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Comments (43)

georgeclaghorn avatar georgeclaghorn commented on June 20, 2024 94

From a Controller instance, you can call this.application.getControllerForElementAndIdentifier:

import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class ListFilterController extends Controller {
  // ...

  reloadList() {

  get listController() {
    return this.application.getControllerForElementAndIdentifier(this.element, "list")

from stimulus.

sstephenson avatar sstephenson commented on June 20, 2024 50

We don’t have anything built in for this right now. The easiest thing to do is probably to emit a DOM event from the inner controller and observe it with an action from the outer controller.

What I would like to see eventually is a data-outlet attribute that connects delegate properties on a child controller directly to a containing element’s controller. Something like Interface Builder outlets in Cocoa.

from stimulus.

leastbad avatar leastbad commented on June 20, 2024 42

I've been using a pattern for several months that allows me to access the controller instances attached to DOM elements without having to call getControllerForElementAndIdentifier, a method which isn't available outside of a Stimulus controller (as you need access to the application scope) - making it inaccessible from a jQuery plugin or the console window.

Just put this into your controller's connect() method:

this.element[this.identifier] = this

This means that if you attach a comments controller to a DOM element, all you need to do to access the internal scope of your controller is element.comments. This might not be what some folks mean by communication so emitting events is still your best bet for those scenarios.

I wrote about it at length in this post:

I offer a slightly longer version that automatically camelCases the controller identifier, too.

from stimulus.

abulka avatar abulka commented on June 20, 2024 17

Could someone please explain exactly what the parameters to getContextForElementAndIdentifier are, what they mean and why I need both an element and a string as parameters? Why can't I find a controller simply by its string name e.g. "hello"?

If I have two controllers, 'hello' and 'out' and I want to get to the 'out' controller from inside the 'hello' controller. It seems that I need to pass both parameters, otherwise I get null. And only the combination of this.application.getControllerForElementAndIdentifier(this.element, "hello") work - which just gets me the controller I'm already in. What exact two parameters do I need to pass to get to the other controller named "out" - and why can't I just use the string name of that controller?

A bit of background: I too am trying to talk from one controller to another. My first controller wants to output some information in an abstract way, so wants to talk to another controller's write() method, which will do something cool with it. I'm hoping this is the sort of use case stimulus is good for?

from stimulus.

vojtad avatar vojtad commented on June 20, 2024 16

First parameter is element the controller is connected to and the second parameter is name of the controller you want to get instance of.

You need first parameter because controller of the same name can be connected to more elements on the page. So the function needs to know where to look for the controller instance you want to get.

And you need second parameter to specify controller's name because there can be more than one controller connected to one element.

So, one way to do this is to nest components and then handle this in the parent controller as @georgeclaghorn suggested. Second clean way I can think of without relying on access to particular elements would be to add a listener to document for custom event in one component and fire this event in the second one.

from stimulus.

domchristie avatar domchristie commented on June 20, 2024 8

FWIW T3 (another JS framework for the HTML you already have ;) has a simple messaging system for communicating between modules (or controllers), keeping them loosely coupled. I wonder if this is something that Stimulus might consider?

The T3 equivalent would look something like:

Box.Application.addModule('list-filter', function (context) {
  return {
    onchange: function () {
      context.broadcast('listfilterchanged', { filterParam1: value1,})

Box.Application.addModule('list', function (context) {
  function reload (params) {
    // reload list with AJAX
  return {
    onmessage: {
      listfilterchanged: reload

That way other controllers could respond to the listfilterchanged event

from stimulus.

Sub-Xaero avatar Sub-Xaero commented on June 20, 2024 7

Just to offer an additional solution. I don't mean to necro this thread too much, but as people are still commenting on it.

I know others here have said, and as similar discussions on the Stimulus forums have often said, the recommended way for communication between controllers is via event based communication. But obviously that doesn't work if the controllers aren't parent/child, or you don't want to fire events on the Window itself. Sometimes you just want to call something on another controller like getControllerForElementAndIdentifier allows you to do, I get that. But this can still be achieved with events, and the result is something a lot less brittle and inflexible.

