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simplefilesystem's Introduction

Operating System I - Project I - Simple File System

17302010002 黄元敏


  1. To implement Filesystem::debug, you will need to load the file system data structures and report the superblock and inodes.

    • How will you read the superblock?
      • The superblock contains four numbers, the magic number, the number of blocks, the number of inode blocks and the number of inodes. They can be read in using the Data block type in the defined union Block and then be interpreted easily using the Super block type.
    • How will you traverse all the inodes?
      • From Super.InodeBlocks, we can get the number of inode blocks. Also, we know that from the second block, the inode blocks begin. Hence, we only need to have a loop which traverses from the second block to the InodeBlocks + 1th block.
      • Then, in each inode block, we know that there are INODES_PER_BLOCK = 128 inodes, so here is the second loop which goes from the first inode to the 128th one within one inode block .
      • With the two loops above, we can go through every inode in the given disk.
    • How will you determine all the information related to an inode?
      • Within each inode, the first thing we need to determine is the validity, which we can achieve from Inode.Valid.
      • Then, the size of a inode is defined in Inode.Size.
    • How will you determine all the blocks related to an inode?
      • The direct blocks can be found using a loop built according to POINTERS_PER_INODE = 5. We just need to concatenate all the non-zero block numbers written in each direct array element.
      • Whether the inode contains an indirect block can be told by whether Inode.Indirect equals zero. Therefore, if Inode.Indirect is a non-zero number, it points to an indirect block. If so, we can read in the block using Disk::read and then go through the POINTERS_PER_INODE = 1024 block pointers in the block to find non-zero data block pointers.
  2. To implement FileSystem::format, you will need to write the superblock and clear the remaining blocks in the file system.

    • What pre-condition must be true before this operation can succeed?
      • Disk::mounted must be false, otherwise, do nothing and return false.
    • What information must be written into the superblock?
      • According to the definition of superblock, we should construct a union Block and give it a MagicNumber = MAGIC_NUMBER, a Blocks = disk->size(), a InodeBlocks which is rounded from 10% of Blocks and Inodes = InodeBlocks * INODES_PER_BLOCK.
      • One thing to mention is that before we set the fields in SuperBLock, we should first use memset to set all the bits in the block to 0 because the four fields in SuperBlock only occupy 16 bytes instead of 4096.
    • How would you clear all the remaining blocks?
      • To utilize the Disk::write function, we can use a loop from the second block to the last one to clear each of the remaining blocks one by one. For each block, we can write a block filled with 0, created using memset function.
  3. To implement FileSystem::mount, you will need to prepare a filesystem for use by reading the superblock and allocating the free block bitmap.

    • What pre-condition must be true before this operation can succeed?
      • The disk hasn't been mounted.
    • What sanity checks must you perform?
      • The MagicNumber should be right.
      • The InodeBlocks should equal Ceil(0.1 * Blocks).
      • The Inodes should equal InodeBlocks * INODES_PER_BLOCK.
    • How will you record that you mounted a disk?
      • Call Disk::mount which will update the Disk::Mounts attribute.
    • How will you determine which blocks are free?
      • I will build a bit map using std::vector, where contains Blocks of int values, each one of which represents whether a block is free or occupied. In my design, there are two const int values defined in fs.h: FREE = 1, OCCUPIED = 0.
      • The super block and inode blocks are OCCUPIED.
      • Go through the inode blocks, compute how many data blocks needs to be occupied to store the inode.Size of data. Then, go through the direct and indirect (if needed) blocks and mark Ceil(inode.Size / disk->BLOCK_SIZE) blocks to be OCCUPIED.
      • If there is a indirect block, it should also be marked as OCCUPIED.
      • The work is done by initialize_free_blocks().
  4. To implement FileSystem::create, you will need to locate a free inode and save a new inode into the inode table.

    • How will you locate a free inode?

