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devgrants's Issues

Next Step Microgrant: UniFile

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

An open source storage system for your data that storage in Filecoin/IPFS use Web3.Storage which makes it easy to share them anywhere on the web.

UniFile is tightly scoped for the present and more broadly thought out for the future. Our primary objective is to create a best-in-class experience for uploading, collecting, and sharing media.



2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

In the future, we will adopt a decentralized incentive mechanism to encourage users to upload and use UniFile, and obtain a certain amount of Token income. And give Token more and more functions, such as decentralized governance, payment and other functions.

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Yes, the work will be Open Source.

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

Yes, Of course.

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
    Team member:
    wujinquan: Project leader ,
    baijinying: Blockchain development engineer ,
    sunjiebin: Operation and maintenance engineer
    luzewei: front-end engineer ,

  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:

    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
      MERCURY Hackathon
    • Please link to your hackathon submission

Open Grant: Scalable multi-hop payments for the Filecoin Retrieval Market

Scalable multi-hop payments for the Filecoin Retrieval Market

Proposal Category: core-dev

Proposer: andrew.gord.stewart

Technical Sponsor: Hannah Howard

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Yes

Project Description

The Filecoin retrieval market will be a scalable, trustless content-delivery network where clients pay providers for content. The detailed roadmap for the retrieval market proposes an HTLC-backed 'mega-proxy' architecture for retrieval market micropayments. However, the HTLC approach involves the mega-proxy (aka intermediary) in every micropayment, making it highly resource-intensive to operate at scale. Virtual channels are an advancement in state channels that require the intermediary's involvement only at the beginning and end of a stream of micropayments, with the parties otherwise exchanging payments directly.
There are two main roadblocks standing in the way of using virtual channels for Filecoin retrieval deals:

  1. The Filecoin blockchain does not support the EVM, meaning it is difficult to use a state channel adjudicator for Filecoin retrieval deals without using a blockchain with EVM support.
  2. The Lotus software does not implement protocols that enable multi-hop payments.

This project aims to remove (2), by developing Nitro protocol in golang packages for use in the Filecoin ecosystem. (1) will be deferred until the VM capabilities of the Filecoin blockchain materializes. In case EVM support does not materialize, the results of this project serve as motivation for a FIP to add a state channel adjudication actor.

Background on Nitro virtual channels
Nitro virtual channels are described in detail in a previous research paper as well as this blog post. Nitro protocol is implemented on-chain for the Ethereum EVM and off-chain in Typescript. Nitro channels have been used in a PoC app called Web3Torrent, an incentivized torrent web-app. With Web3Torrent, a single on-chain deposit with an intermediary is enough to enable high-throughput conditional micropayments with any peer connected to the same intermediary.
Our draft Nitro V2 spec outlines an improved virtual funding protocol with the following results:
Many-hop virtual channels (constructed through N intermediaries) can be

  1. Constructed trustlessly in constant time, requiring three sequential messages (O(N) total messages).
  2. In the case of a malicious intermediary, disputed in constant time, and at most 2k+1 transactions, where k is the number of misbehaving intermediaries
  3. In the case of a misbehaving end-user and correct intermediaries, disputed in constant time and two transactions

Proposed work
We will remove roadblock (2), through the following two milestones:

  1. We will implement the Virtual Funding Protocol (VFP) from the draft Nitro V2 spec as executable specs in golang, conforming to a specific protocol interface.
  2. We will implement a Nitro state channel manager in golang.

We explicitly call out that we are NOT proposing to implement the on-chain components of Nitro V2, for several reasons:

  • While we are quite confident that the dispute-resolution protocol specified in the draft spec is (provably) secure, the draft is still in flux. We therefore wish to let the V2 spec settle before implementing. This is dependent on ongoing discussions with Perun around state channel standardization.
  • The specific VFP used is less important than the integration of any viable VFP in Lotus. If implemented carefully, one VFP may be substituted for another at a low engineering cost. Specifically, decoupling the protocol implementation from its execution in a means we can substitute any protocol implementation conforming to a certain interface.
  • The Nitro V2 VFP requires breaking changes to Nitro Protocol. There are certain implementation choices that may have unknown benefits or consequences.
  • Connecting Lotus to a blockchain with EVM support requires significant additional work, which may be wasted effort depending on the future VM support in Filecoin.

Therefore, with the goal of demonstrating virtual channels for retrieval deals, we will assume that retrieval clients and retrieval providers have existing, directly funded "ledger" channels at the start of retrieval deals. We will do so by mocking the on-chain interaction required to directly fund ledger channels on a blockchain.


The importance of using multi-hop payments in the Filecoin retrieval market is clearly laid out in the retrieval market roadmap. (See for instance the Payment Channel Manager component in the V1 & V2 milestones.)
Virtual channel constructions offer a key advantage over the HTLC construct present in Filecoin payment channels; once Alice & Bob construct a virtual channel through an intermediary Ingrid, Alice can pay Bob without involvement from Ingrid.
There are many VFPs described in the literature. For instance, the VFP in the current draft Nitro V2 spec bears a strong resemblance to Perun's virtual funding protocol (with some key differences that are important in practice, in particular in the context of the retrieval market.) As such, this project aims to limit the risk of "protocol-lock-in", by decoupling the protocol implementation from the wallet implementation. Should the protocol change substantially, or should Filecoin wish to use a different multi-hop construction, the lion's share of this project may be re-used.

What are the risks that will make executing on this project difficult?

  • We are not experienced golang developers. To mitigate this risk, we are seeking an experienced golang developer to add to our team.
  • While most of the VFP is well-understood, a scalable ledger funding protocol with strong safety and liveness guarantees is tricky. We may limit this risk in the short-term by making simplifying assumptions such as:
    • The intermediary never proposes updates in a ledger channel during the VFP.
    • The intermediary never wants to act as a retrieval client or retrieval provider.
    • The intermediary never refuses to enable a virtual channel between a content provider and retrieval provider.
    • The intermediary only supports enabling one virtual channel per ledger channel update.


Our target for this project is:

  1. Milestone 1 — an implementation of the (off-chain) Nitro V2 Virtual Funding Protocol in golang.
  2. Milestone 2 — an implementation of a Nitro state channel manager in golang.


The current team allocated to this project is as follows

  • George — Lead developer, full time
  • Colin — Developer, full time
  • Andrew — Tech lead, 2 days per week

It is probable that we will allocate additional capacity to the project, in particular during Milestone 2. This is dependent on parallel projects as well as hiring.

Development Roadmap

Milestone 1: Virtual funding protocol implementation

We will develop a new golang module go-nitro, which will include an implementation of the off-chain component of the Nitro V2 spec.

  • An executable specification of the Nitro Virtual Funding Protocol in golang, including the supporting protocols.
  • A comprehensive test suite covering the behaviour of the specification.
  • Documentation of the protocols, including the assumptions made in the implementation.

Effort estimate: 12 developer weeks. (1 developer week = 1 developer working 5 days)

Expected Timeline

Start September 10, 2021
1.1 Channel Type definitions & signing utils October 15, 2021
1.2 Protocols
1.2.1 Direct funder/defunder October 27, 2021
1.2.2 Ledger protocol November 12, 2021
1.2.3 Virtual funder/defunder November 19, 2021

We began development of a go-nitro package in order to reduce the uncertainty around this Milestone. We have spent approximately 3 developer weeks so far on Milestone 1.

Milestone 2: Nitro channel manager implementation

We will develop a new golang package called nitromgr, implementing a similar API to the paychmgr package in lotus-wallet. This package will:

  • expose an API to trigger the protocols implemented in Milestone 1
  • manage protocol execution
    • persisting and retrieving the relevant Nitro channel data from a Store
    • brokering peer-to-peer messages required to progress Nitro protocols


  • A Store will be implemented to store states, signatures, channel private keys and other necessary data
  • A MessagingService will be implemented to enable the peer-to-peer messaging required to execute Nitro protocols.
  • An Engine which implements the business logic of a Nitro manager and coordinates the other components.
  • An implementation of the nitromgr API, using the protocols implemented in Milestone 1.
  • An integration test demonstrating protocol execution between local nitromgr instances

Effort estimate: 36 developer weeks

This is a tentative estimate, which we arrived at by considering the existing @statechannels/server-wallet as a reference implementation. We are exploring some changes to the design which may adjust this estimate downwards.

Expected Timeline

Each sub-milestone will be accompanied with an integration test between either two or three nitromgr instances.

Start November 22, 2021
2.1 Ledger channel creation Depends on: December 21, 2021
Direct-funder protocol (1.2.1)
full implementation of a MessageService
partial implementation of Store, Engine and NitroMgr
2.2 Ledger channel closure January 14, 2022
2.3 Ledger-protocol closure Depends on: February 11, 2022
Full implementation of Store, Engine
Ledger-protocol (1.2.2)
2.4 Virtual channel creation Depends on: February 25, 2022
virtual-funder protocol (1.2.3)
2.5 Virtual channel closure March 4, 2022

This timeline assumes no additional capacity. We are seeking additional capacity from an experienced golang developer to familiarize ourselves with the golang ecosystem.

Total Budget Requested


Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

On-chain protocol
Ongoing conversations with Perun are informing the draft Nitro V2 spec, which we hope to finalize in the near future. A natural follow-up to this project is to implement Nitro V2 in Solidity. Assuming EVM support, this can be deployed to Filecoin.

The on-chain components of Nitro Protocol V1 are already implemented in Solidity in @statechannels/nitro-protocol and used by the @statechannels/server-wallet NPM package. This serves as a natural starting point for a Nitro V2 EVM implementation.

Alternatively, given no Filecoin EVM support, a FIP may be written to add a Nitro V2 adjudicator actor.

Lotus/Retrieval Market integrations

We anticipate following this project with two follow-on milestones:

  • Milestone 3 — a fork of the go-fil-markets repository, using virtual channels to provide payments
  • Milestone 4 — a demonstration of retrieval deals using virtual channels



The current team working on this project is as follows:

George Knee -- lead developer
Colin Kennedy -- developer
Andrew Stewart -- tech lead (part-time)

We anticipate adding capacity to the project, based on the completion of parallel projects and additional hiring.

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Collectively, Magmo has more than 15 years of experience thinking about state channels! As mentioned above, we successfully shipped a virtual funding protocol implementation along with Web3Torrent.

Our team has a healthy mix of academic backgrounds (PhDs in probability theory and quantum computing, one Masters in Computer Science) as well as software backgrounds.

Team code repositories

Chainlink x Filecoin: RFP Proposal- KopperDAO

Project Description- Kopper allows content creators to form a close community with their fans by putting exclusive content into IPFS files. The community of fans can vote, give tips, and watch live content from the content creators. Each content creator is their own DAO.
The content creator has the option of charging the entire community for specific content going into the IPFS file. For example: charging a community of 100 fans, $1,000 for a song put into the file. Each community member would be charged $10. Fans will also in return have voting rights within the profile to whatever questions the content creator posts.
This project utilizes Textile’s bridge Filecoin/Polygon (low gas fees). The Unlock protocol of NFTs as tickets for profile/IPFS file access. Chainlink’s oracle (external adapter) linking the addresses of the fans to the IPFS file of the content creator.

Brief description- Kopper allows content creators to form a close community with their fans by putting exclusive content into IPFS files. The community of fans can vote, give tips, and watch live content from the content creators. Each content creator is their own DAO.

Value to the Filecoin and Chainlink ecosystems- This project connects Chainlink’s oracle to a Filecoin file via an external adaptor. This will be a demonstration of how to monetize content within IPFS files.

Deliverables- 1. Textile’s Bridge to Filecoin/Polygon
2.Front-End (profile creation) with link to Unlock NFT.
3.DAO Smart Contract with Chainlink External Adaptor

An explanation of your technical solution and architecture - This project utilizes Textile’s Filecoin/Polygon bridge for lower gas fees. The Unlock protocol security NFTs are used to access the IPFS files by being purchased by users.
A Chainlink external adapter will be used to inform the smart contract containing the addresses of the community members to charge a fee when data is entered into the IPFS file.
Imagine that an experienced software developer will evaluate your proposal
Milestones & Funding requested (most projects have 2-4 milestones)- Milestone 1. Launch of platform with profiles of at least 100 content creators
2.Platform has atleast 1,000 content creators with over 10,000 fans. Plus, more than $2million in funding.

Budget and estimated timeframe for each milestone- The platform looks to launch by October 30, 2021 reaching milestone 1.
We plan on paying content creators with large social media followings to join the platform for our launch. The budget of the team combined with content creators would be $70,000.

Team- Lamont Veal, Marcel Myers

Roles and Experience- Lamont Veal is an experienced (2 years) Blockchain developer who has won a prize in the Ethglobal Hackathon with the project xLiquidity (October 2020).

Marcel Myers is a music artist and producer based in Atlanta, GA with more than 50,000 downloads of his music on Spotify. He has over 10 years of experience in social media marketing and the entertainment industry.

Next Step Microgrant: Project MyWorld (

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

MyWorld is a common place for autism artists to express their world through arts, music and their weird experiments. They can sell and exchange their work via smart contracts. A small fee from those buying and selling is contributed to autism awareness activities; those activities in turn are proposed and voted by means of token distribution in the community. All those beautiful things happened thanks to the greatness of Flow blockchain network, API and IPFS storage space.

