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tapkulibrary's Issues

TKCalendarMonthView calendarMonthView:didSelectDate returning wrong date

I'm able to reproduce on DemoCalendarMonth.m in universaldemo. I've updated the demo with:

- (void) calendarMonthView:(TKCalendarMonthView*)monthView didSelectDate:(NSDate*)d{
    NSLog(@"today: %@", [NSDate date]);
    NSLog(@"selected: %@",d);
    [self.tableView reloadData];

When I tap today's tile, I get the following on my console:
2010-12-10 15:44:25.228 unviersaldemo[1081:307] Delegate Range: 2010-11-28 00:00:00 +0000 2011-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 34
2010-12-10 15:44:27.668 unviersaldemo[1081:307] today: 2010-12-10 19:44:27 +0000
2010-12-10 15:44:27.672 unviersaldemo[1081:307] selected: 2010-11-11 00:00:00 +0000

New CalendarMonth issues

Hi, I have updated my tapkulibrary code with the latest ones posted here, and have found the Calendar Month to be not working when the month is set to February, the differenceInDays method is returning one day less than it should, thus crashing when drawing the tiles. I believe it has something to do with the new timeZone data being used in the dates retrieved. I'll roll back my code to the previous one for now

How to add a custom detailview on coverflow doubleclick


today I implemented the coverflow to my project! But on double tapping the cover i can't add an different view! Could you give me a short advice how to do it!
especially when I change the cover the detailview should animate back, like it is in ipod coverflow!

Thanks for help!

Selection of date in another month is not possible

Let's say we are displaying the month December 2010. The view contains all days of the this month and additionally the last two days of November 2010 and the first two days of January 2011. If the user selects a day of December the delegate method calendarMonthView:didSelectDate: is called. If the user selects one of the dates from November or January the month view is switched to the appropriate month and the selected date is highlighted. However, it is not possible for the user to actually select the date. It is only possible to select the previous or the next date.

Coverflow memory warning

Hi, im trying out the coverflow with 110 images size 575x431 with sizes around 60-120k, and im getting memory warnings on the demo project, shouldnt the deque take care or memory recycling? anyone else with this error?

dateWasSelected event firing when changing month


I'm getting the

  • (void) calendarMonthView:(TKCalendarMonthView_)monthView dateWasSelected:(NSDate_)date
    delegate firing when the user taps on the arrow icons to change the month.

Is anyone else getting this?

Great calendar control otherwise.

Fail to include tapkulibrary only in deployment

Hi, i found this library very useful as i want an calendar view on my iphone app.

In short, i have put the who extracted folder(src and universaldemo) inside my project folder. Following the instruction and it works perfect on my xcode with simulator.

The problem is when i tried to do a deploy run on device (iphone 4.2), the xcode compiler complains about "TapkuLibrary/TapkuLibrary .h no such file or directory". May i get some help on this issues?

Sorry for poor typo and grammar.

Thanks for providing the library,

Graph Bug

When you change the data of TKGraphView (by doing [self.graph setGraphWithDataPoints:data]), the old labels at the bottom remain so that the new labels appear on top of the old labels.

There needs to be a clearing of all the bottom labels.

Coverflow cover reflection

I'm sorry but I can't find any documentation on how to change the reflection background color of the cover image. Is it possible? If not, can it be set to invisible or just completely disable reflection?

Thank you very much.

x2 images (in calendar at least) break on iphone app running on ipad

I use the month calendar in an iphone app (very handy, thank you!). When this app is run on the ipad in 2x mode, the imageNamedTK (UIImage+TKCategory.m) function gets a scale > 1 from the ipad and returns 2x images. What happens then is that the selection rectangle is drawn too big since it gets the double sized extents from the 2x image. I have worked around this locally by skipping all the 2x logic in imageNamedTK, but I'm sure that is also trying to use those 2x images in places where it works right so that's presumably not a real solution for the library. (By the way, you must put the ipad into 2x mode before displaying the calendar for the first time to see this bug)

[self animateToIndex:0 animated:NO];

Think there is a bug in here, when i try to animate to a index that cover is not centered on the view.
Any idea why?

Thanks for a great library!

