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gravity-forms-stripe's People


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gravity-forms-stripe's Issues

Stripe errors are not being handled

If Stripe can't process a payment for whatever reason (invalid credit card number, invalid CVC, etc.) it passes along an error so the user knows what to correct. The plugin is not displaying these errors—it only reports a generic error:
This form cannot process payments. Please contact site owner.

Initial gform_currencies throwing errors

Just network activated the plugin, but getting these errors because $currencies_supported isn't set (no stripe key set, no currency set).

Warning: array_flip() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /nas/wp/www/staging/xxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-stripe/includes/GFP/Stripe/class-gfp-stripe.php on line 643

Warning: array_intersect_key() [function.array-intersect-key]: Argument #2 is not an array in /nas/wp/www/staging/xxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/gravity-forms-stripe/includes/GFP/Stripe/class-gfp-stripe.php on line 643

Newer Stripe Accounts Problem

I've run into a problem with the plugin and I think I've narrowed it down based on what Stripe support has told me.

I have the plugin working on a few web sites I'm running. It works perfectly.

But I have a site I just launched and it has a brand new Stripe account and the plugin will not work.
I actually tried switching API keys from the newer Stripe account to my older one and it works fine. So, that means it's got something to do with NEW Stripe accounts.

The reason it's not working is because (this is directly from Stripe support):

"It looks like you're passing the "currency" attribute when creating tokens using Stripe.js. We deprecated this attribute a while ago, but we only show that error for newer Stripe accounts. To fix this problem, you'll need to remove this attribute from your createToken call."

Has anyone else run into this same problem?

No Redirect from stripe

Hello Naomi,
I am trying to make set up for stripe payment .Right now i am working
in testing mode and i have set up all keys and create a webhook url on stripe account we have also mention redirect url in account on tsting mode but its not going to redirect on mention server or localhost after login into stripe can you please help us

Stripe Add-On activation prevents credit card field from working with other payment add-ons

from Carl Hancock-

when the Stripe Add-On is activated, even when no Stripe Feed has been created it is outputting code and some of the javascript it's outputting is manipulating the Credit Card field in such a way that it prevents it from working with other payment add-ons that are being used such as the PayPal Pro Add-On.

We discovered the issue because a user was having a problem using the PayPal Pro Add-On. PayPal was returning a validation error saying no credit card field number was passed to it. We discovered this was happening with the Stripe Add-On activated.

Unable to add Credit Card field

I just installed the testing branch code to test subscriptions.

I'm unable to add a credit card field.

I created a new form and then attempted to add the credit card field.

I get this javascript error after clicking the "Credit Card" button in the Pricing Fields:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

It says the error is in the tw-sack.js file on line 1. I could trace the file to the Wordpress includes folder, but I'm not sure where to explore from there.

Let me know if you need more information or if I shouldn't be playing with the testing branch!

Spinning "working" indicator issues

If there is an error in one of the form fields, the spinning "working" indicator appears next to the SUBMIT button and never stops spinning.

The SUBMIT button is not disabled, and if it is pressed again another spinning indicator will appear.

I pressed it four times in the attached screengrab.

Broken spinning indicator

Coupons Not Showing for Products and Services

Hi there,

The coupon option does not show for the Products and Services Transaction type, only Subscriptions. Is this a current limitation or just an oversight? Seems like if the former, you should make it more clear in the plugin documentation.


Error with on multipage form

I have a multipage form, 3 pages:

  1. name, email, phone, password, and a few other pieces of meta data.
  2. billing address, products, radio to choose subscription, and coupon
  3. html field that shows summary info and credit card.

Everything goes well, but when the third page is submitted, I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function delete() on a non-object in /[path to directory]/carss/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms-stripe-more/more-stripe.php on line 713

Link to register form on our test site using test stripe account:

Also, stripe log is showing 200 status.

Multiple Currencies

Is it possible to use this addon with multiple currencies on one form? Thanks

Stripe webhook delivery issues (error code 403)

Hi, I have a site where regular Gravity + Stripe payments work, but all the webhook events fail with a 403 error, so subscriptions fail to appear in Gravity Forms "Entries" after the first payment.

When I look at the webhook events in Stripe, I see that every event starts with a 200 Success for "Connected Platform", followed by one or more 403 Pending errors for the ?callback=gravityformsstripe , depending on how many retries have occurred.

You can see a screenshot of a recent webhook success and pending/failure in Stripe here:

Eventually, the 403 Pending errors all become 403 Failed errors in Stripe.

