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nugetpackages's Introduction

NuGet Packages

A collection of packages without a home elsewhere.

##INFO These are packages that do not yet have a home elsewhere.


  • .NET Framework 4.0
  • NuGet

##CREDITS NuGet - awesome package management tool

Chocolatey packages that used to live here are in process of being migrated to

Please file requests there.

nugetpackages's People


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nugetpackages's Issues

[Enhancement] Make uninstall PublishedApplications work

From Devin Martin:

I got a working uninstall script that I thought I'd share with you in case you want to include it.

param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)

$targetImport = ".\targets\Microsoft.Application.targets" Write-Host 'Removing msbuild import of '$targetImport ' to ' $project.Object.Project.Name

$vsProject = [Microsoft.Build.Construction.ProjectRootElement]::Open($project.Object.project.FullName)

foreach ($child in $vsProject.AllChildren) { if ($child.GetType().ToString() -eq "Microsoft.Build.Construction.ProjectImportElement") { $import = [Microsoft.Build.Construction.ProjectImportElement]$child if ($import.Project -eq $targetImport) { $vsProject.RemoveChild($child) } } }


Reduce the need for administrator privileges

As Windows Vista/7 has UAC it is not necessary to force each install process to be run as Administrator. This finally allows users to install chocolatey and some of its packages without Administrator rights to users local folder.

Enhancement: Do not reinstall a dependency

When cinst calls for an item, install it everytime. But if any of it's dependencies have already been installed, do not rerun the chocolatey bits on them.

This is achieved by looking for a particular file inside of the dependency's directory. (Look for the enhancement for logging success).

PublishedApplications: Content from referenced assemblies copied to incorrect output directory

Content marked "Copy to Output Directory" contained in a folder (LibraryB/MyContent/MyFile.txt) in a referenced assembly will be copied to the root folder of the targeted PublishedApplication (i.e., _PublishedApplications/MyApp/MyFile.txt) instead of the containing folder (PublishedApplications/MyApp/MyContent/MyFile.txt)

Please see for a simple example of this behavior

Enhancement: Virtual Packages

I want to point to a package and have it look to see if there are any packages installed that meet the standards of the package needs.

For instance, I need to see if ruby is installed. I don't care if it is the zipped version or the full blown install.
If it is not installed, then I would like to default to one of these two (the one that doesn't require an install).

Other use cases, install a pdf reader. I wouldn't necessarily care if it is adobe or foxit. I just want one of these to be installed.

Lots of red on install

It seemed to install ok, but there was a couple of red errors when installing form the VS Package Manager Console.

When I typed: Install-Package chocolatey

You may be being asked for permission to add ;C:\NuGet\bin to the PATH system environment variable. This gives you the ability to execute applications from the command line.
Please select [Yes] when asked for privileges...

Exception calling "Start" with "1" argument(s): "No application is associated with the specified file for this operation"
At E:\Code_staxmanade\googleCode\jason-dbup\lib\chocolatey.\tools\chocolateysetup.psm1:8 char:43

  • $s = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start <<<< ($psi);
  • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : DotNetMethodException

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At E:\Code_staxmanade\googleCode\jason-dbup\lib\chocolatey.\tools\chocolateysetup.psm1:9 char:16

  • $s.WaitForExit <<<< (8000);
    • CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (WaitForExit:String) [], RuntimeException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

Chocolatey is now ready.
{...end snip}

Install Ruby from ZIP, not from Windows Installer.

Chocolatey doesn't follow a standard way of installing applications in Windows.

I believe, there's no point of executing MSI to trash up Windows registry , and point the installer to a custom location.

It could be more clean to just download/unpack zip to a Chocolatey folder and set all necessary Path and RUBY_HOME variables.

curl script points to x64 not win 32 on 32 bit windows.

The batch file is generated incorrectly. There are also strange output messages. Why doesn't it just point to curl?

C:\Users\alan\vimfiles>cinst -force curl
Chocolatey (v0.9.8.20) is installing curl and dependencies. By installing you accept the license for curl and each dependency you are installing.
______ curl v7.30.0.2 ______
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\win32\debug\dynamic\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\win32\debug\ltcg\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\win32\debug\static\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\win32\release\dynamic\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\win32\release\ltcg\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\win32\release\static\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\x64\debug\dynamic\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\x64\debug\ltcg\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\x64\debug\static\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\x64\release\dynamic\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\x64\release\ltcg\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v100\x64\release\static\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\win32\debug\dynamic\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\win32\debug\ltcg\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\win32\debug\static\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\win32\release\dynamic\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\win32\release\ltcg\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\win32\release\static\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\x64\debug\dynamic\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\x64\debug\ltcg\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\x64\debug\static\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\x64\release\dynamic\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\x64\release\ltcg\curl.exe'.
Adding C:\Chocolatey\bin\curl.bat and pointing to '%DIR%..\lib\curl.\tools\native\v110\x64\release\static\curl.exe'.
Finished installing 'curl' and dependencies - if errors not shown in console, none detected. Check log for errors if unsure.

