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facturama-python-sdk's Introduction

Facturama Python SDK

[NOTE] This document is also available in English.

Librería para consumir la API Web y API Multiemisor de Facturama.

Puedes consultar la guía completa de la API.

Crear cuenta de usuario

Crear una cuenta de usuario en el ambiente de prueba Sandbox

Para API Web, realiza la configuración básica usando RFC de pruebas "EKU9003173C9", más información aquí.

Sellos digitales de prueba (CSD), aquí.

Inicio Rápido


pip install -e git+

Incluir librería

import facturama

Credenciales de usuario

facturama._credentials = ('username', 'password')


Creación de CFDIs con un único emisor, (el propietario de la cuenta, cuyo perfil fiscal se tiene configurado)

Todas las operaciones son reflejadas en la plataforma web.

Operaciones API Web

  • Crear, Consultar Cancelar CFDI así como descargar XML, PDF y envió de estos por mail.
  • Consultar Perfil y Suscripción actual.
  • Carga de Logo y Certificados Digitales.
  • CRUD de Productos, Clientes, Sucursales y Series. Ejemplos: aquí

Nota: Se recomienda incluir el folio y la fecha de expedición para todas las facturas.

API Multiemisor

Creacion de CFDIs con multiples emisores.

Las operaciones NO se reflejan en la plataforma web.

Operaciones API Multiemisor

  • Crear, Consultar, Cancelar descarga de XML.
  • CRUD de CSD (Certificados de los Sellos Digitales).

Ejemplos: aquí

Library Development and Testing


Crear nuevo cliente

customer_object = {
        "Id": "1111000",
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "Address": {
            "Street": "Fenix One",
            "ExteriorNumber": "1",
            "InteriorNumber": "0",
            "Neighborhood": "Call me",
            "ZipCode": "29950",
            "Locality": "Xiquilpan",
            "Municipality": "Jiquilpan",
            "State": "MICHOACAN",
            "Country": "MX"
        "Rfc": "KAHO641101B39",
        "Name": "OSCAR KALA HAAK",
        "CfdiUse": "S01",
        "TaxZipCode": "29950",
        "FiscalRegime": "605",
Test de libreria con nose
$ nosetests
cliente = facturama.Client.create(customer_object)

Mostrar clientes

Mostrar todos

customers = facturama.Client.all()
for x in customers:

Mostrar cliente por ID

print(facturama.Client.retrieve("HN10gA7YPgrCgjKfSnNn0g2")) #Para obtener el ID de un cliente, es necesario mostrar todos los clientes y buscarlo manualmente para recuperar el valor.

Lista paginada de clientes

lst_clients = facturama.Client.list(0, 100, "")
#Total de registros
#Total de registros filtrados
#Muestra el contenido del registro '0'
#Muestra el ID del del registro '0'

Editar cliente

customer_object = {
        "Id": "1111000",
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "Address": {
            "Street": "Fenix One",
            "ExteriorNumber": "1",
            "InteriorNumber": "0",
            "Neighborhood": "Call me, but not today",
            "ZipCode": "29950",
            "Locality": "Xiquilpan",
            "Municipality": "Jiquilpan",
            "State": "MICHOACAN",
            "Country": "MX"
        "Rfc": "KAHO641101B39",
        "Name": "OSCAR KALA HAAK",
        "CfdiUse": "S01",
        "TaxZipCode": "29950",
        "FiscalRegime": "605",
updateCostumer = facturama.Client.update(customer_object,"DF0734DccXct6-LvsmgOJg2") #Recibe el ID del cliente a modificar como segundo argumento.

Eliminar cliente

#facturama.Client.delete("DF0734DccXct6-LvsmgOJg2") #Se debe de eliminar el cliente con su ID.


Agregar producto

product_object = {
      "Unit": "Servicio",
      "UnitCode": "E48",
      "IdentificationNumber": "WEB003",
      "Name": "Sitio Web CMS",
      "Description": "Desarrollo de sitio web empleando un CMS",
      "Price": 6500,
      "CodeProdServ": "43232408",
      "CuentaPredial": "123",
      "Taxes": [
          "Name": "IVA",
          "Rate": 0.16,
          "IsRetention": False,
          "IsFederalTax": True
          "Name": "ISR",
          "IsRetention": True,
          "IsFederalTax": True,
          "Total": 0.10
          "Name": "IVA",
          "IsRetention": True,
          "IsFederalTax": True,
          "Total": 0.106667
product = facturama.Product.create(product_object)

Mostrar productos

Mostrar todos

products = facturama.Product.all()
for x in products:
    print(f"\n", x)

Mostrar por ID

print(facturama.Product.retrieve("FkoyDzFYagNiB15uTrVX4Q2")) #Para obtener el ID de un producto, es necesario mostrar todos los productos y buscarlo manualmente para recuperar el valor.