Here's a segment of the HTML response that's returned to Stripe as part of the failed events:

<body id="error-page">
	<p><strong>ERROR:</strong> Sorry, there was an error. Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser and try again.<br /><br />


I didn't realize this was happening at first, but after a while Stripe sent an email with a subject line that included this text:

"Stripe webhook delivery issues"

I'm able to recreate this problem consistently on a test site that I set up.

I'm running the latest version of WordPress -- version 5.1.1 at this time -- and the latest versions of Gravity Forms -- version 2.4.8 -- and Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On -- version 2.7.

Thank you for any help,


Form Not Submitting


I am running 0.2 Beta of Gravity Forms Stripe Add-on and of Gravity Forms using a developer license.

My problem is this: upon filling out the form information and clicking 'submit' the "spinner" just spins and the form is never actually submitted.

I have setup my form and Stripe subscription product following all of the steps included in the instructions included with the Stripe Add-on plugin. I have also tested this with a different theme, and by deactivated and reactivated one by one each of my plug-ins. I am running this on a multisite install, but have seen in another issue that was resolved that multisite, while not supported, does work.

I've spent several hours now testing and tweaking and would appreciate any tips/tricks/suggestions to get this working.

Form is located here:

Thanks in advance for your time,

  • Aaron Aiken

Stripe charge periodically failing

Hi @naomicbush I am having an issue with the add-on where it works most of the time, but periodically it seems to lose the data after it is saved by Gravity but before it is received by Stripe. There is nothing in the error logs. I was wondering is this a known issue, or maybe you could point me in the right direction to debug it? Thanks for any help.

webhook error with stripe with a redirect to http


I received this message from stripe:

It looks like we've had a bit of trouble delivering webhooks to your live webhook handler running at Since 2015-10-01 19:14:17 +0000, at least 4 of the times we've attempted to deliver a webhook have failed, and none have succeeded. Looking at the most recent failure, we received an HTTP status code of 301 from your webhook URL. It looks like your webhook URL returned a redirect to However, our webhook system only treats a webhook delivery as successful if we get back a status code between 200 and 299, so this redirect is considered a failure. You may just want to update your webhook URL to

should I change the webhook to ?

Thank you for any help on this, that would be much appreciated,

.2-beta error "You must supply either a card or a customer id"

Hi Naomi,

I've installed the .2-beta plugin, but have run into a few issues.

When I submit the form and check out the entry in Stripe, I don't see any invoices attached to the submission. Is there a setting I'm missing in the options panel? Doesn't seem to be any different that v0.1.3.


Payment will not process if GravityForms AJAX is not enabled

If you do not check the Enable AJAX checkbox when inserting a GravityForm into a page, the form will always generate an Invalid token id error.

Also, none of the fields are error checked. If you leave all credit card fields empty the plugin generates the same Invalid token id error, but does not return any error checking telling you to populate the empty fields.

Feature Request: Add to Stripe Customers List


The development of this plugin is looking really great. I was wondering if it's possible for the plugin to create a customer in addition to logging the payment at This would be a very neat feature because it would include address and so forth. I know the plugin has settings for address, et cetera, but I don't see that data recorded anywhere.

Many thanks.

Cardholder name is allowed to be empty

The credit cardholder's name should be required, but the Stripe plugin will process if it is empty.

I guess Stripe doesn't really check against name?

Uncaught Reference Error: jQuery is not defined

When submitting a Gravity Form with AJAX enabled, if a validation error is thrown (e.g. submit blank form) the page is throwing a JS error, Uncaught Reference Error: jQuery is not defined. It appears there is a check in stripe.php where $is_ajax is being set to possibly check for this issue, though i'm not sure it's doing what it is suppose to; the stripeResponseHandler script is being inserted twice into the page.

Do you experience this problem?

"Empty string for 'card'"

I keep getting this validation error when I attempt to submit a form that includes the Stripe credit card field:

You passed an empty string for 'card'. We assume empty values are an attempt to 
unset a parameter; however 'card' cannot be unset. You should remove 'card' from 
your request or supply a non-empty value

I've been using Stripe in test mode and 4242424242424242 as the card #.

I'm using the latest version of Gravity Forms (1.7.11) and this version of the Gravity Forms Stripe plugin...

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

Accepting Multiple Currencies

Hi Naomi,

How did your plugin know to automatically provide a Euro symbol instead of a Dollar symbol? Also is it possible to allow users to select and then pay in their local currencies? I know stripe allow it and I believe they charge a 2% fee on top of market rates.

