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Entry point not found about martypc HOT 9 CLOSED

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024
Entry point not found

from martypc.

Comments (9)

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

Can you set the environment variable: RUST_LOG=trace
and show me the log?

from martypc.

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024

How do I set that variable?

from martypc.

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

in windows, open a command prompt and CD to where MartyPC is installed. Type

set RUST_LOG=trace

from martypc.

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3155]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

d:\emulators\martypc>set RUST_LOG=trace

[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::config] toml_config: ConfigFileParams { emulator: Emulator { basedir: "./", auto_poweron: true, cpu_autostart: true, headless: false, fuzzer: false, warpspeed: true, correct_aspect: true, debug_mode: false, debug_warn: true, no_bios: false, run_bin: None, run_bin_seg: None, run_bin_ofs: None, trace_on: false, trace_mode: Cycle, trace_file: None, video_trace_file: None, video_frame_debug: false, pit_output_file: None, pit_output_int_trigger: true }, gui: Gui { gui_disabled: false, theme_color: Some(3681625) }, input: Input { reverse_mouse_buttons: false }, machine: Machine { model: IBM_XT_5160, rom_override: None, raw_rom: false, turbo: false, video: CGA, composite: false, hdc: None, drive0: None, drive1: None, floppy0: None, floppy1: None }, cpu: Cpu { wait_states_enabled: true, off_rails_detection: false, instruction_history: false }, validator: Validator { vtype: Some(Arduino8088), trigger_address: Some(1048560), trace_file: Some("./traces/validator_trace.log") } }
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Found BIOS file for machine IBM_XT_5160: "./roms\GLABIOS_0.2.5_8XC.ROM" MD5: f36c2dd29344eff6f55135f8b3014b81
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Found complete rom set, priority 2
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Highest priority BASIC: 0
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Loaded 0 checkpoints for active ROM set.
Using ROM: ./roms\GLABIOS_0.2.5_8XC.ROM
Loaded 1 roms in romset.
Found floppy image: "./floppy\8088MPH (Final Version).img" size: 737280
Found floppy image: "./floppy\Area 5150 (Compo Version).img" size: 737280
Found floppy image: "./floppy\cgacomp.img" size: 737280
Found floppy image: "./floppy\FreeDOS 1.3 Disk 1 (Boot me).img" size: 368640
Found floppy image: "./floppy\FreeDOS 1.3 Disk 2.img" size: 368640
Found floppy image: "./floppy\Marty Utilities.img" size: 368640
Found floppy image: "./floppy\Ratillery (CGA).img" size: 368640
Found floppy image: "./floppy\Stellar Roads (CGA).img" size: 368640
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Found serial port: SerialPortInfo { port_name: "COM1", port_type: Unknown }
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Found serial port: SerialPortInfo { port_name: "COM2", port_type: Unknown }
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z INFO wgpu_hal::vulkan::instance] Instance version: 0x4030f1
[2023-07-08T16:52:26Z INFO wgpu_hal::vulkan::instance] Enabling device properties2
[2023-07-08T16:52:29Z INFO wgpu_hal::gles::egl] Unable to open libEGL: Library(LoadLibraryExW { source: Os { code: 127, kind: Uncategorized, message: "The specified procedure could not be found." } })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::instance] Adapter Dx12 AdapterInfo { name: "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600", vendor: 32902, device: 1042, device_type: IntegratedGpu, driver: "", driver_info: "", backend: Dx12 }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953eb6abb0: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953eb6abb0: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created texture Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) with TextureDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_source_texture"), size: Extent3d { width: 640, height: 480, depth_or_array_layers: 1 }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: D2, format: Rgba8UnormSrgb, usage: TextureUsages(COPY_DST | TEXTURE_BINDING), view_formats: [] }[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 0: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (0, 1, Dx12) filters usages to TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = LocalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [3], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = AccessIndex { base: [2], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Compose { ty: [1], components: [[4], [5]] } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Compose { ty: [1], components: [[7], [8]] } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Math { fun: Fma, arg: [1], arg1: Some([6]), arg2: Some([9]), arg3: None } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = AccessIndex { base: [2], index: 1 } : Value(Pointer { base: [2], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [5], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_locals"), space: Uniform, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 2 }), ty: [5], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_color"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 0 }), ty: [6], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_sampler"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 1 }), ty: [7], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("out"), ty: [3], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_vertex_buffer"), size: 24, usage: BufferUsages(VERTEX), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 0: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (0, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295414c1bd0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295414c0d20: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((1, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_matrix_uniform_buffer"), size: 64, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | UNIFORM), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 1: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (1, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295414c2e50: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295414c2970: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((0, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Creating Root Signature 'pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline_layout'
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[0] = views (vis = ShaderStages(VERTEX | FRAGMENT), count = 2)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[1] = samplers (vis = ShaderStages(FRAGMENT), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[2] = special
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] [
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 0,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 2,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 5,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 3,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Constants {
binding: Binding {
space: 0,
register: 1,
num: 3,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Bindings {
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 0,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 1,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 2,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] raw = WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295414d1040 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "vs_main" at Vertex:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    row_major float4x4 transform;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 position : LOC0)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = mad(position, float2(0.5, -0.5), float2(0.5, 0.5));
    float4x4 _expr13 = r_locals.transform;
    out_.position = mul(float4(position, 0.0, 1.0), _expr13);
    VertexOutput _expr18 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr18;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
    float2 tex_coord = fragmentinput_fs_main.tex_coord_2;
    float4 _expr3 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, tex_coord);
    return _expr3;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "fs_main" at Fragment:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    row_major float4x4 transform;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 position : LOC0)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = mad(position, float2(0.5, -0.5), float2(0.5, 0.5));
    float4x4 _expr13 = r_locals.transform;
    out_.position = mul(float4(position, 0.0, 1.0), _expr13);
    VertexOutput _expr18 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr18;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
    float2 tex_coord = fragmentinput_fs_main.tex_coord_2;
    float4 _expr3 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, tex_coord);
    return _expr3;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created render pipeline Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) with RenderPipelineDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline"), layout: Some((0, 1, Dx12)), vertex: VertexState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 1, Dx12), entry_point: "vs_main" }, buffers: [VertexBufferLayout { array_stride: 8, step_mode: Vertex, attributes: [VertexAttribute { format: Float32x2, offset: 0, shader_location: 0 }] }] }, primitive: PrimitiveState { topology: TriangleList, strip_index_format: None, front_face: Ccw, cull_mode: None, unclipped_depth: false, polygon_mode: Fill, conservative: false }, depth_stencil: None, multisample: MultisampleState { count: 1, mask: 18446744073709551615, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false }, fragment: Some(FragmentState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 1, Dx12), entry_point: "fs_main" }, targets: [Some(ColorTargetState { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, blend: Some(BlendState { color: BlendComponent { src_factor: SrcAlpha, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add }, alpha: BlendComponent { src_factor: One, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add } }), write_mask: ColorWrites(RED | GREEN | BLUE | ALPHA) })] }), multiview: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] pipeline layout (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] bind group layout (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] sampler (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] shader module (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture view (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 640, height: 530, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG egui_winit::clipboard] Initializing arboard clipboard…
