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Descope SDK for Python

The Descope SDK for python provides convenient access to the Descope user management and authentication API for a backend written in python. You can read more on the Descope Website.


The SDK supports Python 3.7 and above.

Installing the SDK

Install the package with:

pip install descope


A Descope Project ID is required to initialize the SDK. Find it on the project page in the Descope Console.

from descope import DescopeClient

# Initialized after setting the DESCOPE_PROJECT_ID env var
descope_client = DescopeClient()

# ** Or directly **
descope_client = DescopeClient(project_id="<Project ID>")


Here are some examples how to manage and authenticate users:

OTP Authentication

Send a user a one-time password (OTP) using your preferred delivery method (email / SMS). An email address or phone number must be provided accordingly.

The user can either sign up, sign in or sign up or in

from descope import DeliveryMethod

# Every user must have a login ID. All other user information is optional
email = "[email protected]"
user = {"name": "Desmond Copeland", "phone": "212-555-1234", "email": email}
descope_client.otp.sign_up(method=DeliveryMethod.EMAIL, login_id=email, user=user)

The user will receive a code using the selected delivery method. Verify that code using:

jwt_response = descope_client.otp.verify_code(
    method=DeliveryMethod.EMAIL, login_id=email, code=value
session_token = jwt_response[SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")
refresh_token = jwt_response[REFRESH_SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")

The session and refresh JWTs should be returned to the caller, and passed with every request in the session. Read more on session validation

Magic Link

Send a user a Magic Link using your preferred delivery method (email / SMS). The Magic Link will redirect the user to page where the its token needs to be verified. This redirection can be configured in code, or generally in the Descope Console

The user can either sign up, sign in or sign up or in

from descope import DeliveryMethod

    login_id="[email protected]",
    uri="", # Set redirect URI here or via console

To verify a magic link, your redirect page must call the validation function on the token (t) parameter (<token>):

jwt_response = descope_client.magiclink.verify(token=token)
session_token = jwt_response[SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")
refresh_token = jwt_response[REFRESH_SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")

The session and refresh JWTs should be returned to the caller, and passed with every request in the session. Read more on session validation

Enchanted Link

Using the Enchanted Link APIs enables users to sign in by clicking a link delivered to their email address. The email will include 3 different links, and the user will have to click the right one, based on the 2-digit number that is displayed when initiating the authentication process.

This method is similar to Magic Link but differs in two major ways:

  • The user must choose the correct link out of the three, instead of having just one single link.
  • This supports cross-device clicking, meaning the user can try to log in on one device, like a computer, while clicking the link on another device, for instance a mobile phone.

The Enchanted Link will redirect the user to page where the its token needs to be verified. This redirection can be configured in code per request, or set globally in the Descope Console.

The user can either sign up, sign in or sign up or in

resp = descope_client.enchantedlink.sign_up_or_in(
    uri="", # Set redirect URI here or via console
link_identifier = resp["linkId"] # Show the user which link they should press in their email
pending_ref = resp["pendingRef"] # Used to poll for a valid session

After sending the link, you must poll to receive a valid session using the pending_ref from the previous step. A valid session will be returned only after the user clicks the right link.

i = 0
while not done and i < max_tries:
        i = i + 1
        jwt_response = descope_client.enchantedlink.get_session(pending_ref)
        done = True
    except AuthException as e: # Poll while still receiving 401 Unauthorized
        if e.status_code != 401: # Other failures means something's wrong, abort
  "Failed pending session, err: {e}")
            done = True

if jwt_response:
    session_token = jwt_response[SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")
    refresh_token = jwt_response[REFRESH_SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")

To verify an enchanted link, your redirect page must call the validation function on the token (t) parameter (<token>). Once the token is verified, the session polling will receive a valid jwt_response.

