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hyperbot's Introduction

Hyper's Discord Bot

This is a Discord bot I started coding out of boredom, it only works for ONE server per token.


Commands in italics need Manager role, DJ role for music commands, or being the channel creator for non-admin TempChannels commands.


  • !daily - Claim daily bonus
  • !work - Work for 2 hours to get coins
  • !balance {member} - Get another member's current balance, if no member is mentioned, get your own balance
  • !pay {member} {value} - Send a certain value to another member
  • !shop {item} - Shows the shop, if an item is inserted it shows item description and info
  • !buy {item} - Buys an item from the shop
  • !use {item} - Uses a consumable from your inventory
  • !equip {item} - Equips/unequips an item from your inventory
  • !eco (give/take/set/reset) {player} [value] - Performs the specified action over the balance of a player
  • !giveitem {player} {item} - Gives an item to a player
  • !takeitem {player} {item} - Takes an item from a player
  • !clearinventory {player} - Clears a player's inventory


  • !gcreate - Starts the giveaway creation
  • !gdelete {id} - Deletes a giveaway based on its message ID
  • !greroll {id} - Rerolls a giveaway based on its message ID
  • !gend {id} - Ends a giveaway prematurely, based on its message ID


  • !help [eco|gw|level|mod|music|profile|roles|tc|tickets|info|misc] - Shows the respective help menu, if none is provided, shows the general help menu


  • !level {member} - Shows a member's EXP, if no member is mentioned, shows your EXP
  • !rank {member} - Shows a member's place on the leaderboard and info about their EXP, or yours if no member is mentioned
  • !leaderboard - Shows top 10 players sorted by EXP
  • !setexp {member} {exp} - Sets a member EXP
  • !addexp {member} {exp} - Adds an amount of EXP to a member
  • !removeexp {member} {exp} - Removes an amount of EXP from a member
  • !resetexp {member} - Resets a member's EXP


  • !ban {member} [reason] - Bans a member for an (optional) reason
  • !unban {member_id} - Unban a member from the guild
  • !kick {member} {reason} - Kicks a member for an (optional) reason
  • !timeout {member} {duration} {reason} - Timeouts a member for a specific time for an (optional) reason
  • !untimeout {member} - Removes the timeout of a member
  • !clear {quantity} - Clears the amount of messages from a channel
  • !slowmode {time} - Sets the slowmode of the channel to the specific time
  • !setnickname {member} {nickname} - Sets the nickname of a member
  • !history {member} - List all the member's punishments
  • !clearhistory {member} - Clears member's list of punishments
  • !lock - Locks a channel from the @everyone role
  • !unlock - Unlocks a channel from the @everyone role
  • !warn {member} {reason} - Warns a member for an (optional) reason
  • !unwarn {member} - Removes one warning from a member
  • !warnings {member} - Lists all of members active warnings
  • !ticketban {member} - Bans a member from opening tickets
  • !unticketban {member} - Unbans a player from opening tickets


  • !play {music} - Adds a music to the queue from a YouTube link or search
  • !skip - Skips the current music
  • !clearqueue - Clears the queue
  • !queue - Lists the songs in the queue
  • !remove {index} - Removes a song from the queue
  • !pause - Pauses the music player
  • !resume - Resumes the music player
  • !nowplaying - Shows info about the current music
  • !replay - Adds the current music to the end of the queue


  • !edit (title/birthday/nickname/aboutme/color/image/socialmedia) {value} - Edits your profile
  • !profile {member} - Shows member's profile, if no member is mentioned, shows your profile
  • !rep {member} - Gives a "+rep" to a player
  • !nextbirthdays - Lists the next 10 birthdays
  • !adminedit {member} (title/birthday/nickname/aboutme/color/image/social) {value} - Edits another member's profile


  • !register - Starts the user's registration


  • !tempchannel - Starts the creation of a TempChannel
  • !tcdelete {id} - Deletes a user's TempChannel
  • !tcadd {id} [multiple member mentions] - Adds the users to the TempChannel
  • !tcremove {id} [multiple member mentions] - Removes the users from the TempChannel
  • !tctranscript - Creates a transcript of the current TempChannel
  • !tchelp - Shows info about the TempChannels commands (same as !help tc)
  • !tcadelete {id} - ADMIN - Deletes any TempChannel
  • !tcatranscript {id} - ADMIN - Creates a transcript of any TempChannel


  • !ticket - Creates a ticket
  • !tclose - Closes a ticket
  • !topen - Reopens a ticket
  • !tdelete - Deletes a ticket
  • !tadd {member} - Adds a member to the ticket
  • !tremove {member} - Removes a member from the ticket
  • !trename {name} - Renames a ticket channel
  • !ttranscript - Creates a transcript of the ticket