      • This is a relatively basic operation which only calls for a double loop to go through every inode block of a disk then every inode of an inode block. The program doesn't pursue performance, so we can simply do a linear scan and record the first invalid inode we find which would be the free inode we are looking for.
      • If no empty inode was found, -1 should be returned.
    • What information would you see in a new inode?

      • The new inode should hava Valid = 1, Size = 0, Direct[0 ~ (POINTERS_PER_INODE - 1)] = 0 and Indirect = 0.
    • How will you record this new inode?

      • I implemented FileSystem::save_inode as instructed. The function should compute the block index and inode index according to the inumber passed in.

      • Then, it should read in the corresponding block and modify the selected inode.

        In improved version, it doesn't need to read the block again, instead, the block will be passed in as a parameter.

      • Finally, it should write the whole block back onto the disk.

  5. To implement FileSystem::remove, you will need to locate the inode and then free its associated blocks.

    • How will you determine if the specified inode is valid?
      • Firstly, I implemented FileSystem::load_inode as suggested, which is quite similar to FileSystem::save_inode except for the value assignment to Inode * and the return value node->Valid.
      • By utilizing the load_inode function, I can load the indicated inode gracefully with inumber, of which the validity is determined by its Valid value. When we want to remove an inode, the Valid should surely be 1 instead of 0. According to the definition of load_inode, the validity can be determined according to the return value of the function.
    • How will you free the direct blocks?
      • Just go through the Direct array using a loop and mark all corresponding element in vector bitMap as FREE. The actual value of Direct array doesn't need to be reset because it would be done when create is called. A lazy strategy can be used here to improve performance.
    • How will you free the indirect blocks?
      • This work is just like freeing direct blocks except that we should make sure that the inode does have indirect blocks by examining inode.Indirect != 0.
    • How will you update the inode table?
      • The only value needs to be changed is inode.Valid due to the lazy strategy. After setting Valid = 0, just call save_inode to write the inode back to disk.
  6. To implement FileSystem::stat, you will need to locate the inode and return its size.

    • How will you determine if the specified inode is valid?
      • Just make sure that inode.Valid == 1, otherwise, return -1.
      • Again, load_inode is a useful helper.
    • How will you determine the inode's size?
      • The size of an inode can simply be retrieved by reading inode.Size.
  7. To implement FileSystem::read, you will need to locate the inode and copy data from appropriate blocks to the user-specified data buffer.

    • How will you determine if the specified inode is valid?
      • Again, use load_inode and make sure that inode.Valid == 1.
    • How will you determine which block to read from?
      • For me, the data blocks related to an inode can be seen sequentially, although they may come from direct or indirect pointers.
      • From the offset, we can tell how many blocks are completely skipped (skipBlocks) and how many bytes still need to be skipped (remainder) in the next block to come. When looping over the sequence of data blocks, the first few of blocks will be skipped, and the skip count will be updated, until it comes to the first valid block to be read (when skip count is decreased from offset / disk->BLOCK_SIZE to 0).
      • From the length, we can know how many bytes of data we need to read in total. In my implementation, I will loop over the sequence of data blocks related to the inode. Each time I read a data block, I will read min(disk->BLOCK_SIZE, rlength) bytes of data, where rlength is the remaining length to read, in case that too many bytes of data is read than needed. After reading, I will update the remaining length to read by rlength -= bytes_read and turn to scan next data block until rlength == 0.
    • How will you handle the offset?
      • The offset mainly gives me two pieces of information.
        1. It determines the number of blocks to skip and the remainder bytes to skip in the first block to be read as mentioned above.
        2. min(length, inode.Size - offset) gives me the actual bytes needed to be read to avoid reading too many bytes which may be out of the scope of the indicated inode.
    • How will you copy from a block to the data buffer?
      • For a specific block's data copy, I will utilize memcpy. From offset and rlength, I can know how many bytes of data to copy and which byte to start as described above.
      • The only thing left to be determined is where should the data be written to in char *data. So I keep a variable size to record how many bytes of data I have already copied. Then, the destination offset would be size.
      • After finishing copy, size can be used to indicate how many bytes of data were copied.
  8. To implement FileSystem::write, you will need to locate the inode and copy data the user-specified data buffer to data blocks in the file system.

