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fluent-logger-java's Introduction

Fluent Logger for Java

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Many web/mobile applications generate huge amount of event logs (c,f. login, logout, purchase, follow, etc). Analyzing these event logs can be quite valuable for improving services. However, collecting these logs easily and reliably is a challenging task.

Fluentd solves the problem by having: easy installation, small footprint, plugins, reliable buffering, log forwarding, etc.

fluent-logger-java is a Java library, to record events via Fluentd, from Java application.


Java >= 1.6


Install with all-in-one jar file

You can download all-in-one jar file for Fluent Logger for Java.


To use Fluent Logger for Java, set the above jar file to your classpath.

Install from Maven2 repository

Fluent Logger for Java is released on Fluent Maven2 repository. You can configure your pom.xml or build.gradle as follows to use it:




dependencies {
    compile 'org.fluentd:fluent-logger:'+loggerVersion

Install from Github repository

You can get latest source code using git.

git clone [email protected]:fluent/fluent-logger-java.git
cd fluent-logger-java
mvn assembly:assembly

You will get the fluent logger jar file in fluent-logger-java/target directory. File name will be fluent-logger-${logger.version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar. For more detail, see pom.xml.

Replace ${logger.version} or loggerVersion with the current version of Fluent Logger for Java.


The following program is a small example of Fluent Logger for Java.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger;

public class Main {
    private static FluentLogger LOG = FluentLogger.getLogger("app");

    public void doApplicationLogic() {
        // ...
        Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        data.put("from", "userA");
        data.put("to", "userB");
        LOG.log("follow", data);
        // ...

To create Fluent Logger instances, users need to invoke getLogger method in FluentLogger class like org.slf4j, org.log4j logging libraries. The method should be called only once. By default, the logger assumes fluent daemon is launched locally. You can also specify remote logger by passing the following options.

// for remote fluentd
private static FluentLogger LOG = FluentLogger.getLogger("app", "remotehost", port);

Then, please create the events like this. This will send the event to fluentd, with tag 'app.follow' and the attributes 'from' and 'to'.

Close method in FluentLogger class should be called explicitly when application is finished. The method closes socket connection with the fluentd.



Apache License, Version 2.0

fluent-logger-java's People


amdelamar avatar colinhebert avatar cosmo0920 avatar flozano avatar frsyuki avatar henryyao369 avatar komamitsu avatar kzk avatar muga avatar oza avatar pxcurtis avatar tatsuyafw avatar todesking avatar wsalembi avatar xerial avatar yyuu avatar


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fluent-logger-java's Issues

Add Support For Unix Domain Sockets

It would be nice if this logger would support Unix Domain Sockets as the target instead of only (host, port) inet addresses. UnixDomainSocketAddress was added in Java 16. However, this library need not depend on that if SocketAddress can be supplied to getLogger() which has been around since 1.4.

This feature would be particularly useful for container environments such as Docker because some not very nice tricks are required for a container to connect to a host socket. Note that Unix domain sockets are supported by Fluentd and Fluent-Bit.

Initial UnknownHostException is Unrecoverable

The RawSocketSender takes a host and port in its constructor and coverts these into an InetSocketAddress, which tries to resolve the hostname. On RawSocketSender connect this InetSocketAddress is used to reconnect, but if it wasn't resolved during fluent-logger init then it will fail over and over. The code snipped from RawSocketSender is below:

public RawSocketSender(String host, int port, int timeout, int bufferCapacity, Reconnector reconnector) {
    msgpack = new MessagePack();
    msgpack.register(Event.class, Event.EventTemplate.INSTANCE);
    pendings = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferCapacity);
    server = new InetSocketAddress(host, port); // Create InetSocketAddress on init
    this.reconnector = reconnector;
    name = String.format("%s_%d_%d_%d", host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity);
    this.timeout = timeout;

private void connect() throws IOException {
    try {
        socket = new Socket();
        socket.connect(server, timeout); // Reconnection uses pre-resolved server field
        out = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw e;

This issue comes up when using the fluent-logger in a highly dynamic environment (like on Docker Swarm) where apps may come up before a DNS entry in Consul is even resolvable. It also means that during failover of a Fluent host (triggering a DNS change) the then failing socket connection will always try the old Fluent host IP and never re-resolve the DNS entry.

