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cukestone's Introduction

Cukestone EOL Acceptance Testing Tool


  • Install the following gems : cucumber, capybara, selenium-webdriver, rspec

    sudo gem install cucumber capybara selenium-webdriver rspec
  • Move config/config.yml.example to config/config.yml and edit as needed.

    cp config/config.yml.example config/config.yml

    Supported browsers include : firefox, chrome, ie.

    NOTE : When editing the “browser” variable, make sure that the browser is installed on your machine in the location indicated at for your OS.

cukestone's People


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cukestone's Issues

[Content Partner] : Content Partner

  • Be sure to log out. Particularly if you are logged in as an admin, the following will not work (you will be redirected to weird pages when finishing the resource-add).
  • Go to content_partner/login
  • Click on "To begin the registration process, click here,"
  • Create an account.
  • You should be at "". A "Welcome" flash should have appeared.
  • Click on "Partner Information"
  • Fill out the form, including the logo file
  • Continue filling out the rest of the forms. Everything should work, including being able to see your uploaded icon at the "Attribution Guidelines" stage. Pay attention also to the navigation at the left, which should "open up" when you get to Partnering Steps.
  • When asked to create a resource, enter "". Cheap trick, but it works. If you want something more appropriate, please try
  • Return to the Dashboard, type your name (as you filled it out in the previous steps) in the agreement box and click "Save Changes".
  • Verify it adds "Agreement accepted at" after your "signature".

[Cross-Browser Tests] Curation

  1. Log in as a curator.
  2. Got to a page that you can curate.
  3. Curate an image from Visible to "Show only to curators" and "Untrusted" with a comment.
  4. Verify that the image background color changes.
  5. Verify that the hidden icon shows up below the image.
  6. Verify that the comment was added to the image.
  7. Curate a text object from Visible to "Show only to curators" and "Untrusted" with a comment.
  8. Verify that the text background color changes.
  9. Verify that the hidden icon shows up below the text.
    1. Verify that the comment was added to the text.

[JavaScript tests] Administrator

* "Edit Page Contents"
      o "Instructions" should be clickable and show you.... errr... the instructions. This should toggle.
      o changing the two drop-downs at the top should reload the form. Preview and Submit should each work.
      o After opening "Preview Changes", the new page should have a "CLOSE THIS WINDOW..." link that closes the window.
* "edit EOL glossary" -> add term "Trusted" -> Go to a page with Content Summary in the TOC... check that the "Trusted" has a tooltip definition.
* "edit table of contents" moving up, moving down, adding chapters, trying that without a label, editing labels. (Note: there doesn't appear to be any way to remove the nodes you add... so be careful.)
* "edit news items" -> "Add a new..." -> typing in either field should show a counter to the left of it, and a preview below the form.
* "edit web users"
      o date select tools should show up for both date select fields. (And note the calendar view should have arrows to change months)
      o Click on a username, then:
            + "show roles" link should show the roles, then (the link should) disappear.
            + "show email message area" link should email message area and then (the link should) disappear.
* "view curators"
      o truncated credentials link (links ending in "...") should toggle the longer credentials.
      o DON'T TEST THESE ON REAL CURATORS (even on staging): clicking on the checkbox should submit a tiny form (should replace the user_curator_at datetime and user_curator_by name). clicking on remove should remove the row.
      o Click on a curator's name.  This brings up a page of details.  Edit their clade and submit.  Make sure this sticks!
* content partner details > click on the name of one of the CPs:
      o DON'T TEST THESE ON REAL CPs (even on staging): select list for "Content partner status" should post successfully to administrator/content_partner_report/set_agent_status.
      o DON'T TEST THESE ON REAL CPs (even on staging): when "Content partner status" value changes, it should post to administrator/content_partner_report/set_agent_status and update _(not sure what)_.

      o administrator/error_log drop-down should submit when "Filter by day" is changed.
      o "search term reports" > toggling "Inverse sort" should submit the form when clicked.

