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qwery's Introduction


Qwery exposes a powerful SQL-like query language to extract structured data from files (file system, HTTP, S3), Kafka or REST services. Additionally, Qwery can be used as an ETL, REPL or library/SDK.

Table of Contents


Systems like Apache Storm or Spark Streaming are powerful and flexible distributed processing engines, which are usually fed by a message-oriented middleware solution (e.g. Apache Kafka or Twitter Kestrel).

The challenge that I've identified, is that organizations usually have to build a homegrown solution for the high-speed data/file ingestion into Kafka or Kestrel, which distracts them from their core focus. I've built Broadway to help provide a solution to that challenge.


Qwery provides the capability of invoking SQL-like queries against:

  • Files (local, HTTP or S3)
  • Avro-encoded or JSON-based Kafka topics
  • JDBC data sources

Additionally, Qwery has three modes of operation:

  • ETL/Orchestration Server
  • REPL/CLI tool
  • Library/SDK


Build Requirements

Building the applications

This project contains of two distinct applications: the ETL and the REPL.

To build the ETL:

sbt "project etl" clean assembly
[info] Packaging /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/app/etl/target/scala-2.12/qwery-etl-0.3.8.bin.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Done packaging.

To build the REPL:

sbt "project cli" clean assembly
[info] Packaging /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/app/cli/target/scala-2.12/qwery-cli-0.3.8.bin.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Done packaging.

Running the tests

$ sbt clean test

If you wish, you can also generate the code coverage report:

sbt clean coverage test coverageReport 
[info] Generating scoverage reports...
[info] Written Cobertura report [/Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/target/scala-2.12/coverage-report/cobertura.xml]
[info] Written XML coverage report [/Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report/scoverage.xml]
[info] Written HTML coverage report [/Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report/index.html]
[info] Statement coverage.: 54.66%
[info] Branch coverage....: 65.79%
[info] Coverage reports completed
[info] All done. Coverage was [54.66%]

SQL Syntax and Grammar

Qwery currently supports a limited, but powerful set of SQL statements, including:

  • CALL - used to execute a stored procedure.
  • CREATE FUNCTION - used to create user-defined functions.
  • CREATE PROCEDURE - used to create stored procedures.
  • CREATE VIEW - used to create views.
  • DECLARE - use to create (or declare) a variable.
  • DESCRIBE - shows the layout/structure of files or query results.
  • INSERT - inserts (appends or overwrites) files, Kafka topics, etc.
  • NATIVE SQL - Executes a native SQL query or statement (JDBC only).
  • SELECT - executes queries
  • SET - used to sets the value of a variable
  • SHOW - returns lists of files, variables (in the current scope) or views (in the current session)
  • UPDATE - updates a record (JDBC only)
  • UPSERT - inserts (or updates) a record (JDBC only).

SELECT statement

The SELECT statement works as you would expect with a traditional SQL-like language, with one important difference... You can query structure files.

Count the number of (non-blank) lines in the file:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "./companylist.csv"
+ ---------- +
| SYQWYsxb   |
+ ---------- +
| 359        |
+ ---------- +

Count the number of lines that match a given set of criteria in the file:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "./companylist.csv" WHERE Sector = "Basic Industries"
+ ---------- +
| pUREGxhj   |
+ ---------- +
| 44         |
+ ---------- +

Select fields from the file using criteria (WHERE clause):

SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap FROM "./companylist.csv" WHERE Industry = "EDP Services"
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol  Name                   Sector      Industry      LastSale  MarketCap     |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| TEUM    Pareteum Corporation   Technology  EDP Services  0.775     9893729.05    |
| WYY     WidePoint Corporation  Technology  EDP Services  0.44      36438301.68   |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

Aggregate data via GROUP BY:

SELECT Sector, COUNT(*) AS Securities FROM "./companylist.csv" GROUP BY Sector
+ --------------------------------- + 
| Sector                 Securities | 
+ --------------------------------- + 
| Consumer Durables      4          | 
| Consumer Non-Durables  13         | 
| Energy                 30         | 
| Consumer Services      27         | 
| Transportation         1          | 
| n/a                    120        | 
| Health Care            48         | 
| Basic Industries       44         | 
| Public Utilities       11         | 
| Capital Goods          24         | 
| Finance                12         | 
| Technology             20         | 
| Miscellaneous          5          | 
+ --------------------------------- + 

CASE-WHEN is also supported:

CASE "Hello World"
 WHEN "HelloWorld" THEN "Found 1"
 WHEN "Hello" || " " || "World" THEN "Found 2"
 ELSE "Not Found"
END AS Greeting
+ ---------- +
| Greeting   |
+ ---------- +
| Found 2    |
+ ---------- +

INNER JOIN clauses are supported:

SELECT A.Symbol, A.Name, A.Sector, A.Industry, A.LastSale, B.LastSale AS CurrentSale
FROM "companylist.csv" AS A
INNER JOIN "companylist2.csv" AS B ON B.Symbol = A.Symbol
WHERE A.Industry = 'Oil/Gas Transmission'
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| A.Symbol  A.Name                                     A.Sector          A.Industry            A.LastSale  CurrentSale   |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| CQH       Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings, LLC  Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission  25.68       26.23         |
| CQP       Cheniere Energy Partners, LP               Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission  31.75       31.55         |
| LNG       Cheniere Energy, Inc.                      Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission  45.35       47.28         |
| EGAS      Gas Natural Inc.                           Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission  12.5        12.7          |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

NOTE: OUTER JOIN clauses will be implemented in a future release.

