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house-hunting-app's Introduction

House Hunting App ๐Ÿ 

house-hunting App that facilitates to access and rent available homes

Live demo ๐Ÿ“บ

Heroku link , Click here to visit our app

use these credientials:
email: [email protected] password: 123456789

Main problem ๐ŸŒš

Most of those who intend to get married or who are looking for a house find it very difficult to search and wander around to several areas to find a house that suits them at a price according to their capabilities.

Solution ๐Ÿ’ก

Build a house-hunting application that facilitates users to rent houses, most of who looking for a house faced some difficulties, help to choose a suitable house.

User Stories ๐Ÿ“–

As a renter and rented user:

  • I can Sign up into the app
  • I can log in into the app
  • I can see all available houses to rent
  • I can see specific information about any house
  • I want to search by different locations, prices and the number of room in the house
  • I can add houses to my favourite list
  • I need to create my own profile
  • I need control panel to manage my houses

User Journey โœˆ๏ธ

As a user, I can see all available houses that able to rent, search to find houses and I can add any liked house to my favorite list and see the differences between two houses from my favorite list, inside my profile I have my information and control panel for my own houses available to rent.

Prototype ๐ŸŽจ

Figma Link prototype

DATABASE Schema ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ

dbdigram dbimage

Installation Guide :

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Navigate to the cloned repo.

Database Setup

  1. If you have pgcli skip this step.

  2. Open your terminal, run pgcli, navigate through the project to this path: ./server/database/config/build.sql

  3. Copy this file path and write in the terminal:

    \i <paste your copied path to the file>
  1. build the dummy data by using this command:
    npm run build:db

Project setup

  1. Create a .env file in the project root folder.
  2. Add the following in it This step is so important!!




  1. To install the dependencies, run this command only for the first time:
    npm i

Running the project:

  1. To run the server, Open your terminal and run:
    npm run dev
  1. To run the React Development server, Open another terminal and run:
    npm run client
  1. To run the tests:
    npm test

Technologies ๐Ÿ’ป

Front-end Technology:

  • ReactJS (Hooks).
  • Material UI
  • UnDraw

Back-end Technology:

  • Node JS
  • Express.

Database Technology:

  • PostgreSQL.

Stretch Goals ๐Ÿฅ…

  • The users can complete the contract and rent the apartment
  • user can see the location of the house on the map and compare between two houses
  • user can see related houses according to a specific area on the map
  • create an admin dashboard
    • admin can view, edit, delete all users
    • admin can view, edit, delete all houses
  • create chat that allows users to contact and negotiate


Lead Mentor ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • Mariam Isa

Team Members ๐Ÿ‘ฅ

  • Yasmeen Attallah
  • Adham Haisami
  • Muhammed Abadsa

Resources ๐Ÿ”

house-hunting-app's People


adhamhaisami avatar mabadsa avatar mariamisa avatar yasmeenattallah avatar


 avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar

house-hunting-app's Issues

GET/get houses by location


  • Route Name
  • full-route /houses?location=gaza
  • method : Get

Acceptance Criteria

  • Response
  • Success
{ statusCode: 200 ,data : {
  • Failed
{statusCode: 500 , message:"some error happend "}

  • Testing
  • false

PATCH/update house


  • Route Name:
    Route: /houses/:houseId
    Method: PATCH

Acceptance Criteria

  • Validation schema

  • Request

req.body = {
  houseId: '',
  title: '',
  description: '',
  rooms: 2,
  baths: 2,
  price: 100,
  location: '',
  category: '',
  area: '',
  image: '',
  • Response
  • Success
  statusCode: 200,
  success: true,
  message: 'House updated'
  • Failed
  statusCode: 400,
  success: false,
  message: 'Bad request'
  • Testing

Header component

  • Description
    Header component

  • Structure

make footer component contain :

  • logo
  • navBar

  • UI

setup server

create a server using Express.js framework

npm install express 

Get/All houses data


  • Route

  • /houses

  • method: GET


  • all houses data

Acceptance Criteria

  • validation


  • Response

  • Success

{ statusCode:200 ,data:[
  title: '',
  description: '',
  rooms: 2,
  baths: 2,
  price: 100,
  location: '',
  category: '',
  area: '',
  image: '',
  title: '',
  description: '',
  rooms: 2,
  baths: 2,
  price: 100,
  location: '',
  category: '',
  area: '',
  image: '',
  • Failed
{statusCode: 400, message:"bad Request "}