For controllers that aren't necessarily co-located or parent/child in the DOM, I've often achieved communication by using something lightweight like Mitt gives you an event bus that you can use to pass events around without the controllers having to be specifically located anywhere in the DOM, or using the Window as a vehicle.

It's a pretty flexible approach, and it allows communication between any number of controllers that may or may not be on a page, and the event payload can pass any Javascript Object/String/Array/JSON data you want. It also allows your Stimulus controllers to communicate with other non-Stimulusy things and frameworks that you might have kicking around.

If you want to call a method on another controller in the DOM, send an event it's listening for.

connect() {
   EventBus.on('foo:do-thing', () => this.doThing())

I've used it for a lot of various things, like achieving a Vue/React-like input binding to mirror the value of an input to various places in the page:

// src/utilities/event_bus.js
import mitt from 'mitt';
export const EventBus = mitt();
import {EventBus} from "../../utilities/event_bus";
import {Controller} from "stimulus";

export class InputBroadcasterController extends Controller {

  static values = {
    name: String,

  initialize() {
    this.emit = this.emit.bind(this);

  connect() {
    requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      this.element.addEventListener("input", this.emit);

  disconnect() {
    this.element.removeEventListener("input", this.emit);

  emit() {
    EventBus.emit(`input:${this.nameValue}:change`, {value: this.element.value, dispatcher: this.element});


export class ValueListenerController extends Controller {

  static values = {
    name: String,

  initialize() { =;

  connect() {

  disconnect() {`input:${this.nameValue}:change`,;

  read(payload = null) {
    if (payload === null) {
      throw new Error("No payload received");
    let {dispatcher, value} = payload;
    if (dispatcher !== this.element) {
      this.innerHTML = value;
<label>What is your name?</label>
<input data-controller='input-broadcaster' data-input-broadcaster-name-value='name' />


   Hi <span data-controller="value-listener" data-value-listener-name-value="name">Name</span>,
  We're so glad that you're here.

<h5> Check your details </h5>
   <span data-controller="value-listener" data-value-listener-name-value="name">Name</span>
   <a href='#name'> <i class="fa fa-edit"></i>Change </a>

Personally I think that if anything, having a sort of inbuilt way in Stimulus to fire named events and payloads to other instantiated controllers that aren't necessarily co-located is a better approach than the slightly arcane outlets approach above, as it ties into the existing actions system and doesn't require controllers to be one-to-one mapped. At a glance, the outlets approach above seems to excel at calling a method on a single other controller, and not multiple others that might also want calling.

There could just be a simple extension to the action annotations to allow emission of event-bussed events in response to actions i.e. data-action="click->emit!foo:do-thing" and allowing actions to also consume bussed events data-action="foo:do-thing->foo#doThing" and methods that can be called in the controller JS itself this.emit('foo:do-thing') and this.on('foo:do-thing', () => this.doThing()).

🤷 my £0.02

from stimulus.

forelabs avatar forelabs commented on June 20, 2024 4

@leastbad thanks for that, really helpful and feels good when using it.

We are using namespaced controllers so we have something like namespace--controller, your suggested camelize function did not worked for us here.
We have implemented a different one:

export function camelize(str: string) {
    return str.split(/[-_]/).map(w=> w.replace(/./, m=> m.toUpperCase())).join("").replace(/^\w/, c => c.toLowerCase());

from stimulus.

geekq avatar geekq commented on June 20, 2024 4

The nice approach suggested by @leastbad should be part of the the StimulusJS documentation! (possibly with all the mentioned notes regarding multi-word names, namespace, collision with existing properties. I personally use this.element.controller = this since I only have a single controller attached to that element).

