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gratelpy's Introduction


Requirements for GraTeLPy

GraTeLPy requires Python 2.6 or 2.7 and NetworkX 1.6 or above and runs on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.

We test GraTeLPy continually on a variety of platforms to ensure that it will work for you. If you encounter any problems installing or using GraTeLPy please open an issue or drop us a line.

GraTeLPy Status

We test continually GraTeLPy on Linux (64-bit Ubuntu Linux 12.04) and Mac OS X 10.8.5. A green status icon means that the most recent version of GraTeLPy ran correctly for that software configuration.

On Linux with both Python 2.6 and 2.7 with NetworkX 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and the latest version of NetworkX: Build Status

On Mac OS X with Python 2.7 (2.6 testing coming soon hopefully) with NetworkX 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and the latest version of NetworkX: Build Status

Testing on Windows is done by hand and therefore less frequent. Our latest test of the current version of GraTeLPy with the current version of the Continuum Analytics Anaconda Python bundle on Windows 8 worked correctly.

Download GraTeLPy

We improve GraTeLPy continually and release all tested and working improvements directly on GitHub. The latest working version of GraTeLPy can always be downloaded here.

From time to time we release numbered versions to mark specific improvements and developments. A list of our numbered releases can be found here.

The latest release of these numbered versions is also always avaiable on PyPI here.

Who Uses GraTeLPy

Documentation Note

Please Note: At present the documentation we provide (in doc/) is very rudimentary. Until we update our documentation, this file will act in place of proper documentation that we owe you.

If anything remains unclear or is confusing, please open an issue or drop us a line and we will do our best to help.


GraTeLPy (GRAph ThEoretic Analysis of Linear Stability in Python -- slightly contrived) is a software tool for parameter-free, graph-theoretic linear stability analysis. Given a mechanism file that describes a chemical reaction network (CRN) of mass-action reactions, GraTelPy analyzes the provided mechanism and determines if it meets a necessary condition for multistability.

This necessary condition is the existence of critical fragments [1] which are necessary for a fold bifurcation thus permitting multistability.


To install GraTeLPy please make sure you have both Python (at least 2.7) and NetworkX (at least version 1.7) installed.

You can either install GraTeLPy from PyPI (the Python Package Index) directly if you have pip installed or first download the source code and then run the setup on your computer.

Installation from PyPI Using pip

If you have permission to write to root and if you wish to install GraTeLPy system-wide you can invoke the following from your command line

$ pip install gratelpy

This will most likely place the provided binaries in /usr/local/bin and our Python source code in /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages (X.Y = 2.7 if Python 2.7 is installed).

If you wish to install GraTeLPy locally to your home directory, invoke

$ pip install gratelpy --user

This will likely place both the binaries and the source code in $HOME/.local/bin and $HOME/.local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/ respectively. Please ensure that your PATH environment variable contains $HOME/.local/bin and that PYTHONPATH includes $HOME/.local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/.

Installation from Source

To install directly from source, either clone into our git repository

$ git clone

or download the current version of our code in a zip file.

Direct your terminal to the top-level directory of GraTeLPy and make certain that you can locate the file.

For a system-wide installation (as above), invoke the following

$ python install

and for a local installation (as above), append the --user option

$ python install --user

Where Are the GraTeLPy Binaries and Source Code?

Both processes outlined above will output where both the binaries and the source code are copied to. These locations may vary widely (as has been reported by users) and we are afraid that at this point we do not fully understand what causes these variations.

There are, however, ways to enforce that both setup methods (pip and python install) copy all relevant files to a specific directory.

$ pip install --install-option="--prefix=PATH" gratelpy
$ python install --prefix=PATH

Where PATH is the prefix where you wish GraTeLPy to be installed. If, for instance, you want GraTeLPy to be installed to $HOME/MY_LOCAL instead of $HOME/.local then use either one of these methods:

$ pip install --install-option="--prefix=$HOME/MY_LOCAL" gratelpy
$ python install --prefix=$HOME/MY_LOCAL

The binaries and source code are then in $HOME/MY_LOCAL/bin and $HOME/MY_LOCAL/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages respectively.

