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iobroker.digitalstrom's Issues

Heating System set temperature

I would be very much interested about the possibility to set temperature in the heating system of digitalstrom. Is there a way this can be done. Or can I help for this?

Neue Geräte

könntest du neue Geräte die es von DS gibt neu hinzufügen?
dann sind neue Werte hinzugekommen wie Azimut der Sonne und Elevation.
Da meckert der Adapter immer das er die nicht kennt.
Wenn du ein Log brauchst kann ich dir gerne zukommen lassen.

Nach Neustart des Adapters keine korrekten Sensordaten

Seit der Umstellung der Sensorwerte von booleans auf Zahlen werde diese nach einem Neustart des Adapters nicht richtig erkannt. Nach dem Neustart werden die Werte bei mir nicht geupdatet. Das führt dann zum Beispiel dazu, dass obwohl alle Fenster geschlossen sind, Skripte bei den der Status geprüft wird, nicht erkennen das die Fenster geschlossen sind. Ich muss dann zunächst alle Fenster einmal öffnen und wieder schließen. Danach funktionieren auch die Skripte wieder. Das selbe Problem habe ich mit dem Bewegeungssensor. Auch dort muss ich erst einmal den Sensor auslösen, bevor er dann wieder richtig das Licht an und aus schaltet.

Solltemperatur auslesen

besteht noch die Möglichkeit, das man die Solltemperatur mit ausliest und dementsprechend vielleicht bei den Sonoren in den entsprechenden Räumen anzeigt.
aktuell frage ich den wert per

Think about to fix the issues found by adapter checker

I am an automatic service that looks for possible errors in ioBroker and creates an issue for it. The link below leads directly to the test:

  • [E150] No common.connectionType found in io-package.json
  • [E152] No common.dataSource found in io-package.json
  • [E605] No actual year found in copyright. Please add "Copyright (c) 2021 Apollon77 [email protected]" at the end of
  • [E701] No actual year found in LICENSE. Please add "Copyright (c) 2021 Apollon77 [email protected]" at the start of LICENSE

your automatic adapter checker.

Please add your adapter to ioBroker.discovery

I am an automatic service from ioBroker that searches adapters and makes suggestions.

I noticed that your adapter is not integrated in the ioBroker.discovery. Using the Discovery adapter, ioBroker can automatically find devices or suggest services to the user for installation. If possible I would live to see your adapter added there.

Some adapters have already been added and you can use them as blueprints. See: You need to fork this project and then create a PR for your adapter to be added.

Basically the plugins can do HTTP calls, UDP discovery, MDNS, UPNP and will iterate over all devices found by IP scan and check local serial ports. If you want you can also add new discovery methods but please try to do that with at least dependencies as possible.

Then create one file under lib/adapters for your adapter to implement the detection and proposal of an instance to the user.

On questions, the other developers will support in the forum or via GitHub issues too.

If no detection is possible, simply close this issue and I won't bother you again. ;-)

your automatic adapter checker.

Adapter crashes continuous

The adapter crashed and restarts over an over again.

  • Adapter version: 2.2.0
  • JS-Controller version: 3.3.14
  • Node version: 12.22.3
  • Operating system: dSS 1.19.0

Here is a part of the log-file:

2021-07-23 15:48:52.081 - info: digitalstrom.0 (2327) 6 Output values for device a25c215a2c845425c056019a3c16936400 are unsupported

2021-07-23 15:48:52.081 - warn: digitalstrom.0 (2327) INVALID OUTPUTCHANNEL TYPE videoStation: {"channelId":"videoStation","channelType":"videoStation","channelIndex":2,"channelName":"video station"}
2021-07-23 15:48:52.081 - warn: digitalstrom.0 (2327) INVALID OUTPUTCHANNEL TYPE videoInputSource: {"channelId":"videoInputSource","channelType":"videoInputSource","channelIndex":3,"channelName":"video input source"}
2021-07-23 15:48:52.083 - info: digitalstrom.0 (2327) 4 Output values for device 8b43dc23eff75a49c0107baa140a523d00 are unsupported
2021-07-23 15:49:22.146 - error: digitalstrom.0 (2327) uncaught exception: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
2021-07-23 15:49:22.147 - error: digitalstrom.0 (2327) SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse ()
at DSSStructure.addStateObject (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.digitalstrom/lib/dssStructure.js:1612:24)
at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.digitalstrom/lib/dssStructure.js:1056:22
at Array.forEach ()
at DSSStructure.createApartment (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.digitalstrom/lib/dssStructure.js:1044:23)
at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.digitalstrom/lib/dssStructure.js:151:18
at /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.digitalstrom/lib/dssStructure.js:265:49
at Immediate. (/opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.digitalstrom/lib/dssStructure.js:791:40)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:461:21)
2021-07-23 15:49:22.147 - error: digitalstrom.0 (2327) Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
2021-07-23 15:49:22.148 - warn: digitalstrom.0 (2327) Exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
2021-07-23 15:49:22.148 - info: digitalstrom.0 (2327) stopping ... 1627048162148
2021-07-23 15:49:22.148 - info: digitalstrom.0 (2327) cleaned everything up... 0
2021-07-23 15:49:23.192 - warn: digitalstrom.0 (2327) Terminated (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION): Without reason
2021-07-23 15:49:23.724 - error: host.iobrokeri7 instance system.adapter.digitalstrom.0 terminated with code 6 (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION)
2021-07-23 15:49:23.726 - info: host.iobrokeri7 Restart adapter system.adapter.digitalstrom.0 because enabled