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [2] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Binary { op: Less, left: [1], right: [3] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Bool, width: 1 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [5] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [1], right: [6] } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Constant([3]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [8] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Binary { op: Add, left: [1], right: [9] } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Constant([4]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [11] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [10], right: [12] } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = Constant([5]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Constant([6]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [2] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Binary { op: Less, left: [1], right: [3] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Bool, width: 1 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [5] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [1], right: [6] } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Constant([4]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [8] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Constant([7]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Constant([5]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [10], right: [11] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [12] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = Math { fun: Pow, arg: [1], arg1: Some([13]), arg2: None, arg3: None } : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [15] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [9], right: [14] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [16] = Constant([3]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [17] = Splat { size: Tri, value: [16] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Swizzle { size: Tri, vector: [1], pattern: [X, Y, Z, X] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = CallResult([2]) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 3 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Constant([8]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = Binary { op: And, left: [1], right: [2] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = As { expr: [3], kind: Float, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([9]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Binary { op: ShiftRight, left: [1], right: [5] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Constant([8]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Binary { op: And, left: [6], right: [7] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = As { expr: [8], kind: Float, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Constant([10]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Binary { op: ShiftRight, left: [1], right: [10] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = Constant([8]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Binary { op: And, left: [11], right: [12] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = As { expr: [13], kind: Float, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [15] = Constant([11]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [16] = Binary { op: ShiftRight, left: [1], right: [15] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [17] = Constant([8]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Uint, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [18] = Binary { op: And, left: [16], right: [17] } : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [19] = As { expr: [18], kind: Float, convert: Some(4) } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [20] = Compose { ty: [2], components: [[4], [9], [14], [19]] } : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [21] = Constant([12]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = Constant([13]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 0 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [2], right: [3] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [5], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = AccessIndex { base: [5], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = AccessIndex { base: [6], index: 0 } : Value(ValuePointer { size: None, kind: Float, width: 4, space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Load { pointer: [7] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [4], right: [8] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Constant([7]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = Binary { op: Subtract, left: [9], right: [10] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = Constant([7]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [13] = Constant([13]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [14] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 1 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [15] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [13], right: [14] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [16] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [5], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [17] = AccessIndex { base: [16], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [18] = AccessIndex { base: [17], index: 1 } : Value(ValuePointer { size: None, kind: Float, width: 4, space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [19] = Load { pointer: [18] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [20] = Binary { op: Divide, left: [15], right: [19] } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = FunctionArgument(1) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = FunctionArgument(2) : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = LocalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [3], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([3])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([9])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([10])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 0 } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = ImageSample { image: [2], sampler: [3], gather: None, coordinate: [4], array_index: None, offset: None, level: Auto, depth_ref: None } : Value(Vector { size: Quad, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = CallResult([3]) : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = AccessIndex { base: [1], index: 1 } : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Binary { op: Multiply, left: [7], right: [6] } : Handle([2])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Swizzle { size: Tri, vector: [8], pattern: [X, Y, Z, X] } : Value(Vector { size: Tri, kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = CallResult([1]) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = AccessIndex { base: [8], index: 3 } : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([3])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([9])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([10])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_locals"), space: Uniform, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 0 }), ty: [5], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_color"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 1, binding: 0 }), ty: [9], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_sampler"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 1, binding: 1 }), ty: [10], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("out"), ty: [3], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((2, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("egui_uniform_buffer"), size: 16, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | UNIFORM), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (2, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415e4c60: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415e2c70: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((1, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Creating Root Signature 'egui_pipeline_layout'
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[0] = views (vis = ShaderStages(VERTEX), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[1] = views (vis = ShaderStages(FRAGMENT), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[2] = samplers (vis = ShaderStages(FRAGMENT), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[3] = special
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] [
RootParameter {
visibility: 1,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 2,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 5,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 0,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 5,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 3,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Constants {
binding: Binding {
space: 0,
register: 1,
num: 3,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Bindings {
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 0,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 1,
binding: 0,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 1,
binding: 1,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] raw = WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295415eee80 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z WARN egui_wgpu::renderer] Detected a linear (sRGBA aware) framebuffer Bgra8UnormSrgb. egui prefers Rgba8Unorm or Bgra8Unorm
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "vs_main" at Vertex:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 color : LOC1;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    float2 screen_size;
    uint2 _padding;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 color_1 : LOC1;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 color_2 : LOC1;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;
    float4 color_3 : LOC1;
    float4 position_2 : SV_Position;

