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http-api-data's Introduction


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This package defines typeclasses used for converting Haskell data types to and from HTTP API data.



>>> toUrlPiece True
>>> parseUrlPiece "false" :: Either Text Bool
Right False
>>> parseUrlPieces ["true", "false", "undefined"] :: Either Text [Bool]
Left "could not parse: `undefined'"


>>> toQueryParam 45.2
>>> parseQueryParam "452" :: Either Text Int
Right 452
>>> toQueryParams [1..5]
>>> parseQueryParams ["127", "255"] :: Either Text [Int8]
Left "out of bounds: `255' (should be between -128 and 127)"


>>> toHeader "hello"
>>> parseHeader "world" :: Either Text String
Right "world"

Calendar day:

>>> toQueryParam (fromGregorian 2015 10 03)
>>> toGregorian <$> parseQueryParam "2016-12-01"
Right (2016,12,1)


Contributions and bug reports are welcome!

http-api-data's People


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http-api-data's Issues

How to deal with generic deriving for non-flat records

Hi, I wonder whether there is some preferred, idiomatic way to deal with things like

data A = MkA 
  { a1 :: Text 
  , a2 :: B 
  deriving stock Generic 
  deriving anyclass FromForm 

data B = MkB 
  { b1 :: Text 
  , ... }
  deriving stock Generic 
  deriving anyclass FromForm 

fails with "No instance FromHttpApiData B arising from..." because of this instance her:

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Selector s, FromHttpApiData c) => GFromForm t (M1 S s (K1 i c)) where
  gFromForm _ opts form = M1 . K1 <$> parseUnique key form
      key = Text.pack $ fieldLabelModifier opts $ selName (Proxy3 :: Proxy3 s g p)

This is quite unfortunate because I would like to somehow indicate that this should be derived recursively somehow; perhaps we can indicate this somehow by using a newtype wrapper in A's recursive field and then deriving everything newtype for it and then add an {-# OVERLAPPING #-} instance to the generic deriving? Though that would be quite the mess. I wonder what is a good way to do this.

Thanks in advance.

GFromForm for Bool

Hi, I’m wondering if it’d make sense to have a special handling for Booleans in GFromForm like we have for Maybe. It’d make sense to write an instance that parses like Maybe but @Text and then fmaps with isJust st a checkbox can be recognised without checking their value or encoding it as Maybe Text on the Backend. Perhaps a newtype like “CheckBoxParam” or something with the same name that’s isomorphic to Bool would be worthwhile as well?

could not parse: `' (input does not start with a digit)

I try to use a webform with a Maybe Float

but I get this error message when it tries to parse the parameter resolution.

here the request from servant

Oct 15 11:33:38 process2 autoprocessing-exe[171261]: POST /xdsme
Oct 15 11:33:38 process2 autoprocessing-exe[171261]:   Params: [("dataCollectionId","0"),("resolution",""),("optimize","0"),("celll",""),("spacegroup","")]
Oct 15 11:33:38 process2 autoprocessing-exe[171261]:   Request Body: dataCollectionId=0&resolution=&optimize=0&celll=&spacegroup=
Oct 15 11:33:38 process2 autoprocessing-exe[171261]:   Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Oct 15 11:33:38 process2 autoprocessing-exe[171261]:   Status: 400 Bad Request 0.0003s
could not parse: `' (input does not start with a digit)

Indeed "" is not a float, but in that case I expect Nothing.

So where is the problem ?

Support for Cabal 2.2?

The current version of http-api-data on Hackage has an upper bound in its custom-setup stanza preventing Cabal 2.2. Would it be possible to relax that, either via a new release or a revision?

Check integral value bounds

Neither read nor Data.Text.Read readers check integer bounds. E.g.:

>>> maxBound :: Int8
>>> read "128" :: Int8
>>> fst <$> decimal "128" :: Either String Int8
Right (-128)

path-pieces package had parseIntegral helper which parsed Integer and then checked if bounds are violated. Instances in Servant.Common.Text do not have this.

Should we perform this check?

Export Form constructors

The examples for implementing instances of FromForm use the Form constructor, but it's not exported form Web.FormUrlEncoded.

Can ordering guarantees be added to the docs?

If the following form is submitted...