It took me some days to get to this good solution. (first trying all the hacky and questionable solutions including getControllerForElementAndIdentifier)

from stimulus.

javan avatar javan commented on June 20, 2024 3

Just put this into your controller's connect() method:

this.element[this.identifier] = this

If you do this, and I don't recommend that you do, be very careful with your controller names. If they conflict with any of the element's own property names (there are hundreds!) things will go 💥. For example:

// value_controller.js

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {
    this.element[this.identifier] = this
<input type="text" data-controller="value">


from stimulus.

michalbiarda avatar michalbiarda commented on June 20, 2024 3

Here's mine approach:


import { Controller } from 'stimulus';

export default class extends Controller {
    static values = {
        eventName: String,
        details: Object

    execute() {
        window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(this.eventNameValue, this.hasDetailsValue ? this.detailsValue : {}));

and then in your HTML:

<button data-controller="trigger"
            data-action="trigger#execute">Trigger some action</button>


<div data-controller="some-controller"

You can even pass some additional data:

<button data-controller="trigger"
            data-trigger-details-value='{"some": "details"}'
            data-action="trigger#execute">Trigger some action</button>

from stimulus.

alinnert avatar alinnert commented on June 20, 2024 2

We don’t have anything built in for this right now. The easiest thing to do is probably to emit a DOM event from the inner controller and observe it with an action from the outer controller.

How should one do that?

Here's an example: #200 (comment)

from stimulus.

kinnrot avatar kinnrot commented on June 20, 2024 2

I started to work on something for stimulus, check it out, tell me what you think

from stimulus.

leastbad avatar leastbad commented on June 20, 2024 2

Hey @javan,

Your advice is solid. People should definitely careful to test whatever objects they attach to for potential namespace collisions. If you check out the original blog post on the technique, you'll see that I'm careful to explain to developers that they can use any valid string.

All of that said, I am a bit bummed that you seem to be throwing shade on a useful technique without offering a superior approach. Again, getControllerForElementAndIdentifier only works when you're already inside of another controller.

You can use DOM events for cross-controller communication, but that's not really a substitute for accessing the internal state of a controller.

from stimulus.

toddkummer avatar toddkummer commented on June 20, 2024 2

Based on some of the previous suggestions, I went with the approach of using custom events to let child controllers register with the parent controller. I followed the pattern of static declarations (targets, classes, and values) and added declarations for parent and children.

Here's what the controllers might look like:

class ItemsController extends ApplicationController {
  static children = ['item']

class ItemController extends ApplicationController {
  static parent = 'items'

Like targets, this adds properties. In this example, the items controller would have itemChildren and itemChild while each item controller simply gets a parent property.

Here's a proof of concept with the full example. I'm also working on a fork, if there's any interest in a pull request.

from stimulus.

osadasami avatar osadasami commented on June 20, 2024 2

Check here how to communicate parent to child, child to parent, mixed controllers and distinct controllers osadasami/code#1

from stimulus.

woto avatar woto commented on June 20, 2024 1

Oh c'mon I don't know the reason why author still didn't mention but it works like a charm! :) (passing events from child to parent)

from stimulus.

lemingos avatar lemingos commented on June 20, 2024 1

Try to listen to dispatched events:


 connect() {
    this.myTarget.addEventListener(`${this.identifier}:world`,, {})
world() {
  console.log('hello world')

In other controller

    this.myTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event('hello:world'))

make sure this.myTarget points to the same element in both controllers

from stimulus.

gremo avatar gremo commented on June 20, 2024 1

I'm sorry @pySilver I switched to a more "standard way" of doing the same thing, that is using data-action attribute. Btw the implementation of something like useEventActionMap isn't that difficult.

from stimulus.

vojtad avatar vojtad commented on June 20, 2024

Thanks! I think this is exactly what I was looking for.

I suppose I should pass the element List component is on as first argument for getControllerForElementAndIdentifier, right?

So when a List is next sibling to a ListFilter in the DOM, I should call getControllerForElementAndIdentifier(this.element.nextElementSibling, "list") to get the ListController instance, right? Or would you suggest different way to find the List's element?

from stimulus.

georgeclaghorn avatar georgeclaghorn commented on June 20, 2024

I wouldn’t suggest relying on the relative orders of HTML elements.

Prefer targets to access particular elements. Can you move the data-controller="list-filter" annotation to a shared parent element and make the list element a target?

from stimulus.

vojtad avatar vojtad commented on June 20, 2024

Yeah, I can do that. This look like a better way to go, thanks.

