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reflux's Introduction

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Graphic Design B.F.A student from Maryland proficient in Python, Ruby, and Crystal. I've also learned JavaScript, C++, Lua, and SourcePawn, but I only use those when I need to =P

I'm an artist creating tools and applications for programmers and creatives alike. The projects I make range from API wrappers, to game mods and documentation, to developement tools, and a bit more. Check out my pinned repositories!

**Curently less active maintaining software projects and programming in general while I focus on art and college.

A lot of these GitHub READMEs are over saturated in SVG stuff, so here's a simple table with my top languages and GitHub stats.

Top Languages:
GitHub Stats:

P.S. - Have you ever forked a potato?

reflux's People


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reflux's Issues python code

So while I was testing out your code in the readme in github, it gave me an error and I had to work around it to get it to work.
So i think you should change the python code in the readme to this:

import os
os.system("pip install reflux")
import reflux
t = reflux.Theme({
    "name": "New Theme",
    "author": "Your Username",
    "description": "A simple theme to get started with!",
    "default": "light"

t.set_color("primary-1", "whitesmoke")

    "primary-2": "rbga(255, 255, 255, 0.48)",
    "primary-3": "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"

There, if you run that is it works.
So I recommend you change the code so it works a little better :)

Joint projects

Hello! After I never followed up on #5, I felt kind of bad. This project was really interesting for me, but I couldn't figure out a way to generate the CSS in a pythonic manner. Beyond that, the project seemed dead so I wasn't sure if it would be worth it.

While figuring this all out, I learned a lot about how bookmarklets worked and Replit's design system. 2 days ago, I was determined to share this knowledge. There weren't any good Python tools for this process, so I instead created a framework for developing the styling with Sass. I also wanted some general guides and references for people who also wanted to create these designs.

Thus I created Replit Theming, a website hosting a collection of resources for Replit UI design. This would have a step-by-step guide to theme design, how I create themes, and maybe a few examples.

However, I realized yesterday that you picked up the project again.


Yeah, I created the Sass project thinking that it would be an alternative to Reflux that was easier and more extensible. (I don't mean to be rude, but the API for 0.2.0 wasn't the most pythonic or easy to use.) Anyways, I now have a predicament. Do I drop the project or do I continue it on? Reflux is back in action, so being the alternative wouldn't work.

My decision was to put more effort into the website since that would still be helpful. This was my plan until a few hours ago, where I thought: What if we worked together on all three?

We create a Github org where these three projects can live together in harmony. You can contribute to the website if you want, and I possibly can suggest some features and bug fixes.

I completely understand if you don't want to do this, I just feel like the projects are too similar to be kept apart.

Thank you,


How do I use Reflux?

I was looking at the docs and files, but what I couldn't see anywhere is how to install and use Reflux in the browser to change the theme.

I know that a PyPi package won't do that. Is there a Chrome extension or something that goes with this?

New update for theming!


I know it's been a while since Reflux has been active, but...

Replit posted a new blog update about better theming! Now, I did some digging and figured out how it works.

Replit now uses CSS variables (see MDN Article). By changing these, you are effectively able to theme Replit! No more unofficial injects and properties! I have compiled a list of all the default values.

I even have a decent test theme!


Last, I used this site to actually generate the bookmarklet.


.replit-ui-theme-root, :root {
    --border-radius-1: 1px;
    --border-radius-2: 2px;
    --border-radius-4: 4px;
    --border-radius-8: 8px;
    --border-radius-16: 16px;
    --border-radius-default: var(--border-radius-8);
    --border-radius-round: 1028px;
    --space-2: 2px;
    --space-4: 4px;
    --space-8: 8px;
    --space-12: 12px;
    --space-16: 16px;
    --space-24: 24px;
    --space-32: 32px;
    --space-48: 48px;
    --space-64: 64px;
    --space-128: 128px;
    --space-256: 256px;
    --space-default: var(--space-8);
    --shadow-1: 0px 4px 8px 0px rgba(2, 2, 3, 0.16);
    --shadow-2: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(2, 2, 3, 0.32);
    --shadow-3: 0px 16px 32px 0px rgba(2, 2, 3, 0.48);
    --shadow-default: var(--shadow-1);
    --font-family-default: "IBM Plex Sans", sans-serif;
    --font-family-code: "IBM Plex Mono", monospace;
    --font-size-small: 12px;
    --line-height-small: 1.5;
    --font-size-default: 14px;
    --line-height-default: 1.6;
    --font-size-subhead-default: 16px;
    --line-height-subhead-default: 1.375;
    --font-size-subhead-big: 20px;
    --line-height-subhead-big: 1.2;
    --font-size-header-default: 24px;
    --line-height-header-default: 1;
    --font-size-header-big: 32px;
    --line-height-header-big: 1;
    --font-weight-regular: 400;
    --font-weight-medium: 500;
    --font-weight-bold: 600;
    --border-width-default: 1px;
    --single-line: 1;
    --black: #0e1525;
    --white: #fcfcfc;

