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dataloader's Introduction


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This is an implementation of Facebook's DataLoader in Golang.


go get -u


// setup batch function - the first Context passed to the Loader's Load
// function will be provided when the batch function is called.
batchFn := func(ctx context.Context, keys dataloader.Keys) []*dataloader.Result {
  var results []*dataloader.Result
  // do some async work to get data for specified keys
  // append to this list resolved values
  return results

// create Loader with an in-memory cache
loader := dataloader.NewBatchedLoader(batchFn)

 * Use loader
 * A thunk is a function returned from a function that is a
 * closure over a value (in this case an interface value and error).
 * When called, it will block until the value is resolved.
 * loader.Load() may be called multiple times for a given batch window.
 * The first context passed to Load is the object that will be passed
 * to the batch function.
thunk := loader.Load(context.TODO(), dataloader.StringKey("key1")) // StringKey is a convenience method that make wraps string to implement `Key` interface
result, err := thunk()
if err != nil {
  // handle data error

log.Printf("value: %#v", result)

Don't need/want to use context?

You're welcome to install the v1 version of this library.


This implementation contains a very basic cache that is intended only to be used for short lived DataLoaders (i.e. DataLoaders that only exist for the life of an http request). You may use your own implementation if you want.

it also has a NoCache type that implements the cache interface but all methods are noop. If you do not wish to cache anything.


There are a few basic examples in the example folder.

dataloader's People


alex avatar chris-ramon avatar fzhangtj avatar johnmaguire avatar lindseyb avatar mehran-prs avatar mjq avatar nicksrandall avatar nubbel avatar pankona avatar pavelnikolov avatar renatoaquino avatar robinbraemer avatar sanjeevchopra avatar sgotti avatar superherointj avatar tonyghita avatar vivek-ng avatar


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dataloader's Issues

TestLoader/allows_clearAll_values_in_cache fails non-deterministically

@mjq discovered an issue with a unit test while fixing an incorrect CI configuration in #73:

I can reproduce this failure, but only rarely - on my laptop, the test failed only 3 out of 10000 runs.

$ go test -v -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic -count 10000 | grep FAIL
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/allows_clearAll_values_in_cache (0.02s)
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/allows_clearAll_values_in_cache (0.02s)
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/allows_clearAll_values_in_cache (0.02s)
FAIL	390.973s

We should dig into what causes this test to fail non-deterministically and then fix the issue.

Usage of Prime()

I'm wondering if you have any examples for the usage Prime().

I'd like to write loaders that can load a resource by either the id or some other field, and then prime the cache with the result for both types of loader.

type ResourceLoader struct {
  client myservice.Client

func (l *ResourceLoader) LoadByIDs(ctx context.Context) dataloader.BatchFunc {
  return func(ids []string) []*dataloader.Result {
    var results []*dataLoader.Result
    resourcesByID, err := l.client.GetAllByIDs(ctx, ids) // returns a map[string]Resource
    if err != nil {
       // truncated: populate `results` with `len(ids)` errors
       return results

    for _, id := range ids  {
      result := &dataloader.Result{}
      if r, ok := resourcesByName[id]; ok {
        result.Data = r
        // TODO: Prime dataloader cache with this result for key `r.Name`
      } else {
        result.Error = fmt.Errorf("Unable to find resource with id %q", id)

      results = append(results, result)
   return results

func (l *ResourceLoader) LoadByNames(ctx context.Context) dataloader.BatchFunc {
  return func(names []string) []*dataloader.Result {
    var results []*dataLoader.Result
    resourcesByName, err := l.client.GetAllByNames(ctx, names) // returns a map[string]Resource
    if err != nil {
       // truncated: populate `results` with `len(names)` errors
       return results

    for _, name := range names  {
      result := &dataloader.Result{}
      if r, ok := resourcesByName[name]; ok {
        result.Data = r
        // TODO: Prime dataloader cache with this result for key `r.ID`
      } else {
        result.Error = fmt.Errorf("Unable to find resource with name %q", name)

      results = append(results, result)
   return results

In this example, ResourceLoader is attached to the request context via dataloader.NewBatchedLoader(...).

