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fastlane-plugin-flutter's Introduction

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fastlane-plugin-flutter's Issues

Can not pass dart-define custom args

The args section breaks dart-define custom args.

flutter(args: ["build", "apk", "--dart-define=SOME_VAR=\"myvalue\""])

causes escaping of the equals sign which breaks the arguments.

When capturing_stdout also print the stdout in case of error

When capturing_stdout:true is set and the flutter command fails, we also need to know what the stdout contained in order to understand the context of the issue.

          unless wait_thread.value.success? || (ignore_error == true)
The following command has failed:
$ #{command}


Command output:


I could also imagine to configure this with a parameter.
This behaviour is a bit annoying when running command on the CI, and errors can not be reproduced locally.

Use of flutter_flavorizr in flutter_build

I'm trying to use flutter_flavorizr and build apk of the desired flavor.

Flutter command for flavor 'dev' be like: flutter build apk --flavor dev -t lib/main_dev.dart

So I tried in my FastFile in these ways:

  1. flutter_build( build: "apk", build_args: ["--flavor dev", "-t lib/main_dev.dart"] )


  1. build_args = []
    args = "--flavor dev -t lib/main_dev.dart"
    build_args << args

flutter_build( build: "apk", build_args: build_args )

But I received the error

flutter build apk --flavor\ dev -t\ lib/main_dev.dart
[pid 90368 exit 1]

Target file " lib/main_dev.dart" not found.

I also tried absolute path for the main_dev.dart file.

Someone could help me?

flutter build ipa> build success xcarchive, build fail ipa should be fail, but not.

During flutter build ipa, then xcarchive success, but ipa fail, nothing happened.
IMO, this is fail, so should be show the logs.

Fastlane Log

[13:07:48]: ---------------------------
[13:07:48]: --- Step: flutter_build ---
[13:07:48]: ---------------------------
[13:07:48]: Determined Flutter location as /Users/dev/flutter because 'flutter' executable in PATH is located there (current directory is /Users/dev/actions-runner-01/_work/us-app/us-app/apps/insight_app).
[13:07:48]: $ /Users/dev/flutter/bin/flutter build ipa --build-number 110235 --verbose --release --flavor dev --dart-define\=FLAVOR\=dev --no-tree-shake-icons --export-options-plist\=ios/Runner/ExportOptionsAdHoc.plist
[13:09:48]: FLUTTER_OUTPUT /Users/dev/actions-runner-01/_work/us-app/us-app/apps/insight_app/build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive

Actual log with flutter build ipa --verbose

2024-03-20T00:34:20.0550830Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[        ] Building release-testing IPA...�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0552500Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[        ] executing: /usr/bin/arch -arm64e xcrun xcodebuild -exportArchive -allowProvisioningDeviceRegistration -allowProvisioningUpdates -archivePath /Users/dev/actions-runner-01/_work/us-app/us-app/apps/insight_app/build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive -exportPath /Users/dev/actions-runner-01/_work/us-app/us-app/apps/insight_app/build/ios/ipa -exportOptionsPlist /Users/dev/actions-runner-01/_work/us-app/us-app/apps/insight_app/ios/Runner/ExportOptionsAdHoc.plist�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0552630Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[+9292 ms] ** EXPORT FAILED **�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0552690Z [09:34:15]: ▸ 
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0552760Z [09:34:15]: ▸ 
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0553590Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m           2024-03-20 09:34:05.693 xcodebuild[54492:1199369] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path "/var/folders/83/z8071391421g7q0jzq89kplm0000gn/T/dev_2024-03-20_09-34-05.693.xcdistributionlogs".�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0553760Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m           error: exportArchive: ipatool failed�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0553820Z [09:34:15]: ▸ 
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0554070Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m           AppThinning.StubError(errorDescription: Optional("ipatool failed"))�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0554270Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[        ] Building release-testing IPA... (completed in 9.3s)�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0554410Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[        ] "flutter ipa" took 106,850ms.�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0554550Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[ +179 ms] ensureAnalyticsSent: 177ms�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0554680Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[        ] Running 1 shutdown hook�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0554810Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[   +1 ms] Shutdown hooks complete�[0m
2024-03-20T00:34:20.0554930Z [09:34:15]: ▸ �[35m[        ] exiting with code 0�[0m

run "flutter test"


I tried running my flutter test suite. with
flutter(args: %w(test))
flutter(args: %w(test ..))

