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realtimegraphicprogramming's Introduction

Real-time graphics programming Bassi Francesca 921900

In this project I have created a few fragment shaders with an implementation of the Ray Marching technique and a few other techniques tied with it

Theory of Ray Marching

With the Ray Marching technique only fragment shaders are involved; with this technique, every single pixel is processed by tracing rays to each pixel on screen to identify shapes and objects. Objects are called primitive which are positioned in the scene space, and are implicitly identified

The Ray and the Pixels

Firstly iI define the starting position of the ray, which can be different from the origin of the world [0,0,0]. Then I set the direction to follow, which is given by the pixel on screen that are obtained by normalizing the screen coordinates.

Ray definition

vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution.xy;
uv -= 0.5;
uv.x *= resolution.x/resolution.y;

The function gl_FragCoord gives the pixel coordinates inside the window, then they are normalized by dividing for the resolution of the window. As of now the coordinates are between 0.0 and 1.0.

I then subtract 0.5 from the coordinates to set the center of the coordinate system in (0.5, 0.5) instead of (1.0, 1.0). Lastly, to obtain the correct pixel dimension we have to multiply the X coordinate with the ratio of the window. Since (0.5, 0.5) is the center of a (0, 0) (1, 1) screen, to find the center of a 800x600 window I have to multiply the X coordinate by 800/600, the ratio of the window, to find the center in the new resolution.



float RayMarch(vec3 ray_origin, vec3 ray_direction)
    float travel = 0.0;
    float obj = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i<MAX_STEP; i++)
        vec3 point = ray_origin + ray_direction * travel;
        obj = GetDist(point);
        travel += obj;
        if (travel > MAX_DIST || obj < PRECISION) break;
    return travel;

The Ray Marching technique works in a very simple way:

  • the inputs of the function are the position and direction of the ray;
  • the variables travel and obj are initialized
    • travel: it is the effective distance the ray has traveled
    • obj: minimum distance from the point of arrival of the ray and the closest object in the scene
  • in a for loop I determine where the end of the ray is, and from that point, with the function GetDist(...), I get the minimum distance between the end point and the scene and add it to travel.
  • at the end of the loop I check the state of the ray to decide if another iteration is needed:
    • if either travel exceeds the limit of distance, meaning that the ray hasn’t encountered any obstacle on its path, OR the end of the ray is close enough to an object in the scene, exit from the loop

In the end, the travel value is returned. Example

Boundaries, primitives, and operations


PRECISION: An higher value mean a very high imprecision of the shape. A small value means more precision, but it requires an higher computational effort

precision = 0.5 precision = 0.01
precision precision

MAX_STEP: A small value means imprecision, indeed there is an obvious deformation around the shape. An higher value increase the precision, but the ray has to march further and it may need an higher computational effort.

max step = 100 max step = 400
step step

MAX_DIST: A lower value prevents the ray to see distant objects. An higher value allows a better rendering of far away objects , however it also means an higher number of points to be rendered which requires an higher computational effort.

max dist = 10 max step = 400
dist dist


The primitives are simple geometric shapes. The implemented primitives are sphere, cube and torus.


The minimum distance from a plane is detected by the Y component of the ray.


Hit df_plane (vec3 rayPos)
    return 2+rayPos.y;


The minimum distance to represent a sphere is calculated by getting the distance between the endpoint of the ray (blue point) and the center of the sphere, and subtracting the radius to it.


float df_Sphere(vec3 rayPos, vec3 spherePos, float size)
    return length(rayPos - spherePos) - size;


For a cube we have the values of height, width and depth. in this case assume to have a cube with equal edges. The distance between the ray and the cube:

  1. Calculate the distance d as the absolute value of position - size (equal to: -
  2. The minimum distance to the cube is the length of d, → length(max(abs-size,0.0))


float df_Box(vec3 rayPos, vec3 pos, float s )
    pos = rayPos - pos;
    vec3 size = vec3(s);
    vec3 d = abs(pos) - size;
    float dist = length(max(d,0.0));
    return dist;


Firstly we calculate the vector between the center of the shape and the position of the ray called pos. Then we create a new vec2, where in the X component we store the length of pos.xz minus the biggest radius, and as a Y component we store the Y component of pos vector. Inthe end the length of the newest vec2 minus the smaller radius is the minimum distance.