Github repo:

Project website:

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

  1. Further improve cadence smart contracts to handle:
  • Decentralize Transaction
  • Transaction Fees
  • Multiple Galleries - Stored in MongoDB
  • Autism Community Vault to receive a portion of transaction fees
  1. Unit tests for cadence smart contracts
  2. Unit tests for the front end.
  3. MyW token implementing NonFungibleToken. MyW will be used in transactions instead of FUSD as of now.
  4. Fresh new 100 installations of blocto wallet in the autism community and distribute an initial amount of MyW tokens to those wallets so that they can start trading on testnet.
  5. Autism Artists profile page to tell their stories.

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Like many other projects that welcome community contribution, our project is also Open Source under MIT license.

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

We will keep you updated with a weekly report so that we can be in sync.

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

I have read and found the code of conduct quite interesting and informative. Rest assured that the project will be developed in compliance with it.

6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?

Link: filecoin-project/community#308

Link: filecoin-project/community#307

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.

Nwin Lee
Email: [email protected]
Role: Coder

Lynda P.
Email: [email protected]
Role: Community Manager

  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:
    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
    • Please link to your hackathon submission, proving you're a team that submitted for a Protocol Labs prize.

Next Step Microgrant: <Filecoin Java sdk>

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

Supporting features:

FilecoinJ is a lightweight, highly modular, reactive, type safe Java library for working with integrating with clients (nodes) on the Filecoin network:

  • Complete implementation of Filecoin's JSON-RPC client API over HTTP
  • offline wallet creation(BLS, secp256k1 & multisig),
  • Transfer Signature, offline multi-signature, etc.
  • Filecoin wallet support

It has five runtime dependencies:

  • OKHttp for HTTP connections
  • Jackson Core for fast JSON serialisation/deserialization
  • web3j

Remote Repositorie link : FilecoinJ

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

Integrate the SDK into the project, and then use the SDK function to complete the support for filecoin.

This allows you to work with the Filecoin blockchain, without the additional overhead of having to write your own integration code for the platform.

Just like bitcoinj support for bitcoin and web3j support for Ethereum, filecoinj can be used to fully support filecoin, and java language can be used to support json rpc, construct transactions, and sign transactions.

  • Maven

3. Will the work be Open Source?


4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

Yes, I agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

Yes, this proposal complies with the Filecoin Code of Conduct.

6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?

    Yes, the Filecoin Community Showcase PR has been approved. Please check Commuynity Showcase.

  • Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's Project Showcase category?

    Yes, The link are as follows, Application Filecoin Java sdk.

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
Name Email Github Role
Jc0803kevin [email protected] (Jc0803kevin) Main Developer
  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:
    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
    • Please link to your hackathon submission, proving you're a team that submitted for a Protocol Labs prize.

Next Step Microgrant: <Your Title Here>

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

3. Will the work be Open Source?

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?

  • Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's Project Showcase category?

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:
    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
    • Please link to your hackathon submission, proving you're a team that submitted for a Protocol Labs prize.

Next Step Microgrant: <Miner Tools>

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

This is a toolbox project to facilitate miners to better participate in filecoin. Three tool services will be provided:

  • Redo sector tool
  • WindowsPost test tool
  • Monitoring and alarm service

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

1.Redo sector tool

  • Redo of all sectors will be supported. CC sectors are easy, and sectors with data must have the original data.

2.WindowsPost test tool

  • It will support one sector, multiple sectors, and sector tests of deadline and partition.

3.Monitoring and alarm service

  • Monitor and alarm the mining situation, and post the alarm information to slack, which may support other platforms' alarms in the future.

3. Will the work be Open Source?


4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?


5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

Additional questions:

Name Email Github Role
luluup777 [email protected] Developer

Next Step Microgrant: Buy me a Coffee

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

Buy me a Coffee is a platform to ask fans to support your work for the price of a coffee. In exchange, they receive a unique minted NFT and exclusive access to a private community hosted on the blockchain.

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

Adding the following features to the application:

  • Creators can create a private community for their donors and fans
  • Integrating IPFS and Filecoin storage so the creators can share exclusive content with their supporters
  • Donors can vote on the upcoming work of their favorite creators and share their ideas with them
  • An attractive UI friendly badge that can be added by creators to their Github, Youtube, Instagram, etc. to request the support

3. Will the work be Open Source?

This project is open source and is using MIT license

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?


5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?

Yes, created the pull request. Here is the link: filecoin-project/community#348

Yes, created the thread. Here is the link: filecoin-project/community#347

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
  • [Deepesh - Developer]; Github Account: @dev-blockchain; Email
  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:

Next Step Microgrant: IPOS

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

IPOS is an open source decentralized storage protocol that provides AWS S3 native APIs for developers. IPOS will distribute data stored based on the AWS S3 standard in IPFS. It supports IPFS mainet and private networks by the deployment of IPFS nodes. So as to meet the distributed storage needs of developers.



2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

Improve the development of IPOS, develop more applications based on IPOS, and then promote it in the developer community, so that more developers can use IPOS.

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Yes, the work will be Open Source.

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

Yes, Of course.

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
    Team member:
    wujinquan: Project leader ,
    baijinying: Blockchain development engineer ,
    sunjiebin: Operation and maintenance engineer
    luzewei: front-end engineer ,
    • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:
    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
      MERCURY Hackathon
    • Please link to your hackathon submission

RFP Proposal: NFT market built on Filecoin and Hedera Hashgraph

RFP Proposal: NFT market built on Filecoin and Hedera Hashgraph

Name of Project: NFT browser using HTS and Filecoin’s decentralized storage service

Link to RFP:

RFP Category: app-dev

Proposer: Hashgraph Exchange (HEX)

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Yes

Project Description
We designed an SDK that integrates existing Filecoin storage service and Hedera Token Service (HTS). It allows users to create non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and allow storage of larger files associated with HTS tokens (images, videos, JSON metadata, etc.) on the Filecoin network.

The project makes it easier for developers to create Dapps without having to do a dive deep into the concepts of Filecoin and Hedera. Hedera’s native file service(HFS) is inefficient for storing large files. The maximum file size in HFS is only 1,024 kB and the overall limit of a transaction is only 6 kB. So Files had to be broken into smaller chunks and multiple append calls had to be made to store it on chain. This limitation made the process of creating NFTs using HTS and HFS time consuming and exorbitant.

To overcome this, the project integrates Hedera Token Service(HTS) and, a service backed by Protocol Labs and Pinata specifically for storing NFT data. provides an abstraction to simplify Filecoin integration. It can store NFT’s upto 32GB in size and the process is a lot faster than using HFS. So with this approach we get more storage space and less time to upload files.

We created a demo application that uses this SDK to build an open source end-to-end NFT marketplace demo application that showcases the functionality of the Decentralized Storage SDK and is used by other developers in the community as a reference architecture.

The demo application includes:
NFTs created on Hedera.
Multimedia associated with the NFT stored on Filecoin.
JSON metadata schema associated with those NFTs on Filecoin.
Accepting HBAR and FIL (at a minimum) for payment of NFTs.

Development Roadmap

  • M1 (Week 1 to 2) 3 developers

    • Requirements finalization
    • Initial SDK setup
    • SDK - Integrating to store metadata and file
    • SDK - Integrating HTS to issue NFT
    • Budget requested: $20,000
  • M2 (Week 3) 2 developers

    • SDK - Support for checking status of NFTs
    • SDK - Support for HEX extension
    • SDK Testing
    • Budget requested: $15,000
  • M3 (Week 4)

    • 2 developers
    • Demo Marketplace Application setup
    • Front-end for the demo marketplace application
    • Integrating the sdk with Front-end application
    • Demo marketplace Application Testing
    • Budget requested: $20,000
  • M4 (Week 5) 2 Developers

    • Regression testing
    • Bug fixes and Improvements
    • Deploying Demo Application
    • Budget requested: $20,000
      Total budget requested: $75,000

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

HEX is responsible to coordinate the continuous maintenance of the DAPP components developed within the project, preserving at the same time their stability in terms of interface and behavior, so that higher-level frameworks and applications can rely on them.
Once a year the HEX team will produce a major release, characterized by a well defined interface and behavior for each of its components. Interface and behavior are allowed to change within a major release only in a backwards-compatible way.
Component releases are classified in major, minor, revision and emergency, based on the impact of the changes on
the component interface and behavior.
Requests for Change will be managed adopting a priority-driven approach, so that the risk to
compromise the stability of the software deployed in a production environment is minimized. Requests
for Change will also be properly monitored across the different trackers adopted by the HEX team.
HEX is also responsible to coordinate the support to users of the DAPP components developed within the project.

Both the Software Maintenance and the User Support are monitored through Key Performance
Indicators, outlined below -
*Automatic upgrades to the most up-to-date versions of the software, including major releases and patches.
*Early access to Beta versions and the opportunity to test and suggest new features before they are included in the final release.
*Premium technical support and prioritized incident management, including first response to your issues within 1 business day, and usually much faster than that.
*Special promotions and discounts.

TeamContact Info
[email protected]

Team Members
Jim Gao
Xavier Praveen
Alex Peshevski
Simon Jackson

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles
Team Website

Relevant Experience
Involved with Hedera since 2018, the Hashgraph Exchange (HEX) team worked on world’s first hashgraph-based DEX, and launched its alpha version during Hedera’s Open Access (OA) on 9/16/2019. After the inception of Hedera’s token service in Q1 of 2021, the HEX team completely revamped the design and architecture of its DEX, and won the third place in Hedera21 hackathon.
We are among the first teams in the Hashgraph ecosystem to:
*Enable users to create an account on Hedera mainet without going through KYC;
*Enable users to create, add, send and receive HTS based tokens (both fungible and non-fungible) through their Hedera accounts.
*Swap between hbars and HTS tokens
*Implementing the bridge between Hedera and the Ethereum network
*Enabling hbar custody solution by implementing a functional hardware wallet

Additional Information
You can try out the latest version of the Chrome based DEX at

Team code repositories

Filecoin x Chainlink rfp-proposal-SAO network

RFP Proposal: SAO Network

Name of Project: Storage Autonomous Organization (SAO)

Link to RFP:

RFP Category: app-dev, technical-design

Proposer: Adele0x

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Yes

Project Description

The project is to build a storage autonomous network of stakeholders with no central governing body, just a set of rules encoded on a blockchain. We will use the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to store useful data like nun-fungible tokens (NFT) on the Filecoin network. In our view, NFT protocol can be widely used in various fields especially like the right affirmation with a proper Oracle solution bridging Filecoin and other public chains or the real world. We think the internet can’t be saved appropriately as we expect personally. The way things are going, MEGACORP will always control the apps and the data service based on the internet which leads to concerns over copyrights and the abuse of the data because we can no longer own and benefit from the data solely by ourselves. The only way out of this mess is with a completely new platform that’s owned and controlled by its users. That's what we’d like to build starting from this project. It’s just like a data DAO.

In phase one, SAO network is designed to give NFT creators and NFT markets a single, effective, customizable, integrated productivity tool for storing useful data on their own for a certain period as expected or even permanently on a decentralized storage network like Filecoin, rather than on a central server; and it takes full advantage of the IPFS system, the oracle solutions and the latest AI recognition technologies to protect and track the copyright on any piece of painting, writing, music, etc. It will be a tool and community platform that users can trust, control, and extend to their liking. We want to do away with the terrible user experience of the current centralized apps and the data service.

In the next step after fundraising, SAO will also run the Filecoin miner nodes to help to store the useful data and make earnings from the storage mining business. We will make the miner nodes run publicly, transparently and governed by a DAO. The proceeds of mining business will be distributed with a set of rules encoded on Ethereum, or Filecoin in the future (if Filecoin network supports smart contracts someday). The Web 3 era is coming. And also we believe the SAO network has an enormous collaborative potential that the future Metaverse world needs.

Brief Description

The project is to build a storage autonomous network of stakeholders with no central governing body, just a set of rules encoded on a blockchain. It's a protocol tool that utilize the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to store the data of nun-fungible tokens (NFT) on the Filecoin network, to use the oracle solution like Chainlink to leverage extensive off-chain resources, and to make full use of the latest AI recognition technologies to protect, track and affirm the copyright on any piece of painting, writing, music, etc.

Value to the Filecoin and Chainlink ecosystems

The SAO network will become one of the most easy-to-use tools in the FIlecoin ecosystem.

It will be also like a NFT search engine, including image search and voice search, and the navigation showing the NFT collection lists, and an aggregator of NFT markets for users that utilizes the blockchain technologies, AI recognition technologies and Chainlink oracle solutions to protect, track and affirm the rights on any piece of videos, paintings, writings, music, etc.

The team also would like to try to work out a possibly better oracle solution for the Filecoin storage and rights affirmation if Chainlink Labs could provide more technology support and fund support.

Besides, the Filecoin mining DAO will also engage more people to take part in the Filecoin storage mining. At the beginning, we will provide the hardware and software solution for free and the only thing that users need to do is to stake Filecoins in the nodes. To make the mining DAO run publicly and transparently, we will use the Chainlink oracle solution to upload the mining order data on the blockchains like Ethereum.


