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Below API description is not complete, see for more detailed API, examples, and also for a list of all supported controls.

jquerymy is a plugin for complex reactive two-way data binding between DOM and state objects.

jquerymy recognizes standard HTML controls as well as composite controls rendered by jQuery UI widgets, Redactor, Ace, CodeMirror, Select2 and other plugins.

$.my provides comprehensive validation, conditional formatting and dependencies resolution. Apps can be nested – each $.my instance can be used as component of another $.my instance.

jquerymy also incorporates simple template engine and modal dialog mechanics.

See as an example of web-app platform built on top of $.my. Another example of a large $.my app is Photon, an unofficial administrative panel for CouchDB.

Setup requires jQuery 2.0+ and SugarJS 1.3.9–1.4.1.

<script src="/js/sugar.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jquerymy.min.js"></script>

$.my can can be installed from npm – npm install jquerymy, same for bower.

Quick start

var person={};
var manifest = {
  'data': { name:'', metrics:{ age:'' }},
  'init': function ($node, formRuntimeObj) {
      '<div><input id='name' type='text' /></div>' +
      '<div><input id='age' type='number' /></div>'
    '#name': { bind: 'name' },
    '#age' : { bind: 'metrics.age' }
// Init $.my
$('#form').my(manifest, person);

Now form inputs are filled with init values and any interaction with controls immediately mutates person object. Dot notation of deep-level bindings is just syntax sugar. It also can be used with arrays in style like someArray.1.

First param passed to $.my is denoted below as manifest.

Retrieving and updating data

To get form data just read value of the person variable or read $('#form').my('data'). Second way is good if $.my was initialized without any init value passed.

To put new data into already initialized instance of $.my call $('#form').my('data', {name: 'Mike'}). Note you can update data partially. Form is redrawn and revalidated after applying new data .

More complex data bind

The .bind property can be defined as a bi-directional function. It receives entire data object and new value as params. If null is passed function must only return value for DOM control, otherwise function must put value into data object and then return value for DOM.

So the bind function implements both getter and setter depending on value passed.

    '#name': 'name',
    '#age' : {
      bind: function (data, value, $control) {
        if (value != null) data.metrics.age = value; 
        return data.metrics.age = 
          (data.metrics.age + '').replace(/\D/g,'');
}, person);

Note bind function in example does not allow to put anything than number. Pressing non-num key will does nothing with input, non-num chars are stripped immediately.

Third param $control is jQuery reference to the control being processed, it can be useful for navigating over form. Calling $'find', '#name') returns #name control for example.


There are several ways to validate data received from control. Validator can be a regexp or a function. Functions unlike regexps can return custom error messages depending on value being checked. Check is performed just before executing .bind.

If value is incorrect .my-error class is applied to the closest DOM container of the control, otherwise this style rule is removed.

If control is not interactive – we bind some data with <div> element for example – .my-error class is applied to the element itself, not container.

RegExp validation

    '#name': { 
      bind: 'name', 
      error:'10 latin chars' // Optional
    '#age':  { bind: 'metrics.age' }

If user puts something different than 10-letter combination into #name input, the class attribute of the parent <div> is set to .my-error.

Validating with function

Validator function receives same params as .bind but executed before bind. Validator must return error message string – or empty string if value is ok.

Unlike .bind validator is never called with value equal to null, it always receives real value.

  init: function ($node){/*...*/},
    '#name': {       
      'bind': 'name', 
      'check': function (data, value, $control) {
        if (value.length > 20) return 'Too long name'; 
        if (!/^[a-z]+$/.test(value)) return 'Only letters allowed'; 
        return '';
    '#age': 'age'

Messages returned by validator are put into DOM element with class .my-error-tip, which must be located inside the control’s container. So to make messages visible you must explicitly add this element into html. If no such element found error message will be added as title attribute to the control itself. If the control has own title, its value is stashed until error corrected.