UNION clauses are also supported:

SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, `Summary Quote`
FROM 'companylist.csv'
WHERE Industry = 'Oil/Gas Transmission'
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, `Summary Quote`
FROM 'companylist.csv'
WHERE Industry = 'Integrated oil Companies'
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol  Name                                       Sector            Industry                  Summary Quote                       |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| CQH     Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings, LLC  Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission    |
| CQP     Cheniere Energy Partners, LP               Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission    |
| LNG     Cheniere Energy, Inc.                      Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission    |
| EGAS    Gas Natural Inc.                           Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission   |
| IMO     Imperial Oil Limited                       Energy            Integrated oil Companies    |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

Query Kafka topics:

SELECT visitorId, adGroup, program, pageLabel, categoryId, referrerDomain
FROM "kafka://dev001:9093?topic=weblogs&group_id=ldtest1"
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| visitorId                 adGroup                       program       pageLabel                          categoryId                         referrerDomain                  |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad671  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom   inventory_listing_no_results_auto  inventory_listing_no_results_auto                      |
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad672  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom   styletisell_zip                    styletisell_zip                                  |
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad673  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom   InventoryListingAutoAllSubaru      InventoryListingAutoAllSubaru                       |
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad674  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom                                                                                                         |
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad675  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom                                                                                                         |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

You can also query Avro-encoded Kafka topics:

SELECT visitorId, adGroup, program, pageLabel, categoryId, referrerDomain
FROM "kafka://dev001:9093?topic=weblogs_avro&group_id=ldtest2"
WITH AVRO "./weblogs-v1.avsc" 
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| visitorId                 adGroup                       program       pageLabel                          categoryId                         referrerDomain                  |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad671  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom   inventory_listing_no_results_auto  inventory_listing_no_results_auto                      |
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad672  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom   styletisell_zip                    styletisell_zip                                  |
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad673  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom   InventoryListingAutoAllSubaru      InventoryListingAutoAllSubaru                       |
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad674  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom                                                                                                         |
| 53992737-1688-4983-ad675  adgroup_a123                  QweryDotCom                                                                                                         |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

Query files on S3:

SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap 
FROM "s3://ldaniels3/companylist.csv"
WHERE Industry = "EDP Services"
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol  Name                   Sector      Industry      LastSale  MarketCap     |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| TEUM    Pareteum Corporation   Technology  EDP Services  0.775     9893729.05    |
| WYY     WidePoint Corporation  Technology  EDP Services  0.44      36438301.68   |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

NOTE: The properties file may contain the following properties:


Alternatively, you could also use profile-based authentication:

SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap 
FROM "s3://ldaniels3/companylist.csv?profile=ldaniels3&region=us-west-2"
WHERE Industry = "EDP Services"
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol  Name                   Sector      Industry      LastSale  MarketCap     |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| TEUM    Pareteum Corporation   Technology  EDP Services  0.775     9893729.05    |
| WYY     WidePoint Corporation  Technology  EDP Services  0.44      36438301.68   |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

Built-in Functions

Function Purpose
AVG(expression) Returns the average of an expression
CONCAT(string1, string2) Returns the concatenation of two strings
COUNT(expression) Returns the count of an expression
DATE_FORMAT(date, format) Returns a string representation of a date in the specified format.
DATE_PARSE(string, format) Returns a date parsed from the given string in the specified format.
LEFT(string, number) Returns the specified number of characters from the left of the string
LEN(string) Returns the length of a given string.
MAX(expression) Returns the maximum value of a given field
MIN(expression) Returns the minimum value of a given field
NOW() Returns the current date/time.
PADLEFT(string, width) Returns a copy of the given string right-justified by the given width.
PADRIGHT(string, width) Returns a copy of the given string left-justified by the given width.
POW(base, exponent) Returns a number representing the given base taken to the power of the given exponent.
RAND() Return a random floating-point value.
RIGHT(string, number) Returns the specified number of characters from the right of the string
SIGN(expression) Returns the sign of the argument as -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether X is negative, zero, or positive.
SPLIT(string, delimiter) Splits a string by a delimiting character (or string) and returns an array of strings.
SQRT(expression) Returns the square root of a given number.
SUBSTRING(string, start, length) Returns a specified number of characters from a particular position of a given string.
SUM(expression) Returns the sum of a given field.
TRIM(string) Returns a string after removing all prefixes or suffixes from the given string.
UUID() Returns a random UUID.