Lista paginada de productos

lst_product = facturama.Product.list(0, 100, "")
#Total de registros
#Total de registros filtrados
#Muestra el contenido del registro '0'
#muestra el ID del del registro '0'

Editar producto

product_object = {
"Unit": "Servicio",
      "UnitCode": "E48",
      "IdentificationNumber": "WEB003",
      "Name": "Sitio Web Destilación",
      "Description": "Sitio web para venta de productos destilados",
      "Price": 9000,
      "CodeProdServ": "43232408",
      "CuentaPredial": "123",
      "Taxes": [
          "Name": "IVA",
          "Rate": 0.16,
          "IsRetention": False,
          "IsFederalTax": True
          "Name": "ISR",
          "IsRetention": True,
          "IsFederalTax": True,
          "Total": 0.10
          "Name": "IVA",
          "IsRetention": True,
          "IsFederalTax": True,
          "Total": 0.106667
updateProduct = facturama.Product.update(product_object, "0PS3VO1l0qUpfEs3wJDHRw2") #Recibe el ID del producto a modificar como segundo argumento.

Eliminar un producto


Sucursales (Branch Offices)

Crear nueva sucursal

branch_office_object = {
    "Name": "Capsule Corp",
    "Description": "Secret Capsule Corp HQ",
    "Address": {
        "Street": "Namek",
        "ExteriorNumber": "1",
        "InteriorNumber": "0",
        "Neighborhood": "Rock 3",
        "ZipCode": "59510",
        "Locality": "Xiquilpan",
        "Municipality": "Jiquilpan",
        "State": "MICHOACAN",
        "Country": "MX"
branch = facturama.BranchOffice.create(branch_office_object)

Mostrar sucursales

Mostrar todas

sucursales = facturama.BranchOffice.all()
for x in sucursales:

Mostrar sucursal por ID

print(facturama.BranchOffice.retrieve('NvLlLjpITbl1pMrGlo45mA2')) #Para obtener el ID de una sucursal, es necesario mostrar todas las sucursales y buscar una manualmente para recuperar el valor.

Actualizar sucursal

branch_office_object = {
    "Id": "J0in7OLXwv4NddnqfwUjOA2",
    "Name": "Red Patrol INC",
    "Description": "We are not evil",
    "Address": {
        "Street": "Secret",
        "ExteriorNumber": "1",
        "InteriorNumber": "0",
        "Neighborhood": "None",
        "ZipCode": "59510",
        "Locality": "Secret",
        "Municipality": "Jiquilpan",
        "State": "MICHOACAN",
        "Country": "MX"
facturama.BranchOffice.update(branch_office_object, "J0in7OLXwv4NddnqfwUjOA2") #Recibe el ID de la sucursal a modificar como segundo argumento.

Eliminar sucursal



Crear serie

serie_object = {
    "IdBranchOffice": "A6A2ECMzMMuij5aFI4_jpA2",
    "Name": "ADB",
    "Description": "Para el control de inventarios 2",
    "Folio": 207
facturama.BranchOffice.Serie.newSerie("A6A2ECMzMMuij5aFI4_jpA2", serie_object)

Mostrar series de una sucursal

print(facturama.BranchOffice.Serie.retrieve("A6A2ECMzMMuij5aFI4_jpA2")) #Recibe el ID de la sucursal

Eliminar serie


CFDI 4.0

Crear factura de ingreso

crear_factura = {
    "Folio": "10",
    "Date": "2023-05-09T10:00",
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "PaymentForm": "03",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "TaxZipCode": "26015",
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "ZUÑ920208KL4",
        "Name": "ZAPATERIA URTADO ÑERI",
        "CfdiUse": "G03",
        "FiscalRegime": "601",
        "TaxZipCode": "77060"
    "Items": [
            "ProductCode": "10101504",
            "IdentificationNumber": "EDL",
            "Description": "Estudios de viabilidad",
            "Unit": "NO APLICA",
            "UnitCode": "MTS",
            "UnitPrice": 70.0,
            "Quantity": 2.0,
            "Subtotal": 140.0,
            "TaxObject": "02",  # Nuevos elementos para CFDi 4.0
        "Taxes": [
                    "Total": 22.4,
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Base": 140.0,
                    "Rate": 0.16,
                    "IsRetention": False
            "Total": 162.4
            "ProductCode": "10101504",
            "IdentificationNumber": "001",
            "Description": "SERVICIO DE COLOCACION",
            "Unit": "NO APLICA",
            "UnitCode": "E49",
            "UnitPrice": 100.0,
            "Quantity": 15.0,
            "Subtotal": 1500.0,
            "Discount": 0.0,
            "TaxObject": "01",
            "Total": 1500.0
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(crear_factura)