  <input id="name" type="text" />
  <span class="my-error-tip"></span>

Checking entire form has no errors

$('#form').my('errors') returns an object which keys are invalid fields, and values are error messages. If all fields are ok, {} is returned. If form has children forms, their errors are mapped to appropriate branch.

To spot whether entire data is valid call $('#form').my('valid'), which returns true is everything is ok.


Let it be a form that calculates product of two values. We need to recalculate product each time any of factors changes.

  data:{ num1:'10', num2:'1.5' },
  init: function ($node){/*...*/},
    '#factor1': 'num1', 
    '#factor2': 'num2',
    '#product': {
      bind: function (data) {
        return data.num1 * data.num2;
      watch: '#factor1,#factor2' //shorthand for ['#factor1', '#factor2']

Product is not mapped to data – .bind function does not save anything. It only returns value to put in #product DOM element. Every time #factor1 or #factor2 receive input #product is recalculated.

There is another syntax to define dependencies.

    '#factor1': {
      bind: 'num1', 
      recalc: '#product'
    '#factor2': 'num2',
    '#product': {
      bind: function (data) {return data.num1 * data.num2},
      watch: '#factor2'

It behaves the same way. Note that .recalc is processed prior to .watch. So if a field depends on some other fields via both .recalc and .watch attributes, recalcs go first.

Loop dependencies are resolved correctly.

Conditional formatting and disabling

$.my can apply different classes depending on data object state.

    '#name': {       
      bind: 'name', 
      recalc: '#age',
      css: {
    '#age': {
      bind: 'age',
        ':disabled': function (data, value) {
          return == 0;

Here if #name is exactly 10 chars, its container will receive class orange. If value doesn't match regexp then class orange is removed.

Input #age depends on value of #name field and is disabled if is empty.

Conditional formatting over appropriate field is applied after .check and .bind.

Init functions

Preparing form during initialization

  data: { range: [30, 70] },
  init: function ($node) {
    $node.html('<input id="range" />')
    '#range': {   
      init: function ($control) {
        $control.slider(range: true, min: 0, max: 100);
      bind: 'range'

Here we apply jQuery.UI Slider plugin over #range control. Data attribute range will receive array of two values – slider start and stop. On start control will be set to 30–70 range.

Certainly HTML carcass itself can be generated using init function, placed as child of manifest's root – as in above example.

Async init

To become async .init function must return promise of any sort (so-called ‘then-able’). Initialization sequence continues when the promise is resolved. If app promise is rejected, entire sequence also fails.

  data: { name:'' },
  init: function ($node, runtime) {
    var promise = $.ajax({
    }).then(function (res) {
      // We received response, gen form HTML
      $node.html('<input id="name" type="text"/>')
      // Assume res is string, mount default data = res;
    return promise;
  ui:{'#name': 'name'}
.then(function (data){
  // Do something when form init finished 
.fail(function(errMessage) {
  // Do something if init failed

jQuery AJAX implementation returns promise, so we may return $.ajax result directly. When data is received promise is resolved and initialization continues. When it is finished, promise returned by $.my is resolved with form’s .data.

Nested and repeated forms

Each DOM node which was instantiated with $.my can act as a single control for some parent $.my form. DOM node #child is instantiated with own manifest in example.

  data: { name:'' , child:{}},
  init: function ($node, runtime) {
    //Draw HTML
    '#name': 'name',
    '#child' :{
      check:true,    //ensures child’s errors invalidate parent
        data:{/* child’s data struct */},
        init:{/* child’s init, can be async */},
        ui:{ /* child’s ui */}

To build list of nested forms just bind it with array. Below example builds list of similar array elements.

  data: { name:'' , child:[ /* array of elts */]},
  init: function ($node, runtime) {
    //Draw HTML
    '#name': 'name',
    '#child' :{
      list:'<div class="someClass"></div>',   //optional
      init: function ($list) {        //optional
        // Makes list items sortable by drag 
        // and drop, jQuery UI plugin required
        data:{/* child’s data struct */},
        init:{/* child’s init, can be async */},
        ui:{ /* child’s ui */}

Tuning behavior


$.my understands many types of controls and automatically selects appropriate event handler(s) to provide real-time binding. It’s a kind of device driver for different plugins and conventional HTML inputs or noninteractive elements.

