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achilles's Issues

[All] Bug with bi-directional relation with a cascade persist/merge and 'achilles.consistency.join.check' option set to true

Suppose 2 entities

public class User
     @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
     private Identifier identifier

public class Identifier
      private User user;



User user = new User(....);
Identifier identifier = new Identifier(....);


If flag achilles.consistency.join.check is turned on, Achilles will complain not finding the User with id xxx in the database for consistency check. It is because at the time of consistency check, Achilles has not flushed yet all mutations to Cassandra.

Because of the circular dependency, we should check first in the current "unit of work" for the presence of entity User before checking from Cassandra.

When it is impossible to call a setter on an entity, Achilles should report a better error

Looking at this trace, it would be preferable to see that Achilles cannot call the setter because the column data is not present (reported as null in CQL), rather than a stack with ReflectionInvoker, IAE, etc.

info.archinnov.achilles.exception.AchillesException: Cannot invoke 'setIntValue'  of type 'domain.Object' on instance 'domain.Object@7759f64d'
    at info.archinnov.achilles.proxy.ReflectionInvoker.setValueToField( ~[achilles-core-2.0.6.jar:na]
    at info.archinnov.achilles.entity.CQLEntityMapper.mapRowToEntity( ~[achilles-cql-2.0.6.jar:na]
    at info.archinnov.achilles.query.typed.CQLTypedQueryBuilder.get( ~[achilles-cql-2.0.6.jar:na]
    at persistence.ObjectDao.findAll( ~[ObjectDao.class:na]
    at ...
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [na:1.7.0_21]
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [na:1.7.0_21]
    at [na:1.7.0_21]
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0_21]
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_21]
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_21]
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_21]
    at info.archinnov.achilles.proxy.ReflectionInvoker.setValueToField( ~[achilles-core-2.0.6.jar:na] ... 40 common frames omitted

Expose delete by key

It would be nice to be able to delete rows by key. The current API forces you to do a find before doing a delete...

Add error handler as options to all the API

  1. Define an interface AchillesErrorHandler like:
public interface AchillesErrorHandler {

    // Process exception here. 
    Object onError(Exception exception); 

Example of usage:


[All] Enhance JUnit rule. Provide a new constructor signature to clean all tables

Right now, the current AchillesxxxResource method signature is

public AchillesCQLResource(String entityPackages, String... tables)

public AchillesCQLResource(String entityPackages, Steps cleanUpSteps, String... tables)

It is quite cumbersome to specify all the tables we want to clean up between tests. There should be an option to clean all tables managed by Achilles.

Maybe introducing a new constructor to solve the issue:

// Clean all table BEFORE and AFTER tests
public AchillesCQLResource(String entityPackages);

public AchillesCQLResource(String entityPackages,Steps cleanUpSteps);

[Enhancement] Warm up entity creation on startup

CGLib takes a significant time to create proxies on entities on the first entity usage. It would be convenient to provide a way to warm up Achilles by creating proxies at configuration time.

[Core] Change @Key to allow passing order through value

Currently, the@Key annotation is used with the order attribute leading to some repeated boilerplate :

            @Key(order = 1)
            private final String messageType;

            @Key(order = 2)
            private final UUID messageId;

enabling passing the order by the value attribute would enable the following notation :

            private final String messageType;

            private final UUID messageId;

another possible solution would be to create an @order annotation and thus rewrite the previous as :

            private final String messageType;

            private final UUID messageId;

Add helper method to serialize Entity into Json.

When using Native Query, is sometimes needed to serialize Entity into Json. Could Achilles exposed a helper method to serialize Entity into Json with its mapper ?

This will enable to have consistency between Native Query and Achilles.

Add timestamp property to KeyValue<K,V> type

Currently, the KeyValue<K,V> type exposes the following methods:

public K getKey();

public V getValue()

public int getTtl()

To be comprehensive, the KeyValue<K,V> should also expose the timestamp information which is associated to the underlying Cassandra column:

public long getTimestamp()

Schema validation fails with Cassandra 2.0.x

The validatePartitionComponent check in doesn't work correctly with Cassandra 2.0.
This check: tableMetaData.getPartitionKey().contains(columnMetadata)
assume that columnMetaData is going to be the identical object as an element of the partitionKey array.

I'm not sure what has changed in the protocol, and I have no idea how this was working in the first place, but using the same CQL driver (1.0.4) and just upgrading Cassandra means that check always fails. An inspection of the objects shows that they are identical in nearly every way. The "table" and "type" fields both reference the identical objects. But the "name" field, while identical in text, references different objects, hence making the entire "contains" check fail.