Crear factura de egreso

f_egreso = {
    "Folio": "11",
    "Date": "2023-05-09T10:25",
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
    "CfdiType": "E",
    "PaymentForm": "99",
    "PaymentMethod": "PPD",
    "Receiver": {
        'Rfc': 'CACX7605101P8',
        'CfdiUse': 'CP01',
        'Name': 'XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ',
        'FiscalRegime': '605',
        'TaxZipCode': '10740'
    "Items": [
            "ProductCode": "10101504",
            "IdentificationNumber": "EDL",
            "Description": "Estudios de viabilidad",
            "Unit": "NO APLICA",
            "UnitCode": "MTS",
            "UnitPrice": 50.0,
            "Quantity": 2.0,
            "Subtotal": 100.0,
            "TaxObject": "02",  # Nuevos elementos para CFDi 4.0
        "Taxes": [
                    "Total": 16.0,
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Base": 100.0,
                    "Rate": 0.16,
                    "IsRetention": False
            "Total": 116.0
            "ProductCode": "10101504",
            "IdentificationNumber": "001",
            "Description": "SERVICIO DE COLOCACION",
            "Unit": "NO APLICA",
            "UnitCode": "E49",
            "UnitPrice": 100.0,
            "Quantity": 15.0,
            "Subtotal": 1500.0,
            "Discount": 0.0,
            "TaxObject": "01",
            "Total": 1500.0
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(f_egreso)

Crear factura con pago en parcialidades

f_ppd = {
    "Folio": "501",
    'Date': '2023-05-08T10:27',
    'PaymentForm': '99',
    'PaymentConditions': 'CREDITO A SIETE DIAS',
    'Currency': 'MXN',
    'CfdiType': 'I',
    'PaymentMethod': 'PPD',
    'ExpeditionPlace': '65000',
        'Rfc': 'CACX7605101P8',
        'CfdiUse': 'CP01',
        'Name': 'XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ',
        'FiscalRegime': '605',
        'TaxZipCode': '10740',
            'Street': 'Guadalcazar del receptor',
            'ExteriorNumber': '300',
            'InteriorNumber': 'A',
            'Neighborhood' : 'Las lomas',
            'ZipCode': '65000',
            'Municipality': 'San Luis Potosi',
            'State': 'San Luis Potosi',
            'Country': 'México'
    'Items': [
            'ProductCode': '10101504',
            'IdentificationNumber': 'EDL',
            'Description': 'Estudios de viabilidad',
            'Unit': 'NO APLICA',
            'UnitCode': 'MTS',
            'UnitPrice': 50.0,
            'Quantity': 2.0,
            'Subtotal': 100.0,
            "TaxObject": "02",
            'Taxes': [
                   'Total': 16.0,
                   'Name': 'IVA',
                   'Base': 100.0,
                   'Rate': 0.16,
                   'IsRetention': False,
            'Total': 116.0,
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(f_ppd)

Crear factura de comercio exterior

f_comext = {
        "Receiver": {
            "Name": " JOSE ALBERTO  LOPEZ CAMARILLO",
            "CfdiUse": "S01",
            "Rfc": "XEXX010101000",
            "FiscalRegime": "616",
            "TaxRegistrationNumber": "123456789",
            "TaxResidence": "USA",
            "TaxZipCode": "78116"
        "CfdiType": "I",
        "NameId": "26",
        "ExpeditionPlace": "78116",
        "Folio": "102",
        "Date": "2023-05-08T09:14",
        "PaymentForm": "01",
        "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
        "Exportation": "02",
        "Items": [{
            "IdentificationNumber": "CX-000988",
      	    "Quantity": "1",
      	    "ProductCode": "44121706",
      	    "UnitCode": "DPC",
            "Unit": "PIEZA",
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "Description": "Es un lapiz",
            "UnitPrice": "100",
            "Subtotal": "100.00",
            "Taxes": [{
                "Name": "IVA",
                "Rate": "0.16",
                "Total": "16",
                "Base": "100",
                "IsRetention": "false"
            "Total": "116.00"
        "Complemento": {
            "ForeignTrade": {
                "Issuer": {
                    "Address": {
                        "Street": "Cañada de Gomez",
                        "ExteriorNumber": "110",
                        "InteriorNumber": "A",
                        "Reference": "-",
                        "Municipality": "028",
                        "State": "SLP",
                        "Country": "MEX",
                        "ZipCode": "78216"
                "Receiver": {
                    "Address": {
                        "Street": "Thompson Drive",
                        "ExteriorNumber": "3994",
                        "InteriorNumber": "A",
                        "Neighborhood": None,
                        "Locality": "Oakland",
                        "Municipality": "028",
                        "State": "CA",
                        "Country": "USA",
                        "ZipCode": "94612"
                "Commodity": [{
                    "SpecificDescriptions": [{
                        "Brand": "Volkswagen",
                         "Model": "Polo",
                         "SubModel": "GTI",
                         "SerialNumber": "4556789542156"
                    "IdentificationNumber": "CX-000988",
                    "TariffFraction": "9609100100",
                    "CustomsQuantity": "1",
                    "CustomsUnit": "06",
                    "CustomsUnitValue": "10.60"
                "OperationType": "2",
                "RequestCode": "A1",
                "OriginCertificate": "true",
                "Incoterm": "CFR",
                "Subdivision": 1,
                "ExchangeRateUSD": "17.9975", #Este valor cambia diariamente, precio del dólar.
                "TotalUSD": "1",
                "OriginCertificateNumber": "20001000000300022817",
                "ReliableExporterNumber": None,
                "Observations": "sample string 8"
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(f_comext)