But sometimes you need no realtime response – in case of buttons or links for example. Bind function must be executed only when button is really clicked, not while initializing.

    '#button': {       
      bind: function (data, value) {
        if (value != null) {
          //do something
      events: 'click,dblclick'  

The events attribute here defines that bind executed after click or doubleclick events on #button element. Note .bind returns undefined here – this syntax allows us to keep control's content intact.


There are several cases bind function must have kind of an anti-jitter. If control is jQuery.UI Slider or conventional HTML5 <input type="range"> it’s reasonable to exec .bind when slider stops. Complex bind function executed every pixel slider moves can be real CPU and RAM hog.

    '#slider': {       
      bind: function (data, val) { /* do somth*/ }, 
      delay: 150  

In this example .bind starts only after last event within 150ms. If change events are raised more often then one in 150ms, they are supressed. See live demo – its much more clear than description.

Reusable code snippets

Some functions or fields inside manifest can contain code with matching fragments. It can be same regexps for different fields, or some dictionaries used here and there etc. They can be stored at manifest's root and acessed from ui section members by reference.

    '#num': {   
      bind:  'num',
      check: 'NumCheck'
      bind:  'password',
      check: function (data, value) {
        var pwdList = this.ForbiddenPasswords;
        if (pwdList.indexOf(value) == -1) return 'Too simple password!';
        return '';
  SomeFunction: function () { // bound, this points to the runtime }

Not only checks but every function defined in .ui section receives this pointing to runtime manifest. Functions located on the first level of manifest (SomeFunction in example above) also receive this pointing to runtime.

Manifest delivery

There is built-in method to convert manifest with functions and regexps into conventional JSON. It’s useful for on-demand manifest delivery using ajax calls. $.my.tojson(manifest) returns correct JSON-encoded string with all functions and regexps converted to strings.

This approach is used in CouchDB to store internal functions as JSON docs. It’s quite simple and straightforward.

>> '{"a":"function (){}", "b":"new RegExp(/./)"}'

Method $.my.fromjson(someJSON) unwinds encoded functions and regexps into full-featured code.

There is no need to decipher encoded manifests before passing them to $.my – they are unwound automatically.

Styling forms

Manifest can have style property which defines hierarchy of css rules for a form instance. Rules can be both static and dynamic, recalculated on window resize or by command.

  id:    'ManifestId',
  data:  {...},
  init:  function(){...},
  ui:    {...},
  style: {
    ' .red': 'color:#c02',
    ' .item':{
      ' .name': 'font-size:110%',
      ' .user': function ($form, form) {
        if ($form.width() < 500) return 'display:none';
        return 'font-size:80%';
    ' h2,h3':{
      '':          'font-weight:bold'
      '.light':    'font-weight:normal',
      '>img.icon': 'width:24px;'

Syntax is more or less straightforward. Note spaces before most rules. Above example will be rendered in two <style> sections.

<style id="my-manifest-abc123def">
  .my-manifest-abc123def .red:{color:#c02}
  .my-manifest-abc123def .item .name {font-size:110%}
  .my-manifest-abc123def .h2 {font-weight:bold}
<style id="my-form-098fea432">
  .my-form-098fea432 .item .user:{display:none}

First is static and generated from string definitions. If manifest – like in example – has id, this <style> section generated only once regardless of number of manifest instances running. When last instance dies, this section will be removed.

Second <style> section is unique for each manifest’s instance and is generated from rules, defined with functions. They can tune rules according to form size or init data. In example if container is too narrow, no .user is shown.

Style section is evaluated before init to ensure init see real geometry of objects it puts to the page.


