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add-ons's Issues

7TV Emotes add-on does not honor Animated Emotes setting

I have the Chat » Appearance » Animated Emotes preference set to "Disabled". I would expect when a 7TV emote is used it would appear statically like all the other emotes (Twitch, BTTV, FFZ) do. However, instead it still appears animated within chat if the 7TV add-on is enabled.

FS Chat no longer working

I doesn't show up in fullscreen. Both when I have it set to FS automatically or not. Usually refreshing the page fixes it but it no longer does.

[Deck] [Feature Request] Filter column by game category

Hi I recently discovered the Deck Add-On and think it's great.

However if it is possible to implement, I would love to be able to filter a column of specific users to only show a stream when the user is streaming is in a specific category, similar to how filtering by tags already works.

I would like this feature because there are streamers that I only follow for their skilled gameplay in a specific game but I don't care much when they are streaming "Just Chatting" or a game I'm not interested in.

[Inline Tab] Suggestions ignore the last letter when pressing tab quickly after typing

With Inline Tab, the list of suggestions that appears when pressing tab ignores the latest letter if tab is pressed quickly after typing the last letter. It seems to require a little bit of time before registering a typed letter.
I try to complete "Pog" while a user called "Paccut" is in the chat.
When I type "Po" and then quickly press tab, "Paccut" is the first suggestion (and everything else that starts with "P". But when I type "Po", then wait for a split second and then press tab, the corect suggestions (e.g. "Pog") are shown.

I am using
FFZ Version 4.33.5 (82a34cd) in
Firefox 100.0 with
Inline Tab Version 1.2.4

FS Chat no longer working in VODS

This used to work but stopped about a week ago. Still works on live streams but watching vods the chat isn't transparent.

Same for another extension I have that does transparent chat. Works on livestreams but not on vods.

Restoring FFZ settings breaks FFZ AP

When I restore my FFZ settings it completely breaks FFZ AP. The only setting sub-sections in FFZ Settings that appear under Add-Ons is Changelog and FFZ:AP Core, the rest disappear and BTTV Emotes no longer appear in chat or in the emote menu.

The only way I've found to fix it is to clear local storage data, uninstall FFZ AP and reinstall.

The issue is repeatable by importing settings again.


[Enhancement] ModTools - Add a wait or pause command for use with MultiCommand

[Enhancement] ModTools - Add a wait or pause command for use with MultiCommand

When setting up MultiCommands, it would be nice to be able to inset a wait/pause into the sequence.

For example, my use case is that we normally keep the channel in 10-min Follower Only mode to prevent bots and certain ban evaders from making it through. However, when there is a raid/host, we remove Follower-only to allow new viewers the ability to spam their raid message. After 10 minutes or so (or longer) we'll switch the back to 10-Min Follower...if we remember :)

Having the ability to add a pause into the MultiCommand sequence would allow us to just fire off one action to remove and then, in 10 minutes, re-enable Follower-only mode.

Bonus points if triggering the same action again while a timer is running can cancel any active pause timers (and subsequent commands) instead of starting the MC the action again. :)

When using 'Circular Color Only, Small' badges, pronoun badge stays rounded.

Above is how it shows when Circular Color only, small badges are enabled.
Above is how it shows when Circular Color only badges are enabled.

The pronoun badge reverts to rounded rather than staying as a circle. Expected outcome is for the pronoun badge to appear in the first image the same way it appears in the second image.

[Smokey's Utilities] Pinned Mentions doesn't work

Apparently this was fixed back in April #59 but it doesn't seem to work for me. My mentions are highlighted but not pinned.

These are my parameters:


I don't have the BTTV pin feature enabled (I don't have BTTV at all)
I'm on Firefox 92.0, Windows 10

Poll-shim is always inactive

Poll-shim is never switches to active state.
Addon version: poll-shim 0.1.3

Steps to reproduce:

  • Navigate to
  • Open add-on settings: FFZ → Add-Ons → Poll-shim

State Active: true when navigate into channel dashboard.
Expected behavior

State Poll-Shim is currently inactive.
Actual behavior

If Channel ID field in Settings is empty then user_id is undefined:

const user_id = this.settings.get('addon.poll-shim.user'),
core =;
if ( ! user_id || ! core || ! core.pubsub )
return false;

Otherwise if Channel ID field value is my USERNAME then current_id is undefined:

const current_id = this.settings.get('context.channelID');
return current_id && current_id == user_id;

[Inline Tab] Randomly stops working after some time

Sometimes, tab completion stops working for emotes.
To fix it, I usually have to refresh the page. Disabling and re-enabling the Inline Tab extension also works.
I don't know what triggers it. It feels completely random but usually happens after at least 10min in a chat.

