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datapillager's Issues

ArcPro implementation?

**For ArcPro the Python script needs to be updated from Python 2x to Python 3.

below is an updated versrion that will work in ArcPro running Python3 also the zipped .py file**

-- coding: utf-8 --


Purpose: Extract data from an ArcGIS Service, in chunks defined by

the service Max Record Count to get around that limitation.

Requires that JSON is supported by the service

Author: Grant Herbert

Created: 12/11/2014

Copyright: (c) Grant Herbert 2014

Licence: MIT License


This software is designed for use with ArcGIS as a toolbox tool.

This software is distributed with an MIT License.



import sys
import arcpy
import urllib
import urllib.request
import json
import os
import codecs
import datetime
import time
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import urlunsplit
import itertools
import re
except ImportError as e:
print (e)




arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
count_tries = 0
max_tries = 5
sleep_time = 2


def trace():
import sys
import traceback
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] # script name + line number
line = tbinfo.split(", ")[1]
# Get Python syntax error
synerror = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()[-1]
return line, synerror

def output_msg(msg, severity=0):
""" Adds a Message (in case this is run as a tool)
and also prints the message to the screen (standard output)
:param msg: text to output
:param severity: 0 = none, 1 = warning, 2 = error
print (msg)
# Split the message on \n first, so that if it's multiple lines,
# a GPMessage will be added for each line
for string in msg.split('\n'):
# Add appropriate geoprocessing message
if severity == 0:
elif severity == 1:
elif severity == 2:

def test_url(url_to_test):
"""test a url for validity (non-404)
:param token_url: String
if urllib.request.urlopen(url_to_test):
output_msg("Ho, a successful url test: {}".format(url_to_test))
return url_to_test
except urllib.request.HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
output_msg("Arr, 404 error: {}".format(url_to_test))
return None
except urllib.request.URLError as e:
return None

def get_adapter_name(url_string):
"""extract web adaptor name from endpoint
:param url_string: url of service
u = urlparse(url_string)
if u.netloc.find('') > -1:
# is an esri domain
refer = r""
adapter_name = u.path.split("/")[2] # third element
adapter_name = u.path.split("/")[1] # second element
return adapter_name

def get_referring_domain(url_string):
"""get referring domain part of url
:param url_string url of service
u = urlparse(url_string)
if u.netloc.find('') > -1:
# is an esri domain
ref_domain = r""
# generate from service url and hope it works
if u.scheme == 'http':
ref_domain = urlunsplit(['https', u.netloc, '', '', ''])
ref_domain = urlunsplit([u.scheme, u.netloc, '', '', ''])
return ref_domain

def get_token(username, password, referer, adapter_name, client_type='requestip', expiration=240):
""" Get Esri access token. Uses requestip by default
:param username: valid username
:param password: valid password
:param referer: referer url
:param adapter_name: name of the arcgis server adapter
:param client_type: whether to use referer value over requestip (default False uses requestip)
:param expiration: optional validity time in minutes (default 240)
query_dict = {'username': username,
'password': password,
'expiration': str(expiration),
'client': client_type,
'referer': referer,
'f': 'json'}

# check for ArcGIS token generator url
token_url = None
token_url_array = [referer + r"/sharing/rest/generateToken",
                   referer + r"/" + adapter_name + r"/tokens/generateToken"]
for url2test in token_url_array:
    if test_url(url2test):
        token_url = url2test
if token_url:
    token_response = urllib.request.urlopen(token_url, urllib.urlencode(query_dict))
    token_json = json.loads(, strict=False)
    token_json = {"error": "unable to get token"}

if "token" in token_json:
    token = token_json['token']
    return token
        "Avast! The scurvy gatekeeper says 'Could not generate a token with the username and password provided'.",
    if "error" in token_json:
        output_msg(token_json["error"], severity=2)
    elif "message" in token_json:
        output_msg(token_json['message'], severity=2)
    raise ValueError("Token Error")

def get_all_the_layers(service_endpoint, tokenstring):
"""walk the endpoint and extract feature layer or map layer urls
:param service_endpoint starting url
:param tokenstring string containing token for authentication
service_call = urllib.request.urlopen(service_endpoint + '?f=json' + tokenstring).read()
if service_call:
service_layer_info = json.loads(service_call, strict=False)
if service_layer_info.get('error'):
raise Exception("Gaaar, 'service_call' failed to access {0}".format(service_endpoint))
raise Exception("Gaaar, 'service_call' failed to access {0}".format(service_endpoint))

service_version = service_layer_info.get('currentVersion')

service_layers_to_walk = []
service_layers_to_get = []