About caching in tutorial

Int the, I found:
This implementation contains a very basic cache that is intended only to be used for short lived DataLoaders (i.e. DataLoaders that only exist for the life of **an http request**). You may use your own implementation if you want.
But when I test, I found that it cache for many requests. So I have the questions:

  • What is default of the cache (TTL)?
  • If I want cache for only the life of a http request, How can I make with only one dataloader object easily?


How to use persistent store such as Redis

Is it possible/advisable to use the dataloader library to store data in a persistent, shared cache like Redis?

I've implemented a Redis package that satisfies the Cache interface but I'm hitting a snag when I want to set a value in the cache. The request hangs waiting for the thunk to be resolved.

func (c *Cache) Set(_ context.Context, key dataloader.Key, value dataloader.Thunk) {
	v, err := value()
	if err != nil { // this line is never reached, the request hangs.
	if err := c.Client.Set(key.String(), v, 0).Err(); err != nil {

I'm clearly doing something wrong. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Go Modules Support

Right now I can technically use this library with projects using go modules, but because it doesn't have a go module initialized, we see: v5.0.0+incompatible

I'm not sure if all the semver / module guarantees are properly respected for non-module-based projects.
Could I add go.mod / go.sum files to the repo? Happy to open a PR.
I could also fork the repo and keep them in my fork if you prefer.

Metrics for cache hit rate etc.

The cache in dataloader alone is an incredibly useful tool for backing up requests, but one of the things that I am interested in with regards to the added complexity of a data loader is if the cache is being useful. Id like to track the hit-rate of my cache, but the current tracer does not provide enough information to inject metrics.

Would there be any way to add metrics tracking of some form? (I use prometheus metrics so direct support of those would be nice, but an adjustable interface like used for tracing would likely be better.)

Preventing panic after cancelled context


I'm noticing that when request context is cancelled during operation, the thunk related to that request panics when it is resolved.

This seems to be due to the thunk not having a value property when the return value in this block is hit (in dataloader.go):

thunk := func() (interface{}, error) {
	resultNotSet := result.value == nil

	if resultNotSet {
		if v, ok := <-c; ok {
			result.value = v
	return result.value.Data, result.value.Error

When this thunk is cached, it then results in a panic in subsequent requests until the cache is cleared.

Is there a suggested way to guard against this? I've tried the following in my cache implementation to attempt to guard against caching these 'invalid' thunks, but it results in a deadlock:

func (c *Cache) Set(ctx context.Context, key dataloader.Key, value dataloader.Thunk) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
	c.C.SetWithTTL(key.String(), value, 0, time.Duration(c.MaxAge*int(time.Hour)))

Semantic Versioning tag

Please set semver actual tag:
Correct actual version: v5.0.0
current version v5 not valid for modules

NoCache option doesn't seems to work in v6.0.0

Hello all,

I receive a panic when using the loader with the NoCache option. The same code works fine with InMemoryCache passed or by default.

Anyone managed to make the NoCache working in v6.0.0

ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, k, dataloader.NewBatchedLoader(helloBatchFunction, dataloader.WithCache(&dataloader.NoCache{})))

And the time I invoke the Load(ctx, key) function, I receive some internal panic in the dataloader package.

panic({0x18b7660, 0x277de20})
/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:844 +0x264*pairsTournamentLoader).loadBatch(0x40006b3380, {0x1c5e9c8, 0x4000daed20}, {0x4000dac9c0, 0x3, 0x4})
/app/internal/loader/hello_loader.go:73 +0x600*batcher).batch.func1(0x4000de8df0, 0x4000daeea0, {0x1c5e9c8, 0x4000daed20}, {0x4000dac9c0, 0x3, 0x4}, 0x4000f29e80)
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/dataloader.go:432 +0xb4*batcher).batch(0x4000daeea0, {0x1c5e9c8, 0x4000daed20})
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/dataloader.go:433 +0x320
created by*Loader).Load
/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]+incompatible/dataloader.go:241 +0x568

Improve panic handling

What do you think about improving the panic handling? I was thinking of a custom handler or passing an error to all results in case of a panic? Or do you believe one should do this in the batchFunc itself?