* Cancel buttons (these all use the same code, so you need only test one ** administrator/comment form ("edit" a comment from the "User Comments" section) "cancel" should take you back to the last page you were viewing.
      o administrator/user/_form cancel button should go back.
      o administrator/content_upload/edit Cancel button should go back
      o administrator/content_upload/new Cancel button should go back
      o administrator/news_item/_form cancel button should go back. (uses cancel_button_goes_back helper)
      o administrator/contact_subject/_form cancel button should take you back to administrator/contact_subject/index

[Logged-in User] Preferences (/profile) page

  • Should check that your passwords match as soon as you blur the confirmed password.
  • When changing the default browse classification, the filter box (just under it) should automatically be checked if a hierarchy is selected and unchecked if it's empty ("-- always use default --").
  • "Do you want to be a milliona curator" should show the "Curator Information" section when checked. It does not get hidden when you uncheck it, though. Note you must NOT be a curator already for this to work.
  • "Learn more about browse classification and filtering" should show a block of text (no way to hide it).

[Non-Logged-In User] Home page

[X] One of the images should change about every 10 seconds.

[X] Clicking on pause should stop the images changing. Wait >10 seconds to be sure.

[X] Clicking the play button (after a pause) should start the images changing again (not immediately, but within 10 seconds)

[X] The 'more species' link should replace ALL of the images at the top of the page.

[X] News items should be able to expand when you click on the title (iff they have a body). (Clicking on them again does not close the item, though.)

[Cross-Browser Tests] Adding Content

  1. Click on the "Add new content" link (lower-left, below the last TOC item).
  2. Verify that the add-text form is added below the current text on the page.
  3. Change the TOC item you are adding to
  4. Verify that the content reloads with the new section's information (or none, if the page doesn't have any for that Toc Item). Note that the form may "jump" to the top of the text when you do this.
  5. Type in a title, body, and references. Submit the form.
  6. Verify that the content gets added to the page. (Note that if you are logged in as a curator for this page, it will be white-background. Otherwise, it will be yellow-background).

[JavaScript tests] Non-Logged-In User

* Home page:
      o One of the images should change about every 10 seconds.
      o Clicking on pause should stop the images changing.  Wait >10 seconds to be sure.
      o Clicking the play button (after a pause) should start the images changing again (not immediately, but within 10 seconds)
      o The 'more species' link should replace ALL of the images at the top of the page.
      o News items should be able to expand when you click on the title (iff they have a body).  (Clicking on them again does not close the item, though.)
* Searches:
      o Trying to submit a search with an empty field should show "Please enter a search term!" under the search area.
      o When doing a tag search for "video", does the "tag" radio button stay selected? ...Also, you should get more than one page of results for "video" (this clears up a test later in the list).
      o Giving focus to the search box should select all of the text there.
      o Full-text (Google) Search should return a page of results (where available--ie, not on dev machines).
* Create an Account (/register) page:
      o should jump focus to the username box
      o should check for duplicate usernames via ajax and say "[name] is laready taken" if there is one (try klans).  That warning message should disappear once the name is changed to something unique.