  • !random {min} {max} - Generates a random number between min-max
  • !dice {max} - Rolls a dice from the specified size
  • !jankenpon (rock/paper/scissors) - Plays rock-paper-scissors against the bot
  • !choice {multiargs} - Chooses an item from the multiargs, separated by space
  • !shorten {url} - Shortens a URL using TinyURL's API
  • !remindme {time(s/m/h/d)} {message} - Creates a reminder of some text
  • !poll {message} - Sends a message with โœ… and โ›” emojis
  • !avatar {member} - Shows member's avatar, if no member is mentioned, shows your avatar
  • !userbanner {member} - Shows member's banner, if no member is mentioned, shows your banner
  • !userinfo {member} - Shows info about a member, if no member is mentioned, shows your info
  • !serverbanner - Shows the current guild banner
  • !servericon - Shows the current guild icon
  • !serverinfo - Shows info about the current guild
  • !about - Shows info about the bot
  • !say(e/h) {message} - Sends a message through the bot's account, e=@everyone, h=@here
  • !sayeveryone {message} - Sends a message with the bot, but pinging @everyone
  • !sayhere {message} - Sends a message with the bot, but pinging @here



  • Twitch announcer for livestream on
  • YouTube announcer for new videos


  • Economy system with daily bonus, command !work each two hours, and money transferring, all stored in a json database
  • Shop/inventory system, where you spend your money from daily and work, all stored in the database
  • Bonus coins and discounts for selected roles
  • Leaderboard system, showing the top 10 players by balance
  • Admin balance management, like giving or resetting a player's balance


  • Intuitive giveaway creation system, where you provide the channel it'll take part in, the end date, the number of winners, and the prize, one by one, stored in a database
  • System of ending giveaways prematurely, canceling giveaways, and rerolling the giveaway


  • Multiple help menus, divided by category, sent in a rich embed


  • Leveling system with listeners for messages and time spent in voice calls (default for awarding is each 5 minutes)
  • Bonus points for select roles, like booster or Twitch subscriber
  • Leaderboard system, showing the top 10 players by EXP
  • Admin EXP management, like giving or resetting a player's EXP


  • System for announcing when a member joins or leaves
  • Logging system for edited profiles, edited messages, pinned messages, deleted messages, and bulk deleted messages (!clear)


  • System for basic punishments (ban, kick, timeout) with their counterparts (unban, untimeout)
  • All punishments are stored in the database
  • System for managing the guild, with commands like clear, slowmode, (un)lock, (clear)history, for easier management
  • Warning system with customisable duration (default 30 days) and punishments after 'x' number of warnings, all warnings are stored in the database
  • Auto moderation system, with flood/spam blocker, discord invite blocker, and mass mention blocker
  • Ability to ban and unban players from creating tickets


  • Default and simple music bot with queue
  • Lyrics command (using the Musixmatch API)
  • Replay command, inserting the current music at the end of the queue
  • DJ role for selected commands, like !clearqueue or !pause/!resume


  • Profile system with title, birthday, nickname, aboutme, color, image, and social media all in the database
  • Easily edit your profile using !edit
  • Reputation system using +rep, with a set cooldown (default 1 per day), stored in the database
  • Birthday announcer (every day, set time) in a specific channel
  • Command to see the next 10 birthdays


  • Registration system with roles for age and gender, expandable


  • Creation of TempChannels, with a limit of one voice and one text chat per member, saved in the database
  • Interactive TempChannel creation with just a simple command
  • Ability to add and remove members from your TempChannel whenever you want, saved in the database
  • Ability to generate transcripts of the text TempChannel messages
  • TempChannels expire and get deleted after 7 days of inactivity


  • Simple creation of tickets, with a limit of two tickets per member, saved in the database
  • Ability to ban and unban players from creating tickets
  • Ability to add and remove members from the ticket, saved in the database
  • Ability to generate transcripts of the tickets


  • Various RNGs
  • Jankenpon with coins betting
  • Link shortener using the TinyURL API
  • Create reminders for the future, saved in the database
  • Create polls with just one command
  • User and guild avatar/icon, banner, and info
  • Information about the bot
  • Say command to announce this to the server, optional @everyone/@here


