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litgh_starred's Introduction

  • campus_recruitmen_questions - 2021年最新整理,5000道秋招/提前批/春招/常用面试题(含答案),包括leetcode,校招笔试题,面试题,算法题,语法题。 (0voice)
  • golang-developer-roadmap - Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2020 (Alikhll)
  • 100-Days-Of-ML-Code - 100 Days of ML Coding (Avik-Jain)
  • gsy_flutter_book - Flutter 完整开发实战详解系列,提供在线预览和pdf下载,本系列将完整讲述:如何快速从 0 开发一个完整的 Flutter APP,配套高完成度 Flutter 开源项目 GSYGithubAppFlutter ,同时会提供一些Flutter的开发细节技巧,之后深入源码和实战为你全面解析 Flutter 。 (CarGuo)
  • awesome-deep-learning - A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities. (ChristosChristofidis)
  • CS-Notes - 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计 (CyC2018)
  • awesome-design-patterns - A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns. (DovAmir)
  • GitHubDaily - 坚持分享 GitHub 上高质量、有趣实用的开源技术教程、开发者工具、编程网站、技术资讯。A list cool, interesting projects of GitHub. (GitHubDaily)
  • Stable-diffusion-person - 由基于Stable-diffusion的Chilloutmix模型生成高清真实的人像 (KKGo1999)
  • data-structures-questions - golang sorting algorithm and data construction. (KeKe-Li)
  • RollToolsApi - 一个提供开发中常用数据的一个稳定聚合Api接口源,运行于独立服务器,免费,且长期维护,会持续添加新的接口!【只fork不star是很没品的】 (MZCretin)
  • InterpretableMLBook - 《可解释的机器学习--黑盒模型可解释性理解指南》,该书为《Interpretable Machine Learning》中文版 (MingchaoZhu)
  • leetcode_company_wise_questions - This is a repository containing the list of company wise questions available on leetcode premium (MysteryVaibhav)
  • awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh - ChatGPT 中文调教指南。各种场景使用指南。学习怎么让它听你的话。 (PlexPt)
  • cw2vec - Details of paper cw2vec (ShelsonCao)
  • ChinaMobilePhoneNumberRegex - Regular expressions that match the mobile phone number in mainland China. / 一组匹配**大陆手机号码的正则表达式。 (VincentSit)
  • design - WebAssembly Design Documents (WebAssembly)
  • Awesome-GitHub-Repo - 收集整理 GitHub 上高质量、有趣的开源项目。 (Wechat-ggGitHub)
  • ui-libraries - A collection of UI Frameworks and their platform implementations. (Zaelot-Inc)
  • Sub - 自用clash订阅链接 (anaer)
  • 100-days-of-python - 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp (appbrewery)
  • awesome-scalability - The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems (binhnguyennus)
  • algorithm-base - 一位酷爱做饭的程序员,立志用动画将算法说的通俗易懂。我的面试网站 (chefyuan)
  • GoBooks - List of Golang books (dariubs)
  • ddd-starter-modelling-process - If you're new to DDD and not sure where to start, this process will guide you step-by-step (ddd-crew)
  • go-perfbook - Thoughts on Go performance optimization (dgryski)
  • HeadlessBrowsers - A list of (almost) all headless web browsers in existence (dhamaniasad)
  • shipyard - Composable Docker Management (ehazlett)
  • OpenCourseCatalog - Bilibili 公开课目录 (elder-frog)
  • awesome-spider - 爬虫集合 (facert)
  • free-api - 收集免费的接口服务,做一个api的搬运工 (fangzesheng)
  • free - 翻墙、免费翻墙、免费科学上网、免费节点、免费梯子、免费ss/v2ray/trojan节点、蓝灯、谷歌商店、翻墙梯子 (freefq)
  • You-Dont-Know-JS - A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter. (getify)
  • knowledge - Go社区的知识图谱,Knowledge Graph (gocn)
  • conference - (gopherchina)
  • awesome-design - 🌟 Curated design resources from all over the world. (gztchan)
  • awesome-ai-painting - AI绘画资料合集(包含国内外可使用平台、使用教程、参数教程、部署教程、业界新闻等等) stable diffusion tutorial、disco diffusion tutorial、 AI Platform (hua1995116)
  • Tvlist-awesome-m3u-m3u8 - 直播源相关资源汇总 📺 💯 IPTV、M3U —— 勤洗手、戴口罩,祝愿所有人百毒不侵 (imDazui)
  • http-api-design - HTTP API design guide extracted from work on the Heroku Platform API (interagent)
  • Single-Page-App-Break - 单页应用开发权威指南 (island205)
  • TelegramGroup - 悄咪咪收集的1000+个Telegram群合集,如果有更多好玩的telegram群,欢迎在 issue 提出或者pull requests (itgoyo)
  • awesome-flutter-plugins - 🔥🔥 收集好用的Flutter插件以便更效率的开发 (jahnli)
  • gocenter - The Github README for JFrog Go-center. Use this for reporting issues (jfrog)
  • the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page (jlevy)
  • stat212b - Topics Course on Deep Learning UC Berkeley (joanbruna)
  • awesome-web-dev-books - 如果有人让你推荐前端技术书,请让他看这个列表 (jobbole)
  • angular-styleguide - Angular Style Guide: A starting point for Angular development teams to provide consistency through good practices. (johnpapa)
  • awesome-wechat-weapp - 微信小程序开发资源汇总 💯 (justjavac)
  • free-programming-books-zh_CN - 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿 (justjavac)
  • coding-interview-university - A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer. (jwasham)
  • awesome-electronics - A curated list of awesome resources for electronic engineers and hobbyists (kitspace)
  • nlp_tutorial - NLP超强入门指南,包括各任务sota模型汇总(文本分类、文本匹配、序列标注、文本生成、语言模型),以及代码、技巧 (leerumor)
  • lime - Open source API-compatible alternative to the text editor Sublime Text (limetext)
  • awesome-web-effect - A series of exquisite and compact web page cool effects (lindelof)
  • box - TVbox开源版(空壳-自行配置) (liu673cn)
  • builddatabase - Build a distributed SQL database from the ground up (ngaut)
  • awesome-totally-open-chatgpt - A list of totally open alternatives to ChatGPT (nichtdax)
  • awesome-landing-page - A series of beautiful and practical landing page templates (nordicgiant2)
  • notable - The Markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck. (notable)
  • clash-freenode - 订阅地址🚀 免费共享♻️ 定期更新✨ 科学上网🌈 请勿滥用🚫一键订阅📪 (openRunner)
  • computer-science - 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science! (ossu)
  • books - 【编程随想】收藏的电子书清单(多个学科,含下载链接) (programthink)
  • prompt-patterns - Prompt 编写模式:如何将思维框架赋予机器,以设计模式的形式来思考 prompt (prompt-engineering)
  • book - 学习笔记 (qyuhen)
  • awesome-resume - Resume,Resume Templates,程序员简历例句,简历模版, (resumejob)
  • free-books - 互联网上的免费书籍 (ruanyf)
  • jstraining - 全栈工程师培训材料 (ruanyf)
  • weekly - 科技爱好者周刊,每周五发布 (ruanyf)
  • Knowledge-Base - Knowledge Base 慢雾安全团队知识库 (slowmist)
  • awesome-lowcode - 国内低代码平台从业者交流 (taowen)
  • github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub. (tiimgreen)
  • free-for-dev-zh - 国内免费开发工具/服务清单 (tvvocold)
  • awesome-nocode-lowcode - A curated list of awesome nocode and lowcode ressources for building software without code. (valentin-vogel)
  • awesome-vue - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js (vuejs)
  • awesome-webpack-cn - 印记中文 - webpack 优秀中文文章 (webpack-china)
  • chinese_docker - docker中文文档,docker Chinese Documation (widuu)
  • MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference - A reference containing Styles and Keywords that you can use with MidJourney AI. There are also pages showing resolution comparison, image weights, and much more! (willwulfken)
  • CS-Base - 图解计算机网络、操作系统、计算机组成、数据库,共 1000 张图 + 50 万字,破除晦涩难懂的计算机基础知识,让天下没有难懂的八股文!🚀 在线阅读: (xiaolincoder)
  • architect-awesome - 后端架构师技术图谱 (xingshaocheng)
  • marp - The site of classic Markdown presentation writer app (yhatt)
  • awesome-dart - A curated list of awesome Dart frameworks, libraries, and software (yissachar)
  • A-Programmers-Guide-to-English - 专为程序员编写的英语学习指南 v1.2。在线版本请点 -> (yujiangshui)
  • awesome-chatgpt-zh - ChatGPT 中文指南🔥,ChatGPT 中文调教指南,指令指南,精选资源清单,更好的使用 chatGPT 让你的生产力 up up up! 🚀 (yzfly)
  • research_tao - NLP研究入门之道 (zibuyu)
  • learn-regex - Learn regex the easy way (ziishaned)


  • grammars-v4 - Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions. (antlr)


  • sonic - A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library (bytedance)
  • purego - (ebitengine)


  • HarmonyOS - A curated list of awesome things related to HarmonyOS. 华为鸿蒙操作系统。 (Awesome-HarmonyOS)
  • scrcpy - Display and control your Android device (Genymobile)
  • siridb-server - SiriDB is a highly-scalable, robust and super fast time series database. Build from the ground up SiriDB uses a unique mechanism to operate without a global index and allows server resources to be added on the fly. SiriDB's unique query language includes dynamic grouping of time series for easy analysis over large amounts of time series. (SiriDB)
  • gb-studio - A quick and easy to use drag and drop retro game creator for your favourite handheld video game system (chrismaltby)
  • cockpit - Cockpit is a web-based graphical interface for servers. (cockpit-project)
  • pushdeer - 开放源码的无App推送服务,iOS14+扫码即用。亦支持快应用/iOS和Mac客户端、Android客户端、自制设备 (easychen)
  • zstd - Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm (facebook)
  • codelabs - Flutter codelab examples (flutter)
  • seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features. (haiwen)
  • inotify-tools - inotify-tools is a C library and a set of command-line programs providing a simple interface to inotify. (inotify-tools)
  • licecap - LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows and OS X (justinfrankel)
  • WindTerm - A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal. (kingToolbox)
  • ip2region - Ip2region (2.0 - xdb) is a offline IP address manager framework and locator, support billions of data segments, ten microsecond searching performance. xdb engine implementation for many programming languages (lionsoul2014)
  • lwan - Experimental, scalable, high performance HTTP server (lpereira)
  • vis - A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions (martanne)
  • netdata - Real-time performance monitoring, done right! (netdata)
  • pipelinedb - High-performance time-series aggregation for PostgreSQL (pipelinedb)
  • masscan - TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes. (robertdavidgraham)
  • tcpcopy - An online request replication tool, also a tcp stream replay tool, fit for real testing, performance testing, stability testing, stress testing, load testing, smoke testing, etc (session-replay-tools)
  • jq - Command-line JSON processor (stedolan)
  • vedis - An Embedded Implementation of Redis (symisc)
  • Ventoy - A new bootable USB solution. (ventoy)
  • wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool (wg)
  • zmap - ZMap is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys. (zmap)


  • choco - Chocolatey - the package manager for Windows (chocolatey)
  • AICommand - ChatGPT integration with Unity Editor (keijiro)
  • RunAsService - RunAsService is a command line tool that allows you to setup a regular console application to run as a service. (luisperezphd)
  • VFSForGit - Virtual File System for Git: Enable Git at Enterprise Scale (microsoft)
  • uno - Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. Today. Open source and professionally supported. (unoplatform)


  • boden - Purely native C++ cross-platform GUI framework for Android and iOS development. (AshampooSystems)
  • Xapiand - Xapiand: A RESTful Search Engine (Kronuz)
  • OpenBoard - OpenBoard is a cross-platform interactive whiteboard application intended for use in a classroom setting. (OpenBoard-org)
  • Paddle-Lite - PaddlePaddle High Performance Deep Learning Inference Engine for Mobile and Edge (飞桨高性能深度学习端侧推理引擎) (PaddlePaddle)
  • Hippy - Hippy is designed to easily build cross-platform dynamic apps. 👏 (Tencent)
  • MMKV - An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX. (Tencent)
  • mars - Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat. (Tencent)
  • phxqueue - A high-availability, high-throughput and highly reliable distributed queue based on the Paxos algorithm. (Tencent)
  • AliSQL - AliSQL is a MySQL branch originated from Alibaba Group. Fetch document from Release Notes at bottom. (alibaba)
  • anyRTC-RTMP-OpenSource - RTMP 推流器,RTMP(HLS)秒开播放器,直播点播,跨平台(Win,IOS,Android)开源代码 (anyrtcIO-Community)
  • brpc - brpc is an Industrial-grade RPC framework using C++ Language, which is often used in high performance system such as Search, Storage, Machine learning, Advertisement, Recommendation etc. "brpc" means "better RPC". (apache)
  • clip - Create charts from the command line (asmuth)
  • tera - An Internet-Scale Database. (baidu)
  • notepad-- - 一个支持windows/linux/mac的文本编辑器,目标是做**人自己的编辑器,来自**。 (cxasm)
  • NotepadNext - A cross-platform, reimplementation of Notepad++ (dail8859)
  • dragonfly - A modern replacement for Redis and Memcached (dragonflydb)
  • envoy - Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy (envoyproxy)
  • rocksdb - A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage. (facebook)
  • faiss - A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. (facebookresearch)
  • fibjs - JavaScript on Fiber (built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine) (fibjs)
  • flashlight - A C++ standalone library for machine learning (flashlight)
  • wav2letter - Facebook AI Research's Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit (flashlight)
  • godot - Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine (godotengine)
  • filament - Filament is a real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebGL2 (google)
  • flatbuffers - FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library (google)
  • flutter-desktop-embedding - Experimental plugins for Flutter for Desktop (google)
  • fluent - A data-driven compute platform (hydro-project)
  • kenlm - KenLM: Faster and Smaller Language Model Queries (kpu)
  • terichdb - TerichDB, an open source data store based on terark engine (krareT)
  • manticoresearch - Easy to use open source fast database for search | Good alternative to Elasticsearch now | Drop-in replacement for E in the ELK soon (manticoresoftware)
  • mumble - Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software. (mumble-voip)
  • hex - heX (netease-youdao)
  • gpt4all - gpt4all: an ecosystem of open-source chatbots trained on a massive collections of clean assistant data including code, stories and dialogue (nomic-ai)
  • imgui - Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies (ocornut)
  • Stacer - Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring - (oguzhaninan)
  • osquery - SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics. (osquery)
  • tokudb-engine - Percona TokuDB is a high-performance, write optimized, compressing, transactional storage engine for Percona Server. Issue tracker: Wiki: Downloads: (percona)
  • TANK - A very high performance distributed log service (phaistos-networks)
  • Karabiner-Elements - Karabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later. (pqrs-org)
  • rethinkdb - The open-source database for the realtime web. (rethinkdb)
  • proxysql - High-performance MySQL proxy with a GPL license. (sysown)
  • node-printer - Native node.js printer (tojocky)
  • uWebSockets - Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications (uNetworking)
  • uWebSockets.js - μWebSockets for Node.js back-ends 🤘 (uNetworking)
  • confluo - Real-time Monitoring and Analysis of Data Streams (ucbrise)
  • nebula - A distributed, fast open-source graph database featuring horizontal scalability and high availability (vesoft-inc)
  • vnote - A pleasant note-taking platform. (vnotex)
  • ice - Comprehensive RPC framework with support for C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and more. (zeroc-ice)
  • kids - Kids Is Data Stream (zhihu)


  • openmoonray - MoonRay is DreamWorks’ open-source, award-winning, state-of-the-art production MCRT renderer. (dreamworksanimation)
  • Ultralight - Next-generation HTML renderer for apps and games (ultralight-ux)


  • mini.css - A minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework! (Chalarangelo)
  • shards-dashboard - 🔥A beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard templates pack. (DesignRevision)
  • w3css - W3.CSS - CSS Framework (JaniRefsnes)
  • VueCircleMenu - 🐰A beautiful circle menu powered by Vue.js (OYsun)
  • 50projects50days - 50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS (bradtraversy)
  • hint.css - A CSS only tooltip library for your lovely websites. (chinchang)
  • CSS-Inspiration - CSS Inspiration,在这里找到写 CSS 的灵感! (chokcoco)
  • rider - Rider 是一个基于 Stylus 与后处理器、无侵入风格的 CSS 样式工具库 (ecomfe)
  • ui-buttons - 100 Modern CSS Buttons. Every style that you can imagine. (eludadev)
  • wing - 💎 A beautiful CSS framework designed for minimalists. (kbrsh)
  • You-need-to-know-css - 💄CSS tricks for web developers~ (l-hammer)
  • progit2 - Pro Git 2nd Edition (progit)



  • warp-ctc - Fast parallel CTC. (baidu-research)