I haven't checked the others, but I'm guessing that the other methods in that class that check for equality (or contains) run the risk of having similar problems.

[All] Simplify the WideMap API

Currently the WideMap API offers lots of useful method but there are too many of them. Especially findFirst(), findFirstKey() and findFirstValue() are the same internally, only the return type differs.

The idea is to remove the KeyValue<K,V> type and replace List<KeyValue<K,V>> return type by SortedMap<K,V>

The initial motivation to define the KeyValue<K,V> type was to provide meta data (timestamp & ttl) in addition of the plain couple (K,V)

However, most of the time, the end user just don't care about those meta data.

We could introduce a ValueWithMeta<V> type to include meta data when necessary.

The API would become:

 SortedMap<K,V> find(K start, K end, BoundingMode bound,OrderingMode ordering, int count);
 SortedMap<K,V> findFirst(n);
 Map.Entry<K,V> findFirst();

 SortedMap<K,ValueWithMeta<V>> findWithMeta(K start, K end, BoundingMode bound,OrderingMode ordering, int count);

The ValueWithMeta<V> type will expose:

 V getValue();

 long getTimestamp();

 int getTtl();

[All] Start embedded Cassandra using in memory VFS to speed up tests

For JUnit tests we are using an embedded Cassandra but it still dumps data on disk. Between each test, there may be truncate operations to clean up data.

Truncate is very expensive and the test suite can takes over 10 secs to run if we are truncating several column families.

The idea would be to use an in memory virtual file system and automatically truncate all managed tables/column families (this point should be optional thpugh).

[All] Separate Achilles annotations and custom types in a dedicated Maven module

Some time Achilles entities are also used as model object to be returned to clients/views

The proper design is to put all models in a separated Maven project with REST resources.

Right now doing so force you to pull all Achilles dependencies if your entity/model uses Achilles custom annotations

Putting Achilles annotations and custom types in a separated Maven project will solve the issue

[Core] Remove "Serializable" Constraint

Since all serialization is done through jackson there is no reason to require implements serializable on classes.

In the case of "normal" entities, duplicate the rowkey as a value to ensure the row is created
In the case of widerow, there should be no problem as the secondary elements of the composite key will be stored as data anyway ensuring the row is created.

Clean all existing collections & maps on an entity in Cassandra before persist() for Thrift IMPL

There is a race condition that is likely to create data corruption:

  1. Client1 persist User1(friendsList = {'John','Helen','Richard'})
  2. Client2 persist User1(friendsList = {'Peter','Richard'})

If Client1 request hits Cassandra before Client2 request, the state in Cassandra would be:

-> User1(friendsList = {'John','Richard','Richard'})

If Client2 request arrives first, the state in Cassandra would be:

-> User1(friendsList = {'Peter','Helen','Richard'})

In both case, we have data corruption.

Consequently, since we want to allow persist() to be successful even thought the entity already exists in Cassandra, we need to fix the above issue.

Another strategy could be to check for entity existence in Cassandra when persist() is called and raise Exception but it means that concurrent insert by different Clients in Cassandra is not possible, at least with the same range of primary key and worst, it would imply read-before-write pattern

Is there a way to add an interceptor for all entities?

I'm writing a simple validator which should be called before persist for ALL entities (so it should be Interceptor), but I get an exception:

info.archinnov.achilles.exception.AchillesBeanMappingException: The entity class 'java.lang.Object' is not found
    at info.archinnov.achilles.internal.validation.Validator.validateBeanMappingTrue(
    at info.archinnov.achilles.internal.metadata.discovery.AchillesBootstrapper.addInterceptorsToEntityMetas(
    at info.archinnov.achilles.persistence.PersistenceManagerFactory.bootstrap(
    at info.archinnov.achilles.persistence.PersistenceManagerFactory$

Is there another way?

Add request tracing sampling

Add request tracing sampling & per column family request tracing client side

  • expose by JMX the config at runtime ?
  • dynamic runtime request tracing using dynamic log level TRACE on the entity logger ?