Hit df_Torus( vec3 rayPos, vec3 pos, float rad)
pos = rayPos - pos;
vec2 radius = vec2(rad, rad*0.3);
vec2 q = vec2(length(pos.xz)-radius.x,pos.y);
float dist = length(q)-radius.y;
return dist;




float opUnion( float d1, float d2 )
{ min(d1,d2); }



float opSubtraction( float d1, float d2 )
{ return max(-d1,d2); }
d1 = A e d2 = B
sub In the first step, the ray is outside A and B, so the greater distance between -A and B is B
sub Next step: the ray is inside A and outside B, which means the negative value of the distance A becomes positive. Then the bigger value between the nearest distance B and the -A is -A.
sub In the last step the ray is inside A and B, the greater distance between -A and B is B and the minimum precision is reached.



float opIntersection( float d1, float d2 )
{ return max(d1,d2); }
d1 = A e d2 = B
inter In the first step, where the ray is outside A and outside B, the greater distance between A and B is B
inter Next step: the result distance has reached the PRECISION value and the marching is stopped.

The results are:

  • With a ray outside A AND B, the greater distance is the furthest shape
  • With a ray inside A OR B, the greater distance is the outside shape.


Smooth operators are the same operators but with a polynomial interpolation

Smooth Union Smooth Subtraction Smooth Intersection
sunion ssub sinter
float opSmoothUnion( float d1, float d2, float k )
    float h = clamp( 0.5 + 0.5*(d2-d1)/k, 0.0, 1.0 );
    return mix( d2, d1, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h); 
float opSmoothSub( float d1, float d2, float k ) 
    float h = clamp( 0.5 - 0.5*(d2+d1)/k, 0.0, 1.0 );
    return mix( d2, -d1, h ) + k*h*(1.0-h); 
float opSmoothIntersection( float d1, float d2, float k ) 
    float h = clamp( 0.5 - 0.5*(d2-d1)/k, 0.0, 1.0 );
    return mix( d2, d1, h ) + k*h*(1.0-h); 


It is an operation where the position of the ray is altered with the mod operator. K is the value of repetition: with a good K, we have to consider that K to be greater than the doubled size of the object.


float k = 10.0;
rayPos.yx = mod((rayPos.yx),k);
rayPos -=vec3(k * 0.5);




The color is given by the distance of the object from the ray origin.

fragColor = travel



The Blinn-Phong technique is composed by 2 fundamental elements.

  • Diffusive component: The diffusive component is how the light hits the object. We define the value as a dot product between the light vector and the normal vector of the surface point.
  • Specular component: The specular component is obtained with this formula where α=10:
    spectular = reflected · lightα
    Alpha determine the size of the reflection. The reflected vector is given by the function reflect (-light, normal), where -light is the incidence of the light and normal is the normal of the surface.

fragColor = diffusive * color + specular * color



Like the Blinn-Phong technique but the color is altered using the function RampCoeff, with the diffusive value (the result of the dot product) and number of stripes as inputs. This function returns a float defined by the function mix, which takes as input:0.1, 1.0(that are the color contribution), and the linear interpolation defined by t1/stripes, where t1 is the multiplication between the diffusive value and the number of stripes, all mod number of stripes.

fragColor = RampCoeff(diffusive, 4)*color+RampCoeff(specular,4)*color


ref Given a surface point, the position of the camera, the normal and a cube map, to obtain the reflection over the surface we use the vector V, the vector between the surface point and the camera position. I get the reflection with the function reflect using vector V and normal vector. Then with the texture function with the cube map and the reflection I obtain the final color for the surface.

fragColor = texture(cubeMap, reflect)


ref ref

We have to calculate some values, like reflected and refracted values. For the reflection value we can use the same value generated with the previous technique, so we need the vector V and the function reflect with the normal and the V as incident vector, then the texture with the cube map and the vector returned by the function.

To calculate the refraction we need to calculate the vector L , the distance between the light and the surface, and H, which is the sum of the vectors V and L (average between two vectors). Using the refraction function, with vector V, the normal of the surface and the parameter Eta as input, the function will return a vector, that will be used for the function texture with the cube map. The final color is given by the mix between the reflected and the refracted color, mixed with the ratio given by the formula:

ratio = F0 + (1.0 − F0) * (1.0 − max(dot(V , H), 0)5

where F0 = (1.0+Eta)*(1.0+Eta) / (1.0−Eta)*(1.0−Eta)

fragColor = refracteColor, reflectedColor, ratio)

Other techniques



This techniques allows some pixel to be colored* based on a noise texture*. Where the texture is white, the pixel will be black and where the pixel is black, the pixel will be colored. Given a noise texture and an uv coordinate, with the texture function we set a variable limit that stores the color at coordinate uv of the texture. If the limit is greater than the color of the image (1.0 is white, 0.0 is black), the result is black, if the color is greater than the limit, the pixel will have color provision 1.0 (colored).

float limit = texture (noise, uv/resolution).b
float result = bright < limit ? 0.0 : 1.0

finalColor =* result



This is a second pass of rendering, indeed the first color computed is summed with a second color computed. The first rendering pass gives the first color, the second pass is calculated with a raymarching where ray origin is surface point and the ray direction is the reflection of the original ray direction and normal. If the raymarching finds a new surface, the color will be computed with blinn-phong techniques. This color will be summed to the first color.