  • gsy_flutter_demo - Flutter 不同于 GSYGithubAppFlutter 完整项目,本项目将逐步完善各种 Flutter 独立例子,方便新手学习上手和小问题方案解决。 目前开始逐步补全完善,主要提供一些有用或者有趣的例子,如果你也有好例子,欢迎提交 PR 。 (CarGuo)
  • flutter-ui-nice - More than 130+ pages in this beautiful app and more than 45 developers has contributed to it. (FlutterOpen)
  • group_button - 💦 Flutter custom widget to make a group buttons. Included Radio and CheckBox buttons. (Frezyx)
  • Flutter-Neumorphic - A complete, ready to use, Neumorphic ui kit for Flutter, 🕶️ dark mode compatible (Idean)
  • cool_ui - 用flutter实现一些我认为好看的UI控件,有Popover,仿Weui的Toast,自定义键盘 (Im-Kevin)
  • keframe - Components that optimize Flutter fluency.(Flutter 流畅度优化的通用方案,轻松解决卡顿问题) (LianjiaTech)
  • FlutterGithub - 用flutter实现的一款界面精美、功能较全的Github App。支持多语言、换肤等功能。代码有充分的注释、简单易懂,很适用于学习flutter。 (MrHGJ)
  • flutter_login - Provides login screen with login/signup functionalities to help speed up development (NearHuscarl)
  • awesome-flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more. (Solido)
  • flutter_staggered_animations - Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row children. (The-ring-io)
  • flutter_catalog - An app showcasing Flutter components, with side-by-side source code view. (X-Wei)
  • opengit_flutter - OpenGit基于Flutter的Github客户端,支持Android和iOS。项目中涉及到BloC、Redux、国际化、多主题以及Github相关信息的查看等。 (Yuzopro)
  • Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard - Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter (abuanwar072)
  • Flutter-Dotted-Border - A Flutter package to easily add dashed borders around widgets (ajilo297)
  • flutter_flow_chart - A #Flutter package that let you draw a flow chart diagram with different kind of customizable elements (alnitak)
  • split_view_example_flutter - Flutter Split View and Drawer Navigation example (bizz84)
  • awesomefluttertips - ❤️ Awesome Flutter Tips and Tricks ❤️ (erluxman)
  • NeteaseCloudMusic - Flutter - NeteaseCloudMusic Flutter 版本的网易云音乐 (fluttercandies)
  • flutter_smart_dialog - An elegant Flutter Dialog solution | 一种更优雅的 Flutter Dialog 解决方案 (fluttercandies)
  • convex_bottom_bar - A Flutter package which implements a ConvexAppBar to show a convex tab in the bottom bar. Theming supported. (hacktons)
  • Flutter-UI-Kit - Flutter app for collection of UI in a UIKit (iampawan)
  • flutter_github - Flutter Github客户端,同时支持Android与IOS,支持账户密码与认证登陆。使用dart语言进行开发,项目架构是基于Model/State/ViewModel的MSVM;使用Navigator进行页面的跳转;网络框架使用了dio。项目持续更新中,为了防止走失,请做好start准备!😊😊 (idisfkj)
  • immich - Self-hosted photo and video backup solution directly from your mobile phone. (immich-app)
  • admin-portal - Invoice Ninja: Admin portal built with Flutter (invoiceninja)
  • getwidget - Most popular and easy to use open source UI library with 1000+ Widgets to build flutter app. (ionicfirebaseapp)
  • timy-messenger - Timy - open source mobile app for groups to communicate and organize themselves. Built with flutter. (janoodleFTW)
  • flutter_slidable - A Flutter implementation of slidable list item with directional slide actions. (letsar)
  • flutter_staggered_grid_view - A Flutter staggered grid view (letsar)
  • easy_dashboard - A flutter package for easy dashboard navigations 🧑🏻‍🦯 (lewiseman)
  • localsend - An open source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop (localsend)
  • Best-Flutter-UI-Templates - completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart. (mitesh77)
  • fun_android_flutter - 👿👿👿👿👿玩Android客户端Flutter版本。Provider的最佳实践.DarkMode、多色彩主题、国际化、切换字体、优美动画 (phoenixsky)
  • flutter_app - 🔥🔥🔥本项目包括各种基本控件使用(Text、TextField、Icon、Image、Listview、Gridview、Picker、Stepper、Dialog、Slider、Row、Appbar、Sizebox、BottomSheet、Chip、Dismissible、FlutterLogo、Check、Switch、TabBar、BottomNavigationBar、Sliver等)、豆瓣电影、tubitv、每日一文、和天气、百姓生活、随机诗词、联系人、句子迷、好奇心日报、有道精品课、高德定位、音乐播放器🎵、追书神器等板块 (shichunlei)
  • drift - Drift is an easy to use, reactive, typesafe persistence library for Dart & Flutter. (simolus3)
  • flutter_deer - 🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图,更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project (including integration testing and accessibility testing). Contains complete UI design drawings for a more realistic practice project. (simplezhli)
  • github-search - GitHub API を利用して GitHub のリポジトリを検索するアプリです。株式会社ゆめみのFlutterエンジニアコードチェックの要件を満たすよう実装しています。 (susatthi)
  • idiom_lv_maker - (tangs)
  • FlutterUnit - 【Flutter 集录指南 App】The unity of flutter, The unity of coder. (toly1994328)
  • flutter-tips-and-tricks - A Collection of Flutter and Dart Tips and Tricks (vandadnp)
  • FlutterUI - For help building amazing UI with Flutter. (yumi0629)


  • NoKey - A distributed password manager without a master password (Zinggi)


  • emqx - The most scalable open-source MQTT broker for IoT, IIoT, and connected vehicles (emqx)


  • Lorien - Infinite canvas drawing/whiteboarding app for Windows, Linux and macOS. Made with Godot. (mbrlabs)