My recommendation is to store the Fluent host and port as private fields within the RawSocketSender, not a resolved InetSocketAddress (now stored as this.server) and create a new InetSocketAddress on every socket connection.

I understand there will be performance implications of this and am happy to submit a PR, but wanted to bring it up in an issue in case there were reasons for implementing the RawSocketSender the current way.

fluentd emits times in seconds

Issue 653 of fluent/fluentd extends times to Fluent::EventTime. fluentd-logger-java apparently does not yet support this.

FluentLogger.getLogger should NOT immediately connect

Given that the most common pattern for FluentLogger.getLogger is to assign it as a static member, these objects are likely to get initialized early in the application lifecycle. The current implementation seems to try and open a connection to fluentd immediately, and fails miserably if fluentd isn't running: Connection refused
    at Method)
    at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.connect(
    at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.<init>(
    at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLoggerFactory.getLogger(
    at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLoggerFactory.getLogger(
    at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.getLogger(

This is bad for many reasons, the most important being that doing this kind of error-prone I/O in constructors or factory methods is Bad Practice.

Conflict with Spring cloud SpringApplication run

Conflict with Spring cloud SpringApplication run. spring cloud because BootstrapApplicationListener.Causes Spring Application to execute many times.
and call FluentLogger stop. close sender, with sender is null.
then call log(String tag, Map<String, Object> data, long timestamp) function Throw out NullPointerException?
in FluentLoggerFactory 58 line add this code?

public synchronized FluentLogger getLogger(String tagPrefix, String host, int port, int timeout, int bufferCapacity,
            Reconnector reconnector) {
        String key = String.format("%s_%s_%d_%d_%d", new Object[] { tagPrefix, host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity });

        for (Map.Entry<FluentLogger, String> entry : loggers.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().equals(key)) {
                FluentLogger found = entry.getKey();
                if(found != null) {
                    if(found.getSender() == null){
                        found.setSender(getNewSender(host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity, reconnector));
                    return found;

        FluentLogger logger = new FluentLogger(tagPrefix, getNewSender(host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity, reconnector));
        loggers.put(logger, key);
        return logger;

private Sender getNewSender( String host, int port, int timeout, int bufferCapacity, Reconnector reconnector){
        Sender sender = null;
        Properties props = System.getProperties();
        if (!props.containsKey(Config.FLUENT_SENDER_CLASS)) {
            // create default sender object
            sender = new RawSocketSender(host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity, reconnector);
        } else {
            String senderClassName = props.getProperty(Config.FLUENT_SENDER_CLASS);
            try {
                sender = createSenderInstance(senderClassName, new Object[] { host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity });
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return sender;

Best way to handle events that are too large for buffering

When looking through RawSocketSender to troubleshoot our other issue (see comment on #18), I noticed that RawSocketSender does not handle large events very well in send(). It assumes that flush() always makes enough capacity in the pendings buffer to save the new bytes. If the event was bigger than the buffer, you get a BufferOverflowException.

    at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.put(
    at java.nio.ByteBuffer.put(
    at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.send(

Also, if every log message you send is larger than the buffer, then the RawSocketSender will attempt to flush to the socket on every message.

Is this the desired behavior? I could imagine adding a size check to the send() method that immediately returns false if the event is too large, to avoid the BufferOverflowException. Or perhaps the large event could skip the buffer and write directly out to the socket. Since we are already using a BufferedOutputStream, I also wonder why we need the internal pendings buffer at all?

What is the normal way of handling errors in RawSocketSender?

Increased connections to the in_forward plugin server


We are sending logs from the client to the in_forward input plugin. In
production we the number of connections to the in_forward port increases over
time. This results in huge memory usage on our applications.

