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angular-localization's Issues

Fix "main" attribute in bower.json

I think the main attribute in bower.json needs to be updated to [ "dist/angular-localization.js", "dist/angular-localization.css"]

Some build tools rely on this attribute to dynamically inject dependencies.

Use of i18n-attr

In the doc it says

If you want to pass dynamic values for the string, those should come after the value for each key; the series of additional parameters is expected to be appendeded to the token, prepended with a separator so that the directive will walk through and replace the numbered place holders with their values.

What does prepended with a separator mean? Can you provide an example?


i18n filter doesn't work in v1.1.2

I have a fairly large app in development that uses the i18n filter in angular-localization quite a bit. I was using 1.0.1 and just upgraded to 1.1.2 and the filter stopped working. The attribute directive and service still work as expected. I confirmed this behavior in the demo app included in this repository.

I stepped into the code, and it looks like the filter fires when expected and causes the language files to load from the server, but the strings are never replaced after the language file is loaded.

I also upgraded Angular to 1.3.0 at the same time, though I don't know if that matters.

json key usage scenario

Hi there,
Excellent job for the module. I have one question regarding key usage - in your example the key is always one word string e.g. 'helloWorld'. However, I used to have json file with pairs (key and value), coming from SailsJS locale and the are:

      "Hello World": "Hello World",
      "Bye World": "Bye World"

So my question is - Is it possible to invoke i18n in html code with such a key and if 'yes' what is the format? I was trying like <h2 class="section-heading" i18n='home."Instant Call"'></h2>, but it doesn't seem to work...


project "nlstools" helps to write/manage the .json files


in many of our projects (java, flex, js...) we use the nlstools ( to manage the localization texts, to convert them between xml, excel (to let customer edit them), merge/add locales, validate/find missing translations, compare and generate .json, .java, ... files from it.

We are using angular-localization in our current projects. nlstools also support the .json format required by angular-localization. Maybe it's worth mentioning this because it might also be helpful for other users. has the source and an example project to show the usage and integration. The libs are available on maven-central. Current version 2.6 supports angular-localization and can generate compact .json or pretty formatted .json files from excel/xml.

Thanks for angular-localization!


how to use it together with ng-message


Is it able to use data-i18n directive or filter to localize ng-message? it does not work like this. appreciate for suggestions in advance.

                <label data-i18n="login.username"></label>
                <input type="text" ng-model="ViewData.UserName" name="UserName" required />
                <div ng-messages="loginForm.UserName.$error">
                    <div ng-message="required" data-i18n="common.required">This is required.</div>

Protractor testing


Did you guys notice that when you run the tests from protractor, the localisation is not run?

expect($(".more-button span[data-i18n='navbar.more']").getText()).toNotBe("")

This fails unfortunately, do I need to add something in beforeEach to wait for the localisation? I think that might be the problem.

Thanks for the great job :)

defaultLocale not working

hello i am trying to set the default local, but it's is always using 'en-US' by default.

i have to manually call local.setLocal('fr-FR') from my controller to set to the desired language and also the selection doesn't even persist!

donno if im doing it wrong since its a straight forward task. here is my implementation :

angular.module('myApp', [

.value('localeSupported', [
.value('localeFallbacks', {
'en': 'en-US',
'fr': 'fr-FR',
.value('localeConf', {
basePath: 'languages',
defaultLocale: 'fr-FR',
sharedDictionary: 'common',
fileExtension: '.lang.json',
persistSelection: true,
cookieName: 'new_cookie',
observableAttrs: new RegExp('^data-(?!ng-|i18n)'),
delimiter: '::'

i have a language folder with sub-language folders...
and logging the local inside the controller
console.log(locale.getLocale()); always returns 'en-US', if i set it up manually by calling local.setLocal('fr-FR') the resources are updated however selection doe not persist when refreshing the browser.

persistance issue is solved by adding 'ngCookies' module to myApp

Load localeSupport from Remote Service

I was wondering if it's possible to load the supported locales from a remote REST service. I have to define supported languages there as well so I wanted to be able to do it once. I'm just not sure how to go about setting the localeSupported value that way or if it would work at all.