Crear factura de donativos

donativo = {
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "PaymentForm": "03",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "TaxZipCode": "26015",
    "Folio": "20"
    "Date" : "2023-05-01T13:46:00",
        "Rfc": "ZUÑ920208KL4",
        "Name": "ZAPATERIA URTADO ÑERI",
        "CfdiUse": "G03",
        "FiscalRegime": "601",
        "TaxZipCode": "77060"
    "Complemento": {
        "Donation": {
            "AuthorizationDate": "1/05/2023",
            "AuthorizationNumber": "B400-05-08-2014-005",
            "Legend": "El comprobante es un donativo"
        "ProductCode": "60121535",
        "Description": "Es una goma",
        "Unit": "NO APLICA",
        "UnitCode": "H87",
        "UnitPrice": 10.0,
        "Quantity": 200000.0,
        "Subtotal": 2000000.0,
        "TaxObject": "01",
        "Total": 2000000.0
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(donativo)

Crear factura para IEDU (Instituciones educativas)

iedu = {
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "Folio": "33"
    "Date": "2023-05-03T10:00",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
    "NameId": "1",
    "PaymentForm": "01",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "ZUÑ920208KL4",
        "Name": "ZAPATERIA URTADO ÑERI",
        "CfdiUse": "G03",
        "FiscalRegime": "601",
        "TaxZipCode": "77060"
    "Items": [
            "Complement": {
                "EducationalInstitution": {
                    "AutRvoe" : "234",
                    "Curp": "ROAJ850914HSPMLS08",
                    "EducationLevel": "Profesional técnico",
                    "StudentsName": "Pruebas Complementos"
            "Taxes": [
                    "Base": "100",
                    "IsRetention": "false",
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Rate": "0.16",
                    "Total": "16"
            "Description": "producto prueba complemento IEDU",
            "IdProduct": "lLro-ivFuvcTbH32gFSQ7w2",
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "ProductCode": "86121503",
            "Quantity": "1",
            "Subtotal": "100.00",
            "Total": "116.00",
            "Unit": "Unidad de servicio",
            "UnitCode": "E48",
            "UnitPrice": "100.00"
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(iedu)

Crear factura de terceros

terceros = {
  "Currency": "MXN",
  "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
  "PaymentConditions": "CREDITO A SIETE DIAS",
  "Folio": "18",
  "Date": "2023-05-03T09:08",
  "CfdiType": "I",
  "PaymentForm": "01",
  "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
  "Observations":"Elemento Observaciones solo visible en PDF",
        'Rfc': 'CACX7605101P8',
        'CfdiUse': 'CP01',
        'Name': 'XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ',
        'FiscalRegime': '605',
        'TaxZipCode': '10740',
  "Items": [
      "ProductCode": "10101504",
      "IdentificationNumber": "EDL",
      "Description": "Estudios de laboratorio",
      "Unit": "NO APLICA",
      "UnitCode": "MTS",
      "UnitPrice": 50,
      "Quantity": 2.0,
      "Subtotal": 100,
      "Taxes": [
          "Total": 16,
          "Name": "IVA",
          "Base": 100,
          "Rate": 0.16,
          "IsRetention": False
      "Total": 116,
            "Name":"XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ",
      "ProductCode": "10101504",
      "IdentificationNumber": "001",
      "Description": "SERVICIO DE COLOCACION",
      "Unit": "NO APLICA",
      "UnitCode": "E49",
      "UnitPrice": 100.0,
      "Quantity": 15.0,
      "Subtotal": 1500.0,
      "Discount": 0.0,
      "Taxes": [
          "Total": 240.0,
          "Name": "IVA",
          "Base": 1500.0,
          "Rate": 0.16,
          "IsRetention": False
      "Total": 1740.0
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(terceros)

