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perl6-archive-libarchive's Issues

Error 90: No such entry found

I have a tar.gz that contains two txt files, I try to print out the content of each file:

my $a = operation => LibarchiveRead, file => $payload;

my $log-content = $ (Archive::Libarchive::Entry $e --> Bool) { $e.pathname.ends-with('_log.txt')    });
my $res-content = $ (Archive::Libarchive::Entry $e --> Bool) { $e.pathname.ends-with('_result.txt') });

say $log-content.decode('UTF8-C8'); #
say $res-content.decode('UTF8-C8'); #

step print the content of file that end with _log.txt ok .

but step result in:

Error 90: No such entry found

if I comment the $log-content line, I can print out the content of _result.txt :

#  my $log-content = $ (Archive::Libarchive::Entry $e --> Bool) { $e.pathname.ends-with('_log.txt')    }); # comment this 
my $res-content = $ (Archive::Libarchive::Entry $e --> Bool) { $e.pathname.ends-with('_result.txt') }); # print out the content ok

tests fail on macos 13.1 (ventura) on install

===> Building [OK] for Archive::Libarchive::Raw:ver<0.1.2>:auth<zef:FRITH>
===> Testing: Archive::Libarchive::Raw:ver<0.1.2>:auth<zef:FRITH>
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/00-use.rakutest ................ ok
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/01-version.rakutest ............ ok
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/02-list.rakutest ............... Dubious, test returned 1
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] No subtests run
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/03-extract.rakutest ............ Dubious, test returned 1
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] No subtests run
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/04-archive.rakutest ............ Dubious, test returned 1
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] No subtests run
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/05-archive-read-disk.rakutest .. Dubious, test returned 255
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] All 56 subtests passed
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/99-meta.rakutest ............... ok
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] All tests successful.
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] Test Summary Report
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] -------------------
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/02-list.rakutest  (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] Non-zero exit status: 1
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw]   Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/03-extract.rakutest  (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] Non-zero exit status: 1
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw]   Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/04-archive.rakutest  (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] Non-zero exit status: 1
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw]   Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] t/05-archive-read-disk.rakutest (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw]   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 56 tests but ran 0.
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] Files=7, Tests=10,  3 wallclock secs
[Archive::Libarchive::Raw] Result: FAILED
===> Testing [FAIL]: Archive::Libarchive::Raw:ver<0.1.2>:auth<zef:FRITH>
Aborting due to test failure: Archive::Libarchive::Raw:ver<0.1.2>:auth<zef:FRITH> (use --force-test to override)

Symlinks support

Is symlink file type supported?

When archiving a symlink i get the link target data in the archive not symlink file type.

Archive not being written to CWD

When using Archive::Libarchive with ArchiveOverwrite, the expectation is that the archive is written relative to the CurrentWorkingDirectory, not relative to the directory where the Raku program was called from.

If it is a design decision to make the path of the Archive relative to the calling directory, and not $*CWD, may I suggest this is noted somewhere in the documentation.

Please see the following code

#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.d;
use Archive::Libarchive;
use Archive::Libarchive::Constants;

my Archive::Libarchive $arc .= new(

my %h = <one two three four> Z=> 1..*;
# change to a sub-directory
my $orig = $*CWD;
chdir 'subdir';
my $b = %h.raku.encode );
say "Current dir: $*CWD";
try {
    $arc.write-header( 'some_name',
    $arc.write-data( $b );
    CATCH {
        default { .Str.say }
say 'finished';
$*CWD = $orig;
say 'listing of root: ', ('.'.IO.dir);
say 'listing of root/subdir: ', ('./subdir'.IO.dir);

which outputs

raku save-2-cache.raku 
Current dir: /home/richard/development/raku-collection/trial/subdir
listing of root: ("get-from-cache.raku".IO "save-2-cache.raku".IO "cache.7z".IO "subdir".IO)
listing of root/subdir: ()

Best way to get the filetype of an entry in an archive?

I'm reading the entries in an archive. I'm only interested in the entries that are file names, not directories.

I can use the filetype method on the entry object: $entry.filetype and I get what looks like an Int. I get 16384 for a directory and 32768 for a file.

But I don't know if these numbers might be different on a different machine. I looked for constants in the Raku module code but didn't find any.

Another possible way to check for whether a directory is a directory is to check to see if the last character is a /. But again, I'm not 100% sure this will work across all machine types.

It would be nice if the filetype method returned something more intuitive or there were some other method to get the type for an entry.


[Feature Request] Extract to a particular directory

One thing I miss is being able to tell extract where exactly to extract things to. I was trying to use the library to replace an invocation like:

run "tar", "xfz", $archive, "-C", $local-temp;

Which extracts the files into $local-temp. Having done a little digging, it seems that libarchive doesn't doesn't actually support this very directly, but the answer here mentions a way to do it.

While I might get away with chdir it's going to be fragile/tricky. My application works concurrently (so multiple threads) but chdir is process-global. Perl 6 tries to avoid this problem by "simulating" chdir using $*CWD but that won't help a NativeCall'd library. We can really change the directory at OS level using &PROCESS::chdir which should change it from the perspective of libarchive. Unfortunately, given I have a concurrent application, then the moment I get two things going on in my application that need to &PROCESS::chdir, I'm going to have a very a bad time. :-) So I'd rather not introduce that.