    • How will you determine if the specified inode is valid?
      • Again, use load_inode and make sure that inode.Valid == 1.
    • How will you determine which block to write to?
      • This is similar to FileSystem::read, use the relationship between offset and disk->BLOCK_SIZE so that we can tell how many blocks and another bytes to skip.
      • Then, we can loop over the sequence of blocks (direct first, then indirect) until find the first block to write in.
      • The write loop should continue until all length of bytes are written or there is no free block to allocate or we meet the end of the inode.
    • How will you handle the offset?
      • This work is the same as the one in read: skipBlocks and remainder.
    • How will you know if you need a new block?
      • When meeting empty blocks during the loop, we can call allocate_free_block to get a free block assigned.
      • It is the same no matter the empty block is in direct array or indirect block.
    • How will you manage allocating a new block if you need another one?
      • We can simply loop over the bitMap vector we maintained and find the first index marked as FREE. That block can be the new block.
      • Before returning the index, the element should be set to OCCUPIED.
    • How will you copy from a block to the data buffer?
      • Similar to read, size and bytesToWrite = min(disk->BLOCK_SIZE, rlength) tell me what place at the data pointer to write and how many bytes to write at a time.
      • Each time I copy from a block to the data buffer, I use memcpy function.
      • After finishing copy, the size variable would be the total bytes written.
    • How will you update the inode?
      • There are three fields that may be changed during the writing process, they are Size, Direct and Indirect.
      • I will follow a lazy strategy to minimize the times of calling Disk::write, which means I will do all the updating things just before return.
      • I have a size variable which keeps tracking how many bytes are written. Therefore, inode.Size += size is all I need.
      • The Direct array is changed during write process. When it is before writing, Direct is surely ready.
      • The Indirect is the same as Direct.

Test Result

The test result is shown below. The failed tests are all caused by performance incoherence. In all the cases, my implementation has better performance than the test requires.

hnoodles@hnoodles-UX410UQK:~/17302010002/OperatingSystemI/SimpleFileSystem$ make test

g++ -g -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu++11 -Wall -Iinclude -fPIC -c -o src/library/fs.o src/library/fs.cpp

ar rcs lib/libsfs.a src/library/disk.o src/library/fs.o

g++ -Llib -o bin/sfssh src/shell/sfssh.o -lsfs

Testing cat on data/image.5 ... Success

Testing cat on data/image.20 ... Failure

--- /dev/fd/63 2020-05-16 22:20:04.810435945 +0800

+++ /dev/fd/62 2020-05-16 22:20:04.810435945 +0800

@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@

0 bytes copied

0 disk block writes

-20 disk block reads

+21 disk block reads

27160 bytes copied

9546 bytes copied

​ Abraham Clark

Testing copyin in /tmp/tmp.xoaZh20yYg/image.5 ... Success

Testing copyin in /tmp/tmp.xoaZh20yYg/image.20 ... Success

Testing copyin in /tmp/tmp.xoaZh20yYg/image.200 ... Success

Testing copyout in data/image.5 ... Success

Testing copyout in data/image.20 ... Success

Testing copyout in data/image.200 ... Success

Testing create in data/image.5.create ... Files /dev/fd/63 and /dev/fd/62 differ


Testing debug on data/image.5 ... Success

Testing debug on data/image.20 ... Success

Testing debug on data/image.200 ... Success

Testing format on data/image.5.formatted ... Success

Testing format on data/image.20.formatted ... Success

Testing format on data/image.200.formatted ... Success

Testing mount on data/image.5 ... Success

Testing mount-mount on data/image.5 ... Success

Testing mount-format on data/image.5 ... Success

Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.3dZos4qHQG/image.5 ... Success

Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.3dZos4qHQG/image.5 ... Success

Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.3dZos4qHQG/image.5 ... Success

Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.3dZos4qHQG/image.5 ... Success

Testing bad-mount on /tmp/tmp.3dZos4qHQG/image.5 ... Success

Testing remove in /tmp/tmp.ry27gDmNee/image.5 ... False

--- /dev/fd/63 2020-05-16 22:20:05.022429932 +0800

+++ /dev/fd/62 2020-05-16 22:20:05.022429932 +0800

@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@

Inode 2:

​ size: 0 bytes

​ direct blocks:

-17 disk block reads

+25 disk block reads

8 disk block writes

Testing remove in /tmp/tmp.ry27gDmNee/image.5 ... False

--- /dev/fd/63 2020-05-16 22:20:05.030429705 +0800

+++ /dev/fd/62 2020-05-16 22:20:05.030429705 +0800

@@ -54,5 +54,5 @@

Inode 2:

​ size: 965 bytes

​ direct blocks: 4

-23 disk block reads

+27 disk block reads

10 disk block writes

Testing remove in /tmp/tmp.ry27gDmNee/image.20 ... False

--- /dev/fd/63 2020-05-16 22:20:05.038429478 +0800

+++ /dev/fd/62 2020-05-16 22:20:05.038429478 +0800

@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@

​ direct blocks: 4 5 6 7 8

​ indirect block: 9

​ indirect data blocks: 13 14

-31 disk block reads

-11 disk block writes

+41 disk block reads

+18 disk block writes

Testing stat on data/image.5 ... Success

Testing stat on data/image.20 ... Success

Testing stat on data/image.200 ... Success

Testing valgrind on /tmp/tmp.0xOvTFPQph/image.200 ... Success

Let's walk through those "failures" one by one.

Cat on data/image.20

This one is because my implementation used less reads.


-20 disk block reads

+21 disk block reads


Create in data/image.5.create

This one only gives me a False with no more information. Thus I modified the test shell code to seek more details. Here is the actual result.

Testing create in data/image.5.create ... False

--- /dev/fd/63 2020-05-16 18:03:27.829294066 +0800

+++ /dev/fd/62 2020-05-16 18:03:27.829294066 +0800

@@ -524,5 +524,5 @@

Inode 127:

size: 0 bytes

direct blocks:

-134 disk block reads

+261 disk block reads

127 disk block writes

You can see that this is also because my implementation has better read performance.

Remove in /tmp/tmp.ry27gDmNee/image.5

  1. Again, mine have better read performance.


    -17 disk block reads

    +25 disk block reads


  2. Same as above.


    -23 disk block reads

    +27 disk block reads


Remove in /tmp/tmp.ry27gDmNee/image.20

In this case, my implementation is better in both read and write.


-31 disk block reads

-11 disk block writes

+41 disk block reads

+18 disk block writes


In this section, I will explain the main optimization I have done to improve my performance(, though it's not requested).

1. Load_inode & Save_inode

Besides size_t inumber and Inode *node, I added two more parameters Block *block and bool needRead to these two functions.

The reason why I made the change is that I found that in some cases such as create, the inode block has already been located, so it's unnecessary to read it from the disk again when saving a node.

Also, in remove, we can use the Block * to store the inode block we read in load_inode and reuse it in save_inode to decrease the time of calling Disk::read.

2. Allocate_free_block

In common sense, allocating a free block may come with cleaning it at once (use memset to set all its bits to 0). However, it doesn't need to be like this. Instead, it can be treated in a way like malloc, not calloc.

In some cases, we know that we are going to write a whole block of data to a newly allocated block, where allocating a "clean" block is unnecessary. Actually in those cases, all we care about is that the block is FREE. This happens in write.

Even though in some cases, for instance, when we want to allocate a block as indirect block, or when the new block isn't going to be written wholly, we can still explicitly call memset to do the cleaning work on demand.

In this way, we can have less Disk::write operations.

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