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react-native-invertible-scroll-view's Issues

Difficult to measure wrapped children relative to ListView

Hey! Awesome work on this module.

I'm trying to autoscroll a specific cell to the bottom of the view, which requires measuring the offset of that cell relative to the ListView container.

Naively, I added an onLayout property to my "child" views (returned from renderRow), but unfortunately the x and y values come back as 0. This is because they are 0, relative to my cell's immediate parent:

<View style={inversionStyle}>{child}</View>

Your inverted view is what I really want to measure. I tried other methods (including measureLayoutRelativeToParent) to no avail.

I hacked my way around this in my fork by adding onLayout to your wrapper view and passing the dimensions (along with the index of the row) back up to the parent:

<View style={inversionStyle} onLayout={ev => this.props.onCellLayout(idx, ev.nativeEvent.layout)}>{child}</View>

It works, but maybe you know of a cleaner way?

Render refreshControl at the top of the screen

hi @ide,
when using refreshControl with inverted, i.e


the refreshControl is rendered at the bottom of the screen.

is there a way to render it on the top of the screen?

invalid space with NavigatorIOS

I use react-native-invertible-scroll-view with NavigatorIOS

class GiftedMessengerExample extends Component {
return (

            renderScrollComponent={props => <InvertibleScrollView {...props} inverted />}
class Nav extends Component{
    return (
          title: 'flex:1',
          component: GiftedMessengerExample
        }} />


and it has a invalid space at the bottom of listView

what's the reason?


Is there a way to implement a scrollToTop method? I can scrollTo(0) to get to the bottom but could you advice how to get to the top? Thanks.

Build fails with react-native-webpack-server

ERROR in ./~/react-native-invertible-scroll-view/~/react-native-clone-referenced-element/cloneReferencedElement.js
Module build failed: SyntaxError: /path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/react-native-invertible-scroll-view/node_modules/react-native-clone-referenced-element/cloneReferencedElement.js: Unexpected token (18:6)
  16 |         'is not a function. Use a composable callback-style ref instead. ' +
  17 |         'Ignoring ref: ' + originalRef,
> 18 |       );
     |       ^
  19 |     }
  20 |     return React.cloneElement(element, config, ...children);
  21 |   }
    at Parser.pp.raise (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/location.js:24:13)
    at Parser.pp.unexpected (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/util.js:82:8)
    at Parser.pp.parseExprAtom (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:425:12)
    at Parser.parseExprAtom (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/plugins/jsx/index.js:412:22)
    at Parser.pp.parseExprSubscripts (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:236:19)
    at Parser.pp.parseMaybeUnary (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:217:19)
    at Parser.pp.parseExprOps (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:163:19)
    at Parser.pp.parseMaybeConditional (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:145:19)
    at Parser.pp.parseMaybeAssign (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:112:19)
    at Parser.pp.parseExprListItem (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:801:16)
    at Parser.parseExprListItem (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/plugins/flow.js:780:24)
    at Parser.pp.parseExprList (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:789:20)
    at Parser.pp.parseSubscripts (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:270:29)
    at Parser.pp.parseExprSubscripts (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:240:17)
    at Parser.pp.parseMaybeUnary (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:217:19)
    at Parser.pp.parseExprOps (/path/to/custom-react-native-app/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babylon/lib/parser/expression.js:163:19)
 @ ./~/react-native-invertible-scroll-view/InvertibleScrollView.js 15:29-77
webpack: bundle is now VALID.

trailing comma in line 17 is causing the issue..

Animate Scroll

Is it possible to animate the scroll when a new item is added to the scroll view? as currently the new item just snaps in...