Crear factura para kits

kit = {
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "PaymentForm": "03",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "Folio": "25",
    "Date": "2023-05-05T09:47",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "CACX7605101P8",
        "CfdiUse": "CP01",
        "Name": "XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ",
        "FiscalRegime": "605",
        "TaxZipCode": "10740",
    "Items": [
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "ProductCode": "60131517",
            "Description": "Estuche para guitarra",
            "UnitCode": "H87",
            "Quantity": 1,
            "UnitPrice": 4877,
            "Subtotal": 4877,
            "Taxes": [
                    "Total": 780.32,
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Base": 4877,
                    "Rate": 0.16,
                    "IsRetention": False
            "Parts": [
                    "Quantity": 1,
                    "UnitCode": "H87",
                    "ProductCode": "60131303",
                    "Description": "Guitarra acústica",
                    "UnitPrice": 3800
            "Total": 5657.32
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(kit)

Crear complemento de pago

complemento = {
    "CfdiType": "P",
    "NameId": "14",
    "Date": "2023-05-07T09:08",
    "Folio": "93",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
  'Receiver': {
      'Rfc': 'CACX7605101P8',
      'CfdiUse': 'CP01',
      'FiscalRegime': '605',
      'TaxZipCode': '10740'
    "Complemento": {
        "Payments": [
                "Date": "2023-05-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                "Currency": "MXN",
                "Amount": "100",
                "PaymentForm": "01",
                "RelatedDocuments": [
                        "Uuid": "a7c9ed1e-865a-4433-93d6-13bfeecae0af", #ID de la factura relacionada
                        "Currency": "MXN",
                        "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
                        "PartialityNumber": "1",
                        "PreviousBalanceAmount": "116",
                        "AmountPaid": "100",
                        "TaxObject": "01"
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(complemento)

Carta porte 2.0

c_porte2 = {
    "Folio": "77",
    "Date": "2023-05-03T11:50",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
    "NameId": 33,
    "CfdiType": "T",
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "EKU9003173C9",
        "Name": "ESCUELA KEMPER URGATE",
        "CfdiUse": "S01",
        "FiscalRegime": "601",
        "TaxZipCode": "26015"
    "Items": [
            "ProductCode": "78101800",
            "Description": "Transporte de carga por carretera",
            "UnitCode": "E48",
            "UnitPrice": 0,
            "Quantity": 1,
            "Subtotal": 0,
            "Total": 0
    "Complemento": {
        "CartaPorte20": {
            "TranspInternac": "No",
            "Ubicaciones": [
                    "TipoUbicacion": "Origen",
                    "RFCRemitenteDestinatario": "EKU9003173C9",
                    "FechaHoraSalidaLlegada": "25/11/2021",
                    "DistanciaRecorrida": 1,
                    "Domicilio": {
                        "Calle": "Puebla No.1 ",
                        "CodigoPostal": "28239",
                        "Colonia": "0342",
                        "Estado": "COL",
                        "Municipio": "007",
                        "Localidad": "02",
                        "Pais": "MEX"
                    "TipoUbicacion": "Destino",
                    "RFCRemitenteDestinatario": "EKU9003173C9",
                    "FechaHoraSalidaLlegada": "25/11/2021",
                    "DistanciaRecorrida": 1,
                    "Domicilio": {
                        "Calle": "Morelos No.1 ",
                        "CodigoPostal": "28219",
                        "Colonia": "0575",
                        "Estado": "COL",
                        "Municipio": "007",
                        "Localidad": "02",
                        "Pais": "MEX"
            "Mercancias": {
                "UnidadPeso": "KGM",
                "Mercancia": [
                        "Cantidad": "1",
                        "BienesTransp": "10101500",
                        "Descripcion": "Animales vivos de granja",
                        "ClaveUnidad": "KGM",
                        "PesoEnKg": "1"
                "Autotransporte": {
                    "PermSCT": "TPAF01",
                    "NumPermisoSCT": "123abc",
                    "Seguros": {
                        "AseguraRespCivil": "Seguros SA",
                        "PolizaRespCivil": "123123"
                    "IdentificacionVehicular": {
                        "AnioModeloVM": "1990",
                        "ConfigVehicular": "C2R3",
                        "PlacaVM": "XXX000"
                    "Remolques": [
                            "SubTipoRem": "CTR001",
                            "Placa": "21132h"
            "FiguraTransporte": [
                    "TipoFigura": "01",
                    "RFCFigura": "GARH990725QI7",
                    "NombreFigura": "Hegar",
                    "NumLicencia": "000001"
                    "TipoFigura": "02",
                    "RFCFigura": "GARH990725QI7",
                    "NombreFigura": "Hegar Jose",
                    "PartesTransporte": [{
                        "ParteTransporte": "PT01"
                        "Domicilio": {
                        "Calle": "Morelos No.1 ",
                        "CodigoPostal": "28219",
                        "Colonia": "0575",
                        "Estado": "COL",
                        "Municipio": "007",
                        "Localidad": "02",
                        "Pais": "MEX"
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(c_porte2)