  • Introduction-to-Golang - 【未来服务器端编程语言】最全空降golang资料补给包(满血战斗),包含文章,书籍,作者论文,理论分析,开源框架,云原生,大佬视频,大厂实战分享ppt (0voice)
  • ElasticView - 这是一个简单好用的ElasticSearch可视化客户端,支持连接6,7,8版本的ES,不妨一试 (1340691923)
  • toml - TOML parser for Golang with reflection. (BurntSushi)
  • goxpath - An XPath 1.0 implementation written in the Go programming language. (ChrisTrenkamp)
  • imgo - golang图像处理工具库(golang image process lib) (Comdex)
  • stegify - 🔍 Go tool for LSB steganography, capable of hiding any file within an image. (DimitarPetrov)
  • mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like. (FiloSottile)
  • esp-v2 - A service proxy that provides API management capabilities using Google Service Infrastructure. (GoogleCloudPlatform)
  • kaniko - Build Container Images In Kubernetes (GoogleContainerTools)
  • - 🕹️ A basic gameboy emulator with terminal "Cloud Gaming" support (HFO4)
  • tiedot - A rudimentary implementation of a basic document (NoSQL) database in Go (HouzuoGuo)
  • tabular - Tabular simplifies printing ASCII tables from command line utilities (InVisionApp)
  • gabs - For parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in Go (Jeffail)
  • glide - Package Management for Golang (Masterminds)
  • git-bug - Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges (MichaelMure)
  • ferret - Declarative web scraping (MontFerret)
  • Sia - Blockchain-based marketplace for file storage. Project has moved to GitLab: (NebulousLabs)
  • Open-IM-Server - 即时通讯IM (OpenIMSDK)
  • goquery - A little like that j-thing, only in Go. (PuerkitoBio)
  • poseidon - A search engine which can hold 100 trillion lines of log data. (Qihoo360)
  • Go-Algorithm - Implementations of data structures & algorithms written in Golang. (R1NC)
  • GoExpertProgramming - 《Go专家编程》Go语言快速入门,轻松进阶! (RainbowMango)
  • go-oauth2-server - A standalone, specification-compliant, OAuth2 server written in Golang. (RichardKnop)
  • machinery - Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. (RichardKnop)
  • weaver - Programming framework for writing and deploying cloud applications. (ServiceWeaver)
  • hoverfly - Lightweight service virtualization/ API simulation / API mocking tool for developers and testers (SpectoLabs)
  • TarsGo - A high performance microservice framework in golang. A linux foundation project. (TarsCloud)
  • goim - goim (Terry-Mao)
  • gopush-cluster - Golang push server cluster (Terry-Mao)
  • watermill - Building event-driven applications the easy way in Go. (ThreeDotsLabs)
  • tyk - Tyk Open Source API Gateway written in Go, supporting REST, GraphQL, TCP and gRPC protocols (TykTechnologies)
  • go-datastructures - A collection of useful, performant, and threadsafe Go datastructures. (Workiva)
  • soar - SQL Optimizer And Rewriter (XiaoMi)
  • yao - 🚀 A performance app engine to create web services and applications in minutes.Suitable for AI, IoT, Industrial Internet, Connected Vehicles, DevOps, Energy, Finance and many other use-cases. (YaoApp)
  • fo - An experimental language which adds functional programming features to Go. (albrow)
  • mort - Storage and image processing server written in Go (aldor007)
  • chroma - A general purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go (alecthomas)
  • gometalinter - DEPRECATED: Use (alecthomas)
  • kingpin - CONTRIBUTIONS ONLY: A Go (golang) command line and flag parser (alecthomas)
  • participle - A parser library for Go (alecthomas)
  • pumba - Chaos testing, network emulation, and stress testing tool for containers (alexei-led)
  • simpletable - Simple tables in terminal with Go (alexeyco)
  • gallium - Build desktop applications in Go and HTML. (alexflint)
  • IOC-golang - 一款服务于 Go 开发者的依赖注入框架,方便搭建任何 Go 应用。 A Golang depenedency injection framework, helps developers to build any go application. (alibaba)
  • bigcache - Efficient cache for gigabytes of data written in Go. (allegro)
  • soup - Web Scraper in Go, similar to BeautifulSoup (anaskhan96)
  • pholcus - Pholcus is a distributed high-concurrency crawler software written in pure golang (andeya)
  • ui - Platform-native GUI library for Go. (andlabs)
  • gencode - (andyleap)
  • answer - An open-source knowledge-based community software. You can use it quickly to build Q&A community for your products, customers, teams, and more. (answerdev)
  • go-json-rest - A quick and easy way to setup a RESTful JSON API (ant0ine)
  • fx - Terminal JSON viewer (antonmedv)
  • argo-workflows - Workflow engine for Kubernetes (argoproj)
  • algorithms - Algorithms & Data Structures in Go (arnauddri)
  • acidtab - Go package to print nicely aligned tables in the terminal (arp242)
  • wuzz - Interactive cli tool for HTTP inspection (asciimoo)
  • noms - The versioned, forkable, syncable database (attic-labs)
  • awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software (avelino)
  • mahonia - character-set conversion library implemented in Go (axgle)
  • crud - Relational database library for SQL databases & Go. (azer)
  • go-rate - A timed rate limiter for Go (beefsack)
  • bettercap - The Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE, IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks. (bettercap)
  • bfe - A modern layer 7 load balancer from baidu (bfenetworks)
  • bleve - A modern text indexing library for go (blevesearch)
  • bolt - An embedded key/value database for Go. (boltdb)
  • protoc-gen-validate - Protobuf validation (bufbuild)
  • goreplay - GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence in code deployments, configuration changes and infrastructure changes. (buger)
  • goterm - Advanced terminal output in Go (buger)
  • go-serial - A cross-platform serial library for go-lang. (bugst)
  • olric - Distributed in-memory object store. It can be used both as an embedded Go library and as a language-independent service. (buraksezer)
  • sso - sso, aka S.S.Octopus, aka octoboi, is a single sign-on solution for securing internal services (buzzfeed)
  • go-prompt - Building powerful interactive prompts in Go, inspired by python-prompt-toolkit. (c-bata)
  • caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS (caddyserver)
  • certmagic - Automatic HTTPS for any Go program: fully-managed TLS certificate issuance and renewal (caddyserver)
  • ytt - YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text (carvel-dev)
  • casbin - An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Golang (casbin)
  • cayley - An open-source graph database (cayleygraph)
  • centrifugo - Scalable real-time messaging server in a language-agnostic way. Set up once and forever. (centrifugal)
  • circuit - An efficient and feature complete Hystrix like Go implementation of the circuit breaker pattern. (cep21)
  • go-ast-book - 📚 《Go语言定制指南》(原名:Go语法树入门/开源免费图书/Go语言进阶/掌握抽象语法树/Go语言AST) (chai2010)
  • bubbles - TUI components for Bubble Tea 🫧 (charmbracelet)
  • bubbletea - A powerful little TUI framework 🏗 (charmbracelet)
  • gum - A tool for glamorous shell scripts 🎀 (charmbracelet)
  • vhs - Your CLI home video recorder 📼 (charmbracelet)
  • grogudb - 🐸 Grogudb is a KV Database designed for fast write/scan heavy workloads. (chenjiandongx)
  • chromedp - A faster, simpler way to drive browsers supporting the Chrome DevTools Protocol. (chromedp)
  • readline - Readline is a pure go(golang) implementation for GNU-Readline kind library (chzyer)
  • seelog - Seelog is a native Go logging library that provides flexible asynchronous dispatching, filtering, and formatting. (cihub)
  • hertz - Go HTTP framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services. (cloudwego)
  • kitex - Go RPC framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services. (cloudwego)
  • netpoll - A high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework focusing on RPC scenarios. (cloudwego)
  • cockroach - CockroachDB - the open source, cloud-native distributed SQL database. (cockroachdb)
  • coder - A tool that provisions remote development environments via Terraform (coder)
  • sshcode - Run VS Code on any server over SSH. (coder)
  • faktory - Language-agnostic persistent background job server (contribsys)
  • freecache - A cache library for Go with zero GC overhead. (coocood)
  • Yearning - 🐳 A most popular sql audit platform for mysql (cookieY)
  • coredns - CoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins (coredns)
  • crawlab - Distributed web crawler admin platform for spiders management regardless of languages and frameworks. 分布式爬虫管理平台,支持任何语言和框架 (crawlab-team)
  • pty - PTY interface for Go (creack)
  • imagor - Fast, secure image processing server and Go library, using libvips (cshum)
  • go-conv - Fast conversions across various Go types with a simple API. (cstockton)
  • nephele - Image Service (ctripcorp)
  • Gorganizer - Organize your folders into a beautiful classified folder structure with this perfect tool (d6o)
  • dapr - Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge. (dapr)
  • gcvis - Visualise Go program GC trace data in real time (davecheney)
  • graphpkg - Graph Go package dependencies (davecheney)
  • httpstat - It's like curl -v, with colours. (davecheney)
  • mole - CLI application to create ssh tunnels focused on resiliency and user experience. (davrodpin)
  • gologin - Go login handlers for authentication providers (OAuth1, OAuth2) (dghubble)
  • badger - Fast key-value DB in Go. (dgraph-io)
  • dgraph - Native GraphQL Database with graph backend (dgraph-io)
  • GateKeeper - A high-performance Golang gateway that supports rapid development and plug-inization (didi)
  • tollbooth - Simple middleware to rate-limit HTTP requests. (didip)
  • textql - Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV (dinedal)
  • imaging - Imaging is a simple image processing package for Go (disintegration)
  • go-multicast - Experiments in UDP Multicasting (dmichael)
  • deploykit - A toolkit for creating and managing declarative, self-healing infrastructure. (docker-archive)
  • godropbox - Common libraries for writing Go services/applications. (dropbox)
  • gotab - Simple bash tab completion for the go command. (dsnet)
  • lancet - A comprehensive, efficient, and reusable util function library of go. (duke-git)
  • pingo - Plugins for Go (dullgiulio)
  • vulcain - Fast and idiomatic client-driven REST APIs. (dunglas)
  • xapimanager - XAPI MANAGER -专业实用的开源接口管理平台,为程序开发者提供一个灵活,方便,快捷的API管理工具,让API管理变的更加清晰、明朗。如果你觉得xApi对你有用的话,别忘了给我们点个赞哦^_^ ! (duolatech)
  • openwechat - golang微信SDK (eatmoreapple)
  • beats - 🐠 Beats - Lightweight shippers for Elasticsearch & Logstash (elastic)
  • goproxy - An HTTP proxy library for Go (elazarl)
  • gods - GoDS (Go Data Structures) - Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues, and much more (emirpasic)
  • emitter - High performance, distributed and low latency publish-subscribe platform. (emitter-io)
  • ent - An entity framework for Go (ent)
  • goku_lite - A Powerful HTTP API Gateway in pure golang!Goku API Gateway (中文名:悟空 API 网关)是一个基于 Golang开发的微服务网关,能够实现高性能 HTTP API 转发、服务编排、多租户管理、API 访问权限控制等目的,拥有强大的自定义插件系统可以自行扩展,并且提供友好的图形化配置界面,能够快速帮助企业进行 API 服务治理、提高 API 服务的稳定性和安全性。 (eolinker)
  • 1m-go-websockets - handling 1M websockets connections in Go (eranyanay)
  • rat - Compose shell commands to build interactive terminal applications (ericfreese)
  • gorun - gorun is a tool enabling one to put a "bang line" in the source code of a Go program to run it, or to run such a source code file explicitly. It was created in an attempt to make experimenting with Go more appealing to people used to Python and similar languages which operate most visibly with source code. (erning)
  • cli - A Go based command line tool for (exercism)
  • fabio - Consul Load-Balancing made simple (fabiolb)
  • manba - HTTP API Gateway (fagongzi)
  • frp - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet. (fatedier)
  • goldi - Goldi: lazy dependency injection framework for go. (fgrosse)
  • fireworq - Fireworq is a lightweight, high-performance, language-independent job queue system. (fireworq)
  • fission - Fast and Simple Serverless Functions for Kubernetes (fission)
  • go-guerrilla - Mini SMTP server written in golang (flashmob)
  • kingshard - A high-performance MySQL proxy (flike)
  • pongo2 - Django-syntax like template-engine for Go (flosch)
  • flynn - [UNMAINTAINED] A next generation open source platform as a service (PaaS) (flynn)
  • fn - The container native, cloud agnostic serverless platform. (fnproject)
  • primitive - Reproducing images with geometric primitives. (fogleman)
  • go-dockerclient - Go client for the Docker Engine API. (fsouza)
  • grpcurl - Like cURL, but for gRPC: Command-line tool for interacting with gRPC servers (fullstorydev)
  • endless - Zero downtime restarts for go servers (Drop in replacement for http.ListenAndServe) (fvbock)
  • gaia - Build powerful pipelines in any programming language. (gaia-pipeline)
  • inflector - Go library that pluralizes and singularizes English nouns. (gedex)
  • hero - [NO LONGER MAINTAINED} oauth 2 server implementation in Go (gernest)
  • gin - Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin. (gin-gonic)
  • cloud-game - Web-based Cloud Gaming service for Retro Game (giongto35)
  • termui - Golang terminal dashboard (gizak)
  • check - Rich testing for the Go language (go-check)
  • chi - lightweight, idiomatic and composable router for building Go HTTP services (go-chi)
  • gse - Go efficient multilingual NLP and text segmentation; support English, Chinese, Japanese and others. (go-ego)
  • riot - Go Open Source, Distributed, Simple and efficient Search Engine; Warning: This is V1 and beta version, because of big memory consume, and the V2 will be rewrite all code. (go-ego)
  • go-flutter - Flutter on Windows, MacOS and Linux - based on Flutter Embedding, Go and GLFW. (go-flutter-desktop)
  • gorm - The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly (go-gorm)
  • kit - A standard library for microservices. (go-kit)
  • kratos - Your ultimate Go microservices framework for the cloud-native era. (go-kratos)
  • martini - Classy web framework for Go (go-martini)
  • go-micro - A Go microservices framework (go-micro)
  • qml - QML support for the Go language (go-qml)
  • reform - A better ORM for Go, based on non-empty interfaces and code generation. (go-reform)
  • go-spring - 基于 IoC 的 Go 后端一站式开发框架 ( All-in-One Development Framework on IoC for Go ) 🚀 (go-spring)
  • mysql - Go MySQL Driver is a MySQL driver for Go's (golang) database/sql package (go-sql-driver)
  • task - A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go (go-task)
  • robotgo - RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform GUI automation @vcaesar (go-vgo)
  • goa - Design-based APIs and microservices in Go (goadesign)
  • cache - Mango Cache 🥭 - Partial implementation of Guava Cache in Go (golang). (goburrow)
  • ws - Tiny WebSocket library for Go. (gobwas)
  • colly - Elegant Scraper and Crawler Framework for Golang (gocolly)
  • gf - GoFrame is a modular, powerful, high-performance and enterprise-class application development framework of Golang. (gogf)
  • hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites. (gohugoio)
  • dep - Go dependency management tool experiment (deprecated) (golang)
  • mock - GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language. (golang)
  • oauth2 - Go OAuth2 (golang)
  • vgo - [mirror] Versioned Go Prototype (golang)
  • go2-book - 📚 《Go2编程指南》开源图书,重点讲解Go2新特性,以及Go1教程中较少涉及的特性 (golang-china)
  • athens - A Go module datastore and proxy (gomods)
  • cadvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. (google)
  • git-appraise - Distributed code review system for Git repos (google)
  • gnostic-grpc - A gnostic plugin that converts an OpenAPI API description into a description of a gRPC service that can be used to implement that API using gRPC-JSON Transcoding. (google)
  • go-cloud - The Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK): A library and tools for open cloud development in Go. (google)
  • gofuzz - Fuzz testing for go. (google)
  • gopacket - Provides packet processing capabilities for Go (google)
  • grumpy - Grumpy is a Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime. (google)
  • gxui - An experimental Go cross platform UI library. (google)
  • jsonapi - style payload serializer and deserializer (google)
  • seesaw - Seesaw v2 is a Linux Virtual Server (LVS) based load balancing platform. (google)
  • wire - Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go (google)
  • goproxy - A global proxy for Go modules. (goproxyio)
  • goreleaser - Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible (goreleaser)
  • websocket - A fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go. (gorilla)
  • gorse - Gorse open source recommender system engine (gorse-io)
  • uilive - uilive is a go library for updating terminal output in realtime (gosuri)
  • uiprogress - A go library to render progress bars in terminal applications (gosuri)
  • uitable - A go library to improve readability in terminal apps using tabular data (gosuri)
  • server - A simple server for sending and receiving messages in real-time per WebSocket. (Includes a sleek web-ui) (gotify)
  • k6 - A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript - (grafana)
  • loki - Like Prometheus, but for logs. (grafana)
  • teleport - The easiest, most secure way to access infrastructure. (gravitational)
  • algorithm-pattern - 算法模板,最科学的刷题方式,最快速的刷题路径,你值得拥有~ (greyireland)
  • grpc-gateway - gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec (grpc-ecosystem)
  • asciigraph - Go package to make lightweight ASCII line graph ╭┈╯ in command line apps with no other dependencies. (guptarohit)
  • imaginary - Fast, simple, scalable, Docker-ready HTTP microservice for high-level image processing (h2non)
  • LeetCode-Go - ✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解 (halfrost)
  • goInception - 一个集审核、执行、备份及生成回滚语句于一身的MySQL运维工具 (hanchuanchuan)
  • go-plugin - Golang plugin system over RPC. (hashicorp)
  • nomad - Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and has native Consul and Vault integrations. (hashicorp)
  • serf - Service orchestration and management tool. (hashicorp)
  • vault - A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management (hashicorp)
  • httpu - The terminal-first http client (hazbo)
  • xmm - XMM is a high performance third party memory manager for Go environments that is not affected by Gc and guarantees high performance. XMM是一个在Go语言环境中完全自主实现的第三方内存管理库,不依赖于Go本身的任何内存管理能力,纯自主实现能够应对各种场景下大小内存的 分配/释放 工作,能自主构建高性能的 链表/树/哈希表等各类数据结构,能良好完美的逃逸掉Go内置的GC机制,是构建高性能程序基础设施。 (heiyeluren)
  • ultimate-go - The Ultimate Go Study Guide (hoanhan101)
  • wukong - 高度可定制的全文搜索引擎 (huichen)
  • gocv - Go package for computer vision using OpenCV 4 and beyond. (hybridgroup)
  • fabric - Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry use cases. It offers a unique approach to consensus that enables performance at scale while preserving privacy. (hyperledger)
  • workq - Job server in Go (iamduo)
  • lux - 👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go (iawia002)
  • req - Simple Go HTTP client with Black Magic (imroc)
  • screen - Little helper for clearing the screen using pure Go in a cross-platform way (inancgumus)
  • ngrok - Introspected tunnels to localhost (inconshreveable)
  • influxdb - Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics (influxdata)
  • atlas-app-toolkit - This repository provides common Go utilities and helpers that are reusable from project-to-project. The goal is to prevent code duplication by encouraging teams to use and contribute to toolkit libraries. The toolkit is not a framework. Rather, it is a set of (mostly gRPC-related) plugins and helpers. (infobloxopen)
  • flaggy - Idiomatic Go input parsing with subcommands, positional values, and flags at any position. No required project or package layout and no external dependencies. (integrii)
  • snap - The open telemetry framework (intelsdi-x)
  • functions - IronFunctions - the serverless microservices platform by (iron-io)
  • istio - Connect, secure, control, and observe services. (istio)
  • jaeger - CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform (jaegertracing)
  • prose - 📖 A Golang library for text processing, including tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and named-entity extraction. (jdkato)
  • lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands (jesseduffield)
  • protoreflect - Reflection (Rich Descriptors) for Go Protocol Buffers (jhump)
  • now - Now is a time toolkit for golang (jinzhu)
  • mmock - Mmock is an HTTP mocking application for testing and fast prototyping (jmartin82)
  • sqlx - general purpose extensions to golang's database/sql (jmoiron)
  • websocketd - Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server. Like inetd, but for WebSockets. (joewalnes)
  • impl - impl generates method stubs for implementing an interface. (josharian)
  • slack-term - Slack client for your terminal (jpbruinsslot)
  • overseer - Monitorable, gracefully restarting, self-upgrading binaries in Go (golang) (jpillora)
  • gocui - Minimalist Go package aimed at creating Console User Interfaces. (jroimartin)
  • go - A high-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json" (json-iterator)
  • juicefs - JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3. (juicedata)
  • httprouter - A high performance HTTP request router that scales well (julienschmidt)
  • fzf - 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder (junegunn)
  • corgi - Corgi is a command-line workflow manager that helps with your repetitive command usages by organizing them into reusable snippet (junyu-w)
  • govendor - Use Go Modules. (kardianos)
  • fsql - Search for files using a fun query language (kashav)
  • iris - The fastest HTTP/2 Go Web Framework. New, modern and easy to learn. Fast development with Code you control. Unbeatable cost-performance ratio 🚀 (kataras)
  • gorawtcpsyn - Demonstrates how to use raw IP sockets in golang and do a simple TCP SYN port scan (kdar)
  • escpos - A simple Golang package for handling Epson ESC-POS printer commands. It also provides a simple TM-Intelligent/ePOS-XML server implementation. (kenshaw)
  • serving - Kubernetes-based, scale-to-zero, request-driven compute (knative)
  • pet - Simple command-line snippet manager, written in Go. (knqyf263)
  • zadig - Zadig is a cloud native, distributed, developer-oriented continuous delivery product. (koderover)
  • evans - Evans: more expressive universal gRPC client (ktr0731)
  • minikube - Run Kubernetes locally (kubernetes)
  • kubevela - The Modern Application Platform. (kubevela)
  • echo - High performance, minimalist Go web framework (labstack)
  • darktile - 🌘 Darktile is a GPU rendered terminal emulator designed for tiling window managers. (liamg)
  • lile - Easily generate gRPC services in Go ⚡️ (lileio)
  • linkerd2 - Ultralight, security-first service mesh for Kubernetes. Main repo for Linkerd 2.x. (linkerd)
  • shellwords - String tokenizer for Go based on the Ruby Shellwords module (lmika)
  • loggie - A lightweight, cloud-native data transfer agent and aggregator (loggie-io)
  • aurora - Golang ultimate ANSI-colors that supports Printf/Sprintf methods (logrusorgru)
  • frpc-go - fRPC-go is a lightweight, fast, and secure RPC framework implemented for Go that uses Frisbee under the hood (loopholelabs)
  • loxilb - eBPF based cloud-native load-balancer. Powering K8s|Edge|5G|IoT|XaaS Apps. (loxilb-io)
  • go-colorful - A library for playing with colors in go (golang). (lucasb-eyer)
  • lura - Ultra performant API Gateway with middlewares. A project hosted at The Linux Foundation (luraproject)
  • pipeline - Node-based automation server (m-reda)
  • slides - Terminal based presentation tool (maaslalani)
  • easyjson - Fast JSON serializer for golang. (mailru)
  • goplayground - (majek)
  • promptui - Interactive prompt for command-line applications (manifoldco)
  • chart - Quick & smart charting for STDIN (marianogappa)
  • goth - Package goth provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic way to write authentication packages for Go web applications. (markbates)
  • go-embed-example - (mattn)
  • go-app - A package to build progressive web apps with Go programming language and WebAssembly. (maxence-charriere)
  • webtty - Share a terminal session over WebRTC (maxmcd)
  • esm - An Elasticsearch Migration Tool. (medcl)
  • easegress - A Cloud Native traffic orchestration system (megaease)
  • mylg - Network Diagnostic Tool (mehrdadrad)
  • memphis - Next-Generation Event Processing Platform (memphisdev)
  • meshbird - Distributed private networking (meshbird)
  • revive - 🔥 ~6x faster, stricter, configurable, extensible, and beautiful drop-in replacement for golint (mgechev)
  • template-compiler - Compile text/template / html/template to regular go code (mh-cbon)
  • Learning-Go-zh-cn - 一本学习 Go 语言的免费电子书。 (mikespook)
  • golang-devops-stuff - (mindreframer)
  • dingo - An easy-to-use, distributed, extensible task/job queue framework for #golang (mission-liao)
  • fac - Easy-to-use CUI for fixing git conflicts (mkchoi212)
  • geektime-dl - 👾 Geektime-dl 是使用Go构建的快速、简单的极客时间下载器,支持专栏下载为PDF文档。 (mmzou)
  • moby - Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems (moby)
  • swarmkit - A toolkit for orchestrating distributed systems at any scale. It includes primitives for node discovery, raft-based consensus, task scheduling and more. (moby)
  • mosn - The Cloud-Native Network Proxy Platform (mosn)
  • beehive - A flexible event/agent & automation system with lots of bees 🐝 (muesli)
  • smartcrop - smartcrop finds good image crops for arbitrary crop sizes (muesli)
  • termenv - Advanced ANSI style & color support for your terminal applications (muesli)
  • dsq - Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more. (multiprocessio)
  • redis-tui - A Redis Text-based UI client in CLI (mylxsw)
  • nanobox - The ideal platform for developers (nanobox-io)
  • pie - a toolkit for creating plugins for Go applications (natefinch)
  • nats-server - High-Performance server for, the cloud and edge native messaging system. (nats-io)
  • gotrue - An SWT based API for managing users and issuing SWT tokens. (netlify)
  • geektime-downloader - 极客时间课程下载器,支持下载极客时间专栏/视频课/每日一课/大厂实践/训练营视频 (nicoxiang)
  • nsq - A realtime distributed messaging platform (nsqio)
  • nuclio - High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform (nuclio)
  • nutsdb - A simple, fast, embeddable, persistent key/value store written in pure Go. It supports fully serializable transactions and many data structures such as list, set, sorted set. (nutsdb)
  • oklog - A distributed and coördination-free log management system (oklog)
  • when - A natural language date/time parser with pluggable rules (olebedev)
  • ginkgo - A Modern Testing Framework for Go (onsi)
  • gomega - Ginkgo's Preferred Matcher Library (onsi)
  • falcon-plus - An open-source and enterprise-level monitoring system. (open-falcon)
  • opa - An open source, general-purpose policy engine. (open-policy-agent)
  • slim - Surprisingly space efficient trie in Golang(11 bits/key; 100 ns/get). (openacid)
  • faas - OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple (openfaas)
  • osin - Golang OAuth2 server library (openshift)
  • zrok - Geo-scale, next-generation sharing platform built on top of OpenZiti. (openziti)
  • hydra - OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. Works with Hardware Security Modules. Compatible with MITREid. (ory)
  • ladon - A SDK for access control policies: authorization for the microservice and IoT age. Inspired by AWS IAM policies. Written for Go. (ory)
  • realize - Realize is the #1 Golang Task Runner which enhance your workflow by automating the most common tasks and using the best performing Golang live reloading. (oxequa)
  • ants - 🐜🐜🐜 ants is a high-performance and low-cost goroutine pool in Go./ ants 是一个高性能且低损耗的 goroutine 池。 (panjf2000)
  • gnet - 🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go./ gnet 是一个高性能、轻量级、非阻塞的事件驱动 Go 网络框架。 (panjf2000)
  • pdfcpu - A PDF processor written in Go. (pdfcpu)
  • liner - Pure Go line editor with history, inspired by linenoise (peterh)
  • failpoint - An implementation of failpoints for Golang. (pingcap)
  • xlsx - Fast and reliable way to work with Microsoft Excel™ [xlsx] files in Golang (plandem)
  • pocketbase - Open Source realtime backend in 1 file (pocketbase)
  • peg - Peg, Parsing Expression Grammar, is an implementation of a Packrat parser generator. (pointlander)
  • polaris - Service Discovery and Governance Platform for Microservice and Distributed Architecture (polarismesh)
  • ponzu - Headless CMS with automatic JSON API. Featuring auto-HTTPS from Let's Encrypt, HTTP/2 Server Push, and flexible server framework written in Go. (ponzu-cms)
  • complete - bash completion written in go + bash completion for go command (posener)
  • sup - Super simple deployment tool - think of it like 'make' for a network of servers (pressly)
  • katana - A next-generation crawling and spidering framework. (projectdiscovery)
  • prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database. (prometheus)
  • protoc-gen-doc - Documentation generator plugin for Google Protocol Buffers (pseudomuto)
  • excelize - Go language library for reading and writing Microsoft Excel™ (XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX) spreadsheets (qax-os)
  • goreporter - A Golang tool that does static analysis, unit testing, code review and generate code quality report. (qax-os)
  • boom - HTTP(S) load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement, written in Go (rakyll)
  • hey - HTTP load generator, ApacheBench (ab) replacement (rakyll)
  • statik - Embed files into a Go executable (rakyll)
  • goagain - Zero-downtime restarts in Go (rcrowley)
  • spread - Docker to Kubernetes in one command (redspread)
  • tview - Terminal UI library with rich, interactive widgets — written in Golang (rivo)
  • rkt - [Project ended] rkt is a pod-native container engine for Linux. It is composable, secure, and built on standards. (rkt)
  • two-factor-auth - Generate 2FA tokens compatible with Google Authenticator (robbiev)
  • otto - A JavaScript interpreter in Go (golang) (robertkrimen)
  • rook - Storage Orchestration for Kubernetes (rook)
  • xid - xid is a globally unique id generator thought for the web (rs)
  • zerolog - Zero Allocation JSON Logger (rs)
  • lo - 💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...) (samber)
  • go-zookeeper - Native ZooKeeper client for Go. This project is no longer maintained. Please use instead. (samuel)
  • croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another 🐊 📦 (schollz)
  • progressbar - A really basic thread-safe progress bar for Golang applications (schollz)
  • go-set - Type-safe, zero-allocation sets for Go (scylladb)
  • seaweedfs - SeaweedFS is a fast distributed storage system for blobs, objects, files, and data lake, for billions of files! Blob store has O(1) disk seek, cloud tiering. Filer supports Cloud Drive, cross-DC active-active replication, Kubernetes, POSIX FUSE mount, S3 API, S3 Gateway, Hadoop, WebDAV, encryption, Erasure Coding. (seaweedfs)
  • cuckoofilter - Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom (seiflotfy)
  • hashring - Consistent hashing "hashring" implementation in golang (using the same algorithm as libketama) (serialx)
  • go-ora - Pure go oracle client (sijms)
  • gorazor - Razor view engine for go (sipin)
  • shuttle - A web proxy in Golang with amazing features. (sipt)
  • logrus - Structured, pluggable logging for Go. (sirupsen)
  • plow - A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool that includes a real-time web UI and terminal display (six-ddc)
  • golearn - Machine Learning for Go (sjwhitworth)
  • skizze - A probabilistic data structure service and storage (skizzehq)
  • rpcx - Best microservices framework in Go, like alibaba Dubbo, but with more features, Scale easily. Try it. Test it. If you feel it's better, use it! 𝐉𝐚𝐯𝐚有𝐝𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨, 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠有𝐫𝐩𝐜𝐱! build for cloud! (smallnest)
  • goconvey - Go testing in the browser. Integrates with go test. Write behavioral tests in Go. (smartystreets)
  • goproxy - 🔥 Proxy is a high performance HTTP(S) proxies, SOCKS5 proxies,WEBSOCKET, TCP, UDP proxy server implemented by golang. Now, it supports chain-style proxies,nat forwarding in different lan,TCP/UDP port forwarding, SSH forwarding.Proxy是golang实现的高性能http,https,websocket,tcp,socks5代理服务器,支持内网穿透,链式代理,通讯加密,智能HTTP,SOCKS5代理,黑白名单,限速,限流量,限连接数,跨平台,KCP支持,认证API。 (snail007)
  • cmux - Connection multiplexer for GoLang: serve different services on the same port! (soheilhy)
  • srclib - srclib is a polyglot code analysis library, built for hackability. It consists of language analysis toolchains (currently for Go and Java, with Python, JavaScript, and Ruby in beta) with a common output format, and a CLI tool for running the analysis. (sourcegraph)
  • cobra - A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions (spf13)
  • viper - Go configuration with fangs (spf13)
  • sqlflow - Brings SQL and AI together. (sql-machine-learning)
  • sampler - Tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting. Configured with a simple YAML file. (sqshq)
  • proteus - Generate .proto files from Go source code. (src-d)
  • go-grpc-http1 - A gRPC via HTTP/1 Enabling Library for Go (stackrox)
  • consistent - Consistent hash package for Go. (stathat)
  • drpc - drpc is a lightweight, drop-in replacement for gRPC (storj)
  • amqp - Go client for AMQP 0.9.1 (streadway)
  • testify - A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library (stretchr)
  • veneur - A distributed, fault-tolerant pipeline for observability data (stripe)
  • sift - A fast and powerful alternative to grep (svent)
  • syncthing - Open Source Continuous File Synchronization (syncthing)
  • go-excel - A simple and light excel file reader to read a standard excel as a table faster | 一个轻量级的Excel数据读取库,用一种更关系数据库的方式解析Excel。 (szyhf)
  • daemon - A daemon package for use with Go (golang) services (takama)
  • night - Weekly Go Online Meetup via Bilibili|Go 夜读|通过 bilibili 在线直播的方式分享 Go 相关的技术话题,每天大家在微信/telegram/Slack 上及时沟通交流编程技术话题。 (talkgo)
  • loginsrv - JWT login microservice with plugable backends such as OAuth2, Google, Github, htpasswd, osiam, .. (tarent)
  • serial - (tarm)
  • xlsx - (No longer maintained!) Go (golang) library for reading and writing XLSX files. (tealeg)
  • mmm - [Go] mmm - manual memory management library. (teh-cmc)
  • d2 - D2 is a modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams. (terrastruct)
  • thanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project. (thanos-io)
  • renderer - Simple, lightweight and faster response (JSON, JSONP, XML, YAML, HTML, File) rendering package for Go (thedevsaddam)
  • qt - Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly (therecipe)
  • throttled - Package throttled implements rate limiting access to resources such as HTTP endpoints. (throttled)
  • gjson - Get JSON values quickly - JSON parser for Go (tidwall)
  • summitdb - In-memory NoSQL database with ACID transactions, Raft consensus, and Redis API (tidwall)
  • tile38 - Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing (tidwall)
  • chat - Instant messaging platform. Backend in Go. Clients: Swift iOS, Java Android, JS webapp, scriptable command line; chatbots (tinode)
  • msgp - A Go code generator for MessagePack /[Go] (tinylib)
  • gmsm - GM SM2/3/4 library based on Golang (基于Go语言的国密SM2/SM3/SM4算法库) (tjfoc)
  • go-patterns - Curated list of Go design patterns, recipes and idioms (tmrts)
  • godep - dependency tool for go (tools)
  • traefik - The Cloud Native Application Proxy (traefik)
  • jocko - Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native) (travisjeffery)
  • vegeta - HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000! (tsenart)
  • tr - Easy drop-in i18n solution for Go applications. (tucnak)
  • bench - A generic latency benchmarking library. (tylertreat)
  • prototool - Your Swiss Army Knife for Protocol Buffers (uber)
  • cherami-server - Distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available message queue system. This project is deprecated and not maintained. (uber-archive)
  • dig - A reflection based dependency injection toolkit for Go. (uber-go)
  • ratelimit - A Go blocking leaky-bucket rate limit implementation (uber-go)
  • zap - Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go. (uber-go)
  • unioffice - Pure go library for creating and processing Office Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx) and Powerpoint (.pptx) documents (unidoc)
  • the-way-to-go_ZH_CN - 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》 (unknwon)
  • upspin - Upspin: A framework for naming everyone's everything. (upspin)
  • cli - A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go (urfave)
  • fathom - Fathom Lite. Simple, privacy-focused website analytics. Built with Golang & Preact. (usefathom)
  • grpc-client-cli - generic gRPC command line client (vadimi)
  • fasttemplate - Simple and fast template engine for Go (valyala)
  • quicktemplate - Fast, powerful, yet easy to use template engine for Go. Optimized for speed, zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 20x faster than html/template (valyala)
  • go-repl - A Go REPL. Builds up a source .go file over time, compiles it for output. (vito)
  • automi - A stream processing API for Go (alpha) (vladimirvivien)
  • msgpack -[Go] MessagePack encoding for Golang (vmihailenco)
  • kubeless - Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework (vmware-archive)
  • wails - Create beautiful applications using Go (wailsapp)
  • scope - Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes (weaveworks)
  • weave - Simple, resilient multi-host containers networking and more. (weaveworks)
  • weaviate - Weaviate is an open source vector database that stores both objects and vectors, allowing for combining vector search with structured filtering with the fault-tolerance and scalability of a cloud-native database, all accessible through GraphQL, REST, and various language clients. (weaviate)
  • wonaming - Wonaming is a simple grpc-go balancer & naming implementation, supporting etcd and Consul as the service register/discovery backend. Wonaming also supports self-register to etcd/consul. (wothing)
  • gore - Yet another Go REPL that works nicely. Featured with line editing, code completion, and more. (x-motemen)
  • 10billionhongbaos - golang 实现单机支持100万用户,同时模拟了2015年微信红包的1400万QPS的场景,让服务器在压力下,轻松地完成业务。 (xiaojiaqi)
  • go-gin-api - 基于 Gin 进行模块化设计的 API 框架,封装了常用功能,使用简单,致力于进行快速的业务研发。比如,支持 cors 跨域、jwt 签名验证、zap 日志收集、panic 异常捕获、trace 链路追踪、prometheus 监控指标、swagger 文档生成、viper 配置文件解析、gorm 数据库组件、gormgen 代码生成工具、graphql 查询语言、errno 统一定义错误码、gRPC 的使用、cron 定时任务 等等。 (xinliangnote)
  • xo - Command line tool to generate idiomatic Go code for SQL databases supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server (xo)
  • stream - Golang stream lib is like Java 8 stream. Only handle slice or array. (yale8848)
  • sshw - 🐝 ssh client wrapper for automatic login (yinheli)
  • - golang implementation (yosuke-furukawa)
  • doorman - Doorman: Global Distributed Client Side Rate Limiting. (youtube)
  • grpc-graphql-gateway - A protoc plugin that generates graphql execution code from Protocol Buffers. (ysugimoto)
  • gotty - Share your terminal as a web application (yudai)
  • go-zero - A cloud-native Go microservices framework with cli tool for productivity. (zeromicro)
  • goDataAccess - 🪲Data access framework in native Golang(Golang实现的类Scrapy框架) (zhangxiaoyang)
  • zincsearch - ZincSearch . A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go. (zincsearch)
  • s - Open a web search in your terminal. (zquestz)
  • micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor (zyedidia)