  • Testing

house details page

I can see specific information about any house

as a user, I can

  • see more details about the house like full description, owner contact info.
  • browse related houses.
  • Add house to my favorite list


Setup Project

  1. file structure
  2. ESlint and Travis CI config
  3. set up Heroku
  4. Readme

user profile

I need to create my own profile
ูAs a user, I can:

  • View my profile info
  • Update my information
  • Delete my account
  • Add an avatar
  • Update my avatar
  • Delete my avatar
  • Update my houses info



POST/add new house


  • Route Name:
    Route: /houses
    Method: POST

Acceptance Criteria

  • Validation schema

  • Request

req.body = {
  title: '',
  description: '',
  rooms: 2,
  baths: 2,
  price: 100,
  location: '',
  category: '',
  area: '',
  image: '',
  • Response
  • Success
  statusCode: 201,
  success: true,
  message: 'House added'
  • Failed
  statusCode: 400,
  success: false,
  message: 'Bad request'
  • Testing

card component

  • Description
    card component to present house object

  • Structure

make card component contain :

  • house title
  • location
  • description
  • price
  • bed rooms number and bath rooms
  • more details button
  • favorite button

  • UI

Screenshot from 2021-02-01 19-36-58

GEt/Add house to favorite list


  • Route Name:
  • route: /favorite-list/:houseId
  • method: GET

Acceptance Criteria

  • Response
  • Success
res.body = {
  statusCode: 201,
  message: 'House added to the favorite list',
  • Failed
res.body = {
  statusCode: 500,
  messgae: 'Something went wrong!'
  • Testing

POST/login route


Route Description

  • login route
  • full-route /login
  • method : post

Acceptance Criteria

Validation schema

  • using yup: validation library that allows you to build schemas to validate JavaScript objects.
email : sting().email().required(),

Request body

 req.body =  {
      email: adham@adham.adham,
      password: adham123



{ statusCode: 200  ,data: {
"id": "348680c7-d46b-4adc-9be0-89a1d1a38566",
 "token": "jNK_DGszYOMEpPOFoRGjuyJ5KX9kaJQKCl3cujlWi",
"message": "Login Successfull",
"success": true


{statusCode: '400' , message:"user is not authorized, either username and password don't match, or user does not exist"}


  • true

favorite list houses

I need to compare between two houses
As a user I can:

  • choose two houses from my favorite list to compare between them.
  • See the difference between the houses according to the number of rooms, location, cost, and type.
  • delete any favorite house from my favorite list.


Create sign up

sign up

As a user, I can:

  • enter a user name, email, location, phone, and password to be able to sign up for the app


PATCH/update user information

  • update user information
  • full-route /users
  • method : PATCH

Acceptance Criteria

  • Validation schema

  • Request body
 req.body =  {
      username:" ",
      email: " ",

  • Response
  • Success
{ statusCode: 200,message:"user updated successfully"}}
  • Failed
{statusCode:500 , message:"some error happened  "}

  • Testing

DELETE/delete house from favorite list


  • Route Name:
  • Route: /favorite-list/:houseId
  • Method: DELETE

Acceptance Criteria

  • Response
  • Success
  statusCode: 200,
  message: 'Favorite house deleted'
  • Failed
  statusCode: 500,
  messgae: 'Something went wrong!'
  • Testing

Create log in

I can log into the app.
As a user, I can enter my username and password to be able to log into the app.

