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Microsoft are working on an official package for testing analyzers: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeFix.Testing.

Hopefully this library will not be needed in the future.

Asserts for testing Roslyn analyzers.

Use 1.x for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis 1.x


Use RoslynAssert.Valid<NoErrorAnalyzer>(code) to test that an analyzer does not report errors for valid code. The code is checked so that it does not have any compiler errors either. A typical test fixture looks like:

public class ValidCode
    private static readonly DiagnosticAnalyzer Analyzer = new YourAnalyzer();

    public void SomeTest()
        var code = @"
namespace TestCode
    class Foo
        RoslynAssert.Valid(YourAnalyzer, code);

If the analyzer produces many diagnostics you can pass in a descriptor so that only diagnostics matching it are checked.

public class ValidCode
    private static readonly DiagnosticAnalyzer Analyzer = new YourAnalyzer();
    private static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor Descriptor = YourAnalyzer.SomeDescriptor;

    public void SomeTest()
        var code = @"
namespace TestCode
    class Foo
        RoslynAssert.Valid(YourAnalyzer, Descriptor, code);

When testing all analyzers something like this can be used:

public class ValidCodeWithAllAnalyzers
    private static readonly IReadOnlyList<DiagnosticAnalyzer> AllAnalyzers = typeof(KnownSymbol)
                                                                                .Select(t => (DiagnosticAnalyzer)Activator.CreateInstance(t))

    private static readonly Solution ValidCodeProjectSln = CodeFactory.CreateSolution(

    public void ValidCodeProject(DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer)
        RoslynAssert.Valid(analyzer, ValidCodeProjectSln);


Use RoslynAssert.Diagnostics<FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore>(code) to test that the analyzer reports error or warning at position indicated with ↓ With an aplhanumeric keyboard alt + 25 writes .

A typical test fixture looks like:

public class Diagnostics
    private static readonly DiagnosticAnalyzer Analyzer = new YourAnalyzer();
    private static readonly ExpectedDiagnostic ExpectedDiagnostic = ExpectedDiagnostic.Create(YourAnalyzer.Descriptor);

    public void SomeTest()
        var code = @"
namespace TestCode
    class ↓Foo
        RoslynAssert.Diagnostics(YourAnalyzer, code);

    public void CheckMessageAlso()
        var code = @"
namespace TestCode
    class ↓Foo
        RoslynAssert.Diagnostics(YourAnalyzer, ExpectedDiagnostic.WithMessage("Don't name it foo"), code);

If the analyzer produces many diagnostics you can pass in a descriptor so that only diagnostics matching it are checked.

public class Diagnostics
    private static readonly DiagnosticAnalyzer Analyzer = new YourAnalyzer();
    private static readonly ExpectedDiagnostic ExpectedDiagnostic = ExpectedDiagnostic.Create(YourAnalyzer.Descriptor);

    public void SomeTest()
        var code = @"
namespace TestCode
    class ↓Foo
        RoslynAssert.Diagnostics(YourAnalyzer, ExpectedDiagnostic, code);

If the analyzer supports many diagnostics the overload with ExpectedDiagnostic must be used. This suppresses all diagnsics other than the expected.


Test that the analyzer reports an error or warning at position indicated with ↓ and that the codefix fixes it and produces the expected code. With an aplhanumeric keyboard alt + 25 writes .

public void TestThatAnalyzerWarnsOnCorrectPositionAndThatCodeFixProducesExpectedCode()
    var code = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int ↓_value;

    var fixedCode = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int value;
    RoslynAssert.CodeFix<FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore, SA1309CodeFixProvider>(code, fixedCode);

A typical test fixture looks like:

public class CodeFix
    private static readonly DiagnosticAnalyzer Analyzer = new YourAnalyzer();
    private static readonly CodeFixProvider Fix = new YorCodeFixProvider();
    private static readonly ExpectedDiagnostic ExpectedDiagnostic = ExpectedDiagnostic.Create(YourAnalyzer.Descriptor);

    public void SomeTest()
        var code = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int ↓_value;

        var fixedCode = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int value;
        RoslynAssert.CodeFix(Analyzer, Fix, code, fixedCode);

    public void ExplicitFixTitle()
        var code = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int ↓_value;

        var fixedCode = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int value;
        RoslynAssert.CodeFix(Analyzer, Fix, code, fixedCode, fixTitle: "Don't use underscore prefix");

With explicit title for the fix to apply. Useful when there are many candidate fixes.