Note that python install also gives you a dry-run option which allows you to see where GraTeLPy will be installed to without carrying out the actual copy operations:

$ python install --dry-run
$ python install --dry-run --user

Unfortunately, this option does not appear to be available for pip.

Upgrading GraTeLPy

Use the mode of installation you chose from the above options and append the --upgrade flag:

$ pip install gratelpy --upgrade
$ pip install gratelpy --user --upgrade
$ python install --upgrade
$ python install --user --upgrade

Note: this will also upgrade NetworkX if that library has been updated.

Test Your GraTeLPy Setup

GraTeLPy provides two separate scripts that the user can invoke directly from their command line to test their installation of GraTeLPy. On Linux and Mac OSX the command line is the terminal while on Windows the command line is the console.

The script gratelpy_test runs a series of tests that ensure that the implementation of GraTeLPy works as expected. For instance, we know the rank of the stoichiometric matrices of the mechanisms provided with GraTeLPy (in gratelpy/mechanisms). gratelpy_test computes the rank of all of these mechansims and tests if the computed values are equal to the expected values.

To invoke gratelpy_test simply invoke it from your command prompt:


Depending on your versions of Python and NetworkX you should see output similar to the following. The important line here is the last one which should show OK. If you encounter any errors, please report those.

GraTeLPy Copyright (C) 2013  Georg R Walther, Matthew Hartley.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
For details visit and read our LICENSE or contact 
the author at [email protected].

Your Python version is 2.6.
Your NetworkX version is 1.6.

Ran 12 tests in 0.018s

A second script, gratelpy_time, tests how fast GraTeLPy runs on your system. This script enumerates all critical fragments for a number of the mechanisms provided with GraTeLPy on both one processor and multiple processors (corresponding to one or multiple GraTeLPy clients).

To invoke gratelpy_time call it from your command prompt:


Depending on your version of Python, NetworkX and your operating system you should see output similar to the following (note that timings will vary for your system):

GraTeLPy Copyright (C) 2013  Georg R Walther, Matthew Hartley.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
For details visit and read our LICENSE or contact 
the author at [email protected].

Your Python version is 2.7
Your NetworkX version is 1.9.dev_20131206011125.

One client:

Analyzing /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GraTeLPy-0.2.0-py2.7.egg/gratelpy/
mechanisms/reversible_substrate_inhibition.txt ...
run time 0.0888 seconds
run time 0.0514 seconds
run time 0.0478 seconds
median 0.0514 seconds
Analyzing /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GraTeLPy-0.2.0-py2.7.egg/gratelpy/
mechanisms/glycolysis_mechanism.txt ...
run time 5.8973 seconds
run time 5.8835 seconds
run time 5.9257 seconds
median 5.8973 seconds
Analyzing /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GraTeLPy-0.2.0-py2.7.egg/gratelpy/
mechanisms/cdc42_yeast.txt ...
run time 10.0858 seconds
run time 10.2031 seconds
run time 10.3910 seconds
median 10.2031 seconds

Two clients:

Analyzing /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GraTeLPy-0.2.0-py2.7.egg/gratelpy/
mechanisms/cdc42_yeast.txt ...
run time 7.4444 seconds
run time 7.4505 seconds
run time 7.2978 seconds
median 7.4444 seconds
Analyzing /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/GraTeLPy-0.2.0-py2.7.egg/gratelpy/
mechanisms/single_layer_mapk_mechanism.txt ...
run time 10.9153 seconds
run time 11.4756 seconds
run time 10.8592 seconds
median 10.9153 seconds

The above was invoked on a Linux computer. Invoking the same script on Mac OSX or Windows will show different path locations for the mechanism .txt files.