Stange render issue on [email protected]

It worked OK with ReactNative 0.38
Well, I cannot say what's exaclty wrong, but only one row renders if I use invertible ScrollView with ListView together:
screen shot 2016-12-08 at 22 02 32

        renderRow={(suggestion) => this._renderRow(suggestion)}
        renderScrollComponent={props => <InvertibleScrollView {...props} inverted/>}

Adding flex: 1 to inverted styles here fixes it

verticallyInverted: {
    flex: 1,
    transform: [
      { scaleY: -1, scaleX: 1},

Opens Bottom Problem

Hello everyone.
My app start in feed, i reversed with react-native-invertible-scroll-view.
But it starts bottom like whatsapp but I want to it starts on top like facebook homepage.
Please help me!

  createDataSource({ studentsArray }) {
    const ds = new ListView.DataSource({
      rowHasChanged: (r1, r2) => r1 !== r2
    this.dataSource = ds.cloneWithRows(studentsArray);
  renderRow(ogrenci) {
      return <ListItem ogrenci={ogrenci} />;
            renderScrollComponent={props => <InvertibleScrollView {...props} inverted />}

Doesn't work with single long component

This may work with smaller components, but with larger single components (in my case a graph that grows over time and is scrollable), the default position is still always left-justified.

If items aren't enough list view items are shown at the bottom ?

If I have sufficient items it displays fine, but if its just 2 or 3 items then the items are shown far at the bottom .

here's my styles

container: {
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
alignItems: 'stretch',
backgroundColor: 'white',
flex : 1,
padding : 20,

list :{
borderColor: 'gray',
borderWidth : 1,
margin : 20,
marginTop : 100
load_more : {
height : 100,

and the render

Load Previous

Where to get the patch?

Hi @ide

Thanks for the component!
You mentioned in the Readme:

NOTE: You need a patched version of React Native for this to work

Where can I get the patched version?


Inverted list displays mirrored on Android

It worked before our react-native upgrade. Now with react native 0.37.0, the inverted list displays mirrored upside down, when using onRefresh property on the list. It looks fine on iOS, but looks like there were some changes on Android.

Anyone else having the same problem?

Readme example has some errors

  • There are a comma after the functions _renderHeader() and _renderRow(row)
  • A ")" should close the StyleSheet.create() function

Support for Section Headers?

Section headers end up looking pretty strange with the transform, (upside down). I'm looking at the source code and I'm trying to figure out a way to render section headers at the end of a blob section and right-side up. Any suggestions?

How to scroll to the bottom

could you provide some example code how to scroll to the bottom?
When I'm trying this piece of code:

    render: function () {
        return (
                    ref={(ref) => this._scrollView = ref}
                        (props) => <InvertibleScrollView {...props} inverted />

    _scrollToTop() {
        this._scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0);

so I am getting the error:
undefined is not a function (evaluating 'this._scrollView.scrollTo(0, 0)')

Thank you.

keyboard avoid problem

im using your lib
and when i use the keyboard avoid i have problem with the padding
its have a ugly jump
empty place in the listview
ezgif com-crop
(im using KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding" )

Invertible scroll "compacting" rows

Hi guys, this is how it looks like:


I have a simple:

 <ListView style={styles.listView}
          renderScrollComponent={props => <InvertibleScrollView  {...props} inverted />}
          renderRow={(data) => <MessageRow navigator={this.props.navigator} {} />}
          renderSeparator={(sectionId, rowId) => <View key={rowId} style={styles.separator} />}

Just following the docs.

Simplifying InvertibleScrollView

I like this library, but feel like it could be more useful if it encapsulated more of the component setup.

I think the majority of those looking to use invertible scroll views are simply looking for a way to get a <ScrollView> or <ListView> component with reverse scrolling (e.g. for a chat application, terminal log, or any number of common use cases).


The best way to do this in react-native would be to simply expose a prop on those respective components so that scrolling can just be declared, e.g.

<ListView   scrollDirection="reverse" ... />
<ScrollView scrollDirection="reverse" ... />

I would really like to see this in react-native as it solves a really common UX need in the most composable and declarative way without involving any (redundant) new components.

Until then...

This library is an excellent stopgap. But it provides an incomplete solution because doesn't provide a simple component that just gets the job done: it requires developers to manually compose the inverted view using renderScrollComponent, reversing the datasource, etc.

Can we...