Setting selected date shows correct month calendar, but wrong month name in header

When I call [self.monthView selectDate:self.selectedCalendarDate] on TKCalendarMonthView with a date that's not in the current month, the title always shows one month prior to the specified date's month. And if the month is January, the title will display the previous month and year. For example, if I pass in January 2, 2012, the title will show December, 2011 with 2 selected in the tiles.

The odd thing is that the tiles in the calendar view are configured correctly. Just the title is wrong.

Is there a workaround for this?




Hello, in my opinion there is an issue on the event view, it will draw its Title and Location with only one line of text, regardless of the available space in the balloon.
I have made a patch that will draw the Title word wrapped and after it is done, if there is enough space, will draw the Location also word wrapped.
I have also created properties to change the balloon color and the text color.

Gist with the patches:


Coverflow backview!


I added a subview as like you told me yesterday. but if i duoble tap the subview i got an error! Please help me or give me an example:

this is my code:

Thanks, but after I add the subview an then doubletap the cover i got an error!
I dont really know how to handle it!

Hear is my code:

(void) coverflowView:(TKCoverflowView*)coverflowView coverAtIndexWasDoubleTapped:(int)index{

TKCoverflowCoverView *cover = [coverflowView coverAtIndex:index];
subview = [[SomeSubView alloc] init];
if(cover == nil) return;
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft forView:cover cache:YES];
[UIView commitAnimations]; [coverflowView addSubview:subview];


TKCalendarDayTimelineView Issue/Fix

TKCalendarDayTimelineView loads for me but am only seeing events on a blank scrollView, no timelineView being displayed.

Found drawRect was not being called when TKTimelineView was first initialized and added to the scrollView. Decided to call "reloadDay" from my VC and found that that line 192 of TKCalendarDayTimelineView still referenced the timelineView with the old "OD" prefix:

Line 192: if (![NSStringFromClass([view class])isEqualToString:@"ODTimelineView"]) {

Changed to "TKTimelineView" and reload now triggers drawRect for my TKTimelineView and the timeLineView displays. LIfe is good.

Thanks Devin for sharing this amazing work.

Calendar week view

Hi, excellent work on this library. We forked it in hopes of creating/contributing a week view of the calendar. We'll plan to use the same design pattern as TKCalendarDayTimelineView, call it TKCalendarWeekTimelineView perhaps. We will start with a five day week view, and add a seven day option. And the events will overlap, and not offset, as in the day view.



TKMapView bounds VS frame

If you try to add a TKMapView with a other things that self.view bounds as frame, the TKMapView goes black.
Here is my fix :

  • (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
    if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
    mapView = [[MKMapView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, frame.size.width, frame.size.height)];
    [self addSubview:mapView];
    overlay = [[TKOverlayView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, frame.size.width, frame.size.height) target:self action:@selector(didTouch)];
    overlay.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:0.2];
    pinMode = NO;
    return self;

NSRangeException in August and display bugs

I'm using TKCalendarMonthTableViewController in my app and implementing TKCalendarMonthViewDataSource.

My implementation works fine in December and November but things start to get weird when I switch to October:

And even worse when I get to August:

Finally, when I implement -(NSArray_)calendarMonthView:(TKCalendarMonthView_)monthView marksFromDate:(NSDate_)startDate toDate:(NSDate_)lastDate, and I switch to August, my application simply crashes with the following exception:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[NSMutableArray objectAtIndex:]: index 30 beyond bounds [0 .. 29]'

And when I debug my implementation, when I get to August, startDate/endDate is 08-02-2010/08-31-2010 instead of 07-26-2010/09-05-2010.

By the way, you can get exactly the same symptoms by running universaldemo with week starting on Monday instead of Sunday.

Coverflow view messed up when using bringCoverAtIndexToFront

I'm experiencing issues when using the bringCoverAtIndexToFront method on TKCoverflowView.
Basically, after calling the method, the selected cover does not appear correctly on the front and the coverflow view is left in an inconsistent state, as shown on the screenshot here:

I've been able to reproduce this with the universaldemo running in the iOS simulator.
I just replaced the implementation of the - (void)info method as follows:
- (void) info{
[coverflow bringCoverAtIndexToFront:0 animated:YES];

Run the demo, navigate to covers to the right and then hit the info button. You should get something like what is shown on the screenshot.