<input type="text' name="photos[][id]" value="1" />
<input type="text' name="photos[][caption]" value="caption1" />

<input type="text' name="photos[][id]" value="2" />
<input type="text' name="photos[][caption]" value="caption2" />

<input type="text' name="photos[][id]" value="3" />
<input type="text' name="photos[][caption]" value="caption3" />

... does the library guarantee that the resultant values of the HashMap inside Form { unForm :: HashMap Text [Text] } will be in the same order as submitted by the browser, i.e. is the following result guaranteed?

  [ ("photos[][id]", ["1", "2", "3"])
  , ("photos[][caption]", ["caption1", "caption2", "caption3"])

There are some stable function variants, but somehow the documentation doesn't give the above clarity/comfort from my point of view.

Doctest failures on 0.3.5

### Failure in /tmp/nix-build-http-api-data-0.3.5.drv-0/http-api-data-0.3.5/src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:254: expression `fromEntriesByKey [("name",["Nick"]),("color",["red","blue"])]'
expected: fromList [("color","red"),("color","blue"),("name","Nick")]
 but got: fromList [("name","Nick"),("color","red"),("color","blue")]
### Failure in /tmp/nix-build-http-api-data-0.3.5.drv-0/http-api-data-0.3.5/src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:405: expression `toEntriesByKey [("name", "Nick"), ("color", "red"), ("color", "white")] :: Either Text [(Text, [Text])]'
expected: Right [("color",["red","white"]),("name",["Nick"])]
 but got: Right [("name",["Nick"]),("color",["red","white"])]
### Failure in /tmp/nix-build-http-api-data-0.3.5.drv-0/http-api-data-0.3.5/src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:487: expression `urlEncodeForm [("name", "Julian"), ("lastname", "Arni")]'
expected: "lastname=Arni&name=Julian"
 but got: "name=Julian&lastname=Arni"
### Failure in /tmp/nix-build-http-api-data-0.3.5.drv-0/http-api-data-0.3.5/src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:523: expression `urlDecodeForm "name=Greg&lastname=Weber"'
expected: Right (fromList [("lastname","Weber"),("name","Greg")])
 but got: Right (fromList [("name","Greg"),("lastname","Weber")])
### Failure in /tmp/nix-build-http-api-data-0.3.5.drv-0/http-api-data-0.3.5/src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:580: expression `urlEncodeAsForm Person {name = "Dennis", age = 22}'
expected: "age=22&name=Dennis"
 but got: "name=Dennis&age=22"
### Failure in /tmp/nix-build-http-api-data-0.3.5.drv-0/http-api-data-0.3.5/src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:695: expression `urlEncodeAsForm Project { projectName = "http-api-data", projectSize = 172 }'
expected: "size=172&name=http-api-data"
 but got: "name=http-api-data&size=172"
Examples: 126  Tried: 116  Errors: 0  Failures: 6

These happened only on 32bit linux, but it could mean they're just transient.

UUID instances?

This is straightforward to do and uuid is likely to be among other dependencies (at least I think so).

@gregwebs what do you think?

() and Maybe PathPiece instances

Latest version of path-piece on Hackage has PathPiece instance for Maybe a (which is similar to derived Show instance for Maybe).

Latest code in path-piece repo also has PathPiece instance for ():

instance PathPiece () where
    fromPathPiece t = if t == "_" then Just () else Nothing
    toPathPiece () = "_"

Do these instances make sense? Should we provide a Generic mechanism to derive To/FromHttpApiData similar to Read/Show deriving (i.e. why Maybe should be special)?

Or should we just leave them for PathPiece class only "for compatibility"?

Generic deriving

I've been thinking about Generic deriving (suggested in #3 (comment)) and it probably will not work. Consider this example:

data Example = Example Text Text

Text is always encoded as is, so there is no safe way to encode Example.

So it might only make sense to derive instances for constructors with at most one field, e.g.:

data Account = User Text | Org Text
data Action = Create | Read | Update | Delete deriving (Show)

We could provide TH code to generate instances for those, but I don't think it is worth adding anymore.
Besides there's almost no boilerplate for enumerations:

instance ToHttpApiData Action where
  toUrlPiece = showUrlPiece

instance FromHttpApiData Action where
  parseUrlPiece = readEitherUrlPiece


Why does `showTextData` convert everything to lower case

I was hoping readTextData and showTextData would form a nice bijection, so that I could easily derive the ability to send my custom types over the wire without too much thought, but for some reason showTextData converts everything to lower case, causing readTextData to fail.

What is the reasoning behind this? IMO the naming is a little misleading and error prone.