# search any folders
if 'folders' in service_layer_info.keys() and len(service_layer_info.get('folders')) > 0:
    catalog_folder = service_layer_info.get('folders')
    folder_list = [f for f in catalog_folder if f.lower() not in 'utilities']
    for folder_name in folder_list:
        output_msg("Ahoy, I be searching {} for hidden treasure...".format(folder_name), severity=0)
        lyr_list = get_all_the_layers(service_endpoint + '/' + folder_name, tokenstring)
        if lyr_list:

# get list of service urls
if 'services' in service_layer_info.keys() and len(service_layer_info.get('services')) > 0:
    catalog_services = service_layer_info.get('services')
    for service in catalog_services:
        servicetype = service['type']
        servicename = service['name']
        if servicetype in ['MapServer', 'FeatureServer']:
            service_url = service_endpoint + '/' + servicename + '/' + servicetype
            if servicename.find('/') > -1:
                folder, sname = servicename.split('/')
                if service_endpoint.endswith(folder):
                    service_url = service_endpoint + '/' + sname + '/' + servicetype

if len(service_layers_to_walk) == 0:
    # no services or folders

for url in service_layers_to_walk:
    # go get the json and information and walk down until you get all the service urls
    service_call = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url + '?f=json' + tokenstring))

    # for getting all the layers, start with a list of sublayers
    service_layers = None
    service_layer_type = None
    if service_call.get('layers'):
        service_layers = service_call.get('layers')
        service_layer_type = 'layers'
    elif service_call.get('subLayers'):
        service_layers = service_layer_info.get('subLayers')
        service_layer_type = 'sublayers'

    # subLayers an array of objects, each has an id
    if service_layers is not None:
        # has sub layers, get em all
        for lyr in service_layers:
            if not lyr.get('subLayerIds'):  # ignore group layers
                lyr_id = str(lyr.get('id'))
                if service_layer_type == 'layers':
                    sub_layer_url = url + '/' + lyr_id
                    lyr_list = get_all_the_layers(sub_layer_url, tokenstring)
                    if lyr_list:
                    # add the full url
                elif service_layer_type == 'sublayers':
                    # handled differently, drop the parent layer id and use sublayer id
                    sub_endpoint = url.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
                    sub_layer_url = sub_endpoint + '/' + lyr_id
                    lyr_list = get_all_the_layers(sub_layer_url, tokenstring)
                    if lyr_list:
        # no sub layers
        # check if group layer
        if service_call.get('type'):
            if not service_call.get('type') in ("Group Layer", "Raster Layer"):

return service_layers_to_get

def get_data(query):
""" :param query: url query string
Download the data.
Return a JSON object
Automatically retries up to max_tries times.
global count_tries
global max_tries
global sleep_time

    response = urllib.request.urlopen(query).read()  #get a byte str by default
    if response:
            response = response.decode('utf-8')  # convert to unicode
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            response = response.decode('unicode-escape')  # convert to unicode
        # load to json and check for error
        resp_json = json.loads(response)
        if resp_json.get('error'):
        return resp_json
        return {'error': 'no response received'}

except Exception as e:
    output_msg(str(e), severity=1)
    # sleep and try again
    if hasattr(e, 'errno') and e.errno == 10054:
            #connection forcible closed, extra sleep pause
    count_tries += 1
    if count_tries > max_tries:
        count_tries = 0
        output_msg("Avast! Error: ACCESS_FAILED")
        return None
        output_msg("Hold fast, attempt {0} of {1}".format(count_tries, max_tries))
        return get_data(query=query)