  • charts.css - Open source CSS framework for data visualization. (ChartsCSS)
  • gentelella - Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template (ColorlibHQ)
  • BELLE - BELLE: Be Everyone's Large Language model Engine(开源中文对话大模型) (LianjiaTech)
  • REKCARC-TSC-UHT - 清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University (PKUanonym)
  • zju-icicles - 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划 (QSCTech)
  • skill-map - 程序员技能图谱 (TeamStuQ)
  • mvp - MVP.css — Minimalist classless CSS stylesheet for HTML elements (andybrewer)
  • pdf2htmlEX - Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format. (coolwanglu)
  • architecture.of.internet-product - 互联网公司技术架构,微信/淘宝/微博/腾讯/阿里/美团点评/百度/Google/Facebook/Amazon/eBay的架构,欢迎PR补充 (davideuler)
  • Screenshot-to-code - A neural network that transforms a design mock-up into a static website. (emilwallner)
  • epoch - A general purpose, real-time visualization library. (epochjs)
  • pup - Parsing HTML at the command line (ericchiang)
  • go101 - An up-to-date (unofficial) knowledge base for Go programming self learning (go101)
  • gradio - Create UIs for your machine learning model in Python in 3 minutes (gradio-app)
  • samurai-native - Bring web standards to native platform (hackers-painters)
  • go_command_tutorial - Golang command tutorial in Chinese. (hyper0x)
  • geektime2pdf - 极客时间专栏文章 转为 PDF 包含评论 音频 (jjeejj)
  • dashboards - Responsive dashboard templates 📊✨ (keen)
  • hierapolis - Bootstrap 3 based flat style admin theme (lab2023)
  • - 《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning (nndl)
  • growth-ebook - Growth Engineering: The Definitive Guide。全栈增长工程师指南 (phodal)
  • free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev (ripienaar)
  • - Implementation of mustache.js for Java (spullara)
  • tabler - Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap (tabler)
  • github-corners - A fresher "Fork me on GitHub" callout. (tholman)
  • sheet - a tiny Excel clone (xem)


  • advanced-go-programming-book - 📚 《Go语言高级编程》开源图书,涵盖CGO、Go汇编语言、RPC实现、Protobuf插件实现、Web框架实现、分布式系统等高阶主题(完稿) (chai2010)
  • - 📚 Go语言圣经中文版 🇨🇳 (gopl-zh)


