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JavaScript Basics


A review of many of the building blocks of JavaScript.

Although ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015) is the latest standard, adopted in June of 2015, we'll mostly focus on features from the ES5 standard. Some of the references in this document may include descriptions of ES2015 features. These features will usually be denoted with (new in ECMAScript 2015) in the main text or with a flask icon in the navigation sidebar.

let and const are the primary ES2015 features introduced in this training. In order to to use these features, we'll need to be in strict mode.


By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • List all 5 JavaScript primitives and give an example of each
  • Identify the operator in an expression and explain what it does
  • Define variable and contrast with value
  • Evaluate simple JavaScript by inspection
  • Write simple scripts that use flow control


  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. Create a new branch, training, for your work.
  3. Switch to the new training branch.
  4. Install dependencies with npm install.
  5. Open the repository in Atom with atom ..

Note: Create and switch to a new branch at the same time with the shortcut: git checkout -b <new branch name>.


Primitive types

ES5 has 5 primitive types: Number, String, Boolean, null, and undefined.

Type Examples
Number -0, NaN, Infinity
String '', "The non-empty string."
Boolean true, false
null null
undefined undefined

Primitive types represent immutable values. We'll contrast this with reference types in a later lesson.

The types Number and String both have large sets of possible values. Boolean has only two values and null and undefined each have just one.

The ES2015 primitive type Symbol is intentionally omitted.


Literals represent specific values in the source code. Some examples are 1, 'A string', null.



We'll use Node.js as a REPL and script runner to evaluate expressions and explore JavaScript features.

  • Read
  • Evaluate
  • Print
  • Loop

Code Along: Declare Variables

$ node
> 'use strict'
> bornOn

Variables need to be declared.

> let bornOn

Variables name storage for the value they contain. Because JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, you can assign a value of one type to a variable and then later assign a value of a different type to that same variable.

In JavaScript, null represents the explicitly omitted value, whereas undefined represents the default omitted value. Variables that have been declared but are uninitialized or unset have the value undefined.


Operators come in three classes, unary, binary (the most common), and ternary (there is only one).

Operator precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated first.

Associativity determines the order in which operators of the same precedence are processed.

The following table lists a subset of the JavaScript operators from higher to lower precedence.

Type Associativity Operators
grouping n/a ()
postfix increment n/a ++ --
negation, numeric conversion, prefix increment, type right-to-left ! - + ++ -- typeof
multiplication, division, modulo left-to-right * / %
addition, subtraction left-to-right + -
relation, instance left-to-right < <= > >= instanceof
strict equality left-to-right === !==
logical and left-to-right &&
logical or left-to-right `
conditional right-to-left ?:
assignment right-to-left = += -= *= /= %=


An expression is a combination of literals, variables, operators, function invocations and sub-expressions that are interpreted and produce a value. Not all such combinations produce sensible results.

The simplest expression is a variable or literal followed by a semicolon. More complicated expressions are formed by combining simpler expressions using operators.

An expression with all of the variables replaced with literals that are equal to the values of the variables will produce the same result.

Code Along: Assignment expressions

Assignment changes the value of a variable.

let height
height = 72
let name
name = 'Brian'

Remember: JavaScript variables are untyped.

name = 'Brian'
name = 29

Although it doesn't cause an error, avoid confusing code like the above.

Now try it yourself! Create a new variable named developer, and store the name of the person sitting next to you in it. Now change it to someone else in the room!


Constants must be initialized, assigned a value, when created. Uninitialized constants are a syntax error in Firefox. In Chrome or node they will always have the value undefined.

const pi = 3.14159265359 // rounded
const e
e = 2.71828182846 // rounded

Numeric expressions

Simple calculations:

5 + 3
7 - 2
11 % 5

Expressions with variables only change values with assignment.

height = 80
height - 1

What will height be at the end of the 3 lines above?

Now let's compare some common methods of counting.

let i
i = 0
i = i + 1
i += 1

Note: ++i and i++ are not the same! ++i will increment i by 1 and then evaluate i, whereas i++ will evaluate i and then increment.

String expressions

let givenName
let surname
let fullName
givenName = 'Brian'
surname = 'Berzellini'
fullName = givenName + ' ' + surname

Try it with your name now!

bornOn = '1982-09-29'

What happens if you don't enter the date as a string?