float3 linear_from_gamma_rgb(float3 srgb)
    bool3 cutoff = (srgb < (0.040449999272823334).xxx);
    float3 lower = (srgb / (12.920000076293945).xxx);
    float3 higher = pow(((srgb + (0.054999999701976776).xxx) / (1.0549999475479126).xxx), (2.4000000953674316).xxx);        return (cutoff ? lower : higher);

float3 gamma_from_linear_rgb(float3 rgb)
    bool3 cutoff_1 = (rgb < (0.0031308000907301903).xxx);
    float3 lower_1 = (rgb * (12.920000076293945).xxx);
    float3 higher_1 = (((1.0549999475479126).xxx * pow(rgb, ((1.0 / 2.4000000953674316)).xxx)) - (0.054999999701976776).xxx);
    return (cutoff_1 ? lower_1 : higher_1);

float4 gamma_from_linear_rgba(float4 linear_rgba)
    const float3 _e2 = gamma_from_linear_rgb(;
    return float4(_e2, linear_rgba.w);

float4 unpack_color(uint color)
    return (float4(float((color & 255u)), float(((color >> 8u) & 255u)), float(((color >> 16u) & 255u)), float(((color >> 24u) & 255u))) / (255.0).xxxx);

float4 position_from_screen(float2 screen_pos)
    float _expr7 = r_locals.screen_size.x;
    float _expr18 = r_locals.screen_size.y;
    return float4((((2.0 * screen_pos.x) / _expr7) - 1.0), (1.0 - ((2.0 * screen_pos.y) / _expr18)), 0.0, 1.0);

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 a_pos : LOC0, float2 a_tex_coord : LOC1, uint a_color : LOC2)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = a_tex_coord;
    const float4 _e6 = unpack_color(a_color);
    out_.color = _e6;
    const float4 _e8 = position_from_screen(a_pos);
    out_.position = _e8;
    VertexOutput _expr9 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr9;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.color, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main_linear_framebuffer(FragmentInput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer) : SV_Target0
    VertexOutput in_ = { fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.tex_coord_1, fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.color_2, fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.position_1 };
    float4 tex_linear = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, in_.tex_coord);
    const float4 _e5 = gamma_from_linear_rgba(tex_linear);
    float4 out_color_gamma = (in_.color * _e5);
    const float3 _e9 = linear_from_gamma_rgb(;
    return float4(_e9, out_color_gamma.w);

float4 fs_main_gamma_framebuffer(FragmentInput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer) : SV_Target0
    VertexOutput in_1 = { fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.tex_coord_2, fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.color_3, fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.position_2 };
    float4 tex_linear_1 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, in_1.tex_coord);
    const float4 _e5 = gamma_from_linear_rgba(tex_linear_1);
    float4 out_color_gamma_1 = (in_1.color * _e5);
    return out_color_gamma_1;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "fs_main_linear_framebuffer" at Fragment:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 color : LOC1;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    float2 screen_size;
    uint2 _padding;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 color_1 : LOC1;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 color_2 : LOC1;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;
    float4 color_3 : LOC1;
    float4 position_2 : SV_Position;

float3 linear_from_gamma_rgb(float3 srgb)
    bool3 cutoff = (srgb < (0.040449999272823334).xxx);
    float3 lower = (srgb / (12.920000076293945).xxx);
    float3 higher = pow(((srgb + (0.054999999701976776).xxx) / (1.0549999475479126).xxx), (2.4000000953674316).xxx);        return (cutoff ? lower : higher);

float3 gamma_from_linear_rgb(float3 rgb)
    bool3 cutoff_1 = (rgb < (0.0031308000907301903).xxx);
    float3 lower_1 = (rgb * (12.920000076293945).xxx);
    float3 higher_1 = (((1.0549999475479126).xxx * pow(rgb, ((1.0 / 2.4000000953674316)).xxx)) - (0.054999999701976776).xxx);
    return (cutoff_1 ? lower_1 : higher_1);

float4 gamma_from_linear_rgba(float4 linear_rgba)
    const float3 _e2 = gamma_from_linear_rgb(;
    return float4(_e2, linear_rgba.w);

float4 unpack_color(uint color)
    return (float4(float((color & 255u)), float(((color >> 8u) & 255u)), float(((color >> 16u) & 255u)), float(((color >> 24u) & 255u))) / (255.0).xxxx);

float4 position_from_screen(float2 screen_pos)
    float _expr7 = r_locals.screen_size.x;
    float _expr18 = r_locals.screen_size.y;
    return float4((((2.0 * screen_pos.x) / _expr7) - 1.0), (1.0 - ((2.0 * screen_pos.y) / _expr18)), 0.0, 1.0);