  • wvp-GB28181-pro - WEB VIDEO PLATFORM是一个基于GB28181-2016标准实现的网络视频平台,支持NAT穿透,支持海康、大华、宇视等品牌的IPC、NVR、DVR接入。支持国标级联,支持rtsp/rtmp等视频流转发到国标平台,支持rtsp/rtmp等推流转发到国标平台。 (648540858)
  • spring-cloud-gateway-grpc - Blog post describing how to enable gRPC support in the latest Spring Cloud Gateway (Albertoimpl)
  • grpc-spring-boot-starter - Spring Boot & GRPC Framework (AnoyiX)
  • ApiManager - CRAP - 开源API接口管理平台 | 完全开源、免费使用的API接口管理系统、BUG管理系统:API接口管理、文档管理、数据库表管理、接口调试、浏览器调试插件、导出word&pdf接口…..,采用SpringMVC + MyBatis + Lucene + Bootstrap + Angularjs + Iconfont + Guava Cache ,线上使用地址: (EhsanTang)
  • grpcmock - A gRPC Java testing tool to easily mock endpoints of gRPC services for IT or Unit testing (Fadelis)
  • fnlp - 中文自然语言处理工具包 Toolkit for Chinese natural language processing (FudanNLP)
  • jib - 🏗 Build container images for your Java applications. (GoogleContainerTools)
  • GcExcel-Java - High-speed Excel spreadsheet API for Java (GrapeCity)
  • jackson-datatype-protobuf - (HubSpot)
  • EasyML - Easy Machine Learning is a general-purpose dataflow-based system for easing the process of applying machine learning algorithms to real world tasks. (ICT-BDA)
  • disruptor - High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library (LMAX-Exchange)
  • pre - Pre基于Spring Boot 、Spring Security的RBAC权限管理系统, 做更简洁的后台管理系统。 (LiHaodong888)
  • MyPerf4J - High performance Java APM. Powered by ASM. Try it. Test it. If you feel its better, use it. (LinShunKang)
  • grpc-spring-boot-starter - Spring Boot starter module for gRPC framework. (LogNet)
  • Zebra - 美团点评集团统一使用的MySQL数据库访问层的中间件。主要提供对业务开发透明、读写分库、分库分表能力,并提供了端到端SQL监控的集成方案。 (Meituan-Dianping)
  • LeetCodeAnimation - Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路) (MisterBooo)
  • ansj_seg - ansj分词.ict的真正java实现.分词效果速度都超过开源版的ict. 中文分词,人名识别,词性标注,用户自定义词典 (NLPchina)
  • nlp-lang - 这个项目是一个基本包.封装了大多数nlp项目中常用工具 (NLPchina)
  • concurrency-limits - (Netflix)
  • gulimall-learning - 2020谷粒商城代码+笔记 (NiceSeason)
  • PowerJob - Enterprise job scheduling middleware with distributed computing ability. (PowerJob)
  • JavaGuide - 「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide! (Snailclimb)
  • sonic-server - 🎉Back end of Sonic cloud real machine platform. Sonic云真机平台后端服务。 (SonicCloudOrg)
  • osgi-spring-boot-demo - (StasKolodyuk)
  • APIJSON - 🏆 零代码、全功能、强安全 ORM 库 🚀 后端接口和文档零代码,前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构。 🏆 A JSON Transmission Protocol and an ORM Library 🚀 provides APIs and Docs without writing any code. (Tencent)
  • VasSonic - VasSonic is a lightweight and high-performance Hybrid framework developed by tencent VAS team, which is intended to speed up the first screen of websites working on Android and iOS platform. (Tencent)
  • matrix - Matrix is a plugin style, non-invasive APM system developed by WeChat. (Tencent)
  • tinker - Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk. (Tencent)
  • WxJava - 微信开发 Java SDK ,支持包括微信支付,开放平台,小程序,企业微信,公众号等的后端开发 (Wechat-Group)
  • anthelion - Anthelion is a plugin for Apache Nutch to crawl semantic annotations within HTML pages. (YahooArchive)
  • yudao-cloud - ruoyi-vue-pro 全新 Cloud 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Cloud Alibaba + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 用户小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、多租户、数据权限、工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力! (YunaiV)
  • eas-ddd - ddd demo of eas (agiledon)
  • lottie-android - Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native (airbnb)
  • QLExpress - QLExpress is a powerful, lightweight, dynamic language for the Java platform aimed at improving developers’ productivity in different business scenes. (alibaba)
  • Sentinel - A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件) (alibaba)
  • arthas - Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas (alibaba)
  • canal - 阿里巴巴 MySQL binlog 增量订阅&消费组件 (alibaba)
  • compileflow - 🎨 core business process engine of Alibaba Halo platform, best process engine for trade scenes. | 一个高性能流程编排引擎 (alibaba)
  • druid - 阿里云计算平台DataWorks( 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池 (alibaba)
  • jstorm - Enterprise Stream Process Engine (alibaba)
  • jvm-sandbox - Real - time non-invasive AOP framework container based on JVM (alibaba)
  • otter - 阿里巴巴分布式数据库同步系统(解决中美异地机房) (alibaba)
  • yugong - 阿里巴巴去Oracle数据迁移同步工具(全量+增量,目标支持MySQL/DRDS) (alibaba)
  • captcha - 行为验证码(滑动拼图、点选文字),前后端(java)交互,包含h5/Android/IOS/flutter/uni-app的源码和实现 (anji-plus)
  • calcite - Apache Calcite (apache)
  • dolphinscheduler - Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data orchestration platform. Agile to create high performance workflow with low-code (apache)
  • doris - Apache Doris is an easy-to-use, high performance and unified analytics database. (apache)
  • dubbo - Apache Dubbo is a high-performance, java based, open source RPC framework. (apache)
  • eventmesh - EventMesh is a new generation serverless event middleware for building distributed event-driven applications. (apache)
  • kafka - Mirror of Apache Kafka (apache)
  • pinot - Apache Pinot - A realtime distributed OLAP datastore (apache)
  • pulsar - Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system (apache)
  • shardingsphere-elasticjob - Distributed scheduled job framework (apache)
  • shenyu - Apache ShenYu is a Java native API Gateway for service proxy, protocol conversion and API governance. (apache)
  • evo-inflector - Singular to plural english word converter (atteo)
  • uid-generator - UniqueID generator (baidu)
  • jivejdon - Jivejdon is a Domain Driven Design appication with CQRS/ES/Clean/Hexagonal architecture (banq)
  • dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter - dynamic datasource for springboot 多数据源 动态数据源 主从分离 读写分离 分布式事务 (baomidou)
  • bc-java - Bouncy Castle Java Distribution (Mirror) (bcgit)
  • camunda-bpm-platform - Flexible framework for workflow and decision automation with BPMN and DMN. Integration with Spring, Spring Boot, CDI. (camunda)
  • checkstyle - Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. By default it supports the Google Java Style Guide and Sun Code Conventions, but is highly configurable. It can be invoked with an ANT task and a command line program. (checkstyle)
  • dddsample-core - This is the new home of the original DDD Sample app (previously hosted at (citerus)
  • lucida - Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant (claritylab)
  • classgraph - An uber-fast parallelized Java classpath scanner and module scanner. (classgraph)
  • chaos-monkey-spring-boot - Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot (codecentric)
  • thumbnailator - Thumbnailator - a thumbnail generation library for Java (coobird)
  • JCSprout - 👨‍🎓 Java Core Sprout : basic, concurrent, algorithm (crossoverJie)
  • Karaf-Tutorial - (cschneider)
  • dubbox - Dubbox now means Dubbo eXtensions, and it adds features like RESTful remoting, Kyro/FST serialization, etc to the Dubbo service framework. (dangdangdotcom)
  • dataease - 人人可用的开源数据可视化分析工具。 (dataease)
  • dbeaver - Free universal database tool and SQL client (dbeaver)
  • LIRE - Open source library for content based image retrieval / visual information retrieval. (dermotte)
  • advanced-java - 😮 Core Interview Questions & Answers For Experienced Java(Backend) Developers | 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务、海量数据处理等领域知识 (doocs)
  • Sa-Token - 这可能是史上功能最全的Java权限认证框架!目前已集成——登录认证、权限认证、分布式Session会话、微服务网关鉴权、单点登录、OAuth2.0、踢人下线、Redis集成、前后台分离、记住我模式、模拟他人账号、临时身份切换、账号封禁、多账号认证体系、注解式鉴权、路由拦截式鉴权、花式token生成、自动续签、同端互斥登录、会话治理、密码加密、jwt集成、Spring集成、WebFlux集成... (dromara)
  • lamp-cloud - lamp-cloud 基于Jdk11 + SpringCloud + SpringBoot 开发的微服务中后台快速开发平台,专注于多租户(SaaS架构)解决方案,亦可作为普通项目(非SaaS架构)的基础开发框架使用,目前已实现插拔式数据库隔离、SCHEMA隔离、字段隔离 等租户隔离方案。 (dromara)
  • liteflow - Lightweight, fast, stable, and programmable component-based rule engine/process engine. Component reuse, synchronous/asynchronous orchestration, dynamic orchestration, multi-language scripting support, complex nested rules, hot deployment, smooth refreshing. Let you improve your development efficiency! (dromara)
  • parallec - Fast Parallel Async HTTP/SSH/TCP/UDP/Ping Client Java Library. Aggregate 100,000 APIs & send anywhere in 20 lines of code. Ping/HTTP Calls 8000 servers in 12 seconds. (Akka) (eBay)
  • elasticsearch-mapper-attachments - Mapper Attachments Type plugin for Elasticsearch (elastic)
  • UETool - Show/edit any view's attributions on the screen. (eleme)
  • mapstruct-spi-protobuf - Protobuf accessor naming strategy for Mapstruct (entur)
  • search-guard - Search Guard is an Open Source Elasticsearch plugin that offers encryption, authentication, and authorisation. (floragunn)
  • cp-ddd-framework - A lightweight flexible development framework for complex business architecture with full ecosystem!轻量级业务中台开发框架,中台架构的顶层设计和完整解决方案! (funkygao)
  • vole - SpringCloud Micro service business framework , SpringCloud 微服务商业脚手架 (gavenwangcn)
  • hello-algorithm - 🌍 针对小白的算法训练 | 包括四部分:①.大厂面经 ②.力扣图解 ③.千本开源电子书 ④.百张技术思维导图(项目花了上百小时,希望可以点 star 支持,🌹感谢~)推荐免费ChatGPT使用网站 (geekxh)
  • error-prone - Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors (google)
  • live-transcribe-speech-engine - Live Transcribe is an Android application that provides real-time captioning for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. This repository contains the Android client libraries for communicating with Google's Cloud Speech API that are used in Live Transcribe. (google)
  • rejoiner - Generates a unified GraphQL schema from gRPC microservices and other Protobuf sources (google)
  • google-http-java-client - Google HTTP Client Library for Java (googleapis)
  • piper - piper - a distributed workflow engine (guitarcade)
  • librec - LibRec: A Leading Java Library for Recommender Systems, see (guoguibing)
  • smile - Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine (haifengl)
  • halo - 强大易用的开源建站工具。 (halo-dev)
  • Viterbi - An implementation of HMM-Viterbi Algorithm 通用的维特比算法实现 (hankcs)
  • squirrel - squirrel-foundation is a State Machine library, which provided a lightweight, easy use, type safe and programmable state machine implementation for Java. (hekailiang)
  • grpc-java-sample - gRPC sample with Java, contains stubs, streaming, health check, retry and hedging policy, load balancer, name resolver, tls and channez, gateway; 包含 gRPC Java 的各项功能特性的最简单使用 (helloworlde)
  • sensitive-word - 👮‍♂️The sensitive word tool for java.(基于 DFA 算法实现的高性能 java 敏感词工具框架。请勿发布涉及政治、广告、营销、翻墙、违反国家法律法规等内容。) (houbb)
  • inspectIT - inspectIT is the leading Open Source APM (Application Performance Management) tool for analyzing your Java (EE) applications. (inspectIT)
  • mapdb - MapDB provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap-memory. It is a fast and easy to use embedded Java database engine. (jankotek)
  • binlake - MySQL binary log lake, dump MySQL binlog on real time to MQ (jd-tiger)
  • JsonPath - Java JsonPath implementation (json-path)
  • junit4 - A programmer-oriented testing framework for Java. (junit-team)
  • JustAuth - 🏆Gitee 最有价值开源项目 🚀:100: 小而全而美的第三方登录开源组件。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐、Gitlab、美团、饿了么、推特、飞书、京东、阿里云、喜马拉雅、Amazon、Slack和 Line 等第三方平台的授权登录。 Login, so easy! (justauth)
  • kkFileView - Universal File Online Preview Project based on Spring-Boot (kekingcn)
  • http-grpc-spring-web - http-grpc transcoder with spring-web (kenix)
  • keycloak - Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services (keycloak)
  • killbill - Open-Source Subscription Billing & Payments Platform (killbill)
  • Metamorphosis - A high available,high performance distributed messaging system. (killme2008)
  • aviatorscript - A high performance scripting language hosted on the JVM. (killme2008)
  • Rulette - A pragmatic business rule management system (kislayverma)
  • karaf-springboot - Support to use Spring Boot apps on a Karaf container (klebeer)
  • darts-java - Java porting of Darts (Double ARray Trie System) (komiya-atsushi)
  • armeria-examples - Armeria examples (line)
  • PalDB - An embeddable write-once key-value store written in Java (linkedin)
  • mybatis-r2dbc - MyBatis R2DBC Adapter (linux-china)
  • ByteTCC - ByteTCC is a distributed transaction manager based on the TCC(Try/Confirm/Cancel) mechanism. It’s compatible with the JTA specification. User guide: (liuyangming)
  • springcloud-learning - 一套涵盖大部分核心组件使用的Spring Cloud教程,包括Spring Cloud Alibaba及分布式事务Seata,基于Spring Cloud Greenwich及SpringBoot 2.1.7。篇篇精华,涵盖大部分应用场景。 (macrozheng)
  • EasyCode - 基于IntelliJ IDEA开发的代码生成插件,支持自定义任意模板(Java,html,js,xml)。只要是与数据库相关的代码都可以通过自定义模板来生成。支持数据库类型与java类型映射关系配置。支持同时生成生成多张表的代码。每张表有独立的配置信息。完全的个性化定义,规则由你设置。 (makejavas)
  • elasticsearch-analysis-ik - The IK Analysis plugin integrates Lucene IK analyzer into elasticsearch, support customized dictionary. (medcl)
  • mvel - MVEL (MVFLEX Expression Language) (mvel)
  • navi-pbrpc - A protobuf based high performance rpc framework leveraging full-duplexing and asynchronous io with netty (neoremind)
  • newbee-mall - 🔥 🎉newbee-mall是一套电商系统,包括基础版本(Spring Boot+Thymeleaf)、前后端分离版本(Spring Boot+Vue 3+Element-Plus+Vue-Router 4+Pinia+Vant 4) 、秒杀版本、Go语言版本、微服务版本(Spring Cloud Alibaba+Nacos+Sentinel+Seata+Spring Cloud Gateway+OpenFeign+ELK)。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品分类、新品上线、首页轮播、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单结算、订单流程、个人订单管理、会员中心、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含数据面板、轮播图管理、商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、分类管理、设置等模块。 (newbee-ltd)
  • OpenSearch - 🔎 Open source distributed and RESTful search engine. (opensearch-project)
  • java-grpc - OpenTracing Instrumentation for gRPC (opentracing-contrib)
  • graal - GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere 🚀 (oracle)
  • parity - (paritytrading)
  • colfer - binary serialization format (pascaldekloe)
  • plantuml - Generate diagrams from textual description (plantuml)
  • SmartCropper - 🔥 A library for cropping image in a smart way that can identify the border and correct the cropped image. 智能图片裁剪框架。自动识别边框,手动调节选区,使用透视变换裁剪并矫正选区;适用于身份证,名片,文档等照片的裁剪。 (pqpo)
  • pravega - Pravega - Streaming as a new software defined storage primitive (pravega)
  • presto - The official home of the Presto distributed SQL query engine for big data (prestodb)
  • protostuff - Java serialization library, proto compiler, code generator (protostuff)
  • proxyee-down - http下载工具,基于http代理,支持多连接分块下载 (proxyee-down-org)
  • questdb - An open source time-series database for fast ingest and SQL queries (questdb)
  • grpc-java-contrib - Useful extensions for the grpc-java library (salesforce)
  • reactive-grpc - Reactive stubs for gRPC (salesforce)
  • grpc-by-example-java - A collection of useful/essential gRPC Java Examples (saturnism)
  • Jest - Elasticsearch Java Rest Client. (searchbox-io)
  • spring-analysis - Spring源码阅读 (seaswalker)
  • seata - 🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution. (seata)
  • grpc-client-spring-boot - Spring Boot module for auto-configuring gRPC stubs (sfcodes)
  • - Full-featured Socket.IO Client Library for Java, which is compatible with Socket.IO v1.0 and later. (socketio)
  • sofa-boot - SOFABoot is a framework that enhances Spring Boot and fully compatible with it, provides readiness check, class isolation, etc. (sofastack)
  • sofa-jarslink - Jarslink is a sofa ark plugin used to manage multi-application deployment (sofastack)
  • sofa-rpc - SOFARPC is a high-performance, high-extensibility, production-level Java RPC framework. (sofastack)
  • kayenta - Automated Canary Service (spinnaker)
  • spring-cloud-stream-app-starters - Starters for Spring Cloud Stream Apps (spring-attic)
  • spring-authorization-server - Spring Authorization Server (spring-projects)
  • spider-flow - 新一代爬虫平台,以图形化方式定义爬虫流程,不写代码即可完成爬虫。 (ssssssss-team)
  • Guns - Guns基于SpringBoot 2,致力于做更简洁的后台管理系统,完美整合springmvc + shiro + mybatis-plus + beetl!Guns项目代码简洁,注释丰富,上手容易,同时Guns包含许多基础模块(用户管理,角色管理,部门管理,字典管理等10个模块),可以直接作为一个后台管理系统的脚手架! (stylefeng)
  • onedev - Self-hosted Git Server with CI/CD and Kanban (theonedev)
  • titan - Distributed Graph Database (thinkaurelius)
  • elasticsearch-custom-similarity-provider - A custom SimilarityProvider example for Elasticsearch (tlrx)
  • auto-unit-test-case-generator - Auto-Unit-Test-Case-Generator automatically generates high-level code-coverage JUnit test suites for Java, widely used within the ANT Group. (traas-stack)
  • vertx-grpc - gRPC for Vert.x (vert-x3)
  • Saturn - The's distributed job scheduling platform. (vipshop)
  • motan - A cross-language remote procedure call(RPC) framework for rapid development of high performance distributed services. (weibocom)
  • SpringAll - 循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码: (wuyouzhuguli)
  • elide - Elide is a Java library that lets you stand up a GraphQL/JSON-API web service with minimal effort. (yahoo)
  • RuoYi-Cloud - 🎉 (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud & Alibaba的分布式微服务架构权限管理系统 (yangzongzhuan)
  • Deta_Parser - 快速中文分词分析word segmentation (yaoguangluo)
  • grpc-spring-boot-starter - Spring Boot starter module for gRPC framework. (yidongnan)
  • ebatis - ORM Framework for Elasticsearch (ymm-tech)
  • youlai-mall - youlai-mall 是基于SpringBoot 2.7、SpringCloud & Alibaba 、vue3、element-plus、uni-app 构建的开源全栈商城。 (youlaitech)
  • urule - URULE是一款基于RETE算法的纯Java规则引擎,提供规则集、决策表、决策树、评分卡,规则流等各种规则表现工具及基于网页的可视化设计器,可快速开发出各种复杂业务规则。 (youseries)
  • feather - Lightweight dependency injection for Java and Android (JSR-330) (zsoltherpai)
  • zxing - ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android (zxing)