.replit-ui-theme-root.light {
    --background-root: #ebeced;
    --background-default: #fcfcfc;
    --background-higher: #f0f1f2;
    --background-highest: #e4e5e6;
    --background-overlay: #f0f1f2a0;
    --foreground-default: #07080a;
    --foreground-dimmer: #3d4047;
    --foreground-dimmest: #5c5f66;
    --outline-default: #afb1b3;
    --outline-default-25: #afb1b340;
    --outline-dimmer: #c0c3c4;
    --outline-dimmest: #d2d4d6;
    --accent-primary-strongest: #004d80;
    --accent-primary-stronger: #0072bd;
    -webkit---accent-primary-default: #0099ff;
    --accent-primary-default: #0099ff;
    --accent-primary-dimmer: #85ceff;
    -webkit---accent-primary-dimmest: #c7e9ff;
    --accent-primary-dimmest: #c7e9ff;
    --accent-positive-strongest: #0c4516;
    --accent-positive-stronger: #0f7a21;
    --accent-positive-default: #2fc448;
    -webkit---accent-positive-dimmer: #76db87;
    --accent-positive-dimmer: #76db87;
    --accent-positive-dimmest: #a8f0b4;
    --accent-negative-strongest: #520f0f;
    --accent-negative-stronger: #8a0a0a;
    --accent-negative-default: #f23f3f;
    -webkit---accent-negative-dimmer: #ff8585;
    --accent-negative-dimmer: #ff8585;
    --accent-negative-dimmest: #ffc7c7;
    --accent-red-dimmest: #ffc7c7;
    --accent-red-dimmer: #ff8585;
    --accent-red-default: #e50000;
    --accent-red-stronger: #a60000;
    --accent-red-strongest: #6e0000;
    --accent-orange-dimmest: #ffd9b2;
    --accent-orange-dimmer: #ffc285;
    --accent-orange-default: #d96d00;
    -webkit---accent-orange-stronger: #9c4e00;
    --accent-orange-stronger: #9c4e00;
    --accent-orange-strongest: #753b00;
    --accent-yellow-dimmest: #fff2b2;
    --accent-yellow-dimmer: #ffea7f;
    --accent-yellow-default: #ccad14;
    -webkit---accent-yellow-stronger: #a68a00;
    --accent-yellow-stronger: #a68a00;
    --accent-yellow-strongest: #756200;
    --accent-green-dimmest: #b2ffbf;
    --accent-green-dimmer: #66ff7f;
    --accent-green-default: #36b24a;
    --accent-green-stronger: #007814;
    -webkit---accent-green-strongest: #00540e;
    --accent-green-strongest: #00540e;
    --accent-teal-dimmest: #bff4ff;
    --accent-teal-dimmer: #7feaff;
    --accent-teal-default: #3db4cc;
    --accent-teal-stronger: #007f99;
    --accent-teal-strongest: #005b6e;
    --accent-blue-dimmest: #b2d9ff;
    --accent-blue-dimmer: #7fbfff;
    --accent-blue-default: #2e8ae5;
    --accent-blue-stronger: #005ebd;
    --accent-blue-strongest: #004d99;
    -webkit---accent-blurple-dimmest: #cec4ff;
    --accent-blurple-dimmest: #cec4ff;
    --accent-blurple-dimmer: #a18fff;
    -webkit---accent-blurple-default: #7559ff;
    --accent-blurple-default: #7559ff;
    --accent-blurple-stronger: #563cd6;
    --accent-blurple-strongest: #422f9e;
    --accent-purple-dimmest: #e2c4ff;
    --accent-purple-dimmer: #c78fff;
    --accent-purple-default: #a64dff;
    -webkit---accent-purple-stronger: #9140e3;
    --accent-purple-stronger: #9140e3;
    --accent-purple-strongest: #6c32a6;
    -webkit---accent-magenta-dimmest: #ffc2ff;
    --accent-magenta-dimmest: #ffc2ff;
    --accent-magenta-dimmer: #ff8aff;
    -webkit---accent-magenta-default: #e55ae5;
    --accent-magenta-default: #e55ae5;
    --accent-magenta-stronger: #b0319b;
    --accent-magenta-strongest: #802680;
    --accent-pink-dimmest: #ffc2eb;
    --accent-pink-dimmer: #ff8ad8;
    --accent-pink-default: #e545b0;
    --accent-pink-stronger: #b03186;
    --accent-pink-strongest: #802662;
    --accent-grey-dimmest: #bfbfbf;
    --accent-grey-dimmer: #999999;
    --accent-grey-default: #808080;
    --accent-grey-stronger: #666666;
    --accent-grey-strongest: #595959;

