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formerly's Issues

Export checkbox values as individual columns

Is it possible to include a config setting to allow for checkbox values to be exported as individual columns with the label as the column heading and the row value (yes/no/1/0) as the selected value?

Right now everything is exporting within one cell so it's impossible to import information into 3rd part applications like mailchimp or otherwise.

Allow advanced object usage in e-mail template

In my e-mail template, I would like (for instance) this to be possible:


It's not possible now, because of this line (SubmissionService, line 240):

if ($q->handle == $formHandle . '_' . $a) {

I've changed it locally to this:

if (strstr($formHandle . '_' . $a, $q->handle)) {

That works.

Pretty emails

While not critical it would be great to see email notifications be sent out in a "pretty" format. Wufoo for example has really pretty HTML.

I was going to make the edit myself but it looks like I can't because of how the submission information is being complied before it's sent. It looks as if the formatting happens before the body is even called

Would it be possible to add something like this in?

Export - Limited to 100 entries

I undersatnd this has probably be done for effiency - but useless when i have 900+ to export and no way to modify Formerly to handle it!

Custom field types


Looking to add my own custom field-type.
Can get appearing in back-end but once save it is not saved in the database record.

Any thoughts on debugging? Obviously not very helpful without some code to go on.



Error when multiple siteUrls in config

If Craft's config-file has an array of siteUrls, for localization purposes, line 259 of the SubscriptionService throws an error on submission:

$result = str_replace("{siteUrl}", craft()->config->get("siteUrl"), $result);

Separate value from label for dropdown, checkbox, etc.

It would be useful to be able to specify the value and label separately.

For example, this functionality could be used to direct an enquiry to different email addresses based on the value of a dropdown.

Also, thanks for making a great plugin.

Remove Formerly from menu

Hi there,

We need to explain customers that they need to click Formerly everytime to load contact emails and stuff. Can you please rename it to FORMS or something that is logical.

Cust: "So...where ccan I find the forms?"
Us: "Have you tried formerly?"
Cust: "Formally what?"
Us: "No have you tried Formerly"
Cust: "Sorry, but we havent tried anything formerly"
Us: "No please press the button called formerly"
Cust: "Called what formerly? Button?"
Us: "Nevermind, we'll send somebody who will give an exhausting training"

php error

Hi - Small fix otherwise submissions are broken -
line 203 - formerly/services/Formerly_SubmissionsService.php

if (!empty($email->body && $sendEmail))

Should be -

if (!empty($email->body) && $sendEmail)

Couldn't save form


There is a problem with Craft 2.3.2620 running on DigitalOcean via Laravel Forge. Form creation is unsuccessful with an error "Couldn't save form". Plugin directory is writable. What could be the issue here, any suggestions?

File upload field?

It would be great if this plugin provided a file upload field to attach one or more documents or images to the form submission. Are there any plans to implement this?

HoneyPot does not appear to be working

I have created a simple form. Added the config for honeypot, the field is displaying on front end in form (as expected till i hide it).
I submitted twice, once with it empty, once with content in the honey pot field.

Both went into DB and both arrived as emails?

I'll dig into it - but letting you know at this point. N

Feature Request - General Text Field

It would be great if there was a general text / HTML field option for the form builder part.

For example in my current simple form i just needed to add a title to a section of the form. A simple general text field would do this nicely.

But i think this plugin is out of dev / or maybe even dead now, so not sure this is somehting that needs to be forked and continued elsewhere?

Date fields

Struggling to manage date fields in front-end.
These are either not validating (throwing a 'date cannot be blank' error) or submitting as successful but the relevant values are not being saved in Craft.

From: name and email

Is it possible to include a name in the from field of submission emails?
I tried {name}<{email}> and {name} <{email}> (with and without a space before the gt) with no success. Of course I have a name field in the form.

p.s. โ€“ thank you for making this and offering it to others.


Is shaping up to be the neatest forms solution in my view ( I have tried a few). Only snag i found is if you have enableCsrfProtection in the config you cant edit forms in admin. Should be an easy fix.
Cheers for adding honeypot.