If it wouldn't be possible the only way I can think of is to create a parent Controller with targets on both List and ListFilter. Then I would override the connect function of the parent Controller to pass ListController instance to ListFilterController instance.

However, I am not sure whether ListController and ListFilterController are already connected when the connect function for the parent Controller is called. Do you have any idea about this, please?

from stimulus.

sstephenson avatar sstephenson commented on June 20, 2024

Closing this issue for now, but feel free to continue discussing it here.

from stimulus.

incompletude avatar incompletude commented on June 20, 2024

We don’t have anything built in for this right now. The easiest thing to do is probably to emit a DOM event from the inner controller and observe it with an action from the outer controller.

How should one do that?

from stimulus.

leastbad avatar leastbad commented on June 20, 2024

Great catch, @forelabs. I'm always excited to see bullet-proof code broken. 😀

I'm going to borrow your code and update my post.

from stimulus.

forelabs avatar forelabs commented on June 20, 2024

To be on the safe side you could put stimulus in front or any other unique identifier. But good to hint that.

from stimulus.

geetfun avatar geetfun commented on June 20, 2024

A different take on this problem of inter-controller communication. Some sample code:

// dashboard_controller.js

import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {  
  connect() { = "Simon"

    $(document).on('dashboard.state', function(event, callback) {

And in the controller that wants to grab information from the first controller:

// sidebar_controller.js

import { Controller } from "stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {  
  getDashboardState() {
    $(document).trigger('dashboard.state', function(dashboardState) {
  // Your code to handle the state

Please excuse my use of jQuery, but wanted to share the concept of it (source).

from stimulus.

leastbad avatar leastbad commented on June 20, 2024

Hey Simon, that's actually pretty interesting. Do you have a solution in mind for accessing multiple instances of a controller? One thing that I like about assigning the controller instance to an accessor on the DOM element (call it the sharp knives approach) it that it allows multiple instances of a controller in the DOM... and heck, multiple controllers on an element, potentially communicating through the one thing they all have in common.

jQuery isn't itself a bad thing, and it's a reality for many projects. I actually like that Stimulus provides a viable onramp for jQuery devs that suddenly find themselves in a world where they have a legacy codebase that isn't responding well to webpack and Turbolinks. The biggest strike against jQuery in this regard is that it has its own proprietary events implementation. I did what I could to make the problem easier by releasing jquery-events-to-dom-events.

from stimulus.

NakajimaTakuya avatar NakajimaTakuya commented on June 20, 2024

What do you think about the data-outlet that sstephenson was talking about?
I've seen in hey's code that hey uses bless to implement the outlet property.
It is a way to establish a relationship of use between controllers.

I think the dependency between controllers is something Stimulus doesn't like, but it may be a good thing if the dependency is appropriate.

I'm currently using customElements to define methods on the tags themselves to deal with such cases.
However, customElements is not as nifty as Stimulus.

I'd be happy if there was an outlet, but I think it's something that should be examined carefully.

from stimulus.

leastbad avatar leastbad commented on June 20, 2024

Do you have a URL handy for the Hey bless example? I'd be curious to see.

If you could propose a syntax for an outlet attribute, what would it look like?

<div data-controller="foo" data-foo-beast-value="666">
  <div data-controller="bar" data-bar-outlet="beast->foo"></div>

Just thinking out loud. Would you want to restrict outlets to exposed value properties, or could you target any internal variable... which would force the above example to become data-bar-outlet="beastValue->foo" ?

from stimulus.

NakajimaTakuya avatar NakajimaTakuya commented on June 20, 2024

Here it is.

The syntax adopted by hey is as follows

<div data-controller="parent" data-parent-child-outlet="box">
  <div data-controler="child" id="box">
app.register('parent', class extends Controller {
  static outlets = ['child'];

  xxx() {
    this.childOutlet.yyy(); // yyy is child controller's method

I am generally happy with this implementation.

