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activerecordextended's Issues

SystemStackError (Infinite Loop) when using .with

Hello! I've found a bug with the .with CTE functionality.

When a relation has a CTE added, and that relation attempts to use .with to add another CTE of itself, it enters an infinite loop that results in a SystemStackError.

Reproduction steps:

# Note: The models don't matter here. I used some that are present in the spec/support/models.rb file for easy reproduction.

# Initial Relation
initial_relation = User.all

# Add CTE to User Relation
cte_relation = Group.all 
initial_relation_with_cte = initial_relation.with('first_cte' => cte_relation)

# When a relation with a CTE adds itself as another CTE a SystemStackError is raised
initial_relation_with_self_cte = initial_relation_with_cte.with('self_cte' => initial_relation_with_cte)
initial_relation_with_self_cte.to_sql # .arel also triggers the loop

I've spent a couple of days looking into this. Here is the infinite loop.

  1. build_arel method is called by rails, and since the relation has a CTE, build_with is called.
  2. The build_with method calls generate_grouping which calls to_arel_sql.
  3. to_arel_sql calls .to_sql in the ActiveRecord::Relation branch.
  4. .to_sql of an ActiveRecord::Relation calls build_arel again in step 1.


  • I've found that it is only an issue when a relation already has a CTE and you try to add that same relation as a CTE.
  • The construct of the relation doesn't seem to matter. I was able to recreate the bug with complex relations as well as simple ones (like the reproduction steps).


If I .dup the relation and the associated .cte, the relation behaves as expected.

# Initial Relation
initial_relation = User.all

# Add CTE to User Relation
cte_relation = Group.all 
initial_relation_with_cte = initial_relation.with('first_cte' => cte_relation)

# duplicate the relation and the cte
self_cte = initial_relation_with_cte.dup
self_cte.cte = initial_relation_with_cte.cte.dup

# use duplicated relation
initial_relation_with_self_cte = initial_relation_with_cte.with('self_cte' => self_cte)
initial_relation_with_self_cte.to_sql # works as expected

Upgrade pg gem dependency

Many thanks for your work!
I have one question:
Is it possible to upgrade pg gem dependency to the latest version 1.1.4?

Merging union queries leads to conditionless queries

Unions are not preserved when merging. Please see testcase below.

To give more context: this can have critical consequences. For example, when using unions in scopes which end up in CanCanCan rules it leads to all records being accessible, irrespective of the scope, as CanCanCan merges them when calculating the accessible records.

I see that there's code in relation_patch.rb but it seems that it's no longer to working. For example, I cannot find the method normal_values in Rails (anymore?); instead there is a constant NORMAL_VALUES. As a quick-n-dirty try I added :unionize to this constant, but leads to an error due to the method unionize! not existing.

diff --git i/spec/query_methods/unionize_spec.rb w/spec/query_methods/unionize_spec.rb
index bbd77fb..ff0879e 100644
--- i/spec/query_methods/unionize_spec.rb
+++ w/spec/query_methods/unionize_spec.rb
@@ -49,6 +49,14 @@ RSpec.describe "Active Record Union Methods" do
       query        = User.union(,
       expect(query.pluck(:id)).to have_attributes(size: expected_ids.size).and(match_array(expected_ids))
+    context "when merging in query" do
+      it "will maintain the union table when merging into existing AR queries" do
+        other = User.union(User.where(id:, User.joins(:profile_l).where.not(id:
+        query = User.merge(other)
+        expect(query).to match_array(other.to_a)
+      end
+    end

   describe ".union.all" do

How to get the UNION of 2 different tables


All the examples I could see are for the same table. I've tried messing around to see if I could get the UNION of multiple tables but failed every time. I'm basically wanting to produce a query that looks something like:

SELECT id, updated_at FROM table_1 UNION SELECT id, updated_at FROM table_2 ORDER BY updated_at;

If I try something like this I only get results from table_1:

t1 =, :updated_at).where('updated_at > ?', 2.weeks.ago)
t2 =, :updated_at).where('updated_at > ?', 2.weeks.ago)
results = Table1.union(t1).union(t2)


I have to create a query like this below

WITH cte AS (
       "items"."spend", (ROW_NUMBER() OVER number_window) AS "rank" 
    FROM "items" 
    WHERE "items"."profile_id" = 34 
   WINDOW number_window AS (PARTITION BY profile_id ORDER BY spend DESC)

SELECT title, parent_code
FROM   cte
WHERE  rank = 1;

I can write the query inside the WITH

parents = Item.define_window(:number_window) .partition_by(:profile_id, order_by: {spend: :desc}) .select(:title, :parent_code, :spend) .select_window(:row_number, over: :number_window, as: :rank) .where(profile_id: profile_ids)

but how to write the rest ?