404 after submission


Just wanted to post this as a solution for others with same issue.
If you get an 404 after a form is submitted, check if the url after submission contains index.php?p= or not.

With my setup, it was even though I had my .htaccess configured not to use it.
On another site I had exactly the same config and there it was working without an issue, so I compared every used file, but couldn't find any mismathc.
So while searching the Issues here and not getting my answer I've found another hint in Craft CMS forums with a similar behavior on a {{craft.request.url()}}.

In /craft/config/general.php, define next in the array: 'omitScriptNameInUrls' => true,

That should solve it then.



1.3.2 Error

Lines 367 to 377 on file Formerly_FormsService.php
$folderid and $allowedkinds are set incorrectly, using square brackets.

need updating to:

                if (craft()->config->exists(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName))
                    if (array_key_exists(Formerly_ConfigSettings::UploadAssetFolderId, craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName)))
                        $folderId = craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName, Formerly_ConfigSettings::UploadAssetFolderId);
                    if (array_key_exists(Formerly_ConfigSettings::AllowedKinds, craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName)))
                        $allowedKinds = craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName, Formerly_ConfigSettings::AllowedKinds);

Upload field not implemented

Hey hello how are you?

So what is the deal with the Assets field anyway?
Can somebody please explain how or what is happening and why.

            case Formerly_QuestionType::Assets:
                $folderId = 1;
                $allowedKinds = array("excel","image","pdf","text","word");
                if (craft()->config->exists(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName))
                    if (array_key_exists(Formerly_ConfigSettings::UploadAssetFolderId, craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName)))
                        $folderId = craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName)[Formerly_ConfigSettings::UploadAssetFolderId];
                    if (array_key_exists(Formerly_ConfigSettings::AllowedKinds, craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName)))
                        $allowedKinds = craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName)[Formerly_ConfigSettings::AllowedKinds];
                $field->type = 'Assets';
                $field->settings = array(
                    'useSingleFolder'               => '1',
                    'sources'                       => array('folder:' . $folderId),
                    'defaultUploadLocationSource'   => '1',
                    'defaultUploadLocationSubpath'  => '',
                    'singleUploadLocationSource'    => $folderId,
                    'singleUploadLocationSubpath'   => '',
                    'restrictFiles'                 => '1',
                    'allowedKinds'                  => $allowedKinds,
                    'limit'                         => '1'

Can't view submissions in admin

I keep getting "An unknown error occurred." when trying to view submissions in the admin.

the craft log shows this:

[error] [php] htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given (/Users/birch/Projects/eReport/craft/app/framework/web/helpers/CHtml.php:103)
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/birch/Projects/eReport/craft/plugins/formerly/elementtypes/Formerly_SubmissionElementType.php(74): Craft\Formerly_SubmissionElementType->getTableAttributeHtml()


Handle limit issue

There is an issue when trying to save fields with long names.
After some investigation the handle for each field is saved by concatenating the form handle with a generated handle for the form label/name.

This is easily resolved in the generateHandle helper() if we pass the form handle as a second variable and do a length test, eg see example Gist at


Hi folks,

Can somebody tell me where I can find out how the Asset upload field.


Very nice plugin! Are you planning to make the form fields translatable? This plugin doesn't seem to support translation so I created 2 separate contact forms: one English and the other French. This is working well, but it would be nice to have true i18n integration.

Selected attribute of the option element for the Formerly form select element is not set when an entry is loaded

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new field of type Formerly form.
  2. Associate the field with one entry (e.g. News entry).
  3. Create two different forms in Formerly - "Form A", "Form B".
  4. Add new entry of type News and select a second value from the select element.
  5. Save and reload entry.

The reloaded entry will have wrong item option selected (the first option is displayed as "selected" instead of the second option that we selected).