System info:

  • Arch Linux 5.15.12-arch1-1
  • Firefox 95.0.2
  • Only FFZ, no BTTV or 7TV installed in Firefox but I have their respective FFZ plugins

Please let me know if there is more info I can provide.

Refresh button disappeared

Starting from today, streaming refresh button doesn't show up. Hope you will fix it, because it is a very useful and convenient feature.

Thank you for you very useful work that allow us to better our Twitch experience.

Deck Specific User tab no longer functioning.

I am now receiving this error for a tab that uses the Specific User function:

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'stream')
at s.load (
at async VueComponent.loadMore (

Updating Chrome had no effect. All of my other tabs function properly.

I seem to be having trouble uploading the log file through FFZ, so here is the log pasted:


[8:41:50] info | core: FrankerFaceZ v4.29.2 (build 2abd44baadab1a5292c0 - commit 032c8821dfc53d07868b58b03e00c6e4420fa9ab) (initial
[8:41:50] info | site: Using: Twilight
[8:41:50] info | site.web_munch: Found and wrapped webpack's loader after 0ms.
[8:41:50] info | settings: Using Provider: LocalStorageProvider
[8:41:50] info | core: Loaded descriptions of 0 modules.
[8:41:50] info | settings: Initialization complete after 56.30000ms -- Values: 70 -- Profiles: 2
[8:41:50] info | site.fine: Installing MutationObserver.
[8:41:50] info | site.switchboard: Found Route and Switch with 12 routes.
[8:41:50] info | site: Loaded descriptions of 17 modules.
[8:41:50] info | site.elemental: Installing MutationObserver.
[8:41:51] info | site.web_munch: require() grabbed in 481.70000ms.
[8:41:51] info | experiments: Loaded information on 2 experiments.
[8:41:51] info | socket: Using Server: wss://
[8:41:51] info | core: Initialization complete in 551.10000ms.


i18n.debug.capture: false "default"
i18n.format.time: "short"
i18n.format.datetime: "medium"
i18n.debug.transform: null
i18n.locale: "en" false
socket.use-cluster: "Production" true
layout.display-bits-button: true
metadata.modview.hide-info: false
layout.side-nav.hide-viewers: false
metadata.uptime: 2 true
metadata.viewers: false false
layout.swap-sidebars: false
layout.portrait: false
layout.portrait-threshold: 1.25
layout.use-portrait: false
chat.width: null
chat.use-width: false
layout.use-chat-fix: false false
layout.minimal-navigation: false true 1
layout.side-nav.hide-offline: true true true
channel.hide-unfollow: false
channel.round-avatars: true
channel.hide-live-indicator: false
layout.side-nav.rerun-style: 1 1 1 true true ""
layout.portrait-invert: false
layout.portrait-min-chat: false
layout.inject-portrait: false
layout.use-portrait-swapped: false true
layout.use-portrait-meta: false
layout.use-portrait-meta-top: false
layout.portrait-extra-width: 24 true
layout.portrait-extra-height: 14
theme.can-dark: true true
theme.color.background: ""
theme.color.text: ""
theme.color.accent: ""
theme.color.tooltip.background: ""
theme.color.tooltip.text: "" "" "" ""
theme.font.size: 13 undefined
directory.hide-live: false
directory.hidden.reveal: false 2
channel.panel-tips: false false
player.gain.enable: true false
player.volume-always-shown: false
player.ext-interaction: true
player.hide-mouse: true
player.ext-hide: 0
player.captions.font-size: ""
player.captions.font-family: ""
player.compressor.enable: true
player.compressor.shortcut: null
player.hide-event-bar: false true true
directory.hide-vodcasts: false
directory.uptime: 1
player.force-visible: undefined true true