  • Launch a NFT search engine and navigation
  • Store the celebrated NFTs on Filecoin and record its CID on our website
  • Provide NFT data API for NFT markets
  • Run at least one Filecoin miner node governed by an decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)
  • Use an oracle solution to upload the mining order data on the blockchains like Ethereum.
  • Upload and verify the copyright data by the DAO and track the transaction records on blockchain.

An explanation of your technical solution and architecture

Firstly, the user interface is to provide a search engine and navigation product showing the NFT collection lists, the details of NFT and the storage sites by the MYSQL database adoption and data API requests.

And then the platform provides a one-stop aggregator for users to mint/generate/create the NFTs on various marketplaces or different blockchains by the means of cooperation with NFT markets and public blockchains.

With regard to the Filecoin mining decentralized autonomous organization, we want to engage more users participating in the Filecoin ecosystem and support the continuous operation of the platform working as a DAO. We have not decided the final solution of the DApp while the smart contracts are not available on the Filecoin chain. So maybe we will deploy the DApp on Ethereum and use the oracle solution to upload the mining order data between Filecoin and Ethereum.


  • Launch a NFT search engine/navigation
  • Launch a publicly, transparently, and jointly FIL-mining DApp governed by a DAO.
  • Launch an aggregator of NFT markets for user’s better experience on minting NFTs
  • Initiate a Data DAO for Web 3 and Metaverse world using the blockchain technologies, oracle solutions, token economy model, and AI recognition technologies, etc.

Budget and estimated timeframe for each milestone

Milestones Cost Items Budget Amount Estimated Release Date
Launch a NFT search engine/navigation Cloud Server; Cost of Development $15,000 Early in October 2021
Launch a publicly, transparently, and jointly FIL-mining DApp governed by a DAO. Filecoin miner hardware, $70,000; Filecoin mining software development, $10,000; Incentive Mechanism Design of the DAO, $5,000 $85,000 Early in November 2021
Launch an aggregator of NFT markets for user’s better experience on minting NFTs Cost of Development; Cost of business development for requesting application program interface from the major NFT markets. $20,000 Late in December 2021
Initiate a Data DAO for Web 3 and Metaverse world using the blockchain technologies, oracle solutions, token economy model, and AI recognition technologies, etc. TBD TBD Q1 2022

Sum up the total requested budget across all milestones, and include that figure here. Ensure that it does not exceed the total funding limit on the RFP.


Contact Info

Team Members

  • Nick, Chief Software Architect
    Prior to Blockinsight, Nick used to be the technical director of a celebrated mining Pool. Nick is extensively experienced in blockchain and cryptocurrency mining. Expert in architecture design, smart contract deployment, blockchain development and multiple programming languages.

  • Leo, Filecoin Expert
    4yrs blockchain experiences in public chain, crypto wallet and mining. Actively involved in filecoin ecosystem and decentralised storage area for more than 1yr.

  • Adele, Project Manager
    Adele is a passionate project manager who has worked extensively in both financial sections and blockchain industry. Prior to Blockinsight, she worked for several organizations including a investing group with multi-natinal business, financial consulting firms and a crypto mining R&D company. And she will take in charge of the manager of this project “Storage Autonomous Organization” (SAO).

Team Website


The website is to be online soon in one week.

Additional Information of Team

The team consists of 3 full-time people and several part-timers who all have rich experience in Blockchain and IPFS and are keenly interested in this project. All the team members would like to be a part as well as make contributions to this project at the very beginning. After fundraising, we are planning to form an official team, and to hire more developers from the Filecoin developer community and business managers to reach out for more storage clients.



@eshon for some reason I am spinning around the labeling. It doesn't seem to be appearing for me in my view...perhaps I am doing something wrong...or not clicking...but I have been doing so for a while and watched a few videos. I hope I can still submit this proposal which should have the label:

Proposal type: category:app-dev
Grant type: proposal-type:open

Many thanks!


Open Grant Proposal: Freenet 2 initial prototype

Open Grant Proposal: Freenet 2 initial prototype

Name of Project: Freenet 2

Proposal Category: app-dev

Proposer: sanity

Technical Sponsors: Max Inden, Dietrich Ayala

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Yes

Project Description

Freenet2 is a distributed, decentralized, key-value store in which keys are cryptographic contracts which determine what values are valid under that key.

The store is observable, allowing applications built on Freenet2 to listen for changes to values and be notified immediately. The cryptographic contracts are specified in web assembly.

This key-value store serves as a foundation for decentralized, scalable, and trustless alternatives to centralized services, including email, instant messaging, and social networks, many of which rely on closed proprietary protocols.

Freenet2 is implemented in Rust on top of the libp2p library and will be available across all major operating systems, Desktop and mobile.


The Internet has grown increasingly centralized over the past 25 years, such that a handful of companies now effectively control the Internet infrastructure. This happened because building decentralized applications is much more difficult than building their centralized equivalents.

Freenet2's purpose is to make it easy to build decentralized services and also to provide reference implementations of the most popular services such as email and instant messaging.

We're building Freenet2 on the Rust implementation of libp2p meaning our developers will contribute improvements to this project, including code, testing, and more general feedback. benefitting systems built on libp2p, including FileCoin.

Our "chainless" smart contract approach will result in learnings for IPFS-native applications and FileCoin's smart contract initiative.

Lastly, our deployment of a libp2p application to the major mobile platforms will inform other IPFS on mobile efforts, particularly the low-bandwidth, low-power, and variable connectivity challenges of mobile.


This is an ambitious project, network effects can make it very difficult to compete with centralized incumbents. However, our team has a track record of disruptive innovation and there has never been greater public concern about centralized control of the Internet.


Working software for Windows, Mac, and Linux on Desktop, and on Android and IOS - with a convenient installer. The software will support decentralized email out-of-the-box while providing a platform for future applications.

Development Roadmap

Milestone Date Deliverables Cost
1 Nov 30th, 2021 Low-level networking & infrastructure, Ring topology. Key-value store. Get/put/subscribe protocols. $20,000
2 January 31st, 2022 Web Assembly Contracts, WebSocket API. Web interface. $30,000
3 March 31st, 2022 Decentralized email service prototype $15,000
4 May 31st, 2022 Launch $10,000

Total Budget Requested

Total Cost: $75,000. We can accept grants in FIL.

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

Our plan is to continue growing our team while raising funding both from organizations and from individuals by offering email accounts in return for recurring donations. If successful these will fund future development indefinitely.


Team Members

Ian Clarke
Nacho Duart

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Source code
Technical design:

Relevant Experience

Ian Clarke

Ian designed Freenet, the first distributed, decentralized peer-to-peer network, first released in March 2000. Freenet pioneered many concepts, including small-world networks, cryptographic contracts, and distributed web-of-trust.

In 2003 Ian co-founded Revver, which by 2005 was the 4th most popular online video website, and the first to share
advertising revenue with video creators. As CTO, Ian recruited an engineering team of 10 developers.

Ian has also worked extensively on distributed systems including the Swarm framework, and other areas including applying machine learning to online advertising.

As CTO of OneSpot, Ian recruited and managed teams of 12 developers to build a sophisticated ad targeting engine which
outperformed Google Adwords in head-to-head comparisons.

Ignacio Duart

Ignacio Duart has been doing software engineering professionally for 7 years, lately on traditional “big data” systems, and has been a Open Source contributor for around 5 years.

In particular relevant to this project, has been doing Open Source systems programming in Rust since around 2015 (1.0 release) and has extensive familiarity with its ecosystem. Experience spans different areas: distributed systems and computing (main contributor of a distributed computing framework, Vega, based on Apache Spark), agent-based architectures and p2p network models (working on an experimental simulation framework, SimAg), work on scientific computing and ML framework implementation and bindings (eg. Tensorflow Rust bindings, implementation and ports of the GNU Scienfitic Library), familiarity with webassembly, database and compiler design amongst other things working on a query language and execution engine implemented in Rust.

Team code repositories

Additional Information


1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

3. Will the work be Open Source?

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?

  • Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's Project Showcase category?

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:
    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
    • Please link to your hackathon submission, proving you're a team that submitted for a Protocol Labs prize.

Open Grant Proposal: FS3 v2.0 - A S3 compatible storage gateway to Filecoin

Open Grant Proposal: FS3 v2.0- A S3 compatible storage gateway to Filecoin

Name of Project: FS3 V2.0

Proposal Category: devtools-libraries

Proposer: flyworker

(Optional) Technical Sponsor:
Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?:

Project Description

This is the advance version
of FS3 for S3 compatible storage gateway to Filecoin network:
FS3 is a bridge between S3 and Filecoin, it provides user an S3 similar SDK experience with one click solution to
archive storage to Filecoin network.

In v1.0 version we complete the POC of backup bucket and file to filecoin network. However, user still needs manually
select storage provider and use wallet to trigger the backup action. With v2.0 version we are aiming to provide user the
capability of regular backup, local gateway support, rebuild storage volume from Filecoin deal sectors.



The v2.0 version give user more features to v1.0 For most enterprise users, they want to focus on the business layer,
they also have other storage type other than S3, FS3 is performed either as a local storage server or hosted storage
cloud. After backup to the filecoin network, they have need of retrieve only one smaller file from sector or retrieve
the entire sector.

They also do not want worry about the low level issue like, who is the storage provider, how much it will cost, they
want a unified budget for every thing. We should give them the option of pay for the storage as one plan. An autobid
system is needed for matching their need.

When enterprise level disaster occurs,e.g.local storage damage, raid system failures, user needs fast get copy from
filecoin network, so a rebuild tool is necessary for clients.



  • User upload file
    • GUI upload
    • User sync file from other storage provider e.g. Azure, G-Drive to FS3
  • Bucket Scheduler Backup
    • define price and wallet for bid payment
    • submit bid to autobid market for deal auto placement
  • filecoin archived history list
  • Partial file retrieval
  • Back up and rebuild the FS3 volume from Filecoin

Development Roadmap

Milestone 1 Project setup with scope and architecture

  • define the goals and scope of the project
  • define the acceptance criteria
  • define the user scenario
  • define the components and specs
  • document the design and workflow

Milestone 2 Bucket Scheduler Backup

  • Scheduler Daily/Weekly
  • converting bucket to .car file
  • Bucket as a data deal
    • User send offline deals using go-swan-client
    • User send online/offline deals for backup
  • submit bid to autobid market for deal auto placement
  • UI design and test

Milestone 3 filecoin archived history list

  • User can connect to his metamask wallet from UI
  • He can choose a file to pay for backup to filecoin network
  • His fund is locked until the storage is online, then it will be released to the client

Milestone 4 Partial file retrieval

  • extract single file from a bucket deal backup
  • retrieve file from a backup deal with FS3
  • retrieve file from a backup deal
  • UI design and test

Milestone 5 User back up the whole volume and rebuild it

  • backup and rebuild the volume with FS3
  • backup and rebuild the volume with FS3-mc
  • UI design and test

Milestone 6. Release document and marketing

  • Testing in alpha group
  • Document creation
  • Workshop and marketing

Total Budget Requested

Milestone Description Time Budget
1 Project setup with scope and architecture 1 Weeks $5,000
2 Bucket Scheduler Backup 2 Weeks $10,000
3 filecoin archived history list 2 Weeks $10,000
4 Partial file retrieval 3 Weeks $10,000
5 User back up the whole volume and rebuild it 2 Weeks $10,000
6 Release document and marketing 2 Weeks $5,000
Total $50,000

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans


Team Members

  • Charles Cao | Development Manager (worked previously in Filecoin grant 6,7,8,9)
  • Paige Wang | Project Coordinator (worked previously in Filecoin grant 6,7,8,9)
  • Dora Chen | Backend Developer
  • Boqian Zhang | Filecoin Developer(worked previously in Filecoin grant 6,7,8,9)
  • Guohao Ma | Filecoin Developer (worked previously in Filecoin grant 6,7)

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Filswan provides a decentralized edge infrastructure marketplace and software that moves data storage and analysis as
close as necessary on Web 3.0.

We - FilSwan Canada participated in SR1, SR2, and cooperation with starling and pinata project. In slingshot 2 we
processed over 10,000 deals and over 500 offline deals, talked to 100 miners and actively working data transfer service
between Asia and North American users. Prior to working on Filecoin project, we were working on a decentrilized AI
computing platform which using smart contract for data/task transmission to different AI workers, we have in hand
experience of handling encryption and data pipeline.

We are building the following product

The team get the following reward and honor.

  • The Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) special fund supports research on the direction
    of video coding.
  • Canadian government high-tech research and development grant
  • Natural Science Foundation of Canada (NSERC) Blockchain to AI Cloud Computing Research Grant
  • Canadian Information Technology and Integrated Systems Mathematical Organization (Mitacs) AI medical identification
    project grants
  • Canadian tax support for scientific research and experimental development
  • Quebec e-commerce innovation enterprise support
  • CENGN (Canadian Center of Excellence for Next Generation Networks) Research Support Project
  • Canadian D3 incubator Hosted Startup support
  • Microsoft Entrepreneurship Support Program (BizSpark) Support
  • HP Enterprise Supplier Partner, Dell Enterprise Supplier Partner, ASUS Enterprise Service Partner, Amazon Enterprise
    Partner, NVIDIA Canadian Cloud Computing Supplier

Charles Cao, Founder of FilSwan, CEO of Nebula AI inc, previous working for IBM, Autodesk, Exepida and Paysafe. FilSwan
is working on building an edge cloud computing platform (Project Swan) integrated with Filecoin decentralized storage
solution. Project Swan integrates computing, online/offline deal management and storage price discovering in one
platform to bring enterprise applications closer to where the data located.