Below parameters of $.my instance can be tuned for an entire form:

var manifest = {
    delay: 0,    //global anti-jitter delay, can be overriden
    depth: 2,    //depth of chained/looped recalc resolution
    errorTip: '.my-error-tip',    //jQuery selector for error msg
    errorCss: 'my-error'      //class to mark invalid controls
  data: {...},
  init: function ($form) {...},

Full set of settings is quite long, they are listed and explained at


Works fine on IE11+ and other browsers. Earlier IE are also supported, but apps require thorough testing and optimizations to avoid lags.'s People


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Nested form/list validation errors are not being cleared

Hi, @ermouth , I've found a bug in the library.

Basically, if you put a check function in a nested list, the errors are not cleared when the form is valid again. If you call $"valid"), it returns false.

I reproduced it in the "repeated child form" example of with a little modification to add a check function and a button to perform the checking.

1 - Click on the "Check Validity" button: since all passwords are filled, it alerts "true".
2 - Empty one of the password boxes.
3 - Click on the "Check Validity" button: it alerts "false",
4 - Fill the password box again.
5 - Click on the "Check Validity" button: it alerts "false", even tough the password is filled again.


  <input id="name" type="text" 
    placeholder="Form ID" class="fs150 w400">
<div id="list">
  <div class="row br2">
    <span class="fi-list"></span> &nbsp;
    <input id="id" type="text" placeholder="User login" class="w180">
    <input id="pwd" type="password" placeholder="Password" class="w170">
    <span class="fi-x red o50 pl5"></span>
<input id="btn-add" type="button" value="Add user" class="mt10">
<input id="btn-check" type="button" value="Check Validity" class="mt10">


// Repeated child form example
  data: { name:"", users:[] },
  ui: {
      check: function(d,v){ if(v.findIndex(t => t.pwd === "") !== -1) return "Empty pass."; }, // <-- HERE
      init: function ($control) {
        $control.sortable({ handle: ".fi-list" });
    "#btn-add": function (data, val) {
      if (null != val)"#list", {});
    "#btn-check": function (data, val) {
     if (null != val) { 
        alert($("#list").my("valid")); // <-- HERE
    " #list>div":"width:400px; border-bottom:1px dotted #aaa;"
        +"padding:5px 0 10px 0;margin:5px 0;"
        bind: function (data, val) {
          if (null != val);
  id:"Subform list"

Styler corrupts @keyframes sections

Animation definitions like

    '@keyframes somename': 'from {} to{}'

are prefixed as other class names during init. Result breaks animations, cause looks like this:

@keyframes somename {
  .my-manifest-manid from {}
  .my-manifest-manid to {}

Identify which event caused the control to redraw/recalc (invoked bind function)


Suppose you have two selects, one for country and other for state, example: select-1: USA and select-2: states of the USA.

When select-1 change it's value, we must update the select-2 with a new list of items (states) and clear the old selected value.

But the in the bind event, I don't have any context about what I should do:

"#select-states": {
    bind: function (d, v, $c) {
       // This was called when the control changed it's own value?
       // Or this was called when "select-country" changed it's value?
       // Or this was called when the "redraw" method was fired (form initialize)?
       // if the "select-country" control invoked this event, we should update the states.
       // if the state value just changed, we shouldn't update the select2 list.
       if (country changed) // how to do this?
           $c.select2({ data: states });

       // if the "select-country" value invoked this event, we should set this to null, 
       if (country changed) {
           d.State = null; // The user must select a new value.
       } else
           d.State = v; 
    "watch": "#select-country"

Basically, I need I way to tell which event invoked the bind method, so I can respond accordingly.

Looking for when the value parameter is null doesn't work, it doesn't make clear which event invoked the bind function (sometimes null could be a legit value).


Btw, @ermouth, I tested your suggestion of implementation of select2 component (from PR comment), it's working good.