SELECT title, parent_code
FROM   cte
WHERE  rank = 1;

If I try with

Item.with(parents: parents).where(rank: 1)

I get

SELECT * FROM items WHERE items.rank=1

instead I want to SELECT FROM the parents table (the CTE table)

Undefined method with for Model

I have added
gem 'active_record_extended'
then bundle

but I get this error

irb(main):005:0> Profile.with(test: Profile.all)
Traceback (most recent call last):
        1: from (irb):5
NoMethodError (undefined method `with' for #<Class:0x00007fab63c67c88>)
irb(main):007:0> Profile.public_methods.include?(:with)
=> false

What could be the reason?


active_record_extended (1.4.0)
      activerecord (>= 5.0, < 6.1)
      ar_outer_joins (~> 0.2)
      pg (< 2.0)


ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../Gemfile', __dir__)

require 'bundler/setup' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
require 'bootsnap/setup' # Speed up boot time by caching expensive operations.


require_relative 'boot'
require 'rails/all'
# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.
require "active_record_extended"


# Load the Rails application.
require_relative 'application'
# Initialize the Rails application.

Undefined method 'union' on test environment

gem version: v2.0.0

Using Post.union only works on the development environment but raises an error in the test environment.
Post.all.union works in both environments.
Is it the intended behavior? because I can't found the documentation about it in Readme.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks~

How to query for records that don't include a specific value in an array?

Let's say I want to get records where the services column does not include the string 'free_ice_cream'.

With plain Active Record, i'd do something like Party.where.not("'free_ice_cream' = ANY (services)").

Is there a way to do this with active_record_extended?

To find Parties with ice cream, i can easily query for Party.where.any(services: 'free_ice_cream'),
but something like Party.where.any.not(...) throws

ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1+) active_record_extended/query_methods/where_chain.rb:18:in `any'

I'm using Rails 6.0.

Thanks in advance :)

undefined method `with` for Model

I have followed the installation step as below.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'active_record_extended'
And then execute:

$ bundle

Why I'm still getting the below issue?

irb(main):002:0> Developer.with
Traceback (most recent call last):
        1: from (irb):2
NoMethodError (undefined method `with' for Developer (call 'Developer.connection' to establish a connection):Class)

Rails version: gem 'rails', '~> 5.1.4'
Ruby version: ruby-2.5.0

Should I have to require any module manually in Models?

use this with simple_form_for

Can use this with simple form for like

= f.input :log_cardholderName_jcont, label:false, required:false, placeholder:'Log', type: 'string'

where cardholderName is key in jsonb of log column

= f.input :log_jcont, label:false, required:false, placeholder:'Log', type: 'string'

contains visitor breaks rails native Arel::Nodes::Contains for irregular table names

Rails added Arel::Nodes::Contains back in version 6.1 (see rails/rails@3a8eee9)

The visitor in this library breaks the native implementation when the table name does not exactly map to the model class:

def visit_Arel_Nodes_Contains(object, collector)
left_column = do |col|
matchable_column?(col, object)

Specifically the constantize fails with NameError: uninitialized constant <Thing>.

You run into this if you namespace your models (Models::Thing) or you manually set self.table_name=

(and you are using the native contains node in some fashion e.g arel_table[column_name].contains(...))

This library avoids the issue by making a ContainsHStore directly in the where_chain builder:

if [:hstore, :jsonb].include?(column.type), arel.right)

There seem to be two potential solutions. The current implementation of visit_Arel_Nodes_Contains has to proxy between the various containment subtypes, so:

a) remove this visitor all-together by moving the proxy logic earlier (ala where_chain) and not using Arel::Nodes::Contains at all in this library

b) rewrite the column type lookup logic to handle irregular table names gracefully

semi-related to #25 #26

Typo in ReadMe file

In the readme file it shows:

user_1 = Person.where(id: 1)
user_2 = Person.where(id: 2)
users  = Person.where(id: 1..3)

Person.union(user_1, user_2, users) #=> [#<Person id: 1, ..>, #<Person id: 2,..>, #<Person id: 3,..>]

# You can also chain union's

But when using the union method in rails, it will throw an error NoMethodError: undefined method 'union' for #<Class:0x00007fcf10868468>

To get this to work, with the example from the readme, I would need to call it as Person.all.union(user_1, user_2, users)

The readme should be updated to reflect this.

