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elm-workshop's Introduction

Elm Arcade

Getting Started With Elm and Typed Functional Programming

Welcome to this workshop! Today we're learning Elm and typed functional programming techniques through creating the classic game Memory.

The workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Tuples
  • Records
  • Type Inference
  • Type Signatures
  • Union Types
  • Type Aliases
  • Pattern Matching
  • Functions
  • Partial Application
  • Currying
  • Maybe
  • Html.beginnerProgram
  • Piping

Some of these concepts may be unfamiliar and somewhat confusing to begin with, so please do ask us if and when you get stuck, or simply have a question. That's what we're here for!

Presentation slides

The slides from the presentation are available here: part 1 & part 2.


  1. Install node version 7 or newer (which includes npm) from

  2. Install elm. This can be done with npm install -g elm, brew install elm (if on MacOS) or an old-school file download from

  3. Install a plugin for your editor. At the time of writing, Atom's Elm integration seems the best so we strongly recommend you use that, even if Atom is not usually your main editor of choice.

    • The following packages are needed for a pleasant development experience in Atom:
      • language-elm
      • elmjutsu
      • elm-format
  4. Install elm-format, which is a crucial tool to make your Elm experience more enjoyable.

    • npm install -g elm-format
    • Remember to make sure that elm-format is available on your PATH or that you tell your editor where to find it
    • In Atom, this can be done under package settings for the elm-format package: input the path to the elm-format binary.
    • You can find the path for elm-format by doing which elm-format on MacOS/*Nix or Get-Command elm-format in powershell on Windows
    • We also recommend you enable Format on save in your editor
  5. Clone this repo to your computer

  6. Run npm install (please make sure to have npm version 3 or newer)

  7. Start your local application enviroment with npm start in the root folder of this repo. This should open a new browser window with localhost:3000 and a nice compilation error.

Congratulations, you're now ready to begin learning Elm!

Level 1 - Hello, world!

The goal of this level is to print "Hello, (name)" to the screen.

1.1 Displaying text

Locate the file Main.elm, which should look like this:

module Main exposing (..)

import Html exposing (..)

main =
    "Hello, world!"

As you can see in your browser, the app will fill the screen with an error message that your code does not compile. This might be unfamiliar to you if you're coming from JavaScript to Elm. With JavaScript you have to run your code in the browser to discover any programming mistakes you might have made, while with Elm these errors will be caught right as you hit save in your editor!

A note on Elm's compiler:

Elm is famous for it's compiler errors. If you get stuck with your program not compiling, please read the error message carefully. The creators of Elm have put a lot of energy into making these error messages helpful, and they are! Most times they tell you exactly what you have to do to make your program work.

Now, study the on-screen error message.

Our app is now telling us that the value of main has the wrong type: it is a String but it should be either Html, Svg or Program.

Luckily, we have function named text for turning a String (such as "Hello, world!") into Html. The function has the following signature text : String -> Html a, and you can read it's documentation here.



Use the function text to make your program compile and print "Hello, world!" to the screen.

1.2 Creating a greeting function

Now we want to create a function that takes a name as input and returns a greeting. It should have this type signature: greet: String -> String.

Called with the argument "Erik", the function should produce the string "Hello, Erik". Thus:

> greet "Erik"
"Hello, Erik" : String

Here is an example of a function that takes two numbers and returns the sum of those numbers:

add x y =
	x + y

There are several things to note here:

  • There's no return keyword - the evaluated value of the function body is automatically returned
  • The parameters are named and come after the function name
  • You don't have to specify the types for the parameters - they are inferred! This can be done because Elm sees the addition operator (+) and knows that it only works on numbers. Therefore, x and y must be numbers!

Go ahead and make the greet function. The string concatenation operator in Elm is ++.

1.3 Adding type signatures

Before we finish off the first level, try adding the type signature for your greet function. As mentioned, type signatures are not needed, as the compiler can infer them, but it is good practice to add them anyways. This makes the code easier to read and can help you get better error messages.

Level 2 - Learning types

The goal of this level is to learn union types and type aliases, which we often use to represent state.

From here on we'll move in small steps, writing small chunks of code that will be a part of our final game, while using more and more features from functional programming and Elm along the way. Ready, set, go!