    # Token is valid
except AuthException as e:
    # Token is invalid

The session and refresh JWTs should be returned to the caller, and passed with every request in the session. Read more on session validation


Users can authenticate using their social logins, using the OAuth protocol. Configure your OAuth settings on the Descope console. To start a flow call:

    provider="google", # Choose an oauth provider out of the supported providers
    return_url="", # Can be configured in the console instead of here

The user will authenticate with the authentication provider, and will be redirected back to the redirect URL, with an appended code HTTP URL parameter. Exchange it to validate the user:

jwt_response = descope_client.oauth.exchange_token(code)
session_token = jwt_response[SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")
refresh_token = jwt_response[REFRESH_SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")

The session and refresh JWTs should be returned to the caller, and passed with every request in the session. Read more on session validation


Users can authenticate to a specific tenant using SAML or Single Sign On. Configure your SSO/SAML settings on the Descope console. To start a flow call:

    tenant="my-tenant-ID", # Choose which tenant to log into
    return_url="", # Can be configured in the console instead of here

The user will authenticate with the authentication provider configured for that tenant, and will be redirected back to the redirect URL, with an appended code HTTP URL parameter. Exchange it to validate the user:

jwt_response = descope_client.saml.exchange_token(code)
session_token = jwt_response[SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")
refresh_token = jwt_response[REFRESH_SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")

The session and refresh JWTs should be returned to the caller, and passed with every request in the session. Read more on session validation

TOTP Authentication

The user can authenticate using an authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator. Sign up like you would using any other authentication method. The sign up response will then contain a QR code image that can be displayed to the user to scan using their mobile device camera app, or the user can enter the key manually or click on the link provided by the provisioning_url.

Existing users can add TOTP using the update function.

from descope import DeliveryMethod

# Every user must have a login ID. All other user information is optional
email = "[email protected]"
user = {"name": "Desmond Copeland", "phone": "212-555-1234", "email": email}
totp_response = descope_client.totp.sign_up(method=DeliveryMethod.EMAIL, login_id=email, user=user)

# Use one of the provided options to have the user add their credentials to the authenticator
provisioning_url = totp_response["provisioningURL"]
image = totp_response["image"]
key = totp_response["key"]

There are 3 different ways to allow the user to save their credentials in their authenticator app - either by clicking the provisioning URL, scanning the QR image or inserting the key manually. After that, signing in is done using the code the app produces.

jwt_response = descope_client.totp.sign_in_code(
    code=code, # Code from authenticator app
session_token = jwt_response[SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")
refresh_token = jwt_response[REFRESH_SESSION_TOKEN_NAME].get("jwt")

The session and refresh JWTs should be returned to the caller, and passed with every request in the session. Read more on session validation

Session Validation

Every secure request performed between your client and server needs to be validated. The client sends the session and refresh tokens with every request, and they are validated using one of the following:

# Validate the session. Will raise if expired
    jwt_response = descope_client.validate_session(session_token)
except AuthException:
    # Session expired

# If validate_session raises an exception, you will need to refresh the session using
jwt_response = descope_client.refresh_session(refresh_token)

# Alternatively, you could combine the two and
# have the session validated and automatically refreshed when expired
jwt_response = descope_client.validate_and_refresh_session(session_token, refresh_token)

Choose the right session validation and refresh combination that suits your needs.

Refreshed sessions return the same response as is returned when users first sign up / log in, containing the session and refresh tokens, as well as all of the JWT claims. Make sure to return the tokens from the response to the client, or updated the cookie if you're using it.

Usually, the tokens can be passed in and out via HTTP headers or via a cookie. The implementation can defer according to your framework of choice. See our samples for a few examples.

If Roles & Permissions are used, validate them immediately after validating the session. See the next section for more information.

Roles & Permission Validation

When using Roles & Permission, it's important to validate the user has the required authorization immediately after making sure the session is valid. Taking the jwt_response received by the session validation, call the following functions:

For multi-tenant uses:

# You can validate specific permissions
valid_permissions = descope_client.validate_tenant_permissions(
    jwt_response, "my-tenant-ID", ["Permission to validate"]
if not valid_permissions:
    # Deny access

# Or validate roles directly
valid_roles = descope_client.validate_tenant_roles(
    jwt_response, "my-tenant-ID", ["Role to validate"]
if not valid_roles:
    # Deny access

When not using tenants use:

# You can validate specific permissions
valid_permissions = descope_client.validate_permissions(
    jwt_response, ["Permission to validate"]
if not valid_permissions:
    # Deny access

# Or validate roles directly
valid_roles = descope_client.validate_roles(
    jwt_response, ["Role to validate"]
if not valid_roles:
    # Deny access

Logging Out

You can log out a user from an active session by providing their refresh_token for that session. After calling this function, you must invalidate or remove any cookies you have created.