      o should check for duplicate emails via ajax and warn if there is one (try [email protected]).
      o should open/close curator form when "Do you want to be a curator" is checked.
      o Should show reCaptcha, if it's enabled.
      o Clade-selector:
            + clicking on "show clade browser" should load the top-level taxa via Ajax.
            + Clicking on the "+" sign next to a taxon should open its children via Ajax.
            + Clicking on the "+" sign of one of the children should open up more children.  These children should be clickable.
            + Clicking on one of these children should make that child bold.
            + Clicking "clear" should unbold that child.
            + Clicking "hide clade browser" should ... hide the clade browser.
* Google analytics should be loaded (on every page that uses the main EOL layout, which is almost every page.... but this only needs to be tested once) ...Just use Firefox here to check that it loaded.
* Taxon Page (pick a rich page, such as the "Featured" taxon on the home page):
      o Changing TOC items should change the add_new_text links.
      o Click on the "Biodeiversity Heritage Library" TOC item.  Verify the href for "View Discovered Bibliography in BHL" is non-blank (it loads without one).
      o Click the "i" button to the right of a Text Object. This should show extra attribution... at /least/ the Permalink. Try this on a page with more than one text object and make it works for at least two.
      o Image Pagination should reload the image div. Please go forward AND back; it should work at least twice.
      o Clicking on the green "i" icon to the lower-left of an image should open the image attribution popup, which should be loaded via Ajax.
      o Clicking on a permalink should select all of the text in the select box.
      o Clicking on a different image thumbnail should make the image attribution popup close.
      o Copy an image-specifc permalink, open a new tab, and load that url.  This should show the same image you saw, on it's own page.
      o Copy a text-specifc permalink, open a new tab, and load that url.  This should show the same text you saw, on it's own page.
      o Click on "submit an image, then "submit text" in the "Contribute" section: each one should display a small "popup" above the list, explaining how to do each.
      o Open a popup, such as image attribution.  Now, changing tabs (ie: from "Images" to "Comments". ...The tab itself should be highlighted (with a white background instead of the gradient). The open attribution popup should close, too.
      o Changing the "Classification:" select box in the mediacenter should automatically submit a small form and reload the page.
      o Videos tab--clicking on a video link should:
            + Close any open popups
            + Change the "main image" area to the video
            + Change the attribution link
            + Change the "mc-notes" area
            + Change background colors for untrusted/unvetted videos
* content/error "Try your request again" link should reload the page. (Try /boom)
* Google translate should in the sense that it sends a request to Google. On staging, of course, it will fail, but it should do so with an error from Google, not from us.
* Going to the login page should jump focus to the username box.

[Content Partner] : Harvest Reports

  • Check out ADW's harvests
  • Verify that the page renders okay (and has a long list of harvests).
  • Click on one of the "preview" links.
  • Verify that the page renders and has a long list of taxa harvested.
  • Go back to the harvest events (back button)
  • Click on one of the "view this hierarchy" links.
  • Verify that "Browsing Branch" has Animalia in it.
  • Click on Animalia
  • Verify that the children of Animalia loads via Ajax.

[Content Partner] : Content Partner Reports

"curate" means:

  • click on a curation star
  • choose one of a radio buttons ("Trusted", "Untrusted", "Show to all users", "Hide for all except curators", "Permanently Remove")

*** means this action should appear in the report for the content partner 'Animal Diversity Web'

Create a data for the test

  • Login as a curator


Create data, which should be visible in the report for 'Animal Diversity Web'

  • Go to a page with ADW as a supplier
  • Create a comment on TaxonConcept (in the tab)
  • Curate an image (one from ADW... the skulls on this page are), add a comment while curating
  • Curate a text description (e.g. on General Description)
  • Create long comment ("This is a really long comment (from the curator) that should show up on the report with an elipsis at the end showing that it is too long to display in less than three-hundred characters. That is, you shouldn't actually see anything past this second sentence, since that would be too many characters. In other words, this sentence should actually be truncated.") on the text description

Create data, which should be invisible in the report for 'Animal Diversity Web'

  • Go to a page with objects from another supplier
  • Create a comment on TaxonConcept (in the tab)
  • Curate an image
  • Create a comment on the image
  • Curate a text description
  • Create a comment on the text description
  • Logout

Report: General view

  • Go to the CP login page
  • Login as content_partner with username="adweb" (Animal Diversity Web) ... we change this password to 'webby', usually.


  • Go to usage reports (or click on "Usage Reports")
  • Click on "Curation and Comments" under Usage Reports.
  • You should see logs of actions labeled with above.
    In the end of each lines should be date in "human" format (e.g. "1 day ago")
  • The most recent log item should appear first
  • The name of the Taxon Concept should be a link to its page
  • Lines should have an username of change's author
  • The curator's username should be a link to their account

Report: Comments report

  • Click "Comments for Data Objects"
  • Verify the "Comments for Data Objects" bullet becomes blue
  • Verify that the comments shown are NOT taxon comments...
  • The report should have only lines started with "Comment..." (e.g. 'Comment "This is a witty comment on the..." was changed to "hide" on "Animalia Linn." by e_howe25 1 day ago')
  • Should have entire short comment by user
  • Should have concatenated version of long comment (like "This is a witty comment on the...")
  • Should have a clickable name of Taxon_concept (= page name)
  • Click on "Comments on Taxa"
  • Verify that the comments shown ARE Taxon Comments