Unable to use pip


the script folder's address has been added to the path and the folder contains pip.exe
How can i eliminate this issue

Enhancement: Add cinstm (installmissing) to ask if something is installed and install it if not.

The idea here is something like a setup.bat that would ensure a machine is in a state for developing against.

I see this implemented like this:

  • Your source has a setup.bat that points to a powershell script.
    • The powershell script detects the presence of chocolatey and installs it if it is not there.
    • The script asks if things are installed at machine level (cinstm 7Zip) and it looks to see if something is installed. (could include version here and source as well)
    • If it is not installed, it runs install for it automatically.
    • and so on.

the script might look like this (pseudocode):

try {
    & chocolatey
} catch {
    write-host 'Installing chocolatey'
    #take steps to download chocolatey
    #run chocolateyInstall.ps1

cinstm 7Zip
cinstm psake
cinstm baretail

Issues with Yeoman installer

Ok... so here are the issues, based on a clean machine.

  • If Ruby is installed as a dependency (by Chocolatey), then when it comes time to run gem and install Compass -- the installer blows up (b/c gem isn't in PATH).
  • Similarly, if Node is installed as a dependency (by Chocolatey), when it comes time to run npm it blows up (b/c npm isn't in PATH).
  • OptiPNG, libjpeg-turbo and PhantomJS all get their own directory off of c:\ -- yuck -- I didn't realize the install call I was making did that -- would prefer to either install these guys to program files, or provide the shim to run them from inside c:\chocolately\lib -- any thoughts here?

For the first two, the bug is in Chocolatey -- it doesn't recapture the modified PATH (or any other env variables for that matter after running an installer). IMHO, its Chocolatey's obligation to do this.

I think you're aware of this issue.. but I didn't see you handling this anywhere in the code after a quick scan. I provide a fix in PowerShell to recapture the path.

chocolatey-archive/chocolatey#140 (comment)

Enhancement: Support Uninstalls

cunst somepackage
gives the user a choice of what to remove
cunst somepackage -version 1.23
removes just that version

This would reroute the batch link to the most up to date version. If there are no more versions, delete the batch file.

Look to see if there is an chocolateyUninstall.ps1 file. This file could actually remove applications from the computer. Of course the uninstaller would need to look at the version installed before running the uninstaller in case someone has upgraded.

Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage $packageName $possiblePathsToUninstaller
This may need helpers for the version

A link to help this idea:

Remove the stuff from lib folder as well.

Syntax Error when attempting to use install pip

As per my post on the chocolatey google group (!msg/chocolatey/nkObl1lbyGc/z8FjbDY5R1cJ), when I attempt to use chocolatey to install pip it throws a syntax error. Output shown below.

C:\Users\Jesse>cinst pip
Chocolatey (v0.9.8.23) is installing 'pip' and dependencies. By installing you accept the license for 'pip' and each dependency you are installing.
______ easy.install v0.6.11.4 ______
PATH environment variable does not have C:\Python27 in it. Adding...
PATH environment variable does not have C:\Python27\Scripts in it. Adding...
Setting PYTHONHOME environment variable to 'C:\Python27'
PS: PYTHONHOME variable is not required to Python works, but it is a good practice to have it.
Using python home at 'C:\Python27'
Installing easy_install for Python(3.3.3)...
Installing distribute, Distribute is a fork of the Setuptools project. works with python versions >= 3.0
distribute homepage:
Downloading easy.install 32 bit ( to C:\Users\Jesse\AppData\Local\Temp\
Running python file: 'C:\Users\Jesse\AppData\Local\Temp\'
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 123
raise CodecRegistryError,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
______ pip v1.1.1 ______

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

d---- 01/27/2014 14:05 pip

Write-Error : pip did not finish successfully. Boo to the chocolatey gods!

[ERROR] The term 'easy_install' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, func
tion, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a

path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

At C:\Chocolatey\chocolateyinstall\helpers\functions\
1:30 char:13

  • Write-Error <<<<  $errorMessage
    • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorExcep
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorExceptio

Write-Error : Package 'pip v1.1.1' did not install successfully: The term 'easy
_install' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or
operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, ve
rify that the path is correct and try again.
At C:\Chocolatey\chocolateyinstall\functions\Chocolatey-NuGet.ps1:90 char:28

  •             Write-Error <<<<  "Package `'$installedPackageName v$installe
    dPackageVersion`' did not install successfully: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorExcep
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorExceptio

Finished installing 'pip' and dependencies - if errors not shown in console, none detected. Check log for errors if unsure.

Reading environment variables from registry. Please wait... Done.

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