DELETE/delete house


  • Route Name:
    Route: /houses/:houseId
    Method: DELETE

Acceptance Criteria

  • Response
  • Success
  statusCode: 200,
  success: true,
  message: 'House deleted'
  • Failed
  statusCode: 500,
  success: false,
  message: 'Something went wrong!'
  • Testing

General Guide

Reviewing code

  • Every PR must be approved by all the team in order to be merged
  • Don't resolve a comment on your PR but only comment back (reply), and let the comment writer resolve it

Working on a task

  1. Branch naming: branch names shall follow this style issueNumber-issue-description (e.g. 102-login-page)

  2. Committing changes:

    • any changes that are not related to the task (issue) or are not mentioned in it will not be accepted (if there is a bug that is making your task fail, open an issue for it and start working on fixing it)
    • commits must always be descriptive and with appropriate length (neither too long nor too short)
    • every and each commit must relate to the issue at the end
  3. Use of labels and projects

    • once started working on a task
      • label the issue in progress and move it to the in progress column in its project
      • label the PR awaiting review if you need it to be reviewed
      • label the PR in progress if you still working on it
      • PRs must be labeled with changes requested once a change is requested
    • once finished working on a task and got approved
      • label the PR done before merging it
      • label the issue done and move it to the done column in its project
      • close the issue
  4. closed issues and PRs

    • once a PR or an issue is closed it shall not be reopened
    • if there exists a bug related to a specific issue that was closed, another issue is to be opened and labeled bug
    • if there exists some critical bug that is causing the project to crash an issue with the labels bug, urgent, and priority is to be opened

DB schema


  • Build database schema.
  • schema should have tables with fake data

favorite page/Compare between houses

I need to compare between two houses
As a user I can:

  • choose two houses from my favorite list to compare between them.
  • See the difference between the houses according to the number of the rooms, location, cost and type.


POST/signup route


  • Route
  • / signup
  • method : post


  • Register page

Acceptance Criteria

  • Validation schema
  • using Yup: validation library that allows you to build schemas to validate JavaScript objects.
username : string().required(),
email : sting().email().required(),
 confirmPassword: ref('password'),
phone : number().integer().required()
  • Request body
username: guest
email :
phone : 0598000000
  • Response
  • Success
{ statusCode:201 , message : " sign up successfully " }}
  • failed
  • user exists
{ statusCode:409 , message : " already sign up try to signin  " }}
  • validation error
{ statusCode:400 , message : " Bad request check vaildation   " }}
  • Testing

Issue Template

#[relates1] #[relates1]
[Unit name]

Acceptance Criteria

  • crit1
  • crit2
  • ..
  • ..


[Full Description ]


[Full Description]


I want to search by different locations, prices and the number of room in the house

As a user, I can:

  • Search by location to see all houses in a specific location
  • Search through houses with a specific numbers rooms
  • Search through houses with a specific price
  • See the final results after applying the filters.
  • Add house to my favorite list


Front-end routes

Route Protected? Description Issues
/login false Login page ๐Ÿ‘
/register false Register page ๐Ÿ‘
/ false Landing Page ๐Ÿ‘
/houses' false houses page ๐Ÿ‘
/house/:id false more datails about house page ๐Ÿ‘
/profile true Profile page ๐Ÿ‘
/favourite true favourite list page ๐Ÿ‘
/about-us false about us page ๐Ÿ‘
/contact-us false contact us page ๐Ÿ‘
- false 404 page ๐Ÿ‘

User's house management.

I need a control panel to manage my houses.

As a user I can:

  • Preview my houses
  • add a new house.
  • delete the house from the house list.
  • edit my house.
  • filter and sort houses.




GET/get user houses


  • Route Name:
    Route: /user/houses
    Method: GET

Acceptance Criteria

  • Response
  • Success
  statusCode: 200,
  houses: {}
  • Failed
  statusCode: 500,
  message: 'some error happend'
  • Testing

File Structure

File Structure #5

  • client/

    • public/
    • src/
      • App/
      • components/
        • Card/
          • index.js
          • style.css
        • Header/
        • Footer/
      • Pages/
        • AboutUs/
        • ContactUs/
        • DetailsHouse/
        • FavoriteList/
        • Houses/
        • Landing/
        • Layout/
        • Login/
        • NotFound/
        • Profile/
          • index.js
          • style.css
          • AddHouse.js
        • Register/
      • Utils/
        • images
          • logo.svg
        • routes.constant.js
      • index.js
      • index.css
  • server/

    • controller/
      • routes/
        • error
          • 404.js
          • 500.js
          • index.js
        • routes
          • house
            • index.js
          • user
            • index.js
    • database/
      • config/

        • build.js
        • build.sql
        • connection.js
        • fakeData.sql
      • queries/

        • house
          • index.js
        • user
          • index.js
    • middlewares/
      • auth/
        • index.js
        • checkToken.js
      • validation
        • index.js
    • router
      • index.js
      • house.js
      • user.js
    • app.js
    • index.js
    • .env
  • test/

    • queries
      • index.js
      • user.test.js
    • routes
      • users.test.js
  • .gitignore

  • package-lock.json

  • package.json

Routes Template


Back-end Routes Template

  • Route Name
  • full-route /
  • method : ...