[Admin] Everything

Eveything for Admin

  1. Log Report Timeouts: It appears that the "search term reports" menu item and the "All Changes" menu item and the "View Error Log" menu item are currently timing out. Don't bother clicking on it for now, it's a known issue.
  2. For each item in the left-hand admin menu, except "monthly notification" (that one sends a mass email), click on the item.
  3. Verify the content on the right loads in a way that is acceptable. You're looking for gross HTML errors, here.
  4. If the content on the right has a link saying "Add new [something]", click on that link.
  5. Verify that content also loads acceptably.
  6. When you click on "page statistics and tools", verify there is NO menu on the left on this page. You will need to click on "admin home" (link at the top) to return to the menu.

[JavaScript tests] Curator

* Open curation box on a page with > 9 images.  Paginate images. Does the curation dialog go away? Try the same for attribution.
* Curation:
      o Cancel button should close the window.
      o For text, the close button should close it's box.
      o Clicking on trust/untrust should close/open the list of reasons.
      o Submit should post via ajax.  Icons should be updated appropriately, image backgrounds should be updated appropriately.
      o Adding a comment should... uhhh... add a comment.
* Common Names:
      o Clicking on the "view/edit" link next to the common name at the top of the page (h2) should load the TOC item and jump to that part of the page.
      o Adding a common name should ask for confirmation and proceed with an ok; it should stop on cancel.
      o Changing the preferred name should reload the page automatically.
      o Changing the trust state of any common name (note that you can only "delete" names you have added yourself--those don't count) should change the background color of the row accordingly and use Ajax to make the change (and re-load the drop-down in the last cell, though this behavior is superfluous and will eventually be removed).
* Curator Central:
      o Curator should be able to:
            + change the vetted status and it should also be reflected via the color scheme(i.e. yellow, red and white for unreviewed, untrusted and trusted respectively). It should also reflect via the color scheme on the species page for the same image too.
            + add the comment through the comment box (available in the interface for each image) and by clicking the comment icon as well.
      o Clicking on the image should open the image data object in the overlay box. The credit captions shouldn’t overlap the credit values in the overlay box.
      o Clicking the taxon name in the worklist or in the image overlay box should open the species page with the same image in new tab/window(depends on the browser and browser settings)
      o Clicking on the comment icon should open the comment slide-box. Closing the comment slide-box (with the "x") should work.
      o Clicking the submit button in comment slide-box should do nothing if comment is empty; otherwise, it should disable the button, show a spinner, and submit.
      o The comment-count on the comment icon should get updated for each addition of comment on image via comment box in the interface or from the comment overlay box.
      o Add 11 comments to an image data object, then paginate back and forth. While paginating through comments, the comment-count should remain same(it should show the total number of comments).
      o After curating an image in the worklist, curator credit should appear on the species page.
      o Comment count on the comment icon to should be in the black(instead of blue) color.

[Cross-Browser Tests] Species Page

  1. Open a "rich" species page (try one of the exemplars).
  2. Verify that the page looks okay.
  3. Click on the "i" below the image.
  4. Verify that attribution loads in the popup.
  5. Click on another image in the set.
  6. Verify that the popup closes.
  7. Click on the "i" below the image.
  8. Verify that the attribution loads in the popup (and is different than it was before).
  9. Use the taxonomic browser (upper-right side) and verify that it functions via Ajax when you click on "+"s and "-"s.

[Logged-in User] : "Edit Text"

  • Cancel button (AND the 'x') should both work.
  • Preview should work.
  • Cancel should close the preview, if it was open.
  • Changing TOC should work.
  • Submit with empty text should show warning
  • Submit should work.
  • Submit with open preview should close the preview.