Think about to fix the issues found by adapter checker

I am an automatic service that looks for possible errors in ioBroker and creates an issue for it. The link below leads directly to the test:

  • [E518] "@alcalzone/release-script" is used, but ".releaseconfig.json" not found
  • [E605] No actual year found in copyright. Please add "Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Apollon77 [email protected]" at the end of
  • [E701] No actual year found in LICENSE. Please add "Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Apollon77 [email protected]" at the start of LICENSE

I have also found warnings that may be fixed if possible.

  • [W171] "common.title" is deprecated in io-package.json
  • [W105] "common.titleLang" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W109] "common.desc" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W170] "common.keywords" should not contain "iobroker, adapter, smart home" io-package.json
  • [W156] Adapter should support admin 5 UI (jsonConfig) if you do not use a React based UI
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W145] Each "" should be translated into all supported languages (en, de, ru, pt, nl, fr, it, es, pl, uk, zh-cn)
  • [W513] "gulpfile.js" found in repo! Think about migrating to @iobroker/adapter-dev package

your automatic adapter checker.

Ignore ioBroker vdc generated by digitalstrom-vdc adapter

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently the adapter reads all available VDCs inside digitalstrom and makes their devices available in ioBroker. Since the digitalstrom-vdc exposes ioBroker devices in digitalstrom, there is no need to loop them back into iobroker (because they exist there in the first place).

Describe the solution you'd like
Best way would be to check if the digitalstrom-vdc is installed. If yes read the config value to get the DSUID of the vdc and then ignore that DSUID with all its devices. The name of the variable inside digitalstrom-vdc is native.vdcDSUID

Describe alternatives you've considered
Keep it like today and have them imported too.

Compatibility check and testing for Node.js 14 and 16

Dear Adapter developer,

Node.js 14 is now available for a year and Node.js 16 was release just some days ago and will become LTS by October 2021. We plan to update the ioBroker Node.js recommendation (currently 12.x) to 14.x later this year.

Please check your adapter with Node.js 14 especially, and ideally also directly with Node.js 16

Please add both versions to the adapter testing which is executed on commits.

If your adapter requires a certain minimum version of Node.js please set the 'engine' setting in package.json accordingly! Please also do this if the adapter is not able to work in certain Node.js versions, so that ioBroker can prevent users from installing te adapter if not compatible!

On questions please talk to us at ioBroker/ioBroker.js-controller#1138

Please close the issue after you checked it.

Thank you very much for your support!

Token Fehler

Hallo bekomme seid kurzen diesen Fehler:
Queued entry ERROR device/getOutputValue and {"dsuid":"303505d7f8000000000000400003d11600","offset":0,"category":"manual","token":"9c33df68b8e0c0942530cb256aeb154e325c61082583cb7a805dd23be0fe

Habe schön einen neuen token erstellt.Aber genau das selbe.

State value wrong

Still having a lot of reports in the Logs about wrong value state


  • Adapter version: 2.3.0
  • JS-Controller version: 3.3.18
  • Node version: v12.22.6
  • Operating system: Linux

Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 10 45 17

falscher status der devices (enocean)

jedesmal wenn der digitalstromadapter neu gestartet wird, werden die Devicestatus der Enocean-Bridge falsch gesetzt, in jeden
digitalstrom.0.devices.xxxx.yyyy.binaryInputs.0 steht true drinn, bei fenstergriffen steht aber 0,1 oder 2 drinn

digitalstrom.0.devices.xxxx.yyyy.states.0 steht true drinn, bei Fenstergriffen oder Fenstersensoren steht aber open,tilted, oder closed drinn

dementsprechend sollte auch der Typ (hier boolean) verkehrt sein (müsste doch eigentlich number sein)
{ "type": "state", "common": { "name": "Window is tilted", "type": "boolean", "read": true, "write": false }, "native": {}, "from": "system.adapter.digitalstrom.0", "user": "system.user.admin", "ts": 1581940472582, "_id": "digitalstrom.0.devices.xxxxx.yyyyy.binaryInputs.0", "acl": { "object": 1636, "state": 1636, "owner": "system.user.admin", "ownerGroup": "" } }

im digitalstromserver stehen die Werte richtig

das Problem daran, ich muss nach jedem Start durchs Haus laufen und jeden sensor betätigen.

brauchst du irgendwelche logs dazu???