Dependency on SugarJS

This library looks really great! I think the big selling point is how we can get data binding but not have to signup for some bigger framework. However SugarJS is very intrusive and modifies natives. Unfortunately that means using this library ends up touching all parts of core javascript. Which is not something that I can sign up for in existing apps. If you could somehow disconnect yourself from this library (maybe use underscore?) I think that would really be helpful.

I understand this is technically not an issue. But I just wanted to bring it up. Thanks.

Modularize helpers?

Would it be possible to separate plugin helpers and jQuery UI stuff?

It bloats the core more than is needed for us that use our own frameworks (Semantic-UI in this case).

Errors are displayed at the first loading form / How to use a class context in validation methods

Hi Ermouth,

First of all thank you for you Jquery plugin. It is very useful for my side project :-)

I have two questions:

  1. Is it possible to avoid the validation at the first loading of the form? Currently, empty fields that are required are in error when I display my form the very first time.

  2. More a technical question. I created a class where I gather all the validation methods :

function Validator() {
    this.allowEmptyField = true;

Validator.prototype.checkNotEmpty = function(data, val, $field) {
    if (!val || val.length === 0) {
        return this.allowEmptyField ? '' : 'Mandatoty field';
    return '';

In my code I use this class as below:

this.validator = new Validator();
    ui: {
        check: this.validator.checkNotEmpty

Later in the code, after a validation initiated by the end-user, I set the allowEmptyField to false:

this.validator.allowEmptyField = false;

Normaly, if the form validation calls again the checkNotEmpty method the allowEmptyField attribute should be false but... it is not. Unfortunately, this.allowEmptyField is not defined in the context of call of the method by the jquerymy plugin.

So how I can set the context of my Validator class?
I saw that the call is done from here ?

Thanks again for your jquery plugin. Nice job!

Parent form does not update errors tree on child form gets valid

If a child form was statically initialized as a standalone control (not element of a list), it may report errors for a parent despite all controls are valid.

Happens at least if subform instantiated with invalid values.

So after correcting all invalid fields calling $('#childFormId').errors() returns {}, but calling $('#parentFormId').errors() may still report {'#childFormId':{'#ctrlN':'Error message'}.

Error with 1.9.0

When using jquery 1.9.0 I got this error "Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined".

Aria Invalid on input via .my("errors")

This is more of a suggestion than an issue but i would suggest adding some minor A11Y attributes on the
.my("errors") function.

heres how i did it.

line 923 - inside if (r = a.hasClass("my-form-list") i added the removeAttr here:

f.removeClass(y), f.children("input").removeAttr("aria-invalid"),

then on line 929 - inside the final else i added the attr here:

f.addClass(y), u.errors[m] = v;
f.children("input").attr("aria-invalid", "true");

of course the user still needs to handle labels properly but im already doing that on my save function but this is pretty standard form validation.


Repeated sections: can add new element unless user interacts with the control


First of all thank you for this awesome library. It helps a lot to people like me, with any sense of organizing and setting it's own coding-rules (dash or underscore? or maybe camel case? arrays or objects as return? and a long list...)

I'm facing a small problem that I don't know if it is intentional, and if it is I wanna know how to avoid it. It is about repeated sections, I mean, child forms, nested forms or however you prefer to call it. I have a button which is binded to a function that triggers the "insert" method of the container binded to the array that holds the repeated section. Each time I click on the button I have to interact with the newly added control (is a text area) to be able to add another element to the list. If I click the button twice, nothing happens. Why? I though it was intentional on some examples (specifically coded for that) but seems to be the default behavior for everything. Could you help me? this makes my application very uncomfortable to use.

Thanks in advance

Event on keydown

First, awesome plugin, i love it.

I'm doing a dynamic form bind just like your Rockstar death demo.

so i see under ui > "element" > manifest > ui there is

events: ""

but it doesnt help much for keyboard accessibility. is there something we can add their for keydown events ?

i even have a jquery .keypress function listening to the list: elements so if there is some external command to bind the form that way please let me know.


