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st_pm_hex's Introduction



This repository contains the code used to create a daily, 750 sq m, spatiotemporal PM2.5 exposure assessment model for the contiguous United States from 2000 to 2020.


If you are looking to use predictions from this model, please check out:

  • manuscript describing model development: Brokamp, C. A High Resolution Spatiotemporal Fine Particulate Matter Exposure Assessment Model for the Contiguous United States. Environmental Advances. In Press. 2021. (accepted preprint available online:
  • the R package for attaching PM2.5 estimates given lat/lon and date range:
  • the DeGAUSS container attaching PM2.5 estimates given lat/lon and date range:
  • an interactive online map showing the crossvalidated accuracy metrics for specific subsets of the United States and the locations of all EPA monitoring stations used in the training data.


using renv for package management

  • renv should be installed and activated automatically if starting R from the project root working directory
  • run renv::snapshot() to add packages contained within the code to the library (make sure to commit the renv project infrastructure, like the renv.lock file to the github repository)
  • after pulling this project from GitHub, run renv::restore() to synchronize the library with the lockfile
  • see more info here:

h3 package

The h3 package might not install properly using "normal" installation code for packages on GitHub because it requires installation of the h3 library ahead of time. See full instructions here:

  • install h3 library on macOS with:
brew install h3
  • install h3 library on debian/ubuntu with:
git clone h3c
cd h3c
git pull origin master --tags
git checkout "v3.3.0"
sudo make install
cd ..
rm -rf h3c

storing and retrieving data on AWS S3

  • the aws cli must be installed and you must have proper permissions with AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variables set
  • storing data
    • sync the local working directory with a S3 directory with aws s3 sync . s3://path/to/remote/folder
    • for example sync clean AOD rasters with aws s3 sync ./aod_clean_rasters s3://geomarker/aod
  • retrieving data
    • aws s3 sync s3://geomarker/aod ./aod_clean_rasters

Code Descriptions

Each of the sections below corresponds to the R script with the same name and provides some notes, details, and a high-level description of what that file does. They are designed to be used in sequential order.

1. make h3 grid

  • use the H3 hexagonal hierarchical spatial index to create the grid at a precision of 8

    • average area = 0.74 sq km
    • average side length = 461.4 m
    • n unique in continental US = 11,932,970
    • for comparison, the actual resolution of the modis grid is 926 by 926 m = 0.86 sq km
    • see the example cincinnati map for an example of the hierarchical h3 layout
  • geohash

    • each hash is made up of 15 total characters, with the first character always being an 8, the second character denoting the resolution and the remaining 13 being a combination of the geohash itself and "filler" f's
    • values can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f
    • for example, a geohash at a resolution of 6 would be 86______fffffff where the ______ is the six digit geohash
    • overall, resolution ranges from 0 - 15
  • see h3 docs for more information on use cases and "why hexagons?"

  • also good comparisons to other systems with slideable maps

  • good blog post on some h3 oddities

  • table describing H3 properties at different resolutions

    res n digits code avg area (sq km) n unique in cont US
    0 2 80 4,250,546
    1 3 81 607,220
    2 4 82 86,745 81
    3 4 83 12,392
    4 5 84 1,770 4,970
    5 6 85 252
    6 6 86 36 139,160
    7 7 87 5
    8 8 88 0.74 11,932,970
    9 9 89 0.11
    10 10 8a 0.02
  • using the compact US h3 hex ids (saved locally as us_h3_8_compact_hex_ids.rds), takes up much less space and can be quickly down scaled to the desired resolution for different geospatial calculations; e.g.,

d_hex <- readRDS('us_h3_8_compact_hex_ids.rds') %>%
  map(h3_to_children, res = 8) %>%
  • these can then be translated into a simple features object with
## points:
d <-
  bind_cols(tibble(h3 = d_hex),
            as_tibble(h3::h3_to_geo(d_hex))) %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c('lng', 'lat'), crs = 4326)

## polygons:
d <-
  bind_cols(tibble(h3 = d_hex),

be warned that h3::geo_to_h3() will give an incorrect geohash without warning or error if the sf object is not lat/lon (i.e. any epsg other than 4326)

don't use a resolution of 2 or 1 when going to children; this is unstable and will result in missing polygons. an alternative is to go to children at resolution 8, unlist these results and then find the unique parents at a resolution of 2 or 1.