Digitalstrom adapter does not connect anymore

After several days working properly the adapter does not want to connect anymore.
The adapter first turns to amber and goes back to red. By hovering over the red button it says:
Connection to host: false
Heartbeat: true
Connection to digitalstrom: false

I tried to restart iobroker and digitalstrom server several times with no success.

The log does not give me much information:

2020-03-26 17:26:59.099 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (1628) 1585240019099 PROCESS Queued entry 0 - device/getOutputValue and {"dsuid":"303505d7f8000000000000400003d08f00","offset":0,"category":"manual"}
2020-03-26 17:27:01.889 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (1628) 1585240021889 Queued entry processed device/getOutputValue and {"dsuid":"303505d7f8000000000000400003d08f00","offset":0,"category":"manual","token":"965cdba6a10bea5247b0ecad0a5a7f4f94f6f21a17935c4216d326bf06a43c30"}: {"result":{"offset":0,"value":0},"ok":true}
2020-03-26 17:27:01.891 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (1628) 1585240021891 PROCESS Plan next queue entry for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400000833100 and prio medium in 10000ms
2020-03-26 17:27:11.893 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (1628) 1585240031892 PROCESS Queued entry 0 - device/getOutputValue and {"dsuid":"303505d7f8000000000000400013282400","offset":0,"category":"manual"}
2020-03-26 17:27:14.669 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (1628) 1585240034669 Queued entry processed device/getOutputValue and {"dsuid":"303505d7f8000000000000400013282400","offset":0,"category":"manual","token":"965cdba6a10bea5247b0ecad0a5a7f4f94f6f21a17935c4216d326bf06a43c30"}: {"result":{"offset":0,"value":0},"ok":true}
2020-03-26 17:27:14.671 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (1628) 1585240034670 PROCESS Plan next queue entry for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400000833100 and prio none in 500ms

I spend already quite some time in setting up the HAPanel. Therefore I hesitate to delete the adapter and install it again.

Can you maybe help me and tell my why the adapter does not want to connect anymore? Please tell me if you need more information.


Compatibility check to js-controller 4.0

Dear Adapter developer,

with js-controller 4.0 object definitions are now also checked that min/max in only provided for number/mixed objects and that the type of the default value matches to the object type.

If something is not correct this is logged as 'warning' or 'info' log.

Please also make sure to update to the lastest @iobroker/testing dependency 2.5.4 or to accept the PR from Apollon77 for legacy testing!

Please spent some time to verify your adapter by ideally starting with a fresh instance and do some actions and verify the log. If you see a warn or info log there from these checks please adjust the adapter and fix the relevant cases.

For questions please refer to ioBroker/ioBroker.js-controller#1749

Please close the issue after you checked it.

Thank you very much for your support to get the best experience for the growing numbers of ioBroker users!

Szenen (Stimmungen) mit Nr

Wäre es möglich, das nicht die einzelnen LichtSzenen (Stimmungen) angezeigt werden, sondern die Nr der LichtSzene die gerade aktiv ist.
Wohnzimmer Lichtszene 1 (für Stimmung 1)

so wie es aktuell angezeigt wird, ist es wenig sinnvoll, da ja eh nur immer eine Stimmung aktiv sein kann, ausser bei Bereichen

oder so lassen wie es ist und zusäztlich im Ordner scene die Nr anzeigen
z.b. digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.24.1.scenes hier die SceneNr

Scene processing wrong

My livingroom is divided in 4 areas. If a callscene is called for a single area

On Area 1
2022-02-02 16:37:59,106 [21] DEBUG DigitalstromClient.Network.Base.DigitalstromRestClient - Response from /json/event/get?subscriptionID=4919&timeout=400&token=*** => {"result":{"events":[{"name":"callSceneBus","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"6","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}},{"name":"callScene","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"6","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}}]},"ok":true}

Off Area 1
2022-02-02 16:38:01,848 [22] DEBUG DigitalstromClient.Network.Base.DigitalstromRestClient - Response from /json/event/get?subscriptionID=4919&timeout=400&token=*** => {"result":{"events":[{"name":"callSceneBus","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"1","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}},{"name":"callScene","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"1","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}}]},"ok":true}

the Digitalstrom Plugin for IOBroker is showing all light devices in the complete zone with a brigthness of 100% even if this is not the case.
I wanted to use your plugin as a backchannel for Digitalstrom events to KNX in order to set specific position or state data in my MDX Glastaster2 switches.