2.1 It's a new record!

We are going to create a representation of a "card" - something that is hiding a picture and can be flipped by the player. We'll start off with creating the equivalent data structure of a JavaScript object - a record. You can see the similarities between JavaScript objects and Elm records in the two code examples at the bottom of this section.

Our Elm record should have the type { id : String }. The id string will refer to the file name of the image our card will be hiding. Start with id = "1".

// JavaScript object
var person = {
	name: 'Tom Cruise',
	expensiveShoes: true
-- Elm record
person : { name: String, fancyShoes: Bool }
person =
    { name = "Tom Cruise"
    , fancyShoes = True

2.2 Rendering HTML to the screen

Here, we want you to represent a card with the following HTML:

	<img src="/static/cats/{}.jpg" />

Oh, right, we didn't tell you about HTML yet! If you're familiar with the library React.js, the following section might feel familiar to you.

<div class="ninja">
-- Elm
div [ class "ninja" ]
    [ span [] [ text "Banzai!" ]

All HTML tags have corresponding functions in Elm, and they all accept two parameters:

  1. a list of Html.Attribute
  2. a list of zero or more Html nodes

Example: div : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html a) -> Html a


Write the following function: viewCard: { id: String } -> Html a by using these:

  • div : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html a) -> Html a
  • img : List (Attribute msg) -> List (Html a) -> Html a
  • src : String -> Attribute msg

To get the src function you should put import Html.Attributes exposing (..) near the beginning of your file.

Remember that string concatenation is done with ++.

If you call viewCard with the card record you created in the previous task you should now see a beautiful little kitten on you screen!

Note about Html a

Don't worry about that scary type Html a - we'll learn more about that later! Simply put, it's just saying that "hey, our HTML will emit some actions later on, and they will be of type a (which is a type variable, or a wildcard).

2.3 Union Types: Representing card state

Memory requires us to flip a card and reveal it's image when clicked. This means we need a way to represent card state, as a card can be in one of three potential states: Open | Closed | Matched.

Think about how we'd store this state in JS. Most likely, we'd reach for a string:

	id: '1',
	state: 'open' // or 'closed' or 'matched'

This is obviously not very safe. This doesn't constrain us to using only the three possible values, and there's nothing to avoid typing errors. Elm and other ML-languages have a great feature for this use case: Union Types.

A union type is like a Java or C# enumerable - a union type is a value that may be one of a fixed set of values. Chess pieces, for example, can only be either white or black.

type PieceColor = White | Black

PieceColor is now treated as a normal type in our system, just as String or Bool. White or Black are constructor functions, functions that take zero arguments and return a value of type PieceColor. Or, expressed with a type signature:

White : PieceColor
Black : PieceColor

Union types may also carry data. This means that the constructor functions for such union type values aren't zero argument functions. Let's look at an example:

type CustomerAge = Unknown | Known Int
-- Unknown : CustomerAge
-- Known : Int -> CustomerAge

This can be used to represent a customer's age in a situation where we might not know the age. We see that the constructor function Known takes an Int argument and returns a CustomerAge.

We can wrap any type of accompanying data within a union type value (like Known), and the type of the accompanying data doesn't have to be the same for all the value types within a union.

This is incredibly useful, and we will now make our own!

  1. Let's create a union type called CardState that can be either Open, Closed or Matched (constructor functions are always capitalized).

  2. Enrich our previous card record with a field called state that carries a CardState value. You will also have to update the signature of viewCard.

  3. Our card value should now have the following type signature:

card: { id: String, state: CardState }

By now it should become clear that our signature for card is getting unwieldy. Imagine maintaining signatures for our card objects all around the codebase as we add more fields!

2.5 Type Alias (alias slayer)

Type aliases allow us to...

  • ...give a name to records with a specified structure, and use it as a type.
  • ...define a record with a specified data structure as a new type.

Create a type alias, as described below, called Card that defines the card data structure from before. Use this new type in the signatures of viewCard and card.


Let's model everyone's favourite data structure using a type alias:

type alias Customer =
    { name: String
    , age: CustomerAge

The above code tells the Elm compiler that a Customer is a record with a field name of type String, and a field age of the type CustomerAge (that we defined earlier).