Awesome job !!

You guys are doing a great job. I am very happy with this project.
It has given me a hope to support my jquery projects.

Loop Dependent select2 dropdowns update value but do not trigger change() event

Tried with:

select2 4.0.3 (regular + full)
select2 3.5.1 (regular + full)

manifest as follows:

var manifest = {

    data : {id: 18},

    init: function($form) {


        return factory.getRates()
               .then( response =>{
                   this.RATES = response;
               } );


    ui: {
        "#uk": {
            init: function ($component) {
                    .reduce((prev, next) => prev + '<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>', ''));
                    placeholder: "UK"
            bind: function(data, value) {
                    console.log("UK ->  Data:  "+data.toString()+ " "+ +"   Value: "+value); //Debugging
                    var dm =;
                    if(value !== null) dm = value;
                    return dm;
            recalc: "#eu, #usa",
            recalcDepth: 1
        "#eu": {
            init: function ($component) {
                    .reduce((prev, next) => prev + '<option value="' + + '">' + + '</option>', ''));
                    placeholder: "EU"
            bind: function(data, value) {
                    console.log("EU ->  Data:  "+data.toString()+ "   "+ +"   Value: "+value); //Debugging
                    var dm =;
                    if(value !== null) dm = value;
                    return dm;
            recalc: "#usa, #uk",
            recalcDepth: 1
        "#usa": {
            init: function ($component) {
                    .reduce((prev, next) => prev + '<option value="' + + '">' + next.usa + '</option>', ''));
                    placeholder: "USA"
            bind: function(data, value) {
                    console.log("USA ->  Data:  "+data.toString()+ "   "+ +"   Value: "+value); //Debugging
                    var dm =;
                    if(value !== null) dm = value;
                    return dm;
            recalc: "#uk, #eu",
            recalcDepth: 1

        `<div class="row">
                <select id="uk"></select>
                <select id="eu"></select>
                <select id="usa"></select>

    RATES: []


I can see that the values of each dropdown is updated correctly since when I click on it the correct value is already pre-selected, however the currently displayed value on the other two dropdowns does not change.

If I try to fire a change event myself, the values change however the app halts in an infinite loop of recalc cycles.

Support binding for inputs of type "tel" and "email"

Could you please add support for both input[type="tel"] and input[type="email"]?

Modification would occur at line 319 as follows:



Webpack import $.my() is not a function.

Still grasping some fundamentels about webpack, but from what I gather plugin is not being applied on the global jquery? I've tried expose-loader and imports-loader approaches, and also have jquery on my ProvidePlugin object,

plugins: [
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
            jquery: 'jquery',
            $: 'jquery',
            jQuery: 'jquery',
            "window.jQuery": 'jquery',
            "Tether": 'tether',
            "window.Tether": 'tether'

to no avail.

Can there be some instructions or suggested method of using this plugin with webpack in the docs?


引入jquery1.12.4,再引入jquerymy-1.2.0报 isS is not a function

Modal issues

  1. Screens for local modals are shifted or have invalid size (do not entirely cover content) for elements with padding.

  2. Global modals irreversibly disable scroll after close in Edge.

[question] Update form from modal popup


Sorry for not labeling this as question, but I can not add labels.

I am having a very bad experience trying to update a text field from a modal popup. The layout is a bit complex, and I am getting a bit lost tracking how children sees the data object. I'll try to specify the layout:


  • Some property
  • Array whit children
  • Single child (columns)
    • Modal popup

So there are three levels of nested manifest: the main one, the manifest for each column and then another manifest for the modal popup. The modal popup has a button, which bind function perform some stupid calculations, and then stores the result in the data object. The problem is that when the modal closes, the data updated is not reflected on the column (parent). I based the modal in your example of the main website(copy and paste, same _updateMe function), but in it there is no update from any function, just good old object --> fields binding. I don't know if it matters, but I am passing just the whole data object to the modal child manifest.