Due to the fact the plugin is not working correctly i've created this bug.

As a workaround i've created a tool based on the old JSON API and also the new Smarthome API (which is not documented correctly) in order to get the related changes. I did not check your implementation but i think the you are looking to the to events like callscene, undoscene, callscenebus and perhaps to other events like deviceSensorValue etc..

If that is the case the answer from the callscene is not correctly processed. In the above event log you can see that callscene was called for zone 1134 (Wohnzimmer/Living Room) for sceneID 6 = AREA1_ON and than sceneID 1 = AREA1_OFF.

You can get a list of assigned scenes in zones by querying


But the DS IOBroker Plugins sets all devices to 100%. This could be if the plugin does not know which device is in which area or if the scenes are not handled correctly

1 - Area 1 Off
2 - Area 2 Off
3 - Area 3 Off
4 - Area 4 Off
6 - Area 1 On
7 - Area 2 On
8 - Area 3 On
9 - Area 4 On

Here is the Log from IOBroker

2022-02-02 17:06:33.048 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) EVENT: callScene: {"name":"callScene","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"6","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.049 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) DEVICE event {"name":"callScene","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"6","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.050 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) 1643817993050 PUSH Plan next queue entry (device-getOutputValue-302ed89f43f0000000004540005225dd00-undefined-undefined-undefined) for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300 and prio low in 4136ms
2022-02-02 17:06:33.050 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) DEVICE event {"name":"callScene","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"6","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.051 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) 1643817993051 PUSH Plan next queue entry (device-getOutputValue-302ed89f43f000000000454000524ea700-undefined-undefined-undefined) for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300 and prio low in 4135ms
2022-02-02 17:06:33.052 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) DEVICE event {"name":"callScene","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"6","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.052 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) 1643817993052 PUSH Plan next queue entry (device-getOutputValue-302ed89f43f000000000454000521e5d00-undefined-undefined-undefined) for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300 and prio low in 4134ms
2022-02-02 17:06:33.053 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) DEVICE event {"name":"callScene","properties":{"callOrigin":"2","zoneID":"1134","originToken":"","originDSUID":"0000000000000000000000000000000000","sceneID":"6","groupID":"1"},"source":{"set":".zone(1134).group(1)","groupID":1,"zoneID":1134,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.053 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) 1643817993053 PUSH Plan next queue entry (device-getOutputValue-302ed89f43f0000000004540005221f800-undefined-undefined-undefined) for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300 and prio low in 4133ms
2022-02-02 17:06:33.075 - info: digitalstrom.0 (17775) State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.1134.1.scenes.sceneId" has to be type "number" but received type "string"
2022-02-02 17:06:33.082 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0./digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f0000000004540005225dd00.state:{"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1643817993077,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1643817993077}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.085 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f0000000004540005225dd00.state changed: true (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.087 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.
2022-02-02 17:06:33.088 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f0000000004540005225dd00.brightness changed: 100 (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.091 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0./digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f000000000454000524ea700.state:{"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1643817993077,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1643817993077}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.094 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f000000000454000524ea700.state changed: true (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.097 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.
2022-02-02 17:06:33.100 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f000000000454000524ea700.brightness changed: 100 (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.100 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0./digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f000000000454000521e5d00.state:{"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1643817993078,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1643817993078}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.102 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f000000000454000521e5d00.state changed: true (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.104 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.
2022-02-02 17:06:33.106 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f000000000454000521e5d00.brightness changed: 100 (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.108 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0./digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f0000000004540005221f800.state:{"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1643817993078,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1643817993078}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.110 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f0000000004540005221f800.state changed: true (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.114 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.
2022-02-02 17:06:33.116 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400001067300.302ed89f43f0000000004540005221f800.brightness changed: 100 (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.118 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0./digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.1134.1.scenes.Area1On:{"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1643817993081,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1643817993081}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.120 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.1134.1.scenes.Area1On changed: true (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.126 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.
2022-02-02 17:06:33.128 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.1134.1.scenes.Area1Off changed: false (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.129 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0./digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.1134.1.scenes.sceneId:{"val":"6","ack":true,"ts":1643817993081,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1643817993081}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.131 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.1134.1.scenes.sceneId changed: 6 (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.283 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) EVENT: deviceSensorValue: {"name":"deviceSensorValue","properties":{"contextMsg":"","contextId":"0","sensorValueFloat":"23.3","sensorIndex":"0","sensorType":"9"},"source":{"set":"dsid(385c0e7a2f724217b2e119a6c4577d9e00)","dsid":"385c0e7a2f724217b2e119a6c4577d9e00","zoneID":7,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":false,"isDevice":true,"dSUID":"385c0e7a2f724217b2e119a6c4577d9e00"}}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.289 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) EVENT: zoneSensorValue: {"name":"zoneSensorValue","properties":{"sensorValueFloat":"23.275","originDSID":"1eebf52afcf15cc8c09a745e835adeea00","sensorType":"9","sensorValue":"2657"},"source":{"set":".zone(7).group(0)","groupID":0,"zoneID":7,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":true,"isDevice":false}}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.297 - info: digitalstrom.0 (17775) State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.7.sensors.TemperatureValue" has to be type "number" but received type "string"
2022-02-02 17:06:33.298 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.
2022-02-02 17:06:33.299 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.devices.1eebf52afcf15cc8c09a745e835adeea00.385c0e7a2f724217b2e119a6c4577d9e00.sensors.0 changed: 23.3 (ack = true)
2022-02-02 17:06:33.303 - silly: digitalstrom.0 (17775) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.*/digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.7.sensors.TemperatureValue:{"val":"23.275","ack":true,"ts":1643817993298,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1643817273342}
2022-02-02 17:06:33.304 - debug: digitalstrom.0 (17775) state digitalstrom.0.apartment.0.7.sensors.TemperatureValue changed: 23.275 (ack = true)