Code Along: Boolean expressions

A boolean expression is a comparison (e.g. >, >=, ===) or any value interpreted as a boolean. We'll use that fact when we get to flow control. Boolean expression combine using the logical and && and logical || operators.

let height = 72
height === 60
height > 72
height = 76
height > 72
height > 72 && height < 78

The logical operators 'short circuit', which means they stop evaluating operands as soon as the expression is false for &&, or true for ||.

Truthy and Falsy Values

What do you think of when you hear 'truthy' and 'falsy'?

All values in JS are inherently truthy with the exception of these 6 values:

  • false
  • undefined
  • null
  • 0 and -0
  • NaN
  • '', "", and ``

Note: The negation of a truthy value is false and the negation of a falsy value is true.

let truthyValue
let falsyValue
truthyValue = 'A non-empty string'
falsyValue = 0

Demo: Type conversions

The unary + operator attempts to convert its operand to a Number. If unsuccessful the result is NaN.

If either operand of the binary + operator is a string the operator converts the other operator to a string. Some results of this conversion are more useful than others.

Note the difference between 3 + 5 + ' times' and 'times ' + 3 + 5?

The unary ! operator converts its operand to a boolean value.

For non-strict-equality comparisons with numbers, boolean values are coerced to 1 or 0 (from true or false respectively).

Code Along: Flow Control

Remember how we used node as a REPL earlier? It actually has a completely different use as well--as a script runner. Let's see how that works while we explore some examples of flow control.

To start, exit your REPL using CTRL-d and make sure you're in the 'lib' folder. Add 3 files using the touch command from your terminal.

touch greeter.js psychic.js forLoop.js

Printing to the Console

As developers, we often want to take a look at the inner workings of processing and just get a read on what variables store which values at a specific time while our code is running. To do this we type console.log("Whatever we want to print out to the console.").

It's an extremely effective tool that often gets pulled out before production, but can help give you an idea of what should be returned, and a good point of reference for debugging.

if Statements

Open greeter.js and we'll type some code in...

'use strict'
//We'll learn about require later in the course
const ask = require('../lib/ask.js')

let name = ask("What's your name? ")
if (name === 'Brian') {
  console.log('Hi, Brian!')
} else if (name === 'Jeff') {
  console.log('Hi, Jeff!')
} else if (name === 'Chris') {
  console.log('Hi, Chris!')
} else {
  console.log('Hi, stranger.')

Save this file and return to your terminal. Type node greeter.js Type your name and hit ENTER.

Press the UP arrow on your keyboard to reload the previous line OR type node greeter.js again. Type Lauren and hit ENTER.

while Loops

Now go to psychic.js

'use strict'
//We'll learn about require later in the course
const ask = require('../lib/ask.js')

let count = 0
let answer = ''

while (answer !== 'Jeff') {
  answer = ask('Guess my name? ')
  count = count + 1
console.log('You got it in ' + count + ' tries!')

Save this file and return to your terminal. Type node psychic.js Type your name and hit ENTER. Try your neighbor's name. Try Antony.

for Loops

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Save this file and return to your terminal. Think about what you expect this file to produce to the terminal... Now type node forLoop.js and hit ENTER.

which is almost equivalent to:

let i = 0
while (i < 10) {

Nesting conditionals in loops:

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  if (i === 5) {
  } else {

Save. Think about what you expect this file to produce to the terminal... What do we type in the terminal to run our code?

Lab: Build a Script Yourself

Try building your own script in the ./bin directory titled guessMyAge.js. Have this script ask the user their age, and if they're older than 90 print to the console "You old fart!" If they're under the age of 10 print "Why are you on a computer? Go outside!" If they're between 10 and 90, print "How boring...".

If you finish early, challenge yourself by designing your own script that runs something using two or more examples of flow control we've introduced today! Save it as it in bonusChallenge.js

Note: refer to the beginning lines of our greeter.js code to enable working with user input.

Additional Resources

See the following sections at

  • Grammar and types
  • Control flow and error handling
  • Loops and iteration
  • Expressions and operators
  • Number and dates
  • Text formatting
  1. All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact [email protected].

js's People


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js's Issues

PVD Delivery

For this lesson, I actually primarily worked off the DC JS basics lesson: but I did make some adjustments based on what was in this Boston lesson. I have taught the DC lesson a few times and also contributed a good deal to writing it, so I knew at this point that it's a successful lesson and one I'm very comfortable delivering.

