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gorma's Issues

Allow access to DB object from Storage interface

I'll submit a PR to fix this issue, but I wanted to explain the rationale here first.

I have the following construct in my controllers:

// EmployeeController implements the employee resource.
type EmployeeController struct {
        storage models.EmployeeStorage

// NewEmployeeController creates a employee controller.
func NewEmployeeController(service goa.Service, db gorm.DB) app.EmployeeController {
        return &EmployeeController{
                Controller: service.NewController("EmployeeController"),
                storage:    models.NewEmployeeDB(db),

This construct with gorma works really well except when I have some convoluted flaming rings I have to jump through to answer a request. In those situations, I need access to the gorm.DB object, but the underlying {{typeName}}DB object is hidden behind the {{typeName}}Storage interface. For example:

type EmployeeStorage interface {
        List(ctx context.Context, tableName string) []Employee
        One(ctx context.Context, tableName string, id int) (Employee, error)
        Add(ctx context.Context, tableName string, o Employee) (Employee, error)
        Update(ctx context.Context, tableName string, o Employee) error
        Delete(ctx context.Context, tableName string, id int) error

type EmployeeDB struct {
        DB gorm.DB

The only way around this issue right now is to create a separate {{typeName}}DB instance in the controller.

build error when I use ArrayOf in payload and Gorma

We're expecting in one of our payloads and object that has basic attributes and array of objects in it. . However, I get these errors when we use gorma.

**models/clc.go:178: cannot use payload.Containers (type string) as type []Container in assignment
models/clc.go:203: cannot use payload.Containers (type string) as type []Container in assignment

This is how the payload is defined

`var ClcPayload = Type("ClcPayload", func() {
    Attribute("name", String, func() {
    Attribute("labels", func(){
    Attribute("description", String, func(){
    Attribute("replicas", Integer, func(){
    Attribute("containers", func(){

var ContainerPayload = Type("ContainerPayload", func() {
    Attribute("name", String, func() {
    Attribute("labels", func(){
    Attribute("description", String, func(){
    Attribute("image_url", String)

    Attribute("ports", func(){

    Attribute("envs", func(){

    Attribute("commands", func(){
    Attribute("icus", Integer)
    Attribute("memory", Integer)
    Attribute("replicas", Integer, func(){
    //Attribute("volumes", ArrayOf(VolumePayload))

This is the definition of our data model

Model("Clc", func() {
      BuildsFrom(func() {
                Payload("clc", "create")
                Payload("clc", "update")
      HasMany("Containers", "Container")
      Description("Colocated Container Model Description")
      Field("id", gorma.UUID, func() {
        Description("This is the Clc Model PK field")

Mysql - document parseTime=true

Bryce Reitano It seems the gorma doesn’t work with timestamps with the mysql backend. At least on my machine, I haven’t dug into it to provide more information in an issue.
[4:42 PM]
Derek Perkins that’s probably a driver issue
[4:43 PM]
user:password@tcp(mysql:3306)/?parseTime=true (edited)
[4:43 PM]
with the go-mysql-driver, you have to specify it in the connection string
[4:44 PM]
Bryce Reitano Ah, that makes sense. Disregard then, I’m not used to working with mysql in any fashion and been spoiled by Postgres. :simple_smile:
[6:52 PM]
Brian Ketelsen Maybe we should document that somewhere
[6:52 PM]
Note to self

Generated Get should not reset err before returning


Calling generated method Update with a non-existent ID will result in Update's call to Get returning nil, nil. This means the Update method's error check passes and it subsequently passes a zero value to Gorm, resulting in a panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.MethodByName on zero Value


Get should surface Gorm's ErrRecordNotFound in the same way that the model helper OneFoo does. That means altering the generated code here to return the original error instead of resetting it to nil:

If you don't mark a field as a PK in the design process, gorma doesn't add the PK flag to the id field from your mediatype that it inherits

From a slack chat with @bketelsen

gorma doesn’t make you enter all the fields
RendersTo() and BuildsFrom() read the fields in the payload and media types
and add those to your model
but if you already have an “id” field, maybe gorma doesn’t mark it as a PK
I can see how this would happen
BuildsFrom() is the only one that adds fields
RendersTo() causes conversion funcs to be created, but doesn’t add fields
so if there’s no “id” in your Payload you wouldn’t get an id in the model, and you’[d have to add it manually
it’s a bug

How to define a nullable relation type with hasMany

I got the following usecase:
I got books and Shelfs, Books can be assigned to Shelfs.
There is the case a book isnt assigned to a shelf and there for the shelf_id should be nil

I tried the Nullable command on a Field, but does not work.

Model("Shelf", func() {

    Field("id", gorma.Integer, func() {

    HasMany("Books", "Book")

Model("Book", func() {

    Field("id", gorma.Integer, func() {

    //Hack not working
    Field("shelf_id", gorma.Integer, func() {

This will generate a model like:

type Book struct {
    ID         int `gorm:"primary_key"` // primary key
    ShelfID      int // has many Book

type Shelf struct {
    ID         int `gorm:"primary_key"` // primary key
    Books    []Book   // has many Books

But what i actualy want is (note the pointer to *int)

type Book struct {
    ID         int `gorm:"primary_key"` // primary key
    ShelfID    *int // has many Book

How can i achieve this? or is this even possible.