If the analyzer supports many diagnostics the overload with ExpectedDiagnostic must be used. This suppresses all diagnsics other than the expected.

Code fix only

When the code fix is for a warning produced by an analyzer that you do not own, for example a built in analyzer in Visual Studio.

public void TestThatCodeFixProducesExpectedCode()
    var code = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    using System;

    public class Foo
        public event EventHandler ↓Bar;

    var fixedCode = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    using System;

    public class Foo
    RoslynAssert.CodeFix<RemoveUnusedFixProvider>("CS0067", code, fixedCode);


When there are many isses that will be fixed:

public void TestThatAnalyzerWarnsOnCorrectPositionAndThatCodeFixProducesExpectedCode()
    var code = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int ↓_value1;
        private readonly int ↓_value2;

    var fixedCode = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int value1;
        private readonly int value2;
    RoslynAssert.FixAll<FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore, SA1309CodeFixProvider>(code, fixedCode);


Test that the analyzer reports an error or warning at position indicated with ↓ and that the codefix does not change the code. With an aplhanumeric keyboard alt + 25 writes . This can happen if for example it is decided to not support rare edge cases with the code fix.

public void TestThatAnalyzerWarnsOnCorrectPositionAndThatCodeFixDoesNothing()
    var code = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int ↓_value;

    RoslynAssert.NoFix<FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore, SA1309CodeFixProvider>(code);


        public void WithPositionIndicated()
            var testCode = @"
class ↓Foo

            var fixedCode = @"
class FOO

            RoslynAssert.Refactoring(new ClassNameToUpperCaseRefactoringProvider(), testCode, fixedCode);
			// Or if you want to assert on title also
			RoslynAssert.Refactoring(new ClassNameToUpperCaseRefactoringProvider(), testCode, fixedCode, title: "Change to uppercase.");


For checking every node and token in the tree.

public void CheckAst()
    var actual = SyntaxFactory.AssignmentExpression(SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentExpression, SyntaxFactory.IdentifierName("a"), SyntaxFactory.IdentifierName("b"));
    var expected = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText("var c = a + b").FindAssignmentExpression("a + b");
    RoslynAssert.Ast(expected, actual);


Get a string with a call to SyntaxFactory for generating the code passed in.

var code = @"namespace A.B
    public class C
var call = SyntaxFactoryWriter.Serialize(code);


When creating the workspace to analyze metadata references need to be added. There are a couple of ways to provide them using this library. Some overloads of the asserts allow passing explicit references but it will be verbose to do that everywhere.

In most scenarios something like this in the test project is what you want:

using Gu.Roslyn.Asserts;

[assembly: TransitiveMetadataReferences(


For specifying a metadata reference to be used in the tests, with or without aliases.

[assembly: MetadataReference(typeof(object), new[] { "global", "corlib" })]


For specifying a batch of metadata references to be used in the tests.

[assembly: MetadataReferences(

Calling RoslynAssert.ResetMetadataReferences() resets RoslynAssert.MetadataReferences to the list provided via the attribute or clears it if no attribute is provided.


For getting all metadata references specified with attributes use:

var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(
    new[] { syntaxTree },

Sample AssemblyInfo.cs (for the test project.)

using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Gu.Roslyn.Asserts;

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]

[assembly: MetadataReference(typeof(object), new[] { "global", "corlib" })]
[assembly: MetadataReference(typeof(System.Diagnostics.Debug), new[] { "global", "system" })]
[assembly: MetadataReferences(

Exlicit set RoslynAssert.MetadataReferences


A helper like this can be used.

private static IReadOnlyList<MetadataReference> CreateMetadataReferences(params Type[] types)
    return types.Select(type => type.GetTypeInfo().Assembly)
                .Select(assembly => MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(assembly.Location))


For globally ignoring compiler warnings and errors introduced by code fixes when calling calling RoslynAssert.CodeFix and RoslynAssert.FixAll.