How to implement BigCache?

func (c *BigCache) Get(key string) ([]byte, error) {
// ...
func (c *BigCache) Set(key string, entry []byte) error {
// ...

But cache in dataloader:
func (c *NoCache) Get(context.Context, Key) (Thunk, bool) { return nil, false }
func (c *NoCache) Set(context.Context, Key, Thunk) { return }

So how do i implement BigCache in dataloader? How convert Thunk to []byte and []byte to Thunk?
Looking forward to your reply!

expired DB certificate

> scylla-cloud service api
Error: error creating handler: db.NewMySQLHandler: NewGormDB: gorm.Open: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-08-11T13:27:09+03:00 is after 2022-08-11T07:45:20Z
openssl x509 -dates -noout -in /tmp/ca.cert
notBefore=Jul 12 07:45:20 2022 GMT
notAfter=Aug 11 07:45:20 2022 GMT

Trouble with compiling dataloader, google cloud datastore, appengine in go1.8

I am trying to use dataloader with my go application that runs on google's app engine. After I load the dataloader lib into my application, I got a number of errors from golang compiler. Any idea or tips on how to solve the issue? Thanks a lot!

dataloader.go:183: cannot use NewCache() (type *InMemoryCache) as type Cache in assignment:
*InMemoryCache does not implement Cache (wrong type for Delete method)
have Delete(context.Context, interface {}) bool
want Delete(context.Context, Key) bool

inMemoryCache.go:24: cannot use items (type map[interface {}]Thunk) as type map[string]Thunk in field value
inMemoryCache.go:31: key.Key undefined (type Key has no field or method Key)
inMemoryCache.go:41: key.Key undefined (type Key has no field or method Key)
inMemoryCache.go:51: cannot use key (type interface {}) as type Key in argument to c.Get:
interface {} does not implement Key (missing Raw method)
inMemoryCache.go:54: key.Key undefined (type interface {} is interface with no methods)

Naming consideration

Obviously this is a personal preference and not at all technical in nature, but how do you feel about renaming your type Interface interface to type DataLoader interface and type Loader struct to type DefaultDataLoader struct? I don't have anything concrete to say 1 way or another is best practice or anything like that, but it seems to read more nicely, especially if you're just trying to glance over the godocs of your package to quickly get an understanding of what things are and how they're connected. Just my $0.02.

v1-v4: LoadMany() returns in non-deterministic order

In v1-v4 of this library, LoadMany() does not return in deterministic order. That is, a call to LoadMany("A", "B") can give results [ResultA, ResultB].

To reproduce, run the unit tests multiple times:

$ go test -count=1000 .
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/test_LoadMany_returns_len(errors)_==_len(keys) (0.02s)
        dataloader_test.go:103: Expected an error on the first item loaded
        dataloader_test.go:107: Expected second and third errors to be nil
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/test_LoadMany_returns_len(errors)_==_len(keys) (0.02s)
        dataloader_test.go:103: Expected an error on the first item loaded
        dataloader_test.go:107: Expected second and third errors to be nil
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/test_LoadMany_returns_len(errors)_==_len(keys) (0.02s)
        dataloader_test.go:103: Expected an error on the first item loaded
        dataloader_test.go:107: Expected second and third errors to be nil
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/test_LoadMany_returns_len(errors)_==_len(keys) (0.02s)
        dataloader_test.go:103: Expected an error on the first item loaded
        dataloader_test.go:107: Expected second and third errors to be nil
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/test_LoadMany_returns_len(errors)_==_len(keys) (0.02s)
        dataloader_test.go:103: Expected an error on the first item loaded
        dataloader_test.go:107: Expected second and third errors to be nil
--- FAIL: TestLoader (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestLoader/test_LoadMany_returns_len(errors)_==_len(keys) (0.02s)
        dataloader_test.go:103: Expected an error on the first item loaded
        dataloader_test.go:107: Expected second and third errors to be nil

It seems like the cause may be the thunk creation happens concurrently in a goroutine, so the batch of keys passed to the batch function may end up out of order.

