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vue-infinite-scroll's Introduction


vue-infinite-scroll is an infinite scroll directive for vue.js.


npm install vue-infinite-scroll --save


You can use any build tool which supports commonjs:

// register globally
var infiniteScroll =  require('vue-infinite-scroll');

// or for a single instance
var infiniteScroll = require('vue-infinite-scroll');
new Vue({
  directives: {infiniteScroll}

Or in ES2015:

// register globally
import infiniteScroll from 'vue-infinite-scroll'

// or for a single instance
import infiniteScroll from 'vue-infinite-scroll'
new Vue({
  directives: {infiniteScroll}

Direct include

You can use the CDN:, infiniteScroll is exposed to window and will automatically install itself. Also you can use your local copy:

<script src="../node_modules/vue-infinite-scroll/vue-infinite-scroll.js"></script>


Use v-infinite-scroll to enable the infinite scroll, and use infinite-scroll-* attributes to define its options.

The method appointed as the value of v-infinite-scroll will be executed when the bottom of the element reaches the bottom of the viewport.

<div v-infinite-scroll="loadMore" infinite-scroll-disabled="busy" infinite-scroll-distance="10">
var count = 0;

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    data: [],
    busy: false
  methods: {
    loadMore: function() {
      this.busy = true;

      setTimeout(() => {
        for (var i = 0, j = 10; i < j; i++) {
{ name: count++ });
        this.busy = false;
      }, 1000);


Option Description
infinite-scroll-disabled infinite scroll will be disabled if the value of this attribute is true.
infinite-scroll-distance Number(default = 0) - the minimum distance between the bottom of the element and the bottom of the viewport before the v-infinite-scroll method is executed.
infinite-scroll-immediate-check Boolean(default = true) - indicates that the directive should check immediately after bind. Useful if it's possible that the content is not tall enough to fill up the scrollable container.
infinite-scroll-listen-for-event infinite scroll will check again when the event is emitted in Vue instance.
infinite-scroll-throttle-delay Number(default = 200) - interval(ms) between next time checking and this time


Command Description
npm run build Build in umd format
npm test Lint code



vue-infinite-scroll's People


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vue-infinite-scroll's Issues

bug, infinite-scroll-distance 参数失效

<div class="downloads-container" v-infinite-scroll="downMoreFn" infinite-scroll-disabled="downMoreSwitch" infinite-scroll-distance="200">
因为在请求的时候,后台只有一跳数据数据,所以底部的距离不够触发默认loadmore function插件的infinite-scroll-distance默认值是10,我修改为200却没有用,修改为1000也没有用,这个参数不是距离底部触发的距离吗?

Trigger loadmore only on scroll bottom

Hi, thanks for the plugin,
but i need to know if it's possible to trigger the loadMore content, only when i'm scrolling to the bottom, and not on top. Or maybe i'm not understanding how it works the trigger.



TypeError: Cannot read property 'context' of undefined

Im getting the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'context' of undefined. Is this related to my vuejs version? (Im using vue 1).

Does this lib supports vue2 only? What npm version do I have to point to get the vuejs1 support?

Thanks in advanced!

用 vue-router 路由,切换到新的页面后,滚动没有 unbind,而会重复触发

我使用的是 vue-router 路由。
我在 list 页使用了 v-infinite-scroll="load1()" 滚动加载一切正常。
点击 list 中某一条记录前往 detail 页,detail 页也有 v-infinite-scroll="load2()"
此时,如果滚动 detail 页,会同时触发 load1() 和 load2() 两个函数,这不是我所期望的,按我理解,load1() 应该在 list 页面 deactivate 时就解除绑定滚动的。但实际并没有。

在 Vue 2 中无限循环,什么原因?


<div class="event-list" 


import Vue from 'vue';
import InfiniteScroll from 'vue-infinite-scroll';
export default {
    methods: loadData: function(){
        this.busy = true;
               this.busy = false

Context of vnode is undefined

After install directive as Vue.use(infiniteScroll) inside app.js, and use directive in div element I have next error:



<div class="list-box" v-infinite-scroll="loadingMore" infinite-scroll-disabled="busy" infinite-scroll-distance="0"> <ul class="list" v-show="type=='xiangkan'"> <li v-for="item in xiangkanList" @click="goXiangkanDetail("> <message-item :item="item"></message-item> </li> </ul> <ul class="list" v-show="type=='counselor'"> <li v-for="item in counselorList" @click="goCounselorIndex(item.wx_userid)"> <counselor-item :item="item"></counselor-item> </li> </ul> </div>

data(){ return{ swipes:{ activeIndex:0, //banner默认位置 imgs:[], //banner图地址 }, loading:false, //是否显示加载动画 topicList:[], //专题推荐数据 newsList:[], //行业热点数据 xiangkanList:[], //热门提问 counselorList:[], //顾问列表 type:'xiangkan', //标记当前是显示热门提问还是顾问列表 getData:false, //标记是否加载完数据 scrollY:0, //记录页面离开的位置 busy: false, //是否允许无限加载,true为禁止 showLoadMore: false, //是否显示加载更多动画 } },

loadMore(){ console.log('loadmore'); alert('loadingmore'); this.showLoadMore = true; this.busy = true; if(this.type == 'xiangkan'){ this.loadList(this.xiangkanList.length).then(res=>{ this.xiangkanList = this.xiangkanList.concat(; this.showLoadMore = false; this.busy = false; }) }else if(this.type == 'counselor'){ this.loadCounselor(this.counselorList.length).then(res=>{ this.counselorList = this.counselorList.concat(; this.showLoadMore = false; this.busy = false; }) } }

import infiniteScroll from 'vue-infinite-scroll'; import * as Const from './const/config'; var weixin = require('./utils/weixin'); Vue.use(http,'$http'); Vue.use(infiniteScroll);

SSR support?