In my initial investigation, we think that when keys get expired in [1], the
sender instance on that key doesn't close properly. So when the [2] tried to
recreate the key [2], another connection will be made. Is this a correct
interpretation on what's happening?


develop branch

Could you create develop branch so that contributors can send pull requests without harming the master branch?

I think master branch should be preserved as a pointer to the latest release that works correctly, while develop branch is for enhancing features.

maven repository for 0.2.6-SNAPSHOT

I'd like to register fluent-logger-scala into sonatype maven repository.
Currently, fluent-logger-scala depends on the upcoming version of fluent-logger-java(0.26-RC).
Do you have any ideas to register fluent-logger-java 0.26-RC version into maven repository?

Or, I'll register the version into sonatype maven repository.


Connection Reset on calling Fluentlogger.log()

I am getting below error on calling fluentlooger.log(). This is not occurring always but is happening frequently and I am not getting all of my logs. I am using version 0.3.3.

ERROR RawSocketSender: org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender Connection reset
at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.flush(
at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.send(
at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit(
at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit(
at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit(
at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.log(
at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.log(

What can be the reason?? How to fix?

Current Error Handling does not return false on logging errors

There are two types of errors I've run into:

  1. Network Errors:
    Here I created an app to log to a remote Fluentd instance.
    private static final FluentLogger LOG = FluentLogger.getLogger("audit", "", 22224);
    However, I forgot to start the remote Fluentd instance before running the app, so I got Network Errors Connection refused at Method) at at at at at at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.connect( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.reconnect( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.flush( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.send( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit( at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.log( at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.log( at LoggerInfra.log( at LoggerCaller.testLogger( at FluentdLoggerApp.main(

There error was printed to console (expected because of limited error handling #15), but the log() call returned true instead of false which hid the internal failure.
Result of logic in which simple logs the error message to LOG.error().

  1. A second error is that I ran out of buffer space. In this setup I had my app logging to a local Fluentd instance and buffering to file. The local instance then forwards the logs to a remote instance. However the remote instance was not running, so the local buffer space eventually got filled up. Again the log() call returned true and the stack trace was printed out to terminal.

How to configure fluentd in log4j?

Two questions/issues

  1. Based on fluentd java logger
    Looks like I need to create and use fluentd logger in my application.

I dont want to add Fluentd related code into my application. So, is there a way to log to fluentd by configuring the SocketAppender in log4j?

Similar to logstash config for log4j below?

  1. How do I configure Fluentd to monitor/access a log file/directory?

How to pass credentials to connect remote fluentD aggregator

I have a fluentD aggregator running in AWS with configuration like this

  @type       forward
  port        24224
     self_hostname fluentd-aggregator
     shared_key  test_key

I didn't find any examples for passing self_hostname and shared_key in FluentLogger
How do I pass credentials from FluentLogger ?

Error message should be surpressed when running test

RawSocketSender#open shows the exception when RawSocketSender fails to connect to server. The behaviour itself has no problem. However, it can confuses us when testing. We can set Level.OFF as an additional argument of RawSocketSender for testing.

The log is as follows:

Running org.fluentd.logger.sender.TestRawSocketSender
2013/09/05 23:11:36 org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender open
fatal: Failed to connect fluentd: localhost/
2013/09/05 23:11:36 org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender open
fatal: Connection will be retried Connection refused
        at Method)
        at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.connect(
        at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.<init>(
        at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.<init>(
        at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.<init>(
        at org.fluentd.logger.sender.TestRawSocketSender.testNormal03(

RawSocketSender.close() should call flush() internally

I think it's possible that a RawSocketSender instance has buffered some records when close() is called. In this case, the buffered records is going to be lost. So I think RawSocketSender.close() should call flush() before releasing resources.

RawSocketSender.send() should check connection

Currently FluentLogger.log() calls RawSocketSender.emit() which calls RawSocketSender.send().

If the connection to fluentd fails for a long enough period of time that the pendings ByteBuffer fills up then RawSocketSender.send() will complain about the full buffer and then return.

This means it will never attempt to reconnect to fluentd as the reconnect attempt happens after the return.