This feature allows the user to see which shape is selected in the scene with a white border. To do this only the dot product of the vector between the camera position and the surface position, and the normal of the surface are needed. If the dot product is between -0.3 and 0.3, the pixel will be white because it is the border of the shape. For an higher precision when two shapes are close, while the distance with ray marching to the shape is calculated: if the point is close (distance < 0.3) to the selected shape , the point will be marked as selected,


The shadows are generated at runtime, during the rendering phase. For each point identified with the Raymarch function, the point is used as origin for another call to the Raymarch function with the vector between the new origin and the light source as ray direction. If the result of the function Raymarch is less than the distance of the vector between the new origin and the light, there is something in the middle, the light is obstructed and the contribution of the color is lowered.


There are 2 different alternatives of the developed application:

  • MULTI: there are different fragment shaders, each in its own file .frag
  • ORIGINAL: there is only one fragment shader with many if construct to distinguish each rendering methods.

The data of the Frames Per Seconds were obtained using the two different applications, with the same amount and type of object in the scene, with the same movement, and position.

Hardware Specification:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-9750H
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (Laptop)
  • RAM: 16384 MB


Multi BN Blinn-Phong Stripes Reflect Fresnel
800x600 144 75 62 90 97
Plane 39 20 14 20 24
SecondPass 142 66 57 82 83
1920x1080 50 26 20 30 30
Plane 11 6 4 6 6
SecondPass 47 24 19 27 28
Original BN Blinn-Phong Stripes Reflect Fresnel
800x600 68 65 64 62 64
Plane 16 14 14 14 16
SecondPass 68 58 57 58 60
1920x1080 20.5 20 19.8 19.7 20
Plane 4.4 3.8 3.8 3.8 4.0
SecondPass 20.5 18.7 18.7 18.5 19

The difference between the two solutions is clear. I presume that the compiler sees the different flows created by the many if statement and tries to optimize them. In fact the values of the ORIGINAL are quite similar independently of the technique used.

In the MULTI application, the frame rate seems higher, however from one technique to another the rate swings heavily Frame rate drop for the plane: it happens while rendering the plane. By using an higher value for MAX_DIST, the plane will extend more, therefore increasing the surface to be rendered.

Implementation choices

The application is parameterized, allowing the user to interact with the moving figures like change shape, operator, color…

Data structure

struct Blob
    float shape;//sphere, cube, torus
    vec3 position;
    vec3 color;
    float size;
    float selected;
    float operator; //union, subtraction, intersection
    float morph;

This data structure contains all the informations of a single object in the scene

struct Hit
    float dist;
    bool subject;
    float selected;

This data structure is the result of the virtual “collision” between the ray and an object in the scene. It stores the minimum distance and information about the object, like if it is selected or is a subject (an object different from a plane). These are information obtained from the Blob data structure.


Main GUI


The user can interact with the scene with this general window that has some options: Models e Raymarching:

  • Models: A scene where the shader is applied over a model (a real one, with vertices) with fresnel with Eta = 1.010
  • Raymarching: A scene generated with the ray marching technique.
  • Blinn-Phong, Stripe, Reflect, Fresnel, Bubble, BN are the different rendering techniques used to render each points. The user can switch between the techniques with these buttons. Checkbox are parameters used in scene
  • Plane: add a plane
  • Second Pass: a second pass of render is used
  • Repetition: the operator repetition is used
  • Dithering: this will change the techniques to dithering
  • Background Texture: allow the user to change the cube map of the scene
  • Create object: add a new object with some randomized parameters. The limit in the scene is for 10 objects.
  • Checkbox Move Camera: the camera starts moving based on a fixed function. The movement is managed by the fragment shader; as a matter of fact it is simulated by changing the origin of the ray.

Object GUI


Each object in the scene has an “object GUI”where the user is allowed to change shape, color, operator, position, scale and movement. Checkbox:

  • Morph: the object starts morphing back and forth from the original shape to the next in the list.
  • Select: allows the user to select the object by showing an outer line on it.
  • Moving: the object starts moving and the user can modify the movement. The Reset button reset the position to the origin of the world, then the Random button set the position of the object to a randomized position in the scene.

Library used

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