Perform date conversions:

SELECT DATE_PARSE('2017-05-12', 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS EntryDate
+ ----------------------- +
| EntryDate               |
+ ----------------------- +
| 05/12/17 12:00:00 PDT   |
+ ----------------------- +
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE_PARSE('2017-05-12', 'yyyy-MM-dd'), 'MM-dd-yyyy') AS EntryDate
+ ------------ +
| EntryDate    |
+ ------------ +
| 05-12-2017   |
+ ------------ +

Sum values (just like you normally do with SQL) in the file:

SELECT SUM(LastSale) AS total FROM "./companylist.csv" LIMIT 5
+ --------------- +
| total           |
+ --------------- +
| 77.1087         |
+ --------------- +

Type-casting and column name aliases are supported:

SELECT CAST("1234" AS Double) AS number
+ -------- + 
| number   | 
+ -------- + 
| 1234.0   | 
+ -------- + 

Supported types are:

Type Description
Boolean Boolean values; true or false
Byte Signed 8-bit integers; range: -127 to 127
Date Date/Time values
Double Double precision decimal; 32-bit floating point
Float Single precision decimal; 16-bit floating point
Int / Integer Signed 32-bit integers
Long Signed 64-bit integers
Short Signed 16-bit integers
String Text values
UUID Universally Unique Identifier (e.g. "1d8d1609-78db-4813-a87a-9cdf989bb896")


Creating a view works the same as with traditional RDBMSes, with one important difference, views are not persistent. In Qwery, views are tied to the current session; thus, one you exit the application, the view no longer exists.

SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, `Summary Quote`
FROM "companylist.csv"
WHERE Industry = "Oil/Gas Transmission"
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 1               |
+ --------------- +      

Now you can query results from the view:

SELECT * FROM "OilAndGas";
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
| Symbol  Name                                       Sector            Industry              Summary Quote                       |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
| CQH     Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings, LLC  Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission    |
| CQP     Cheniere Energy Partners, LP               Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission    |
| LNG     Cheniere Energy, Inc.                      Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission    |
| EGAS    Gas Natural Inc.                           Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission   |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +

INSERT statement

The INSERT statement behaves very much like its RDBMS counterparts, as you can directly insert collections of values, or insert the results of a query.

INSERT OVERWRITE 'test1.csv' (Symbol, Name, LastSale, MarketCap)
VALUES ("XXII", "22nd Century Group, Inc", 1.4, 126977358.2)
VALUES ("FAX", "Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Fund Inc", 5, 1266332595)
VALUES ("ACU", "Acme United Corporation.", 29, 96496195);
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 3               |
+ --------------- +

Copy a portion of one file to another (appending the target):

INSERT INTO "./test2.csv" (Symbol, Sector, Industry, LastSale)
SELECT Symbol, Sector, Industry, LastSale FROM "./companylist.csv"
WHERE Industry = "Homebuilding";
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 1               |
+ --------------- +

Copy a portion of one file to another (overwriting the target):

INSERT OVERWRITE "./test3.csv" (Symbol, Sector, Industry, LastSale)
SELECT Symbol, Sector, Industry, LastSale FROM "./companylist.csv"
WHERE Industry = "Precious Metals";
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 44              |
+ --------------- +

Moreover, INSERT supports the notion of hints. You can provide "hints" to the compiler about the format you want to read or write:

INSERT INTO "companylist.json" (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry) WITH JSON FORMAT
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, `Summary Quote`
FROM "companylist.csv"

The above statement reads: retrieve records from the "companylist.csv" CSV file and write them to the "companylist.json" file in JSON format.

Now, in this case, because the file extensions provide hints to Qwery about the format of the file, we could omit the explicit hints as follows:

INSERT INTO "companylist.json" (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry)
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, `Summary Quote`
FROM "companylist.csv"

The two INSERT statements above are functionally identical.

NOTE: When processing files via the ETL module, it is recommend to provide hints as to the input and output formats.

You can also choose to "pipe" the results of a query to an output source:

SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, `Summary Quote`
INTO "companylist.json" WITH JSON FORMAT 
FROM "companylist.csv"
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 359             |
+ --------------- +

NOTE: The SELECT statement with INTO clause is merely syntactic sugar for the more verbose INSERT-SELECT grammar.