Graph doesn't appear correctly when all values are equal and goal is not shown


I was plotting 7 zeros without setting goalValue and goalShown = NO. The fill area is drawn below the x-axis, while the individual points are drawn at the top of the graph with no connecting lines. Also, only the bottom half of the points are drawn.



1.) Create a GraphPoint object with value 0.
2.) Set self.graph.goalShown = NO in the TKGraphController subclass.
3.) Run!


Show the goal, but set its value to something high enough that it won't appear on the screen.

Calling TKCoverflowView.bringCoverAtIndexToFront method bug.

When I use TKCoverflowView.bringCoverAtIndexToFront method,
The scroll contentOffset move to wrong position.

I think this better:
- (void) bringCoverAtIndexToFront:(int)index animated:(BOOL)animated{
if(index == currentIndex) return;

    currentIndex = index;
    [self snapToAlbum];

    [self animateToIndex:index animated:animated];

Or, Make TKCoverflowView.snapToAlbum method to public method.

Thank you.

Adjustable Graph Size

I'd like to be able to define a custom frame for the graphview, and have it render in that, instead of a full screen landscape view.

xcode 4 GM issue

When trying to run the universal demo I get the error

Check dependencies

[BEROR]No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=i386, VALID_ARCHS=armv6 armv7).

All the settings I see have picked Latest iOS 4.2.

More like an enhancement rather a bug - TKCalendarMonthView


first of all, congrats on your implementation!

I am experimenting with the TKCalendarMonthView and I would like to report the following. Everything works fine apart from one thing related to the multi-tasking feature introduced in iOS4. Let me explain, suppose that you:

  1. launch an app that utilises the TKCalendar (and its initial view is set to the TKCalendarMonthTableViewController)
  2. force it to suspend (i.e move it to background, by pressing the home button),
  3. change the system date (aka to having the calendar running in the background for 2-3 days)
  4. re-launch the app.
    By doing so the 'today' date (marked with grey box) is not updated - the calendar marks as the 'today' date the day that was the correct one prior the clock change.

So, I can understand that this may be fixed by introducing a notification such as the "UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification". The only problem is that I cannot find out which date variable (and in which method) I have to update for achieving that.

I have also tried to execute "[self.monthView reload];" during application re-launch (using a notification) but even this did not fix the problem. Though, if you manually move forward-backward into the months using the arrows, the 'today' date is marked correctly.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance,

TKCalendarMothView still does not work with monday as first day in month


Monday is displayed as the first day in a week (this works). But the day numbers are displayed at the wrong weekday when i set this option. e.g. i get:

Monday, 5th of December 2010 (But it should be Monday, 6th of December 2010, because there is no "Monday at the 5th of December 2010, the 5th is actually a Sunday!").

There is something wrong... hope you get this work, because in most countries in europe is the first day in the month a monday.

Thanks a lot.

Kind Regards

Moving calendar position

When i try to move the TKCalendarMonthView position, the top label (monthYear gets out of position).
what i do:
inhirit from TKCalendarMonthViewController.
in viewDidLoad:

  • (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    CGRect frame=[self.monthView frame];
    [self.monthView setFrame:frame];
    [self.monthView selectDate:[NSDate date]];

I love your library, it's amazing! saved me hours!

Issue 26 should't remain closed...

I could't re-open it so here is my reply


from 'TKCalendarMonthTableViewController' I execute the following lines on resume of app:

[self.monthView reload];
[monthView selectDate:[NSDate date]];
[self.tableView reloadData]; 

So, if I suspend the app, change system date and return to foreground, the today date is selected with blue color (but not with grey as well); the date prior suspend is colored with grey color.

The correct approach I believe is that the today date should be colored both blue & grey...meaning that it is actually seen with blue color, but when another date is selected, the today date from blue should be colored grey- something that do not happen. The date that is marked with grey color is the one selected prior the suspend.