[FR] Separate plural and gender messages from html markup

Wondering if it's possible to move whole pluralize staff from HTML markup to substituted strings?

The main con of the following example that developer has to know all plural cases in advance for all languages. Adding new language require html update and makes it dirty as adds more language specific cases.

        '0': '{{ | i18n }}’,
        '1': '{{ | i18n }}’,
        '2': '{{ pluralization.options.two | i18n }}’,
        ‘3': '{{ pluralization.options.three | i18n }}’,
        'other': '{{ pluralization.options.many | i18n }}' }”>

It would be better to simplify HTML to specify message key and optional gender/plural attributes and leave message format for a translator:


Message itself should be able to case between genders (when necessary) and plural options specific for particular language.

Inspired by

ARIA warning when localizing `aria-label` attribute

AngularJS issues a JS warning if there is no aria-label attribute present on certain elements
(e.g., <md-button></md-button>)

Is there a way to prevent the warning when using something like this?:

<md-button data-i18n-attr="{'aria-label':''}" data-i18n=""></md-button>

language choose and persist

Firstly, I have to say this is a really awesome project, love it!

a few suggestions about language choose and persist.

  1. it would be great to document the implementation of the real world usage, like the one you did at the top right hand side in I spent a while to figure out how to replicate that in my project.
  2. you did not mention developer needs to inject ngCookies in module and use $cookieStore service in the controller, and, the $cookieStore is deprecated:$cookieStore , and because the cookie is session based, after user closes the browser and open again, it can't retrieve the last chosen language.
  3. the documentation of Custom Configuration is kinda misleading, for example, defaultLocale: 'languages', it should a specific language, right?

i was just wondering whenever i am changing locale by setlocale method why the locale.ready event is not trigerring which is written inside directive.

link: function(scope, element){
scope.labels = {};
locale.ready('radar').then(function () {
scope.labels.PLACE = locale.getString('radar.PLACE');
scope.labels.PRICE = locale.getString('radar.PRICE');
scope.labels.PROMO = locale.getString('radar.PROMO');
scope.labels.OPPORTUNITY = locale.getString('radar.OPPORTUNITY');
scope.labels.SALESDOLLARS = locale.getString('radar.SALESDOLLARS');

scope.$watch('labels.PLACE', function () {
if (scope.labels.PLACE!=undefined)

Add to the npm registry

Could it be possible to npm publish this so that one can require it using npm install angular-localization?

At the same time it should then be possible to require('angular-localization') as well.

add rejection of promise if loading of bundle failed

add if (deferrences[path]) {


.success(function (data) {
var key,
path = getPath(token);
// Merge the contents of the obtained data into the stored bundle.
for (key in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
root[key] = data[key];

                            // Mark the bundle as having been "loaded".
                            delete root._loading;

                            // Notify anyone who cares to know about this event.

                            // If we issued a Promise for this file, resolve it now.
                            if (deferrences[path]) {
                        .error(function (data) {
                            $log.error("[localizationService] Failed to load: " + url);

                           if (deferrences[path]) {

                            // We can try it again later.
                            delete root._loading;

Problem with embedded JSON

Hi, when i try to use json format like this :
{ "main": { "header": "myHeader" } }
from my template i can access this like filename.main.header, but on Network Tab (Chrome) trying to get file ../main/header.file_extension, as you can see, "main" key from json file occurs in path like directory, How can i avoid this?

ng-pluralization and usage with languages of different numbers of plural modes

I was thinking about ng-pluralize and angular-localization in the case where we have a phrase that is translated into two languages with different number of plural modes.

E.g., in english, we just want to use the simple rule one / other:

<ng-pluralize data-count="numCount" data-when="{ '1': '{{ 'one': '{{ | i18n }}', 'other': '{{ plurals.other | i18n }}' }" ></ng-pluralize>

But if I then want translate to, say, russian, then the number of rules i need changes to 4 to something like:

<ng-pluralize data-count="numCount" data-when="{ '1': '{{ 'one': '{{ | i18n }}', 'other': '{{ plurals.other | i18n }}', 'few': {{ plurals.few | i18n }}, 'many':'{{ plurals.many | i18n }}' }" ></ng-pluralize>

However, I've already hardcoded the number of rules by setting them in the when attribute as such, so just translating the one and other options from the english version isn't enough to implement the above.