[Core] Support immutable MultiKey instances

Enable support of @key Annotation on constructor parameters to avoid having to create constructors AND setters

        public static class MessagesKey implements MultiKey {

            @Key(order = 1)
            private String messageType;

            @Key(order = 2)
            private UUID messageId;

            public MessagesKey() {}

            public MessagesKey(String  messageType) {
                this.messageType = messageType;
                this.messageId = null;

            public MessagesKey(String messageType,UUID messageId) {
                this.messageId = messageId;
                this.messageType = messageType;

            public UUID getMessageId() {
                return messageId;

            public String getMessageType() {
                return messageType;

            public void setMessageId(UUID messageId) {
                this.messageId = messageId;

            public void setMessageType(String messageType) {
                this.messageType = messageType;

Since a key represents Immutable data I would like to be able to write

public static class MessagesKey implements MultiKey {

    private final String messageType;
    private final UUID messageId;

    public MessagesKey() {}

    public MessagesKey(String  messageType) {
        this.messageType = messageType;
        this.messageId = null;

    public MessagesKey( @Key(order = 1) String messageType, @Key(order = 2) UUID messageId) {
        this.messageId = messageId;
        this.messageType = messageType;

    public UUID getMessageId() {
        return messageId;

    public String getMessageType() {
        return messageType;

[All] Manage consistency in bidirectional mapping

given two entity classes User and Car having a one-to-one bidirectional relationship.
when I persist or merge a User that relates to a Car
then the User and the Car must retain knowledge of each other's id

[ThriftImpl] NPE when provided Cassandra keyspace in config does not exist

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at info.archinnov.achilles.table.ThriftTableCreator.discoverColumnFamily(
at info.archinnov.achilles.table.ThriftTableCreator.validateOrCreateCFForWideMap(
at info.archinnov.achilles.table.TableCreator.validateOrCreateColumnFamilies(

empty collection could be null an empty set indeed

Cassandra doesn't distinguish an empty collection (set, list, map) as a real empty collection or null and stores it always as null.

From other side it makes sense in term of domain model consistency - such collections could be @NotNull to have less code ( less null checks in code ), javax validation could take place etc.

So - seems it is worth to provide way how to set empty collection to objects - nulls or empty collections.

Add a naming strategy to @Id, @EmbeddedId, @Column and @Entity

It would be nice to have different naming strategy for columns:

private String thisIsAComplicatedProperty
// would be this_is_a_complicated_property

private String thisIsAnotherComplicatedProperty
// would be "thisIsAnotherComplicatedProperty"

There should be a global setting: achilles.naming.strategy

Test failed: EntityMetaTest.should_to_string

Expected :'EntityMeta{className=className, tableName/columnFamilyName=cfName, propertyMetas=age,name, idMeta=PropertyMeta{type=SIMPLE, entityClassName=null, propertyName=id, keyClass=class java.lang.Void, valueClass=class java.lang.Long, counterProperties=null, embeddedIdProperties=null, consistencyLevels=(ALL,ALL)}, clusteredEntity=true, consistencyLevels=(ONE,ONE)}'
Actual   :'EntityMeta{className=className, tableName/columnFamilyName=cfName, propertyMetas=name,age, idMeta=PropertyMeta{type=SIMPLE, entityClassName=null, propertyName=id, keyClass=class java.lang.Void, valueClass=class java.lang.Long, counterProperties=null, embeddedIdProperties=null, consistencyLevels=(ALL,ALL)}, clusteredEntity=true, consistencyLevels=(ONE,ONE)}'

Fix makeFieldAccessible for multi-threaded execution

Currently, when accessing a field, we make it accessible, read the value and make it un-accessible again:

In multi-threaded environments, there are race conditions around the setAccessible block.

One solution is to make field accessible once for all, using a synchronized block, and never set back its previous acccessible state

[ThriftImpl] Enforce consistency on persist() by cleaning first all existing data

Right now, due to the 'upsert' nature of Cassandra, there are race conditions where we end up with inconsistent data in Cassandra:

 em.persist(new User(userId,"John","Doe",52); // firstname,lastname,age

 em.persist(new User(userId,"Helen","Sue"); // Another firstname & lastname, no age

In Cassandra we have : userId,"Helen","Sue",52

Logically, we expect to have only userId,"Helen","Sue" without the age.

The solution would be to clean the row first before inserting data

[CQL] Introduce new @TimeUUID annotation to translate into timeuuid in Cassandra

Right now, all statically defined types UUID will be translated by Achilles into uuid Cassandra type.

Because of that, some CQL3 functions like dateOf() or unixTimestampOf() do not work on those columns even though their value is indeed TimeUUID.

To work-around this issue, since the core UUID class is final and cannot be extended, we need to define a custom @TimeUUID annotation.

This will help Achilles mapping this type into Cassandra timeuuid

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