Here is an example of generating fixed-width data:

INSERT INTO 'fixed-data.txt' (Symbol^10, Name^40, Sector^40, Industry^40, LastTrade^10) WITH FIXED WIDTH 
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale
FROM 'companylist.csv'
WHERE Industry = 'Oil/Gas Transmission'
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 4               |
+ --------------- +

The above example results in appending 4 fixed-width lines to the file 'fixed-data.txt', where:

  • Symbol is 10-characters wide
  • Name is 40-characters wide
  • Sector is 40-characters wide
  • LastTrade is 10-characters wide

You can also insert records into an RDBMS like MySQL using JDBC, consider the following:

INSERT INTO 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?table=company' (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, MarketCap, LastSale)
WITH JDBC DRIVER 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, MarketCap,
 CASE LastSale
FROM './companylist.csv'
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 359             |
+ --------------- +

The MySQL table definition is as follows:

CREATE TABLE company (
    Name VARCHAR(64),
    LastSale DECIMAL(9, 4),
    MarketCap DECIMAL(20,4),
    Sector VARCHAR(64),
    Industry VARCHAR(64)

UPDATE statement

Unlike the INSERT statement, UPDATE behaves differently from its RDBMS counterpart, as it is primarily meant to update a collection of records via the results of a query.

Consider the following example:

UPDATE 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?table=company'
SET Industry = 'Oil/Gas'
WITH JDBC DRIVER 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, CASE LastSale WHEN 'n/a' THEN NULL ELSE LastSale END AS LastSale
FROM 'companylist.csv'
WHERE Industry = 'Oil/Gas Transmission'
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 4               |
+ --------------- +

Notice in the example above, the KEYED ON clause. This clause specifies the columns that are to be used in the WHERE clause that is generated to update each of the selected records.

UPSERT statement

Additionally, there are times when you want to attempt an INSERT, but perform an UPDATE if it fails due to a primary key constraint. In cases like these, you'll want to use the UPSERT statement.

Consider the following example:

UPSERT INTO 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?table=company' (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale)
WITH JDBC DRIVER 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, CASE LastSale WHEN 'n/a' THEN NULL ELSE LastSale END
FROM 'companylist.csv'
+ ----------------------------- +
+ ----------------------------- +
| 0              359            |
+ ----------------------------- +

DECLARE & SET statements

The SET statement is used to set the value or a variable. NOTE You must declare the variable prior to using it.


You can set simple constant values:

SET @myVariable = 1
SET @myVariable = "Hello World"

You can also set values from a result set:

SET @myVariable = (SELECT 1)

To display the contents of a variable, just SELECT it.

SELECT @myVariable

SHOW statement

The SHOW statement is used to retrieve:

  • lists of files in the current directory (SHOW FILES)
  • variables in the current scope (SHOW VARIABLES)
  • or, views defined within the current session (SHOW VIEWS)

Consider the following examples:

+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Name                        Size   LastModified           Path                                                    |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| awssdk_config_default.json  4058   05/16/17 01:33:18 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/app/cli/target/streams/$...   |
| endpoints.json              50843  05/16/17 01:33:18 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/app/cli/target/streams/$...   |
| awssdk_config_default.json  4058   05/16/17 01:33:18 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/app/etl/target/streams/$...   |
| endpoints.json              50843  05/16/17 01:33:18 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/app/etl/target/streams/$...   |
| companylist.csv             50166  04/29/17 05:23:22 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery                               |
| companylist.csv             50166  04/29/17 05:23:22 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/example/archive/2017/05/...   |
| companylist.json            57070  05/29/17 09:57:35 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/example/archive/2017/05/...   |
| pixall-v5.avsc.json         12805  05/25/17 10:02:07 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/example/config                |
| triggers.json               349    05/30/17 03:09:49 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/example/config                |
| awssdk_config_default.json  4058   05/16/17 01:33:18 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/target/streams/$global/a...   |
| endpoints.json              50843  05/16/17 01:33:18 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/target/streams/$global/a...   |
| test1.csv                   3003   05/30/17 03:43:27 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery                               |
| test2.csv                   3837   05/30/17 03:43:28 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery                               |
| test3.json                  6863   05/30/17 03:43:28 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery                               |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

Like all other commands that return a result set, it's results are composable (can be used as sub-queries).

+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
| Name             Size   LastModified           Path                                                    |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
| companylist.csv  50166  04/29/17 05:23:22 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery                               |
| companylist.csv  50166  04/29/17 05:23:22 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/example/archive/2017/05/...   |
| test1.csv        3003   05/30/17 03:43:27 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery                               |
| test2.csv        3837   05/30/17 03:43:28 PDT  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery                               |
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
+ ------------------------------------------------- +
| Column        Type    Sample                      |
+ ------------------------------------------------- +
| Name          String  companylist.csv             |
| Size          Long    50166                       |
| LastModified  Date    04/29/17 05:23:22 PDT       |
| Path          String  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery   |
+ ------------------------------------------------- +

DESCRIBE statements

The DESCRIBE statement is used to display the structure of a result.