Thanks and great plugin by the way.

Invalid API Key


I've installed the plugin and went to Stripe Account Information to add in the API keys and after I save the settings, I get a little red icon and message "Invalid API Key. Please try again". I went to stripe and rolled a new key and tried those and it still didn't work. I then went to another stripe account and tried those API keys with the same result.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide for this issue.

Link to Stripe Transactions Settings page missing

In Wp-Admin, under forms, the link to access Stripe Transaction Settings, it seems to be gone.

Wordpress 3.8, Gravity Forms 1.8, Gravity +

Not sure if Wordpress 3.8 or Gravity Forms 1.8 caused this, but my Stripe form that was set up prior to these upgrades is still functioning properly.

Screen shot attached.


Remove Credit Card area in Entries

It's important for security purposes to not show or list credit card details in wp-admin area, specifically in the Entries section. Is it possible to remove this section - and also not allow it to populate the database?

Thanks for your help!

Hangs on IE8

Moving this to a new issue.

After pressing the submit button on IE8, the AJAX "wait" cursor spins indefinitely.

GravityForms error handling doesn't work with plugin

If a required field is left blank, and the submit button pushed, there is no specific indication of what is wrong.

The plugin gives a "This form cannot process payments. Please contact site owner" error, with a spinning "working" indicator next to the submit button that never stops spinning.

No error handling

2 Forms on Same Site

Hey! I'm having an issue when I have one recurring form and one single payment form on a single WP site. The subscription one seems to be working fine but I'm getting an Invalid token id: on the other...

Since I have been able to replicate it on 2 wp installs I'm just going to make a new db and have the single donation be on a separate site for now.

Forgetting to fill in CVC clears out all credit card fields

Common scenario:

I enter in my credit card name, number, and expiration but don't fill in the CVC. (maybe I'm not even sure what a CVC is, some banks call it a "security code")

If I don't enter a CVC, the plugin reports the correct error code ("invalid CVC") but clears out the name and credit card number. It would be great if those fields would persist like all of the other fields, since it's a hassle to enter in a 16 digit number.

Invalid Token in GF

When using either version 0.1.3 or 0.2 with Gravity Forms version, upon submission an Invalid Token error is returned from Stripe.

In my Stripe logs I see the following information

"400 ERR POST/v1/charges"

Request body:

  "description": "[email protected]: (1)\tDonation\t\tx\t$5",
  "currency": "usd",
  "amount": "500",
  "card": ""

Response body:

  "error": {
    "type": "invalid_request_error",
    "message": "Invalid token id: "

Proper webhook URL


What is the proper webhook URL? I've searched through the code but can't seem to figure it out.

I can see the transaction id and payment status in the entries screens (main screen) but not when I view the individual entries.

Thank you!

Test webhook error: 301

Hello! Using the version you sent me via email a little while ago I'm getting a "Test webhook error: 301" in the stripe dashboard when I go to test the webhook. I assume this isn't a good thing yet the test payments still seem to be going through.

Recurring Payment Functionality

Hello Naomi,

First of all, thanks for the great plug-in. It's fantastic.

Can you send me the updated plugin so I can test out the Recurring Payment Functionality? I have already made a donation to your account.

Form data not being sent to Stripe

PHP: 5.5.9
Wordpress: 4.1
Gravity Forms: 1.8.20

The Stripe plugin fails to send amount and card data to Stripe. This occurs under the following tested conditions:

  • Stripe and plugin in TEST mode
  • When using the form in AJAX mode or otherwise
  • In both Single transaction (Product) mode and Subscription mode
  • Using a single, fixed price and quantity product field

The only fields posted to Stripe concern the transaction method itself (in subscription mode, the only posted data is the 'plan').

Does not work with Captcha

Bug 1: Put this add-on on a form with Google Captcha and the form will not submit. Shows a message that the captcha was incorrect (using captcha field on Gravity Forms)
Bug 2: I removed the Captcha field and ensured the CC field is not mandatory (required field in Gravity Forms) the form will not submit when this CC field is not populated. Same form submits only when CC details are populated irrespective if the field is mandatory or not.
My clients may or may not want to use a CC (bank deposit payment is an option for instance) so a form should still work when this CC field is not a required field.
I tested this when the form is in 'ajax' mode and when this form is not in ajax mode and I got the same result (I am using Elementor and I put the short code with ajax="true" and without the ajax and got same result).

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