Mechanism Files

A typical mechanism file for GraTeLPy looks as follows

# Reversible Substrate Inhibition
# Example 4, Mincheva and Roussel 2007, [1]
# 4 complexes
[A1] -> ; k1
 -> [A1]; k2
[A1] + [A2] -> [A3] ; k3
[A3] -> [A2] ; k4
[A1] + [A3] -> [A4] ; k5
[A4] -> [A1] + [A3] ; k6

where [NAME] denotes a chemical species, the arrow -> separates the reactant from the product side, and ; separates the reaction from the corresponding rate constant k. You are free to name your chemical species and rate constants as you please.

Also note that lines starting with # are comments that allow you to annotate your mechanism files.

GraTelPy comes with mechanism files that you can find in the mechanisms/ subdirectory.

Working with GraTeLPy Binaries / Scripts

There are only three scripts, provided with GraTelPy, that you need to analyze and enumerate all critical fragments in your mechanism:

  • gratelpy_fragment_server: this script enumerates all fragments in your mechanism
  • gratelpy_subclient: this script goes through the list of fragments provided by gratelpy_fragment_server fragment-by-fragment, enumerates all subgraphs per fragment, computes criticality for a given fragment, and returns all data to gratelpy_fragment_server
  • gratelpy_check_data: once gratelpy_subclient finished the list of fragments, gratelpy_fragment_server saves all critical fragments (including their subgraphs) to MECHANISM_NAME.vsg. gratelpy_check_data is then used to process this data file, make certain that your data contains no errors, and output discovered critical fragments in a readable format.

Let us look at these three steps with a mechanism file provided by GraTeLPy, mechanisms/reversible_substrate_inhibition.txt.

Open two terminal windows. In the first window, invoke the fragment server:

$ gratelpy_fragment_server mechanisms/reversible_substrate_inhibition.txt 4

rank of stoichiometry matrix = 3
numer of valid fragments: 17
[(('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w5')), (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w3')), 
(('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w1')), (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w5')), 
(('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w3')), (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w1')), 
(('s3', 's2', 's4'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w6')), (('s3', 's2', 's4'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w6')), 
(('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w5', 'w5', 'w6')), (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w6')), 
(('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w5', 'w1', 'w6')), (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w4', 'w5', 'w6')), 
(('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w6')), (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w4', 'w1', 'w6')), 
(('s2', 's1', 's4'), ('w3', 'w5', 'w6')), (('s2', 's1', 's4'), ('w3', 'w3', 'w6')), 
(('s2', 's1', 's4'), ('w3', 'w1', 'w6'))]

The two arguments that gratelpy_fragment_server requires are the location of the mechanism file mechanisms/reversible_substrate_inhibition.txt and the number of chemical species found therein 4. gratelpy_fragment_server then outputs the rank of the stoichiometry matrix, the total number of fragments it discovered in the mechanism, and all fragments.

Note that currently GraTeLPy uses its own naming scheme for chemical species and reactions where chemical species are denoted by s... and chemical reactions are denoted by w.... However, GraTeLPy also outputs a dictionary file that translates between the naming scheme you use in your mechanism file and its internal naming scheme -- more on this below.

At this point, gratelpy_fragment_server waits for a gratelpy_subclient instance to start processing the 17 fragments it discovered. So in your second terminal window run the command

$ gratelpy_subclient mechanisms/reversible_substrate_inhibition.txt 4
Got (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w5'))
Got (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w3'))
Got (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w1'))
Got (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w5'))
Got (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w3'))
Got (('s3', 's2', 's1'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w1'))
Got (('s3', 's2', 's4'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w6'))
Got (('s3', 's2', 's4'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w6'))
Got (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w5', 'w5', 'w6'))
Got (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w5', 'w3', 'w6'))
Got (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w5', 'w1', 'w6'))
Got (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w4', 'w5', 'w6'))
Got (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w4', 'w3', 'w6'))
Got (('s3', 's1', 's4'), ('w4', 'w1', 'w6'))
Got (('s2', 's1', 's4'), ('w3', 'w5', 'w6'))
Got (('s2', 's1', 's4'), ('w3', 'w3', 'w6'))
Got (('s2', 's1', 's4'), ('w3', 'w1', 'w6'))
All done

Note that gratelpy_subclient requires the same arguments as gratelpy_fragment_server.