Also it will be nice if you have time to explain me how the data object is passed to children. It looks like magic for me when I only have to use "text" (for example) as identifier inside a repeated section, and it is magically bind to the correct item inside the list.

Thank you very much.

Computed properties

VueJS has a system called computed properties which can be used along side the data attributes setup. that can be manipulated before output.

Is this available within $.my? I'm doing some calculations where a number increments programmatically but the value doesn't update in the front end if it's done this way. I've tested this out with just changing a string programmatically and it suffers the same issue.

[how to] iterate in array without a parent

I'm sorry for asking you this question here but I didn't found a better place.

I've been perfectly able to use jquerymy with a pretty complex data like this one

  "parent": {
    "property_one": "value_1",
    "list": [
        "name": "1",
        "desc": "one",
        "sublist": [
            "name": "wow",
            "value": "80"
            "name": "more wow",
            "value": "60"
        "name": "2",
        "desc": "two",
        "sublist": [
            "name": "wow",
            "value": "80"
            "name": "more wow",
            "value": "60"

But I cannot use correctly jquerymy with a "simpler" version

  "parent": [
        "name": "1",
        "desc": "one",
        "sublist": [
            "name": "wow",
            "value": "80"
            "name": "more wow",
            "value": "60"
        "name": "2",
        "desc": "two",
        "sublist": [
            "name": "wow",
            "value": "80"
            "name": "more wow",
            "value": "60"

I tried a couple of things in the manifest. I read the docs about this but I feel guilty I didnt' get how to do it.

I am probably just blind and not able to see something supersimple, what am I missing?

PS: TY for fixing so quickly the other problem.

isS is not a function

I'm having the same issue as others while trying to load
Below is the loading order. I have tried a lot a ways to load but keep getting the same error.

'web/webroot/_ui/responsive/global/js/responsive-global-header.js': [
ui_src_responsive + '/global/js/sugar/sugar.min.js',
ui_src_responsive + '/global/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js',
ui_src_path + 'sourceFiles/js/blazy.min.js',
ui_src_responsive + '/global/js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.min.js',
ui_src_responsive + '/global/js/jquery.cookie-1.4.1.js',
ui_src_responsive + '/global/js/coffee-script-1.6.3.js',
ui_src_responsive + '/global/js/jquerymy/jquerymy.js',


Data only updates once

So I'm trying to update my whole data set when I click on a button, but it only does this once:

      var one = {
           title: "one",
           price: "1"

       var two = {
           title: "two",
           price: "2"

       // Manifest
       var manifest = {

           //Default data
           data: {
               title: "",
               price: ""

           // Bindings
           ui: {
               "#db_title": {bind: "title"},
               "#db_price": {bind: "price"}

// onClick
$("#page").my("data", one); // this works
// on second click (other button)
$("#page").my("data", two); // this doesn't work anymore!?

Switching them causes same behavior. While setting one element (title for example) does work all the time.

Cannot use Enter in textarea in nested form.

I am using to bind to a fairly complex object and really like its functionality. Unfortunately, though, I am having a problem where I am unable to create multi-line input in textareas in nested forms. It works ok in the main form but in my nested, repeated, forms the newlines just get "eaten up" - my cursor goes to the next line then immediately jumps back to the end of the first line. I am hoping that this is something that can be fixed. Thanks!

does it support a grandson list form?

seems that it doesn't work when I bind a child list form B with another child list form A.
Form A works well, but the form B cannot excute 'insert' or 'remove'.
And I also found that there is not a 'my-form-xxxx' class property in form B.

Tks for reading, expecting your reply.

Validation of SELECT controls issue

Check functions for SELECT controls sometimes fail to apply result of validation over the control in case of a) invalid value, b) absence of container for error message.

Dynamically assign ui in JSON stored manifest?

I've been trying to solve this, but I'm all out of ideas.

I'm trying to dynamically assign selectors for the form since these are rendered by the server.