Is there a ".all" method collision?

I has a quick look over ARE, and it looks pretty good. To be honest, I'm eager to give it a try.

My only concern, currently, is reimplementing/overwriting the regular AR .all method. What's the reasoning behind it?

union_all as value for with.recursive results in an error

I get the following error when trying to use union_all as the source for a recursive CTE:


base = Model1.where(id: id)
recursive = Model2.joins('INNER JOIN folders ON = model2.folder_id')

with.recursive(folders: union_all(base, recursive)).joins('INNER JOIN folders on = model3.folder_id')


ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InvalidRecursion: ERROR:  recursive query \
"folders" does not have the form non-recursive-term UNION [ALL] recursive-term

With the resulting SQL:

  SELECT "model3".* FROM (((
    SELECT "model1".*
    FROM "model1"
    WHERE "model1"."id" = '12345')
    SELECT "model2".*
    FROM "model2"
    INNER JOIN folders ON = model2.folder_id
))) model3
SELECT "model3".*
FROM "model3"
INNER JOIN folders on = model3.folder_id

I think the problem is the select that is surrounding the unioned queries.

Unions sometimes fail unexpectedly when chained, and create side effects.

Sometimes when preceding model scopes change in ways that seem like they shouldn't matter some of the methods in the gem begin to fail and produce odd side effects. Removing the chaining seems to make them work again, even if the same association that was calling in the method chain is just converted to an argument.

For example the below started happening when a change was made to the preceding scope (introducing strictest_dates scope to replace between_dates, both shown at the very bottom to reduce clutter), which suddenly made the union_except stop returning the correct new association and also has side effects on preceding associations chained with it

class Match < ApplicationRecord
  scope :had_circle, -> (circle_phase) { left_joins(:circles).where('circles.phase = ?', circle_phase) }
  scope :missing_circle, -> (circle_phase) { union_except(all, had_circle(circle_phase)) } 
  scope :test_missing_circle, -> (existing_assoc, circle_phase) { union_except(existing_assoc, had_circle(circle_phase)) }
irb(main):008> q1 = Match.strictest_dates(m_from, m_to, minor_version_start,minor_version_end)
=> [#<Match:0x00007cade8abe420
irb(main):009> q1.count
=> 4478
irb(main):010> q2 = Match.test_missing_circle(q1, missing_circle+1)
=> [#<Match:0x00007cade8a13f20
irb(main):011> [q1.count, q2.count]
=> [4478, 4478]
irb(main):017> q3 = q1.had_circle(7)
irb(main):018> [q1.count, q2.count, q3.count]
=> [4478, 4478, 2638]
irb(main):019> q4 = q1.missing_circle(missing_circle+1)
=> [0, 4478, 0, 0]

The change triggered the unexpected behaviour was replacing between_dates in the calling function with strictest_dates shown below. I've had similar misbehaviour before with some other scopes using any_of but didn't investigate and just factored them out. All of the below is on PostgreSQL 14.11 (Ubuntu 14.11-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) and Rails 7.0.8:

class Match < ApplicationRecord
  scope :after_date, ->(start_date) { where(creation_time: start_date.end_of_day..) }
  scope :before_date, ->(end_date) { where(creation_time: ..end_date.beginning_of_day) }
  scope :between_dates, ->(start_date, end_date) { where(creation_time: start_date.end_of_day..end_date.beginning_of_day) }
  scope :inside_version, ->(version_number) { where(creation_time: convert_pc_version_to_exclusive_date_range(version_number) ) }
  scope :between_versions, ->(start_version, end_version) {
    where(creation_time: convert_pc_version_to_exclusive_date_range(start_version).first..convert_pc_version_to_exclusive_date_range(end_version).last )
  scope :strictest_dates, ->(start_date, end_date, start_version=nil, end_version=nil) {
    if start_version && end_version
      matches = union_intersect(between_dates(start_date, end_date), between_versions(start_version, end_version))
      matches = between_dates(start_date, end_date)

RFC: Interest in adding ltree support?

This module implements a data type ltree for representing labels of data stored in a hierarchical tree-like structure. Extensive facilities for searching through label trees are provided.

A label is a sequence of alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens. Valid alphanumeric character ranges are dependent on the database locale. For example, in C locale, the characters A-Za-z0-9_- are allowed. Labels must be no more than 1000 characters long.

Examples: 42, Personal_Services

A label path is a sequence of zero or more labels separated by dots, for example L1.L2.L3, representing a path from the root of a hierarchical tree to a particular node. The length of a label path cannot exceed 65535 labels.