Furthermore i think, not checked it yet correctly, that if i change the preset value of Preset 1 to 10%, 2 to 25%, 3 to 75% and 4 to 100%. I think the plugin sets the value to 100% even if it is only 10%. Has to check it later.

Last but not least if i use the dimming feature a brightness value of between 0 and 1 can occur. Caused by the fact that the plugin is not showing any digits after the comma you should handle only 0,000 as 0 and 0,001-0,999 as 1 as long as you will only support integer values instead of floaring values. This is even a bug in the Digitalstrom App self.

State issues since dSS Update 1.19.3 - state wrong

It seems that since the update to version 1.19.3 the states of lights are no longer represented correctly. Example:

I have two simple light bulbs (each via GE-KM300) in one room. Both lights can be switched individually via app and adapter state true/false. This still works correctly. However, if I switch on only one physical light switch or via the Digitalstrom app, the state of both lights will be set to true in ioBroker. (

Further tests indicated that this is independent of the connected DS hardware (f.e. GE-KM300 and GE-KL200), it will change the status of all devices connected in the room wrongly.

Who has faced similar problems since a few days?

- Platform linux
- Modell ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
- Node.js v14.19.3
- NPM 6.14.14
- ioBroker 5.4.9
- Digitalstrom Adapter 2.3.0

I have the same behavior in all groups. I have already reset the iobroker object tree, restarted the dss server and adapters several times without improvement. Who can help that I can finally use my light again? :)


Describe the bug
Mehr eine Frage als in Bug.
Ist die Anwesenheitssimulation irgendwo in ioBroker ersichtlich und steuerbar?
Ich habe das Feld Holiday unter Appartment States gefunden, aber ich hab nicht gesehen, was es triggered.

Expected behavior
Im Idealfall kann man die Anwesenheitssimulation aus ioBroker abfragen und setzen.


  • DSS:
  • iOBroker Adapter: 2.0.5
  • ioBroker.admin 4.0.10

Additional context
Danke für die tolle Arbeit

immernoch Log Fehler

Describe the bug
ein Neu-Start vom Adapter hat nichts gebracht
auch ein Löschen und neuinstallieren der Instanz bringt noch viele Fehler, siehe ANhang

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '...'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots & Logfiles
If applicable, add screenshots and logfiles to help explain your problem.

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:19.400	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunelevation" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:19.333	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunazimuth" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:09.935	info	Subscribed to states ...

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.833	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.831	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.828	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.824	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.820	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.817	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.753	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.747	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.744	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.741	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.738	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.735	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.732	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.665	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.659	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.656	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.653	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.650	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.646	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.644	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.575	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.569	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.566	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.563	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.560	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.557	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.554	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.465	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.460	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.457	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.455	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.452	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.449	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.446	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.392	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.385	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.382	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.379	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.376	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.373	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.371	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.315	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.309	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.307	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.304	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.301	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.299	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.296	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.241	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.235	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.232	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.229	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.226	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.223	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.219	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.154	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.148	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.145	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.142	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.139	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.136	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.134	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.073	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.068	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.065	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.062	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.060	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.057	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:05.054	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.988	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.982	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.979	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.976	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.973	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.970	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.967	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.912	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.906	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.NominalValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.903	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.ControlValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.900	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.BrightnessValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.897	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.887	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.HumidityValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.884	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.TemperatureValue"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.827	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.796	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id ""

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.793	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daynight_indoors"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.790	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daylight"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.787	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.twilight"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.783	info	undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daynight"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.781	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.heating_water_system" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.773	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daynight_indoors_state" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.770	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daylight_state" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.767	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.twilight_state" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:23:04.763	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daynight_state" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:57.453	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:57.349	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:57.238	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:57.132	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:57.031	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:56.926	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:56.806	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:56.702	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:56.583	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:56.475	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:56.311	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:56.192	info	State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:52.045	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c0000040c500.303505d7f800000000000f000009797300.shadePositionOutside" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:48.462	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c0000039ca00.303505d7f800000000000f000008885100.shadePositionOutside" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:46.790	info	Create 3240 objects ...