Team code repositories

Additional Information

  • HackFS participant
  • HackFS Chainlink pool Grant award

[Gitcoin] Microgrants

Next Step Microgrants


Filecoin Next Step Microgrants are available to support taking the Next Step after building an initial prototype with Filecoin. They are offered with the understanding that decentralized technologies are a rapidly developing field with many unknowns. Next Step Microgrants seek to match the pace, breadth, and experimental nature of this work.

Intended Audience

These grants are intended for independent developers, small studios, non-profits, activists, researchers... and you!


Next Step Microgrants are awarded in the amount of $5,000, paid in FIL tokens. The entire grant amount be used to support work related to integrating or improving Filecoin, such as developer time, hosting services, relevant hardware, etc.

Program Qualifications

Next Step Microgrants are intended to be easy to apply for, evaluate, and administer. Projects must meet these 5 criteria:

  1. You've already built something with Filecoin (or closely related technologies such as IPLD, libp2p, or frameworks or services such as, Textile Powergate, etc.), independently or as part of a course or hackathon.
  2. You can provide a clear and straightforward description of the Next Step you plan to take with grant support.
  3. You can complete this work within 3 months.
  4. You agree to open-source this work, via MIT license for code or CC-BY-SA 3.0 license for content.
  5. You agree to complete weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion, with the results of your microgrant-funded work as well as a description of your experience building on IPFS, including any challenges or shortcomings encountered.

We may also contact you about promoting the resulting work, including coverage on the Filecoin Blog or social media.


Grant applications are typically reviewed every 2 weeks.


  • Q: My project publishes data or files to IPFS, does it qualify?

    • A: Yes
  • Q: My project uses OrbitDB, Textile,, or other framework or service, not IPFS directly. Does it qualify?

    • A: Yes
  • Q: My project saves data to, or retrieves data from the Filecoin network, does it qualify?

    • A: Yes
  • Q: Do you pay out in other currencies besides FIL?

    • A: No
  • Q: Should I send the payment information and W8/9 forms to you over email?

    • A: No. We will reply to selected grantees with a form to submit that information.
  • Q: Which Filecoin wallet should I use?

    • A: Any valid Filecoin address can be used. You can read more about Filecoin wallets in the documentation. We are not responsible for any use of the FIL once the deposit has been made to the wallet address you provided.
  • Q: When is the Filecoin payment made, at what price, and will I be notified?

    • A: Protocol Labs processes Filecoin payments twice monthly, and there is a short validation period for transactions. Typically you will not have to wait longer than three weeks once your application has been submitted. The Filecoin price at the end of the prior day is used to determine the amount; however, this may vary based on market conditions. You will receive an email notifying you that your deposit has been made.
  • Q: Can someone join the team who was not part of the original hackathon? Or can I switch with someone? Or can only a subset of the original team still participate?

    • A: Yes! All team permutations are ok as long as there is only one submission per original hackathon project.
  • Q: What if my "next step" is significantly different from the original project? Can I apply for multiple "next step" grants?

    • A: Next Step Microgrants are intended to build upon prior work. If you're unsure, go ahead and apply, but add a section explaining the situation with links to any prior grant applications or code. We will review on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, we will recommend that you apply for an Open Grant instead.
  • Q: I'm not a coding participant; I coordinated or made videos or helped in other ways. Am I eligible?

    • A: YES! In real life, successful products are the result of many roles, skills, backgrounds and disciplines... not just coding. You are an INSTRUMENTAL part of your team, and are eligible to receive the grant as well.
  • Q: What if we don't finish the work and run off with the money?

    • A: You will carry the weight of your actions for the rest of your days, and may be reborn in the next life as a hungry ghost.


Support for Next Step Microgrants is contributed by Protocol Labs on a quarterly basis.

For more information on the Filecoin project's overall grant program, including other grant types, check out

Next Step Microgrant: Provider.Quest - Accurate geolocation data for visualizations

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

Miner.Report is a project to collect analytics data from the Filecoin blockchain. It is also a collection of notebooks on ObservableHQ with interactive visualizations that use the data.

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

Collect data to determine miner liveness and geolocation using advanced techniques for greater accuracy.

  • Regular miner-info queries for on-chain multiaddrs [completed], DHT lookups for active miners, DNS -> IP address lookups for /dns4/ and /dns6/ multiaddrs, libp2p pings + collect version info
  • IPv4 and IPv6 GeoIP lookups using MaxMind GeoLite2 (free) and GeoIP2 API (non-free) + Baidu for China IPs
  • Traceroutes + ASN lookups via RIPE database per IP
  • JSON schema to represent multiple locations per miner ... publish/syndicate data to Textile Bucket
  • deterministic geo "faker" to generate realistic locations (based on earth population data) for addresses without geo data (eg. client addresses)
  • Visualization utilizing Trips Layer + 24 hours of deal data =>

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Yes, MIT+Apache. Data is CC-BY-SA 3.0.

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?


5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase?

Yes. PR is not merged yet, I will update when it is merged: filecoin-project/community#206

Branch version:

Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's Project Showcase category?


If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:


Additional questions:

For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.

Jim Pick, [email protected], @jimpick - sole contributor

If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon: What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)


Next Step Microgrant: <Your Title Here>

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

3. Will the work be Open Source?

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?

  • Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's Project Showcase category?

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:
    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
    • Please link to your hackathon submission, proving you're a team that submitted for a Protocol Labs prize.

Next Step Microgrant: 3D puzzle game (LOSSST)

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

LOSSST is a puzzle game I developed for a game jam in september.
In this game, the players control a little snake and go through a series of puzzles where they need to reproduce a pattern with the snake's body. Many worlds and different mechanics are here to make the challenge harder when they progress into the game.



2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

I want to implement many decentralized features in the game, possibly entirely in Filecoin, such as:

  • Custom puzzle creation / sharing
  • Custom skins creation / sharing
  • Leaderboards
  • E-shop (to buy in-game credits, exclusive puzzles, exclusive skins, etc)

3. Will the work be Open Source?


4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?


5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase
    Yes filecoin-project/community#350

  • Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's ?
    Yes filecoin-project/community#351

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
  • Maxime, maxime.euziere[at], @xem on Github, developer

RFP Proposal: IPFS-search engine

RFP: IPFS-search engine

Name of Project: IPFS-search engine

RFP Category: app-dev

Proposer: [@DecentralTech]

Project Description

IPFS search engine mapping hash address to the semantic label.User can find content possible by search labels with IPFS search engine.

IPFS search engine point of departure is to solve data theft,vulgarity advertisement,fake traffic,keep the moral bottom line.

For example:Google controls about 77% of search traffic,and it had influenced on trillion of dollars in advertising.

A closed  search engine is not necessarily fair,and Probably unfair or monopoly。If we trust google,but what about the monopolists in the remaining search traffic?Are they fair and ethical like Google?

IPFS  search engine purpose is solve above question,and the technology is completely open source any one can join it。


Fully functional IPFS search enginehave the following characteristics:

  • Copyright protection and Privacy protection
  • Inspire share and search for free
  • Decentralized advertising market
  • Mobile version and PC version
  • Open source libraries
  • API
  • Any one can start Block Explorer with local boot

Event Details

Milestone No. Milestone Description Funding ETA
1 Algorithm research and implement TBD 2020-5
2 Algorithm Validation TBD 2020-6
3 Code upload and public TBD 2020-7
4 Completed implementation of HomePage and search capability TBD 2020-8
5 Test and Fix TBD 2020-9
6 Issue web plug-ins and explorer TBD 2020-10
7 Officially Online TBD 2020-11

Contact Info

E-mail:[email protected]

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

  • After project officially online,The team will fix important bugs last once a week
  • Optimization or upgrade the algorithm once a month
  • When the project is relatively mature,any one can add new function

Team Website

Relevant Experience

The team are all distributed storage professional researchers,all members be devoted to distributed storage promotion and equipment development,Distributed storage application development and data center integration construction.
Team members actively exploring and solving the problems of supply chain finance, traceability and bill storage.
We will use blockchain technology to achieve application innovation and strive to empower the real economy.

We finished a lot of projects that are Blockchain-related:

  • Dianduidian-application
  • Blockchain of XiAn education
  • Blockchain of GuangZhou procuratorate
  • Blockchain revolution of ShangHai antique market
  • IPFS-browser

The famous IPFs community:

  • o

Next Step Microgrant: Jinkocast

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

Creators will now be able to upload their podcasts to a decentralized application and know that their content will always be there and available for their audience
So for that to happen, the application will be empowered by blockchain(By this way, can prove ownership) and IPFS to store the podcasts in a decentralized way.
Another feature is Passwordless authentication which means:

  • the creators will not need to define a password
  • Don't need to worry, if the password is secure enough.

Github repo: Jinkocast

3. Will the work be Open Source?

This project is open source and is using MIT license

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?


5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.

Open Grant Proposal: Portrait

Open Grant Proposal: Portrait

Name of Project: Portrait

Proposal Category: app-dev

Proposer: ryanshahine and giliamverheide

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Under GNU GPLv3 as discussed.

Project Description

Portrait is a decentralized drag-and-drop web page builder with cryptographic proofs. It is the first open-source solution that bridges the gap between blockchain domains and distributed file systems and protocols. Portrait web pages contain tamper-proof signatures of ownership and edit history.

Portrait was designed as an MVP during the Browsers3000 hackathon, receiving the runner-up prize. We are now actively planning to develop the MVP into a product.

Current implementation


Portrait is a prime use case for the Filecoin ecosystem: building verifiable, uncensorable, decentralized web content. Portrait provides an accessible way of creating content on IPFS together with the Filecoin protocol. By expanding this project, we aim to build a community that is able to independently expresses their creative work and vision in a decentralized way: online portfolio's for designers, custom blogs for writers, landing pages for podcasts, or an online art gallery where you could buy digital art through cryptocurrency.

As for risks and challenges, Portrait currently stores every single edit as a unique deal on Filecoin. Every change gets stored for approx. 1 year through Estuary. If Portrait generates a large number of web pages, this could become a bottleneck.


Back-end/Server-side development

  • Implementing a proof of edit history, for example:
{ "SignedProof": [
	"version": "3",
	"nonce": "764",
	"PreviousSignedMsg": "{SignedMsg(nonce2)}",
	"SignedMsg": "{SignedMsg(PreviousSignedMsg + nonce3)}"

	"version": "2",
	"nonce": "431",
	"PreviousSignedMsg": "{SignedMsg(nonce1)}",
	"SignedMsg": "{SignedMsg(PreviousSignedMsg + nonce2)}"

	"version": "1", (Genesis)
	"nonce": "854",
	"SignedMsg": "{SignedMsg(nonce1)}"
  • Implementing additional on-chain attestations through various blockchains and/or Layer 2 solutions.
  • Implementing additional Web3 onboarding solutions/providers such as Magic.
  • Implementing crypto domains (Handshake, ENS)
  • Add deal status verification on Filecoin/IPFS (Estuary) to proofs.
  • Add proofs to UI of generated web page instead of only the <head> of an HTML file.
  • Implement ThreadDB instead of MongoDB (Textile).
  • Implement usernames, i.e.: or
  • Implement possibility to add and publish multiple web pages

Front-end development / Design direction

Portrait was designed as an MVP during the Browsers3000 hackathon. Because of the scope, overall branding could not be a priority. We aim to build a design foundation that focuses on a straightforward UX for our end-users.

  • Overall branding of Portrait: Typography, Logo, Landing, etc.
  • UI user onboarding
  • UI design-builder
  • UI/UX design help-tool
  • Integrate back-end solutions such as multiple pages, crypto domains, usernames, etc.
  • Drag-and-drop elements, see below.

Drag-and-drop elements (in no specific order)

  • Donate/"Buy a beer" button for ETH/BTC/etc
  • Interact with smart contracts
  • Option to buy/sell NFTs
  • Cryptographic proofs in UI
  • NFT Showcase
  • 20 General UI elements

Development Roadmap

We would like to point out that it is almost inevitable that this roadmap will not expand in the near future.