Crear factura para público en general

f_general = {
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "Folio": "68",
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "PaymentForm": "03",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "OrderNumber": "TEST-001",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
    "Date": "2023-05-09T12:55",
    "PaymentConditions": "VENDA DE MOSTRADOR",
    "Observations": "Elemento Observaciones solo visible en PDF",
    "Exportation": "01",
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "XAXX010101000",
        "Name": "PÚBLICO EN GENERAL",
        "CfdiUse": "S01",
        "TaxZipCode": "65000",
        "FiscalRegime": "616"
    "Items": [
            "ProductCode": "10101504",
            "IdentificationNumber": "EDL",
            "Description": "Estudios de laboratorio",
            "Unit": "NO APLICA",
            "UnitCode": "MTS",
            "UnitPrice": 50,
            "Quantity": 2.0,
            "Subtotal": 100,
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "Taxes": [
                    "Total": 16,
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Base": 100,
                    "Rate": 0.16,
                    "IsRetention": False
            "Total": 116
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(f_general)


nomina = {
    "NameId": 1,
    "ExpeditionPlace": "78000",
    "CfdiType": "N",
    "Folio": "47",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "CACX7605101P8",
        "Name": "XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ",
        "CfdiUse": "CN01",
        "FiscalRegime": "605",
        "TaxZipCode": "10740"
    "Complemento": {
        "Payroll": {
            "Type": "O",
            "PaymentDate": "2023-05-10T13:43:59.4011985-06:00",
            "InitialPaymentDate": "2023-05-10T13:43:59.4011985-06:00",
            "FinalPaymentDate": "2023-05-10T13:43:59.4011985-06:00",
            "DaysPaid": 5,
            "Issuer": {
                "EmployerRegistration": "B5510768108"
            "Employee": {
                "Curp": "AAAA110313HCMLNS09",
                "SocialSecurityNumber": "1234567890",
                "StartDateLaborRelations": "2019-01-15T13:43:59.3952019-06:00",
                "ContractType": "01",
                "RegimeType": "02",
                "Unionized": True,
                "TypeOfJourney": "01",
                "EmployeeNumber": "012345672ST",
                "Department": "Software and Deployments",
                "Position": "Developer",
                "PositionRisk": "1",
                "FrequencyPayment": "01",
                "Bank": "SANTANDER",
                "BankAccount": "1234567890",
                "BaseSalary": 1,
                "DailySalary": 1,
                "FederalEntityKey": "SLP"
            "Perceptions": {
                "Details": [
                        "PerceptionType": "001",
                        "Code": "00500",
                        "Description": "Salario Diario",
                        "TaxedAmount": 4,
                        "ExemptAmount": 5
            "Deductions": {
                "Details": [
                        "DeduccionType": "001",
                        "Code": "IMSS",
                        "Description": "Seguridad Social",
                        "Amount": 4
                        "DeduccionType": "002",
                        "Code": "ISR",
                        "Description": "Impuesto Sobre la Renta",
                        "Amount": 2
                        "DeduccionType": "003",
                        "Code": "RETIRO",
                        "Description": "Aportacion a retiro",
                        "Amount": 1
            "OtherPayments": [
                    "OtherPaymentType": "002",
                    "Code": "00101",
                    "Description": "otro pago",
                    "Amount": 110,
                    "EmploymentSubsidy": {
                        "Amount": 110
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(nomina)

Proceso para anticipo

Al utilizar una nota de crédito deberás emitir tres comprobantes fiscales y los pasos a seguir son los siguientes:

  1. Se elabora Factura de venta (CFDI de Ingreso) por el valor del anticipo recibido. (Anticipo)
  2. Se realiza la venta o prestación de servicio y se expide la correspondiente Factura de venta (CFDI de Ingreso) por el valor total de la operación. (Total_Operación)
  3. Se crea una Nota de crédito (CFDI de Egreso) para aplicar el anticipo al saldo remanente del total de la operación. (Nota de Crédito) Adjunto ejemplos para anticipos y venta al público en general.


anticipo = {
    "NameId": "1",
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "Folio": "407",
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "PaymentForm": "03",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "OrderNumber": "TEST-001",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "78000",
    "Date": "2023-05-09T12:55:02-06:00",
    "PaymentConditions": "Anticipo",
    "Observations": "Elemento Observaciones solo visible en PDF",
    "Exportation": "01",
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "URE180429TM6",
        "CfdiUse": "G03",
        "FiscalRegime": "601",
        "TaxZipCode": "65000"
    "Items": [
            "ProductCode": "84111506",
            "IdentificationNumber": None,
            "Description": "Anticipo del bien o servicio ",
            "Unit": "NO APLICA",
            "UnitCode": "ACT",
            "UnitPrice": 100,
            "Quantity": 1.0,
            "Subtotal": 100,
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "Taxes": [
                    "Total": 16,
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Base": 100,
                    "Rate": 0.16,
                    "IsRetention": False
            "Total": 116
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(anticipo)