I believe that send() should append the new message if the buffer has space, drop it on the floor if the buffer is full but in either case should continue to the reconnect check.

FluentLogger should do best effort logging

In my use case, we can not assume that fluentd will always be running. Ideally, the logger would log as usual if fluentd is running; if it is not running, it should probably log a warning and move on instead of throwing exceptions; finally, it should silently try to reconnect in the background and resume logging as soon as a connection is available.

Ideally the library would also do some in-memory buffering to minimize loss of log msgs. Thoughts?

version 0.3.2 cause null sender from FluentLoggerFactory.getLogger

I have read some issues before about the reason to use a WeakHashMap in FluentLoggerFactory. And the WeakHashMap was changed from WeakHashMap<String, FluentLogger> (version 0.3.1) to WeakHashMap<FluentLogger, String>(current version 0.3.2).

But I got a FluentLogger with null sender in version 0.3.2 when using logback in Spring Boot application.

The sender could not be connecting to fluent server for long time. So the sender should be assigned to null after calling FluentLogger.close().

But in my situation, how can I get a work-well logger after Spring Boot application has been luanched.

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class FluentLoggerFactory {

    private final Map<FluentLogger, String> loggers;

    public FluentLoggerFactory() {
        loggers = new WeakHashMap<FluentLogger, String>();

    public synchronized FluentLogger getLogger(String tagPrefix, String host, int port, int timeout, int bufferCapacity,
            Reconnector reconnector) {
        String key = String.format("%s_%s_%d_%d_%d", new Object[] { tagPrefix, host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity });

        for (Map.Entry<FluentLogger, String> entry : loggers.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().equals(key)) {
                FluentLogger found = entry.getKey();
                if(found != null) {
                    return found;  // the found contains a null valued sender

        Sender sender = null;
        Properties props = System.getProperties();
        if (!props.containsKey(Config.FLUENT_SENDER_CLASS)) {
            // create default sender object
            sender = new RawSocketSender(host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity, reconnector);
        } else {
            String senderClassName = props.getProperty(Config.FLUENT_SENDER_CLASS);
            try {
                sender = createSenderInstance(senderClassName, new Object[] { host, port, timeout, bufferCapacity });
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        FluentLogger logger = new FluentLogger(tagPrefix, sender);
        loggers.put(logger, key);
        return logger;
public class Application {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);"hello world);

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/defaults.xml"/>
    <springProperty scope="context" name="springAppName" source=""/>

    <property name="CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN"
              value="%clr(%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}){faint} %clr(${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p}) %clr([${springAppName:-},%X{X-B3-TraceId:-},%X{X-B3-SpanId:-},%X{X-B3-ParentSpanId:-},%X{X-Span-Export:-}]){yellow} %clr(${PID:- }){magenta} %clr(---){faint} %clr([%15.15t]){faint} %clr(%-40.40logger{39}){cyan} %clr(:){faint} %m%n${LOG_EXCEPTION_CONVERSION_WORD:-%wEx}"/>

    <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">

    <appender name="FLUENT_TEXT_SYNC" class="ch.qos.logback.more.appenders.FluentLogbackAppender">

    <appender name="FLUENT_TEXT" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
        <appender-ref ref="FLUENT_TEXT_SYNC" />

    <logger name="org.springframework" level="INFO"/>

    <root level="INFO">
        <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
        <appender-ref ref="FLUENT_TEXT"/>

public class FluentLogger {

    public boolean log(String tag, Map<String, Object> data, long timestamp) {
        String concatTag = null;
        if (tagPrefix == null || tagPrefix.length() == 0) {
            concatTag = tag;
        else {
            concatTag = tagPrefix + "." + tag;

        if (timestamp != 0) {
            return sender.emit(concatTag, timestamp, data);
        } else {
            return sender.emit(concatTag, data);

    public void flush() {

    public void close() {
        if (sender != null) {
            sender = null;  //  set sender to null after closing FluentLogger

There is no way to set socket read timeout

There is no way to set a socket read timeout.

socket.setSoTimeout() is not configurable.

