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d2lootfilter's Issues

flawless gem, perfect gem not showing

#always show flawless/perf gems
    Class Gem
    Class Flawless Gem, Perfect Gem

The above code in your sample filter does not seem to work. I've tried removing the first part "Class Gem" and tried removing also perfect gem so there would be no comma but none of it makes the item show.

Please note this likely affects more than this entry (like the chipped gems entry maybe.) also unlike when invalid entries normally causee the game not to load at all, the game DOES load with this entry it just seems to completely ignore it.

This is pretty concerning because who knows what else it's hiding (like the gems) that it says it's showing :~(

Magic item is unique?

Note: Using Plugy and Basemod. Plugy loads basemod AND d2lootfilter via plugy.ini (if that helps)
Line 631+:

    Rarity Unique
    SetName {Gold}{Name}
    SetBorderColor Gold

Line 2093+:

    Quality Unique

2021-08-31 14_40_34-Diablo II DX  1680x720, scale 200%

On naming tiers and filtering/ping level

Currently d2lootfilrer filtering names high valued items as Tier 1 and ping level 1, and lower value items as Tier 6 and ping level 6.

IMHO this naming scheme should be revered as lower value item as tier 1 and minimal filtering as ping level 1 and high value item and very aggressive filtering to be Tier 6 and ping level 6. Higher tier should mean higher valued item and more aggressive filtering.

Reason for such reversal is future expandability. As user get more experienced in Diablo and filtering, user will feel need of more detailed level expansion (more than 6 tier) Then Tier 1 is top tier as current scheme, there is no head room to expand in higher value tiers and whole tier system should be revised to make head room for advanced tier. Naming top tier as tier 6 solves such problem. Just adding more advanced tier will be much eaier without rewriting whole filtering file. So Default PingLevel should be leve 1 and ChatNotify should used like ChatNotify "Ping Level" <= 2 which is same as ChatNotify "Pig Level" >= 5 in current scheme.


is there a way to make all potions show up or potions >= 4 without having like:
Code hp4
Code hp5
for both mana and health pots? perhaps with one line like
potion >= 4

Adding Small and Grand Charms to droplist

Hello and thanks a bunch for your awesome lootfilter!

I got a couple of questions:

  1. Are you planning any further releases for this software? If so, do you have a rough estimate on when?
  2. Could you tell me how I can add Small and Grand Charms to the visibility/droplist of items that get displayed? In the Item.finder file it says "show Grand Charms" etc..., but I didn't find any charms after around 100 LK runs which seems fishy to say the least.
  3. Could you tell me the same as in #2 but for flawless amethysts and topazes?

Cheers and take care :)

Condition Type not work

Condintion Type not work

my code (not work)

    Type Arrows, Bolts

code works

    Code aqv, cqv

Faster cast rate

Is there a way to show Faster Cast Rate items(Attack speed and attack rating too)?
something like :
Class Any
Rarity <=Magic
Stats "Faster Cast Rate" >=10

Bug report: Crash when restatting character

In case you plan to update the lootfilter, here's a bug report.

When you try to restat a character using the plugy restatting feature ingame, the game instantly crashes.

Can not see some quests drops

We need a

Class Quest

Somewhere, because act 3 has a few drops that the filter I tested with (0.2) was hiding.

Reproducable crash with d2lootfilter + d2dx

oGkspAz posted in d2dx issue but I will post here:
"I currently run my Diablo II as such:
Basemod v1.13.8_2
Plugy v14.03
d2lootfilter v0.6b
D2DX v0.99.529 or SGD2FreeRes v3.0.2.3.

If both D2DX & d2lootfilter are loaded; as soon as I move my cursor over the Defence stat on the character screen, the game crashes. Without fail. Plain SGD2FreeRes does not do this, so I can only imagine it is on D2DX's side."

i reprocuded without basemod:
d2 1.14d
plugy 14.03
d2lootfilter 0.6b
and latest d2dx

Request: Already own

It would be amazing if i could put something on a section that makes it so if i already have an item in my stash that matches the filter it matches.