Passing query information to batch function?

Is it possible to pass on the query information (specifically the fields requested) to the batch loader function? With my current implementation, the creation of the loader is done outside of the resolver (like other samples) and there is no way to pass the query information to the batch function from within the resolver function.

cannot be batched in graphql

Union query cannot be merged in graphql

var personType = graphql.NewObject(graphql.ObjectConfig{
	Name: "Person",
	Fields: graphql.Fields{
		"id": &graphql.Field{
			Type: graphql.Int,
		"name": &graphql.Field{
			Type: graphql.String,
		"age": &graphql.Field{
			Type: graphql.Int,
		"sex": &graphql.Field{
			Type: graphql.String,
		"friends": &graphql.Field{
			Type: graphql.NewList(friendType),
			Resolve: func(params graphql.ResolveParams) (interface{}, error) {
				idQuery := params.Source.(Person).ID
				i := strconv.Itoa(int(idQuery))
				thunk := friendLoader.Load(context.TODO(), dataloader.StringKey(i))
				return thunk()


{personList(ids: [1,2]){id,name,age,sex,friends{name}}}

After querying multiple Persons, the friends of Person will be queried. Thunk will be called in the Resolve function of friends. batchFn will be called multiple times, each passing an id.

How does pagination work with dataloader?

I've been having trouble wrapping my head around how pagination works with a batched data loader.

scalar Cursor # an opaque string which identifies a resource

query GetUsers($first: Int, $after: Cursor) {
  users(first: $first, after: $after) {

Do the same pagination parameters $first and $after get passed into every possible batch? Is there some page accounting that has to happen a layer above the data loader layer?

@nicksrandall I'd love to get your thoughts.

Error inMemoryCache after v4 update

vendor/ not enough arguments in call to c.Get                                              
        have (interface {})         
        want ("context".Context, interface {}) 

Context not passed to the get called by delete method.

Add context.Context as an argument to dataloader.BatchFunc?

Currently I pass in a context.Context via closure. I'm curious if anyone has a better way of passing the context to the batch function.

func Attach(ctx context.Context) dataloader.BatchFunc {
  return func(keys []string) []*dataloader.Result {
    // the batch function, now with 100% more context

Are there any downsides to changing the signature of BatchFunc to include the context as an argument?

- type BatchFunc func([]string) []*Result
+ type BatchFunc func(context.Context, []string) []*Result

Change type of keys to []interface{}

Why does keys have to be a []string? I am working with where all IDs are of type bson.ObjectId. This makes using dataloader somewhat impractical because I have to convert all bson.ObjectIds into strings before piping them into the Load function of dataloader. In there, I have to convert them back to bson.ObjectIds to execute the MongoDB queries. If the Load function would except the keys as []interface{} instead of []string, that would make my life a lot easier because I could directly pipe the bson.ObjectIds into it.

The context.Context package works the same way. There, a key can also be interface{}.

Load function keys as interface{}

I've found the need to pass composite keys to certain batch load functions.

So far, I've been concatenating key parts together into a string before passing the keys to the load function, and then separating the key parts in the load function.

As you can imagine, this is pretty fragile.

I wondering if it would be plausible to change to a keys interface{} argument, to allow for passing structured composite keys.

I'm on the fence whether this change would be worth the added complexity for 90% of use-cases.

how to load queries without keys

hello, I've been tinkering with your product by trying to do what the dataloader(facebook JS version)

var UserType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'User',
  fields: () => ({
    name: { type: GraphQLString },
    bestFriend: {
      type: UserType,
      resolve: user => userLoader.load(user.bestFriendID)
    friends: {
      args: {
        first: { type: GraphQLInt }
      type: new GraphQLList(UserType),
      resolve: (user, { first }) => queryLoader.load([
        'SELECT toID FROM friends WHERE fromID=? LIMIT ?',, first
      ]).then(rows => => userLoader.load(row.toID)))

is it possible to resolve friends just the way facebook sample does, using your product ? if not what is the alternative ?

