng-repeat="x in ColumnNames" ng-hide="HiddenColumns[x.ColumnName]">
      <input ng-model="Search[x.ColumnName]" class="form-control input-xs" style="width: 100px">

layout fill on the table

in your codepen example, you set
md-table-container { max-height: 300px; }
so that the table would be no larger than 300px and would scroll the internal content, but is there a way to set flex or layout-fill on that table-container so that it will always use up the available space, and then scroll inside? This would stop there from ever being 2 scroll bars.

Right now I end up picking an arbitrary max height to try to get it to fill inside the container and I don't like doing so.

bower.json configuration problem

It seems that there is a problem in bower.json main section.

There is no "dist" directory:

"main": [

disappears when used with ng-repeat

With Angular 1.6.4 and agular-material 1.1.3 I have a table something like this:

<md-content flex layout="column">
		<table md-table>
			<thead md-head fix-head>
				<tr md-row>
					<th md-column>Apple</th>
					<th md-column>Banana</th>
					<th md-column>Cat</th>
					<th md-column>Dog</th>
			<tbody md-body>
				<tr md-row>
					<td md-cell>{{}}</td>
					<td md-cell>{{}}</td>
					<td md-cell>{{foo.example}}</td>
					<td md-cell>{{foo.test}}</td>

I can fill it with fake data and it works, but when I change the row to <tr md-row ng-repeat="foo in $ctrl.getFoos()">, when the entities are loaded the "fixed" header completely disappears.

Type error

Support for ngRepeat

ngRepeat will not work within the table header. I think this is only when the header has another directive on it with an isolated scope.

May not work with ngIf

This does not work if there is an ng-if directive on the <table> element or the <thead> element. This may be only when a directive in the header requires another directive on the table. For example my data table module.

Headings disappear if using ng-if on ancestor element

The following causes the headings to become invisible:

<div ng-if="1">
    <div style="overflow: auto; max-height: 300px;">
		<thead fix-head>

Removing the ng-if restores them.

Angular 2- 5 support

from what I gather (it's said nowhere) this is an angularjs repo.

How would I go about having the same result under angular 5 cli?

Clones head way outside enclosing DIV

My table is in a bootstrap grid:

<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
      <h1>PMT test</h1>
       <table class="table">
         <thead fix-head>
           <tr ng-repeat="d in pmtData">

And with this directive I get:
screen shot 2016-07-13 at 10 20 37 am

As you can see, the thead is rendered above the h1 that precedes the table. And its not even fixed.

Not working

when i install this package and applied property fix-head to my thead element of table but its not working for me what can be the issue please help as its very important.

        <ng-container *ngFor="let report of reports">
                <td class="alcenter"><a target="_blank"
                                        href="{{report.gsit_route_id1}}">{{report.route_name }}</a><br>/
                    <a target="_blank"
                       href="/fleet/addvehicle?mode=fleet/addvehicle&action=WldScGRBPT0=&id={{report.van_id_sec}}">{{report.VanRegNo }}</a>
                <td class="alcenter"><a target="_blank"
                                        href="/profile/profile/{{report.MainID}}"> {{report.ID }} {{report.FName }}</a>
                <td class="alcenter">   {{report.supervisor_name }}</td>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.fuel == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.fuel == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check red':report.Camera == 'Yes'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Clean == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Clean == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Uniform == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Uniform == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Uniform_sm == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Uniform_sm == 'No'}"></i>

                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check red':report.intercoller == 'Yes'}"></i>

                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.unpacking == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.unpacking == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter">{{report.emptyboxcount}}</td>

                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Trolley == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Trolley == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Toolkit == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Toolkit == 'No'}"></i>

                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Cello_tape == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Cello_tape == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Screw_driver == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Screw_driver == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Safety_knife == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Safety_knife == 'No'}"></i>

                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Tape_measure == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Tape_measure == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.Pliers == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.Pliers == 'No'}"></i>

                <td class="alcenter">
                    <button class="btn btn-primary"
                            (click)="ShowModal(modal_images, report.image_link)"> {{report.imageCount}}</button>
                <td class="alcenter">{{report.issue_type}}</td>
                <td class="alcenter">{{report.Issues_note}}</td>

                <td colspan="3">Outbound</td>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.ob_fuel == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.ob_fuel == 'No'}"></i>
                <td class="alcenter"><i class="fa"
                                        [ngClass]="{'fa-check green':report.ob_Clean == 'Yes','fa-times red':report.ob_Clean == 'No'}"></i>
                <td colspan="12"></td>

                <td class="alcenter">
                    <button class="btn btn-primary"
                            (click)="ShowModal(modal_images, report.ob_image_link)"> {{report.ob_imageCount}}</button>
                <td class="alcenter">{{report.ob_note}}</td>





this is my package.json file code as its finely installed to my project

"dependencies": {
"angular-fixed-table-header": "^0.2.1",
"angular2-csv": "0.2.5",

in installed this package via npm

Route Driver Supervisor Fueling CCTV Clean Driver Uniform Sideman Uniform Intercooler Expected Unpacking Empty Box Trolley Returned Toolkit Received Cello Tape Screw Driver Safety Knife Tape Measure Pliers Images Issue Type Notes

row headers?

Any chance this would be updated for fixed row headers (i.e. when scrolling horizontally)? Or any recommendations on this?

broken with two <md-content> columns

This seems to work if I have a single <md-content layout="column"> column, but if I have a <md-content layout="row"> containing two <md-content layout="column">, each containing a table, the fixed table headers don't work --- the fixed header and the table are showed side by side in each column.

(Note that I'm creating two columns with two tables side-by-side to try to simulate a fixed column of row headers; see #27. If that issue is addressed, maybe I wouldn't even need two <md-content layout="column"> anymore.)

Doesn't work well with infinite-scroll

When I'd like to use your solution with angular's infinite-scroll, then the "load more" function is called in every millisecond.

The issue is when you clone the table with the thead tag, it clones the whole table tag, with the infinite-scroll directive, so that way the copied table will have infinite scroll also, and it will trigger the load event.

I suggest you to try to remove these tags, or a better solution try not to copy the whole table, just the classes and styles from it to a new table.

I did this manually and works like a charm, but without your solution I would be lost.
Thank you!

fix-head calculates invalid header width, only fixes upon clicking header

I'm trying to use fixed-table-header in conjunction with a couple other modules, but it seems fix-head calculates it's header width well before the other elements kick in. If I click on anything else within the page, fix-head moves into the correct position

Is there anyway to force-refresh the fix-head header calculation at the end of a controller?

RTL Issue

In LTR case, the header works fine .
Can you help please with RTL?
What should be added in the code?

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