2. get AQS data

  • get observed 24 hour average PM2.5 AQS data from 2000 through 2020
  • average by date for co-located stations (2,598,268 total rows, but 2,416,892 total unique station/lat/lon/date combinations)
  • subset to only the contiguous united states using intersection in EPSG 5072 (n = 2,374,589)
  • data saved as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/h3data_aqs.qs
  • 1,685 unique h3 grid cells with a median of 1,042 daily measurements each (min: 3, q25: 370, mean: 1409, q75: 2024, max: 7348)
  • a summary of the observations used to train the model:
n min_pm25 p25_pm25 mean_pm25 median_pm25 p75_pm25 max_pm25 var_pm25
2380891 -0.1 5.8 10.76 9 13.6 640.6 55.47

3. make nearby pm data

  • most AQS data for 1 in 3 sampling fall on the same day
  • summarizing number of measurements per day:
    • min: 0
    • 25p: 104
    • median: 150
    • mean: 309.6
    • 75p: 567.5
    • max: 1012
  • aggregate data to h3 resolution 3 (see h3_3_and_aqs_map.html for measurement location with dot size by number of total days with measurements and all h5 resolution 3 polygons)
  • steps to create nearby pm
    • average pm h3 res 8 measurements into pm h3 res 3 measurements
    • nearby daily pm calculated as mean of neighborhing cells (up to 5-ring away) weighted by the inverse distance (measured as number of cells) squared (assume center cell has weight of 100)
    • create moving three day average
  • create "nearby pm2.5" column (nearby_pm) (this data saved as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/nearby_pm.rds)

4. get NLCD data

  • National Land Cover Database information is taken from the geomarker-io/addNlcdData R package that uses .fst files to speed up extraction and summary for polygons
  • training data only saved as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/h3data_nlcd.qs

5. get NARR data

  • NARR data details
  • the NARR cell for each h3 polygon cell is determined using the NARR raster
  • the geomarker-io/addNarrData packagte is used to add daily NARR estimates for each NARR cell
  • training data only saved as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/h3data_narr.qs

6. get MODIS data

Running To Get All Clean Rasters

  • repetitively run the script until all rasters are on disk
  • getting a cleaned AOD raster often fails because of download failure
  • sometimes, none of the desired tiles are available for download at all or all of the downloaded tiles don't have any quality, non-missing AOD measurements
  • in these cases, the script will make a "dummy" file so that the date will be marked as "completed"

For example, create a wrapper bash script to run the script every minute if it isn't already running:

  • create

cd /home/cole/st_pm_hex
rm qa_MCD19A2.A*
rm MCD19A2.A*
rm aod_MCD19A2.A*
/usr/bin/Rscript ./04_get_modis_data.R
  • then setup a cron job (crontab -e) to run every minute if it isn't already running:
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/fcj.lockfile /home/cole/st_pm_hex/
  • check how many dates are completed with ll aod_clean_rasters/ | wc -l
  • sync to S3 drive with aws s3 sync ./aod_clean_rasters s3://geomarker/aod

7. geohash AOD data

  • use 06_make_AOD_data.R to extract all non-missing AOD data from folder of rasters as a data.table fst file keyed on h3 and date
  • h3data_aod.fst (saved as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/aod.fst) takes up 6.9 GB in RAM and 1.1 GB on disk

8. get NEI data

  • NEI is the National Emissions Inventory Database
    • data available in 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017
  • scc is a code which defines the type of emissions
  • EIS is grouping of SCC codes into: point, nonpoint, onroad, nonroad, and event sources
  • script will output nei_county_pm25.rds and nei_point_pm25.rds files (saved as s3://geomarker/nei/nei_county_pm25.rds and s3://geomarker/nei/nei_point_pm25.rds)
  • county file contains the estimated tons of pm2.5 emitted, as columns called nonroad, onroad, nonpoint, and event, for each fips and each nei_year (2008, 2011, 2014, or 2017)
    • event data is not available for 2008
    • at the time, nonpoint, and onroad data was not yet available for 2017
    • all other counties not listed for any given nei year were set to zero
  • point file contains sf object with h3 geohash, and total_emissions for each nei_year (all eis codes are equal to "point" for this file)

9. get FINN data

  • FINN is the Fire Emissions from NCAR database
  • script will output combined data in s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/h3data_finn.fst, with columns for date, area (burned area), h3, and fire_pm25 (estimated total pm25 emitted from fire)
  • file is 98 MB on disk