So, what I'd really like to so is something like:

<span data-count="numCount" data-i18n-plural="pluralMsg"></span>

And then provide, in the translation for pluralMsg, a plural-sensitive string. This is the way it's handled in ICU format (e.g. formatjs and I can see why -- it makes a lot more sense to have the translator figure out the correct pluralization rules in the yaml/json file then to have devs set the plural branching.

This leads me to few questions:

  • Am I correct in saying this is a problem?
  • What is the best way to handle this in ngLocalize currently?
  • If the answer to the above isn't the way we want this to work, how can we change ngLocalize to handle this better?


Language Culture Name specification


Thank you for the great library.

It's great that library tries to follow Language Culture Name specification by Microsoft, but it is bad for people making chrome extensions.

Look at the locale table from chrome

They don't support Culture Names like fr-FR or ru-RU or whatnot.

That leaves me no option but to create separate folders like

  • 'en' and 'en-US'
  • 'ru' and 'ru-RU'
    just so my extension works with both chrome and angular-localization.

So can you leave option of just passing 'en' and 'ru' and 'fr'?
Previous version of this library was supporting it out of the box, don't know how this version handles it...

Sorry if I am missing something, in that case can you point me to how can I do it otherwise of making separate folders...

rtl support

Does angular localization supports rtl?.I mean if i select a rtl language,the directional context of the page is shifted from right to left.

Start index of parameterized substitution of strings

I'm using the parameterized substitution of strings, using {1}, {2}.

The project uses same resource files for angular and ASP.NET C#, and it starts the index on {0}. This will cause confusion and inconsistencies between resources used on both sides.

Is there a way to make angular-localization use 0 based substitutions?

Multiple languages by admin.

Hi there... I've been having an issue: I've been saving twice my information in my database because I want support my website in multiple languages. I'm making an admin panel so the person that wants the website can change content. The admin wants to publish himself the translation of every post on the website. I don't have total control over my REST service (I'm using deployd).

These are my columns in the same table

id | titleEN | titleES | titleCA ... etc...
How can I do it?


P.D.: Great job on angular-localization. I've been really using it.

Distributed resource files

Is it currently possible to distribute resource files across multiple folders instead of placing them all under one folder off of the root path (e.g. languages/)? We are using component based file organization and would like each component to have its own languages/ directory that we'd call i18n/.

Add support for preloading dictionaries

For small apps it will be better if they can bundle their dictionaries with the source code at build time (using grunt or gulp) and set them directly and synchronously when the app loads. Instead of having to make another trip to the server to get the dictionaries.

Something like this;

app.config(function (locale, $window) {
  locale.loadBundle('common', 'en-US', $window.__languages['en-US'].common);
  locale.loadBundle('common', 'fr-FR', $window.__languages['fr-FR'].common);



getString does not fallback to default Locale.

Love the framework, excellent job.

I have a question about the fallback locale.

I have an en-GB set of lang.json files which work just great.
I want begin to create an ar-AE locale, but so far I have just done one lang.json file.

However, what I would expect is that if the getString cannot find a bundle for this locale, it should use the fallback locale to try and find the token.

If not, it means that I must add tokens to each language when I add a new string, otherwise they will read %%KEY_NOT_FOUND%% rather than the fallback language, english.

Do you have a change in the works for this?

Access resources as objects instead of strings

Is there a way to access resource strings using object properties / keys instead of passing strings?

I've tried to get access to the resource bundle, but the variable is private, so I cannot even iterate to obtain list of keys.

This would make the code more readable, better syntax, and color coding in my text editor would be able to differentiate from regular strings in the code.

How I use today:

    var resourcePath = 'Document.Create';

    locale.getString(resourcePath + '.New');

How I would like to use:

    var resDocCreate = locale.keys('Document.Create');


Fix up angular-localization release

Currently, angular-localization depends on an external repository to release its dependencies. The distribution was external, so angular-localization's install could be as small as possible. But this decision come with extra release complexities, so it was decide to deprecate bower-angular-localization.

Thanks to @bretmorris for initial PR to get the ball rolling!