def combine_data(fc_list, output_fc):
""" :param fc_list: array of featureclass paths as strings
:param output_fc: path to output dataset
Combine the downloaded datafiles into one
fastest approach is to use cursor
if len(fc_list) == 1:
arcpy.Copy_management(fc_list[0], output_fc)
output_msg("Created {0}".format(output_fc))
for fc in fc_list:
if fc_list.index(fc) == 0:
# append to first dataset. much faster
output_msg("Prepping yer first dataset {0}".format(fc))
if arcpy.Exists(output_fc):
output_msg("Avast! {0} exists, deleting...".format(output_fc), severity=1)

            arcpy.Copy_management(fc, output_fc)  # create dataset to append to
            output_msg("Created {0}".format(output_fc))

            fieldlist = []
            #fieldlist = ["SHAPE@"]
            fields = arcpy.ListFields(output_fc)
            for field in fields:
                if == u'shape':
                    fieldlist.insert(0, "SHAPE@") # add shape token to start
            #fields = [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(output_fc) if not in [u'shape']]
            ##arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(output_fc, fc) # duplicate first one so delete later doesn't fail
            insert_rows = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(output_fc, fieldlist)
            search_rows = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fieldlist) # append to first dataset
            for row in search_rows:
            del row, search_rows
            output_msg("Appended {0}...".format(fc))
    del insert_rows

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
""" Cut iterable into n sized groups
from itertools documentation, may not be most efficient, fillvalue causes issue
:param iterable: object to iterate over
:param n: int value to group
:param fillvalue: value to fill with if chunk smaller than n
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return itertools.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)

def create_layer_file(service_info, service_name, layer_source, output_folder):
write out a layer file from service renderer information, providing
:param service_info: json (to extract the drawingInfo from)
:param service_name: String
:param layer_source: String path to file
:param output_folder: String path
render_info = {"drawingInfo": {"renderer": {}}}
if 'drawingInfo' not in service_info:
render_info["drawingInfo"]['renderer'] = service_info.get('drawingInfo').get('renderer')

        render_file = os.path.join(output_folder, service_name + "_renderer.txt")
        with open(render_file, 'w') as r_file:
            json.dump(render_info, r_file)
            output_msg("Yar! {0} Service renderer stashed in '{1}'".format(service_name, render_file))

        layer_file = os.path.join(output_folder, service_name + ".lyr")
        output_msg("Sketchin' yer layer, {}".format(layer_file))

        layer_temp = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(layer_source, service_name)
        arcpy.SaveToLayerFile_management(in_layer=layer_temp, out_layer=layer_file, is_relative_path="RELATIVE")
        lyr_update = arcpy.mapping.Layer(layer_file)
        output_msg("Stashed yer layer, {}".format(layer_file))
        output_msg("Gaar, no renderer t' sketch from, so no layer file fer ya")    

except Exception as e:
    output_msg(str(e), severity=1)
    output_msg("Failed yer layer file drawin'")

def make_service_name(service_info, output_workspace, output_folder_path_len):
global service_output_name_tracking_list
global output_type

# establish a unique name that isn't too long
# 160 character limit for filegeodatabase
max_path_length = 230  # sanity length for windows systems
if output_type == 'Workspace':
    max_name_len = 150  # based on fgdb
    max_name_len = max_path_length - output_folder_path_len

parent_name = ''
parent_id = ''
service_name = service_info.get('name')
service_id = str(service_info.get('id'))

# clean up the service name (remove invalid characters)
service_name_cl = service_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')  # strip any non-ascii characters that may cause an issue
# remove multiple underscores and any other problematic characters
service_name_cl = re.sub(r'[_]+', '_', arcpy.ValidateTableName(service_name_cl, output_workspace))
service_name_cl = service_name_cl.rstrip('_')

if len(service_name_cl) > max_name_len:
    service_name_cl = service_name_cl[:max_name_len]

service_name_len = len(service_name_cl)

if service_info.get('parentLayer'):
    parent_name = service_info.get('parentLayer').get('name')
    parent_id = str(service_info.get('parentLayer').get('id'))

if output_folder_path_len  + service_name_len > max_path_length: # can be written to disc
    # shorten the service name
    max_len = max_path_length - output_folder_path_len
    if max_len < service_name_len:
        service_name_cl = service_name_cl[:max_len]