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 a_pos : LOC0, float2 a_tex_coord : LOC1, uint a_color : LOC2)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = a_tex_coord;
    const float4 _e6 = unpack_color(a_color);
    out_.color = _e6;
    const float4 _e8 = position_from_screen(a_pos);
    out_.position = _e8;
    VertexOutput _expr9 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr9;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.color, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main_linear_framebuffer(FragmentInput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer) : SV_Target0
    VertexOutput in_ = { fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.tex_coord_1, fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.color_2, fragmentinput_fs_main_linear_framebuffer.position_1 };
    float4 tex_linear = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, in_.tex_coord);
    const float4 _e5 = gamma_from_linear_rgba(tex_linear);
    float4 out_color_gamma = (in_.color * _e5);
    const float3 _e9 = linear_from_gamma_rgb(;
    return float4(_e9, out_color_gamma.w);

float4 fs_main_gamma_framebuffer(FragmentInput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer) : SV_Target0
    VertexOutput in_1 = { fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.tex_coord_2, fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.color_3, fragmentinput_fs_main_gamma_framebuffer.position_2 };
    float4 tex_linear_1 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, in_1.tex_coord);
    const float4 _e5 = gamma_from_linear_rgba(tex_linear_1);
    float4 out_color_gamma_1 = (in_1.color * _e5);
    return out_color_gamma_1;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created render pipeline Valid((1, 1, Dx12)) with RenderPipelineDescriptor { label: Some("egui_pipeline"), layout: Some((1, 1, Dx12)), vertex: VertexState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 2, Dx12), entry_point: "vs_main" }, buffers: [VertexBufferLayout { array_stride: 20, step_mode: Vertex, attributes: [VertexAttribute { format: Float32x2, offset: 0, shader_location: 0 }, VertexAttribute { format: Float32x2, offset: 8, shader_location: 1 }, VertexAttribute { format: Uint32, offset: 16, shader_location: 2 }] }] }, primitive: PrimitiveState { topology: TriangleList, strip_index_format: None, front_face: Ccw, cull_mode: None, unclipped_depth: false, polygon_mode: Fill, conservative: false }, depth_stencil: None, multisample: MultisampleState { count: 1, mask: 18446744073709551615, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false }, fragment: Some(FragmentState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 2, Dx12), entry_point: "fs_main_linear_framebuffer" }, targets: [Some(ColorTargetState { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, blend: Some(BlendState { color: BlendComponent { src_factor: One, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add }, alpha: BlendComponent { src_factor: OneMinusDstAlpha, dst_factor: One, operation: Add } }), write_mask: ColorWrites(RED | GREEN | BLUE | ALPHA) })] }), multiview: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((3, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("egui_vertex_buffer"), size: 20480, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | VERTEX), mapped_at_creation: false }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: insert BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(0x0)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((4, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("egui_index_buffer"), size: 12288, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | INDEX), mapped_at_creation: false }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: insert BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(0x0)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] pipeline layout (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] bind group layout (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] shader module (0, 2, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] wgpu using adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, backend: Dx12
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Given machine type IBM_XT_5160 got machine description: MachineDescriptor { machine_type: IBM_XT_5160, system_crystal: 14.318181818181818, timer_crystal: None, bus_crystal: 14.318181818181818, cpu_type: Intel8088, cpu_factor: Divisor(3), cpu_turbo_factor: Divisor(2), bus_type: Isa8, bus_factor: Divisor(1), timer_divisor: 12, have_ppi: true, kb_controller: Ppi, pit_type: Model8253, pic_type: Single, dma_type: Single, conventional_ram: 1048576, conventional_ram_speed: 200.0, num_floppies: 2, serial_ports: true, serial_mouse: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting TraceLoggingEnabled(false) to: false
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting OffRailsDetection to: false
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE marty_core::machine] Sample rate: 192000 pit_ticks_per_sample: 6.214489583333333
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::rom_manager] Mounted rom "./roms\GLABIOS_0.2.5_8XC.ROM" at location 0FE000
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting EnableWaitStates to: true
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting InstructionHistory to: false
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG marty_core::cpu_808x] Setting TraceLoggingEnabled(false) to: false
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Current monitor resolution: 1920x1080
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing window to 768x576
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Reiszing render buffer to 768x472
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel buffer to 768x576