As such, it can be used to "describe" the layout of a local file:

DESCRIBE "./companylist.csv";
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Column         Type    Sample                                                           |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol         String  ABE                                                              |
| Name           String  Aberdeen Emerging Markets Smaller Company Opportunities Fund I   |
| LastSale       String  13.63                                                            |
| MarketCap      String  131446834.05                                                     |
| ADR TSO        String  n/a                                                              |
| IPOyear        String  n/a                                                              |
| Sector         String  n/a                                                              |
| Industry       String  n/a                                                              |
| Summary Quote  String                                 |
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

And as you would imagine, you can "describe" the result of a query:

DESCRIBE (SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, CAST(LastSale AS DOUBLE) AS LastSale, CAST(MarketCap AS DOUBLE) AS MarketCap FROM "companylist.csv");
+ -------------------------------------------- +
| Column     Type    Sample                    |
+ -------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol     String  XXII                      |
| Name       String  22nd Century Group, Inc   |
| Sector     String  Consumer Non-Durables     |
| Industry   String  Farming/Seeds/Milling     |
| LastSale   Double  1.4                       |
| MarketCap  Double  1.269773582E8             |
+ -------------------------------------------- +

In fact, you can "describe" any result:

+ ------------------------------------------------- +
| Column        Type    Sample                      |
+ ------------------------------------------------- +
| Name          String  companylist.csv             |
| Size          Long    50166                       |
| LastModified  Date    04/29/17 05:23:22 PDT       |
| Path          String  /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery   |
+ ------------------------------------------------- +

User-defined Functions

Qwery supports user-defined functions.

First, let's define a simple function:

CREATE FUNCTION simpleMath(x Integer, y Integer) AS
   RETURN @x + @y
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 1               |
+ --------------- +

Next, let's execute the function:

SELECT simpleMath(7, 3);
+ ---------- +
| simpleMath |
+ ---------- +
| 10.0       |
+ ---------- +

Stored Procedures

Qwery also supports Stored Procedures.

First let's define a simple stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE copyData(OUT name String) AS
   SELECT @name
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 1               |
+ --------------- +

Next, let's invoke the procedure:

CALL copyData('Hello World');
+ ------------- +
| name          |
+ ------------- +
| Hello World   |
+ ------------- +

Native SQL

There are times when you may want to execute a native (e.g. platform specific) SQL statement to perform tasks that Qwery may not support. In these situations, you can use the NATIVE SQL statement:

FROM 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test'
WITH JDBC DRIVER 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 0               |
+ --------------- +

Queries work as well:

FROM 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test'
WITH JDBC DRIVER 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol  Name                  LastSale  MarketCap       Sector       Industry                                                |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| OCX     OncoCyte Corporation  5.9500    174701615.2000  Health Care  Biotechnology: In Vitro & In Vivo Diagnostic Subst...   |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

You can also use string interpolation with variables:

    DECLARE @symbol STRING;
    SET @symbol = "JOB";
    NATIVE SQL 'SELECT * FROM company WHERE Symbol = "{{ symbol }}"'
    FROM 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test'
    WITH JDBC DRIVER 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol  Name            LastSale  MarketCap      Sector      Industry                          |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| JOB     GEE Group Inc.  5.9800    56085774.1600  Technology  Diversified Commercial Services   |
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

Qwery ETL

How it works

Qwery uses a convention-over-configuration model.

The root directory is defined using an environment variable QWERY_HOME. As long as the directory defined by this variable exists, Qwery will create any necessary sub-directories.

The directory structure is as follows:

Directory Purpose/Usage
$QWERY_HOME/archive The directory where Qwery stores processed files
$QWERY_HOME/config The directory where Qwery looks for configuration files
$QWERY_HOME/failed The directory where files that fail processing are moved to
$QWERY_HOME/inbox The directory where Qwery looks for input files
$QWERY_HOME/script The directory where Qwery looks for user-created SQL script files
$QWERY_HOME/work The directory where Qwery processes files

The ETL module requires two things to create a workflow; a trigger configuration and a SQL script. The trigger configuration defines which file(s) will be processed, and the SQL script describes how data will be extracted and where it will be written.

Trigger Files Configuration

The following is an example of a simple trigger file configuration. This example essentially directs Qwery to look for files (in $QWERY_HOME/inbox) starting with "companylist" (prefix) and ending in ".csv" (suffix), and processing them using the script file (in $QWERY_HOME/scripts).

    "name": "Company Lists",
    "constraints": [{ "prefix": "companylist" }, { "suffix": ".csv" }],
    "script": "companylist.sql"

Sample SQL Script

The following is script to execute ($QWERY_HOME/scripts/companylist.sql) when the file has been observed:

INSERT INTO "companylist.json" (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry) WITH JSON FORMAT 
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, `Summary Quote`
FROM "companylist.csv" 

The above SQL script is simple enough, it reads CSV records from "companylist.csv", and writes four of the fields in JSON format to "companylist.json".