# check if name already exists
if service_name_cl not in service_output_name_tracking_list:
    if service_name_cl + "_" + service_id not in service_output_name_tracking_list:
        service_name_cl += "_" + service_id
        service_name_cl += parent_id + "_" + service_id

return service_name_cl

def main():
global count_tries
global max_tries
global sleep_time
global service_output_name_tracking_list
global output_type

start_time =

    # arcgis toolbox parameters
    service_endpoint = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # String - URL of Service endpoint required
    output_workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # String - gdb/folder to put the results required
    max_tries = arcpy.GetParameter(2) # Int - max number of retries allowed required
    sleep_time = arcpy.GetParameter(3) # Int - max number of retries allowed required`
    strict_mode = arcpy.GetParameter(4) # Bool - JSON check True/False required
    username = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(5) # String - username optional
    password = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(6) # String - password optional
    referring_domain = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(7) # String - url of auth domain
    existing_token = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(8) # String - valid token value
    query_str = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(9) # String - valid SQL query string

    sanity_max_record_count = 10000

    # to query by geometry need [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax], spatial reference, and geometryType (eg esriGeometryEnvelope
    service_output_name_tracking_list = []

    if service_endpoint == '':
        output_msg("Avast! Can't plunder nothing from an empty url! Time to quit.")

    if not type(strict_mode) is bool:
        strict_mode = True

    if not type(max_tries) is int:
        max_tries = int(max_tries)

    if not type(sleep_time) is int:
       sleep_time = int(sleep_time)

    if query_str:
        query_str = urllib.quote(query_str)

    if output_workspace == '':
        output_workspace = os.getcwd()

    output_desc = arcpy.Describe(output_workspace)
    output_type = output_desc.dataType

    if output_type == "Folder": # To Folder
        output_folder = output_workspace
        output_folder = output_desc.path

    adapter_name = get_adapter_name(service_endpoint)
    token_client_type = 'requestip'
    if referring_domain != '':
        referring_domain = referring_domain.replace('http:', 'https:')
        token_client_type = 'referer'
        referring_domain = get_referring_domain(service_endpoint)
        if referring_domain == r"":
            token_client_type = 'referer'

    # build a generic opener with the use agent spoofed
    opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
    opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]

    token = ''
    if username and not existing_token:
        token = get_token(username=username, password=password, referer=referring_domain, adapter_name=adapter_name,
    elif existing_token:
        token = existing_token

    tokenstring = ''
    if len(token) > 0:
        tokenstring = '&token=' + token

    output_msg("Start the plunder! {0}".format(service_endpoint))
    output_msg("We be stashing the booty in {0}".format(output_workspace))
    output_msg("Lets 'ave a looksee for layers in yer url...")

    service_layers_to_get = get_all_the_layers(service_endpoint, tokenstring)
    output_msg("Blimey, {} layers for the pillagin'".format(len(service_layers_to_get)))
    for slyr in service_layers_to_get:
        count_tries = 0
        downloaded_fc_list = [] # for file merging.
        response = None
        current_iter = 0
        max_record_count = 0
        feature_count = 0
        final_fc = ''

        output_msg("Now pillagin' yer data from {0}".format(slyr))
        service_info_call = urllib.request.urlopen(slyr + '?f=json' + tokenstring).read()
        if service_info_call:
            service_info = json.loads(service_info_call, strict=False)
            raise Exception("'service_info_call' failed to access {0}".format(slyr))

        if not service_info.get('error'):
            # add url to info
            service_info[u'serviceURL'] = slyr

            # assume JSON supported
            supports_json = True
            if strict_mode:
                # check JSON supported
                supports_json = False
                if 'supportedQueryFormats' in service_info:
                    supported_formats = service_info.get('supportedQueryFormats').split(",")
                    for data_format in supported_formats:
                        if data_format == "JSON":
                            supports_json = True
                    output_msg('Strict mode scuttled, no supported formats')

            objectid_field = "OBJECTID"
            if 'fields' in service_info:
                field_list = service_info.get('fields')
                if field_list:
                    for field in field_list:
                        ftype = field.get('type')
                        if ftype == 'esriFieldTypeOID':
                            objectid_field = field.get('name')
                output_msg("No field list - come about using {0}!".format(objectid_field))