Q4 2021


  • Research into Web3 onboarding providers Ryan

Front-end/Design direction:

  • Portrait branding Ryan and Giliam
  • Portrait landing page Ryan and Giliam
  • UI user onboarding: a pleasant way of authenticating through Web3 auth providers Ryan and Giliam


  • Add deal status verification on Filecoin/IPFS (Estuary) to proofs Ryan


  • Spin-up Portrait IPFS node with +-50TB of storage for temp. content Ryan
  • Phase-out Infura, implement own node. Ryan

Q1 2022


  • Research into additional on-chain attestations Ryan
  • Research into data structure proof of history Ryan

Front-end/Design direction:

  • UI/UX design help-tool: guiding users through the process of building a decentralized web page. Ryan and Giliam
  • UI design-builder: improving the user interface of web page builder Ryan and Giliam
  • Implementing proofs in UI - Giliam
  • Implement additional Web3 onboarding solutions/protocols Giliam


  • Hire socials community moderator Ryan and Giliam

Drag-and-drop elements:

  • Add 10 general UI elements such as blog posts, portfolio items, contact modals, etc. Giliam
  • Donate/"Buy a beer" button for ETH/BTC/etc. Giliam
  • NFT Showcase (design only) Giliam


  • Implement additional Web3 onboarding solutions (Magic, etc.)
  • Additional on-chain attestations Ryan
  • Implementing proof of history Ryan
  • Implement ThreadDB instead of MongoDB (Textile) Ryan

Q2 2022

Drag-and-drop elements:

  • Add 10 general UI elements: such as blog posts, portfolio items, contact modals, etc. Giliam
  • Implement proof of history in proofs UI element Giliam & Ryan
  • Implement additional elements with public keys/identities of other blockchains Giliam & Ryan
  • NFT Showcase Giliam


  • Implement crypto domains (Handshake, ENS) Giliam
  • Implement possibility to add and publish multiple web pages Giliam
  • Option to buy/sell NFTs Ryan and Giliam
  • Interact with smart contracts Ryan and Giliam


  • Implement possibility to add and publish multiple web pages Ryan
  • Implement crypto domains (Handshake, ENS) Ryan
  • Implement usernames, i.e.: or Ryan
  • Implement NFT API Ryan

Note: Promotional objectives are short-term decisions, not listed above.

Total Budget Requested

Costs Q4 2021 Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Total
Compensation team member per month (€2.750) €11.000 €16.500 €16.500 €44.000
SaaS/API costs €1.250 €1.250 €1.250 €3.750
Server costs €450 €450 €450 €1.350
Hardware €2.000 €250 €250 €2.500
Design €5.500 €1.200 €1.200 €7.900
Promotional €0 €2.300 €2.300 €4.600
Socials €0 €1.000 €1.000 €2.000
Compensation contributors €0 €750 €750 €1.500
Overhead €2.400 €2.600 €2.600 €7.700
Total €22.600 €26.300 €26.300 €75.200

Compensation person per month
Portrait has 2 team members. Every team member will receive €2.750 EUR per month as compensation. Starting November 2021.

SaaS/API costs:

  • Layer2 services
  • onboarding solution / Web3 onboarding solutions
  • IPFS pinning services
  • Web3 API services: NFT showcase, DB

Server costs

  • VPS
  • Deployments
  • Dedicated IPFS node(s)


  • Dedicated servers
  • Equipment


  • Software licenses
  • 3rd party video production
  • 3rd party design deliveries
  • UI/UX resources and licenses
  • Custom illustrations


  • Prizes
  • Events
  • Promotional items
  • Giveaways


  • Social media channel designs + content
  • Outsourcing/hiring social media community moderator

Compensation contributors

  • Open-source contribution compensation for developers and designers


  • Physical meetings
  • Travel expenses
  • Flexible workspaces, once/week

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

  1. Growing open-source contribution team
  2. Writing scalable and modular software
  3. Keeping overall overhead and deployment costs as low as possible, without compromising the quality.
  4. Monthly meetings with the community to assess possible improvements and feedback.


Team Members

The Portrait team has been working together on several projects for over 8 years. We iterate quickly and have a dynamic mindset. For the sake of a project, a milestone set for Q3 can and should be moved to Q1 if it benefits the project.

Ryan Shahine
Back-end engineer + architecture design + research

  • Active in blockchain industry since 2017
  • Worked for Distributed Ledger Technology Lab @ ABN AMRO Bank
  • Pursuing MSc in Computing Science at the Utrecht University, research in distributed systems.
  • Built pilot assignment for Rabobank
  • BSc thesis in mitigating the power of centralized marketplaces, assisted by Carson Farmer from Textile.

Giliam Verheide
Front-end lead + UI/UX

  • Active in blockchain sphere since 2015
  • Front-end developer: React Next.js
  • Worked for (among others) DEPT and Yummygum
  • Won ARK wallet design competition in 2020
  • Selected for the T500 in 2017, 2018 and 2019: The definitive list of the Netherlands' top 500 most inspiring under 26s across all fields of digital.

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Relevant Experience

Portrait received the runner-up prize for Browsers3000. The Portrait team also built Nebary for HackFS, HackFS was at the same time as Browsers3000.


Team code repositories

Currently private until grants are received. Please reach out to us to receive an invitation!

Next Step Microgrant: FILterBot

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

Filecoin Foundation needs a bot that can periodically check specific GitHub repos, tally issues, and post a message in certain Slack channels. We will utilize this bot across multiple workstreams, so it needs to be configurable for different teams.

(Will update with GitHub repo)

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

Develop, test, document, and implement the first version of the bot.

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Yes, repo:

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?


5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)? Yes, PR here

  • Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's Project Showcase category? Yes: discussion here

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available: N/A

Additional questions:

Next Step Microgrant: JobCrypt

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

This project is to create a jobsite, that utilises Ipfs for data storage. The project enables users to post their jobs using cryptocurrency, with jobseekers paying for value add features using cryptocurrency only. The focus of the site is purely blockchain project related jobs. The project was a winner of the Filecoin Pool prize for Browsers 3000

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

The next steps will be to

  1. Complete the links to IPFS
  2. Evaluate performance and possible use of OrbitDB
  3. Review monitoring tools and requirements for LIVE support on mainnet.
  4. Prepare for external code audit

3. Will the work be Open Source?


4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?


5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions


  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?



Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:

Open Grant Proposal: Esteroids

Open Grant Proposal: Esteroids

Name of Project: Esteroids

Proposal Category: app-dev

Proposer: Esteroids (Eyal Ron and Tomer Leicht)

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: Yes

Project Description

What is Esteroids?

Esteroids is a project for IPFS+ENS websites (we call them dWebsites). We build tools for discovering dWebsites and we promote the concept itself. Our dream is to make dWebsites a major cultural movement.

To help people access and discover dWebsites we already built:

We are promoting and advocating dWebsites in many different ways, the mains ones so far are:

  • organizing a weekly "dWebsite of the Week Award" (example),
  • managing a community on our dWebsites Discord server. It quickly became the hub of the dWebsites community.

What will we do with the funds?

In the proposed project, we will create tools for building innovative kinds of IPFS+ENS websites, called WNFT websites (see ""What are WNFT websites?"" below). We then use those tools to turn esteroids.eth itself into a WNFT website.

The WNFT tools we create in this project are general. They will allow any developer to build WNFT websites themselves.

WNFT websites can only be built with IPFS+ENS technology, and not with centralized websites. By getting this proposal funded we not only demonstrate a unique use-case of IPFS+ENS, but also create tools to build a new category of IPFS websites (namely, WNFT websites) to increase IPFS usage.

For us personally, turning esteroids.eth into a WNFT website opens up myriad financial opportunities to make Esteroids financially independent (see ""Maintenance and Upgrade Plans"")).

We additionally ask for funds to keep on promoting the dWebsites concept by organizing a "dWebsite of the Week Award" for the duration of this grant (13 weeks).

What are WNFT websites?

Each search result page in Esteroids has an empty box, called a WNFT box.

alt text

These WNFT boxes are going to be controlled by NFT tokens on Ethereum, called WNFT tokens.

Each WNFT token in Esteroids will have a keyword associated with it. The holder of a WNFT token of a specific keyword controls the WNFT box of the search result page corresponding to that keyword.

An example? If you hold the WNFT token 'Filecoin', then you decide what will be shown in the WNFT box in the search results page for 'Filecoin'.

What can WNFT token holders do with their WNFT boxes? Whatever they want! They can present an NFT gallery, or show some information about the keyword. They can even build their own business on top of their WNFT boxes! The sky is the limit.

The tools we develop are very general. Any developer building IPFS+ENS websites could use our WNFT tools to insert WNFT boxes into their websites.


By supporting this proposal you allow us to keep on building Esteroids, and increase the number of people building dWebsites on top of IPFS. We aim to turn dWebsites into a major cultural movement.

The WNFT technology we create with this funding is a stand-alone tool. It can be used by any developer for their dWebsites, independently of Esteroids, unlocking a new kind of IPFS websites.

Finally, Esteroids is the only active project whose main goal is to promote IPFS+ENS websites (dWebsites). We index dWebsites, create tools for searching and browsing dWebsites, promote the concept, and build the dWebsites community. We believe this brings unique value to the IPFS ecosphere, where supporting this proposal would allow us to lay the foundations to finance ourselves for years to come.


The deliverables are:

  1. Solidity WNFT Smart Contract. This includes an interface, code, and unit tests.

    The functionality includes:
    a. create WNFT tokens,
    b. set and read IPFS contenthash for WNFTS tokens,
    c. transfer WNFT tokens.

  2. WNFT IPFS React app. The React app provides IPFS web UI for the Solidity WNFT smart contract.

  3. Integration of WNFTs in Esteroids React IPFS app. This lets Esteroids WNFT token holders set the IPFS contenthash of their WNFT boxes.

  4. dWebsite of the Week Award. Organizing "dWebsite of the Week Award" for the duration of this proposal (13 weeks).

  5. Articles. Publishing 3 articles about WNFT websites:
    a. a general article about the concept,
    b. an article about the WNFT smart contract,
    c. an article about WNFTs in Esteroids.

Development Roadmap

This proposal is for a three-month period beginning on the 22nd of October and ending on the 22nd of January. The project has four phases, which we break down into milestones. The whole team works on each milestone.

Phase 1: WNFT Solidity smart contract development


  1. WNFT Solidity smart contract interface (approx. 2 weeks).
  2. WNFT Solidity smart contract implementation (approx. 3 weeks).
  3. Unit testing for the WNFT Solidity smart contract and deployment to Rinkeby network (approx. 2 weeks).
  4. Publishing an article describing the WNFT smart contract and its development (1 day).


October 22nd, 2021 - December 8th, 2021.


  • Milestone 1. 80 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $5,000.
  • Milestone 2. 240 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $15,000.
  • Milestone 3. 160 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $10,000.
  • Milestone 4. 8 hours x $62.5 per hour = $500.

Total: $30,500.

Phase 2: WNFT Web App


  1. Figma design of the WNFT web app (approx. 1 week).
  2. WNFT React web app (with no working WNFT Solidity smart contract functionality yet) (approx. 1 week).
  3. Integration of WNFT Solidity smart contract functionality into the WNFT webapp (approx. 1 week).
    a. connecting to an Ethereum wallet,
    b. communicating with the WNFT contract,
    c. full Integration between the WNFT web app and the WNFT smart contract.
  4. Publishing an article about the WNFT concept and the WNFT web app (1 day).


December 9th, 2021 - December 28th, 2021.


  • Milestone 1. 80 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $5,000.
  • Milestone 2. 80 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $5,000.
  • Milestone 3. 80 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $5,000.
  • Milestone 4. 8 hours x $62.5 per hour = $500.

Total: $15,500.

Phase 3: Embedding WNFT into Esteroids IPFS Web App (3 weeks)


  1. Create a template for WNFT boxes in Esteroids IPFS web app (1 week).
  2. Create UI for WNFT boxes owners to set IPFS contenthash in these boxes (1 week).
  3. Add js-ipsf and Ether.js in Esteroids web app. Get WNFT IPFS contenthash from the WNFT Solidity smart contract and IPFS. Present the content in the relevant WNFT boxes in Esteroids web app. (1 week).
  4. Publishing an article on WNFT in Esteroids (8 hours).


December 29th, 2021 - January 22nd, 2022


  • Milestone 1. 80 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $5,000.
  • Milestone 2. 80 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $5,000.
  • Milestone 3. 80 development hours x $62.5 per hour = $5,000.
  • Milestone 4. 8 hours x $62.5 per hour = $500.

Total: $15,500.

Phase 4: Conduct dWebsite of the Week Award (ongoing, every week from October 22nd, 2021 till January 22nd, 2022)

Organize the "dWebsite of the Week Award" every week for the period of this proposal, in the following steps:

  1. Every Wednesday we tweet a list of all the new dWebsites which were created in the previous 7 days.
  2. Every Thursday we create a 24h poll with 4 candidates for the dWebsite of the week award.
  3. On Friday, once the poll is over, we announce the winner of the award and send them the prize.
  4. We highlight the winner in esteroids.eth with a banner for one week.


October 22nd, 2021 - January 22nd, 2022.


  • Organizational work: 5 hours per week x 13 weeks x $62.5 per hour = $4,062.5.
  • Prize for winners: $100 a week x 13 weeks = $1,300.

Total: $5,362.5.

Total Budget Requested

Costs Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
Development $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 $0
Publications $500 $500 $500 $0
Promotion $0 $0 $0 $4,062.5
Awards $0 $0 $0 $1,300
Total $30,500 $15,500 $15,500 $5,362.5

Total amount: $66,862.5.