    Rarity Unique, Set
    OwnedType >= 1
    SetDescription {description} (OWNED ALREADY)

This would be AWESOME for grail collectors and would of course also be ideal if it could work even with plugy infinite stash and shared stash (not sure how this works/would work)

Of course this becomes complicated when it comes to unid vs id. This is why i called it "OwnedType" so it could match based on the item type + your filter (in this case unique and sets only)

Show all, then decide what to hide?

Hi, I'm new to D2 and I'd like to have a good loot filter I can customize with time and patience. Since my gear is still at beginning, if I drop anything on the ground, even charms, they will disappear. Is it possible to enable everything and then decide what to hide (white and blue items, for example)?

I don't know if this problem may be related to localization. I'm playing in italian so items have a different (translated) names (but potions works).

It's all a bit confusing. :)

Filter syntax error/warning

Is there any way to have an error/warning dialog when we read the filter(/missing filter file) instead of silent crash(or ingame msg if it boots) with the line number?

Stuff gets destroyed

I dropped two stashed items (random armors with sockets) and both got seemingly deleted/destroyed. This was SP of course so I reverted to my backup save, disabled this plugin and did it again. Did not get destroyed. Not sure why this mod did that.

SetName Color options not working in .4?

First I just wanted to say fantastic loot filter and thanks for making it compatible with 1.14d, seems to be the only filter available with compatibility. I am currently modifying the example filter to better suit me and having issues with the item.filter config coloring the {Name} parameter.

For instance the default filter has:

Rune in El-Fal
SetName {Orange}{Name}

But all my runes are displaying with white names.

If I add characters between Orange and Name it will properly change those characters.

Not sure if this is an issue with my syntax, the filter file, or something different in .4?

The Rarity ordering broken

The rarity condition statement does not works as many people expects.

The Rarity ordering of d2lootfilter is | Rarity <Rarity> | Inferior, Normal, Superior, Magic, Set, Rare, Unique, Crafted | as documented and works as documented. Rare is between Set and Unique.
But it is different from what many user perceives generally. Ordering should be "Inferior, Normal, Superior, Magic, Rare, Set, Unique, Crafted". i.e, order of Rare and Set should be switched. Internal numerical ordering does not matter. This causes some unexpected behavior of filter and confuse user.
Condition Rarity < Rare should not include Set and Rarity in Rare-Unique should include Set.

And the documentation of Rarity condition is not clear. It says "Rarity <Rarity>" excluding <Opeartor>. It should be Rarity [<Operator>] <Rarity>, I guess.

And second problem is that Rarity of unidentified items in gambling vendor is always evaluated as "Inferior". Rarity of ordinary sales item of vendor is evaluated correctly, but Rarity of Gambling item of same vendor is evaluated incorrectly as Inferior. Other unidentified items in inventory is evaluated correctly as Magic or Rare. If this is game feature to prevents gambling cheat, there must be way to discern true Inferior item and Gambling item. My suggestion is re-map item rarity index to Inferior =0 , Normal =1 , Superior =2 , Magic = 3 , Set =4 , Rare = 5, Unique = 6, Crafted = 7 Gambling = 8, to fix order of Set and Rare .

Highrunes aren't showing up in the vanilla item.filter droplist?!

So I've done about 200 LK runs and haven't found a single rune with the lootfinder. So in order to test the drop getting displayed, I dropped both a Gul and a Vex rune from my stash and they weren't displayed.

Does that mean that High Runes aren't being displayed in the vanilla lootfilter? That would be extremely bad...