Total de operación

total ={
    "NameId": "1",
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "Folio": "359",
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "PaymentForm": "03",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "OrderNumber": "TEST-001",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "78000",
    "Date": "2023-05-09T13:02:08-06:00",
    "PaymentConditions": "venta",
    "Observations": "Elemento Observaciones solo visible en PDF",
    "Exportation": "01",
    "Relations": {
        "Type": "07",
        "Cfdis": [
                "Uuid": "72184cc7-cf48-4846-a4fb-a9ebd5101797"
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "URE180429TM6",
        "CfdiUse": "G03",
        "FiscalRegime": "601",
        "TaxZipCode": "65000"
    "Items": [
            "ProductCode": "10101504",
            "IdentificationNumber": "EDL",
            "Description": "Estudios de laboratorio",
            "Unit": "NO APLICA",
            "UnitCode": "MTS",
            "UnitPrice": 300,
            "Quantity": 1.0,
            "Subtotal": 300,
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "Taxes": [
                    "Total": 48,
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Base": 300,
                    "Rate": 0.16,
                    "IsRetention": False
            "Total": 348
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(total)

Nota de crédito

credit_bill = {
    "NameId": "2",
    "Folio": "247",
    "CfdiType": "E",
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "PaymentForm": "30",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "OrderNumber": "TEST-001",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "78000",
    "Date": "2023-05-09T13:07:04-06:00",
    "Observations": "Ejemplo de nota de credito",
    "PaymentConditions": "Anticipo",
    "Exportation": "01",
    "Relations": {
        "Type": "07",
        "Cfdis": [
                "Uuid": "72184cc7-cf48-4846-a4fb-a9ebd5101797"
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "URE180429TM6",
        "CfdiUse": "G03",
        "FiscalRegime": "601",
        "TaxZipCode": "65000"
    "Items": [
            "ProductCode": "84111506",
            "IdentificationNumber": None,
            "Description": "Anticipo del bien o servicio ",
            "Unit": "NO APLICA",
            "UnitCode": "ACT",
            "UnitPrice": 100,
            "Quantity": 1.0,
            "Subtotal": 100,
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "Taxes": [
                    "Total": 16,
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Base": 100,
                    "Rate": 0.16,
                    "IsRetention": False
            "Total": 116
cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(credit_bill)

Notario público

f_notarios = {
    "NameId": "25",
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "Folio": "100",
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "PaymentForm": "03",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "OrderNumber": "TEST-001",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "65000",
    "Date": "2023-05-21T12:55",
    "PaymentConditions": "Notarios Públicos",
    "Observations": "Elemento Observaciones solo visible en PDF",
    "Exportation": "01",
    "Receiver": {
        "Rfc": "CACX7605101P8",
        "Name": "XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ",
        "CfdiUse": "CN01",
        "FiscalRegime": "605",
        "TaxZipCode": "10740"
    "Complemento": {
        "NotariosPublicos": {
            "Version": "1.0",
            "DatosOperacion": {
                "NumInstrumentoNotarial": "1234",
                "FechaInstNotarial": "14/05/2022",
                "MontoOperacion": "10",
                "Subtotal": "10",
                "IVA": "1"
            "DatosNotario": {
                "CURP": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4",
                "NumNotaria": "12",
                "EntidadFederativa": "24",
               # "Adscripcion": ""
            "DescInmuebles": [
                    "TipoInmueble": "01",
                    "Calle": "calle",
                    "Municipio": "slp",
                    "Estado": "24",
                    "Pais": "MEX",
                    "CodigoPostal": "78000"
            "DatosEnajenante": {
                "CoproSocConyugalE": "No",
                "Item": {
                    "Nombre": "juan",
                    "ApellidoPaterno": "hernandez",
                    "RFC": "KICR630120NX3",
                    "CURP": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4"
            "DatosAdquiriente": {
                "CoproSocConyugalE": "No",
                "Item": {
                    "Nombre": "juan",
                    "ApellidoPaterno": "hernandez",
                    "RFC": "KICR630120NX3",
                    "CURP": "XEXX010101HNEXXXA4"
    "Items": [
            "Quantity": "1",
            "ProductCode": "95101603",
            "UnitCode": "E48",
            "Unit": "Unidad de servicio",
            "Description": "sitio centro comercial",
            "IdentificationNumber": "sitiocomercial",
            "UnitPrice": "10.00",
            "Subtotal": "10.00",
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "Taxes": [
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Rate": "0.16",
                    "Total": "1.6",
                    "Base": "10",
                    "IsRetention": False,
                    "IsFederalTax": True
            "Total": "11.60"

cfdi = facturama.Cfdi.create3(f_notarios)

Mostrar facturas

Mostrar todas las facturas

facturas = facturama.Cfdi.listAll()