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

We plan for esteroids.eth to become an IPFS+ENS community website. Our vision is that esteroids.eth will be managed by a DAO, where the members of the DAO will be part of the dWebsites community. We wrote about it in more detail in two recent articles [first article, second article].

The WNFT technology, funded by this proposal, will bring us to a stage where we can finance the rest of the process of turning esteroids.eth into a community website. We will finance the project with a presale of esteroids.eth WNFTs. Alternatively, we could offer a service for other projects to build WNFT websites using our tools.

We plan to keep on maintaining esteroids.eth for years to come. We are building it to be as automatic as possible, such that it will require no more than a few minutes a day to maintain it.


Team Members

  1. Dr. Eyal Ron. Eyal is co-founder of Esteroids. He is holding a Ph.D. in mathematics from the Free University of Berlin. Eyal was also a co-founder of Almonit (discontinued) and Alpress projects, a former member of the Bisq-core team, and the main author of a couple of DIN (German standard institute) blockchain specs.

    Eyal has been in the IPFS+ENS ecosphere since its inception in 2018 and published several articles on the topic, such as Introduction to Decentralized Websites and The Self-Governing Internet Organizations Manifest.

  2. Tomer Leicht. Tomer is a co-founder of Esteroids. Tomer is an R&D professional with experience in project building, Expertise in Machine Learning, predictive analytics, and Big Data. He was the CTO of Cedato for 5 years, and the CTO WTL Technologies for more than a year.

  3. Craig Sailor. Craig is a programmer with almost 30 years of experience beginning in the American Airforce, before a foray into the corporate world working for companies such as Halliburton and others. Craig co-founded Cryptom Technologies, a blockchain consulting company.

    Craig is a jack of all trades in the computer realm, whose latest endeavors include participation in three DIN specification committees and the development of a Somali financial app.

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website

Esteroids search engine is at esteroids.eth

Esteroids article are in Medium.

Esteroids dWeb Discord.

We communicate with our community via Twitter.

Relevant Experience

Eyal Ron has been working in the IPFS+ENS websites ecosphere since its inception in 2018. He's a co-founder of Almonit, which was a project for IPFS+ENS ecosphere (now discontinued), and a co-founder of Alpress, a publication platform on top of IPFS+ENS. Eyal brings his knowledge, social connections in the industry, and experience to this project.

Tomer Leicht has more than 13 years of experience in development and managed big projects in the ad-tech scene and ML tech. Tomer brings professional modern development experience and methodologies to this project.

Craig Sailor brings not only priceless IT experience but has also worked on several decentralized projects since 2016.

As a team, we believe what we did with Esteroids since April 2021 speaks for itself. With almost no resources, besides a $5,000 grant from Protocol Labs, we managed to create a fast, reliable, dynamic platform on top of IPFS (esteroids.eth), a browser extension, a weekly dWebsite competition and a dWeb community with around a 100 people in our dWebsites Discord server.

We believe we have shown that we are the right team to take this project forward.

Team code repositories

Additional Information

We intend to use the funds we receive from this proposal to register a legal entity for Esteroids.

Our person of contact is Eyal Ron. For any questions please write to [email protected].

Next Step Microgrant: Thrust - Publishing your static website to IPFS & Filecoin instantly 🚀

1. What is your project?

Thrust is the Visual Studio Code Extension which helps Web developers quickly and easily publish their static websites to IPFS & Filecoin blockchain network using Web3 Storage service maintained by Protocol Labs. This makes it easier for Web developers to learn and use distributed Web technology, IPFS and Filecoin blockchain network.


2. How are you planning to improve this project?

The current version of Thrust VS Code extension has good support for publishing a static website locally to IPFS & Filecoin. That static website can be written in pure HTML, CSS and JS, or it can also be generated by frameworks like React, Vue, Jekyll, Hugo, etc.
If funded by Filecoin or Protocol Labs, the Thrust development team will research and develop more features to improve the extension, such as implementing a more user-friendly OAuth flow on VS Code extension, options to make the published site more domain-friendly, helping to connect and publish a repository written in Jekyll on Github Pages to IPFS and Filecoin, or whatever feature Thust's users require.

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Yes, of course, the source code is available on Github with the MIT License:
Please give any issues to us so we can make Thrust better.

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

Yes, team will share a weekly report on the development progress of Thrust, experience building on Filecoin & Web3 Storage, and results of the microgrant-funded work.

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct ?


6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?
    Yes, PR at here.

  • Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's Project Showcase category?
    Yes, we are always waiting for comments here.

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available: N/A

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
Name Email Github Role
Tuan Pham Minh [email protected] Project Lead Developer
Thanh Vuong [email protected] Developer

RFP: Storage helper libraries

This RFP is all about creating libraries that perform useful storage workflow functionality! Read more about it at this link, and add any questions/comments you may have in this issue!


  • Looking for how to label my repository...

RFP: Block explorer

We just put out our first RFP for a Filecoin block explorer! You can read the details of the RFP at this link, and add any questions/comments you may have in this issue!

RFP: Filecoin protocol implementations

We are looking for teams who are interested in building an implementation of the Filecoin protocol. The full grant specification is here.

Note that while this RFP description does not follow the same template as our others, submitted proposals should follow the application format described here.

Please drop any questions below!

Next Step Microgrant: <DatSphere>

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

Datsphere: A blockchain based drive.
Datsphere enable files to be placed and retrieved through on-chain transactions by the power of IPFS and Filecoin Network.
We already implemented basic features, such as login/register an account, navigate uploaded files, upload file/folder, import remote ipfs hash to drive, create text-file/folder, generate ipfs hash to uploaded files.
Link to Github repo

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

First step is to integrate filecoin to the application, then implement features as below.

  • Redesign UI/UX
  • Provide handful SDK toolkit, help developers integrate drive to their service
  • Integrate Payment System
  • Support file versioning system

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Yes, already in MIT license

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

Yes, I agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

Yes, this proposal complies with the Filecoin Code of Conduct.

6. Links and submissions

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
Name email Github Role
ChengGuo Piao [email protected] cgpiao Main Developer
GuiHu Shen FrontEnd Developer
YaZhou Li Product Manager
  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:
    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum)
    • Please link to your hackathon submission, proving you're a team that submitted for a Protocol Labs prize.

# # New RFP Ideas for Wave 3# #

RFP: New RFP Ideas for Wave 3

Name of Project: Simple Storage webapps

RFP Category: app-dev

Proposer: [@DecentralTech]

Project Description

Single page apps that demonstrate using Filecoin to store and retrieve files. Example workflow: drag + drop a file, pay to store it, retrieve it. Show miner info, CIDs.
One version could eli5 (explain-it-like-I'm-5) to new users as a tutorial or tour.
Your proposal should provide examples of applications and interfaces your team has built and links to their code repos.
Also see Filecoin community resources for an initial list of Filecoin developer tools.


  • File network disk, refer to the IPFS WebUI demo, without registering the login system, allowing users to upload files, view uploaded files, and obtain files
  • The function relies on the filecoin chain to interact with the chain instantly


Job staffing Period Tasks
Technical Director 1 person 0.25 month overall scheduling
Frontend Engineer 1 person 2 month frontend coding
Backend Engineer 1 person 1.5 month backend coding
Blockchain Engineer 1 person 0.5 month chain data interact
UI Designer 1 person 0.5 month UI design

Upgrade Plans

  • User system
  • Mobile APP

Name of Project: Filecoin Chain State Explorer

RFP Category: app-dev

Project Description

An interactive visual tool to dive into the Filecoin state trie would help protocol developers and researchers do in-depth analysis. The 1st level could be an interpretation of the actual tree and include key Actors, a map of the HAMT data structure, etc. Currently a latest trie snapshot is ~10GB.
Also see the RFP for Diagram the Filecoin blockchain

Existing tools:

  • The lotus node implementation of Filecoin has a Postgres database tool called chainwatch on top of which a visual chain explorer has been built.
  • Several block explorers for Filecoin (,, have been developed
  • Filecoin’s state trie is unique but this Ethereum state trie diagram provides an example of what may be involved
    Preferred applicants should be able to work independently and learn how the Filecoin state trie is structured using the Filecoin Specification and the various Filecoin node implementations.


  • Interactive and high performance chain data tree explorer
  • Along with updated


( was built by our team previously, chain state explorer is planned to updated upon

Job staffing Period Tasks
Technical Director 1 person 0.5 month overall scheduling
Frontend Engineer 1 person 1 month frontend coding
Backend Engineer 1 person 1 month backend coding
Blockchain Engineer 1 person 0.5 month chain data interact
UI Designer 1 person 0.5 month UI design

Name of Project: Diagram the Filecoin Blockchain

RFP Category: app-dev

Project Description

Diagrams of the Filecoin blockchain at the level of detail and visual quality of Lee Thomas’ diagram of the Ethereum Yellow paper and state trie [ Source ].
Preferred applicants should be able to work independently and learn how the Filecoin blockchain is structured using the Filecoin Specification and the various Filecoin node implementations.


  • Very clear diagram explanation of Filecoin blockchain
  • Maintenance of long-term update of technical specifications


Job staffing Period Tasks
Technical Director 1 person 0.25 month overall scheduling
Blockchain Engineer 1 person 0.5 month chain explanation
Backend Engineer 1 person 0.5 month bdrawing

Name of Project: Web archiving browser extension or Twitter bot

Project Description

A browser extension that allows users to archive websites to IPFS and backup to Filecoin. This extension could also provide a Filecoin wallet so that users can pay for archival and as a way to keep track of what they have saved.
In the future this could be expanded to ways to collaborate on and share archived bookmarks in online communities or as bookmarking services (e.g. Pinboard , Pinterest, etc.)
A Twitter bot such as the former Link Archiver could automatically archive websites from tweeted links.
This project would need to explore the required infrastructure for these services.


  • Current page content generate html files and save it on IPFS. Filecoin Deals was optional for users
  • .No Filecoin Wallet included but wallet API set aside, because found some other team have proposed Filecoin Wallet
  • Chrome and Firefox extension


Job staffing Period Tasks
Technical Director 1 person 0.1 month overall scheduling
Backend Engineer 1 person 0.5 month backend coding
Blockchain Engineer 1 person 0.5 month chain data interact
UI Designer 1 person 0.1 month UI design

Overall Summary

Job staffing Period
Technical Director 1 person 1.1 month
Frontend Engineer 1 person 3 month
Backend Engineer 1 person 3 month
Blockchain Engineer 1 person 1.75 month
UI Designer 1 person 1.6 month
Budget Amount
Simple Storage webapps $19,500
Filecoin Chain State Explorer $14,000
Diagram the Filecoin Blockchain $4,000
Web archiving browser extension or Twitter bot $4,800

Contact Info

E-mail:[email protected]

Team Website

Relevant Experience

The team are all distributed storage professional researchers,all members be devoted to distributed storage promotion and equipment development,Distributed storage application development and data center integration construction.
Team members actively exploring and solving the problems of supply chain finance, traceability and bill storage.
We will use blockchain technology to achieve application innovation and strive to empower the real economy.

We finished a lot of projects that are Blockchain-related:

  • Dianduidian-application
  • Blockchain of XiAn education
  • Blockchain of GuangZhou procuratorate
  • Blockchain revolution of ShangHai antique market
  • IPFS-browser

The famous IPFs community:

Next Step Microgrant: Creative

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

So far, we have built a media library within our gamified NFT platform that uses Textile and PIK's to store, edit, delete the media files before minting on-chain.

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

We are planning to make our project truly multichain, decentralized and easy for every user on our platform to interact with IPFS and FIlecoin. Our next steps are to integrate Filecoin storage into our existing Textile implementation using the Polygon/Filecoin bridge.

3. Will the work be Open Source?

MIT license

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?


5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?


6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?



  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available:

Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
    Gawain Bracy II - Founder, Github, Email
    Anmol Agarwala - Backend Developer, Github, Email
    Torch Ablaze - Frontend Developer, Github, Email

  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:

i3D Arena and Rapid App Protocol for Data Governance

Open Grant Proposal: Project Title

i3D Rapid Consensus Protocol

**Name of Project:**i3D Rapid App on i3D Protocol

Proposal Category: app-dev,

Proposer: Please contact for access

(Optional) Technical Sponsor: If you have previously discussed this project with a member of the IPFS or Filecoin project teams, include their name and/or github handle here

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: "Yes"

Project Description

The i3D Protocol is a Web and Mobile App data ecosystem solution that reduces investment risk through affordable, fast pre-screening of early-stage start-up companies by a distributed autonomous network

Early stage investing in start-ups offers potential for high ROIs, but it is by nature a considerable risk & poor data environment with low liquidity for founders and their investors.

The i3D Protocol leverages the developments by as their first use case. Nevermined has funding from Filecoin:


Predicting the success of early-stage start-ups is difficult due to the lack of data and the inflated costs of robust, affordable, and non-biased due diligence. Pre-screening thousands of opportunities is a time-intensive process for investors, incubators, accelerators, banks, and venture funds

Due Diligence Constraints & Time
Early-stage companies exist in poor data environments with less reliable information publicly available, meaning that too often early-stage investors only hear about companies once it is too late to invest. Established VCs or friends/family are the entities that benefit most from investing early on in such ventures.