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created texture Valid((1, 1, Dx12)) with TextureDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_source_texture"), size: Extent3d { width: 768, height: 576, depth_or_array_layers: 1 }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: D2, format: Rgba8UnormSrgb, usage: TextureUsages(COPY_DST | TEXTURE_BINDING), view_formats: [] }[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (1, 1, Dx12) filters usages to TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = LocalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [3], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = AccessIndex { base: [2], index: 0 } : Value(Pointer { base: [1], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [4] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [5] = Constant([2]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [6] = Compose { ty: [1], components: [[4], [5]] } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [7] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [8] = Constant([1]) : Value(Scalar { kind: Float, width: 4 })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [9] = Compose { ty: [1], components: [[7], [8]] } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [10] = Math { fun: Fma, arg: [1], arg1: Some([6]), arg2: Some([9]), arg3: None } : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [11] = AccessIndex { base: [2], index: 1 } : Value(Pointer { base: [2], space: Function })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [12] = GlobalVariable([1]) : Value(Pointer { base: [5], space: Uniform })
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [1] = FunctionArgument(0) : Handle([1])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [2] = GlobalVariable([2]) : Handle([6])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::front] Resolving [3] = GlobalVariable([3]) : Handle([7])
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_locals"), space: Uniform, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 2 }), ty: [5], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_color"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 0 }), ty: [6], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::interface] var GlobalVariable { name: Some("r_tex_sampler"), space: Handle, binding: Some(ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 1 }), ty: [7], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG naga::valid::function] var LocalVariable { name: Some("out"), ty: [3], init: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((5, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_vertex_buffer"), size: 24, usage: BufferUsages(VERTEX), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 5: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (5, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d4a30: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d4550: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created buffer Valid((6, 1, Dx12)) with BufferDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_matrix_uniform_buffer"), size: 64, usage: BufferUsages(COPY_DST | UNIFORM), mapped_at_creation: true }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: insert BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Buffer (6, 1, Dx12) map state -> Idle
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415da2a0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((2, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Creating Root Signature 'pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline_layout'
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[0] = views (vis = ShaderStages(VERTEX | FRAGMENT), count = 2)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[1] = samplers (vis = ShaderStages(FRAGMENT), count = 1)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Param[2] = special
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] [
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 0,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 2,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 5,
kind: Table(
DescriptorRange {
range_type: 3,
num: 1,
register_space: 0,
base_register: 0,
table_offset: 4294967295,
RootParameter {
visibility: 0,
kind: Constants {
binding: Binding {
space: 0,
register: 1,
num: 3,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Bindings {
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 0,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 1,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
ResourceBinding {
group: 0,
binding: 2,
}: BindTarget {
space: 0,
register: 0,
binding_array_size: None,
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_hal::dx12::device] raw = WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295414d1040 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "vs_main" at Vertex:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    row_major float4x4 transform;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 position : LOC0)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = mad(position, float2(0.5, -0.5), float2(0.5, 0.5));
    float4x4 _expr13 = r_locals.transform;
    out_.position = mul(float4(position, 0.0, 1.0), _expr13);
    VertexOutput _expr18 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr18;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
    float2 tex_coord = fragmentinput_fs_main.tex_coord_2;
    float4 _expr3 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, tex_coord);
    return _expr3;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Naga generated shader for "fs_main" at Fragment:
struct NagaConstants {
int base_vertex;
int base_instance;
uint other;
ConstantBuffer _NagaConstants: register(b1);