Additionally, this script works well if the input and output files are known ahead of time, but often this is not the case. As a result, Qwery supports the substitution of pre-defined variables for the input file name. Consider the following script which is functionally identical to the one above.

INSERT INTO "{{ work.file.base }}.json" (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry) WITH JSON FORMAT 
SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, `Summary Quote`
FROM "{{ work.file.path }}"

The following are the variables that are created by the Workflow Manager at the time of processing:

Variable name Purpose/Usage
work.file.base The base name of the input file being processed (e.g. "companylist") The name of the input file being processed (e.g. "companylist.csv")
work.file.path The full path of the input file being processed (e.g. "/full/path/to/companylist.csv")
work.file.size The size (in bytes) of the input file
work.path The full path of the processing sub-directory (underneath work)

The following is a sample of the input file:

"Symbol","Name","LastSale","MarketCap","ADR TSO","IPOyear","Sector","Industry","Summary Quote",
"XXII","22nd Century Group, Inc","1.4","126977358.2","n/a","n/a","Consumer Non-Durables","Farming/Seeds/Milling","",
"FAX","Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Fund Inc","5","1266332595","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"IAF","Aberdeen Australia Equity Fund Inc","6.24","141912114.24","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"CH","Aberdeen Chile Fund, Inc.","7.06","66065291.4","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"ABE           ","Aberdeen Emerging Markets Smaller Company Opportunities Fund I","13.63","131446834.05","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"FCO","Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc.","8.62","75376107.36","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"IF","Aberdeen Indonesia Fund, Inc.","7.4345","69173383.372","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"ISL","Aberdeen Israel Fund, Inc.","18.4242","73659933.1758","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",

And here's an example of the output file:

{"Sector":"Consumer Non-Durables","Name":"22nd Century Group, Inc","Industry":"Farming/Seeds/Milling","Symbol":"XXII","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"n/a","Name":"Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Fund Inc","Industry":"n/a","Symbol":"FAX","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"n/a","Name":"Aberdeen Australia Equity Fund Inc","Industry":"n/a","Symbol":"IAF","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"n/a","Name":"Aberdeen Chile Fund, Inc.","Industry":"n/a","Symbol":"CH","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"n/a","Name":"Aberdeen Emerging Markets Smaller Company Opportunities Fund I","Industry":"n/a","Symbol":"ABE","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"n/a","Name":"Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc.","Industry":"n/a","Symbol":"FCO","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"n/a","Name":"Aberdeen Indonesia Fund, Inc.","Industry":"n/a","Symbol":"IF","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"n/a","Name":"Aberdeen Israel Fund, Inc.","Industry":"n/a","Symbol":"ISL","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"Capital Goods","Name":"Acme United Corporation.","Industry":"Industrial Machinery/Components","Symbol":"ACU","Summary Quote":""}
{"Sector":"Consumer Services","Name":"ACRE Realty Investors, Inc.","Industry":"Real Estate Investment Trusts","Symbol":"AIII","Summary Quote":""}

File Archival

By convention, on a file has been processed, Qwery stores the file in $QWERY_HOME/archive/yyyy/mm/dd/hhmmss/pid/ where:

  • yyyy is the 4-digit current year (e.g. 2017)
  • mm is the 2-digit current month (e.g. 05)
  • dd is the 2-digit current day of the month (e.g. 28)
  • hhmmss is the 6-digit current time (e.g. 061107)
  • pid is the unique processing ID assigned to the ETL job (e.g. "9bfc2e45-92bd-4fa4-b618-84ba554be1f8")

Example: example/archive/2017/05/28/061107/9bfc2e45-92bd-4fa4-b618-84ba554be1f8/companylist.csv

Scheduled Events

The following is an example of a simple scheduled event configuration. This example instructs Qwery execute the indicated script 'thricePerDay.sql' (found in $QWERY_HOME/scripts) three times daily. Once at 8:15am, again at 8:15pm and finally at 10:45pm.

  "name": "ThricePerDay",
  "script": "thricePerDay.sql",
  "times": ["8:15", "20:15", "22:45"]

Building and running the ETL

Building (and assembling) the ETL is simple:

~/Downloads/qwery/> sbt "project etl" clean assembly 

After the compilation completes, you'll see a message like:

[info] SHA-1: 1be8ca09eefa6053fca04765813c01d134ed8d01
[info] SHA-1: e80143d4b7b945729d5121b8d87dbc7199d89cd4
[info] Packaging /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/app/etl/target/scala-2.12/qwery-etl-0.3.8.bin.jar ...
[info] Packaging /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/target/scala-2.12/qwery-core-assembly-0.3.8.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Done packaging.

Now, you can execute the ETL distributable:

~/Downloads/qwery/> java -jar /Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/app/etl/target/scala-2.12/qwery-etl-0.3.8.bin.jar

NOTE: In order to run the ETL, you'll first have to define an environment variable (QWERY_HOME) telling the application where its "home" directory is.