If a methodology existed for everybody (not just VCs and their limited partners) to be able to contribute their investment, wisdom or perspective, then more promising businesses would receive support and have the capacity to expand as the investments flow beyond the “next big thing” and into any type of young business with the right factors for success. This is the need for lower barriers to entry in the VC world. There exists the need for a better way to assess which types of companies will have the highest chances of growing their revenue or value in a scalable manner.


Invluencer is creating the i3D Protocol (platform) as a marketplace to connect the wisdom of the crowd to the infrastructure needed to assess a young company’s likelihood of success, and which factors are most likely to indicate the business will do well.
The team has previous experience building marketplaces and bringing user adoption to the different networks where we will integrate the technology. Making easier to get access to DeFi data, can setup this tool as a reference Dapp for the crypto and tradfi investment communities

Phase 1 Completed & in testing: i3D Arena which allows Deep analysis of each new project

  • Multiple Experts analyse projects via key questions sets and evaluate areas such as Idea, Team, Product/Market Fit, Business & Financial Model, Competition, etc.
  • Once network consensus is reached, the project is given a score and ranked alongside other evaluated projects.
  • Consensus is determined by proprietary scoring systems and algorithms.
  • Network evaluation eliminates bias Evaluation areas and weighting developed by industry professionals
  • Passed to the larger i3D Rapid network for further confirmation analysis

Phase 2 Now Building: i3D Rapid Using the power of Network Effects for sentiment analysis
a) Gamification of Analysis

  • Greater Network Users of the mobile app are asked analytical type questions (rank 1 – 9)
  • Users are rewarded for daily use and completing achievements based on proprietary Factor Equilibrium which reduces questions as consensus is reached

b) Mobile application used to grow the network

  • Users are incentivized to grow their network and increase their rank within the network to earn more reward tokens. Users Stake Tokens for work
    *Staked reward tokens are burned and returned to reward treasury


The i3D DDS framework is based on 3 components: an automated algorithmic score from data uploads, an expert score by network members holding a certain reputation within the network, and an ‘expert’ score by the larger network primarily based on sentiment. With identified triangulation points available in all three components, a consensus score is achievable, with the primary aim being to accurately build a set of data points that allows a fully automated score to be achievable.

This, we believe, will bring user adoption to the Filecoin Ecosystem as recording and storing the Reports, Reputations and Rewards of the expert nodes in a distributed manner is important in maintaining the distribution ethos of i3D and Filecoin

A risk consideration is one where an investor may rely on the reporting to make an investment which turns out badly. However, given the high-risk nature of the early-stage investment sector, using the consensus methodologies means that their risk is reduced

A risk consideration in executing the project is funding. This is mitigated through the funding mechanisms employed:

  • initial funding to build and test i3D Arena for expert analysis
  • Grant funding for i3D Rapid App to build network for sentiment analysis
  • VC Crypto funding to build out investor/data user base


The final deliverable for the grant funding is the completion of the prototype for the i3D Rapid App which allows us to go to market to start building a large, decentralised network. This is important for the sentiment analysis in reports required for triangulation of data. Successful implementation of the prototype will allow us to attract further funding.

The core purpose for the i3d Rapid mobile app is to grow the user base for the i3d - intelligent distributed due diligence platform. This is to be achieved by encouraging users to engage with the platform via the mobile app i3d Rapid daily through rewards in the form of i3d tokens. The tokens will be allocated in 2 ways;
• for answering “Rapid” or reduced question set questionnaires about companies registered on the i3d platform
• daily check in on the mobile, which enables the user to earn tokens per hour based on the number of active people in their network.

The proposal is split into 3 core deliverables.

  1. Mobile Application Development.
  2. API Development. The API development will be to build an API for integration to the currrent Firebase identity, and storage of reward coins services such that they can support both the mobile and portal channels. The solution will leverage the Apstory Ledger service, enabling Invluencer to minimize development cost and only pay for the use of the service. Apstory will absorb any development required to the Apstory Ledger service to enable integration.
  3. Integration of results and Storage and Retrieval via Nevermined and Filecoin to enable verfied reports based on results of network analysts

BAsed on successful proof of concept of the prototype (growth of network) further deliverables will then include the establishment of our NFT 'Subscription' model for verified access to the data and integration of the Reputation management - both via Nevermined Protocol, with a NFT storage solution via Flecoin.

The prototype of the i3D Rapid App will have the following functionality when completed:
a) Gamification of Analysis

  • Greater Network Users of the mobile app are asked test style analytical type questions (rank 1 – 9), initially as a feedback mechanism on targeted information gathering to strengthen the data set to be used for future question sets

b) Mobile application used to grow the network

  • Users are incentivized to grow their network to earn more reward tokens. These tokens will initially be stored in the APSTORY Ledger until wallet is integrated

c) Backend of webapp development to integrate i3D Rapid App Test Questions

  • fork software to enable mobile questions available for i3D rapid

Development Roadmap

Flow and Integration between i3D, Nevermined and Filecoin
Analysts will conduct analytical work via the i3D Arena and Rapid App with the results being registered and encrypted in Nevermined to maintain the rewards and reputation levels of analysts with their Decentralised In-situ Computation. The encrypted report will then be stored on Filecoin for user access.

The users of the i3D Arena and Rapid App form part of the start-up ecosystem numbered at 1 million plus participants (source CB Insights and Pitchbook), including VC, private equity, investors and analysts. With a projected Total Attainable Market of 2.5% i3D expects to service the data needs of 25,000 users annually.

Based on a subscription model, authorised users will be able to retrieve the encrypted and time stamped data reports from the Filecoin system via the Nevermined integration with it’s audit proof decentralised access control to ensure regulatory compliance. Payments for the reports is retroactive based on proof of data transfer and encryption.

Output value

  • Whether sharing data inside or outside an organisation, the integration of i3D, Nevermined & Filecoin makes the data provenance audit-proof, while offering decentralised access control for the highest level of regulatory compliance. The output value of the data report (on a large scale) detailing data on the viability of a project is based on the consensus of the analysts.
  • Popular Completed reports (aka content) that are ranked highly, benefit from the Filecoin storage protocol as it allows users to retrieve these reports much faster from a distributed network versus an overloaded centralised one
  • Filecoin's & Nevermined's verifiable storage systems ensures that a user retrieves a unique copy or replica of the original time stamped report generated by the i3D Network

Work Packages, Timeline & Software Costs
Milestones framed as Work Packages >Owner >Start Date > % Completed

Completed: i3D Arena Development Cost $319,000
1.1 Project Charter >CEO >1-Feb-19 >100%
1.2 Project Charter Revisions >CEO / Directors >1-Feb-19 >100%
1.3 Research >Team >1-Mar-19 >100%
1.4 Product Market Fit Validation >Product Owner >1-Jun-20 >100%
1.5 Fundraise for Phase 1 >CEO > 1-Jul-20 >100%
1.6 Core development >Coding Team >1-Mar-21 >100% Completed 30-Sep-2021

1.7 Preparation for go to market >Product Owner >1-Dec-21 >50%
1.8 Go to Market >CEO >1-Jan-22 >10%
1.9 Develop User Network - Inner Swarm >CEO/CMO >1-Jan-21 >10%

Grant Funding i3D Rapid App plus Arena integration Cost $65,300
Total FT Equivalent Staff X6
2.1 Scope & Goal Setting >Product Owner >1-Dec-20 >100%
2.2 Design Phase >Product Owner >1-Dec-20 >100%
2.3 Skill Set Identification >CEO >1-Jan-21 >100%
2.5 Complete Grant >CEO >01-Dec-21 >0%
2.6 Project Start >1-Dec-21 >0%
2.7 Employ staff & appoint subcontractors >CEO >1-Dec-21 >0%
2.8 i3D Factor Research & Algorithm design >Data Scientist >1-Jul-21 >25%
2.9 i3D Algorithm and App Coding >Subcontractors >1-Jan-22 >0%
- 3X teams as detailed below in Milestones & Budgets

The development of the project takes place with, our App developer and own i3D Team building off the Nevermined protocol as the main integration point with Filecoin.
Reputation and Rewards management via Nevermined to be completed after prototype completion.

Total Budget Requested $65,300

The project costs are split between 3 teams collaborating simultaneously to integrate the various components. Broadly there are 3 milestones

Milestone 1: Mobile App Development
Budget $35,000
• Project Setup
• Setup App in App Stores
• Setup Mobile App
• Detailed Analysis and Design
• Mobile App Development Frontend
• Ledger for token accounting via Apstory Ledger
• i3D Question API Integration between web & mobile app

Milestone 2: Integration of results and report generation
Budget $15,000
• i3D Mobile to Arena integration - Web API Development
• Cross reference analytics between mobile and expert question sets via API
• API Integration for results to report generation

Milestone 3: Web API's, Ledger Accounting & Storage
Budget $12,000
• i3D Completed Report API via Nevermined to Filecoin Storage solution
• i3D Report retrieval from Filecoin via authorised user

Invluencer CEO and CTO are also full time on the development, however their costs are primarily covered by other funding
Post Implementation Costs: $3,300
• 3Months

Total Budget: $65,300
Budget Breakdown by Team
• $35,000 App development Team - X3 FTE
• $15,000 Integration Team - X2 FTE
• $12,000 i3D Team (data, algorithms) - X2 FTE
• $ 3,300 Invluencer Overheads & management of project

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

All the implementations resulting from this development will be Open Source and merged as part of the i3D upstream code. As a result of that, the code and functionality will be supported as long the i3D components are being used by the community. The i3D Protocol is being designed as a DAO with planned involvement from

  • Foundation and Treasury holding 68% of tokens
  • Working Groups (analysts and contributors for upgrades)
  • Service Providers (initially Invluencer and Keyko Teams until Foundation takes control)


Team Members

  • Michael Doyle
  • Don Gossen
  • Oswald Garlick
  • Aitor Argomaniz
  • Jonathan Els
  • Matt Hacking
  • Patrick Doyle
  • Trevor Harraway

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles


Team Website

Relevant Experience

The i3D Protocol is a collaboration between Invluencer Ltd and blending Tradfi and Defi

Invluencer Ltd Team
Mike Doyle: Co Founder & CEO Invluencer
Bachelor of Commerce, Post Graduate Futures Studies
2X founder:

  • Rule 17 Ltd in the UK which grew to owning 4 X Pubs, 2 X Nightclubs and 4X youth hostels
  • Mickey Doyles Construction in South Africa which grew to a team of 58 employees involved in high end construction projects
  • Has also successfully built a large team of 78 managing the roll out of a full sustainability and facilities program for an international school in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

Oswald Garlick: CTO Invluencer
Network Engineering & Software Development
2X Co Founder of and Vanirtech - servicing the financial services crypto arbitrage industry

Patrick Doyle: Co Founder & Development Advisor
Consultant Anaesthetist and Stanford Graduate School of Business Certificate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Founder of, a regulatory software company with +20K active users

Jonathan Els: Technical Consultant
Master of Science in Software Engineering
2X Co Founder of and Vanirtech - servicing the financial services crypto arbitrage industry

Matt Hacking: Director Invluencer, Crypto Advisor
Director Pharmafinium: Digital Healthcare Accelerator
Co Founder Oxford Hormone Clinic

Trevor Harraway: Due Diligence
MSc Environmental Geochemistry
Invluencer Due Diligence Framework Developer and Founder of Endiligence - Transaction Due Diligence (non-financial) Team led by:

Don Gossen: CEO Keyko
BSc Engineering, Computer Engineering
Serial Entrepreneur with extensive experience incubating and scaling ventures.
3x Founder & CEO

  • Nevermined - The world’s first decentralized collaborative computing platform
  • Keyko - Web3 Innovation Hub
  • Ocean Protocol - The world’s first decentralized data marketplace; $350M+ Market Capitalization

Aitor Argomaniz: CTO Keyko
Deep Tech and Big Data expert with keen eye for talent and extensive track record of delivery
2x Founder & CTO

  • Nevermined - The world’s first decentralized collaborative computing platform
  • Keyko - Web3 Innovation Hub

Team code repositories


Additional Information

Link to Design of i3D Rapid App:

Link to Whitepaper:

The i3D DDS framework is based on 3 components: an automated algorithmic score from data uploads, an expert score by network members holding a certain reputation within the network, and an ‘expert’ score by the larger network primarily based on sentiment (see Section 5). With identified triangulation points available in all three components, a consensus score is achievable, with the primary aim being to accurately build a set of data points that allows a fully automated score to be achievable.

In conceptualising such a framework for a distributed due diligence network, the example of Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) can be referenced. MTurk is a marketplace for work that requires human intelligence. Companies use MTurk to tap into a broad network of anonymous workers that can choose from thousands of tasks to complete.

i3D uses this logic, enhances it, and applies it to the due diligence process, which also requires human intelligence to complete myriad small tasks. The scoring methodologies reduce the complexity of predictive analytics to simple analysis until consensus is achieved and then reconfigures the data back to an aggregated sectional score.

Companies are uploaded to the platform and distributed to the experts according to their reputation level within the network based on performance, level of expertise, first come first served basis, etc. depending on the level of expertise required. Experts lock up some of their coins for the duration of the scoring process.