.replit-ui-theme-root.dark {
    --background-root: #0e1525;
    --background-default: #1c2333;
    --background-higher: #2b3245;
    --background-highest: #3c445c;
    --background-overlay: #0e1525a0;
    --foreground-default: #f5f9fc;
    --foreground-dimmer: #c2c8cc;
    --foreground-dimmest: #9da2a6;
    --outline-default: #70788c;
    --outline-default-25: #70788c40;
    --outline-dimmer: #5f677a;
    --outline-dimmest: #4e5569;
    --accent-primary-strongest: #c7e9ff;
    --accent-primary-stronger: #85ceff;
    -webkit---accent-primary-default: #0099ff;
    --accent-primary-default: #0099ff;
    --accent-primary-dimmer: #0072bd;
    -webkit---accent-primary-dimmest: #004d80;
    --accent-primary-dimmest: #004d80;
    --accent-positive-strongest: #bfffca;
    --accent-positive-stronger: #96ffa8;
    --accent-positive-default: #2fc448;
    -webkit---accent-positive-dimmer: #0f7a21;
    --accent-positive-dimmer: #0f7a21;
    --accent-positive-dimmest: #0c4516;
    --accent-negative-strongest: #ffbfbf;
    --accent-negative-stronger: #ff8585;
    --accent-negative-default: #f23f3f;
    -webkit---accent-negative-dimmer: #8f2828;
    --accent-negative-dimmer: #8f2828;
    --accent-negative-dimmest: #573a3a;
    --accent-red-dimmest: #6e0000;
    --accent-red-dimmer: #a60000;
    --accent-red-default: #e50000;
    --accent-red-stronger: #ff8585;
    --accent-red-strongest: #ffc7c7;
    --accent-orange-dimmest: #753b00;
    --accent-orange-dimmer: #9c4e00;
    --accent-orange-default: #d96d00;
    -webkit---accent-orange-stronger: #ffc285;
    --accent-orange-stronger: #ffc285;
    --accent-orange-strongest: #ffd9b2;
    --accent-yellow-dimmest: #756200;
    --accent-yellow-dimmer: #a68a00;
    --accent-yellow-default: #ccad14;
    -webkit---accent-yellow-stronger: #ffea7f;
    --accent-yellow-stronger: #ffea7f;
    --accent-yellow-strongest: #fff2b2;
    --accent-green-dimmest: #00540e;
    --accent-green-dimmer: #007814;
    --accent-green-default: #36b24a;
    --accent-green-stronger: #66ff7f;
    -webkit---accent-green-strongest: #b2ffbf;
    --accent-green-strongest: #b2ffbf;
    --accent-teal-dimmest: #005b6e;
    --accent-teal-dimmer: #007f99;
    --accent-teal-default: #3db4cc;
    --accent-teal-stronger: #7feaff;
    --accent-teal-strongest: #bff4ff;
    --accent-blue-dimmest: #004d99;
    --accent-blue-dimmer: #005ebd;
    --accent-blue-default: #2e8ae5;
    --accent-blue-stronger: #7fbfff;
    --accent-blue-strongest: #b2d9ff;
    -webkit---accent-blurple-dimmest: #422f9e;
    --accent-blurple-dimmest: #422f9e;
    --accent-blurple-dimmer: #563cd6;
    -webkit---accent-blurple-default: #7559ff;
    --accent-blurple-default: #7559ff;
    --accent-blurple-stronger: #a18fff;
    --accent-blurple-strongest: #cec4ff;
    --accent-purple-dimmest: #6c32a6;
    --accent-purple-dimmer: #9140e3;
    --accent-purple-default: #a64dff;
    -webkit---accent-purple-stronger: #c78fff;
    --accent-purple-stronger: #c78fff;
    --accent-purple-strongest: #e2c4ff;
    -webkit---accent-magenta-dimmest: #802680;
    --accent-magenta-dimmest: #802680;
    --accent-magenta-dimmer: #b031b0;
    -webkit---accent-magenta-default: #e55ae5;
    --accent-magenta-default: #e55ae5;
    --accent-magenta-stronger: #ff8aff;
    --accent-magenta-strongest: #ffc2ff;
    --accent-pink-dimmest: #802662;
    --accent-pink-dimmer: #b03186;
    --accent-pink-default: #e545b0;
    --accent-pink-stronger: #ff8ad8;
    --accent-pink-strongest: #ffc2eb;
    --accent-grey-dimmest: #595959;
    --accent-grey-dimmer: #666666;
    --accent-grey-default: #808080;
    --accent-grey-stronger: #999999;
    --accent-grey-strongest: #bfbfbf;

Package data cannot be accessed from subdirectories

So annoying.

Hours and hours and hours of searching, googling, reading and re-reading documentation, scrolling StackOverflow answers complaining/warning that the documentation is misleading or a straight up lie, tracing GitHub and GitLab issues back three
whole years, and lots of ctrl-z, ctrl-z, ctrl-z, ctrl-z...

My journey through this issue, deteriorating more and more into psychosis the further down:

Testing more solutions now, I think I'm onto something, until then Reflux is unusable outside of a local build.

look! fellow programmers suffering as well!

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