...simply provide a couple components which behave exactly like <ListView> and <ScrollView>, except with inverted scrolling? For example:

  • <ReverseScrollView>, which extends ScrollView
  • <ReverseListView>, which extends ListView

...these components would behave exactly like ScrollView and ListView, with the same props, dataSource, etc. Only the scroll direction would be reversed. No more need to worry about how renderScrollComponent works, or how to deal with reversed data sources.

I think this would provide much better composability, learnability, and usability for developers. It would also provide a simple migration path in the future if react-native decides to offer something like a scrollDirection prop, since developers would already have written to a consistent set of props, events, etc.

Get the axis-Y of the top


When scrolling, I'd like to check if we are at the top-most because I'd like to load more messages when scroll to top-most. In original scroll view, I can check if the

onScroll={(e) => console.log(e.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y)}

to see if the y is less then 0. However, in inverted scroll view, the y is increasing when scrolling up. In such case, how can I tell if I've already scrolled to the top-most?


height combined with other components.


I would like your help.
I have this setup:

render() {
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <ListView style={styles.container}
        renderScrollComponent={props => <InvertibleScrollView  {...props} inverted />}
        renderRow={(data) => <MessageRow navigator={this.props.navigator} {} />}
        renderSeparator={(sectionId, rowId) => <View key={rowId} style={styles.separator} />} />
          <Col size={70}>
            <FormInput placeholderTextColor={placeholderColor} inputStyle={styles.input} placeholder="Add your comment"
                        onChangeText={(val) => this.setState({message : val})}
                        editable={true} />
          <Col size={30}>
              icon={{name: 'comment'}}
              onSubmit={this._submitComment} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
  flex: 1
commentContainer: {
  flexDirection: 'row'


This produces:


As you can see, there's a bunch of void space down there!

If I remove the Grid element, then the listView gets in "full screen mode". I mean, it reaches the bottom of the app.

How can I do this to make room for the input in the end of the app's window ?
thank you

scrollTo(0) doesn't work as expected

Thanks for putting this module together @ide . I'm seeing an issue where this code:

    triggerScroll: function() {
        this.setTimeout(() => {
            this.refs.<ListView reference>.getScrollResponder().scrollTo(0);
        }, 2000);

doesn't actually scroll all the way to the bottom, but rather to an item near the end of the list. On the other hand it does seem to scroll the view so that the topmost item shows up at the top of the view (previously it rendered the items starting ~20% down leaving some whitespace at the top).

check the end of list in InvertibleScrollView?

How do I check the end of list in InvertibleScrollView?
for example

if(this.InvertibleScrollView.scrollTo(0) === 0) { 


if(this.InvertibleScrollView.scrollTo(0) ) { 

I need to check the end of the list
But I didn't find a solution.

How can I have access to the SectionID ?

I have an inverted listView that renders tiles on the screen, when I press one of the tiles I need to use the sectionID to do some re-rendering. What im doing is the following

          <ListView style ={styles.scrollView} 
            renderScrollComponent={props => 
            <InvertibleScrollView {...props} inverted />}
            renderRow={(rowData, rowID, sectionID) => 

                <View ref='item' style={this.keyColor(rowData)}>



This does not give me the rowData, rowID, nor sectionID instead i get "proxy". If I don't use the invertible scrollview component however everything works fine. Any suggestions?

Unable to resolve module react

I'm getting an error "Unable to resolve module react", which is referenced by the "react-clone-referenced-element" package this package requires. That's because I have not installed react by itself, it's nested within react-native.

Changing the line in cloneReferencedElement.js to let React = require("react-native"); solves this issue.

Is there any more structured way to resolve this, without having to change code in a third party package?

scroll moves when adding content

hello, help me find a solution to add content to scroll. When my content inside InvertibleScrollView becomes higher, the component will automatically moves scroll to this height. How to add content and save scroll position?

Space at the top when inverting the scroll view.