Asset uploading not working - works fine from cms

Im trying to get the file uploading with assets working and its not. it doesnt give me error but silently submits the form without adding the file to assets. Tried multiple files and their working from the assets pane in craft.

the folderId im setting in the config and its the sourceId i get from the url and its the same in the 'id' field in the database table 'craft_assetfolders'

any breaking changes or is it just me?

500 error in production

Not sure if this is Craft 2.5 related but Formerly currently gives a 500 error when in production vs. localhost (which is working). Same version, same db and everything.

500 error happens on the dashboard and when trying to access /admin/formerly

Error Order - if not using HTML% inline errors

Really not a critical bug or anything like that, especially as you are using the HTML5 validation as default...

But if you do not rely on HTML5 validation (as it is client side) then when you submit the form and get errors, you get the bullet point list of errors back (note you missed the UL tags on these!

The issue is that the errors that are returned in this list are in Alphabetical order - not the order of the fields in the form. This is really confusing for the user - but I know it will not make anything explode! It is truly just a usability thing!

As a side request - the emails sent out. I see they take HTML, but seem to auto BR the contents. meaning to put your own HTML in there you have to trim all whitespace from your HTML to make it work. Again, just a usability thing. Maybe a check box to all a switch between plain text and HTML email? Or the ability to select a template to process?

But thanks for all the effort plugin works neatly, and meets my needs, N

Export to CSV option

Allow a Craft user to export the data collected via a formerly form into a CSV.


Hi there,

I'd like to help getting making this package multilingual. Could you give me guidance on how to accomplice this? It's not my code and I'm inexperienced when it comes to Craft plugin development.

Best regards.

Single Checkbox value missing on export

We've got a checkbox with a single option/value ("Sign up for our newsletter") but the information is not exporting correctly.

Here's a screenshot of the form:

Here is a screenshot of the info displaying in the admin:

Here's a screenshot of the missing info:

File upload error with Craft 2.5


I'm getting a php warning on submission when a file has been uploaded.

array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array


266 $fileIds = array_merge($value, $fileIds);

Submission Download Link

We are having an issue with the download link function (downloadLink) when viewing a submission.

The file is present in the correct path according to the 'assetFolderId', but upon clicking the link from the submissions view a corrupt/blank file is downloaded.

Error Error: Craft\Formerly_SubmissionModel and its behaviors do not have a method...

I recently installed the Formerly form plugin. The form works great and submissions are being stored in Craft. Unfortunately, when users hit submit I get this error:

Internal Server Error Craft\Formerly_SubmissionModel and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "test_email".

Has anyone seen this issue? The "test" is my handle for the form. The documentation on the plugin is fairly limited, so I'm having trouble tracking down the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Bulk delete

Deleting one at a time is great and all - but when we have 900+ entries to go through and delete... its a bit tedious!

Is there a bulk select i am missing or?
Thanks, N

Problem saving form

We've got a large custom form which has problems saving forms with more than eleven fields.
Any idea why this might be a problem?

Submission problem

Just installed on - Craft Pro 2.3.2643

Captures submissions and works great in admin, but the template throws the below error on submission

Craft\Formerly_SubmissionModel and its behaviours do not have a method or closure named "contactForm_name".

Anything i can do? Be good to stick with this plugin as it has the neatest design

Requires PHP >=5.4

Just a heads up, PHP 5.3 doesn't support the function dereferencing done in a few places:

I ended up patching this myself in the relevant spots, eg:

$writeEmailToFilePath =  craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName)[Formerly_ConfigSettings::writeEmailBodyToFilePath];

should be:

$writeEmailToFilePathSettings = craft()->config->get(Formerly_ConfigSettings::SettingsGroupName);
$writeEmailToFilePath = $writeEmailToFilePathSettings[Formerly_ConfigSettings::writeEmailBodyToFilePath];

Was running a newer PHP version locally so I didn't catch it until I pushed to production. Oops. A heads-up in the README would have been helpful! ;)

File uploads

I know that file uploads are in your todo list... Do you have an ETA for that? We have a client that has an immediate need for this.

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