[JavaScript tests] Logged-In User

* Try logging in with an incorrect password. Bad login flash message (an error) should work.
* Login flash message should work.
* Flash messages should close when you hit escape, when you click on the page (though your click will be lost) or in 2 seconds after the page loads, whichever comes first.
* Preferences (/profile) page:
      o should check that your passwords match as soon as you blur the confirmed password.
      o when changing the default browse classification, the filter box (just under it) should automatically be checked if a hierarchy is selected and unchecked if it's empty ("-- always use default --").
      o "Do you want to be a milliona curator" should show the "Curator Information" section when checked. It does not get hidden when you uncheck it, though. Note you must NOT be a curator already for this to work.
      o "Learn more about browse classification and filtering" should show a block of text (no way to hide it).
* Tagging:
      o After you add a category or tag with a particular name, you should get auto-complete on that same word later. EXCEPT ON SAFARI. (Known issue, won't fix.)
      o Adding tags should update both the public tags and the "my tags" areas.
* "Add New Text":
      o The "Add New Content" text link and both of the "add text" icons (the baby-blue 'Aa+' with lines icon) should work.  You need to test all three!
      o Closing the new text box (with the "x") should work.
      o Adding from a content item that doesn't allow content (ie: common names) should work--all content from the special item should be removed and the title of the center content should change to whatever the drop-down defaults to (should be the first TOC Item available on the page). Note this may take a few seconds to complete.
      o Submitting text with empty content should show an error (for 2 seconds) and not submit.
      o Preview should work.
      o Submit should work.
      o Submitting after using the preview should remove the preview before submitting.
      o Changing the toc item should work (at least twice).
* "Edit Text":
      o Cancel button (AND the 'x') should both work.
      o Preview should work.
      o Cancel should close the preview, if it was open.
      o Changing TOC should work.
      o Submit with empty text should show warning
      o Submit should work.
      o Submit with open preview should close the preview.
* Comments:
      o submit button should do nothing if comment is empty; otherwise, it should disable the button, show a spinner, and submit.
      o The comment-count on the comment icon should get updated for each addition of comment on image and text.
      o Add 11 comments to each of Taxa, Image, and Text, then paginate back and forth. There's some really weird code handling this and the code/markup/styling is particularly fragile. While paginating through the comments for the image and text, the comment-count should remain same(it should show the total number of comments).

[Logged-in User] : "Add New Text"

  • The "Add New Content" text link and both of the "add text" icons (the baby-blue 'Aa+' with lines icon) should work. You need to test all three!
  • Closing the new text box (with the "x") should work.
  • [?] Adding from a content item that doesn't allow content (ie: common names) should work--all content from the special item should be removed and the title of the center content should change to whatever the drop-down defaults to (should be the first TOC Item available on the page). Note this may take a few seconds to complete.
  • Submitting text with empty content should show an error (for 2 seconds) and not submit.
  • Preview should work.
  • Submit should work.
  • Submitting after using the preview should remove the preview before submitting.
  • [] Changing the toc item should work (at least twice).

[JavaScript tests] Content Partner

* content_partner/login should jump focus to the username field.
* content_partner/profile should check that your passwords match as soon as you blur the confirmed password.
* add resource page for CP should check the validity of the URL for the resource via Ajax (resources/check_url)
* content_partner/index "Continue" button should work like a link to content_partner/partner... (this is tested in main Acceptance tests, but...)

[Curator] Curation

  1. Cancel button should close the window.
  2. For text, the close button should close it's box.
  3. Clicking on trust/untrust should close/open the list of reasons.
  4. Submit should post via ajax. Icons should be updated appropriately, image backgrounds should be updated appropriately.
  5. Adding a comment should... uhhh... add a comment.