This allows to use this type throughout our code:

getName : Customer -> String
getName customer =

Imagine calling this function with an object without a name field. In JavaScript, this would obviously crash hard, but in Elm - the code won't even compile! This moves the discovery of errors from runtime to compile time (when you hit save in your editor), which significantly improves our feedback cycle!

2.6 Render all the states!

Having only one card is boring, so create a list of three cards, each having different values for state (and maybe id too?).

Next, we're going to create this function: viewCards : List Card -> Html a.

Notice how the type signature helps in communicating what the function does! Type signatures are a very powerful tool, as you will discover throughout this workshop.

Make sure you render the correct image source for each card ({}.jpg).

  • viewCard : Card -> Html a
  • cards : List Card
  • : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
  • div : List (Atribute msg) -> List (Html a) -> Html a

Match all the patterns!

The next language feature we will be using is pattern matching. It can best be described as a switch-statement on stereoids, allowing us to do more than simple matching on a value:

isAdult : CustomerAge -> Bool
isAdult age =
    case age of
        Known age ->
            age > 18

        Unknown ->

Notice that we can even extract the value that was used when Known : Int -> CustomerAge was used!

This is a powerful technique, and is almost always used whenever there's a union type around. In this case, it is handy for rendering different stuff based on the CardState of a card.

In viewCard, use the following logic (css classes should be applied to the img tag):

  • When Closed -> show /static/cats/closed.png and the css class closed
  • When Open -> show /static/cats/{cardId}.jpg and the css class open
  • When Matched -> show /static/cats/{cardId}.jpg and the css class matched

Level 3 - Beginner Program!

In this section, we will take our first steps toward learning The Elm Architecture (TEA), the architecture that inspired Dan Abramov to create Redux.

We've made it this far without TEA because we have a simple, static app. Now we want to start responding to user input, and TEA is the way Elm structures applications and handles interactivity.

The goal of the section is to implement card clicking: all cards should start as Closed, and change to Open when clicked. Don't worry about Matched for now - we'll deal with that later.

Begin by reading the official docs on Html.beginnerProgram

You may also find the docs on The Elm Architecture interesting.

Now that you're getting warm, we will be giving you fewer specific instructions and more high-level requirements. Use the workshop hosts if you have questions and don't forget to make use of the helpfulness of the compiler.

Section outline:

  1. Create a helper function setCard: CardState -> Card -> Card. As you may have guessed, this function should return a new card with the state of the passed card set to the passed CardState. See the docs on how to update a record.
  2. Change main to Html.beginnerProgram { ... }. Read the docs to see what parameters it accepts!
  3. Create a type alias Model that has the following type: { cards : List Card }
  4. Create the union type Msg with only one constructor: CardClick Card
  5. Use pattern matching in update on the type of Msg and open the clicked card. Note: for now your pattern match expression only has the one case (CardClick) but we will add more cases later.
  6. Add import Html.Events exposing (..) and add an onClick event handler on closed cards.

When this section is complete, you should render three closed cards, each of them opening when clicked.

Level 4 - The game!

In memory, as you may know, the player opens two cards, one after another, and if they match they stay open. If they do not match, both cards are closed again. This repeats until all cards on the board are open. Before we start implementing the game logic, let's clean up a bit.

Our deck of cards is a list of Cards and we will be passing them around in our program. Therefore, instead of having to write List Card everywhere, we want to be able to write Deck. Use a type alias to achieve this.

In the game we will be matching pairs of cards with each other, and will need some way to distinguish between two cards with the same image. We will do this by saying that a card can be either in group A or in group B. Use a union type to achieve this, and add it as a field in our Card type.

Now we can check if two cards are of one pair by comparing their id and group fields!

By now our Main.elm file is getting quite big, so we should probably do something about that. It is common in Elm projects to have the application's model and associated in their own file(s), so let's try that:

  1. Move all types and type aliases to the file Model.elm
    • A module's name must match it's file name, so in our case Model.elm should start with module Model exposing (..)
  2. To use our types in Main.elm we also need to import them. This is done in the same way as we import the Html module; import Html exposing (..)