10. get population density

  • uses 2018 5-yr ACS census-tract level estimates of total population (B01001_001) to estimate total population for each resolution 5 h3 cell using an area-weighted approach; population density is calculated as number of total population divided by area of each resolution 5 h3 cell in epsg:5072

11. make training data

  • merge in all columns based on pm2.5 observations
  • retain h3 for grid cell identifier
  • add in county fips for each geohash for merging NEI data
  • 1 station was removed because the centroid of its containing h3 grid cell was not located in Mexico (n = 280, 0.01% of the total PM2.5 observations)
  • include x and y coordinates (in epsg 5072) for geohashes
  • create year, day of year, and day of week columns
  • add indicator variable for major US holidays (new years, 4th july, TG, xmas, MLK, labor, memorial)
  • merge in NARR data based on h3 and date
  • merge in annual data to closest available calendar year (NEI and NLCD)
  • add distance to closest NEI site for each grid centroid (merge year by nei_year)
  • add in population density based on res-5 h3
  • add distance to closest 2018 S1100 road for each grid centroid
  • merge in aod data (set all AOD > 2 to NA, n = 0)
  • merge in fire data
  • total of 2,374,309 observations and 43 predictors
  • file saved as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/h3data_train.fst (824 MB in RAM, 137 MB on disk)
  • 7,184 (0.3%) of grid-days with pm25 had non-missing aod data
  • observed PM2.5 used for training:
    • min: -0.10
    • q25: 5.80
    • median: 9.00
    • mean: 10.76
    • q75: 13.60
    • max: 640.60

missing data

  • nei_nonroad, nei_onroad, nei_nonpoint, and nei_event values could be missing for earlier years
  • there are a handful of missing nlcd and narr values, which are present in the sources
  • aod is missing in most places
  • will not be imputed because grf handles them by using them in splits (just like we did for cincy aod model, but automatically)
  • this will also allow for missing variables for new predictions

12. train pred model

  • used variable importance on initial random forest based on 2017 data only to filter out unimportant variables (see
  • use GRF with cluster set to h3 identifier for valid prediction CIs
  • there are 1,684 unique h3 and 17,813 total unique h3-years
  • train grf objects by year and save as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/st_pm_hex_grf_{year}.qs
  • create OOB predictions using predict without new obs and predict with new obs of same training set
  • save preds as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/st_pm_hex_grf_preds.rds

13. cv error report

  • creates figures and tables for quantifying CV error in ./cv_output/ folder

  • Brokamp, 2021: LLO CV R2 = 0.84 (0.95 annual)

  • Brokamp, 2018: LOOCV R2 = 0.91

  • QD, 2019: 10-fold CV R2 = 0.86 (0.89 annual)

  • Hu, 2017: 10-fold CV R2 = 0.84

  • QD, 2016: 10-fold CV R2 = 0.80

See separately, an interactive online map showing the crossvalidated accuracy metrics for specific subsets of the United States and the locations of all EPA monitoring stations used in the training data.

14. create Safe Harbor aggregated h3 cells

  • same methods as for making Schwartz cells Safe Harbor Deidentified
  • used h3 resolution of 3
    • average hexagon area of 12,392 sq km
    • average hexagon edge length of 59.8 km
    • 41,162 unique indexes
  • a total of 710 cells needed to cover the US
  • 169 (23.8%) have a population less than 20,000
  • among these 169, the median population is 7,116 people (min: 0.346; max: 19,930)
  • iterative merging results in 578 geohash chunks with median population of 192,095 people (min: 20,494; max: 17,148,917)
  • list of merged geohash IDs saved as s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/us_h3_3_population_20k_minimum_hex_ids.rds

15. make all prediction data

  • function takes in h3_5 (or hyphen separated combination of these) and outputs h3_data/{h3_5}_h3data.qs with all data needed for prediction (s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/h3_data{h3_5}_h3data.qs)

16. make all predictions

  • function takes in h3_5 (or hyphen separated combination of these) and outputs one prediction file per year, h3_pm/{h3_5}_{year}_h3pm.fst with date, h3, pm_pred, and pm_se (s3://geomarker/st_pm_hex/h3_pm{h3_5}_h3pm.qs)
  • these can be read in with fst::fst_read(..., = TRUE) to utilize them as data.table objects, with the keys precalculated on h3 and date
  • one file size (with no aggregated chunks) is about 20 MB on disk and 200 MB in RAM
  • the folder st_pm_hex_big_predict contains a script for predicting all where the Safe Harbor chunk is very large and requires more parallelization to compute on a feasible amount of available RAM (200 GB)

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