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:38.372	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c0000040c500.303505d7f800000000000f00000965af00.shadePositionOutside" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:34.790	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c0000039ca00.303505d7f800000000000f000008870900.shadePositionOutside" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:31.159	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000396900.303505d7f800000000000f0000097a2300.shadePositionOutside" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:27.716	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000395c00.303505d7f8000000000000800002623600.brightness" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:27.715	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000395c00.303505d7f8000000000000800002623600.state" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:20.733	warn	Queued entry ERROR device/getOutputValue and {"dsuid":"303505d7f80000000000008000024c8100","offset":0,"category":"manual","token":"143f4db5b272ffaaae041d140bcfc368d84e02d62c06e9d0898f1b133c2de912"}: {"error":null,"status_code":500}

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:09.089	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000396900.303505d7f80000000000008000024c3e00.brightness" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:09.087	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000396900.303505d7f80000000000008000024c3e00.state" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:05.672	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000395c00.303505d7f80000000000008000024c6d00.brightness" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:05.668	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000395c00.303505d7f80000000000008000024c6d00.state" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:22:02.181	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000395300.303505d7f800000000000f000009787200.shadePositionOutside" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:21:51.473	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000395f00.303505d7f800000000000f00000978cc00.shadePositionOutside" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:21:47.959	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000396900.303505d7f8000000000004c00009723100.brightness" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:21:47.957	warn	State "digitalstrom.0.devices.303505d7f8000000000002c00000396900.303505d7f8000000000004c00009723100.state" has no existing object, this might lead to an error in future versions

483924	2021-08-10 17:21:38.695	info	starting. Version 2.2.1 in C:/Program Files/iobroker/SmartHome/node_modules/iobroker.digitalstrom, node: v12.22.4, js-controller: 3.3.15
2021-08-10 17:21:33.705	info	host.NUC2(SmartHome) instance system.adapter.digitalstrom.0 started with pid 483924


  • Adapter version:
  • JS-Controller version:
  • Node version:
  • Operating system:

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Adapter 0.3.1

Hallo seid dem ich den neuen Adapter installiert habe wird er nicht mehr grün.Hab ein wenig gewartet und neu gestartet keine Chance.

Devices EnergyMeterValue

werden die Daten für den bisherigen Stromverbrauch der einzelnen DSM
nicht ausgegeben?
Bei mir werden nur die momentanten Verbrauchswerte "digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000569000.PowerConsumption"
In der Doku wird dieses Feature als implementiert beschrieben.


  • Adapter version: 2.0.5
  • JS-Controller version: 4.10.15
  • Node version: v12.21.0
  • Operating system: RaspberryPi

Danke für die bisher tolle Arbeit!

Wrong datatype received

Describe the bug
log-file shows:
2021-07-27 09:00:46.413 - �[32minfo�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (7320) State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunelevation" has to be type "number" but received type "string"
2021-07-27 09:01:46.579 - �[32minfo�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (7320) State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunazimuth" has to be type "number" but received type "string"
2021-07-27 09:01:46.644 - �[32minfo�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (7320) State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunelevation" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Expected behavior
no such loggings

Screenshots & Logfiles
If applicable, add screenshots and logfiles to help explain your problem.


  • Adapter version: 2.2.0
  • JS-Controller version:
  • Node version: v12.22.3
  • Operating system: Windows 10

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Wrong temperature since latest ds update

I habe a couple of temperature / humidity sensors i digitalstrom (enocean). Since the latest ds update (May 19th) I receive wrong temperatures in iobroker. In the ds system it shows the correct floating point number (e.g 23.994) but the object in iobroker shows 152.55. Anyone else seeing this - idea how to fix?


Falsche Werte nach Szenen Aufruf über DS

Wenn ich über die DS App, einen Taster oder das DS Webinterface eine Szene in einem Raum aufrufe stimmen die Werte in IOBroker nicht.
Beim Aufruf von Szene 1/11/21 haben alle Lampen 100%
Beim Aufruf von Szene 2/12/21 haben alle Lampen 75%
Beim Aufruf von Szene 3/13/23 haben alle Lampen 50%
Beim Aufruf von Szene 4/14/24 haben alle Lampen 25%

Dieser Wert aktualisiert sich dann irgendwann. Bei mir dauert es bei 5 Geräten im Raum, aber ca 4-6min.
In dieser Zeit kann ich also nicht sagen, ob ich korrekte Werte habe.