Unique ID: 9acbb31d015ced39

FFZ | API-Based Link Lookups: false (r:0.7)
Twitch | TWILIGHT_AD_DENSITY_WIDGET: no (r:0, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | channel_points_reward_limits_v2: control (r:0, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | chat_replies: control (r:0, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | gifting_themed_user_notice: control (r:0, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | community_insights: control (r:0.01, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | vx_vert: variant3 (r:0.15, t:device_id)
Twitch | post_to_social: control (r:0.25, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | extensions_installation_optimization: control (r:0.34, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | Devsite_create_apps_form_recaptcha: variant1 (r:0.5, t:user_id)
Twitch | Twilight Player Core NPM Distribution (Public): variant-b (r:0.5, t:device_id)
Twitch | bits_top_nav_explanation : experiment (r:0.5, t:user_id)
Twitch | ca_emote_perform: no (r:0.5, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | cf_wp_new_onboarding: control (r:0.5, t:channel_id, c:undefined)
Twitch | giftcard_redemption_in_checkout: control (r:0.5, t:device_id)
Twitch | happening_now_by_user: control (r:0.5, t:user_id)
Twitch | post_purchase_experience: treatment (r:0.5, t:user_id)
Twitch | reduce_subs_confusion: experiment (r:0.5, t:device_id)
Twitch | sda_post_fill_drop: treatment (r:0.5, t:device_id)
Twitch | subs_pif: thank_first (r:0.5, t:user_id)
Twitch | vxp_left_nav_hover_logged_in: control (r:0.75, t:user_id)
Twitch | sda_post_fill_drop_eligibility: control (r:0.8, t:device_id)
Twitch | vx_disco_follow_focus: control (r:0.85, t:device_id)
Twitch | vx_disco_personalized_cards: control (r:0.85, t:device_id)
Twitch | bits_skus_reduction: control (r:0.95, t:user_id)
Twitch | chat_history: control (r:0.95, t:user_id)
Twitch | expressions_popular_emotes: off (r:0.95, t:user_id)
Twitch | gifting_user_notice_standardization: control (r:0.95, t:user_id)
Twitch | stream_manager_new_panels_upsell: variant (r:0.95, t:user_id)
Twitch | take_the_leaderboard: TakeTop10Spot (r:0.95, t:user_id)
Twitch | vxp_hide_miniplayer: control (r:0.95, t:device_id)
Twitch | liverecs_holdout_device: control (r:0.98, t:device_id)
Twitch | liverecs_holdout_v2: control (r:0.98, t:user_id)
Twitch | TWILIGHT_CAROUSEL_HOLDBACK: control (r:0.99, t:device_id)


7tv-emotes | enabled | external | undefined v2.0.0
brcm | disabled | brcm v1.0.0
deck | enabled | Deck v1.4.1
ffzap-bttv | enabled | FFZ:AP BTTV v3.2.8
ffzap-core | enabled | FFZ:AP Core v3.3.6
ffzap-liriklive | enabled | FFZ:AP LirikLIVE v3.2.2
fs-chat | disabled | fs-chat v1.4.3
inline-tab-completion | disabled | Inline Tab v1.2.3
ModTools | disabled | Mod Tools v1.0.1
new-account-highlighter | disabled | New Account Highlighter v1.1.1
poll-shim | disabled | poll_shim v0.2.2
pronouns | disabled | pronouns v1.0.2
repetition-detector | disabled | repetition_detector v1.1.0
smokemotes | disabled | smokeys_utils v1.1.3

loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled | core
loaded | enabled | settings
loaded | enabled | experiments
loaded | enabled | i18n
loaded | enabled | socket
loaded | enabled | site.web_munch
loaded | enabled | site.fine
loaded | enabled | site.elemental
loaded | enabled | site.router
loaded | enabled | site.apollo
loaded | enabled | site.twitch_data
loaded | enabled | site.switchboard
loaded | enabled | site.subpump
loaded | enabled | site
loaded | enabled | addons
loaded | enabled | vue
loaded | enabled | tooltips
loaded | disabled | chat/actions
loaded | enabled | chat.badges
loaded | enabled | chat.emotes
loaded | enabled | chat.emoji
loaded | enabled | chat.actions
loaded | enabled | chat.overrides
loaded | enabled | chat
loaded | enabled | main_menu
loaded | enabled | metadata
loaded | enabled | site.bits_button
loaded | enabled | site.bttv_compat
unloaded | disabled | translation_ui
loaded | enabled | site.css_tweaks
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled | site.compat_emote_menu
loaded | enabled | site.dashboard
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled |
loaded | enabled | site.featured_follow
loaded | enabled | site.host_button
loaded | enabled | site.layout
loaded | enabled | site.menu_button
loaded | enabled | site.mod-view
loaded | enabled | site.player
loaded | enabled | site.sub_button
loaded | enabled | site.theme
loaded | enabled | site.video_chat
loaded | enabled | addon.7tv-emotes
loaded | enabled | addon.ffzap-core
loaded | enabled | addon.ffzap-bttv
loaded | enabled | addon.ffzap-liriklive
loaded | enabled | addon.deck


chat settings

chat.badges.fix-colors: true
theme.can-dark: true true 1
chat.badges.clickable: true
chat.badges.version: 2
chat.filtering.color-mentions: false
chat.actions.inline: [{"action":"ban","appearance":{"type":"icon","icon":"ffz-i-block"},"options":{},"display":{"mod":true,"mod_icons":true,"deleted":false}},{"action":"unban","appearance":{"type":"icon","icon":"ffz-i-ok"},"options":{},"display":{"mod":true,"mod_icons":true,"deleted":true}},{"action":"timeout","appearance":{"type":"icon","icon":"ffz-i-clock"},"display":{"mod":true,"mod_icons":true}},{"action":"msg_delete","appearance":{"type":"icon","icon":"ffz-i-trash"},"options":{},"display":{"mod":true,"mod_icons":true}},{"action":"reply","appearance":{"type":"icon","icon":"ffz-i-reply"},"options":{},"display":{}}]
chat.scroller.freeze-requires-hover: true
chat.scroller.hover-delay: 750
chat.scroller.freeze: 2
chat.scroller.smooth-scroll: 0
chat.input.hide-identity: false
chat.emote-menu.enabled: true
chat.emote-menu.icon: false "twitter" true
chat.filtering.deleted-style: 1
chat.filtering.clickable-mentions: false
chat.filtering.bold-mentions: true
chat.hide-community-highlights: false true true
chat.lines.alternate: true
chat.lines.padding: false
chat.adjustment-mode: 1
chat.adjustment-contrast: 4.5 ""
theme.color.background: "" ""
theme.color.text: ""
chat.filtering.highlight-mentions: true
chat.filtering.highlight-tokens: false
chat.filtering.mention-color: ""
chat.lines.borders: 0
addon.7tv_emotes.global_emotes: true
addon.7tv_emotes.channel_emotes: true
ffzap.core.highlight_sound: ""
ffzap.core.highlight_sound_types: ["badge","mention","term","user"]
ffzap.core.enable_highlight_sound: true
ffzap.core.message_deletion: 0
ffzap.core.highlight_sound_volume: 70
ffzap.betterttv.global_emoticons: true
ffzap.betterttv.pro_emoticons: true
ffzap.liriklive.global_emoticons: true
ffzap.liriklive.sub_emoticons: true
ffzap.betterttv.arbitrary_emoticons: true
chat.width: null
chat.effective-width: 340
chat.actions.size: 16
chat.timestamp-size: null
chat.font-size: 13
chat.lines.emote-alignment: 2
chat.font-family: ""

[Inline Tab] Unintuitive order of suggested emotes

I personally find the current order of suggested emotes a little unintuitive.

For example, when I type wa and press Tab, I expect it to auto-complete it to something like WAYTOODANK because it starts with wa. Instead, it auto-completes to BCWarrior and a whole bunch of other emotes first, even though they don't start with wa. I'm guessing this is because their first letters come earlier in the alphabet.

Also, when I type om and press Tab, I expect it to auto-complete to OMEGALUL. Instead, it auto-completes to OMEGALULiguess first.

Is there any chance FFZ could prioritize matches at the start of the string, as well as shorter strings instead of longer ones?
Thanks in advance for any reply.