        "#Text1": { bind: "Text1" },
        "#Setting6": { bind: "Setting6" },
        "#Setting7": { bind: "Setting7" }

So this is the target selectors, but i cannot use code here afaik to get the attribute data from the selector dynamically.

The selector where get the data from looks like this:

<div class="editable header" data-fieldname="Text1" data-fieldtype="header" data-setting2="Setting7" data-setting1="Setting6"></div>

The only "solution" i've come up with is to extend manifest after the JSON have been loaded form store, but that ruins the portability of the manifest.

manifest.ui = { }
manifest.ui["#"+$('.editable.header').data('fieldname')] = {bind: $('.editable.header').data('fieldname')}
manifest.ui["#"+$('.editable.header').data("setting1")] = {bind: $('.editable.header').data("setting1")}
manifest.ui["#"+$('.editable.header').data("setting2")] = {bind: $('.editable.header').data("setting2")}

Any other ways to retrieve it dynamically directly in the manifest?

Detecting change in linked field


This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to accomplish, in order to discuss it more easily.

I linked two fields using Then I listen to changes on the first field and run an action when the change event fires.

The change event doesn't fire when the first field is updated by writing in the second field.
I feel like there would be a way to do this using, but after reading the documentation it's not very clear to me how to proceed.

Here is an example on CodePen:

<form action="" id="form">
    <div><input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Name" value="Anna" /></div>

<h2>Form 2:</h2>
<form action="" id="form2">
    <div><input id="name2" type="text" placeholder="Name" /></div>


<script type="text/javascript">
    // Init $.my over DOM node
        // Init function
        init: function ($node, runtime) {
        // Bindings
        ui: {
            "#name": {bind: "name", watch: "#name2"},
            "#name2": {bind: "name", watch: "#name"}
    $("#name").on("change",function() {
       alert("name changed");

In this example I would like an alert() to fire when writing in the second field.

Thank you for your time.

Child forms - detect last row?


how do I detect the last row in a child form? I have a list and use the id function to index items:
id: function(e, i) {
e.idx = i+1;
return 'c3-q-' + e.idx;

Detecting the first child with index 1 is easy. But detecting the last child is impossible right now. How to solve this issue?

multiple select

The multiple select doesnt work with semantcui { }, i think that it also doest work with bootstrap , when i use the $ctrl.select2({}); in init it works but it buggs the layout just working with the select2 api , please help.

disabling-enabling buttons using ":disabled" does not work sometimes

Setting/removing disabled state from <button> using css:{":disabled":function(){/*...*/}} sometimes doesn‘t work if button recalc is triggered externally using'#btnId') or similar ways.

Bug takes place intermittently and can not be reproduced if rule is not ":disabled", but smth like "cssRuleName" or "self:cssRuleName".

Thanks @carpogoryanin for pointing out.

Recursive rendering models

Tell me, please, how about recursive rendering of forms? For example, resources tree or (theoretically) family tree - where every item has identical properties set in any deep level.

  fullname: 'Some name',
  age: 25,
  city: 'NY',
  childs: [{ /* array with child objects with identical properties set: 'fullname', 'age', 'city', etc.. */ }]

Currently, i don't understand how this can be done because every form should have unique id and form controls should bind with properties by unique "id" attribute too. Even if the bind properties by 'class'-selector like:

 ".fullname": "fullname",
 ".age": "age"
}}, data);

this could lead to conflict with delegated and bubbling events.
Whether there is possibility to recursive handling of this issue?

p.s. sorry for my bad english. I hope you understand me :)

Require section makes excessive requests

Different forms, starting simultaneously and having require sections with same URL, initiate multiple requests instead of sharing result of single request.

Can cause dramatical traffic increase and inintended server side loads.


Is there any way to destroy an instance?

I'm using .my in an admin panel and it works amazingly, but performance starts to be an issue after a few instanced forms. I'd rather load it on request and remove it when the editing modal is closed.

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