Wenn Stimmung 1 z.B. alle Lampen auf 1% ist.
Denkt IO und damit auch Yahka, für 4-6min, dass alle Lampen auf 100% an sind.

Lässt sich dieses Problem irgendwie fixen oder hat das was mit der Übertragung von DS zu tun?


Nach Neustart sind Influx Verbindungen weg

Describe the bug
Sobald der Digitalstrom-Server neu gestartet wird, sind alle Influx Verbindungen weg und müssen neu erstellt werden. Ich habe immer eine alias ID vergeben. Ist das allenfalls das Problem, dass das nicht mehr zusammen findet?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Neustart DS Server

Expected behavior
Nach dem Neustart werden die Daten weiter in der Influx Datenbank gespeichert.


  • Adapter version: <2.3.0>
  • JS-Controller version: <5.0.16>
  • Node version: <18.18.2>
  • Operating system:

sensors.outdoor.sunelevation" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

Describe the bug
digitalstrom.0 | 2022-11-04 07:02:08.293 | info | State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunelevation" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

digitalstrom.0 | 2022-11-04 07:02:08.190 | info | State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunazimuth" has to be type "number" but received type "string"



  • Adapter version: v2.3.0
  • JS-Controller version: 16.18.0
  • Node version: 8.19.2
  • Operating system: linux

Man log entries frequently

Describe the bug
The lof lists a bunch of info and warnings since update to the latest versions

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'log', even after starting the adapter
  2. Click on '...'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior
no such log-entries

Screenshots & Logfiles
2021-08-09 20:09:02.068 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunelevation" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:09:02.000 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunazimuth" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:34.738 info Subscribed to states ...

2021-08-09 20:08:30.736 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.734 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.731 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.729 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.726 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.724 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.660 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.4.9.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.655 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.653 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.651 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.648 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.645 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.643 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.582 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.12.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.577 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.575 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.572 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.569 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.567 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.564 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.499 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.11.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.493 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.491 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.488 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.486 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.484 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.481 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.419 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.3.8.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.414 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.411 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.407 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.405 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.402 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.400 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.330 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.5.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.325 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.323 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.320 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.318 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.315 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.313 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.246 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.6.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.241 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.238 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.235 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.233 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.230 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.227 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.164 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.3.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.159 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.156 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.154 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.151 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.149 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.146 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.072 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.7.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.066 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.064 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.061 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.058 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.056 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:30.046 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.940 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.2.4.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.934 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.931 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.928 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.925 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.922 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.920 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.843 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.16581.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.836 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.833 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.831 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.828 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.826 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.823 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.761 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.2.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.756 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.NominalValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.754 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.ControlValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.751 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.BrightnessValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.749 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.CO2ConcentrationValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.746 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.HumidityValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.744 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.sensors.TemperatureValue"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.684 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.states.heating" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.656 info undefined is not a valid state value for id ""

2021-08-09 20:08:29.654 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daynight_indoors"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.652 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daylight"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.650 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.twilight"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.648 info undefined is not a valid state value for id "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daynight"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.645 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.heating_water_system" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.638 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daynight_indoors_state" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.635 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daylight_state" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.632 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.twilight_state" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:29.629 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.states.daynight_state" has to be type "boolean" but received type "string"

2021-08-09 20:08:15.425 info Create 3240 objects ...

2021-08-09 20:07:16.564 info starting. Version 2.2.1 in C:/Program Files/iobroker/SmartHome/node_modules/iobroker.digitalstrom, node: v

digitalstrom.0 2021-08-10 15:49:21.890 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunelevation" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

digitalstrom.0 2021-08-10 15:49:21.832 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunazimuth" has to be type "number" but received type "string"

digitalstrom.0 2021-08-10 15:48:37.351 info INVALID scenecall

digitalstrom.0 2021-08-10 15:48:37.350 warn Can not set unknown state undefined

digitalstrom.0 2021-08-10 15:48:36.028 info State value to set for "digitalstrom.0.apartment.1.1.2.scenes.sceneId" has to be type "number" but received type "string"


  • Adapter version: 2.2.1
  • JS-Controller version: 3.3.15
  • Node version: v12.22.4
  • Operating system: Windows X64

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Output values (airFlowIntensity) der BL-UMV200 werden nicht / fehlerhaft gesetzt

Describe the bug
Beim Setzen der Ausgangswerte für die 0-10V Ausgänge der Lüftungssteuerungsklemme BL-UMV200 (.airFlowIntensity) werden Werte zwischen 1 und 99 nicht gesetzt und der Server liefert einen 500er Fehler zurück. Lediglich für die Werte "0" und "100" werden die Werte erfolgreich gesetzt und die Klemme legt die entsprechende Spannung an. Die aktuellen dSS Werte für .airFlowIntensity werden auch nicht abgerufen und aktualisiert.