Let's pretend we're famous TV chefs and cheat a little bit. We have prepared a module DeckGenerator that can be used to generate a deck of cards. Use this by importing DeckGenerator in Main.elm and using the DeckGenerator.static value as model's initial value.

Game logic!

Our game implementation will have three states:

  1. Choosing - the player chooses the first card
  2. Matching - the player chooses the second card to match with the first
  3. GameOver - all cards are matched and the player has won

The game logic will flow like this:

  1. When the player chooses the first card he is in the Choosing state:
    1. Set all unmatched cards to Closed
    2. Set the chosen/clicked card to Open
    3. Go to Matching state
  2. In the Matching state, the player chooses his second card:
    1. If it matches the first card, then set the two cards to Matched. If the two cards do not match, set the clicked card to Open.
  3. If all cards are Matched, then go to GameOver state, else go to Choosing state

Start by implementing the three states as a union type called GameState. The GameOver state does not need any extra data, but Choosing needs a Deck (the deck we are choosing from), and Matching needs both a Deck (the deck we are choosing from) and a Card (the card we are trying to match with).

The Model of our program should now change from consisting of just a Deck to being a GameState. Continue by creating a updateCardClick function that can handle the three different GameStates. It should have the following signature: updateCardClick : Card -> GameState -> GameState.

To complete the game logic you will need yo update your update and view functions to accommodate for the new shape of our model.

Now take a minute and pat yourself on the back for making an awesome game in Elm!


Refreshing the page every time you want to play another game is boring, so try to add a "restart game" button in the "Game over" view. Hint: it is common to have a top-level value called init that contains the initial state of the model.

Level 5 - Let's get random!

You might have noticed that our game is kind of easy; the cards are in the same spots every time, and that's no fun! We will now make things more interesting by shuffling the deck of cards at the start of each game.

Shuffling a list of something includes randomness, and generating random numbers is an impure operation. Elm is a pure functional language, and if you look through the type signatures of the functions we have written so far, there is no way to express impurity. Luckily, there is a way to do exactly that.

Why is generating random numbers impure?

Take for example JavaScript's function Math.random(), which produces random floating point numbers. It takes zero arguments and it will (probably) give you a different number back each time you call it.

From wikipedia:

random() is impure because each call potentially yields a different value. This is because pseudorandom generators use and update a global "seed" state. If we modify it to take the seed as an argument, i.e. random(seed); then random becomes pure, because multiple calls with the same seed value return the same random number.

To generate something random, we can to use the built-in function Random.generate : (a -> msg) -> Generator a -> Cmd msg. The Generator a part is covered by DeckGenerator.random : Generator Deck, so that means you have to supply a function that takes a Deck and returns a Msg.

Now you're probably wondering what that Cmd thingy is, so take a minute and head on over to, which has a nice explanation of commands.

Since we're now not longer beginners we should change our Html.beginnerProgram to Html.program.

There are a couple of changes we have to do to make this official transition from beginners to adepts.

  • The argument to Html.program differ slightly from the argument to Html.beginnerProgram:
    1. model is now called init, and it's type is now (Model, Cmd Msg)
    2. The record should have a new field called subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg.
  • update now has the type signature update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)

The official docs has a nice exaplanation of what subscriptions are.

Hint: in your code you can use Sub.none and Cmd.none when you don't have any subscriptions or commands you want to perform.

So, to summarize:

  • Use Random.generate : (a -> msg) -> Generator a -> Cmd msg and DeckGenerator.random : Generator Deck to get a different deck each time the game is started.

Game over?

And there you have it! You have now created your own version of a memory game with Elm (and cats)!

Hopefully this is just the beginning of your journey with Elm. Please do reach out to us (links at the bottom) if you have any feedback on the workshop or if you just want to get in touch.

Bonus levels

  • Count the number of attempts the player uses, use that as score
  • Let the player enter a name
  • Save each game's score and show a high score table
  • Count how long the player takes to finish the game. Use together with Task.perform to get the current time

To infinity and beyond!

What's cooler than having made one game? Two games!

Move the contents of Main.elm to Memory.elm and head on over to to continue your game-making journey with elm!

Made by

Ingar Almklov


Erik Wendel


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