Example: Top.Countries.Europe.Russia

and see

perhaps adapt

Need the ability to specify `MATERIALIZED`/`NOT MATERIALIZED` on CTE

I have a case where I need to be able to specify the MATERIALIZED option on a CTE as documented here

To take the example from the readme

User.with(highly_liked: ProfileL.where("likes > 300"))
    .joins("JOIN highly_liked ON highly_liked.user_id =") #=> [bob, randy]


WITH "highly_liked" AS (SELECT "profile_ls".* FROM "profile_ls" WHERE (likes >= 300)) 
SELECT "users".* 
FROM "users" 
JOIN highly_liked ON highly_liked.user_id =

But I need a way for it to generate

WITH "highly_liked" AS MATERIALIZED (SELECT "profile_ls".* FROM "profile_ls" WHERE (likes >= 300)) 
SELECT "users".* 
FROM "users" 
JOIN highly_liked ON highly_liked.user_id =

Is this something that could be added?

Question: Can't Figure Out Manager Tree

Forgive me for being a bit out of my element here. I'm coming back to Rails after a decade and haven't had to handle complex SQL in longer than that.

I'm trying to work the Manager's Tree sort of problem using the block of code below. This specific example should return 11 records, and the UUID is the root level manager. I have 102 Group records in this database, which are all returned by this query. So, my query seems to be the equivalent of Group.all.

group = Group.where(id: '7918c477-8843-471a-bfcd-e47982fed0c6')
recursive = Group.joins('JOIN gtree ON = groups.parent_id')
Group.with.recursive(gtree: Group.union_all(group, recursive).to_union_sql)

A dump of the SQL:

    (SELECT "groups".* 
     FROM "groups"
     WHERE "groups"."id" = '7918c477-8843-471a-bfcd-e47982fed0c6')
    (SELECT "groups".*
    FROM "groups"
    JOIN gtree ON = groups.parent_id)

SELECT "groups".* FROM "groups"

When I look at a SQL exemplar (Real World Examples section for getting the manager tree), they look virtually identical. Which leads me to wonder what I'm doing wrong.


Edit: At the parent level, parent_id is null. Any group not belonging to a network has parent_id null. But, when I add not null, there's no change.

 group = Group.where(id: '7918c477-8843-471a-bfcd-e47982fed0c6').where.not(parent_id: nil)
 recursive = Group.joins('JOIN gtree ON = groups.parent_id')
Group.with.recursive(gtree: Group.union_all(group, recursive).to_union_sql)
   (SELECT "groups".* 
    FROM "groups"
    WHERE "groups"."id" = '7918c477-8843-471a-bfcd-e47982fed0c6' 
        AND "groups"."parent_id" IS NOT NULL)
    (SELECT "groups".* FROM "groups" JOIN gtree ON = groups.parent_id)

SELECT "groups".* FROM "groups"

CTE's recursive flag is not preserved when merging

The example below doesn't seem to work. Is this by design? If so, could you please explain why?

scope :chain_members, -> (starting_node) do 
  baseline_term = Node.where(id:
  recursive_term = Node.joins('JOIN ancestors ON ancestors.parent_id =')
  recursive_cte = Node.with.recursive(ancestors: Node.union(baseline_term, recursive_term))

  merge(recursive_cte).joins("INNER JOIN ancestors ON = member.node_id")

CTE with values does not work


cte = { "user_names(name)" => "values('jimmy'),('tommy'),('gummy')" }

User.with(cte).joins("JOIN user_names ON =").order(:name).to_a

ActiveRecord -- User Load -- { :sql => "WITH \"user_names(name)\" AS (values('jimmy'),('tommy'),('gummy')) SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" JOIN user_names ON = ORDER BY \"users\".\"name\" ASC", :allocations => 909, :cached => nil }

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  relation "user_names" does not exist
LINE 1: ...y'),('gummy')) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" JOIN user_names...

Generated SQL:

 User.with(cte).joins("JOIN user_names ON =").order(:name).to_sql

Actual SQL - Errored

"WITH \"user_names(name)\" AS (values('jimmy'),('tommy'),('gummy')) SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" JOIN user_names ON = ORDER BY \"users\".\"name\" ASC"

Expected SQL

"WITH user_names(name) AS (values('jimmy'),('tommy'),('gummy')) SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" JOIN user_names ON = ORDER BY \"users\".\"name\" ASC"

As the cte name is quoted, it raise PG::UndefinedTable

Try to avoid quoting when cte name/key is of such format, one of the way is to look for ( and ) inside the key.