Please let me know if this feature request seems reasonable. If you can implement it, even better...failing that I may find time for a patch (I'm also hoping to contribute something for making it easy to install this library on Windows, by fetching the DLL automatically like GTK::Simple does).

Unable to install with zef or Panda

Thanks for working on this module. I just tried to install it; with panda it fails as:

Failure Summary
	*fetch stage failed for Archive::Libarchive::Raw: Unable to handle source '')
jnthn@lviv:~/edument/rmtly$ panda install Archive::Libarchive::Raw
==> Fetching Archive::Libarchive::Raw
fetch stage failed for Archive::Libarchive::Raw: Unable to handle source ''

And with zef a bit differently:

===> Searching for: Archive::Libarchive
===> Searching for missing dependencies: Archive::Libarchive::Raw
===> Fetching: Archive::Libarchive
No extracting backend available
  in method extract at /home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/share/perl6/site/sources/F94CA4E91B2AF324B8A925E1F065F40258AE4D90 (Zef::Extract) line 8

At a guess, something is not quite right in the for this module and/or its dependency, Archive::Libarchive::Raw.

Segfault when extracting

I just got a segfault when using this library to extract files. It's a simple use, on a .tar.gz file:

            given await($tarball-location) {
                my Archive::Libarchive $archive .= new(
                    operation => LibarchiveExtract,        
                    file => $_
                unlink $_;

Running it under perl6-valgrind-m I see that it seems to be due to mis-use of libarchive somehow; it crashes when calling archive_entry_free:

==4199== Invalid write of size 8
==4199==    at 0x22C10164: archive_wstring_free (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x22C13A4C: archive_mstring_clean (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x22BD4BD8: archive_entry_clear (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x22BD4C98: archive_entry_free (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x50670DD: ??? (in /home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/lib/
==4199==    by 0x16125B8F: ???
==4199==    by 0x5067018: dc_callvm_call_x64 (in /home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/lib/
==4199==    by 0x22BD4C8F: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x273148BF: ???
==4199==  Address 0xc56ac20 is 256 bytes inside a block of size 1,072 free'd
==4199==    at 0x4C2EDEB: free (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==4199==    by 0x22BDE1CC: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x50670DD: ??? (in /home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/lib/
==4199==    by 0x16125B8F: ???
==4199==    by 0x5067018: dc_callvm_call_x64 (in /home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/lib/
==4199==    by 0x22C14A6F: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x1034EC4F: ???
==4199==  Block was alloc'd at
==4199==    at 0x4C2FB55: calloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==4199==    by 0x22BD31D2: archive_entry_new2 (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x22BDD608: archive_read_new (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x50670DD: ??? (in /home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/lib/
==4199==    by 0x16125B8F: ???
==4199==    by 0x5067018: dc_callvm_call_x64 (in /home/jnthn/dev/MoarVM/install/lib/
==4199==    by 0x22BDD5CF: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==4199==    by 0x2640D55F: ???

Is there a method/example to read the content of each entry in the archive?

The code below just print out the filenames in the archive:

my $a = operation => LibarchiveRead, file => $msg.payload;
my Archive::Libarchive::Entry $e .= new;
while $$e) {

which print out:


I want to read the content of result.txt and log.txt but don't want to uncompress the .tag.gz file. The method !copy-data seems the right answer, but it's a private method, so is there a method/example to read the content of each entry in the archive?

Pathname too long

Getting Pathname too long error in method write-header when archiving GCC or libstdc++

Sample file that causes the error:

Error 4294967271: Pathname too long

I'm not sure if this is really a long number of characters in pathname or may because of something to do with the characters them selves in the pathname, as I noticed that the files that causes this error is located inside directories that end with _

I will test again when get back home, since I just updated my work computer and that might have caused the issue.

Things don't work out with format `tar` and filters `none`

First I tired this:

my Archive::Libarchive $archive .= new(
    operation => LibarchiveOverwrite,
    file => $tar-file,
    format => 'tar'

This complained that I had to specify filters together with format. I didn't want any so I tried:

my Archive::Libarchive $archive .= new(
    operation => LibarchiveOverwrite,
    file => $tar-file
    format => 'tar',
    filters => ['none']

It then told me there was "No such format 'tar'", which is a tad odd (it's in the list of supported ones in the README). Happily, that was easily fixed by changing to gnutar:

my Archive::Libarchive $archive .= new(
    operation => LibarchiveOverwrite,
    file => $tar-file
    format => 'gnutar',
    filters => ['none']

This told me that none is not a valid filter. I didn't figure out how to solve that, but it turned out I could apply gzip compression, so I changed it to:

my Archive::Libarchive $archive .= new(
    operation => LibarchiveOverwrite,
    file => $tar-file
    format => 'gnutar',
    filters => ['gzip']

Which in this case was OK because I could also control the thing that would process the output to make it also ungzip it. With that, everything worked very nicely! :-)

So in summary, two issues:

  • The bigger issue: there seems to be no way to just get a tar without any filtering (it'd also be nice if the filter parameter would default to ['none'] when that is properly supported)
  • The smaller issue: tar didn't seem to work, I had to use guntar

Again, thanks for the module.

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