It is also possible to sign the user out of all the devices they are currently signed-in with. Calling logout_all will invalidate all user's refresh tokens. After calling this function, you must invalidate or remove any cookies you have created.


Management API

It is very common for some form of management or automation to be required. These can be performed using the management API. Please note that these actions are more sensitive as they are administrative in nature. Please use responsibly.


To use the management API you'll need a Management Key along with your Project ID. Create one in the Descope Console.

from descope import DescopeClient

# Initialized after setting the DESCOPE_PROJECT_ID and the DESCOPE_MANAGEMENT_KEY env vars
descope_client = DescopeClient()

# ** Or directly **
descope_client = DescopeClient(project_id="<Project ID>", management_key="<Management Key>")

Manage Tenants

You can create, update, delete or load tenants:

# You can optionally set your own ID when creating a tenant
    name="My First Tenant",
    id="my-custom-id", # This is optional. If omitted

# Update will override all fields as is. Use carefully.
    name="My First Tenant",
    self_provisioning_domains=["", ""],

# Tenant deletion cannot be undone. Use carefully.

# Load all tenants
tenants_resp = descope_client.mgmt.tenant.load_all()
tenants = tenants_resp["tenants"]
    for tenant in tenants:
        # Do something

Manage Users

You can create, update, delete or load users, as well as search according to filters:

# A user must have a login ID, other fields are optional.
# Roles should be set directly if no tenants exist, otherwise set
# on a per-tenant basis.
    login_id="[email protected]",
    email="[email protected]",
    display_name="Desmond Copeland",
        AssociatedTenant("my-tenant-id", ["role-name1"]),

# Alternatively, a user can be created and invited via an email message.
# Make sure to configure the invite URL in the Descope console prior to using this function,
# and that an email address is provided in the information.
    login_id="[email protected]",
    email="[email protected]",
    display_name="Desmond Copeland",
        AssociatedTenant("my-tenant-id", ["role-name1"]),

# Update will override all fields as is. Use carefully.
    login_id="[email protected]",
    email="[email protected]",
    display_name="Desmond Copeland",
        AssociatedTenant("my-tenant-id", ["role-name1", "role-name2"]),

# Update explicit data for a user rather than overriding all fields
    login_id="[email protected]",
    login_id="[email protected]",

# User deletion cannot be undone. Use carefully.
descope_client.mgmt.user.delete("[email protected]")

# Load specific user
user_resp = descope_client.mgmt.user.load("[email protected]")
user = user_resp["user"]

# If needed, users can be loaded using the user ID as well
user_resp = descope_client.mgmt.user.load_by_user_id("<user-id>")
user = user_resp["user"]

# Search all users, optionally according to tenant and/or role filter
# results can be paginated using the limit and page parameters
users_resp = descope_client.mgmt.user.search_all(tenant_ids=["my-tenant-id"])
users = users_resp["users"]
    for user in users:
        # Do something

Manage Access Keys

You can create, update, delete or load access keys, as well as search according to filters:

# An access key must have a name and expiration, other fields are optional.
# Roles should be set directly if no tenants exist, otherwise set
# on a per-tenant basis.
create_resp = descope_client.mgmt.access_key.create(
        AssociatedTenant("my-tenant-id", ["role-name1"]),
key = create_resp["key"]
cleartext = create_resp["cleartext"] # make sure to save the returned cleartext securely. It will not be returned again.