  • After the section in the DC lesson where the role of JS is discussed, I talked about what ES6 is and how we got here. A lot of what I talked about regarding ES6 can be found under framing in this lesson here: . I then went back to the DC lesson under the setting up our environment section. In total, this took a little over an hour but a lot of that is because my style of lecture tends to be more conversational and it's most important for me to make sure the students leave lectures with a sense of why we're doing things the way we are now, how we got here, what problems are we solving.

  • I did explicitly teach them about const and let, which wasn't included in the DC lesson. I told them how they differ from var but didn't go into block scoping.

  • I then had them go through the exercises in the DC repo but told them to sub in const and let for var where appropriate and to be deliberate when deciding which one to use.

  • I also encouraged them to use the console and scripts when running code. I thought it was good for them to get exposure to using both. I didn't have them use node. I knew Ben was going to have them use that in his lesson and the Boston lesson doesn't have them doing much in the console, but personally, I use it all the time.

  • after the loops and fizzbuzz section, I realized they were struggling to understand how they should solve a coding problem. So I went over fizzbuzz with them and showed them how I would solve it...writing pseudocode, breaking down a larger problem into smaller steps, writing a few lines of code at a time and constantly testing (ie have a console.log() display at the start just to make sure we have our script file linked properly. I referenced this lesson for that: I also encouraged them to go through this in its entirety before working on their homework.

  • I'm not crazy about how use strict and require are mentioned in this lesson if it's not explicitly clear that we're supposed to be teaching the students what this is. I find that students tend to get distracted by extras like these and then don't fully grasp the fundamentals we need to make sure they have a strong grounding on.

Best practices for ++ operator

We're introducing the ++ operator in this section as follows:
let i; i = 0; i; i = i + 1; i; i += 1; i; ++i; i; i++; i;

I feel like there's more we should be saying about this, specifically that ++i and i++ don't do exactly the same thing. Is that outside the scope of this lesson?

Redundancy in instructions

## Preparation

1.  [Fork and clone](
    this repository.
1.  Create a new branch, `training`, for your work.
1.  Install dependencies with `npm install`.


git branch training
git checkout training
atom .

Asks them to create training branch twice, restructure so one remains.

extra backtick

In operators chart

relation, instance  left-to-right   < <= > `>= instanceof

Double reference to //

In "falsy" section there are two references to comments "//" being falsy
0 // and -0
'' // and "" - the empty string

Not scripts in lib, should be bin.

#### Lab: Build a Script Yourself

Try building your own script in the /lib directory titled `guessMyAge.js`. Have
this script ask the user their age, and if they're older than 90 print to the
console "You old fart!" If they're under the age of 10 print "Why are you on a
computer? Go outside!" If they're between 10 and 90, print "How boring...".

As relates to #33

Proposed change to // falsy section.

Due to my confusion on issue #19, I'm proposing a change to the formatting of this section. I completely understand what @gaand was going for when he wrote it, but think there might be a better way to present this information to developers. Here is my suggestion, though of course I am open to something else.

The falsy list (everything else in JavaScript is truthy),

  • false
  • undefined
  • null
  • 0 and -0
  • NaN
  • '' and "" aka the empty string

touch files from root?

-touch greeter.js psychic.js forLoop.js
+touch lib/greeter.js lib/psychic.js lib/forLoop.js


People are going to do this and then not cd ... We want them to RUN commands from the root of the repo, not from inside the lib/ directory. I think I may have just talked myself out of it, in that they need to get used to moving around directories, I just know someone's going to mess this up...

Explicit example of ternary operator?

There's some confusion on what, how, why, ? : and I don't think it's covered here. It should at least be shown here--not just the precedence of a ternary operator.

Rename to `js`

To more closely align with our repository naming standards.

Discuss dates briefly when introducing variables using `bornOn`.


This is a great example of institutional knowledge that was lost.

@gaand Had DOB as an example to talk about the fact that dates may be numbers to humans, but to programming languages, they're formatted strings.

This comes up throughout the program, and has pedagogical value being introduced so early. Details about date string parsing should not be covered, but the fact that dates are strings should be mentioned.

In addition to reverting this change, dob should become born_on.


Add a spec for the code along


Write a program that asks a user what their name is. If their name is Rachel, print 'Hi, Rachel!' to the console. If their name is Mike, print 'Hi Mike!' to the console. If their name is Nikki, print 'Hi, Nikki!' to the console. If their name is not one of those three names, print 'Hi, stranger!' to the console.

Model writing psuedocode in the file before beginning to code.

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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