  • GDevelop - 🎮 Open-source, cross-platform game engine designed to be used by everyone. (4ian)
  • lozad.js - 🔥 Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more (ApoorvSaxena)
  • wp-calypso - The JavaScript and API powered (Automattic)
  • BoostNote-Legacy - This repository is outdated and new Boost Note app is available! We've launched a new Boost Note app which supports real-time collaborative writing. (BoostIO)
  • browser-sync - Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites. (BrowserSync)
  • dop - JavaScript implementation for Distributed Object Protocol (DistributedObjectProtocol)
  • html5slides-markdown - It's based on Google's html5slides project, we add markdown support for it. (GDG-Xian)
  • edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support. (GitSquared)
  • gitbook - 📝 Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown (GitbookIO)
  • ProjectVisBug - FireBug for designers › Edit any webpage, in any state (GoogleChromeLabs)
  • carlo - Web rendering surface for Node applications (GoogleChromeLabs)
  • ndb - ndb is an improved debugging experience for Node.js, enabled by Chrome DevTools (GoogleChromeLabs)
  • quicklink - ⚡️Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time (GoogleChromeLabs)
  • terminal.js - Javascript terminal emulator library that aims to be xterm compliant and is supposed to work in browsers and node.js. (Gottox)
  • jpress - JPress,一个使用 Java 开发的建站神器,目前已经有 10w+ 网站使用 JPress 进行驱动,其中包括多个政府机构,200+上市公司,中科院、红+字会等。 (JPressProjects)
  • Painter - 小程序生成图片库,轻松通过 json 方式绘制一张可以发到朋友圈的图片 (Kujiale-Mobile)
  • tool - 开发效率提升:Mac生产力工具链推荐 (Louiszhai)
  • number-animation - A jQuery plugin for animating numbers using CSS3 transitions (MarkRhodes)
  • h5-Dooring - H5 Page Maker, H5 Editor, LowCode. Make H5 as easy as building blocks. | 让H5制作像搭积木一样简单, 轻松搭建H5页面, H5网站, PC端网站,LowCode平台. (MrXujiang)
  • postcat - Postcat 是一个可扩展的 API 工具平台。集合基础的 API 管理和测试功能,并且可以通过插件简化你的 API 开发工作,让你可以更快更好地创建 API。An extensible API tool. (Postcatlab)
  • ReLaXed - Create PDF documents using web technologies (RelaxedJS)
  • draggable - The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about. (Shopify)
  • Sortable - Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required. (SortableJS)
  • xible - Visualize your workflow (SpectrumBroad)
  • webdevhub - A hub for web developers that offers a variety of tools to help with any developing needs. (THHamiltonSmith)
  • monod - 📓 Our cool, secure, and offline-first Markdown editor. (TailorDev)
  • autoComplete.js - Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library. (TarekRaafat)
  • westore - 小程序项目分层架构 (Tencent)
  • ToolJet - Extensible low-code framework for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop application builder. Built using JavaScript/TypeScript. 🚀 (ToolJet)
  • react-developer-roadmap - Roadmap to becoming a React developer (adam-golab)
  • Motrix - A full-featured download manager. (agalwood)
  • nanoid - A tiny (130 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript (ai)
  • airtap - Run TAP unit tests in 1789+ browsers. (airtap)
  • ace - Ace ( Cloud9 Editor) (ajaxorg)
  • ace-builds - Packaged version of Ace code editor (ajaxorg)
  • blur-admin - AngularJS Bootstrap Admin Panel Framework (akveo)
  • ied - 📦 Like npm, but faster - an alternative package manager for Node (alexanderGugel)
  • lax.js - Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll. (alexfoxy)
  • algorithm-visualizer - 🎆Interactive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code (algorithm-visualizer)
  • butterfly - 🦋Butterfly,A JavaScript/React/Vue2 Diagramming library which concentrate on flow layout field. (基于JavaScript/React/Vue2的流程图组件) (alibaba)
  • rogue.js - The "nearly invisible" way to server-render React applications (alidcast)
  • flowy - The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts ✨ (alyssaxuu)
  • gun - An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data. (amark)
  • amphtml - The AMP web component framework. (ampproject)
  • angular.js - AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps! (angular)
  • leader-line - Draw a leader line in your web page. (anseki)
  • apachecn-algo-zh - ApacheCN 数据结构与算法译文集 (apachecn)
  • apexcharts.js - 📊 Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG (apexcharts)
  • apidoc - RESTful web API Documentation Generator. (apidoc)
  • dejavu - The Missing Web UI for Elasticsearch: Import, browse and edit data with rich filters and query views, create search UIs visually. (appbaseio)
  • react-beautiful-dnd - Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React (atlassian)
  • whistle - HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy (avwo)
  • practicalnode - Practical Node.js, 1st and 2nd Editions [Apress] 📓 (azat-co)
  • wide - 🌈 一款基于 Web 的 Go 语言 IDE,随时随地玩 golang。 (b3log)
  • dragula - 👌 Drag and drop so simple it hurts (bevacqua)
  • - Website & docs (blitz-js)
  • js-sequence-diagrams - Draws simple SVG sequence diagrams from textual representation of the diagram (bramp)
  • history.js - History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality. (browserstate)
  • carbon - 🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code (carbon-app)
  • headless-recorder - Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Playwright or Puppeteer script. (checkly)
  • chinese-poetry - The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。 (chinese-poetry)
  • react-tetris - Use React, Redux, Immutable to code Tetris. 🎮 (chvin)
  • percollate - A command-line tool to turn web pages into readable PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown docs. (danburzo)
  • snabbt.js - Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms (daniel-lundin)
  • BingGPT - Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat (Windows, macOS and Linux) (dice2o)
  • chameleon - 🦎 一套代码运行多端,一端所见即多端所见 (didi)
  • - ⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉 (digitalocean)
  • docker-swarm-visualizer - A visualizer for Docker Swarm Mode using the Docker Remote API, Node.JS, and D3 (dockersamples)
  • docsify - 🃏 A magical documentation site generator. (docsifyjs)
  • Luckysheet - Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source. (dream-num)
  • ansi_up - A javascript library that converts text with ANSI terminal codes into colorful HTML Zero dependencies. (drudru)
  • vorpal - Node's framework for interactive CLIs (dthree)
  • Magic-Grid - A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts. (e-oj)
  • easy-mock - A persistent service that generates mock data quickly and provids visualization view. (easy-mock)
  • egg - 🥚 Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa (eggjs)
  • eme - Elegant Markdown Editor. (egoist)
  • electerm - 📻Terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/sftp client(linux, mac, win) (electerm)
  • thal - Getting started with Puppeteer and Chrome Headless for Data Mining (emadehsan)
  • enzyme - JavaScript Testing utilities for React (enzymejs)
  • draft-js - A React framework for building text editors. (facebookarchive)
  • prepack - A JavaScript bundle optimizer. (facebookarchive)
  • terminalizer - 🦄 Record your terminal and generate animated gif images or share a web player (faressoft)
  • fuzzysort - Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript. (farzher)
  • viewerjs - JavaScript image viewer. (fengyuanchen)
  • dber - Database design tool based on entity relation diagram (findyourmagic)
  • mobile-ui-elements - Custom elements to build beautiful mobile applications on salesforce. (forcedotcom)
  • vue-froala-wysiwyg - Vue component for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor. (froala)
  • Fancy-Checkout - A animated experience for your checkout ! (gabriellamas)
  • gatsby - The fastest frontend for the headless web. Build modern websites with React. (gatsbyjs)
  • taiko - A node.js library for testing modern web applications (getgauge)
  • gluon - A new framework for creating desktop apps from websites, using system installed browsers and NodeJS (gluon-framework)
  • Awesome-Design-Tools - The best design tools and plugins for everything 👉 (goabstract)
  • mathsteps - Step by step math solutions for everyone (google)
  • simulacra - A data-binding function for the DOM. (gr0uch)
  • CacheP2P - "More users = More capacity" (guerrerocarlos)
  • muuri - Infinite responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable layouts (haltu)
  • graphqurl - curl for GraphQL with autocomplete, subscriptions and GraphiQL. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client. (hasura)
  • html5slides - (heldinz)
  • TVboxo - 自用资源 (heroaku)
  • fusuma - ✍️Fusuma makes slides with Markdown easily. (hiroppy)
  • hound - Lightning fast code searching made easy (hound-search)
  • Manta - 🎉 Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates. (hql287)
  • moveTo - A lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency (hsnaydd)
  • hubot - A customizable life embetterment robot. (hubotio)
  • dayjs - ⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API (iamkun)
  • v8n - ☑️ JavaScript fluent validation library (imbrn)
  • impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind (impress)
  • vdp - 💧 Versatile Data Pipeline (VDP) is an open-source tool to seamlessly integrate AI for unstructured data into the modern data stack (instill-ai)
  • remote-browser - A low-level browser automation framework built on top of the Web Extensions API standard. (intoli)
  • iptv - Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world (iptv-org)
  • BlockChain - 黑马程序员 120天全栈区块链开发 开源教程 (itheima1)
  • awesome-mac -  Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories. (jaywcjlove)
  • Drawflow - Simple flow library 🖥️🖱️ (jerosoler)
  • fullstack-course4 - Example code for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Coursera Course (jhu-ep-coursera)
  • jimp - An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies. (jimp-dev)
  • archer - 基于inception的自动化SQL操作平台,支持SQL执行、LDAP认证、发邮件、OSC、SQL查询、SQL优化建议、权限管理等功能,支持docker镜像 (jly8866)
  • remarkable - Markdown parser, done right. Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one. Gulp and metalsmith plugins available. Used by Facebook, Docusaurus and many others! Use for HTML-to-markdown conversion. Use to generate a table of contents. (jonschlinkert)
  • jsplumb - Visual connectivity for webapps (jsplumb)
  • ce - Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software. (jspreadsheet)
  • DoodleMaster - "Don't code your UI, Draw it !" (karanchahal)
  • karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript (karma-runner)
  • wade - 🌊 Blazing fast 1kb search library (kbrsh)
  • betwixt - ⚡ Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel. (kdzwinel)
  • progressbar.js - Responsive and slick progress bars (kimmobrunfeldt)
  • signale - Highly configurable logging utility (klaudiosinani)
  • konsta - Mobile UI components made with Tailwind CSS (konstaui)
  • Fuse - Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript (krisk)
  • wechaty-web-panel - Wechaty Web Panel 让你的wechaty机器人,快速接入web可视化操作面板,接入就是那么简单丝滑 (leochen-g)
  • 33-js-concepts - 📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know. (leonardomso)
  • MProgress.js - Material Progress —Google Material Design Progress linear bar. By using CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript. (lightningtgc)
  • bud - The Full-Stack Web Framework for Go (livebud)
  • cerebro - (lmenezes)
  • elasticsearch-kopf - web admin interface for elasticsearch (lmenezes)
  • medis - 💻 Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis. (luin)
  • marko - A declarative, HTML-based language that makes building web apps fun (marko-js)
  • marktext - 📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows. (marktext)
  • x-ray - The next web scraper. See through the noise. (matthewmueller)
  • mermaid - Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown (mermaid-js)
  • zdog - Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG (metafizzy)
  • meteor - Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform (meteor)
  • Web-Dev-For-Beginners - 24 Lessons, 12 Weeks, Get Started as a Web Developer (microsoft)
  • monaco-editor - A browser based code editor (microsoft)
  • r2 - HTTP client. Spiritual successor to request. (mikeal)
  • minirefresh - 优雅的H5 下拉刷新。零依赖,高性能,多主题,易拓展。(A Graceful HTML5 Drop-Down-Refresh Plugin. ) (minirefresh)
  • sse.js - A flexible Server Side Events source for Javascript (mpetazzoni)
  • whiteboard - Simply write beautiful API documentation. (mpociot)
  • x-spreadsheet - The project has been migrated to @wolf-table/table (myliang)
  • tesseract.js - Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥 (naptha)
  • split - Unopinionated utilities for resizeable split views (nathancahill)
  • JSPrintManager - Advanced Client-side Printing & Scanning Solution for Javascript (neodynamic)
  • tui.image-editor - 🍞🎨 Full-featured photo image editor using canvas. It is really easy, and it comes with great filters. (nhn)
  • node-inspector - Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools (node-inspector)
  • nodemailer - ✉️ Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake! (nodemailer)
  • cleave.js - Format input text content when you are typing... (nosir)
  • nw.js - Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies. (nwjs)
  • polacode - 📸 Polaroid for your code (octref)
  • mongotron - Cross platform Mongo DB management (officert)
  • spug - 开源运维平台:面向中小型企业设计的轻量级无Agent的自动化运维平台,整合了主机管理、主机批量执行、主机在线终端、文件在线上传下载、应用发布部署、在线任务计划、配置中心、监控、报警等一系列功能。 (openspug)
  • jsPDF - Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone. (parallax)
  • parse-server - Parse Server for Node.js / Express (parse-community)
  • plotly.js - Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash (plotly)
  • pouchdb - 🐨 - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database. (pouchdb)
  • filepond - 🌊 A flexible and fun JavaScript file upload library (pqina)
  • preact - ⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM. (preactjs)
  • prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. (prettier)
  • quill - Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility. (quilljs)
  • reapp - [deprecated!] Make hybrid mobile apps with power (reapp)
  • relax - New generation CMS on top of React, Redux and GraphQL (relax)
  • remote-jobs - A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies (jobs) in tech. (remoteintech)
  • responsively-app - A modified web browser that helps in responsive web development. A web developer's must have dev-tool. (responsively-org)
  • horizon - Horizon is a realtime, open-source backend for JavaScript apps. (rethinkdb)
  • gridstudio - Grid studio is a web-based application for data science with full integration of open source data science frameworks and languages. (ricklamers)
  • riot - Simple and elegant component-based UI library (riot)
  • nprogress - For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc (rstacruz)
  • granim.js - Create fluid and interactive gradient animations with this small javascript library. (sarcadass)
  • relation-graph - 支持Vue和React的 关联关系图谱组件,可以展示如组织机构图谱、股权架构图谱、集团关系图谱等知识图谱,可提供多种图谱布局,包括树状布局、中心布局、力学布局自动布局等。Supports Vue and React's relationship graph components, which can display knowledge graphs such as organizational graphs, equity structure graphs, and group relationship graphs. It can provide a variety of graph layouts, including tree layouts, center layouts, and (seeksdream)
  • 52-technologies-in-2016 - Let's learn a new technology every week. A new technology blog every Sunday in 2016. (shekhargulati)
  • zeu - A JavaScript library for real-time visualization (shzlw)
  • breach_core - A Browser written in JS. Free. Modular. Hackable. (spolu)
  • spritejs - A cross platform high-performance graphics system. (spritejs)
  • sqlpad - Web-based SQL editor. Legacy project in maintenance mode. (sqlpad)
  • statsd - Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation (statsd)
  • strapi - 🚀 Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% JavaScript, fully customizable and developer-first. (strapi)
  • streama - Self hosted streaming media server. (streamaserver)
  • substance - A JavaScript library for web-based content editing. (substance)
  • swagger-editor - Swagger Editor (swagger-api)
  • LokiJS - javascript embeddable / in-memory database (techfort)
  • prompts - ❯ Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts (terkelg)
  • html5slides - Fork from google code of Google's html5 slides, to use for doing html-based online slide decks (therealjeffg)
  • booking-js - 📅 Make a beautiful embeddable booking widget in minutes (timekit-io)
  • chinese-independent-blogs - 中文独立博客列表 (timqian)
  • ToolGood.Words - 一款高性能敏感词(非法词/脏字)检测过滤组件,附带繁体简体互换,支持全角半角互换,汉字转拼音,模糊搜索等功能。 (toolgood)
  • uppy - The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶 (transloadit)
  • bean-searcher - 🔥🔥🔥 A read-only ORM focusing on advanced query, naturally supports joined tables, and avoids DTO/VO conversion, making it possible to realize complex query in one line of code ! (troyzhxu)
  • umami - Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics. (umami-software)
  • codelf - A search tool helps dev to solve the naming things problem. (unbug)
  • wireflow - Wireflow - user flow chart real-time collaborative tool (vanila-io)
  • vialer-js - Pluggable WebRTC softphone and communication platform. (vialer)
  • awesome-vscode - 🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources. (viatsko)
  • screenshoteer - Make website screenshots and mobile emulations from the command line. (vladocar)
  • jsplumb-chinese-tutorial - jsplumb中文教程, README中没有的内容,可以查看项目的Wiki。有问题提issue (wangduanduan)
  • DBGlass - PostgreSQL client built with Electron. (web-pal)
  • sketch-material - Sketch material is a sketch plugin that will help you generate complex material components like tables, chips, forms etc… (websiddu)
  • wekan - The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at only. (wekan)
  • spy-debugger - 微信调试,各种WebView样式调试、手机浏览器的页面真机调试。便捷的远程调试手机页面、抓包工具,支持:HTTP/HTTPS,无需USB连接设备。 (wuchangming)
  • Valine - A fast, simple & powerful comment system. (xCss)
  • form-create - 🔥🔥🔥 强大的动态表单生成器|form-create is a form generation component that can generate dynamic rendering, data collection, verification and submission functions through JSON. (xaboy)
  • yarn - The 1.x line is frozen - features and bugfixes now happen on (yarnpkg)
  • wxdemo - 微信小程序demo咯 (yexiaochai)
  • gods-pen-server - 码良服务端项目 (ymm-tech)
  • yobulkdev - 🔥 🔥 🔥Open Source & AI driven Data Onboarding Platform:Free alternative (yobulkdev)
  • iDataV - 大屏数据可视化 Big screen data visualization demo (yyhsong)
  • ChromeAppHeroes - 🌈谷粒-Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chrome插件英雄们造福人类~ ChromePluginHeroes, Write a Chinese manual for the excellent Chrome plugin, let the Chrome plugin heroes benefit the human~ 公众号「0加1」同步更新 (zhaoolee)

Jupyter Notebook

  • paper2gui - Convert AI papers to GUI,Make it easy and convenient for everyone to use artificial intelligence technology。让每个人都简单方便的使用前沿人工智能技术 (Baiyuetribe)
  • computer-vision-in-action - 学习闭环《计算机视觉实战演练:算法与应用》中文电子书、源码、读者交流社区(持续更新中 ...) 📘 在线电子书 👇项目主页 (Charmve)
  • stable-diffusion - A latent text-to-image diffusion model (CompVis)
  • textbook - Learning Data Science, a textbook. (DS-100)
  • 100days - 100 days of algorithms (coells)
  • Prompt-Engineering-Guide - 🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering (dair-ai)
  • prompt-engineering-for-developers - 吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程中文版,视频地址: (datawhalechina)
  • Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book - 深度学习入门开源书,基于TensorFlow 2.0案例实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework. (dragen1860)
  • fastai - The fastai deep learning library (fastai)
  • Data-Science-For-Beginners - 10 Weeks, 20 Lessons, Data Science for All! (microsoft)
  • ML-For-Beginners - 12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all (microsoft)
  • tensorflow_cookbook - Code for Tensorflow Machine Learning Cookbook (nfmcclure)
  • polynote - A better notebook for Scala (and more) (polynote)
  • understand-prompt - 【🔞🔞🔞 内含不适合未成年人阅读的图片】基于我擅长的编程、绘画、写作展开的 AI 探索和总结:StableDiffusion 是一种强大的图像生成模型,能够通过对一张图片进行演化来生成新的图片。ChatGPT 是一个基于 Transformer 的语言生成模型,它能够自动为输入的主题生成合适的文章。而 Github Copilot 是一个智能编程助手,能够加速日常编程活动。 (prompt-engineering)
  • bark - 🔊 Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model (suno-ai)
  • Virgilio - Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning. (virgili0)


  • jasync-sql - Java & Kotlin Async DataBase Driver for MySQL and PostgreSQL written in Kotlin (jasync-sql)
  • javalin - A simple and modern Java and Kotlin web framework (javalin)
  • jitsi-videobridge - Jitsi Videobridge is a WebRTC compatible video router or SFU that lets build highly scalable video conferencing infrastructure (i.e., up to hundreds of conferences per server). (jitsi)
  • MuJing - 幕境 - 沉浸式学英语,使用自己感兴趣的电影、美剧或文档,生成词库(单词本)。在记忆单词时,可以用键盘打字,练习拼写并观看相关的视频片段,以便更好的理解和记忆单词。播放电影时,以弹幕的形式复习词库中的单词。 (tangshimin)


  • cws_evaluation - Java开源项目cws_evaluation:中文分词器分词效果评估对比 (ysc)



  • awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers (awesome-selfhosted)
  • project-layout - Standard Go Project Layout (golang-standards)


  • fucking-algorithm - 刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why. (labuladong)
  • tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands (tldr-pages)


  • bluepill - Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single machine (MobileNativeFoundation)
  • Shimmer - An easy way to add a simple, shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app. (facebookarchive)
  • WebDriverAgent - A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator. (facebookarchive)
  • Itsycal - Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar. (sfsam)


  • code6 - 码小六 - GitHub 代码泄露监控系统 (4x99)
  • BookStack - A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel (BookStackApp)
  • astral - Organize Your GitHub Stars With Ease (astralapp)
  • web-frameworks - Which is the fastest web framework? (the-benchmarker)


  • diff-so-fancy - Good-lookin' diffs. Actually… nah… The best-lookin' diffs. 🎉 (so-fancy)


  • stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI (AUTOMATIC1111)
  • 30-Days-Of-Python - 30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may help too: (Asabeneh)
  • chia-blockchain - Chia blockchain python implementation (full node, farmer, harvester, timelord, and wallet) (Chia-Network)
  • ChineseGLUE - Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark for Chinese: datasets, baselines, pre-trained models,corpus and leaderboard (ChineseGLUE)
  • powerstrip - Powerstrip: A tool for prototyping Docker extensions (ClusterHQ)
  • TensorFlow-and-DeepLearning-Tutorial - A TensorFlow & Deep Learning online course I taught in 2016 (CreatCodeBuild)
  • gpt-neo - An implementation of model parallel GPT-2 and GPT-3-style models using the mesh-tensorflow library. (EleutherAI)
  • - 基于向量数据库与GPT3.5的通用本地知识库方案(A universal local knowledge base solution based on vector database and GPT3.5) (GanymedeNil)
  • BossSensor - Hide screen when boss is approaching. (Hironsan)
  • ChatDoctor - (Kent0n-Li)
  • kinto - A generic JSON document store with sharing and synchronisation capabilities. (Kinto)
  • Open-Assistant - OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so. (LAION-AI)
  • mycroft-precise - A lightweight, simple-to-use, RNN wake word listener (MycroftAI)
  • diffusers - OneFlow backend for 🤗 Diffusers (Oneflow-Inc)
  • ERNIE - Official implementations for various pre-training models of ERNIE-family, covering topics of Language Understanding & Generation, Multimodal Understanding & Generation, and beyond. (PaddlePaddle)
  • PaddleGAN - PaddlePaddle GAN library, including lots of interesting applications like First-Order motion transfer, Wav2Lip, picture repair, image editing, photo2cartoon, image style transfer, GPEN, and so on. (PaddlePaddle)
  • PaddleOCR - Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embedded and IoT devices) (PaddlePaddle)
  • lama-cleaner - Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. Remove any unwanted object, defect, people from your pictures or erase and replace(powered by stable diffusion) any thing on your pictures. (Sanster)
  • CodeGeeX - CodeGeeX: An Open Multilingual Code Generation Model (THUDM)
  • tencent-ml-images - Largest multi-label image database; ResNet-101 model; 80.73% top-1 acc on ImageNet (Tencent)
  • fast-stable-diffusion - fast-stable-diffusion + DreamBooth (TheLastBen)
  • MiniGPT-4 - MiniGPT-4: Enhancing Vision-language Understanding with Advanced Large Language Models (Vision-CAIR)
  • Book3_Elements-of-Mathematics - Book_3_《数学要素》 | 鸢尾花书:从加减乘除到机器学习;上架;欢迎继续纠错,纠错多的同学还会有赠书! (Visualize-ML)
  • Book4_Power-of-Matrix - Book_4_《矩阵力量》 | 鸢尾花书:从加减乘除到机器学习;五月底上架;纠错多的同学有赠书! (Visualize-ML)
  • BasicSR - Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox for Super-resolution, Denoise, Deblurring, etc. Currently, it includes EDSR, RCAN, SRResNet, SRGAN, ESRGAN, EDVR, BasicVSR, SwinIR, ECBSR, etc. Also support StyleGAN2, DFDNet. (XPixelGroup)
  • airbyte - Data integration platform for ELT pipelines from APIs, databases & files to warehouses & lakes. (airbytehq)
  • neural-enhance - Super Resolution for images using deep learning. (alexjc)
  • ailearning - AiLearning:数据分析+机器学习实战+线性代数+PyTorch+NLTK+TF2 (apachecn)
  • MockingBird - 🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time (babysor)
  • wechat-spider - 微信公众号爬虫 (bowenpay)
  • - the only cheat sheet you need (chubin)
  • ComfyUI - A powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI with a graph/nodes interface. (comfyanonymous)
  • d2l-zh - 《动手学深度学习》:面向中文读者、能运行、可讨论。中英文版被60多个国家的400多所大学用于教学。 (d2l-ai)
  • mycli - A Terminal Client for MySQL with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting. (dbcli)
  • AnimatedDrawings - Code to accompany "A Method for Animating Children's Drawings of the Human Figure" (facebookresearch)
  • llama - Inference code for LLaMA models (facebookresearch)
  • funNLP - 中英文敏感词、语言检测、中外手机/电话归属地/运营商查询、名字推断性别、手机号抽取、身份证抽取、邮箱抽取、中日文人名库、中文缩写库、拆字词典、词汇情感值、停用词、反动词表、暴恐词表、繁简体转换、英文模拟中文发音、汪峰歌词生成器、职业名称词库、同义词库、反义词库、否定词库、汽车品牌词库、汽车零件词库、连续英文切割、各种中文词向量、公司名字大全、古诗词库、IT词库、财经词库、成语词库、地名词库、历史名人词库、诗词词库、医学词库、饮食词库、法律词库、汽车词库、动物词库、中文聊天语料、中文谣言数据、百度中文问答数据集、句子相似度匹配算法集合、bert资源、文本生成&摘要相关工具、cocoNLP信息抽取工具、国内电话号码正则匹配、清华大学XLORE:中英文跨语言百科知识图谱、清华大学人工智能技术系列报告、自然语言生成、NLU太难了系列、自动对联数据及机器人、用户名黑名单列表、罪名法务名词及分类模型、微信公众号语料、cs224n深度学习自然语言处理课程、中文手写汉字识别、中文自然语言处理 语料/数据集、变量命名神器、分词语料库+代码、任务型对话英文数据集、ASR 语音数据集 + 基于深度学习的中文语音识别系统、笑声检测器、Microsoft多语言数字/单位/如日期时间识别包、中华新华字典数据库及api(包括常用歇后语、成语、词语和汉字)、文档图谱自动生成、SpaCy 中文模型、Common Voice语音识别数据集新版、神经网络关系抽取、基于bert的命名实体识别、关键词(Keyphrase)抽取包pke、基于医疗领域知识图谱的问答系统、基于依存句法与语义角色标注的事件三元组抽取、依存句法分析4万句高质量标注数据、cnocr:用来做中文OCR的Python3包、中文人物关系知识图谱项目、中文nlp竞赛项目及代码汇总、中文字符数据、speech-aligner: 从“人声语音”及其“语言文本”产生音素级别时间对齐标注的工具、AmpliGraph: 知识图谱表示学习(Python)库:知识图谱概念链接预测、Scattertext 文本可视化(python)、语言/知识表示工具:BERT & ERNIE、中文对比英文自然语言处理NLP的区别综述、Synonyms中文近义词工具包、HarvestText领域自适应文本挖掘工具(新词发现-情感分析-实体链接等)、word2word:(Python)方便易用的多语言词-词对集:62种语言/3,564个多语言对、语音识别语料生成工具:从具有音频/字幕的在线视频创建自动语音识别(ASR)语料库、构建医疗实体识别的模型(包含词典和语料标注)、单文档非监督的关键词抽取、Kashgari中使用gpt-2语言模型、开源的金融投资数据提取工具、文本自动摘要库TextTeaser: 仅支持英文、人民日报语料处理工具集、一些关于自然语言的基本模型、基于14W歌曲知识库的问答尝试--功能包括歌词接龙and已知歌词找歌曲以及歌曲歌手歌词三角关系的问答、基于Siamese bilstm模型的相似句子判定模型并提供训练数据集和测试数据集、用Transformer编解码模型实现的根据Hacker News文章标题自动生成评论、用BERT进行序列标记和文本分类的模板代码、LitBank:NLP数据集——支持自然语言处理和计算人文学科任务的100部带标记英文小说语料、百度开源的基准信息抽取系统、虚假新闻数据集、Facebook: LAMA语言模型分析,提供Transformer-XL/BERT/ELMo/GPT预训练语言模型的统一访问接口、CommonsenseQA:面向常识的英文QA挑战、中文知识图谱资料、数据及工具、各大公司内部里大牛分享的技术文档 PDF 或者 PPT、自然语言生成SQL语句(英文)、中文NLP数据增强(EDA)工具、英文NLP数据增强工具 、基于医药知识图谱的智能问答系统、京东商品知识图谱、基于mongodb存储的军事领域知识图谱问答项目、基于远监督的中文关系抽取、语音情感分析、中文ULMFiT-情感分析-文本分类-语料及模型、一个拍照做题程序、世界各国大规模人名库、一个利用有趣中文语料库 qingyun 训练出来的中文聊天机器人、中文聊天机器人seqGAN、省市区镇行政区划数据带拼音标注、教育行业新闻语料库包含自动文摘功能、开放了对话机器人-知识图谱-语义理解-自然语言处理工具及数据、中文知识图谱:基于百度百科中文页面-抽取三元组信息-构建中文知识图谱、masr: 中文语音识别-提供预训练模型-高识别率、Python音频数据增广库、中文全词覆盖BERT及两份阅读理解数据、ConvLab:开源多域端到端对话系统平台、中文自然语言处理数据集、基于最新版本rasa搭建的对话系统、基于TensorFlow和BERT的管道式实体及关系抽取、一个小型的证券知识图谱/知识库、复盘所有NLP比赛的TOP方案、OpenCLaP:多领域开源中文预训练语言模型仓库、UER:基于不同语料+编码器+目标任务的中文预训练模型仓库、中文自然语言处理向量合集、基于金融-司法领域(兼有闲聊性质)的聊天机器人、g2pC:基于上下文的汉语读音自动标记模块、Zincbase 知识图谱构建工具包、诗歌质量评价/细粒度情感诗歌语料库、快速转化「中文数字」和「阿拉伯数字」、百度知道问答语料库、基于知识图谱的问答系统、jieba_fast 加速版的jieba、正则表达式教程、中文阅读理解数据集、基于BERT等最新语言模型的抽取式摘要提取、Python利用深度学习进行文本摘要的综合指南、知识图谱深度学习相关资料整理、维基大规模平行文本语料、StanfordNLP 0.2.0:纯Python版自然语言处理包、NeuralNLP-NeuralClassifier:腾讯开源深度学习文本分类工具、端到端的封闭域对话系统、中文命名实体识别:NeuroNER vs. BertNER、新闻事件线索抽取、2019年百度的三元组抽取比赛:“科学空间队”源码、基于依存句法的开放域文本知识三元组抽取和知识库构建、中文的GPT2训练代码、ML-NLP - 机器学习(Machine Learning)NLP面试中常考到的知识点和代码实现、nlp4han:中文自然语言处理工具集(断句/分词/词性标注/组块/句法分析/语义分析/NER/N元语法/HMM/代词消解/情感分析/拼写检查、XLM:Facebook的跨语言预训练语言模型、用基于BERT的微调和特征提取方法来进行知识图谱百度百科人物词条属性抽取、中文自然语言处理相关的开放任务-数据集-当前最佳结果、CoupletAI - 基于CNN+Bi-LSTM+Attention 的自动对对联系统、抽象知识图谱、MiningZhiDaoQACorpus - 580万百度知道问答数据挖掘项目、brat rapid annotation tool: 序列标注工具、大规模中文知识图谱数据:1.4亿实体、数据增强在机器翻译及其他nlp任务中的应用及效果、allennlp阅读理解:支持多种数据和模型、PDF表格数据提取工具 、 Graphbrain:AI开源软件库和科研工具,目的是促进自动意义提取和文本理解以及知识的探索和推断、简历自动筛选系统、基于命名实体识别的简历自动摘要、中文语言理解测评基准,包括代表性的数据集&基准模型&语料库&排行榜、树洞 OCR 文字识别 、从包含表格的扫描图片中识别表格和文字、语声迁移、Python口语自然语言处理工具集(英文)、 similarity:相似度计算工具包,java编写、海量中文预训练ALBERT模型 、Transformers 2.0 、基于大规模音频数据集Audioset的音频增强 、Poplar:网页版自然语言标注工具、图片文字去除,可用于漫画翻译 、186种语言的数字叫法库、Amazon发布基于知识的人-人开放领域对话数据集 、中文文本纠错模块代码、繁简体转换 、 Python实现的多种文本可读性评价指标、类似于人名/地名/组织机构名的命名体识别数据集 、东南大学《知识图谱》研究生课程(资料)、. 英文拼写检查库 、 wwsearch是企业微信后台自研的全文检索引擎、CHAMELEON:深度学习新闻推荐系统元架构 、 8篇论文梳理BERT相关模型进展与反思、DocSearch:免费文档搜索引擎、 LIDA:轻量交互式对话标注工具 、aili - the fastest in-memory index in the East 东半球最快并发索引 、知识图谱车音工作项目、自然语言生成资源大全 、中日韩分词库mecab的Python接口库、中文文本摘要/关键词提取、汉字字符特征提取器 (featurizer),提取汉字的特征(发音特征、字形特征)用做深度学习的特征、中文生成任务基准测评 、中文缩写数据集、中文任务基准测评 - 代表性的数据集-基准(预训练)模型-语料库-baseline-工具包-排行榜、PySS3:面向可解释AI的SS3文本分类器机器可视化工具 、中文NLP数据集列表、COPE - 格律诗编辑程序、doccano:基于网页的开源协同多语言文本标注工具 、PreNLP:自然语言预处理库、简单的简历解析器,用来从简历中提取关键信息、用于中文闲聊的GPT2模型:GPT2-chitchat、基于检索聊天机器人多轮响应选择相关资源列表(Leaderboards、Datasets、Papers)、(Colab)抽象文本摘要实现集锦(教程 、词语拼音数据、高效模糊搜索工具、NLP数据增广资源集、微软对话机器人框架 、 GitHub Typo Corpus:大规模GitHub多语言拼写错误/语法错误数据集、TextCluster:短文本聚类预处理模块 Short text cluster、面向语音识别的中文文本规范化、BLINK:最先进的实体链接库、BertPunc:基于BERT的最先进标点修复模型、Tokenizer:快速、可定制的文本词条化库、中文语言理解测评基准,包括代表性的数据集、基准(预训练)模型、语料库、排行榜、spaCy 医学文本挖掘与信息提取 、 NLP任务示例项目代码集、 python拼写检查库、chatbot-list - 行业内关于智能客服、聊天机器人的应用和架构、算法分享和介绍、语音质量评价指标(MOSNet, BSSEval, STOI, PESQ, SRMR)、 用138GB语料训练的法文RoBERTa预训练语言模型 、BERT-NER-Pytorch:三种不同模式的BERT中文NER实验、无道词典 - 有道词典的命令行版本,支持英汉互查和在线查询、2019年NLP亮点回顾、 Chinese medical dialogue data 中文医疗对话数据集 、最好的汉字数字(中文数字)-阿拉伯数字转换工具、 基于百科知识库的中文词语多词义/义项获取与特定句子词语语义消歧、awesome-nlp-sentiment-analysis - 情感分析、情绪原因识别、评价对象和评价词抽取、LineFlow:面向所有深度学习框架的NLP数据高效加载器、中文医学NLP公开资源整理 、MedQuAD:(英文)医学问答数据集、将自然语言数字串解析转换为整数和浮点数、Transfer Learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP) 、面向语音识别的中文/英文发音辞典、Tokenizers:注重性能与多功能性的最先进分词器、CLUENER 细粒度命名实体识别 Fine Grained Named Entity Recognition、 基于BERT的中文命名实体识别、中文谣言数据库、NLP数据集/基准任务大列表、nlp相关的一些论文及代码, 包括主题模型、词向量(Word Embedding)、命名实体识别(NER)、文本分类(Text Classificatin)、文本生成(Text Generation)、文本相似性(Text Similarity)计算等,涉及到各种与nlp相关的算法,基于keras和tensorflow 、Python文本挖掘/NLP实战示例、 Blackstone:面向非结构化法律文本的spaCy pipeline和NLP模型通过同义词替换实现文本“变脸” 、中文 预训练 ELECTREA 模型: 基于对抗学习 pretrain Chinese Model 、albert-chinese-ner - 用预训练语言模型ALBERT做中文NER 、基于GPT2的特定主题文本生成/文本增广、开源预训练语言模型合集、多语言句向量包、编码、标记和实现:一种可控高效的文本生成方法、 英文脏话大列表 、attnvis:GPT2、BERT等transformer语言模型注意力交互可视化、CoVoST:Facebook发布的多语种语音-文本翻译语料库,包括11种语言(法语、德语、荷兰语、俄语、西班牙语、意大利语、土耳其语、波斯语、瑞典语、蒙古语和中文)的语音、文字转录及英文译文、Jiagu自然语言处理工具 - 以BiLSTM等模型为基础,提供知识图谱关系抽取 中文分词 词性标注 命名实体识别 情感分析 新词发现 关键词 文本摘要 文本聚类等功能、用unet实现对文档表格的自动检测,表格重建、NLP事件提取文献资源列表 、 金融领域自然语言处理研究资源大列表、CLUEDatasetSearch - 中英文NLP数据集:搜索所有中文NLP数据集,附常用英文NLP数据集 、medical_NER - 中文医学知识图谱命名实体识别 、(哈佛)讲因果推理的免费书、知识图谱相关学习资料/数据集/工具资源大列表、Forte:灵活强大的自然语言处理pipeline工具集 、Python字符串相似性算法库、PyLaia:面向手写文档分析的深度学习工具包、TextFooler:针对文本分类/推理的对抗文本生成模块、Haystack:灵活、强大的可扩展问答(QA)框架、中文关键短语抽取工具 (fighting41love)
  • redash - Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data. (getredash)
  • diff-match-patch - Diff Match Patch is a high-performance library in multiple languages that manipulates plain text. (google)
  • HanLP - 中文分词 词性标注 命名实体识别 依存句法分析 成分句法分析 语义依存分析 语义角色标注 指代消解 风格转换 语义相似度 新词发现 关键词短语提取 自动摘要 文本分类聚类 拼音简繁转换 自然语言处理 (hankcs)
  • q - q - Run SQL directly on delimited files and multi-file sqlite databases (harelba)
  • Archery - SQL 审核查询平台 (hhyo)
  • ColossalAI - Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible (hpcaitech)
  • http-prompt - An interactive command-line HTTP and API testing client built on top of HTTPie featuring autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and more. (httpie)
  • have-fun-with-machine-learning - An absolute beginner's guide to Machine Learning and Image Classification with Neural Networks (humphd)
  • Python-100-Days - Python - 100天从新手到大师 (jackfrued)
  • jina - 🔮 Build multimodal AI services via cloud native technologies (jina-ai)
  • keras - Deep Learning for humans (keras-team)
  • image-to-latex - Convert images of LaTex math equations into LaTex code. (kingyiusuen)
  • transfer_learning_tutorial - A guide to transfer learning with inception-resnet-v2. (kwotsin)
  • ControlNet - Let us control diffusion models! (lllyasviel)
  • DeepSpeed - DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective. (microsoft)
  • TaskMatrix - (microsoft)
  • playwright-python - Python version of the Playwright testing and automation library. (microsoft)
  • qlib - Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform that aims to realize the potential, empower research, and create value using AI technologies in quantitative investment, from exploring ideas to implementing productions. Qlib supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms. including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and RL. (microsoft)
  • termtosvg - Record terminal sessions as SVG animations (nbedos)
  • nebuly - The next-generation platform to monitor and optimize your AI costs in one place 🚀 (nebuly-ai)
  • nltk - NLTK Source (nltk)
  • nonebot2 - 跨平台 Python 异步聊天机器人框架 / Asynchronous multi-platform chatbot framework written in Python (nonebot)
  • thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command. (nvbn)
  • gpt-2 - Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners" (openai)
  • pandas - Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more (pandas-dev)
  • public-apis - A collective list of free APIs (public-apis)
  • leetcode - Python & JAVA Solutions for Leetcode (qiyuangong)
  • fast-rcnn - Fast R-CNN (rbgirshick)
  • py-faster-rcnn - Faster R-CNN (Python implementation) -- see for the official MATLAB version (rbgirshick)
  • visidata - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data (saulpw)
  • python-pptx - Create Open XML PowerPoint documents in Python (scanny)
  • easyquotation - 实时获取新浪 / 腾讯 的免费股票行情 / 集思路的分级基金行情 (shidenggui)
  • you-get - ⏬ Dumb downloader that scrapes the web (soimort)
  • tensorflow_template_application - TensorFlow template application for deep learning (tobegit3hub)
  • OpenChatKit - (togethercomputer)
  • pix2code - pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot (tonybeltramelli)
  • the-algorithm-ml - Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm (twitter)
  • unoconv - Universal Office Converter - Convert between any document format supported by LibreOffice/OpenOffice. (unoconv)
  • tf_classification - Training, evaluation and testing code for image classification using TensorFlow (visipedia)
  • vnpy - 基于Python的开源量化交易平台开发框架 (vnpy)
  • wukong-robot - 🤖 wukong-robot 是一个简单、灵活、优雅的中文语音对话机器人/智能音箱项目,支持ChatGPT多轮对话能力,还可能是首个支持脑机交互的开源智能音箱项目。 (wzpan)
  • gpt4free - decentralising the Ai Industry, just some language model api's... (xtekky)
  • Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca - 中文LLaMA&Alpaca大语言模型+本地CPU/GPU训练部署 (Chinese LLaMA & Alpaca LLMs) (ymcui)
  • geek_crawler - 极客时间课程抓取脚本,支持输入账号密码后自动将极客时间的专栏课程保存到本地 (zhengxiaotian)
  • zulip - Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused. (zulip)