So if there are network issues (packet loss for a certain duration) OR if fluentd process itself is not responding then all logging threads could get blocked and bring the application to a standstill.

Issues in log function of FluentLogger class

Issues in latest version (0.3.1)

public boolean log(String tag, Map<String, Object> data)

This function never returns false, even if we don't have valid host name.

flush function in RawSocketAppender class doesn't have any return type. So if there is IO Exception, this function will catch it , logs it , but no signal send to caller. Hence, log function will be returning true , even if we are not able to write. (Line no. 178-192 )

Release 0.3.4?

It looks like there are some important updates committed to source. Any chance you could please cut a new release and push to maven?

UDP Support for fluent-logger-java

Currently, only TCP protocol is supported between the app logger and the td-agent.
Can this be changed to a different protocol, for ex. UDP?

Please let me know. Thanks.

thuntaa (at)

Calling `.close()` does not clean up instance in `FluentLoggerFactory`

fluentLogger = FluentLogger.getLogger("tagprefix", "myhost", 24224)
fluentLogger = FluentLogger.getLogger("tagprefix", "myhost", 24224)
fluentLogger.log('mytag', 'my message'); // wont work

If you close an individual Fluentlogger the instance retained in the FluentLoggerFactory persists, but the Sender will be null and cannot send out messages.

You can call FluentLogger.closeAll() to fix the above, but this is too aggressive because it will close all loggers which may not be your intention.

Ideally there would be a FluentLogger.close(myFluentLogger) method which would clean up the logger in the FluentLoggerFactory

When tomcat is running, and then fluentd restarted, webapp save event to buffer until it fulls and fails.

I was thinking the default behaviour it will reconnect to fluentd socket. I was not changing the port, only restarting fluentd. But after fluentd restarted, webapp in tomcat can't forward event to fluentd.

If I use parallel deployment, the new version able to forward the message to fluentd.

How to make webapp still able to forward the message to fluentd?
I'm using spring framework, and I uses the logger like below:

public class TestController {
    private static FluentLogger LOG = FluentLogger.getLogger("tracker","localhost", 24224);
    @RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String test(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
        Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        String ip = IpHelper.getClientIpAddress(request)
        data.put("ip", ip);
        LOG.log("data", data);
        return ip;

Is there anything I did wrong? Is there any way to achieve what I want? (webapp still able to forward log to fluentd after fluentd get restarted)

FluentLoggerFactory not invalidate cache after FluentLogger close

Hi, I have problem using fluent-logger-java in Spring Boot because Logback configuration reinitialized on Spring startup.


  • get logger fluentLogger = FluentLogger.getLogger(tag, remoteHost, port);
  • FluentLoggerFactory.loggers is empty, was created new logger
    protected FluentLogger(String tagPrefix, Sender sender) {
        this.tagPrefix = tagPrefix;
        this.sender = sender;
  • after some time closing Logger fluentLogger.close();
    public void close() {
        if (sender != null) {
            sender = null;
  • but this logger not removed, it's exist in FluentLoggerFactory.loggers
  • on next time fluentLogger = FluentLogger.getLogger(tag, remoteHost, port); was returning from cache FluentLoggerFactory.loggers

Now, this fluentLogger not worked, because was stopped before and have sender = null;

Logging loop

If FluentLogger is used as an appender with logback (such as then any logging by FluentLogger and related classes such as RawSocketSender can end up creating a nice little logging loop.

For instance, RawSocketSender will log "Created messages" or a message when the buffer is full... all of which get routed back into slf4j and then likely routed right back into FluentLogger for logging....

While the obvious answer is to drop any org.fluentd.logger.* messages that would end up routed to the FluentLogger appender (thereby possibly leaving them routed to other appends) that would then mask any real messages but I wonder if there is a better solution?

I don't have any ideas but figured I'd throw the problem out there and maybe someone would have a good idea.

It may also be helpful to enable some type of throttling on messages--- like if the buffer is full due to a down fluentd.