TKCoverFlowView bringCoverAtIndexToFront crashed application

Hi, I experience a problem when calling the

(void) bringCoverAtIndexToFront:(int)index animated:(BOOL)animated

function and index is more than 6 covers away from the cover which is currently on the front. So everything everything works fine as long as only six covers need to to be moved/animated. But if it is more, the following stack trace appears. Any idea?

2011-02-06 12:23:14.948 LebRecipes[21238:207] -[NSNull center]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2a46d68
2011-02-06 12:23:14.949 LebRecipes[21238:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSNull center]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2a46d68'
*** Call stack at first throw:
0 CoreFoundation 0x029dcb99 exceptionPreprocess + 185
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x02b2c40e objc_exception_throw + 47
2 CoreFoundation 0x029de6ab -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 187
3 CoreFoundation 0x0294e2b6 __forwarding
+ 966
4 CoreFoundation 0x0294de72 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 50
5 LebRecipes 0x0004f942 -[TKCoverflowView(hidden) snapToAlbum] + 107
6 LebRecipes 0x00050985 -[TKCoverflowView bringCoverAtIndexToFront:animated:] + 89


Compilation flags breaks some dependencies

Hi, many thanks for the great UI and Utility collection.

I'm trying to use your tools along with ObjectiveFlickr, but as long as I add "-ObjC" and "-all_load" to the list of flags, my app won't compile. If I remove them, I got a message error on a class, which is logical due to the flags missing.

Is there any way to fixe this? I'm pretty new to Objective-C coding.

Many thanks,

Cover Flow doesn't flip

It seems that the coverflow view in universal demo doesn't flip on a iPhone 4 OS 4.2.1. It scrolls well to the left (and off the screen) but non of the images actually flips over. Is this a bug?


Hi! This is an excellent library! You have a couple issues on this component tho.

  1. There is no title with the current day, next and previous buttons
  2. The balloons will clutter up one on top of the other, and won't offset when they overlap (when one appointment begins before another ends, the iPhone will offset them a little to the right)
  3. The hour field on the timeline is always Am/Pm based, instead of configurable

I have fixed those issues, how can I post it back to merge them with the library?

TKDateInformation doesn't extract seconds

In NSDate+TKCategory.h, under dateInformation, when the NSDateComponents are extracted from the NSDate, the NSSecondCalendarUnit is being neglected. Therefore, TKDateInformation instances will have an invalid seconds member.

Fix: add NSSecondCalendarUnit when components:fromDate is called

TKCalendarMonthView highlighting incorrect date on app startup

I'm using TKCalendarMonthView-related classes in an app. When the app starts up, December 26 is highlighted as "today", even though it's currently January 7. The result looks like this:

I put together a minimal test case that demonstrates this behavior. The demo project adds TKCalendarMonthView and related files, and then does just this:

self.calendarView = [[[TKCalendarMonthView alloc] init] autorelease];
[self.calendarView selectDate:[NSDate date]];
[self.view addSubview:self.calendarView];

None of the delegate/data source methods are implemented.

The demo can be found at

Bug related with "TKCalendarMonthTableViewController"

-> If the current month is visualized and I call " [monthView selectDate:[NSDate date]];", then the current day will be highlighted.

-> If the previous or next month (of the current one) is visualized and I call the same method as above, then the month is rolling (up or down) to the current one and the current day is highlighted.

--->BUT - here is the bug!
If I am 2 or 3 months away from the current month and I call the same method as above, the current month is depicted (number of days is updated) BUT the month label is NOT updated.

PS: Very good work by the way !
good luck

dateWasSelected event not firing on already selected date

This may not be an issue, but if the user taps on the already selected date (perhaps to deselect it) the dateWasSelected doesn't fire at all. My app is simply using this calendar control to check-off whether an activity was done on a particular date. Thus, the user was like to mark and unmark days in the calendar as a kind of done / undone feature. Currently, given this event isn't firing, the user has to tap another day then tap the previously selected day again.

Calendar / NSTimeZone

All [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]; should be replaced with [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone];

When it is not systemTimeZone you have to edit your dates coming out of the UIDatePicker to reflect time zone hour change, and all dates would be displayed a day later if you don't.

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