            # get count
            if query_str == '':
                feature_count_call = urllib.request.urlopen(slyr + '/query?where=1%3D1&returnCountOnly=true&f=pjson' + tokenstring).read()
                feature_count_call = urllib.request.urlopen(slyr + '/query?where=' + query_str + '&returnCountOnly=true&f=pjson' + tokenstring).read()

            if feature_count_call:
                feature_count = json.loads(feature_count_call)
                service_info[u'FeatureCount'] = feature_count.get('count')

            service_name_cl = make_service_name(service_info, output_workspace, len(output_folder))

            info_filename = service_name_cl + "_info.txt"
            info_file = os.path.join(output_folder, info_filename)

            # write out the service info for reference
            with open(info_file, 'w') as i_file:
                json.dump(service_info, i_file, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
                output_msg("Yar! {0} Service info stashed in '{1}'".format(service_name_cl, info_file))

            if supports_json:
                    # to query using geometry,&geometry=   &geometryType= esriGeometryEnvelope &inSR= and probably spatial relationship and buffering
                    feat_data_query = r"/query?outFields=*&returnGeometry=true&returnIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&objectIds=&time=&geometry=&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&distance=&units=esriSRUnit_Meter&maxAllowableOffset=&geometryPrecision=&outSR=&returnExtentOnly=false&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&f=json" + tokenstring
                    if query_str =='':
                        feat_OIDLIST_query = r"/query?where=" + objectid_field + r"+%3E+0&returnGeometry=false&returnIdsOnly=true&returnCountOnly=false&returnExtentOnly=false&objectIds=&time=&geometry=&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&distance=&units=esriSRUnit_Meter&outFields=&maxAllowableOffset=&geometryPrecision=&outSR=&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&f=json" + tokenstring
                        feat_OIDLIST_query = r"/query?where=" + query_str + r"&returnGeometry=false&returnIdsOnly=true&returnCountOnly=false&returnExtentOnly=false&objectIds=&time=&geometry=&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&distance=&units=esriSRUnit_Meter&outFields=&maxAllowableOffset=&geometryPrecision=&outSR=&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&f=json" + tokenstring

                    max_record_count = service_info.get('maxRecordCount') # maximum number of records returned by service at once
                    if max_record_count > sanity_max_record_count:
                            "{0} max records is a wee bit large, using {1} instead...".format(max_record_count,
                        max_record_count = sanity_max_record_count

                    # extract using actual OID values is the safest way
                    feature_OIDs = None
                    feature_OID_query = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(slyr + feat_OIDLIST_query).read())
                    if feature_OID_query and 'objectIds' in feature_OID_query:
                        feature_OIDs = feature_OID_query["objectIds"]
                        output_msg("Blast, no OID values: {}".format(feature_OID_query))

                    if feature_OIDs:
                        OID_count = len(feature_OIDs)
                        sortie_count = OID_count//max_record_count + (OID_count % max_record_count > 0)
                        output_msg("{0} records, in chunks of {1}, err, that be {2} sorties. Ready lads!".format(OID_count, max_record_count, sortie_count))

                        # chunk them
                        for group in grouper(feature_OIDs, max_record_count):
                            # reset count_tries
                            count_tries = 0
                            start_oid = group[0]
                            end_oid = group[max_record_count-1]
                            if end_oid is None: # reached the end of the iterables
                                # loop through and find last oid, need this due to fillvalue of None in grouper
                                for i in reversed(group):
                                    if i is not None:
                                        end_oid = i

                            # >= %3E%3D, <= %3C%3D
                            if query_str == '':
                                where_clause = "&where={0}+%3E%3D+{1}+AND+{2}+%3C%3D+{3}".format(objectid_field,
                                where_clause = "&where={0}+AND+{1}+%3E%3D+{2}+AND+{3}+%3C%3D+{4}".format(query_str,
                            # response is a string of json with the attributes and geometry
                            query = slyr + feat_data_query + where_clause
                            response = get_data(query) # expects json object
                            if not response.get('features'):
                                raise ValueError("Abandon ship! Data access failed! Check what ye manag'd to plunder before failure.")
                                feature_dict = response["features"] # load the features so we can check they are not empty