Suggestions for improvement

Hi, dschu012. I appreciate your great job and enjoying it over other Diablo 2 loot filters. It has great potential but I'd like to do few friendly suggestions for further improvements:

  1. New Check statement
    In metadata section of filter file, many Show .... Continue constructs are used. But the name Show is confusing and Continue at end is not graceful. Once you use Show statement it should actually show something. I suggest to introduce new Check statement. Check is equivalent of Show .... Continue construct without confusing Continue statement. Example:
    Class Amethyst
    SetName {Purple}0 {White}{Name}

become clean and clear

    Class Amethyst
    SetName {Purple}0 {White}{Name}
  1. New Or condition
    Currently all conditions are combined with And relationship. But it would be nice to have condition statements combined with Or prefix. For example:
      Class Healing Potion, Mana Potion, Rejuve Potion
      Or Type Antidote Potion, Thawing Potion, Stamina Potion
.....  do something 

Then we can combine two or more Show statements with same action can be combined into single action part. Multiple level of And - Or is not needed. Simply, Or condition should have just one level higher precedence over next And conditions. Multiple consecutive Or's have same level.

  1. More color selections and case-sensitivity in names
    I found that current 12 color names are bit limited. I'd like to have more light and soft(unsaturated) colors like light gray (silver), light azure, light green(lime), light coral etc. Make them16 colors out of Diablo II color pallet. The color of {Tan} is too close to {Gold} so it is easily mistaken.
    Here is list of colors for Diablo text: {Brown}, {Dark Blue}, {Light Blue}, {Light Green}, {Sky Blue}, {Azure} (renamed to avoid clash with existing "Magic" {blue}) may be added to existing name color value.
ÿc1 (Red)
ÿc2 ("Set" Green)
ÿc3 ("Magic" Blue)
ÿc4 ("Unique" Gold)
ÿc5 (Grey)
ÿc6 (Black ~ Not visible on the profile)
ÿc7 ("Unique" Gold ~ There are two)
ÿc8 ("Crafted" Amber)
ÿc9 ("Rare" Yellow)
ÿc0 (White ~ There are two)
ÿc! (Brown)
ÿc" (Dark Blue)
ÿc+ (Light Blue)
ÿc< (Light Green)
ÿc; (Purple) 
ÿc. (Sky Blue)
ÿc* (Blue)

At least some way to use Dia2 palette color index in hexa code in SetName and SetDesciption (ex: SetName {X9E}{Name}{White} ) Or alternatively, user can define new named color like DefineColor PaleBlue, X9F and {PaleBlue} name will be available in SetName and color value. Meta color name {Original} can refer original text color name before change color of item name text to cancel any change of color of name. And the color names should be case-ignored. i.e. {white} should be same as {White} And remove other unnecessary case-sensitiveness in various symbol names.

  1. Inconsistent ChatNotify argument
    ChatNotify takes <boolean> argument. But it is used like ChatNotify "Ping Level" >= 5. Why use quoted string and inconsistant name "Ping Level", not "PingLevel"? I think that it would be better to ChatNotify {PingLevel} >= 5 or simply number range argument like ChatNotify 1-5. I don't see need of boolean conditional test or range evaluation. I prefer even simpler just minimum Ping level number like ChatNotify 5. More versatile is taking variable args like ChatNotify [n] [message] ... . Both args are optional. If 1st arg is number, it is minimum ping level number. If 1st arg is not number, it is unconditional (regardless of ping level) chat massage string without quote. If message arg is omitted, default to {Name}.

  2. Provision for multiple Diablo characters sharing same filter file.
    Currently all game characters share same filter set and file. We can not selectively apply the filter rule to subset of characters. At least, there must be some condition value like {CharacterName} to access which character is playing.
    Or It would be nice to have filter file selection in d2lootfilter.ini like this:

; Shared common filter
Characters = MySorc, MyAmazon, MypalaBaby
Path =sorcress-filter.txt

But it seems little bit complicated. I can live with the {CharacterName} variable and means to change ping level and filter level in filter file statement itself Like SetVarble "PingLevel" 5

  1. Extending Difficulty with Act numbering
    Difficulty condition is one of Normal, Nightmare, Hell. It can be extended to include act number like Difficulty in Nightmare Act1-Act3 or just Act number like Difficulty in Act2, Act3 regardless of difficulty.