The configuration is stored in config.json

Key in the JSON - Explanations - Limits, if needed (to see limits further, go to

  • Announcers.Twitch.Username - The Twitch username that'll be used in the Twitch announcer - Twitch username (leave empty to disable)
  • Announcers.Twitch.DiscordChannelID - The Discord channel ID in which livestreams will be announced (leave empty or invalid to deactivate Twitch announcers)
  • Announcers.YouTube.YouTubeChannelID - The YouTube channel ID that'll be used in the YouTube announcer - YouTube Channel ID, get yours here (leave empty to disable)
  • Announcers.YouTube.DiscordChannelID - The Discord channel ID in which new videos will be announced - Discord Channel ID (Snowflake Channel ID)
  • Economy.StartBalance - Economy system starting balance - Value between 0 and 9999999
  • Economy.Multiplier - Economy system multiplier - Value between 0.1 and 10000
  • Economy.WorkCooldown - Work cooldown in minutes - Value between 1 and 100000 minutes, or 69 nice days
  • Economy.TransferTaxPercentage - Percentage deduced from money transfers - Value between 0 and 100, full percentage, not decimal
  • Leveling.Defaults.StartEXP - Starting EXP - Value between 1 and 9999999
  • Leveling.Defaults.LevelUpRequirements - Requirements to level up, each level will be a multiple of it - Higher than the starting EXP
  • Leveling.Messages.BaseEXP - The base EXP given to a user by message - Value between 1 and 999999
  • Leveling.Messages.RoleBonusEXP.Keys - The roles that will be awarded bonus EXP - Role name
  • Leveling.Messages.RoleBonusEXP.Values - The bonus EXP given to a user by message if it has the role in the keys above - Value between 1 and 999999
  • Leveling.VoiceCalls.CheckTime - Interval for checking if a user is still in a voice call, in seconds - Value between 1 and 9999, or around 3 hours
  • Leveling.VoiceCalls.BaseEXP - The base EXP given to a user by 'interval' in a voice call - Value between 1 and 999999
  • Leveling.VoiceCalls.RoleBonusEXP.Keys - The roles that will be awarded bonus EXP - Role name
  • Leveling.VoiceCalls.RoleBonusEXP.Values - The bonus EXP given to a user by 'interval' in a voice call if it has the role in the keys above - Value between 1 and 999999
  • Loggers.Announcers.JoinChannel - Channel for sending "user joined" announcements - Discord Channel ID (Snowflake Channel ID)
  • Loggers.Announcers.LeaveChannel - Channel for sending "user left" announcements - Discord Channel ID (Snowflake Channel ID)
  • Loggers.Announcers.LogChannel - Channel for sending "user joined" and "user left" logs - Discord Channel ID (Snowflake Channel ID)
  • Loggers.Loggers.LogChannel - Channel to send all the logs - Discord Channel ID (Snowflake Channel ID)
  • Loggers.Loggers.CmdLogChannel - Channel to send bot commands logs - Discord Channel ID (Snowflake Channel ID)
  • Moderation.General.PunishmentsChannel - Channel to announce punishments - Discord Channel ID (Snowflake Channel ID)
  • Moderation.Warnings.ExpirationTime - Time for a warning to expire, in hours - Value between 1 and 99999, or over 10 years
  • Moderation.Warnings.AutoPunishments.Keys - The amount of warnings that'll lead to the punishment - Value between 1 and 99 warnings
  • Moderation.Warnings.AutoPunishments.Values - The punishment that will be applied to that amount of warnigs - mute|timeout|ban|kick %member% [duration] {reason}
  • Moderation.AutoMod.MinimumMessageSize - Minimum size of a message to be filtered by the AutoMod - Value between 1 and 999
  • Moderation.AutoMod.FloodMessageAmount - Maximum amount of messages before it'll get flagged by the AutoMod - Value between 1 and 99
  • Moderation.AutoMod.MaxMentions - Maximum mentions in a message before it'll get flagged by the AutoMod - Value between 1 and 99
  • Profiles.Defaults.Title - Default title when generating a profile - Size between 1 and 127 characters
  • Profiles.Defaults.Birthday - DO NOT CHANGE THE VALUE - 31-02
  • Profiles.Defaults.Nickname - Default nickname when generating a profile - Size between 1 and 255 characters
  • Profiles.Defaults.AboutMe - Default about me when generating a profile - Size between 1 and 255 characters
  • Profiles.Defaults.Color - Default color when generating a profile - Hex format, with 0x instead of # (0xffffff)
  • Profiles.Defaults.Image - Default image when generating a profile - Uploaded to imgur with format like|jpeg|png|gif|bmp)
  • Profiles.Defaults.Social - Default social media when generating a profile - LEAVE BLANK FOR NOW
  • Profiles.Edit.SizeLimits.Title - Size limits for the title - 128 > MaxSize > MinSize > 0
  • Profiles.Edit.SizeLimits.Nickname - Size limits for the nickname - 256 > MaxSize > MinSize > 0
  • Profiles.Edit.SizeLimits.AboutMe - Size limits for the about me - 256 > MaxSize > MinSize > 0
  • Roles.AutoRole.DefaultRole - Default role as in the role assigned when a member enters - Role name
  • Statistics.TwitchID - Twitch ID to be used in the statistics - Twitch channel ID, get it here
  • Statistics.YouTubeID - YouTube channel ID to be used in the statistics - YouTube ID, get it here
  • Utits.URLShortenerDelay - Delay to use the URL shortener in seconds - Value between 1 and 86400, or 1 day

hyperbot's People


eduardogott avatar



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