On a Mac, Linux or UNIX system:

~/Downloads/qwery/> export QWERY_HOME=./example

On a Windows system:

C:\Downloads\qwery\> set QWERY_HOME=.\example

Once it's up and running, it should look something like the following:

[info] Running com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.etl.QweryETL 

 Qwery ETL v0.3.8
         (o o)
2017-05-28 19:56:10 INFO  ETLConfig:81 - Loading triggers from '/Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/example/config/triggers.json'...
2017-05-28 19:56:10 INFO  ETLConfig$:102 - [Company Lists] Compiling script 'companylist.sql'...
2017-05-28 19:56:10 INFO  QweryETL$:61 - Hello.
2017-05-28 19:56:51 INFO  QweryETL$:54 - [eebd64f1-5b95-458e-a2d3-745494718697] Company Lists ~> 'companylist.csv'
[INFO] [05/28/2017 19:56:51.533] [] [akka://qwery/user/$b] [eebd64f1-5b95-458e-a2d3-745494718697] Preparing to process Inbox:'companylist.csv'
[INFO] [05/28/2017 19:56:51.706] [] [akka://qwery/user/$b] [eebd64f1-5b95-458e-a2d3-745494718697] Process completed successfully in 173 msec
[INFO] [05/28/2017 19:56:51.711] [] [akka://qwery/user/$b] [eebd64f1-5b95-458e-a2d3-745494718697] 359 records, 0 failures, 358 batch (4917.8 records/sec, 758.66 KB/sec)
[INFO] [05/28/2017 19:56:51.714] [] [akka://qwery/user/$a] Moving 'eebd64f1-5b95-458e-a2d3-745494718697' to '/Users/ldaniels/git/qwery/example/archive/2017/05/28/075651/eebd64f1-5b95-458e-a2d3-745494718697'

Qwery REPL

Qwery offers a command line interface (CLI), which allows interactive querying or files, REST endpoints, etc.

Start the REPL
ldaniels@Spartan:~$ sbt run

 Qwery CLI v0.3.8
         (o o)

Using UNIXCommandPrompt for input.

From here you can input statements and queries. NOTE: Just remember, queries are executed only after a blank line is entered.

Qwery SDK

Qwery can also be used as a Library/SDK.

Let's start with a local file (./companylist.csv)

"Symbol","Name","LastSale","MarketCap","ADR TSO","IPOyear","Sector","Industry","Summary Quote",
"XXII","22nd Century Group, Inc","1.4","126977358.2","n/a","n/a","Consumer Non-Durables","Farming/Seeds/Milling","",
"FAX","Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Fund Inc","5","1266332595","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"IAF","Aberdeen Australia Equity Fund Inc","6.24","141912114.24","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"CH","Aberdeen Chile Fund, Inc.","7.06","66065291.4","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"ABE           ","Aberdeen Emerging Markets Smaller Company Opportunities Fund I","13.63","131446834.05","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"FCO","Aberdeen Global Income Fund, Inc.","8.62","75376107.36","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"IF","Aberdeen Indonesia Fund, Inc.","7.4345","69173383.372","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",
"ISL","Aberdeen Israel Fund, Inc.","18.4242","73659933.1758","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a","",

Let's examine the columns and values of the file

import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.ops._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.Tabular

// compile the query
val query = QweryCompiler("DESCRIBE './companylist.csv'")
// execute the query    
val results = query.execute(Scope.root()) // => Iterator[Seq[(String, Any)]]

// display the results as a table
new Tabular().transform(results) foreach println    

The Results

+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 
| Column         Type    Sample                                                           | 
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 
| Sector         String  n/a                                                              | 
| Name           String  Aberdeen Emerging Markets Smaller Company Opportunities Fund I   | 
| ADR TSO        String  n/a                                                              | 
| Industry       String  n/a                                                              | 
| Symbol         String  ABE                                                              | 
| IPOyear        String  n/a                                                              | 
| LastSale       String  13.63                                                            | 
| Summary Quote  String                                 | 
| MarketCap      String  131446834.05                                                     | 
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 

Execute a Query against thr local file

import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.ops._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.Tabular

// compile the query
val query = QweryCompiler(
    |SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap
    |FROM './companylist.csv'
    |WHERE Industry = 'Consumer Specialties'""".stripMargin)
// execute the query    
val results = query.execute(Scope.root()) // => Iterator[Seq[(String, Any)]]

// display the results as a table
new Tabular().transform(results) foreach println

The Results

+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + 
| Symbol  Name                  Sector             Industry              LastSale  MarketCap       | 
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + 
| BGI     Birks Group Inc.      Consumer Services  Consumer Specialties  1.4401    25865464.7281   | 
| DGSE    DGSE Companies, Inc.  Consumer Services  Consumer Specialties  1.64      44125234.84     | 
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + 