struct VertexOutput {
    float2 tex_coord : LOC0;
    float4 position : SV_Position;

struct Locals {
    row_major float4x4 transform;

cbuffer r_locals : register(b0) { Locals r_locals; }
Texture2D<float4> r_tex_color : register(t0);
SamplerState r_tex_sampler : register(s0);

struct VertexOutput_vs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_1 : LOC0;
    float4 position_1 : SV_Position;

struct FragmentInput_fs_main {
    float2 tex_coord_2 : LOC0;

VertexOutput_vs_main vs_main(float2 position : LOC0)
    VertexOutput out_ = (VertexOutput)0;

    out_.tex_coord = mad(position, float2(0.5, -0.5), float2(0.5, 0.5));
    float4x4 _expr13 = r_locals.transform;
    out_.position = mul(float4(position, 0.0, 1.0), _expr13);
    VertexOutput _expr18 = out_;
    const VertexOutput vertexoutput = _expr18;
    const VertexOutput_vs_main vertexoutput_1 = { vertexoutput.tex_coord, vertexoutput.position };
    return vertexoutput_1;

float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
    float2 tex_coord = fragmentinput_fs_main.tex_coord_2;
    float4 _expr3 = r_tex_color.Sample(r_tex_sampler, tex_coord);
    return _expr3;