But all of them failed with this strange error messages:

[14:53:59]: $ /home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/vendor/flutter/bin/flutter test .. --no-pub
[14:54:00]: ▸ Changing current working directory to: /home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker
[14:54:15]: ▸ 00:11 +0 -1: loading /home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/../android/vendor/flutter/examples/platform_channel/test_driver/button_tap_test.dart [E]                                        
[14:54:15]: ▸   Failed to load "/home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/../android/vendor/flutter/examples/platform_channel/test_driver/button_tap_test.dart": Compilation failed for testPath=/home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/../android/vendor/flutter/examples/platform_channel/test_driver/button_tap_test.dart
[14:54:15]: ▸ 00:12 +0 -1: loading /home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/../android/vendor/flutter/examples/platform_channel/test_driver/button_tap_test.dart [E]                                        
[14:54:15]: ▸   Exception: the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.
[14:54:15]: ▸   package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart 10:3  throwToolExit
[14:54:15]: ▸   package:flutter_tools/src/compile.dart 778:9     DefaultResidentCompiler._compile.<fn>
[14:54:15]: ▸   dart:async/zone.dart 1436:47                     _rootRunUnary
[14:54:15]: ▸   dart:async/zone.dart 1335:19                     _CustomZone.runUnary
[14:54:15]: ▸   
[14:54:27]: ▸ 00:24 +0 -2: loading /home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/../android/vendor/flutter/examples/splash/test/splash_test.dart [E]                                                             
[14:54:27]: ▸   Failed to load "/home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/../android/vendor/flutter/examples/splash/test/splash_test.dart": Compilation failed for testPath=/home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/../android/vendor/flutter/examples/splash/test/splash_test.dart
[14:54:27]: ▸ 00:24 +0 -2: loading /home/runner/work/app_tracker/app_tracker/android/../android/vendor/flutter/examples/platform_channel/test_driver/button_tap_test.dart [E]                                        
[14:54:27]: ▸   Exception: the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.
[14:54:27]: ▸   package:flutter_tools/src/base/common.dart 10:3  throwToolExit
[14:54:27]: ▸   package:flutter_tools/src/compile.dart 778:9     DefaultResidentCompiler._compile.<fn>
[14:54:27]: ▸   dart:async/zone.dart 1436:47                     _rootRunUnary
[14:54:27]: ▸   dart:async/zone.dart 1335:19                     _CustomZone.runUnary

How can I run my tests?

Real world Fastfile + IPA Generation


Thanks for this plugin. Very helpful!

I'm uploading my Fastfile here cause i think it's a better real world example than the one included.

Also i think for ios, the plugin could do the .ipa file generation and store it in FLUTTER_OUTPUT instead the .app folder since ipa is in upload_to_testflight and upload_to_app_store a required input.

|                                                 Available lanes to run                                                 |
| Number | Lane Name                | Description                                                                        |
| 1      | ios beta_staging         | Deploy a new beta version to the Apple Store plugged on staging environment        |
| 2      | ios beta                 | Deploy a new beta version to the Apple Store plugged on production environment     |
| 3      | ios production           | Deploy a new production version to the Apple Store                                 |
| 4      | android test             | Runs all the tests                                                                 |
| 5      | android internal_staging | Deploy a new internal version to the Google Play plugged on staging environment    |
| 6      | android internal         | Deploy a new internal version to the Google Play plugged on production environment |
| 7      | android alpha_staging    | Deploy a new alpha version to the Google Play plugged on staging environment       |
| 8      | android alpha            | Deploy a new alpha version to the Google Play plugged on production environment    |
| 9      | android beta_staging     | Deploy a new beta version to the Google Play plugged on staging environment        |
| 10     | android beta             | Deploy a new beta version to the Google Play plugged on production environment     |
| 11     | android production       | Deploy a new production version to the Google Play                                 |
| 0      | cancel                   | No selection, exit fastlane!                                                       |
# This file contains the configuration
# You can find the documentation at
# For a list of all available actions, check out
# For a list of all available plugins, check out