Also cross posted here: sndyuk/logback-more-appenders#2

NullPointerException when the Fluentd server is down

When We try to use the Fluentd java logger it throws the fellowing NullPointerException when the Fluentd server is down:

An exception occurred processing Appender fluentd java.lang.NullPointerException at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.flushBuffer( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.send( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit( at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit( at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.log( at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.log(

The source of the problem is that when the Fluentd server is down the socket in the RawSocketSender object is null so the call to the method RawSocketSender.flushBuffer#Line:152 throws the null pointer exception when executing the fellowing instruction (RawSocketSender.flushBuffer#Line:158):
LOG.error("Cannot send logs to " + socket.getInetAddress().toString());

NPE in RawSocketSender

For some reason RawSocketSender#close() is not synchronized. That may lead to NPEs if RawSocketSender#close() is called during flushing operations

Is this library still maintained?

I am wondering if this library is still maintained.
The fact that it is in the official fluent namespace seems like it would be an obvious choice,
but the stagnant development unfortunately paints a different picture. Mostly because the dependencies are severly outdated and contain CVEs.

Project includes Junit dependency

We noticed that the project is carrying along junit as a production dependency because of its dependency on json-simple.

Since that project appears to be dead (it's on googlecode), can we just exclude it from this project?

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

Tested sending 4 million logs of data to fluentd using fluent-logger-java. And we were testing the buffer of fluent-logger. We send to a log forwarder which sends it to an aggregator. The aggregator writes it into the postgresql database. Tried disallowing the connection of the aggregator to the database so that the buffer would be filled up.
However at around 2 million logs worth of data trying to be sent through fluent logger java, this error occurred.

We were thinking if it were possible to check how much data is in the buffer already. Is there a way for us to check the current buffer size of fluent-logger-java?
@repeatedly @komamitsu

FluentLogFactory: Why use WeakHashMap to store loggers?

        FluentLoggerFactory factory = new FluentLoggerFactory();
        ArrayList<FluentLogger> loggers = new ArrayList<FluentLogger>();
        for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
            loggers.add(factory.getLogger("testtag" + i, "localhost", 999));
        assertEquals(loggers.size(), factory.getLoggers().size());

The last assertion is sometimes failed. That because WeakHashMap has weak-referenced keys and strong-referenced values, so when key(String generated in FluentLoggerFactory#getLogger()) is GCed, correspond logger is removed from the map.

Because of this, FluentLogerFactory#closeAll() and flushAll() has unexpected behaviour: Some loggers are closed/flushed, and rest is not touched.

It seems just a bug and use normal HashMap to fix it. Is this correct?

Improving error handling

I and @komamitsu san discussed how to improve error reporting of the current 0.2.x versions.

The major changes we considered are:

  • Add setHandler(handler) method to FluentLogger to accept an application-specific error handler.
  • In the error handler, provide a method for retrieving the remaining logs (the last one or all logs) that are not yet sent to fluentd.
  • The last logs are message packed Event objects. We need to provide a decoder so that the last log is meaningful to the user.

In this change, we should consider the following problem:

  • (Plan 1) A timing to report error. Currently errors can be reported in three ways: return value of log method (true or false), unmanaged exceptions or exceptions thrown when the buffer is full. If an error handler is added, log method should be non-blocking method, and the error must be handled in the user-defined error handler (in the subsequent code or in another thread). Does it the right choice?

Another option would be:

  • (Plan 2) Making log a blocking method and reporting errors by Exception rather than returning true or false. The last log event should be included in the thrown exception.

After writing this ticket, Plan 2 now looks simpler to me.
Any idea? Broken pipe

2017-12-27 19:46:39,120 ERROR [org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender] - <org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender> Broken pipe

    at Method)





    at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.flush(

    at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.send(

    at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit(

    at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit(

    at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.emit(

    at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.log(

    at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.log(



    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$


org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender#getBuffer should be thread safe or be private method

I found org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender#getBuffer changes the position of pendings buffer without any lock in spite of it's a public method. It means the user can call getBuffer() when calling flush() at the same time, and the sender instance can read a wrong position of the buffer.