Acceptance Criteria

  • Validation schema

  • Request body
 req.body =  {

  • Response
  • Success
{ statusCode:  ,data : { }}
  • Failed
{statusCode: , message:" "}

  • Testing

footer component

  • Description
    footer component

  • Structure

make footer component contain :

  • copy right

  • UI

user journey

As a user, I can see all available houses that able to rent, search to find houses and I can add any liked house to my favorite list and compare the differences between two houses from my favorite list, inside my profile I have my information and control panel for my own houses available to rent.

Back-end Routes

Route Method Description Status Protect
/signup POST register user 201 False
/signin POST login user 200 False
/signout GET logout user 200 True
/users DELETE delete user acount 200 True
/users PATCH edit user information 200 True
/houses GET all houses data 200 False
/houses POST add new house 201 True
/houses PATCH edit house informmation 200 True
/houses?location= GET get house informmation by location 200 True
/houses/:id DELETE delete house 200 True
/user/houses GET get user houses 200 True
/favorite-list GET all user fav houses 200 True
/favorite-list POST add a new houses to favlist 200 True
/favorite-list/:id DELETE delete specific fav house 200 True
/profile-img PATCH edit user profile image 200 True
/profile-img DELETE delete user profile image 200 True

GET/favorite list house


  • Route Name:
  • Route: /favorite-list
  • Method: GET

Acceptance Criteria

  • Response
  • Success
  statusCode: 200,
  favHouse: {
    title: '...',
    description: '...',
    price: 100,
    rooms: 1,
    baths: 1,
  • Failed
  statusCode: 500,
  messgae: 'Something went wrong!'
  • Testing

See available houses

I can see all available houses to rent
As a user, I can

  • See the top-rated houses
  • See the newest houses
  • search for any available house.




  • Route

  • /profile-img

  • methods : patch


  • edit user profile image

Acceptance Criteria

  • validation

  • Request body

 req.body =  {
      avatar: ''

  • Response

  • Success

{ statusCode:200 ,message: " Updated successfully "  }
  • Failed
{statusCode: 400, message:"bad Request "}

  • Testing

Delete/delete user account


  • Route Name

  • /users

  • method: DELETE

Acceptance Criteria

  • Validation schema

  • Request body
req.body =  {

  • Response
  • Success
{ statusCode:200, message :"your account deleted successfully"  }
  • Failed
{statusCode: 500, message:"some error happend "}

  • Testing

Eslint and Travis CI config



  • process of checking your code for errors of any kind.
    install eslint
npm i -D eslint

initialize in the code

./node_modules/bin/eslint --init


  • automatically building and testing code changes in the development process
  • Go to and Sign up with GitHub.
  • Accept the Authorization of Travis CI. Youโ€™ll be redirected to GitHub. For any doubts on the Travis CI GitHub Authorized OAuth App access rights message
  • Click on your profile picture in the top right of your Travis Dashboard, click Settings and then the green Activate button, and select the repositories you want to use with Travis CI.
    **initialize in the code **
  • add .travis.yml file in your file structure
    -and then add below code to build travis in your code



  • Route

  • /profile-img

  • methods : Delete

-delete user profile image

Acceptance Criteria

  • - validation

  • - request body

  • Response

  • Success

{ statusCode:200 ,message: " Deleted successfully "  }
  • Failed
{statusCode: 400, message:"bad Request "}

  • Testing

linkItem Component

  • Description
    LinkItem component to take you to another page.

  • Structure

Make LinkItem component contain :

  • Link label
  • href

  • UI


GET/sign-out route

  • Route

  • /logout user

  • method: GET


  • logout user

Acceptance Criteria

  • validation

  • Response

  • Success

{ statusCode:200 ,message: "Log out successfully  "  }
  • Failed
{statusCode: 400, message:"bad Request "}

  • Testing

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