# Uncomment the line if you want fastlane to automatically update itself
# update_fastlane

platform :ios do
  desc "Deploy a new beta version to the Apple Store plugged on staging environment"
  lane :beta_staging do
    # flutter(args: %w(analyze))
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--target', 'lib/main_staging.dart'])
    # Beginning .app to .ipa (which is basically a zip file with a Payload folder container .app folder)
    sh("rm -Rf $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    sh("mkdir $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    # Move all the files
    sh("mv #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]} $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload/")
    # Zip it
    sh("cd $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]}); zip -r Runner.ipa Payload")
    # Clean behind yourself
    sh("rm -Rf #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]} $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    # Redownload certs
    match(type: "appstore", readonly: true)
    # Upload
    upload_to_testflight(ipa: sh("echo $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Runner.ipa").strip)

  desc "Deploy a new beta version to the Apple Store plugged on production environment"
  lane :beta do
    # flutter(args: %w(analyze))
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--target', 'lib/main.dart'])
    # Beginning .app to .ipa (which is basically a zip file with a Payload folder container .app folder)
    sh("rm -Rf $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    sh("mkdir $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    # Move all the files
    sh("mv #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]} $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload/")
    # Zip it
    sh("cd $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]}); zip -r Runner.ipa Payload")
    # Clean behind yourself
    sh("rm -Rf #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]} $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    # Redownload certs
    match(type: "appstore", readonly: true)
    # Upload
    upload_to_testflight(ipa: sh("echo $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Runner.ipa").strip)

  desc "Deploy a new production version to the Apple Store"
  lane :production do
    # flutter(args: %w(analyze))
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--target', 'lib/main.dart'])
    # Beginning .app to .ipa (which is basically a zip file with a Payload folder container .app folder)
    sh("rm -Rf $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    sh("mkdir $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    # Move all the files
    sh("mv #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]} $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload/")
    # Zip it
    sh("cd $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]}); zip -r Runner.ipa Payload")
    # Clean behind yourself
    sh("rm -Rf #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]} $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Payload")
    # Redownload certs
    match(type: "appstore", readonly: true)
    # Upload
    upload_to_app_store(ipa: sh("echo $(dirname #{lane_context[SharedValues::FLUTTER_OUTPUT]})/Runner.ipa").strip)

platform :android do
  desc "Runs all the tests"
  lane :test do
    gradle(task: "test")

  desc "Deploy a new internal version to the Google Play plugged on staging environment"
  lane :internal_staging do
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--shrink','--target', 'lib/main_staging.dart'])
    upload_to_play_store(track: 'internal', version_code: lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER])

  desc "Deploy a new internal version to the Google Play plugged on production environment"
  lane :internal do
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--shrink','--target', 'lib/main.dart'])
    upload_to_play_store(track: 'internal', version_code: lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER])

  desc "Deploy a new alpha version to the Google Play plugged on staging environment"
  lane :alpha_staging do
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--shrink','--target', 'lib/main_staging.dart'])
    upload_to_play_store(track: 'alpha', version_code: lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER])

  desc "Deploy a new alpha version to the Google Play plugged on production environment"
  lane :alpha do
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--shrink','--target', 'lib/main.dart'])
    upload_to_play_store(track: 'alpha', version_code: lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER])

  desc "Deploy a new beta version to the Google Play plugged on staging environment"
  lane :beta_staging do
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--shrink','--target', 'lib/main_staging.dart'])
    upload_to_play_store(track: 'beta', version_code: lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER])

  desc "Deploy a new beta version to the Google Play plugged on production environment"
  lane :beta do
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--shrink','--target', 'lib/main.dart'])
    upload_to_play_store(track: 'beta', version_code: lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER])

  desc "Deploy a new production version to the Google Play"
  lane :production do
    flutter_build(build_args: ['--release','--shrink','--target', 'lib/main.dart'])


Split flutter action into multiple

Potentially a breaking change.

  • flutter_intl: generate base .arb, .dart from language-specific .arb, reformat, verify
  • flutter_bootstrap: download Flutter, Android SDK etc
  • flutter_build
  • flutter: format, lint

Make VCS version extractor a separate plugin (it actually does not depend on Flutter).
Another unrelated idea is to create Firebase plugin (install NPM, deploy Bolt, functions, test, lint etc).

--split-per-abi support


Is --split-per-abi supported ?

Also i see some references to appbundle in code but i'm not sure how to use it ? need more documentation probably.

Thanks a lot !


select flutter version


Is there a way to select the Flutter Version which is used to build the Project?

In the flutter_bootstrap method is only a flutter_channel parameter available.

      flutter_channel: 'stable',

I would like to have something like in the Flutter-GithubAction.
It could look like this:

      flutter_channel: 'any',
      flutter_version: '1.20.2'

Thanks in advance.

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