  • lolcat - Rainbows and unicorns! (busyloop)
  • discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. (discourse)
  • nats.rb - Ruby client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system. (nats-io)
  • snibox - Self-hosted snippet manager (snibox)


  • AppFlowy - AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust. (AppFlowy-IO)
  • bloop - bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust. (BloopAI)
  • gobang - A cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Rust (TaKO8Ki)
  • mcfly - Fly through your shell history. Great Scott! (cantino)
  • navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line (denisidoro)
  • deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. (denoland)
  • rustpad - Efficient and minimal collaborative code editor, self-hosted, no database required (ekzhang)
  • firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing. (firecracker-microvm)
  • helix - A post-modern modal text editor. (helix-editor)
  • rusticsearch - Lightweight Elasticsearch compatible search server. (kaedroho)
  • lapce - Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust (lapce)
  • lnx - ⚡ Insanely fast, 🌟 Feature-rich searching. lnx is the adaptable, typo tollerant deployment of the tantivy search engine. Standing on the shoulders of giants. (lnx-search)
  • meilisearch - A lightning-fast search engine that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow. (meilisearch)
  • mdBook - Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust (rust-lang)
  • rustdesk - Virtual / remote desktop infrastructure for everyone! Open source TeamViewer / Citrix alternative. (rustdesk)
  • tauri - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend. (tauri-apps)
  • Pake - 🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 很简单的用 Rust 打包网页生成很小的桌面 App (tw93)
  • typst - A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn. (typst)
  • sonic - 🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM. (valeriansaliou)


  • Hover - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS. (IanLunn)
  • pico - Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML (picocss)
  • icono - One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS (saeedalipoor)
  • slate - Beautiful static documentation for your API (slatedocs)
  • vapid - Vapid is an intentionally simple content management system built on the idea that you can create a custom dashboard without ever leaving the HTML. (vapid)


  • svg-spinners - A collection of 24 x 24 dp SVG spinners! (CSS & SMIL) (n3r4zzurr0)


  • openwhisk - Apache OpenWhisk is an open source serverless cloud platform (apache)
  • bfg-repo-cleaner - Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does, but faster. And written in Scala (rtyley)
  • the-algorithm - Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm (twitter)


  • streisand - Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists. (StreisandEffect)
  • - A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol (acmesh-official)
  • pHash - Github-Repository of the library for perceptual hashing. (clearscene)
  • openvpn-install - OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS (guoew)
  • ca101-proto - (jozefcipa)
  • resty - Little command line REST client that you can use in pipelines (bash or zsh). (micha)
  • distributions - NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions (nodesource)
  • vscode - 320+ color themes for Visual Studio Code. (rainglow)
  • Docker-OSX - Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers. (sickcodes)
  • spinnaker - Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence. (spinnaker)
  • install-script - 支持Xray/Trojan-Go/Hysteria/NaiveProxy的多用户Web管理面板 (trojanpanel)


  • Mos - 一个用于在 macOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS (Caldis)
  • DevToysMac - DevToys For mac (ObuchiYuki)
  • lottie-ios - An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations (airbnb)
  • KeyCast - Record keystroke for screencast (cho45)
  • Maccy - Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS (p0deje)
  • Rectangle - Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas (rxhanson)
  • Bagel - a little native network debugging tool for iOS (yagiz)



  • Reactive-Resume - A one-of-a-kind resume builder that keeps your privacy in mind. Completely secure, customizable, portable, open-source and free forever. Try it out today! (AmruthPillai)
  • - ✨ Seamlessly visualize your JSON data instantly into graphs. (AykutSarac)
  • budibase - Low code platform for creating internal tools, workflows, and admin panels in minutes. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, Docker, K8s, and more 🚀. Budibase, the low code platform you'll enjoy using ⚡ (Budibase)
  • qwik - Instant-loading web apps, without effort (BuilderIO)
  • AutoGPT-Next-Web - 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用 (Dogtiti)
  • semi-design - 🚀A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and React UI library. 🎨 Provide more than 2,739+ Design Tokens and powerful DSM tools, easy to build your own design system. Make Semi Design to Any Design (DouyinFE)
  • tabby - A terminal for a more modern age (Eugeny)
  • Rath - Next generation of automated data exploratory analysis and visualization platform. (Kanaries)
  • milkdown - 🍼 Plugin driven WYSIWYG markdown editor framework. (Milkdown)
  • PicGo - 🚀A simple & beautiful tool for pictures uploading built by vue-cli-electron-builder (Molunerfinn)
  • NativeScript - ⚡ Empowering JavaScript with native platform APIs. ✨ Best of all worlds (TypeScript, Swift, Objective C, Kotlin, Java). Use what you love ❤️ Angular, Capacitor, Ionic, React, Solid, Svelte, Vue + SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Flutter and you name it compatible. (NativeScript)
  • taro - 开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。 (NervJS)
  • orillusion - Orillusion is a pure Web3D rendering engine which is fully developed based on the WebGPU standard. (Orillusion)
  • Rocket.Chat - The communications platform that puts data protection first. (RocketChat)
  • signoz - SigNoz is an open-source APM. It helps developers monitor their applications & troubleshoot problems, an open-source alternative to DataDog, NewRelic, etc. 🔥 🖥. 👉 Open source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Observability tool (SigNoz)
  • tmagic-editor - (Tencent)
  • BizCharts - Powerful data visualization library based on G2 and React. (alibaba)
  • browser-extension-kit - (alibaba)
  • ice - 🚀 ice.js: The Progressive App Framework Based On React(基于 React 的渐进式应用框架) (alibaba)
  • lowcode-engine - An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 一套面向扩展设计的企业级低代码技术体系 (alibaba)
  • codejar - An embeddable code editor for the browser 🍯 (antonmedv)
  • F2 - 📱📈An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile. (antvis)
  • G2 - 📊 A concise and progressive visualization grammar. (antvis)
  • apitable - 🚀🎉📚 APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives. (apitable)
  • appsmith - Framework to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 15+ databases and any API. (appsmithorg)
  • appwrite - Build Fast. Scale Big. All in One Place. (appwrite)
  • arco-design - A comprehensive React UI components library based on Arco Design (arco-design)
  • voice-assistant - Voice assistant for Visual Studio Code. (b4rtaz)
  • amis - 前端低代码框架,通过 JSON 配置就能生成各种页面。 (baidu)
  • vue-flow - A highly customizable Flowchart component for Vue 3. Features seamless zoom & pan 🔎, additional components like a Minimap 🗺 and utilities to interact with state and graph. (bcakmakoglu)
  • bloomrpc - Former GUI client for gRPC services. No longer maintained. (bloomrpc)
  • book-searcher - Easy and blazing-fast book searcher, create and search your private library. Index metadata for over 10 million books in one minute as well as search in 30µs. (book-searcher-org)
  • botpress - 🤖 Dev tools to reliably understand text and automate conversations. Built-in NLU. Connect & deploy on any messaging channel (Slack, MS Teams, website, Telegram, etc). (botpress)
  • brick-design - 低代码框架,支持流式布局与自由布局拖拽编排,可视化拖拽、随意嵌套组合、实时渲染、实时辅助线展示、自由布局支持辅助对齐、支持自动吸附、实时组件间距展示、实时拖拽排序、状态域管理,可视化属性配置、可视化样式配置、多设备适配展示,支持逻辑渲染、模板字符变量、表达式、自定义方法、自定义状态 (brick-design)
  • html-to-image - ✂️ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG. (bubkoo)
  • malagu - Malagu is a Serverless First, componentized, platform-independent progressive application framework based on TypeScript. Malagu 是基于 TypeScript 的 Serverless First、组件化、平台无关的渐进式应用框架。 (cellbang)
  • code-server - VS Code in the browser (coder)
  • editor.js - A block-style editor with clean JSON output (codex-team)
  • utopia - Design ❤️ Code (concrete-utopia)
  • date-fns - ⏳ Modern JavaScript date utility library ⌛️ (date-fns)
  • - server (deepstreamIO)
  • devhub - TweetDeck for GitHub - Filter Issues, Activities & Notifications - Web, Mobile & Desktop with 99% code sharing between them (devhubapp)
  • dicebear - DiceBear is an avatar library for designers and developers. 🌍 (dicebear)
  • LogicFlow - A flow chart editing framework focusing on business customization. 专注于业务自定义的流程图编辑框架,支持实现脑图、ER图、UML、工作流等各种图编辑场景。 (didi)
  • docz - ✍ It has never been so easy to document your things! (doczjs)
  • draft-js-plugins - React Plugin Architecture for Draft.js including Slack-Like Emojis, FB-Like Mentions and Stickers (draft-js-plugins)
  • fiddle - :electron: 🚀 The easiest way to get started with Electron (electron)
  • excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams (excalidraw)
  • docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites. (facebook)
  • flipper - A desktop debugging platform for mobile developers. (facebook)
  • avataaars-generator - Simple generator React app for avataaars (fangpenlin)
  • FUXA - Web-based Process Visualization (SCADA/HMI/Dashboard) software (frangoteam)
  • freeCodeCamp -'s open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free. (freeCodeCamp)
  • graphql-editor - 📺 Visual Editor & GraphQL IDE. Draw GraphQL schemas using visual 🔷 nodes and explore GraphQL API with beautiful UI. Even 🐒 can do that! (graphql-editor)
  • starboard-notebook - In-browser literate notebooks (gzuidhof)
  • graphql-engine - Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events. (hasura)
  • headlamp - A Kubernetes web UI that is fully-featured, user-friendly and extensible (headlamp-k8s)
  • hoppscotch - 👽 Open source API development ecosystem - (hoppscotch)
  • botkit - Botkit is an open source developer tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations for major messaging platforms. (howdyai)
  • slate - A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (Currently in beta.) (ianstormtaylor)
  • illa-builder - 🚀 Retool open-source alternative, with low-code UI components and support for multiple data resources. (illacloud)
  • mometa - 🛠 [Beta] 面向研发的低代码元编程,代码可视编辑,辅助编码工具 (imcuttle)
  • ionicons - Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps and web apps everywhere 🌎 (ionic-team)
  • javascript-obfuscator - A powerful obfuscator for JavaScript and Node.js (javascript-obfuscator)
  • jitsi-meet - Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application. (jitsi)
  • developer-roadmap - Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers. (kamranahmedse)
  • koishi - Cross-platform chatbot framework made with love (koishijs)
  • react-starter-kit - The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React (kriasoft)
  • proton-native - A React environment for cross platform desktop apps (kusti8)
  • laf - 🤖 laf 是云开发平台,提供云函数、云数据库、云存储等开箱即用的应用资源。让开发者快速释放创意。ChatGPT 自动写函数,秒级上线,世界上只有两种 serverless,30 秒上线的 和 30 秒劝退的! (labring)
  • dify - One API for plugins and datasets, one interface for prompt engineering and visual operation, all for creating powerful AI applications. (langgenius)
  • joplin - Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. (laurent22)
  • lens - Lens - The way the world runs Kubernetes (lensapp)
  • leon - 🧠 Leon is your open-source personal assistant. (leon-ai)
  • logto - 🧑‍🚀 Logto is a cost-effective open-source alternative to Auth0. It offers a seamless developer experience and is well-suited for individuals and growing companies. (logto-io)
  • marp - The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem (marp-team)
  • massCode - A free and open source code snippets manager for developers (massCodeIO)
  • mattermost-server - Mattermost is an open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle. (mattermost)
  • playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. (microsoft)
  • vscode-go - An extension for VS Code which provides support for the Go language. We have moved to (microsoft)
  • pandora - A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript (midwayjs)
  • carbon-now-cli - 🎨 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal. (mixn)
  • n8n - Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. Easily automate tasks across different services. (n8n-io)
  • nativefier - Make any web page a desktop application (nativefier)
  • flat - Project flat is the Web, Windows and macOS client of Agora Flat open source classroom. (netless-io)
  • tui.calendar - 🍞📅A JavaScript calendar that has everything you need. (nhn)
  • nocobase - NocoBase is a scalability-first, open-source no-code/low-code platform to build internal tools. (nocobase)
  • nocodb - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative (nocodb)
  • sequential-workflow-designer - Customizable no-code component for building flow-based programming applications. 0 external dependencies. (nocode-js)
  • novu - The open-source notification infrastructure with fully functional embedded notification center (novuhq)
  • ueli - Keystroke launcher for Windows and macOS (oliverschwendener)
  • kraken - A web standards-compliant, high-performance rendering engine based on Flutter. (openkraken)
  • OpenSearch-Dashboards - 📊 Open source visualization dashboards for OpenSearch. (opensearch-project)
  • core - 🚀 A framework helps you quickly build Cloud or Desktop IDE products. (opensumi)
  • orama - 🌌 Fast, in-memory, typo-tolerant, full-text search engine written in TypeScript. (oramasearch)
  • deskreen - Deskreen turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer (pavlobu)
  • doppio - Breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM). (plasma-umass)
  • pnpm - Fast, disk space efficient package manager (pnpm)
  • puppeteer - Node.js API for Chrome (puppeteer)
  • zlib-searcher - (puzzithinker)
  • upterm - A terminal emulator for the 21st century. (railsware)
  • redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps (reduxjs)
  • wired-elements - Collection of custom elements that appear hand drawn. Great for wireframes or a fun look. (rough-stuff)
  • rrweb - record and replay the web (rrweb-io)
  • siyuan - A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open-source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang. (siyuan-note)
  • slidev - Presentation Slides for Developers (slidevjs)
  • sunmao-ui - A Framework for Developing Low-code Tool (smartxworks)
  • - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server) (socketio)
  • solid - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. (solidjs)
  • node-escpos - 🖨️ ESC/POS Printer driver for Node.js (song940)
  • dub - An open-source link shortener with built-in analytics + free custom domains. (steven-tey)
  • supabase - The open source Firebase alternative. Follow to stay updated about our public Beta. (supabase)
  • svelte - Cybernetically enhanced web apps (sveltejs)
  • signature_pad - HTML5 canvas based smooth signature drawing (szimek)
  • sweetalert - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert" (t4t5)
  • hanko - Authentication and user management for the passkey era. (teamhanko)
  • tldraw - a very good whiteboard (tldraw)
  • AFFiNE - There can be more than Notion and Miro. AFFiNE is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use. (toeverything)
  • jsonhero-web - JSON Hero is an open-source, beautiful JSON explorer for the web that lets you browse, search and navigate your JSON files at speed. 🚀. Built with 💜 by the team. (triggerdotdev)
  • memos - A lightweight, self-hosted memo hub. Open Source and Free forever. (usememos)
  • vue-loader - 📦 Webpack loader for Vue.js components (vuejs)
  • react-flow - Highly customizable library for building an interactive node-based UI, workflow editor, flow chart or static diagram (wbkd)
  • astro - The all-in-one web framework designed for speed. ⭐️ Star to support our work! (withastro)
  • Kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology (wulkano)
  • xterm.js - A terminal for the web (xtermjs)


  • v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation. (vlang)


  • Hawkeye - GitHub 泄露监控系统(GitHub Sensitive Information Leakage Monitor Spider) (0xbug)
  • automa - A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks (AutomaApp)
  • GitDataV - 基于Vue框架构建的github数据可视化平台 (HongqingCao)
  • icones - ⚡️ Icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by Iconify (antfu)
  • beekeeper-studio - Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows. (beekeeper-studio)
  • vuestic-ui - Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘 (epicmaxco)
  • iview - A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0 (iview)
  • datav-vue - A Powerful Data Visualization Tool. Uses TypeScript And Vue3. Scenario-specific templates. User-friendly interfaces. 一款数据可视化应用搭建工具 (pengxiaotian)
  • cssgridgenerator - 🧮 Generate basic CSS Grid code to make dynamic layouts! (sdras)
  • statping - Status Page for monitoring your websites and applications with beautiful graphs, analytics, and plugins. Run on any type of environment. (statping)
  • mall-cook - 商城低代码平台,可视化搭建H5、小程序多端商城 (wangyuan389)
  • gods-pen - 基于vue的高扩展在线网页制作平台,可自定义组件,可添加脚本,可数据统计。A mobile page builder/editor, similar with amolink. (ymm-tech)

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

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