Mostrar facturas por estado y receptor

facturas = facturama.Cfdi.list('issued','XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ','all')
for x in facturas:

Descargar facturas

Descargar XML

xml = facturama.Cfdi.saveAsXML("x9-38Z-Gl66oWWX9uetbcQ2", "EjemploFact.xml")

Descargar HTML

html = facturama.Cfdi.saveAsHtml("x9-38Z-Gl66oWWX9uetbcQ2", "EjemploFact.html")

Descargar PDF

pdf = facturama.Cfdi.saveAsPdf("x9-38Z-Gl66oWWX9uetbcQ2", "EjemploFact.pdf")

Mandar factura por correo electrónico

facturama.Cfdi.send_by_email('issued', "x9-38Z-Gl66oWWX9uetbcQ2", '[email protected]')

Eliminar facturas

facturama.Cfdi.delete('rY0ZgPPdcYlmJepd6k-jgw2','issued', '02', '69615e85-4cc9-4830-8c41-9d6dcaad58d3') #Recibe el ID de la factura como primer argumento y el UUID de la factura como último argumento


CFDI 4.0

facturamulti = {
    "NameId": None,
    "LogoUrl": "",
    "Date": "2023-05-22T12:00:00",
    "Serie": None,
    "PaymentAccountNumber": None,
    "CurrencyExchangeRate": None,
    "Currency": "MXN",
    "ExpeditionPlace": "78000",
    "PaymentConditions": None,
    "Relations": None,
    "Folio": "20",
    "CfdiType": "I",
    "PaymentForm": "28",
    "PaymentMethod": "PUE",
    "Issuer": {
        "FiscalRegime": "601",
        "Rfc": "EKU9003173C9",
        "Name": "ESCUELA KEMPER URGATE",
        "Address": None
    "Receiver": {
        'Rfc': 'CACX7605101P8',
        'CfdiUse': 'CP01',
        'Name': 'XOCHILT CASAS CHAVEZ',
        'FiscalRegime': '605',
        'TaxZipCode': '10740'
    "Items": [
            "IdProduct": None,
            "ProductCode": "81112501",
            "IdentificationNumber": None,
            "SKU": None,
            "Description": "Licencia Mensual Parrot Connect: Ríos Ceviches Mamalones (MTY)",
            "Unit": "Unidad de servicio.",
            "UnitCode": "E48",
            "UnitPrice": 1200.0,
            "Quantity": 1,
            "Subtotal": 1200.0,
            "Discount": None,
            "TaxObject": "02",
            "Taxes": [
                    "Total": 192.0,
                    "Name": "IVA",
                    "Base": 1200.0,
                    "Rate": 0.16,
                    "IsRetention": False,
                    "IsQuota": None
            "CuentaPredial": None,
            "NumerosPedimento": None,
            "Parts": None,
            "Total": 1392.0,
            "Complement": None
    "Complemento": None,
    "Observations": None,
    "OrderNumber": None,
    "PaymentBankName": None
cfdi = facturama.CfdiMultiEmisor.create3(facturamulti)

Mostrar facturas

Mostrar todas las facturas

data = facturama.CfdiMultiEmisor.retrieve()
for x in data:
    print(f"\n", x)

Mostrar facturas filtradas

filter = dict(rfc='CACX7605101P8',
                      folioStart = 0,
                      folioEnd = 200)
data = facturama.CfdiMultiEmisor.list(filter)
for x in data:
    print(f"\n", x)

Descargar facturas

Descargar XML

multXML = facturama.CfdiMultiEmisor.saveAsXML("IUf4d3yrcediMmVDCGczJA2", "Multiemisor.xml")

Descargar HTML

multHTML = facturama.CfdiMultiEmisor.saveAsHtml("IUf4d3yrcediMmVDCGczJA2", "Multiemisor.html")

Descargar PDF

multPDF = facturama.CfdiMultiEmisor.saveAsPdf("IUf4d3yrcediMmVDCGczJA2", "Multiemisor.pdf")

Mandar factura por correo electrónico

multSendmail = facturama.Cfdi.send_by_email("issuedLite", "IUf4d3yrcediMmVDCGczJA2", "[email protected]")

Eliminar facturas

multDelete = facturama.CfdiMultiEmisor.delete("ct5q0wOKfRtvubsYCxtmug2", "02", "45a232cc-29ca-43c4-a24e-a9cabaceb94b")#Recibe el ID de la factura como primer argumento y el UUID de la factura como último argumento


Subir CSD

Rfc = "aaa010101aaa"
PrivateKey = "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"
PrivateKeyPassword = "12345678a"
facturama.csdsMultiEmisor.upload(Rfc, PrivateKey, Certificate, PrivateKeyPassword, True)

Borrar CSD


Recuperar información de la cuenta mediante RFC




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