                                if len(feature_dict) != 0:
                                    # convert response to json file on disk then to gdb/shapefile (is fast)
                                    # can hit long filename issue!!!!
                                    # look at an arcpy.FeatureSet() to hold the data
                                    # some services produce JSON that errors a FeatureSet()
                                    ##fs = arcpy.FeatureSet()

                                    out_JSON_name = service_name_cl + str(current_iter) + ".json"
                                    out_JSON_file = os.path.join(output_folder, out_JSON_name)
                                    with, 'w', 'utf-8') as out_file:
                                        data = json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False)

                                    output_msg("Nabbed some json data fer ye: '{0}', oids {1} to {2}".format(out_JSON_name, start_oid, end_oid))

                                    if output_type == "Folder":
                                        out_file_name = service_name_cl + str(current_iter) + ".shp"
                                        out_file_name = service_name_cl + str(current_iter)
                                    out_geofile = os.path.join(output_workspace, out_file_name)

                                    output_msg("Converting yer json to {0}".format(out_geofile))
                                    # may not be needed if using a featureSet()
                                    arcpy.JSONToFeatures_conversion(out_JSON_file, out_geofile)
                                    ##arcpy.JSONToFeatures_conversion(fs, out_geofile)
                                    os.remove(out_JSON_file) # clean up the JSON file

                                current_iter += 1
                        raise ValueError("Aaar, plunderin' failed, feature OIDs is None")

                    # download complete, create a final output
                    if output_type == "Folder":
                        final_fc = os.path.join(output_workspace, service_name_cl + ".shp")
                        final_fc = os.path.join(output_workspace, service_name_cl)

                    output_msg("Stashin' all the booty in '{0}'".format(final_fc))

                    #combine all the data
                    combine_data(fc_list=downloaded_fc_list, output_fc=final_fc)

                    create_layer_file(service_info=service_info, service_name=service_name_cl, layer_source=final_fc, output_folder=output_folder)

                    elapsed_time = - start_time
                    output_msg("{0} plundered in {1}".format(final_fc, str(elapsed_time)))

                except ValueError as e:
                    output_msg(str(e), severity=2)

                except Exception as e:
                    line, err = trace()
                    output_msg("Script Error\n{0}\n on {1}".format(err, line), severity=2)

                    if arcpy.Exists(final_fc):
                        data_count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(final_fc)[0])
                        if data_count == OID_count: #we got it all
                            output_msg("Scrubbing the decks...")
                            for fc in downloaded_fc_list:
                            output_msg("Splicin' the data failed - found {0} but expected {1}. Check {2} to see what went wrong.".format(data_count, OID_count, final_fc))
                # no JSON output
                output_msg("Aaaar, ye service does not support JSON output. Can't do it.")
            # service info error
            output_msg("Error: {0}".format(service_info.get('error')), severity=2)

except ValueError as e:
    output_msg("ERROR: " + str(e), severity=2)

except Exception as e:
    if hasattr(e, 'errno') and e.errno == 10054:
        output_msg("ERROR: " + str(e), severity=2)
        line, err = trace()
        output_msg("Error\n{0}\n on {1}".format(err, line), severity=2)

    elapsed_time = - start_time
    output_msg("Plunderin' done, in " + str(elapsed_time))

if name == 'main':

Select by geometry option

Add an option to select by geometry, to only download data of interest.
query using geometry url sections:
&geometryType= esriGeometryEnvelope
and probably useful to add options for spatial relationship and buffering

No Parameter

Hi, I tried adding the script to Arcmap toolbox and when I tried it out, there seems to be no link to the script parameters. I'm new to scripts and arc. Thank you.

Runtime Error

Tool returns ERROR 000206 when run. Input parameters attached as an image. Full dialog text with error message below.