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created render pipeline Valid((2, 1, Dx12)) with RenderPipelineDescriptor { label: Some("pixels_scaling_renderer_pipeline"), layout: Some((2, 1, Dx12)), vertex: VertexState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 3, Dx12), entry_point: "vs_main" }, buffers: [VertexBufferLayout { array_stride: 8, step_mode: Vertex, attributes: [VertexAttribute { format: Float32x2, offset: 0, shader_location: 0 }] }] }, primitive: PrimitiveState { topology: TriangleList, strip_index_format: None, front_face: Ccw, cull_mode: None, unclipped_depth: false, polygon_mode: Fill, conservative: false }, depth_stencil: None, multisample: MultisampleState { count: 1, mask: 18446744073709551615, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false }, fragment: Some(FragmentState { stage: ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: (0, 3, Dx12), entry_point: "fs_main" }, targets: [Some(ColorTargetState { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, blend: Some(BlendState { color: BlendComponent { src_factor: SrcAlpha, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add }, alpha: BlendComponent { src_factor: One, dst_factor: OneMinusSrcAlpha, operation: Add } }), write_mask: ColorWrites(RED | GREEN | BLUE | ALPHA) })] }), multiview: None }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] pipeline layout (2, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] bind group layout (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] sampler (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] shader module (0, 3, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture view (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] buffer (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] buffer (1, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] bind group (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] render pipeline (0, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel surface to 1424x750
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 1424, height: 750, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Waiting for idle with value 1
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415db6e0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel surface to 640x530
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 640, height: 530, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Waiting for idle with value 2
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415dc100: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel surface to 640x530
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 640, height: 530, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Waiting for idle with value 3
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415dc610: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG martypc_pixels_desktop] Resizing pixel surface to 768x576
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] configuring surface with SurfaceConfiguration { usage: TextureUsages(RENDER_ATTACHMENT), format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 768, height: 576, present_mode: AutoVsync, alpha_mode: Opaque, view_formats: [] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Automatically choosing presentation mode by rule AutoVsync. Chose Fifo
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_hal::dx12::device] Waiting for idle with value 4
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415db1d0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO martypc_pixels_desktop] CPU clock has changed to 4.7727272727272725Mhz; new cycle target: 79545
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE marty_core::devices::ppi] PPI: Write to command port: 99
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: transition simple TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED) -> TextureUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d40c0: usage TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)..TextureUses(COPY_DST), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e59c2f0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (2, 1, Dx12) filters usages to TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::render] Encoding render pass begin in command buffer (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Reset signature WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295414d1040 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: insert BufferUses(UNIFORM)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: insert start TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::bind] Binding [0] = group Valid((2, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Set group[0]
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[0] = view
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[1] = sampler
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 5: insert BufferUses(VERTEX)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::render] Merging renderpass into cmd_buf (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 5: insert BufferUses(VERTEX)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: insert BufferUses(UNIFORM)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: insert start TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5b6640 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5b6640 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Created texture Valid((3, 1, Dx12)) with TextureDescriptor { label: Some("egui_texid_Managed(0)"), size: Extent3d { width: 8192, height: 256, depth_or_array_layers: 1 }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: D2, format: Rgba8UnormSrgb, usage: TextureUsages(COPY_DST | TEXTURE_BINDING), view_formats: [Rgba8UnormSrgb] }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Create view for texture (3, 1, Dx12) filters usages to TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] Bind group Valid((3, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture view (3, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: transition simple TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED) -> TextureUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x29541435a00: usage TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)..TextureUses(COPY_DST), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e59aeb0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e59bde0: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415e2c70: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: transition BufferUses(0x0) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e597c10: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415f8f10: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: transition BufferUses(0x0) -> BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x295414b91e0 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x2953e59c800: usage BufferUses(MAP_WRITE)..BufferUses(COPY_SRC)[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415f2100: usage BufferUses(0x0)..BufferUses(COPY_DST)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::render] Encoding render pass begin in command buffer (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Reset signature WeakPtr( ptr: 0x295415eee80 )