Allow base-4.20

[__3] rejecting: base- (conflict: http-api-data => base>= && <4.20)


README does not currently mention Form, LenientData or any of the useful helper functions.
Also it does not get typechecked. We should probably update README to give an up-to-date description of what this package provides.

Add To/FromFormMultiPart classes

Maybe something like this:

data Part
  = Param ByteString
  | File FileInfo

data FileInfo = FileInfo FilePath ContentType

class ToFormMultiPart a where
  toFormMultiPart :: a -> HashMap Text Part

class FromFormMultiPart a where
  parseFormMultiPart :: HashMap Text Part -> Either Text a

Preventing the anyclass deriving of ToHttpApiData and FromHttpApiData

Hi @fizruk! I'm a long-time Servant user (and thus of http-api-data), and I'd like to suggest a solution to prevent the anyclass deriving strategy of ToHttpApiData and FromHttpData via a solution that @MangoIV came up with:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas, -Wall #-}

module PreventAnyClassDeriving (A (..), C (..), C' (..), C'' (..), MkTypeError) where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (ShowType, Text, (:<>:)), TypeError)

type MkTypeError :: k -> Type
type family MkTypeError c where
  MkTypeError c =
    TypeError ('Text "Don't use anyclass deriving with class " ':<>: 'ShowType c)

type PreventAnyClassDeriving c = MkTypeError c ~ ()

class C a where
  f :: a -> Int
  default f :: PreventAnyClassDeriving C => a -> Int
  f = error "someone removed the PreventAnyClassDeriving constraint"

class C' where
  f' :: Int
  default f' :: PreventAnyClassDeriving C' => Int
  f' = error "someone removed the PreventAnyClassDeriving constraint"

class C'' a b where
  f'' :: a -> b
  default f'' :: PreventAnyClassDeriving C'' => a -> b
  f'' = error "someone removed the PreventAnyClassDeriving constraint"

data A = MkA
-- deriving anyclass C
-- deriving anyclass instance C'' Int Int
-- will throw compile time error "Don't use anyclass deriving with class C"

What do you think of this?

Compile error with base-4.6

I'd suggest to simply set a lower bound base >= 4.7 if you don't want to support base < 4.7

Configuring http-api-data-0.3.3...
Preprocessing library http-api-data-0.3.3...

    Could not find module `Data.Proxy'
    It is a member of the hidden package `tagged-0.8.5'.
    Perhaps you need to add `tagged' to the build-depends in your .cabal file.
    It is a member of the hidden package `tagged-0.8.4'.
    Perhaps you need to add `tagged' to the build-depends in your .cabal file.
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

Build failure with GHC HEAD

[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Setup.lhs, /tmp/nix-build-http-api-data-0.2.4.drv-0/Main.o )

Setup.lhs:7:31: error:
    does not export

Why don't toQueryParam or toUrlPiece actually url-encode the data?

I was trying to write my own ToHttpApiData instance for a newtype wrapper over text, and ended up looking at the existing instance for Text and was surprised to find that it isn't really url-encoding the data. Why is this the case? Isn't the idea of this type-class to convert a value to be safe for usage in URLs (either as path fragments or query-params)?

If ToHttpApiData is not supposed to emit url-encoded stuff, what is the type-class/function/mechanism that does it?

Support GHC-9.6

GHC-9.6 ships base-4.18 which is not allowed in the cabal file.

Fix docs for defining instances

This example from the docs is off:

data Person = Person
  { name :: String
  , age  :: Int }

instance FromForm Person where
  fromForm (Form m) = Person
    <$> parseUnique "name" m
    <*> parseUnique "age"  m

Form m should just be m.

Bool instances

Servant.Common.Text defines ToText/FromText instance for Bool to use lowercase Text representation:

>>> fromText ("true"::Text) :: Maybe Bool
Just True
>>> fromText ("false"::Text) :: Maybe Bool
Just False

path-pieces reuses Show/Read instances for Bool.

Which one should we use?

P. S. I personally like path-pieces version because it does not make Bool special.

Use text-show?

Both path-pieces and servant's ToText frequently have instances that go via String (Show instances). We could avoid that altogether by using the text-show package, which should be more efficient.

Export helpers

As @gregwebs pointed out in his comment for yesodweb/persistent#490, libraries that depend on http-api-data should not use .Internal module.

So far the following functions from Web.HttpApiData.Internal seem to be useful in other libraries (for servant-server and persistent):

@gregwebs suggested to use Web.HttpApiData.Utils or Web.HttpApiData.Parse for these. The latter is not suitable for showTextData though.