[Curator] Curator Central

  1. Curator should be able to:
    1.1 change the vetted status and it should also be reflected via the color scheme(i.e. yellow, red and white for unreviewed, untrusted and trusted respectively). It should also reflect via the color scheme on the species page for the same image too.
    1.2 add the comment through the comment box (available in the interface for each image) and by clicking the comment icon as well.
  2. Clicking on the image should open the image data object in the overlay box. The credit captions shouldn’t overlap the credit values in the overlay box.
  3. Clicking the taxon name in the worklist or in the image overlay box should open the species page with the same image in new tab/window(depends on the browser and browser settings)
  4. Clicking on the comment icon should open the comment slide-box. Closing the comment slide-box (with the "x") should work.
  5. Clicking the submit button in comment slide-box should do nothing if comment is empty; otherwise, it should disable the button, show a spinner, and submit.
  6. The comment-count on the comment icon should get updated for each addition of comment on image via comment box in the interface or from the comment overlay box.
  7. Add 11 comments to an image data object, then paginate back and forth. While paginating through comments, the comment-count should remain same(it should show the total number of comments).
  8. After curating an image in the worklist, curator credit should appear on the species page.
  9. Comment count on the comment icon to should be in the black(instead of blue) color.

[Logged-in User] : Tagging

[X] After you add a category or tag with a particular name, you should get auto-complete on that same word later. EXCEPT ON SAFARI. (Known issue, won't fix.)

[X] Adding tags should update both the public tags and the "my tags" areas.

[Curator] Common Names

  1. Clicking on the "view/edit" link next to the common name at the top of the page (h2) should load the TOC item and jump to that part of the page.
  2. Adding a common name should ask for confirmation and proceed with an ok; it should stop on cancel.
  3. Changing the preferred name should reload the page automatically.
  4. Changing the trust state of any common name (note that you can only "delete" names you have added yourself--those don't count) should change the background color of the row accordingly and use Ajax to make the change (and re-load the drop-down in the last cell, though this behavior is superfluous and will eventually be removed).

[JavaScript tests] Unused or Not-Found

If you know how to test these, please edit this page and put the test in the appropriate place with a description! If you know that these tests are not required, please remove the test. (...AND the code!)

* "Navigation with stats" should work. (This is the clade browser that shows statistics for number of children, etc.) ...Not sure where this happens, though. \; )
* I don't think this one is used anymore... none of the items in the drop-down seem to match: content/contact_us "Topic area" should show "Taxon group of interest" message box if you select a topic who's id is in $CONTRIBUTE_INQUIRY_CONTACT_SUBJECT_IDS. (Sorry that's vague, but...)
* curators should be able to publish wikipedia articles by clicking on "trust this article and replace current version" in attribution view.
* Note I don't think we can actually GET to this page other than directly: on content/donate when editing the "other" amount, it should automatically check the "Other: US$" radio button.

[Non-Logged-In User] Searches

* [X] Trying to submit a search with an empty field should show "Please enter a search term!" under the search area.
* [1/2] When doing a tag search for "video", does the "tag" radio button stay selected? (IMPLEMENTED) More than one page of results for "video" (this clears up a test later in the list). (PAGES FOR TAG SEARCH NOT IMPLEMENTED IN WEBSITE YET)
* [X] Giving focus to the search box should select all of the text there.
* [X] Full-text (Google) Search should return a page of results (where available--ie, not on dev machines).

[Non-Logged-In User] Create an Account (/register) page

      o should jump focus to the username box
      o should check for duplicate usernames via ajax and say "[name] is laready taken" if there is one (try klans).  That warning message should disappear once the name is changed to something unique.
      o should check for duplicate emails via ajax and warn if there is one (try [email protected]).
      o should open/close curator form when "Do you want to be a curator" is checked.
      o Should show reCaptcha, if it's enabled.
      o Clade-selector:
            + clicking on "show clade browser" should load the top-level taxa via Ajax.
            + Clicking on the "+" sign next to a taxon should open its children via Ajax.
            + Clicking on the "+" sign of one of the children should open up more children.  These children should be clickable.
            + Clicking on one of these children should make that child bold.
            + Clicking "clear" should unbold that child.
            + Clicking "hide clade browser" should ... hide the clade browser.

[Logged-in User] : Comments

[X] Submit button should do nothing if comment is empty;

[X] otherwise, it should disable the button, show a spinner, and submit.

[X] The comment-count on the comment icon should get updated for each addition of comment on image and text.

[X] Add 11 comments to each of Taxa, Image, and Text, then paginate back and forth. There's some really weird code handling this and the code/markup/styling is particularly fragile. While paginating through the comments for the image and text, the comment-count should remain same(it should show the total number of comments).

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.