Anything on the roadmap with respect to supporting SSR?

I get a "document is not defined" when rendering on the server for the obvious reason that the server has no document.


when i use it in WeChat android is ok but in ios can't stop the default touch event It need to release the finger to make it work



              this.busy = true;
             var _ = this;
            if(res.falg == 'success'){
                _.content =;
                _.busy = false;


Doesnt work

Have you an example app - for look realised infinite scroll?

Not able to call method after a few times

A simple example on adding new records with each 'loadMore' method upon infiniteScroll.

Strangely though, inside my chrome, adding 25 records per event will only allow me to infiniteScroll twice.
This behavior seems to be similar when i only add 10 records.
But adding 20, 40, or even 100 records per event will allow me to infiniteScroll infinitely.
See ADD_ROW_AMOUNT for the amount of records constant.

For the time being, i will stick to either 40 or 100.

Vuejs 2.0 Support

Code needs to be refactored to support the Vue 2.0 directive structure. Directives no longer have a context.


需要加载数据的页面 部分代码:

  • //........

  • 到目前还没有待付款的订单!

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null

去掉v-infinite-scroll loadMore相关代码后正常。

请大神看看什么问题,如何解决? 跪谢!~

¿Vue 2.0 support?

¿Will this support the new version?
¿Could that be listed in the

Usage for upwards scroll

Can this work for upwards scrolling, like loading chat messages (most recent are at the bottom, scroll up to load older messages) ?

Vue 2


Have you planned on porting this directive to vue 2 ?
The current version doesnt work with vue 2, with vue 2 you can't use this to refer to the directive.

You can find more details here :

Unbind called before scrollEventTarget set

I can across an issue while using this with Vue Router's $loadingRouteData. I had something along the lines of:

<div v-if="$loadingRouteData">loading...</div>
<div v-else>
        <tbody v-infinite-scroll="loadMore()">

This resulted in unbind being called on your directive before scrollEventTarget was set. This may be due to me structuring my application in a silly fashion I don't know. But this does result in Vue crashing as unbind is called before the asynchronous doBind function is complete.

Let me know if I can give any more information. Thanks for the library - otherwise it's working great.

Only executes when scrolling down to the page

Currently It excutes function inside v-infinite-scroll each time the scroll event is emitted no matter what the direction is (both up and down).

But we do only want it when we scroll down to the page, am I right?

method gets called right away not on scroll

Basically what is happeneing is the method gets called on page load and then never again. I have my script like so:

<ul class="styled-list"  v-infinite-scroll="loadMore" infinite-scroll-disabled="busy" infinite-scroll-distance="10">

      <li class="list-head">

      <li class="list-body" v-for="account in accounts">
        <div>@{{ }}</div>
        <div v-bind:class="account.month_class" >@{{ account.month_diff }}%</div>
        <div v-bind:class="account.year_class" >@{{ account.year_diff }}%</div>


<script src="[email protected]"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript">

      var vm = new Vue({
          el: '.table-wrap',
          data: {
              accounts: [],
              moreAccounts: [],
              busy: false,
              data: []
          mounted:  function() {

            var dist = window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

            this.$http.get( '/api/accountsByDistributor?dist='+dist+'&order=desc&order_by=current_year&limit=10' ).then(function (response){

                vm.accounts = response.body;
            }, function (response){

            this.$http.get( '/api/accountsByDistributor?dist='+dist+'&order=desc&order_by=current_year&limit=-1' ).then(function (response){

                vm.moreAccounts = response.body;
            }, function (response){

          methods: {
            loadMore: function() {

              this.busy = true;


              if(this.moreAccounts.length > 0)
                setTimeout(function () 
                    var temp = [];
                    for (var i = this.moreAccounts.length; i <= this.moreAccounts.length + 10; i++) {
                        temp.push( this.moreAccounts[i] );

                    this.accounts = this.accounts.concat(temp);
                }.bind(this), 1000);


Not sure if its due to some css thing (I have see overflow: auto; messing things up but I dont have this set on any containers. )

Unable to build

  • node version: 7.7.1
  • npm version: 4.1.2

run npm run build and it shows

resolve failed: Error: Cannot find module 'babel-runtime'

see ref

Use Vue.use to register directive and option for register locally

Just a question, why not use Vue.use to register the directive globally if we really want global directive.

import infiniteScroll from 'vue-infinite-scroll'

And it will be so good if we can register the directive where we actually need it:

import infiniteScroll from 'vue-infinite-scroll/directive'

new Vue({
  directives: {infiniteScroll}

I'm willing to send a patch if you don't mind 😄

Specify #pixels from the top and load in the upward direction as well

Apple (and others), in all their wisdom, made it popular to have upward infinite scrolling text messaging apps. It would be awesome to build a similar concept with this and be able to specify whether it was within X pixels from the top of the div and load more.

This could apply to viewing time-based logs where you could start off at one point in the middle of the log and then either scroll up or down and load more in either direction.

Getting Error


I am getting following error Uncaught TypeError: plugin.apply is not a function when applying it globally. using Vue.use

Bower support

Any chance of having Bower support? I am happy to do a pull request for the bower.json and register the package.



 <div v-infinite-scroll="loadMore" infinite-scroll-disabled="busy" infinite-scroll-distance="10">

 directives: {infiniteScroll};//使用Vue.use(infiniteScroll)也会这样



可以实现 向上滚动加载更多 么?例如聊天记录查询,向上滚动查看更多聊天记录

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