Hi James,

So I'm working on a comment functionality, when I invert the scroll view I'm able to automatically scroll at the bottom of the comments after posting them also I'm using unshift so the comments are added at the bottom. The only problem I have is that when there are not enough comments to fill the screen space, these appear at the bottom. Any ideas of how to fix this? I've been trying to use styles on each element.

Bundling failed: SyntaxError: A trailing comma is not permitted after the rest element

I've just upgraded to React Native 0.56, which moved to Babel 7. And here the error I've got:

error: bundling failed: SyntaxError: /Users/..../Documents/work/.../node_modules/react-native-invertible-scroll-view/InvertibleScrollView.js: A trailing comma is not permitted after the rest element (45:14)

  43 |       inverted,
  44 |       renderScrollComponent,
> 45 |       ...props,
     |               ^
  46 |     } = this.props;
  47 |

Support for React Native v0.40

On RN v0.40, iOS native headers have been moved. Imports of RN Headers should be changed from:

#import "RCTUtils.h"


#import <React/RCTUtils.h>

Add project deprecation warning to the ReadME?

After reading through the discussion at #41 I'm left wondering if a deprecation warning should be added to the ReadMe.

This would be very useful for beginners as not all of them are aware of alternatives like the new inverted rendering capabilities added to RN's built-in Flatlist component.

Full disclaimer, I'm not familiar enough with this project to know if there are any extra features it offer which still make it relevant to green field apps. So please take this as a question more than as a suggestion.

Brackets don't work when importing?

This seems like a strange error and maybe it's something to do with my project as opposed to how you've setup your library, but here's the issue.

Including InvertibleScrollView with brackets produces an error:

import { InvertibleScrollView } from 'react-native-invertible-scroll-view';

Will produce the following error:

screenshot 2016-04-27 21 45 15

Whereas by simply removing the brackets works just fine:

import InvertibleScrollView from 'react-native-invertible-scroll-view';

I know you don't include brackets in your sample README code but I thought it was optional and since all the other libraries I include work fine with the brackets, I thought I would do the same but ran into this obfuscated error.

If you could shed some light on this, that would be great.


Animation when unshift new elment

Hi I'm using this library for my messaging app. Is there or will there be support of the animation effect when I unshift an element to the list?

Currently the frame just re-renders and the list elements magically jumps to the new position. I tried to use layout animation but the result is not as expected.


[Android] onPress of individual parts of a row don't trigger


I'm using the invertible scroll view to render various chat messages. Some chat messages contain clickable text. I'm using Touchable*s to make parts of the text clickable, which is working fine in iOS. In Android, it seems that the Listview is infront of the individual rows (is this possible?!) and thus the onPress events are not even fired. Using the inspector, whenever I try to click on an individual row, the entire listview is selected and not the row.

Any idea what the reason might be?


Using Clipboard on inverted list gives wrong item data?

I am trying to use Clipboard on an inverted list item. To simplify:

  1. The list works great. I follow the examples and rendering and scrolling is as expected.

  2. I use a RenderRow(data) function which returns a TouchableOpacity component with Clipboard feature on press:

renderMessage(data) {
     return (
       <TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>Clipboard.setString(`${data}`)} >{data} </TouchableOpacity>
  1. When I press on a list item, the touchable opacity works BUT the data available in the Clipboard is from another item in the list.

Could that be due to the mirroring of the ListView ?? Have anyone tested with list item buttons ??

Bad scrolling with Android Pie 9 and Pixel 2 XL

Issue Description
When scrolling enters in the "momentum" phase (after releasing finger) the chat view starts to scroll in the opposite direction

Steps to Reproduce / Code Snippets
Just scrolls the chat view using fast finger swipe

Additional Information
React Native version: 0.55.0
react-native-gifted-chat version: 0.4.3
react-native-invertible-scroll-view: 1.1.0
Platform(s): Android 9

scrollTo is undefined

When I use this plugin with ListView, the this.refs.listView.scrollTo is undefined.

  render() {
    var ds = this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(this.props.messages);
    return (
          (props) => <InvertibleScrollView {...props} inverted />

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