OTOH current naming should not overlap with other libraries and we might as well export those from Web.HttpApiData directly.


Converting a Haskell record to/from query params?

If I have the following Haskell type...

data Args = Args
  { argLimit :: !Int
  , argOffset :: !Int
  , argSeaerch :: !Text

... is it possible to write ToHttpApiData / FromHttpApiData insances that can achieve the following conversion:

Args{argLimit=10, argOffset=0, argSearch="keyword"} <==> limit=10&offset=0&search=keyword

UTCTime loses precision.

UTCTime loses precision, this means if you toHeader and then parseHeader you'll get a different value from the original one. I found this problem as I was using UTCTime as a primary key (I know, not a good idea), sometimes I was sending it as a header, sometimes within an aeson JSON object, and in these circumstances, the same UTCTime would never match:

>>> t <- getCurrentTime
>>> t
2017-02-15 02:30:26.988123 UTC
>>> fromJSON $ toJSON t :: Result UTCTime
Success 2017-02-15 02:30:26.988123 UTC
>>> parseHeader $ toHeader t :: Either Text UTCTime
Right 2017-02-15 02:30:26 UTC

Add instances for Data.Fixed

There are missing instances for fixed point numbers, for example:

>>> import Data.Fixed
>>> import Web.HttpApiData
>>> toUrlPiece (1.5 :: Milli)

<interactive>:13:1: error:
    • No instance for (ToHttpApiData Milli)
        arising from a use of ‘toUrlPiece’
    • In the expression: toUrlPiece (1.5 :: Milli)
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = toUrlPiece (1.5 :: Milli)

Make HttpApiData representation for ZonedTime consistent with aeson

Currently they encode slightly differently:

>>> zt :: ZonedTime
2016-12-31 01:00:00 +0000
>>> encode zt
>>> toQueryParam zt

And parseQueryParam can't decode aeson's variant:

>>> decode "\"2016-12-31T01:00:00Z\"" :: Maybe ZonedTime
Just 2016-12-31 01:00:00 +0000
>>> parseQueryParamMaybe "2016-12-31T01:00:00Z" :: Maybe ZonedTime

While aeson can decode http-api-data variant:

>>> decode "\"2016-12-31T01:00:00+0000\"" :: Maybe ZonedTime
Just 2016-12-31 01:00:00 +0000
>>> parseQueryParamMaybe "2016-12-31T01:00:00+0000" :: Maybe ZonedTime
Just 2016-12-31 01:00:00 +0000

aeson also can decode +hh suffix (when there's no minutes offset):

>>> decode "\"2016-12-31T01:00:00+03\"" :: Maybe ZonedTime
Just 2016-12-31 01:00:00 +0300
>>> parseQueryParamMaybe "2016-12-31T01:00:00+03" :: Maybe ZonedTime

FormUrlEncoded is vulnerable to HashDOS attacks.

Test failures with GHC 8.2.1rc-2


I'm experiencing test failures with GHC 8.2.1-rc2 and http-api-data (9298d25). This is the relevant log:


  1) Web.Internal.HttpApiData, toUrlPiece <=> parseUrlPiece, TimeOfDay
       Falsifiable (after 4 tests): 
       "14:57:05." : Left "endOfInput" /= Right 14:57:05

  2) Web.Internal.HttpApiData, toUrlPiece <=> parseUrlPiece, LocalTime
       Falsifiable (after 1 test): 
       1864-05-09 12:11:44
       "1864-05-09T12:11:44." : Left "endOfInput" /= Right 1864-05-09 12:11:44

  3) Web.Internal.HttpApiData, toUrlPiece <=> parseUrlPiece, ZonedTime
       Falsifiable (after 22 tests): 
       1864-04-22 10:12:33 QJD
       "1864-04-22T10:12:33.-0014" : Left "Failed reading: satisfy" /= Right 1864-04-22 10:12:33 QJD

  4) Web.Internal.HttpApiData, toUrlPiece <=> parseUrlPiece, UTCTime
       Falsifiable (after 1 test): 
       1864-05-09 18:57:22 UTC
       "1864-05-09T18:57:22.Z" : Left "Failed reading: satisfy" /= Right 1864-05-09 18:57:22 UTC

Randomized with seed 357928475

Any ideas what could be the cause?

More instances

How about instances for these guys from base:

  • Char;
  • Data.Monoid newtypes;
  • Version;
  • [a] and ZipList a;
  • tuples (up to some reasonable number);
  • Void.

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