[inline tab] Autocompleting emotes doesn't display a tooltip even with the option enabled

Up until yesterday night it was working all fine, I was able to get a tooltip preview of the emote when I press tab, but today I woke up and discovered that this is no longer the case. No settings was altered and the tooltip just suddenly stopped showing up. Tried clearing cookies, reinstalling FFZ, enabling and disabling the plugin, nothing seems to change.

[Deck] Add "Load unfiltered content temporarily"-button

If you have a column that has filtered out a bunch of content due to clientside filter settings, (i.e blocked categories), there's currently no way to temporarily view the unfiltered results.

I propose the addition of a small button to temporarily view unfiltered content. The button could be added just below the existing end message:

[smokemotes] Channel point auto-claimer duplicate setting

@smokey019's Utilities contains an Auto Point Claimer setting that is largely obsolete now that it is implemented in FFZ Core with a visible setting. Might be worth to clean up the add-on setting, perhaps migrating from the add-on as it is disabled by default.


(poolparty), :'( are not emotes anymore

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
in the bttv addon you have this line, the Enable to show arbitrary emoticons (like D:, :tf:, (poolparty), :'( and similar). (poolparty), :'( are gone and are not emotes anymore
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Go to 'addons'
Click on 'bttv'
Scroll down to rbitrary Emotes
Enable to show arbitrary emoticons (like D:, :tf:, (poolparty), :'( and similar).'
See error
(poolparty), :'( and similar) are not emotes anymore
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
that line to be edited to say the Enable to show arbitrary emoticons D: :tf:
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional context
those emotes where removed year(s) ago

[Inline Tab] Tooltip doesn't disappear when deleting input with Ctrl+Backspace

When I tab complete an emote and then delete that input by typing Ctrl+Backspace, the tooltip doesn't disappear. For it to disappear, I have to press backspace once more.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Press om
  2. Press Tab (it should autocomplete to something like OMEGALUL)
  3. Press Ctrl+Backspace (Deletes OMEGALUL)
  4. The tooltip is still visible.

FS Chat feature suggestions: Resizing in fullscreen, remember size and positions, disable white border

Please let me know if I should split these suggestions into separate issues.

Coming from "Anu Twitch Chat Overlay", there are a few features that I'm missing. Is there any chance those could be considered?

  • Resizing in fullscreen mode:
    Unless I'm missing something, currently the only way to resize the FS chat is to go into the FFZ settings. If I could resize the chat in fullscreen mode (e.g. by dragging a corner), that would be nice
  • Remember size and position for channels:
    Since different channels have different overlays, I have to resize and move the FS chat window every time I switch to a different channel. I'd love it if FS Chat could remember its size and position on a per stream basis.
  • Disable white border:
    A toggle in the settings to turn off the white window border would be nice

Thanks in advance for any reply.

[Pronouns] Fast Chat Networking Issues

When chat receives a burst of messages from new users, the pronouns extension in its current form creates a flood of fetch() requests, leading to connection issues with other parts of Twitch such as videos and emotes loading.

To solve this, I plan on implementing a throttle to only look up a certain number of users at once.

Is it possible to look up users in a batch @Alejo47 ? I understand if you want to keep it to single users per request for caching, just curious before I dig into fixing the issue.

7TV Emotes not appearing

7TV emotes are no longer appearing in chat with the add-on enabled. Seems to be caused by a recent Twitch update which is causing issues.

Anonymous/lurker chat

Noticed over time that quite a few people have asked about anon chat implementations for FFZ in various places, and I'm aware that this isn't something for core FFZ, so guess I'll put it here (since it was one of the few things that didn't have feature parity when I switched from BTTV fully).

The feature would allow you to connect to chat in a state similar to if you were viewing a stream while logged out, only logging you in once you actually send a message. This is useful if you like lurking in streams while not getting called out, either by chatters or bots. BTTV's implementation also supports manually parting and joining via chat commands, regardless of the setting.


Deck - Feature Request - Different approach to loading content by tags

At the moment it's possible to specify multiple tags for the content that a tab or individual column should load, but every specified tag must be applied to the content it is loading, otherwise it isn't loaded at all.

I propose the addition of an option that would allow a column or tab to load content as long as at least one of the specified tags are applied to the content.

Example: I'd like to have a single column that loads all channels that have either "Electronic Music", "Trance" or "House" tags applied, but at the moment that would require three individual columns.