  2. AreaLevel, InTown(InField), AreaName
    Similar to Difficulty condition, It would be nice to have access to area level and game area name. At least, area level should be available for testing. AreaLevel in Town should be same as nearest field area, not zero. For example, Act II Town (Lut Gholein) in Nightmare difficulty should be same as Sewers Level 1 in Nightmare difficulty, that is level 43. And simple boolean InTown (or InField) condition that test character is in town like Rogue Encampment or in wild field.
    Ex) AreaLevel in 36-47, InTown, AreaName Den of Evil

  3. Place of the item
    Condition where the item is placed in. One of Ground, (Equipped, Hiring), Inventory, Stash, Vendor.

  4. Requirement condition
    A boolean condition that tests whether the character meets item use/equip requirements (like level, strength, dexterity, class and item durability /quantity > 0 etc, but regardless of unidentified item) and can be equipped or used or not. ex) Usable <boolean>

  5. Special Token {Type}, {ItemLevel}
    Like named token {Price}, {Soket}, string value Type name {Type} and item level {ItemLevel} will be available in SetName or SetDescription

  6. Debugging Provision
    Debugging <boolean> condition: A condition that checks "/deugging" switch is set or not. And "/filterlevel 0" chat command to show all "hidden" items. All hidden item will be shown with special tag that denotes that the item will be hidden. Same as Show SetName {Name} {Gray}*{White} just before final Hide (all) at end of item filter file.

  7. Easier automatic filter reload
    As I suggested in previous issue (#22), there must be easier way to reload filter file other than current "/reload" command. I suggest automatic reloading of filter file on start of new game session.

  8. line continuation in condition list
    As I suggested in previous issue (#30), condition list should be able to span multiple lines with trailing comma.

    Type Balrog Blade, Cryptic Sword, Feral Axe, Small Crescent, 
             Conquest Sword, Highland Blade, Champion Sword
	Rarity < Magic
  1. Condition Armor and Weapon is not so useful. It is hardly used in filter file and can be replaced with Class Any Armor and Class Weapon. Condition Hight and Width are too. I suggest to remove them. Add more useful Condition like (average) Damage sum (excluding DOT damage like poison ) My suggestion: Category {Weapon, Armor, Charm, Socketable (Rune, Gem, Jewel), and Consumable} Throwable Potions should be categorized as Consumable, not weapon, And Size condition that counts number of square it occupies.

  2. Rarity Normal should not include items without any real rarity like potion and consumables. Rarity of Potion and others should be something like Misc or Consumable. Other than Weapons Armors and Jewel, Consumable and Throwable Potion, Rune, Gem should not be of Normal Rarity.

Keeping doing good work.

condition Class != Potion causes crash

It seems that the condition Class != Potion or similar Class != expression causes hard crash on loading the filter file.
Type != Super Healing Potion does not cause crash.
And Class condition with non-existent class (due to spell error etc) always success and issues no error message. It make hard to track down error. Non existing class condition should issue warning.

Sub-Gem class not working as expected

Existing (but not working):
Class Gem
Class Chipped Gem, Flawed Gem, Standard Gem
CharacterLevel <= 50

Working (but not intuitive)
Class Gem
Class Chipped, Flawed, Standard
CharacterLevel <= 50

We should either update item.filter and with "Chipped" instead of "Chipped Gem"
Update code to correctly match "Class Chipped Gem"

Accidental line break causes crash

Original "item. filter" line 2551:

# 0/4os Eth Oath Bases (Oath)
    Type Balrog Blade, Cryptic Sword, Feral Axe, Small Crescent, 
Conquest Sword, Highland Blade, Champion Sword
	Rarity < Magic
	Runeword False
	Ethereal True
	Sockets 0, 4
	SetStyle T6

I accidentally break the long "Types" line in middle into 2 lines, like
":... , Small Cescent," <newline> " Conquest Sword, ...."
then D2 crash on entering new session. Hard crash. No parse error message.
It is OK to insist Type line should be in single line, but it should not crash D2.

And it would be nice to have Type or Class in multi lines. Above example should be accepted as valid.
If parser see a comma symbol and no more non-blank symbol till end of line, then the list should continue to next line.

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