But Stimulus, in some ways, looks like a mixin of behaviour with HTML.
Yes, like ruby's mixin.
In that view, the controller corresponds to a module.
What we're doing is trying to access an instance of a module.
That seems a bit odd.
Maybe I'm overthinking it.

from stimulus.

leastbad avatar leastbad commented on June 20, 2024

Sam was the one who said he wanted to see a data-outlet attribute, and encouraged us to keep discussing it. I think it's okay to reopen a conversation after time has passed and there's new ideas. Frankly, the original thread was started in the early days of Stimulus and we've all gained a few years of practical experience with it, since.

But Stimulus, in some ways, looks like a mixin of behaviour with HTML.
Yes, like ruby's mixin.
In that view, the controller corresponds to a module.
What we're doing is trying to access an instance of a module.

What's interesting about your example is that it actually works in the opposite direction - parent reaching into child - than I had anticipated. I find that, usually, I design my controllers so that this kind of thing bubbles up, not down. I'm trying to think of a practical case where a parent needs to call a method on a child.

It also strikes me as odd that it would be tied to an id. It seems brittle! I'd be more excited about the child controller assigning a reference of this to a variable on the element it lives on, but I'm biased.

For controllers that aren't necessarily co-located or parent/child in the DOM, I've often achieved communication by using something lightweight like Mitt gives you an event bus that you can use to pass events around without the controllers having to be specifically located anywhere in the DOM, or using the Window as a vehicle.

Thanks for the link to mitt! That's going straight on my List.

One of the great things about the community building up a body of best practices is that we can bring in libraries like Mitt when we need them. I believe that we should be extremely conservative about adding any additional complexity or magic to the data-action attribute - it's already pretty concept-dense as it is.

I could just be haunted by the enduring ramifications of jQuery's proprietary event system.

from stimulus.

NakajimaTakuya avatar NakajimaTakuya commented on June 20, 2024

What's interesting about your example is that it actually works in the opposite direction - parent reaching into child - than I had anticipated. I find that, usually, I design my controllers so that this kind of thing bubbles up, not down. I'm trying to think of a practical case where a parent needs to call a method on a child.

There are often structures in which the parent knows the existence of the child, but the child does not necessarily know the existence of the parent. (In the latter case, communication through events is very effective.)

When the parent knows the existence of the child, a relationship of use may be necessary.
For example, the relationship between menubar and menu (submenu).
The menuitem of a menu belonging to a menubar will receive an ArrowRight keystroke and close itself.
However, this behavior is not possible if the menu does not belong to a menubar, but appears as a menu button.

So, in this case, we need a composition where the menubar uses the menu.
This may be one of the cases where the parent needs to use the child.

menu or menubar
menu button

The menubar example was inappropriate because it was a component-oriented approach.
With Stimulus it was a piece of cake.
I'll rewrite it with a better example.

It also strikes me as odd that it would be tied to an id.

This is probably because outlet is not only intended for parents to use children.
Another common case is to implement a modal dialog.

In modal dialogs, the triggering element and the element that serves as the dialog are often located far apart.
Therefore, the element that sets the controller will naturally be the element higher up in the tree.
If you have two separate modal dialogs on your page, you can imagine that using the same controller for both of them would result in scope conflicts that would prevent you from getting the desired behavior.
(It's also possible that the element you want to place the controller on is the same element.)

In such a case, it is tempting to put a modal controller only in the dialog, so that the controller managing the area with the trigger element can use outlet to open and close the modal.
This is why the interface is the way it is.

from stimulus.

NakajimaTakuya avatar NakajimaTakuya commented on June 20, 2024

Yes, there is no doubt in my mind about that.
What about modal dialogs?

For example, suppose we have HTML that assumes the following modal.

Maybe we will write only one controller to control the modal.
Then we want to adapt it to both modals.

This example is very simple and the elements of the button and modal are very close together, but the reality is that this is not always the ideal case.
If the distance between the two elements is far, we would want to set the controller to the upper element as much as possible.

In this case, we would want to put it on the #container in the above example.
However, a controller with the same name cannot be associated with the same element.
I would like to have an outlet pattern for this.