Path to update release process

Fixing angular-localization release will be done in 2 parts.

  1. Add distribution files to the project root path for older distributions 1.1.x, 1.2.x, and 1.3.x to support the current release paths of bower_components/angular-localization/angular-localization.js.
    • version 1.1.x #63
    • version 1.2.x #64
    • version 1.3.x #65
  2. Update the Bower package registry to point to angular-localization repository instead of bower-angular-localization
    Please see issue #70

Notes for older releases

Although the angular-localization project will be large on install, the module will have all the necessary project files.

Notes for versions 1.0.x

Is anyone still using this?

Notes for versions 1.1.x, 1.2.x, and 1.3.x

For best compatibility, the distributions files will be located at bower_components/angular-localization/ and bower_components/angular-localization/dist.

i18n filter does not work

It's simple, with this :


    "test" :  "Ca marche !"


$scope.strings = [];
locale.ready('common').then(function () {
    $scope.strings.test = locale.getString('common.test');


     .value('localeConf', {
            basePath: 'languages',
            defaultLocale: 'en-US',
            sharedDictionary: 'common',
            fileExtension: '.lang.json',
            persistSelection: true,
            cookieName: 'language',
            observableAttrs: new RegExp('^data-(?!ng-|i18n)'),
            delimiter: '::'
    .value('localeSupported', [
    .value('localeFallbacks', {
        'en': 'en-US',
        'fr': 'fr-FR'

I can do this :


            <li i18n="common.test"></li>
            <li><input data-i18n-attr="{placeholder: 'common.test'}" /></li>

But not this :


            <li>{{ 'test' | i18n }}</li>
            <li>{{ test | i18n }}</li>
            <li>{{'common.test' | i18n}}</li>
            <li>{{common.test | i18n}}</li>
            <li ng-bind="common.test | i18n"></li>
            <li ng-bind="'common.test' | i18n"></li>

tag content relpacement & parameter usage

Hi there,
I have currently two cases, where I need some assistance:

  1. Tag content replacement:
    Lets suppose I have html snippet like below, which requires localization:

    String requires Localization

I have noticed that using i18n directive actually replaces the whole tag content, so in my case the <i> will be removed.
How can I solve that?

  1. Localization string parameter usage:
    Lets suppose I have two localization strings e.g. "My Product Name" and "beta version". So I want to use them:
  • separately - this is OK and it works
  • concatenating them - my first though was to create a third localization string e.g. "{name} {version}" and then pass to this string both other strings. So how can I do that using i18n directive? I considering usage of data-i18n directive, but it is not clear how I can pass to data-name parameter another localized string.
    So how can I solve that case too?

Setup defaultLanguage other than es-US for angular APP at start time

Specifically I tried to setup 'es-AR' language fruitlessly. I couldn't find a way to do it even using this piece of code:

Module setup

angular.module('myApp', [
]).value('localeConf', {
    basePath: 'languages',
    defaultLocale: 'en-US',
    sharedDictionary: 'common',
    fileExtension: '.lang.json',
    persistSelection: true,
    cookieName: 'COOKIE_LOCALE_LANG',
    observableAttrs: new RegExp('^data-(?!ng-|i18n)'),
    delimiter: '::'

So that, I dug into the code and I found that defaultLocale is being ignored in favor of cookie value (COOKIE_LOCALE_LANG). Here:

If the cookieStore is already defined then the defaultLocale is ignored because cookie value is grabbed. Supposing the cookie value is undefined then windows properties are used.

Even if I deleted the cookie the used value would be windows properties values.

This code is intended to do that. If so, there is a way to setup the language for the whole angular app?

Thanks a lot in advance

Gender support?

What is the best practice using ngLocalize to provide different translations based on gender? Afaik, the current approach is to use ng-switch on a gender key, which, as #16 identifies, suffers from the issue that potential gender disparities have to be taken into account by the html author, not just the translator.

Migration to gulp.js?

Hi Rahul. I've really enjoyed your talk at Google AngularJS Meetup (just couldn't tell what city this was in). I believe you've mentioned willingness to migrate from Grunt to Gulp.js build. Is this something you are still interested in?

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