To achieve Equilibrium of scores for each factor, algorithms track scores ensuring that once factor equilibrium is achieved the factor is removed from the process while factors yet to achieve equilibrium are continually assigned to experts until equilibrium is achieved. This ensures a factor is accurately scored and does not become lost or diluted in the overall sectional score.
Once Factor Equilibrium is achieved, the scores are aggregated and weighted according to these relevant sections. Commentary is also aggregated with common threads collated into a report that is sent to the platform for access by users.

An expert is rewarded or purchases i3D Coins to have a “stake” in the i3D network, and to access the platform to perform due diligence. The experts get paid Coins for performing the work successfully, as well as earning back the Coins used to bid for the work. The value of these coins is determined by the value of the coin at time of lock up, and by allocated due diligence from the Investor Liquidity pool made up from subscription fees. Excess Liquidity can also be used by Invluencer to Buy and Burn Coins or to maintain liquidity for further development. By asking experts to have a stake in our network, we ensure “skin in the game” and using principles such as loss-aversion and ownership-accountability to ensure that experts are performing due diligence to the best of their abilities. Successfully staking our Coins and earning them back is how an expert contributes to the network’s strength. See Earning Rewards in Whitepaper

Next Step Microgrant: KopperDAO

1. What is your project? (max 100 words)

Kopper allows content creators to form a close community with their fans by putting exclusive content into IPFS files. The community of fans can vote, give tips, and watch live content from the content creators. The community of fans can vote, give tips, and watch live content from the content creators. Each content creator is their own DAO.
This project utilizes Textile’s bridge Filecoin/Polygon (low gas fees). Also a Chainlink external adapter that connects the IPFS file to smart contract holding fan addresses.

Coming Soon!

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

We plan on expanding the project to hold more profiles and launch the platform. We need funding for extra developers to join the team. Currently, there is only myself as the sole developer with 1 Domain Expert.

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Yes, this will be Open Source

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

Yes we will give weekly updates.

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

Yes it does.

6. Links and submissions


Additional questions:

  • For each team member(s), please list name, email, Github account, and role in the project.
    Lamont Veal
    Marcel Myers

  • If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon:

    • What was the name of the event? (e.g. ETHGlobal NFTHack, Cal Hacks hello:world, Chainlink, CivHacks, GameDevJ, ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum) EthGlobal HackFS
    • Please link to your hackathon submission, proving you're a team that submitted for a Protocol Labs prize.

RFP: go-filecoin maintainership

We are looking for teams interested in stewarding and improving go-filecoin, one of the 4 current Filecoin implementations. go-filecoin is nearly feature-complete, so you will be starting from a very strong foundation. lotus and go-filecoin achieved interoperability in April 2020, but go-filecoin will need to be updated to bring it back to an interoperable state and to feature-completeness for mainnet launch.

As the implementation graduates to community maintainership, we are looking for community members able to actively maintain compatibility with the other Filecoin implementations, run and optimize this implementation in live deployments, and ensure go-filecoin continues to be a fully-functional implementation. This is a great opportunity for teams to become strong stakeholders and stewards in the Filecoin ecosystem by building their expertise and engagement. This grant builds on the previous RFP for protocol implementation teams (see the full grant specification for details).

In particular, we’re looking for teams that are interested in differentiating the go-filecoin implementation from other Filecoin implementations to drive adoption. Some examples include:

  • Making the implementation highly optimized for mining operations
  • Building services around the core go-filecoin implementation, e.g. hosting go-filecoin nodes as a service
  • Involving the greater Filecoin community in completing the implementation
  • We’d love to hear any other direction you think is compelling as well

Note that while this RFP description does not follow the same template as our others, submitted proposals should follow the application format described here.

Please drop any questions below!

IPFS Research Project: Socio-technical Resilience in IPFS

Open Grant Proposal: `Socio-technical Resilience in IPFS'

Socio-technical Resilience in IPFS

Proposal Category: 'Qualitative research'

Proposer: `kelsien'

Sponsor: `Dietrich Ayala (PL)'

Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT and APACHE2 licenses?: 'Yes'

Project Description

Research Problem

It is necessary to understand the social contexts and vulnerabilities of the users of IPFS network to inform both users and the PL team and enhance the resilience of the network.

By surfacing “real-world” circumstances in which the network is being used, we can better understand the needs, vulnerabilities, and threats to users of the network, and improve the functioning and communication of the network in relation to user needs.

Research Process to address the problem

This research will function as a feedback loop to Protocol Labs teams, to contribute to a holistic perspective of possible and likely vulnerabilities and attacks on the network, as an input to improve protocol resilience by investigating the contexts in which the network is used.

The research methodology is ethnographic. Ethnography is the study and communication of people. Ethnographers search for patterns in the lived human experiences by carefully observing and participating in the lives of those participating in the study. The data collection methods used are ethnographic interviews and digital ethnography (observation of online channels). The advantage of ethnography is that it can provide rich, cultural insights that are otherwise invisible to offer a feedback loop on the use of digital infrastructure. The ethics approval for this research project is under the PhD project “Resilience in Decentralised Technologies”.

The research question that will guide the sociological phase of the research project is: What does resilience mean in the context of specific user communities of the IPFS network?

The aim of this research is to ground PL ecosystem workstreams in the context of user safety, to better understand the threats, needs, and expectations of IPFS users.

Applications of the research may include informing the language used to communicate the risks and benefits of IPFS to end users to set an informed and realistic understanding of the uses and limitations of the network, inform use-cases and threat modelling when developing standards at W3C and IETF, and provide a grounded evidence basis to inform decision making by application developers and service providers building on top of IPFS protocol. A secondary benefit is to inform the technical work of ResnetLabs and governance research.


  1. Inform the language used to communicate the risks and benefits of IPFS to end users to set an informed and realistic understanding of the uses and limitations of the network.
  2. Inform the use-cases and threat model when developing standards at W3C and IETF.
  3. Provide a grounded evidence basis to inform decision making by application developers and service providers building on top of IPFS protocol.

The benefits to Protocol Labs and IPFS user communities of conducting this research are significant in terms of product development, UX, communications, and product-user fit. This research generates an iterative feedback loop between product development and user communities, to better understand the contexts and needs of those looking for decentralised content addressing and storage solutions.

Assumptions and limitations:

  • a. Access to mutually agreed user communities will be possible.
  • b. Conducting research interviews with stakeholders identified will not cause risk to either the researcher or research participants. If this is deemed a risk under research ethics, the researcher reserves the right to not pursue an interview.
  • c. Relevant stakeholders will be available in a timely manner for research interviews. d. Research will be conducted remotely, via online ethnographic interviews and digital ethnography.
  • e. The designated Protocol Labs contacts will be available in a timely manner for research interviews, feedback, and project logistics.
  • f. Project timelines are estimates only.


Output: A research report and summary of findings which explores at lease two “real world” case studies to surface user needs, vulnerabilities, and threats. Desktop research methods will be adopted, with ethnographic interviews where access is appropriate and possible. See a breakdown of deliverables below.

Development Roadmap

  1. Preparation stage:
  • Problem formation in conjunction with the appropriate Protocol Labs (PL) team member/s.
  • Selecting the research setting in conjunction with PL to ascertain:
    • 1 relevant user community IPFS network use case, based on significant initial perceived threat and need for resilience.
    • 1 relevant generalisable IPFS network use case.
  • Listing relevant stakeholders for interview with PL.
  • Listing relevant online channels for digital ethnographic observation with PL.
    • Resilience mapping exercise: listing all known vulnerabilities in IPFS at network & UX level.
  • Introductions where possible from PL to gain access to the appropriate research participants.
  1. Data Collection:

Gathering and recording information.

• Ethnographic interviews (approximately 10, as guided by access and needs during the data collection process), and
• Digital ethnography (observation of online channels), internal and external to PL, such as Slack, Telegram, Discord, etc.

Semi-regular (fortnightly) calls with PL are anticipated throughout this period.

  1. Analysis:

An ethnographer collects data in multiple ways for triangulation over an extended period to provide deep insights into community behaviours. The process is inductive, holistic, and reflexive. Finally, the ethnographer analyses the data to surface interpretations and conclusions. This is often tested in conjunction with research participants in the form of blogs or conversations which give the opportunity for research participants to provide comments or feedback to refine research findings and comply with ethical requirements.

  1. Findings:
    Surface and write up findings in the format of the key deliverables (see below).

Research Deliverables:

Milestone based. Scope to be developed and refined in conjunction with the priorities of the Protocol Labs team.

  • a. 1 x Mini literature review to define and explain key concepts that guide the research
  • b. 1 x Blog on key themes surfaced. (20k)
  • c. 1 x Full research report and findings, towards informing protocol standards and academic publication. (20k)
  • d. 1 x 2 hour workshop with relevant PL team members (ecosystem team with ResnetLabs optional) to communicate research findings and identify any further research needs. (20k)
  • e. Review research and communications priorities for year 2 of the Fellowship, including possible technical collaborations.

Proposed timelines:

September, 2021.
Preparation phase
Deliverable a.

October – March, 2021.
Data collection phase.

April, 2021.
Analysis phase.
Deliverable b.

June, 2022.
Findings phase.
Deliverable c & d. Review.

A 10-month project timeline for the deliverables outlines is anticipated, with considerations for end-of-year breaks with accessing research participants for interviews and pending the assumptions and limitations listed. The timeline and scope of the project may be reviewed upon agreement of PL and the Researcher to include other activities, such as involvement in standards body working groups, or other communication and presentation efforts.

Total Budget Requested

1 x PhD Fellowship equivalent of $60,000 in FIL.

Maintenance and Upgrade Plans

The proposed final step of the project plan is to review research and communications priorities for a year 2 of the Fellowship, including possible technical collaborations (such as ongoing research, advocacy to relevant standards organisations, continuing to develop out research findings and publish as papers, and data science based network resilience modelling).


Team Members:

Kelsie Nabben

Team Member LinkedIn Profiles

Team Website


Relevant Experience

Researcher Profile: Kelsie Nabben, Researcher/Project Manager, RMIT University
Blockchain Innovation Hub / Digital Ethnography Research Centre / Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making & Society

Kelsie’s research focuses on resilience in socio-technical systems. As an ethnographic researcher, she is interested in understanding the contexts, uses, and social outcomes of decentralised technologies and the governance of these systems to ensure resilience.

Kelsie has worked in internationally renowned blockchain projects, including OmiseGO and Ethereum Foundation, and consults to government and the private sector on the development of socio-technical systems. She is a research collaborator with the Blockscience Computer Aided Governance research team and Govbase at She is also a Board Member of Blockchain Australia.

Team code repositories

See links above to publications.

Next Step Microgrant:

1. What is your project? is the first visual dashboard for Filecoin Plus, which can be regarded as an incentive program for useful storage on Filecoin. Through monitoring on-chain messages on Filecoin and off-chain information on GitHub, records relevant real-time data of each DataCap allocation and verified deal transactions on Filecoin from public APIs and open-source platforms.

On, there are visual data analysis charts, information of notaries and clients, and deal-flow of DataCap. It also supports multiple parameters search and a hyperlink jump to the Filecoin browser

Github repo: filplus-info


2. How are you planning to improve this project?

  • Dashboard
    • More statistics and metrics about the Filecoin Plus program
    • More visual data analysis charts
  • Notaries
    • Information updating about new notaries from the second round of Notary elections
    • Search for a specific Notary by name/organization/Filecoin address
    • Hyperlink jump to Notaries’ GitHub profile pages
  • Clients
    • Statistics of verified deals and DataCap distribution to cooperative miners by a client
    • Statistics of auto verified DataCap
  • Miners
    • Hyperlink jump to miners’ info on Filecoin browser
  • UI design

3. Will the work be Open Source?

Yes, will be open source under the MIT license for code.

4. If selected, do you agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion?

Yes, we agree to share weekly updates and a grant report upon conclusion, include progress or results of our microgrant-funded work, any Filecoin technical or usage guidance requests, and a description of our experience building on Filecoin, including any challenges or shortcomings encountered.

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?

Yes, this proposal complies with the Filecoin Code of Conduct.

6. Links and submissions

  • Have you submitted to the Filecoin Community Showcase (instructions)?

    The Filecoin Community Showcase: [Application]

  • Have you created a thread introducing your project in the community discussion board's Project Showcase category?
    Yes, we have.

    The thread for v2.1.0

  • If your project began at a hackathon, have you submitted it for the relevant Protocol Labs prizes? Include links here if available: is a dashboard for the FIL+ project, so it didn't begin at a hackathon. However, we have participated in the Filecoin Quadratic Funding Grant Round-1 at DoraHacks with this project. at DoraHacks: filplus.info仪表盘

Additional questions:

Next Step Microgrant: <CryptoBank Africa>

1. What is your project? (CryptoBank Africa is the first digital payment system in Africa to give merchant/private users the access to accept digital currency as a payment option WHILE receiving their local fiat currency in return through the aid of our P2P system.)

2. How are you planning to improve this project? (max 200 words)

3. Yes, CryptoBank Africa is an open source project.

4. Yes, We are ready to share our weekly updates about our development.

5. Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?... Yes

6. Links and submissions...Yes

Additional questions:

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