Also note that if gratelpy_fragment_server discovers a large number of fragments, you can accelerate completion of the list of fragments simply by starting multiple instances of gratelpy_subclient just as above.

Further note that you gratelpy_fragment_server and one or multiple instances of gratelpy_subclient can be run on different computers. If gratelpy_fragment_server runs on a computer different from gratelpy_subclient, all you need to do is invoke gratelpy_subclient with the name of the computer (hostname) that gratelpy_fragment_server runs on

$ gratelpy_subclient mechanisms/reversible_substrate_inhibition.txt 4 HOSTNAME

This allows you to easily deploy GraTeLPy on a large cluster with hundreds of subclients.

Once all fragments have been analyzed, gratelpy_fragment_server writes two files of interest to the directory from which you invoked gratelpy_fragment_server: a .vsg and a .dict file.

To output all discovered critical fragments in a readable format we now use the gratelpy_check_data script.

For the above example, GraTeLPy writes files reversible_substrate_inhibition.vsg and reversible_substrate_inhibition.dict.

$ gratelpy_check_data reversible_substrate_inhibition.vsg
loading your data from reversible_substrate_inhibition.vsg

Name of your data is reversible_substrate_inhibition
Order of fragments in your data: 3
1 critical fragments reported
1 unique critical fragments
check multiplicity of complexes and reactions
checked multiplicities of 3 subgraphs (of total 3 )
checking if all paths in every subgraph are witihin a cycle ...
3 subgraphs tested and 3 of these have all paths in cycles
1 fragments checked of total 1 fragments. k_s scores ok: 1
printing first 20 critical fragments

('s3', 's2', 's1')
('w4', 'w3', 'w5')

printing all critical fragments with subgraphs and K_S score to file reversible_substrate_inhibition_order_3.dat

The output of this invocation of gratelpy_check_data shows that there is exactly one critical fragment, that all your data is correct, and that your critical fragments together with all constituent subgraphs are written to reversible_substrate_inhibition_order_3.dat which you can now open in a simple text editor.

The above invocation outputs the discovered critical fragments with GraTeLPy's internal naming scheme. To output the critical fragments with the naming scheme you use in your mechanism file, provide the dictionary file .dict

$ gratelpy_check_data reversible_substrate_inhibition.vsg reversible_substrate_inhibition.dict

loading your data from reversible_substrate_inhibition.vsg
Name of your data is reversible_substrate_inhibition
loading dictionary file from reversible_substrate_inhibition.dict
Order of fragments in your data: 3
1 critical fragments reported
1 unique critical fragments
check multiplicity of complexes and reactions
checked multiplicities of 3 subgraphs (of total 3 )
checking if all paths in every subgraph are witihin a cycle ...
3 subgraphs tested and 3 of these have all paths in cycles
1 fragments checked of total 1 fragments. k_s scores ok: 1
printing first 20 critical fragments

('A3', 'A2', 'A1')
('k4', 'k3', 'k5')

printing all critical fragments with subgraphs and K_S score to file reversible_substrate_inhibition_order_3.dat

[1]: Maya Mincheva and Marc R. Roussel (2007): Graph-theoretic methods for the analysis of chemical and biochemical networks. I. Multistability and oscillations in ordinary differential equation models. Journal of Mathematical Biology. Volume 55, Issue 1, pp 61-86.

gratelpy's People


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gratelpy's Issues

Complete compilation of scripts with PyInstaller

bin/ contains .spec files for all gratelpy_ scripts already.

Complete these .spec files so that all scripts can be compiled with PyInstaller
into single-file applications on Linux, Windows, and OSX.

optimize simple_cycles_unique_complexes

Is there a way to block species during cycle exploration so that exploration can be aborted as soon as a species is revisited? (currently nodes are blocked)

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