# Load a specific access key
access_key_resp = descope_client.mgmt.access_key.load("key-id")
access_key = access_key_resp["key"]

# Search all access keys, optionally according to a tenant filter
keys_resp = descope_client.mgmt.access_key.search_all_access_keys(tenant_ids=["my-tenant-id"])
keys = keys_resp["keys"]
    for key in keys:
        # Do something

# Update will override all fields as is. Use carefully.
    name="new name",

# Access keys can be deactivated to prevent usage. This can be undone using "activate".

# Disabled access keys can be activated once again.

# Access key deletion cannot be undone. Use carefully.

Manage SSO Setting

You can manage SSO settings and map SSO group roles and user attributes.

# You can configure SSO settings manually by setting the required fields directly
    tenant_id, # Which tenant this configuration is for
    redirect_url="", # Global redirection after successful authentication
    domain="" # Users authentication with this domain will be logged in to this tenant

# Alternatively, configure using an SSO metadata URL
    tenant_id, # Which tenant this configuration is for

# Map IDP groups to Descope roles, or map user attributes.
# This function overrides any previous mapping (even when empty). Use carefully.
    tenant_id, # Which tenant this mapping is for
    role_mappings = [RoleMapping(["IDP_ADMIN"], "Tenant Admin")],
    attribute_mapping=AttributeMapping(name="IDP_NAME", phone_number="IDP_PHONE"),

Note: Certificates should have a similar structure to:

Certifcate contents

Manage Permissions

You can create, update, delete or load permissions:

# You can optionally set a description for a permission.
    name="My Permission",
    description="Optional description to briefly explain what this permission allows."

# Update will override all fields as is. Use carefully.
    name="My Permission",
    new_name="My Updated Permission",
    description="A revised description"

# Permission deletion cannot be undone. Use carefully.
descope_client.mgmt.permission.delete("My Updated Permission")

# Load all permissions
permissions_resp = descope_client.mgmt.permission.load_all()
permissions = permissions_resp["permissions"]
    for permission in permissions:
        # Do something

Manage Roles

You can create, update, delete or load roles:

# You can optionally set a description and associated permission for a roles.
    name="My Role",
    description="Optional description to briefly explain what this role allows.",
    permission_names=["My Updated Permission"],

# Update will override all fields as is. Use carefully.
    name="My Role",
    new_name="My Updated Role",
    description="A revised description",
    permission_names=["My Updated Permission", "Another Permission"]

# Role deletion cannot be undone. Use carefully.
descope_client.mgmt.role.delete("My Updated Role")

# Load all roles
roles_resp = descope_client.mgmt.role.load_all()
roles = roles_resp["roles"]
    for role in roles:
        # Do something

Query SSO Groups

You can query SSO groups:

# Load all groups for a given tenant id
groups_resp =

# Load all groups for the given user IDs (can be found in the user's JWT)
groups_resp =
    user_ids=["user-id-1", "user-id-2"],

# Load all groups for the given user's login IDs (used for sign-in)
groups_resp =
    login_ids=["login-id-1", "login-id-2"],

# Load all group's members by the given group id
groups_resp =

for group in groups_resp:
    # Do something

Manage JWTs

You can add custom claims to a valid JWT.

updated_jwt = descope_client.mgmt.jwt.update_jwt(
    jwt: "original-jwt",
    custom_claims: {
        "custom-key1": "custom-value1",
        "custom-key2": "custom-value2"

API Rate limits

Handle API rate limits by comparing the exception to the APIRateLimitExceeded exception, which includes the RateLimitParameters map with the key "Retry-After." This key indicates how many seconds until the next valid API call can take place. More information on Descope's rate limit is covered here: Descope rate limit reference page

        login_id="[email protected]",
except RateLimitException as e:
    retry_after_seconds = e.rate_limit_parameters.get(API_RATE_LIMIT_RETRY_AFTER_HEADER)
    # This variable indicates how many seconds until the next valid API call can take place.

Code Samples

You can find various usage samples in the samples folder.

Learn More

To learn more please see the Descope Documentation and API reference page.

Contact Us

If you need help you can email Descope Support


The Descope SDK for Python is licensed for use under the terms and conditions of the MIT license Agreement.

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