Executing: DataServicePillager2 "\cortez-adsvr02\RedirectedFolders\efriesen\My Documents\PA\parcels.gdb" 5 5 # # # #
Start Time: Fri May 13 10:23:47 2016
Running script DataServicePillager2...
RuntimeError: Object: Error in getting parameter as text
on line 218
Executing: JSONToFeatures "\cortez-adsvr02\RedirectedFolders\efriesen\My Documents\PA\washington parcels\cadastral1_14_15_0.json" "\cortez-adsvr02\RedirectedFolders\efriesen\My Documents\PA\washington parcels\cadastral1_14_15_0.shp"
Start Time: Fri May 13 10:08:15 2016
ERROR 000206: Cannot create FeatureClass '\cortez-adsvr02\RedirectedFolders\efriesen\My Documents\PA\washington parcels\cadastral1_14_15_0.shp'. The workspace is not connected.
Failed to execute (JSONToFeatures).
Failed at Fri May 13 10:08:19 2016 (Elapsed Time: 4.29 seconds)
Plunderin' done, in 0:00:00.004000
Completed script DataServicePillager2...
Failed to execute (DataServicePillager2).
Failed at Fri May 13 10:23:47 2016 (Elapsed Time: 0.15 seconds)



Getting an error when adding User and Password on protected service

Getting the following error when adding User and Password on protected service
Running script DataServicePillager2...
ERROR: No JSON object could be decoded
Plunderin' done, in 0:00:00.070000
Completed script DataServicePillager2...
Failed to execute (DataServicePillager2).
Failed at Wed Jul 19 16:35:09 2017 (Elapsed Time: 0.11 seconds)
Not sure if I am missing something. It works when I unprotect the service

Valid JSON?

I'm having an issue with extracting a particular service from NOAA. (

It seems to catch an error in the if-else statement starting on line 349 where it checks the JSON for "error".

service_call = urllib2.urlopen(service_endpoint + '?f=json' + tokenstring).read()
if service_call and (service_call.find('error') == -1):
    service_layer_info = json.loads(service_call, strict=False)
    raise Exception("'service_call' failed to access {0}".format(service_endpoint))

It drops to the else statement on lines 351:2. I validated the JSON with JSLint by saving the JSON from service_call to a txt file, but seems to be valid. I also looked at the JSON using the url that the service call would be with the service I'm using. I've also tried using other services and they seem to be fine. I am able to bypass this error by commenting out the raise statement and adding in a json.loads() in the else clause.

Is there another way around this issue? Would it be a poor decision to skip the error check?

Reoccuring named layers overwritten during extraction

With the REST service I'm using ( there layers which have reoccurring names which are grouped names. To get around this I extracted the id from the parentLayer group/dictionary and used that in the naming of the extracted files.

Original at line 423:

service_name = service_info.get('name')
# clean up the service name (remove invalid characters)
service_name_cl = service_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # strip any non-ascii characters that may cause an issue
service_name_cl = arcpy.ValidateTableName(service_name_cl, output_workspace) # remove any other problematic characters
##output_msg("'{0}' will be stashed as '{1}'".format(service_name, service_name_cl))
info_filename = service_name_cl + "_info.txt"
info_file = os.path.join(output_folder, info_filename)

From line 423, here are the changes I made:

service_name = service_info.get('name')
service_id_dict = service_info.get('parentLayer')
service_id = str(service_id_dict[u'id'])
# clean up the service name (remove invalid characters)
service_name_cl = service_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # strip any non-ascii characters that may cause an issue
service_name_cl = arcpy.ValidateTableName(service_name_cl, output_workspace) # remove any other problematic characters
service_id_cl = service_id.encode('ascii', 'ignore') # strip any non-ascii characters that may cause an issue
service_id_cl = arcpy.ValidateTableName(service_id_cl, output_workspace)  # remove any other problematic characters
##output_msg("'{0}' will be stashed as '{1}'".format(service_name, service_name_cl))
info_filename = service_name_cl + '_' + service_id_cl + "_info.txt"

I also altered the variables for the names on lines 520, 531, 533, 553, and 555.

If you implement this change, I'm not sure if you would need more conditional statements to check the grouped layer like earlier in the script, but this is how I got it to work.

Thanks for providing this tool openly, it's been a great help.

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