How can i prevent multiple queries to the database when fetching foreign keys?

Hi! I am trying to use this library with graphql-go but i am struggling to get the batching to work when doing list queries that reference foreign key objects. Here's an example schema of what i mean:

type Query {
    meetups: [Meetup]!
type User {
    ID: Int!
    Name: String!

type Meetup {
    ID: Int!
    Title: String!
    Owner: User!

In the MeetupResolver i have this:

func (r *MeetupResolver) Owner() *UserResolver {
	thunk := r.loader.Load(r.meetup.OwnerID)
	data, _ := thunk()
	user, _ := data.(model.User)
	return NewUserResolver(&user)

When doing a query to meetups and asking for the Owner of the objects it is still doing a single query to the database for each of the different owners, like this:

[2017-05-16 16:41:13]  [0.85ms]  SELECT * FROM "users"  WHERE ("id" IN ('6'))
[2017-05-16 16:41:13]  [1.34ms]  SELECT * FROM "users"  WHERE ("id" IN ('7'))

Is there a way to batch all the owner ids and then send the query to the database?

Example with a database and graphql

could you provide a simple example with any database using the IN clause?

I'm new to dataloader so I'm mostly deducing keys are each id that the resolver provides but I'm not sure.

Thank you

How do dataloaders solve the 1-to-many relationship?

We have two modules, one is the order and the other is the sub order. When querying the order list, you don't need to worry about the "n + 1" problem, but if you check the sub order according to the order list, there will be problems. For example, if a order corresponds to multiple sub orders, you need to query the sub order details once every time.

Now using dataloader cannot solve this 1-to-many relationship, because the data will be disordered.

Running `go test -race` fails

Tests fail to pass when specifying the race detector to run.

go test -v -cover -race

results in

Found 13 data race(s)
exit status 66
FAIL	1.059s

if the tests don't deadlock.

It may be good to add this option to the TravisCI runner.

What context is passed into batchFn?

Load() may be called multiple times before batchFn is called. If Load() is called with various contexts, which one is ultimately passed to batchFn?

Loader not batching properly

Im using dataloader V7 with generic and i have a simple test func ..

func TestBatchByIdDataloader(t *testing.T) {
	requests := []string{"100", "200", "200", "300", "100", "200", "200", "200", "200", "200", "200"}

	loader := dl2.NewBatchedLoader(func(ctx context.Context, ids []string) []*dl2.Result[string] {
		t.Logf("%+v, %v", ids, len(ids))
		results := make([]*dl2.Result[string], len(ids))
		for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
			results[i] = &dl2.Result[string]{"v", nil}
		return results

	for _, v := range requests {
		thunk := loader.Load(context.TODO(), v)
		_, _ = thunk()


this test output is

=== RUN   TestBatchByIdDataloader
    dataloader_test.go:42: [100], 1
    dataloader_test.go:42: [200], 1
    dataloader_test.go:42: [300], 1
--- PASS: TestBatchByIdDataloader (0.05s)

it removes the duplicate requets for id 200 but why i don't get the batched slice including all 3 ids ?

Return only one error from ThunkMany

To me, it's confusing that BatchFunc returns *[]Result. I would expect it to return ([]interface{}, error) instead. That would be easier to use and closer to the implementation where batch functions can also only throw once and not once per result. If my BatchFunc contains a consolidated DB query (which in most cases it will), I can only get one error from that query and would then have to do the following:

results, err := myDBQuery(keys)
if err != nil {
	return []*dataloader.Result{{Error: err}}

I think that's not nice because it's not sure that the error has something to do with the first result.

The suggestion would result in the following changes:

-type ThunkMany func() ([]interface{}, []error)
+type ThunkMany func() ([]interface{}, error)

-type BatchFunc func(context.Context, []string) []*Result
+type BatchFunc func(context.Context, []string) ([]interface, error)

Currently, I have to do the following for LoadMany, which is not nice either:

results, errs := myLoader.LoadMany(ctx, keys)
var err error
for _, e := range errs {
	if e != nil {
		err = e
if err != nil {
	// handle data error

`go get` can only get V4

go get command can only get V4 package, not V5.
But this can help: go get -u, then

import ""

Dynamic Queries

First off, thanks for this awesome library!