Or execute a Query against a REST-ful endpoint

import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.ops._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.Tabular

// compile the query
val query = QweryCompiler(
    |SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap 
    |FROM ''
    |WHERE Sector = 'Oil/Gas Transmission'""".stripMargin)
// execute the query    
val results = query.execute(Scope.root()) // => Iterator[Seq[(String, Any)]]

// display the results as a table
new Tabular().transform(results) foreach println

The Results

+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Symbol  Name                                       Sector            Industry              LastSale  MarketCap       |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| CQH     Cheniere Energy Partners LP Holdings, LLC  Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission  25.68     5950056000      |
| CQP     Cheniere Energy Partners, LP               Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission  31.75     10725987819     |
| LNG     Cheniere Energy, Inc.                      Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission  45.35     10786934946.1   |
| EGAS    Gas Natural Inc.                           Public Utilities  Oil/Gas Transmission  12.5      131496600       |
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +

Copy (append) filtered results from one source (csv) to another (csv)

The source file (./companylist.csv) contains 360 lines of CSV text. The following query will filter these for records where the "Sector" field contains the text "Basic Industries", and write the results to the output file (./test1.csv)

import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.ops._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.Tabular

// compile the statement
val statement = QweryCompiler(
    |INSERT INTO './test1.csv' (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap)
    |SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap
    |FROM './companylist.csv'
    |WHERE Sector = 'Basic Industries'""".stripMargin)

// execute the query
val results = statement.execute(Scope.root())

// display the results as a table
new Tabular().transform(results) foreach println


+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 44              |
+ --------------- +

Alternatively, you could overwrite the file instead of appending it...

import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.ops._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.Tabular

// compile the statement
val statement = QweryCompiler(
    |INSERT OVERWRITE './test1.csv' (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap)
    |SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap
    |FROM './companylist.csv'
    |WHERE Sector = 'Basic Industries'""".stripMargin)

// execute the query
val results = statement.execute(Scope.root())

// display the results as a table
new Tabular().transform(results) foreach println


+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 44              |
+ --------------- +

And the output file (./test1.csv) will contain:

"AXU","Alexco Resource Corp","Basic Industries","Precious Metals","1.43","138634117.05"
"AAU","Almaden Minerals, Ltd.","Basic Industries","Precious Metals","1.47","132378409.8"
"USAS","Americas Silver Corporation","Basic Industries","Precious Metals","2.99","118908646.22"
"AKG","Asanko Gold Inc.","Basic Industries","Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)","2.45","498032832.15"
"ASM","Avino Silver","Basic Industries","Precious Metals","1.52","79710321.52"

Copy filtered results from one source (csv) to another (json)

The source file (./companylist.csv) contains 360 lines of CSV text. The following query will filter these for records where the "Sector" field contains the text "Basic Industries", and write the results to the output file (./test1.csv)

import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.ops._
import com.github.ldaniels528.qwery.Tabular

// compile the statement
val statement = QweryCompiler(
    |INSERT INTO './test1.json' (Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap)
    |SELECT Symbol, Name, Sector, Industry, LastSale, MarketCap
    |FROM './companylist.csv'
    |WHERE Sector = 'Basic Industries'""".stripMargin)

// execute the query
val results = statement.execute(Scope.root())

// display the results as a table
new Tabular().transform(results) foreach println


+ --------------- +
+ --------------- +
| 44              |
+ --------------- +

And the output file (./test1.json) will contain:

{"Sector":"Basic Industries","Name":"Alexco Resource Corp","Industry":"Precious Metals","Symbol":"AXU","LastSale":"1.43","MarketCap":"138634117.05"}
{"Sector":"Basic Industries","Name":"Almaden Minerals, Ltd.","Industry":"Precious Metals","Symbol":"AAU","LastSale":"1.47","MarketCap":"132378409.8"}
{"Sector":"Basic Industries","Name":"Americas Silver Corporation","Industry":"Precious Metals","Symbol":"USAS","LastSale":"2.99","MarketCap":"118908646.22"}
{"Sector":"Basic Industries","Name":"Asanko Gold Inc.","Industry":"Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)","Symbol":"AKG","LastSale":"2.45","MarketCap":"498032832.15"}
{"Sector":"Basic Industries","Name":"Avino Silver","Industry":"Precious Metals","Symbol":"ASM","LastSale":"1.52","MarketCap":"79710321.52"}

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I reference a field that contains spaces or special characters?

A: Use back ticks (`).

Q: Is ORDER BY supported?

A: No, ORDER BY is not yet supported.

Q: Is GROUP BY supported?

A: Yes; however, only for a single column

Q: Are VIEWs supported?

A: Yes, but they are not persistent.

qwery's People


ldaniels528 avatar michaaelw avatar


James Cloos avatar Mohamed Amine Ferhi avatar

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