[assembly: IgnoredErrors("CS1569", ...)]


For globally ignoring compiler warnings and errors introduced by code fixes when calling calling RoslynAssert.CodeFix and RoslynAssert.FixAll.

[assembly: AllowedDiagnostics(AllowedDiagnostics.Warnings)]



Analyze a cs, csproj or sln file on disk.

public async Task GetDiagnosticsFromProjectOnDisk()
    var dllFile = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase, UriKind.Absolute).LocalPath;
    Assert.AreEqual(true, CodeFactory.TryFindProjectFile(new FileInfo(dllFile), out FileInfo projectFile));
    var diagnostics = await Analyze.GetDiagnosticsAsync(new FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore(), projectFile, MetadataReferences)


When dropping down to manual mode Analyze & Fix can be used like this:

public void SingleClassOneErrorCorrectFix()
    var code = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int _value;

    var fixedCode = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int value;
    var analyzer = new FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore();
    var cSharpCompilationOptions = CodeFactory.DefaultCompilationOptions(analyzer);
    var metadataReferences = new[] { MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(int).Assembly.Location) };
    var sln = CodeFactory.CreateSolution(code, cSharpCompilationOptions, metadataReferences);
    var diagnostics = Analyze.GetDiagnostics(sln, analyzer);
    var fixedSln = Fix.Apply(sln, new DontUseUnderscoreCodeFixProvider(), diagnostics);
    CodeAssert.AreEqual(fixedCode, fixedSln.Projects.Single().Documents.Single());



Create a Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.AdhocWorkspace, a Roslyn Solution from code.

public void CreateSolutionFromSources()
    var code = @"
namespace RoslynSandbox
    class Foo
        private readonly int _value;
    var sln = CodeFactory.CreateSolution(code, new[] { new FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore() });
    Assert.AreEqual("RoslynSandbox", sln.Projects.Single().Name);
    Assert.AreEqual("Foo.cs", sln.Projects.Single().Documents.Single().Name);

public void CreateSolutionFromSources()
    var code1 = @"
namespace Project1
    class Foo1
        private readonly int _value;

    var code2 = @"
namespace Project2
    class Foo2
        private readonly int _value;
    var sln = CodeFactory.CreateSolution(new[] { code1, code2 }, new[] { new FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore() });
    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "Project1", "Project2" }, sln.Projects.Select(x => x.Name));
    Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "Foo1.cs", "Foo2.cs" }, sln.Projects.Select(x => x.Documents.Single().Name));

Create a Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.AdhocWorkspace, a Roslyn Solution from a file on disk.

public void CreateSolutionFromProjectFile()
            new FileInfo(new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase, UriKind.Absolute).LocalPath),
            out FileInfo projectFile));
    var solution = CodeFactory.CreateSolution(
        new[] { new FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore(), },

public void CreateSolutionFromSolutionFile()
            new FileInfo(new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase, UriKind.Absolute).LocalPath).Directory, "Gu.Roslyn.Asserts.sln",
            out FileInfo solutionFile));
    var solution = CodeFactory.CreateSolution(
        new[] { new FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore(), },


Sample benchmark using BenchmarkDotNet.

public class FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscoreBenchmark
    private static readonly Solution Solution = CodeFactory.CreateSolution(

    private static readonly Benchmark Benchmark = Benchmark.Create(Solution, new FieldNameMustNotBeginWithUnderscore());

    public void RunOnGuRoslynAssertsSln()


public void FindAssignmentExpressionDemo()
    var syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(
namespace RoslynSandbox
    internal class Foo
        internal Foo()
            var temp = 1;
            temp = 2;
    var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("test", new[] { syntaxTree }, new[] { MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(object).Assembly.Location), });
    var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
    var assignment = syntaxTree.FindAssignmentExpression("temp = 2");
    Assert.AreEqual("temp = 2", assignment.ToString());
    Assert.AreEqual("int", semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(assignment.Right).Type.ToDisplayString());



Usage with different test project types

Net472 new project type.



TODO figure out what is needed here.

gu.roslyn.asserts's People


forki avatar johanlarsson avatar mikkelbu avatar milleniumbug avatar



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