Error when trying to query a JSONB field that is an array of objects

I am not sure if there is something wrong with my setup or if there is an issue with the gem. It seems that I cannot use the contains query against JSONB fields that contain an array of objects. It returns an error trying to parse the parameters. The raw Postgres query works fine.

Raw PostgresSQL query

Button.where("draft_button_fields @> ?", [{required: "always"}].to_json).count
  Button Count (1.7ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "buttons" WHERE (draft_button_fields @> '[{"required":"always"}]') /*line:(pry):2:in `__pry__'*/
=> 1

It errors with or without the array.

Button.where.contains(draft_button_fields: [{required: "always"}]).to_sql
TypeError: can't quote Hash
from /Users/avanrielly/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.1.4/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/activerecord- `quote'

Table structure:

                                    Table "public.buttons"
         Column         |              Type              | Collation | Nullable |   Default
 id                     | bytea                          |           | not null |
 draft_button_fields    | jsonb                          |           |          | '[]'::jsonb

Column data:

[{"field_id": "name", "required": "always", ...}]

Weird behavior with column name "notifications"

I have a model User with an array column "notifications", and when I try to query it like this:

User.where.any(notifications: "foo")

the generated SQL is

SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE NULL = ANY("users"."id")

If I use any other column name, it works fine:

User.where.any(whatever: "foo")


SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE 'foo' = ANY("users"."whatever")

Is there something special about the column name "notifications"? ๐Ÿค”

Double query execution for relation

Thanks for the library.

The following code results in the execution of the two queries specified below.

def set_post
  owned_posts  = current_user.posts
  shared_posts = current_user.shared_posts

  @post =
      .union(owned_posts, shared_posts)
      .find_by(id: params[:id])
SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = $1  [["user_id", "91b027c3-3d08-4520-a6ee-a7498c90bcff"]]

SELECT "posts".* FROM (( (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = '91b027c3-3d08-4520-a6ee-a7498c90bcff') UNION (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" INNER JOIN "collaborations" ON "posts"."id" = "collaborations"."post_id" WHERE "collaborations"."user_id" = '91b027c3-3d08-4520-a6ee-a7498c90bcff') )) posts WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", "6a3df22b-082e-4d83-87d0-b5c92fc3cc87"], ["LIMIT", 1]]

It appears that whenever I pass one of the two objects (owned_posts or shared_posts) into the first argument of the union method, it'll execute that query prior to executing the proper UNION query.

I found a way around it by converting the queries to SQL strings before to passing them to the union method:

def set_post
  owned_posts  = current_user.posts.to_sql        # necessary to avoid additional query
  shared_posts = current_user.shared_posts.to_sql # unnecessary, but works

  @post =
      .union(owned_posts, shared_posts)
      .find_by(id: params[:id])

This results in just a single query:

SELECT "posts".* FROM (( (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE "posts"."user_id" = '4a295157-2786-4508-bc6c-cb9aecaafd8b') UNION (SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" INNER JOIN "collaborations" ON "posts"."id" = "collaborations"."post_id" WHERE "collaborations"."user_id" = '4a295157-2786-4508-bc6c-cb9aecaafd8b') )) posts WHERE "posts"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", "6a3df22b-082e-4d83-87d0-b5c92fc3cc87"], ["LIMIT", 1]]

Is there a reason why I can't just pass in current_user.posts instead of current_user.posts.to_sql? Is it acceptable to call .to_sql prior to passing it into the union method?


Namespaced record class breaks inet_contains

When calling .where.inet_contains on a namespaced model, an exception is raised:

My::Namespaced::Model.where.inet_contains(cidr: '')

# uninitialized constant MyNamespacedModel (NameError)

The following line tries to determine record class from table name:

left_column = do |col|
matchable_column?(col, object)

Arel::Nodes::Contains Warnings with Rails 6.1

Just upgrade to 6.1 and got these two warnings:

/Users/fny/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/active_record_extended-2.0.0/lib/active_record_extended/arel/nodes.rb:14: warning: already initialized constant Arel::Nodes::Contains
/Users/fny/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/activerecord-6.1.0/lib/arel/nodes/infix_operation.rb:50: warning: previous definition of Contains was here

It seems like Contains should be dropped if Rails.version > '6.1.0'

`ar_outer_joins` dependency?

This library looks great, but I'm puzzled by the inclusion of the ar_outer_joins library as a dependency considering it hasn't had a release in 8 years. Looks like it is only used by either_join and either_order.

Is anyone else concerned by that, or not?

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    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.