EDIT: If anyone else is interested in seeing this feature added in the future, I highly suggest showing support for the Uservoice-submission found here that specifically pertains to how the tags logic functions on Twitch, which would make it easier for Stendec to implement something like this for Deck in the future:

[Inline Tab Completion] [Bug]

The Add-On still does not distinguish between @mentions or mentions. For example, I have an emote called ThabWave, but I want to mention @THABEAST in chat. I type "@thab" and press tab. I get ThabWave instead of @THABEAST. I'm assuming the Add-On is expected to distinguish between @thab and thab when I press tab, especially since I have the default "start all mentions with @" setting enabled.

If any more info is needed, I'll try my best.

[7TV] channel 7TV emotes not loading, 403 error

The recent 7TV add-on update completely broke channel 7TV emotes for me, i can only see global 7TV emotes. FFZ tries to load them but is unable to, the console shows 403 forbidden every single time.
The standalone 7TV extension works and shows every emote like normal.

[Deck] [Feature request] exclude tag from search

Hi, just found Deck and I'm loving it, since it seems like twitch no longer allows you to filter by multiple tags in the normal UI. It seems like there's no way to exclude a tag from a search though, which would be really helpful.

I find myself with two columns of combined tag searches, let's say A + B and A + C. However, most streams which have tag B will also have tag C - it's a kind of subset. The column dedicated to the more specific search is useful to me, but I'd like to avoid showing these results in the column with the broader search. So, a search for A + C excluding B.

I saw on another issue that these results are provided by twitch, the search is server side, so I imagine this might require adding a client-side filtering component? Which, I'd understand if you don't want to. Still, it sounds like a useful feature to me.

[inline tab] prioritize emotes that begin with the user's input (ENHANCEMENT)

Id like to have the option to prioritize the emotes that actually start with what im typing, for example, if i type clap and hit tab, i would expect it to show Clap not HYPERCLAP. and this is also for sub emotes as when i type for example clap and hit tab, id get the channel emote over the bttv emote Clap. this replicates the behavior of bttv emotes.

[Deck] [Feature Request] Ability to override column load throttling

Hey there,

I have a column that contains 98 users, and without fail this prompt appears on each load:

This behaviour, while useful when having network issues, is quite inconvenient as having to manually load more channel previews every time the column refreshes (currently every 5 minutes) defeats the purpose of auto-refresh. With small card size and a column that almost fits the screen, only about half of the visible area is covered by previews:

An option to turn this off per-column would remove this problem, while still retaining the original purpose of throttling for less request-intensive columns.


"When in portrait mode, place chat at the top." Stopped working properly.

On portrait mode when you enable Appearance » Layout » "When in portrait mode, place chat at the top." the chat goes up, but the video doesn't go below it anymore. The chat is probably covering the stream now.

It started happening today for me. I tested both on Chrome and on Firefox and got the same problem. In Firefox I had a fresh installation, so I don't think it's something particular to my settings.

7TV subscriber badge not visible in HiDPI

The issue is caused by wrong image Content-Type. It should be fixed in CDN by 7TV develoeprs, ticket here. It does not have any traction tho, so it would be great, if it could be fixed on the FFZ add-on side in the meantime. It looks like the add-on downloads the same image, but for non-HiDPI monitors the issue is not present.


HDPI resolution

No HDPI resolution

FS Chat: Blur not working (Firefox)

The background color blur doesn't work for me, no matter how high I set the blur strength.
I'm using the newest Firefox version.

Please let me know if you need further info.

Thanks in advance

[First Message Highlighter] [Feature Request] On/Off toggle

It's distracting to have it enabled in large streams but not in smaller ones, luckily FFZ lets you set profiles for that, but sadly you can't have an add-on enabled in one and not the other. An on/off toggle would allow that.
I did workaround my problem by just making it transparent in the profiles that I didn't want it on, but surely not the best UX when the more elegant solution is so simple.

[FS Chat] transparent overlay no longer works for VODs

Transparent overlay still works perfectly during live streams, but completely broken on VODs. I've used the feature many times before, and never had an issue until version 4.32.0 came out recently. I've already tried many different browsers and even disabled other extensions, but couldn't get the transparent overlay to work on VODs at all.

It was such a great feature. I hope we can find a fix. Thank you so much!

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.