Also, I don't know why org.fluentd.logger.sender.Sender has getBuffer(). I think the method shouldn't be exposed originally.

@muga What do you think? We can remove the method from org.fluentd.logger.sender.Sender and make it be a private method?

Null Pointer Exception with slf4j-log4j12-1.7.30 (Fluent-logger incompatible with the new version)

When running spark-submit with slf4j-log4j12-1.7.18.jar in the ClassPath, FluentLogger works with no issues.
When we use version 1.7.30 which comes with Spark3.0, Fluentlogger.getLogger throws a null pointer exception.

This is the offending commit introduced in 1.7.19  which was done to fix a NullPointerException. Its force initializing rootLogger to fix a NPE in multithreaded scenarios looks like. The irony is this is the commit which is causing NullPointerException for us

Can we upgrade the version of slf4j-api in FluentLogger to latest 1.7.30 and make it compatible?

hdiuser@hn0-d0140a:/usr/hdp/4.1-0/spark2/jars$ spark-submit --version
SPARK_MAJOR_VERSION is set to 2, using Spark2
Unexpected problem occured during version sanity check
Reported exception:
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.versionSanityCheck(
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.performInitialization(
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.(
at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.getLogger(
at com.mdsdclient.MdsLogger.(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.common.logger.HdInsightLoggerLinux.(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.common.logger.HdInsightLoggerFactory.getLogger(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.common.appendercore.AnonymizeLogAppenderCommon.getLogger(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.common.appendercore.AnonymizeLogAppenderCommon.(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.activate(
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseAppender(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseCategory(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureRootCategory(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.LogManager.(
at org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory.(
at org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.(
at org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.(
at org.apache.spark.internal.Logging$.org$apache$spark$internal$Logging$$isLog4j12(Logging.scala:222)
at org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.initializeLogging(Logging.scala:127)
at org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.initializeLogIfNecessary(Logging.scala:111)
at org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.initializeLogIfNecessary$(Logging.scala:105)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.initializeLogIfNecessary(SparkSubmit.scala:75)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:83)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$$anon$2.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:1007)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:1016)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.fluentd.logger.FluentLogger.getLogger(
at com.mdsdclient.MdsLogger.(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.common.logger.HdInsightLoggerLinux.(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.common.logger.HdInsightLoggerFactory.getLogger(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.common.appendercore.AnonymizeLogAppenderCommon.getLogger(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.common.appendercore.AnonymizeLogAppenderCommon.(Unknown Source)
at com.log4jappender.AnonymizeLogAppender.activateOptions(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.activate(
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(
at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseAppender(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseCategory(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureRootCategory(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(
at org.apache.log4j.LogManager.(
at org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory.(
at org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.(
at org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.(
at org.apache.spark.internal.Logging$.org$apache$spark$internal$Logging$$isLog4j12(Logging.scala:222)
at org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.initializeLogging(Logging.scala:127)
at org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.initializeLogIfNecessary(Logging.scala:111)
at org.apache.spark.internal.Logging.initializeLogIfNecessary$(Logging.scala:105)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.initializeLogIfNecessary(SparkSubmit.scala:75)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:83)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$$anon$2.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:1007)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:1016)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.fluentd.logger.sender.RawSocketSender.(
... 31 more

Bad thread interleaving may cause unexpected crash

Commit version - da14ec3

Describe the bug

It is possible to encounter an unexpected crash due to using the shared variable array in multiple locations (variable name is counters, in TestFluentLogger). In one place at Line 403 sets the value in this data-structure, whereas another location at Line 461 gets the value from this shared variable. However, there is no synchronization given between these accesses. As a result, anytime due to the existence of multiple threads, the program may crash.

Expected behavior
No crash is expected

Additional context
When I investigated the TestFluentLogger class, I found that the counters is a shared variable declared at Line 385 that is used at Line 403, Line 461. Here, the unexpected crash or inconsistency may occur if multiple threads interleave.

I ran the test on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS machine using OpenJDK 1.8.0_312.

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