Fix HasOne

Supplier Model
-- HasOne(Account)

Should not modify supplier model, but should create a supplier_id field in the Accounts table

Helpers should be modified to do this

Auto-ID field creation is broken

Gorma's automatic insertion of a primary-key field named "ID" is an excellent way to DRY out my model definitions:

Alas, although my models have a field definition for ID, the generated Storage interface is lacking an "ID" parameter, making the auto-ID a bit useless unless I evade the storage layer and interact with gorm directly.

According to @bketelsen:

in a refactor that code never gets called in the order that would make it useful.
I would be very appreciative of a PR that solves this

I'm opening this issue to promote awareness/understanding in case anyone else runs into the problem, and perhaps eventually to contribute a fix.

gorma.Decimal generates float only

gorma.Decimal data type generates float data type, not float32.
I think it should be generating float32.

For the gorma.BigDecimal, it should be float64.

Foreign key identifiers in Where clauses don't match generated Gorm column names for camel-cased associations


When Gorm interprets the name of a column w/ multiple words, it will do lower snake case for them:

type AwesomeCandy struct {
    ID            int
    CandyTypeID   int

In this case, Gorm will expect to deal with a column called candy_type_id.

However, creating a Gorma model with a multi-word association of the form BelongsTo("CandyType") will generate helper methods with incorrect designation for the foreign key in the Where call:

func AwesomeCandyFilterByCandyType(candyTypeID int, originaldb *gorm.DB) func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    if candyTypeID > 0 {
        return func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
            return db.Where("candytype_id = ?", candyTypeID)

    return func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { return db }

Expected Behavior

The generated call to Where should contain a foreign key column matching what Gorm produces, in this case it should be candy_type_id


I propose to simply copy *RelationalFieldDefinition's Underscore method to *RelationalModelDefinition and then use it in the function definition in Writers.go

Sort generated field assignments to avoid vcs noise

For example:

func (m *Organization) OrganizationToAppOrganization() *app.Organization {
        organization := &app.Organization{}
        organization.TimeZone = &m.TimeZone
        organization.Name = &m.Name
        organization.ID = &m.ID

        return organization

The order of TimeZone, Name, and ID assignment lines is randomized with each generation.

Move TableName to Alias

Currently, using Alias in the Model context doesn't do anything but was meant to do the same thing that TableName does.

Move the TableName functionality to Alias for the Model context.

BelongsTo relationship generates wrong xID type when using UUID


Model("Identity", func() {
    Field("id", gorma.UUID, func() {
        Description("This is the ID PK field")
    Field("full_name", gorma.String, func() {
        Description("The fullname of the Identity")
    Field("image_url", gorma.String, func() {
        Description("The image URL for this Identity")
Model("User", func() {
    Field("id", gorma.UUID, func() {
        Description("This is the ID PK field")
    Field("email", gorma.String, func() {
        Description("This is the unique email field")


type Identity struct {
    ID        uuid.UUID `sql:"type:uuid" gorm:"primary_key"` // This is the ID PK field
    FullName  string `gorm:"column:fullName"` // The fullname of the Identity
    ImageURL  string `gorm:"column:imageURL"` // The image URL for this Identity

type User struct {
    ID        uuid.UUID `sql:"type:uuid" gorm:"primary_key"` // This is the ID PK field
    IdentityID uuid.UUID   // Belongs To Identity
    Identity   Identity

But got:

type User struct {
    ID        uuid.UUID `sql:"type:uuid" gorm:"primary_key"` // This is the ID PK field
    IdentityID int   // Belongs To Identity  // INT ??
    Identity   Identity

Build fails due to removed versioning support in goa

Build fails due to removed versioning support in goa (772bca5)

See: goa (772bca5)

Failed to compile gorma:

generator.go:120: undefined: design.APIVersionDefinition
generator.go:123: undefined: codegen.VersionPackage
generator.go:131: api.IterateVersions undefined (type *design.APIDefinition has no field or method IterateVersions)
generator.go:131: undefined: design.APIVersionDefinition
generator.go:199: api.IterateVersions undefined (type *design.APIDefinition has no field or method IterateVersions)
generator.go:199: undefined: design.APIVersionDefinition
writers.go:328: undefined: codegen.VersionPackage
writers.go:356: undefined: codegen.VersionPackage

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 2.612667464s
Test Suite Failed
make: *** [test] Error 1

Database pointer errors with relationship functions

With a recent update on this PR, Gorma is generating relational functions with errors. For example, lets say we Surveys and those have many SurveyItems; SurveyItems belonging to a Survey. When generating code, we will get a function like