If we wanted to do this with events alone, we would have a global event in the modal-launcher controller, and the modal controller would try to open the modal on the trigger.
In that case, modal-launcher would need to change the controller name to separate the event names.
This means that modal-launcher cannot be reused.
I'd like to avoid that.

from stimulus.

osadasami avatar osadasami commented on June 20, 2024

@NakajimaTakuya What do you think about this simple solution?

from stimulus.

NakajimaTakuya avatar NakajimaTakuya commented on June 20, 2024

I see, you've brought the event listener to connect.
That's a very interesting approach. I think it's a viable solution.
However, I'm inclined to keep the controller setting events on outside elements only on the window and document.
Especially since this approach is not very declarative, unlike the one using data-action.

It occurred to me that it might be interesting to allow the id to be specified in the at-mark syntax of data-action.
I wonder if it would be outlawed?😂

from stimulus.

osadasami avatar osadasami commented on June 20, 2024

@NakajimaTakuya I would prefer that solution too. Something similar _hyperscript does

from stimulus.

gremo avatar gremo commented on June 20, 2024

I prefer the browser events approach.

But sometimes you can't rely on data-action because the emitter is not a descendant of the parent controller. You could use a data-controller="menu" with data-action="menu:open->menu#open"... but what if the data-controller="menu-trigger" is a sibling of the menu? Or you want to open the menu after the user reaches the end of the page?

I use stimulus-use so I wrote a little "hook" named useEventActionMap to reduce the boilerplate code and respond to global events which will be mapped to controller actions. Play nice with useDispatch too.

Here is how I use it in menu_controller.js:

import { useEventActionMap } from './hooks';
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus';
import { useDispatch } from 'stimulus-use';

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {
    // I want to emit events from this controller
    useDispatch(this, {
       eventPrefix: true, // Prefix emitted events with controller identifier

    // Listen for global events and map to actions
    useEventActionMap(this, {
      eventPrefix: true, // Prefix listened events with controller identifier
      actions: {
        close: this.close,
        toggle: this.toggle,

  open() {
    // Will be called for every "menu:open" event and dispatch "menu:opened" event
    // ...

  close() { /* logic */ }

  toggle() { /* logic */ }

The menu-trigger_controller.js could dispatch events to open the menu, and respond to its state change:

import { useEventActionMap } from './hooks';
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus';
import { useDispatch } from 'stimulus-use';

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {
    // I want to emit events from this controller (to open the menu)
    useDispatch(this, {
      eventPrefix: 'menu'

     // Listen for global events (emitted by menu) and map to actions
    useEventActionMap(this, {
      eventPrefix: 'menu',
      actions: {
        opened: this.onMenuOpened,
        closed: this.onMenuClosed,

    onMenuOpened( /* Menu state changed */ ) {}

    onMenuClosed( /* Menu state changed */ ) {}

  open(e) {
    this.dispatch('open'); // useEventActionMap of the menu controller will map this event to the controller action

  close(e) { /* logic */ }

  toggle(e) { /* logic */ }

I'm curious about this approach so any comment is much appreciated!

NOTE: of course the eventPrefix could be passed as a value to handle multiple menu instances

from stimulus.

pySilver avatar pySilver commented on June 20, 2024

@gremo It looks pretty interesting. Mind to share your useEventActionMap source?

from stimulus.

marcoroth avatar marcoroth commented on June 20, 2024

If the useEventActionMap is something useful for a bunch for people we could also look into upstreaming it to stimulus-use. @gremo feel free to open a PR on stimulus-use if are interested to share it.

from stimulus.

pySilver avatar pySilver commented on June 20, 2024

@gremo have you had a chance to see messages above?

from stimulus.

pySilver avatar pySilver commented on June 20, 2024

@gremo thanks for your reply! tbh, I'm also using standard way & some event flavoring at the moment. I was just curious your approach.

from stimulus.

gremo avatar gremo commented on June 20, 2024

Oh I see. The approach was in fact quite simple, just a matter of looping on actions, setup listeners for calling the corresponding controller method 😄

from stimulus.

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