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: insert BufferUses(UNIFORM)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::bind] Binding [0] = group Valid((1, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Set group[0]
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[0] = view
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: insert start TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::bind] Binding [1] = group Valid((3, 1, Dx12))
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Set group[1]
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[1] = view
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] Bind element[2] = sampler
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: insert BufferUses(INDEX)..BufferUses(INDEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: insert BufferUses(VERTEX)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command::render] Merging renderpass into cmd_buf (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: insert BufferUses(UNIFORM)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: insert BufferUses(VERTEX)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: insert BufferUses(INDEX)..BufferUses(INDEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: insert start TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5cc380 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5cc380 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::command] Command buffer (0, 1, Dx12)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(PRESENT)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::device::queue] Stitching command buffer (0, 1, Dx12) before submission
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 2: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 3: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 4: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(INDEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 5: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::buffer] buf 6: transition BufferUses(COPY_DST) -> BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 1: transition simple TextureUses(COPY_DST) -> TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: transition simple TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED) -> TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 3: transition simple TextureUses(COPY_DST) -> TextureUses(RESOURCE)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5d6b00 buffer transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415e2c70: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415f2100: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415f8f10: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(INDEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d4550: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(VERTEX)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415d9d90: usage BufferUses(COPY_DST)..BufferUses(UNIFORM)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5d6b00 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295452d40c0: usage TextureUses(COPY_DST)..TextureUses(RESOURCE), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415dd330: usage TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)..TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x29541435a00: usage TextureUses(COPY_DST)..TextureUses(RESOURCE), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: transition simple TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET) -> TextureUses(PRESENT)
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] List 0x2953e5e1a90 texture transitions
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_hal::dx12::command] 0x295415dd330: usage TextureUses(COLOR_TARGET)..TextureUses(PRESENT), range ImageSubresourceRange { aspect: All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: Some(1), base_array_layer: 0, array_layer_count: Some(1) }
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::device::queue] Device after submission 1
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Bind group Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Texture view Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Texture Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Sampler Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Render pipeline Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device::life] Pipeline layout Valid((0, 1, Dx12)) will be destroyed
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z TRACE wgpu_core::device::life] Active submission 1 is done
[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z DEBUG wgpu_core::present] Removing swapchain texture Valid((2, 1, Dx12)) from the device tracker
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z DEBUG wgpu_core::present] Presented. End of Frame
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z DEBUG wgpu_core::device] texture view (2, 1, Dx12) is dropped
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z TRACE wgpu_core::track::texture] tex 2: insert start TextureUses(UNINITIALIZED)
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z ERROR wgpu_hal::auxil::dxgi::result] Create command list failed: 0x887A0005
thread 'main' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: Lost', C:\Users\Daniel.cargo\registry\src\\wgpu-core-0.16.1\src\device\
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z INFO wgpu_core::hub] Dropping Global
[2023-07-08T16:52:31Z INFO wgpu_core::device] Destroying 0 command encoders

from martypc.

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

Looks like an upstream wgpu issue.

What are your system specs? CPU/Graphics card?

from martypc.

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024

An old gtx 1080 and a i7 4790k.
on a laptop with i7 6700 and gtx 1060 it runs with no issues

from martypc.

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

are they both laptops?

[2023-07-08T16:52:30Z INFO wgpu_core::instance] Adapter Dx12 AdapterInfo { name: "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600", vendor: 32902, device: 1042, device_type: IntegratedGpu, driver: "", driver_info: "", backend: Dx12 }

^^ this shows that the integrated graphics is being initialized, not your GTX 1080.

try this before running martypc:


from martypc.

petran79 avatar petran79 commented on May 23, 2024

Now it boots fine, despite error message. Appreciated!

The gtx 1080 is on the desktop and I connected the monitor to this gpu. but motherboard has an older integrated Intel HD 4600 gpu which I have not deactivated in the bios.

from martypc.

dbalsom avatar dbalsom commented on May 23, 2024

Thanks for confirming. I will see if I can have MartyPC request the high-power GPU by default

from martypc.

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