// ListSurveyItem returns an array of view: default.
func (m *SurveyItemDB) ListSurveyItem(ctx context.Context, surveyID int) []*app.SurveyItem {
    defer goa.MeasureSince([]string{"goa", "db", "surveyItem", "listsurveyItem"}, time.Now())

    var native []*SurveyItem
    var objs []*app.SurveyItem
    err := m.Db.Scopes(SurveyItemFilterBySurvey(surveyID, &m.Db)).Table(m.TableName()).Find(&native).Error

    if err != nil {
        goa.LogError(ctx, "error listing SurveyItem", "error", err.Error())
        return objs

    for _, t := range native {
        objs = append(objs, t.SurveyItemToSurveyItem())

    return objs

Where errors are thrown as such:

models/surveyitem_helper.go:31: cannot use &m.Db (type **gorm.DB) as type *gorm.DB in argument to SurveyItemFilterBySurvey
models/surveyitem_helper.go:67: cannot use &m.Db (type **gorm.DB) as type *gorm.DB in argument to SurveyItemFilterBySurvey
models/surveyitem_helper.go:86: cannot use &m.Db (type **gorm.DB) as type *gorm.DB in argument to SurveyItemFilterBySurvey
models/surveyitem_helper.go:113: cannot use &m.Db (type **gorm.DB) as type *gorm.DB in argument to SurveyItemFilterBySurvey

With the update the passing by reference needs to be removed.

Use underscores or camelCase in tags?

Seems like it would be easier to read and understand tags if they used underscores or camelcase for their names. I feel this would make it easier for new users to understand and remember the tags and what they do. Instead of looking like a non-word, it will obviously be a group of words put together, which makes it easier to remember. For example:

Metadata("", "true")
Metadata("", "true")
Metadata("", "true")

If using camelcase, nothing would have to change except for a ToLower call on the tag itself before processing.


Support Time fields

If a Type Attribute has Format("date-time") defined, store a *time.Time field in the Model struct.

UUID compatibility with Goa

PR was submitted making breaking changes when using the UUID type within Gorma and Goa.


When I was creating my resource, inside my user.go I get the following:

cannot use m.ID (type "".UUID) as type "".UUID in assignment

Support ArrayOf fields

var _ = MediaType("application/vnd.test+json", func() {
    Attributes(func() {
        Attribute("points", ArrayOf(Integer)),

Current result:

goagen --design app
exit status 1
[../../../] Unsupported type: 0x7 array in unnamed BuildSource
[../../../] Unsupported type: 0x7 array in unnamed BuildSource
[../../../] Unsupported type: 0x7 array in unnamed BuildSource
make: *** [genapp] Error 1

For reference: relationalmodel.go:257

minor inconsistencies in generated data-access interfaces

Some issues that I found peculiar, which slightly detracted from gorma's awesome usability:

  1. List() methods don't return an error (they log it) whereas other methods do

  2. Whereas gorm composition methods return a *gorm.DB, gorma data-access objects always want a gorm.DB (and internally store a DB). This requires me to add a lot of extra * when building queries. Granted, there is no performance or safety difference between using DB and *DB; still, it seems like gorma should be consistent with the framework it wraps.

As discussed in #goa @, these both seem worthy of fixing and I hope to whip up a PR sometime soon.

Support custom user types

I have a use case that requires a non-built-in type to read geo data from a database and output it into GeoJSON, but this extends to any user type. I think that support can be restricted to custom types that match one of the following.

  1. Supports sql.Valuer AND sql.Scanner
  2. Is an alias of a built-in type

Sample Postgres data (requires PostGIS)

CREATE TABLE roads ( id int4, geom geometry(LINESTRING,4326), name varchar(25) );
INSERT INTO roads (id, geom, name)
  VALUES (1,ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(191232 243118,191108 243242)',-1),'Jeff Rd');
INSERT INTO roads (id, geom, name)
  VALUES (2,ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(189141 244158,189265 244817)',-1),'Geordie Rd');
INSERT INTO roads (id, geom, name)
  VALUES (3,ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(192783 228138,192612 229814)',-1),'Paul St');
INSERT INTO roads (id, geom, name)
  VALUES (4,ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(189412 252431,189631 259122)',-1),'Graeme Ave');
INSERT INTO roads (id, geom, name)
  VALUES (5,ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(190131 224148,190871 228134)',-1),'Phil Tce');
INSERT INTO roads (id, geom, name)
  VALUES (6,ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(198231 263418,198213 268322)',-1),'Dave Cres');

Expected struct

type Road struct {
    ID   int
    Name *string
    Geom *geo.Path  // import ""

PK Field declaration required for OneFoo and Get methods to generate with ID arg

When creating a new model, Gorma will automatically create an ID field on your model struct and set a gorm:"primary_key" struct tag. This is great.

What is confusing however is that the generated methods for retrieving a single item from the database won't take an ID parameter without an additional Field declaration in your model for a primary key:

Field("id", gorma.Integer, func() {

Without the above, the Gorm Where method in both the generated OneFoo model helper and the Get model method only have an empty string as an argument, rendering them effectively useless.

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