I've got a question that might be more generalized to dataloader as a whole, but I would love to know if you have any insight. I'm using a postgres backend for my storage, and in one of my resolvers I may pass in a list of IDs that I'm interested in getting. Currently I'm doing a SELECT * to grab all the fields for those items, even if I may not need all the fields to satisfy the query, but I'm wondering if I can do better.

The naive solution would be to have the leaf node for each resolver use dataloader to load only what was required from the database, but if a query has a lot of fields that are being accessed that probably wont be very efficient, as it would hit the database once for each field I’m accessing.

Is there any way that I can still batch my queries through dataloader, but have the batch function dynamically load only what is specifically being requested for this query? I was thinking maybe I could encode the fields I wanted into the Key object, but I'm not sure if that would let me properly batch things together, and I imagine that might have consequences on the cache.


wrong time to call 'TraceBatchFinishFunc'

ctx, finish := b.tracer.TraceBatch(originalContext, keys)
defer finish(items) // this should be moved

func() {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			panicErr = r
			if b.silent {
			const size = 64 << 10
			buf := make([]byte, size)
			buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
			log.Printf("Dataloader: Panic received in batch function:: %v\n%s", panicErr, buf)
	items = b.batchFn(ctx, keys)

// defer finish(items) 

InMemoryCache: Clear() races with sync.Map implementation

Found when running tests like so:

$ go test -count=1000 race .
Read at 0x00c000222008 by goroutine 22:*InMemoryCache).Get()
      /Users/tonyghita/go/src/ +0x56
      /Users/tonyghita/go/src/ +0x2ee
      /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12.4/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:865 +0x163

Previous write at 0x00c000222008 by goroutine 77:*InMemoryCache).Clear()
      /Users/tonyghita/go/src/ +0xa1*Loader).sleeper()
      /Users/tonyghita/go/src/ +0x260

Goroutine 22 (running) created at:
      /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12.4/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:916 +0x65a
      /Users/tonyghita/go/src/ +0x31e
      /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12.4/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:865 +0x163

Goroutine 77 (finished) created at:*Loader).Load()
      /Users/tonyghita/go/src/ +0xa58
      /Users/tonyghita/go/src/ +0xc5
      /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.12.4/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:865 +0x163

The cause seems to be an improper deletion of the sync.Map elements in Clear().

Example to use with graphql-go

I'm building a project with graphql-go and need a dataloader implementation. After a bit research, I found your library and seems like you build this with graphql-go support in mind. But I don't understand how to use 2 libraries together. Can you help me with some sample code or ideas how they work together. Do I need to modify graphql-go source code to use this library?

Thank you.


I got here after reading through the issues in neelance/graphql-go

It is not entirely clear to me how this would solve the n+1 request issue.

I.e. how can you use this to perform less database calls?

Tracing interface makes proper use of Links impossible

Dataloaders present a unique challenge with tracing, as batching is one of the few instances where the invariant that a span has a single parent is broken. Many different parent spans end up producing just a single child span which performs the operation for all of them.

To support this, most tracing standards have a concept of Links(Open Telemetry). Where a span can specify that is has links to more than one parent span. This is important when trying to compute metrics like %time spent in operation. Without this, only one of the many parent spans gets its time discounted from the overall operation time as the rest have no child span.

Batch Trace Example

In order for this to work, the batch function, when creating the span for its batch work, must have access to the span (context) of each of the calls to Load(), or LoadMany() which is currently not possible given the existing interface / code architecture. I'm curious to hear if this is not a problem for anyone else using the current tracing architecture.

Duplicate key for batchFun when applying no cache

When applying no cache policy, i found that duplicate keys passed to batchFuc.
After i query the keys from database and return the results, then will throw error which tell you the size of result and keys is not matched.

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