Expected behavior
Der aktuelle Ausgangswert am jeweiligen UMV Ausgang wird im Knoten .airFlowIntensity dargestellt. Das Setzen eines Wertes zwischen 0-100% setzt den Ausgang entsprechend auf 0-10V (bzw. 1-10V)

Screenshots & Logfiles

Beispiel 1: Fehler beim Versuch des Setzens der "airFlowIntensity" (0-10V Ausgang der BL-Klemme) auf Value = 10%):

2021-06-15 15:04:54.951 - �[35msilly�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.*/digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900.302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00.airFlowIntensity:{"val":10,"ack":false,"ts":1623769494950,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.admin.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1623769494950}
2021-06-15 15:04:54.951 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900.302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00.airFlowIntensity changed: 10 (ack = false)
2021-06-15 15:04:54.951 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) 1623769494951 PUSH Plan next queue entry (device-setConfig-302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00-undefined-undefined-undefined) for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900 and prio high in 500ms
2021-06-15 15:04:55.452 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) 1623769495452 PROCESS Queued entry 0 - device/setConfig and {"dsuid":"302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00","value":26,"category":"manual","class":64}
2021-06-15 15:04:55.519 - �[33mwarn�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) Queued entry ERROR device/setConfig and {"dsuid":"302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00","value":26,"category":"manual","class":64,"token":"4fb4f7711925c575c9af94c6b99e047d564d269dc3d380a55320efcc97df4521"}: {"error":null,"status_code":500}
2021-06-15 15:04:55.519 - �[33mwarn�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) Error when setting output value for 302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00: [object Object]
2021-06-15 15:04:55.519 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) 1623769495519 PROCESS-ERR Plan next queue entry for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900 and prio none in 500ms

Beispiel 2: erfolgreiches Setzen bei value = 0 (und nachträglich wird entsprechend auf dSS SceneID 13 (Minimum) ausgelöst)

2021-06-15 15:17:26.216 - �[35msilly�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0./digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900.302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00.airFlowIntensity:{"val":0,"ack":true,"ts":1623770246215,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1623770216917}
2021-06-15 15:17:26.216 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900.302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00.airFlowIntensity changed: 0 (ack = true)
2021-06-15 15:17:26.295 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) EVENT: callScene: {"name":"callScene","properties":{"originToken":"ba3510aaab2b8dad4a0bc0ab001fa0bd632e44794db831cd96b54437db0b7259","sceneID":"13","callOrigin":"2"},"source":{"set":"dsid(302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00)","dsid":"302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00","zoneID":60633,"isApartment":false,"isGroup":false,"isDevice":true,"dSUID":"302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00"}}
2021-06-15 15:17:26.297 - �[35msilly�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.
2021-06-15 15:17:26.297 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900.302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00.scenes.Minimum changed: true (ack = true)
2021-06-15 15:17:26.298 - �[35msilly�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.*/digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900.302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00.scenes.sceneId:{"val":"13","ack":true,"ts":1623770246296,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1623770097064}
2021-06-15 15:17:26.298 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecd900.302ed89f43f0000000007500001260bd00.scenes.sceneId changed: 13 (ack = true)

Zum Vergleich das erfolgreiche Setzen eines 0-10V values an einer ähnlichen Klemme (allerdings für Licht) GE-UMV200 ( hier ist ".brightness" der 0-10V Ausgang der Klemme), bevor der Wert gesetzt wird, wird hier allerdings noch das Relais der Klemme gesetzt (.state):

2021-06-15 14:57:59.410 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) 1623769079410 PROCESS Queued entry 0 - device/setValue and {"dsuid":"302ed89f43f0000000000f00000f420900","value":26,"category":"manual"}
2021-06-15 14:57:59.508 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) 1623769079508 Queued entry processed device/setValue and {"dsuid":"302ed89f43f0000000000f00000f420900","value":26,"category":"manual","token":"4fb4f7711925c575c9af94c6b99e047d564d269dc3d380a55320efcc97df4521"}: {"ok":true}
2021-06-15 14:57:59.508 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) 1623769079508 PROCESS Plan next queue entry for 302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecaa00 and prio none in 500ms
2021-06-15 14:57:59.510 - �[35msilly�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0./digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecaa00.302ed89f43f0000000000f00000f420900.state:{"val":true,"ack":true,"ts":1623769079509,"q":0,"from":"system.adapter.digitalstrom.0","user":"system.user.admin","lc":1623769079509}
2021-06-15 14:57:59.510 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecaa00.302ed89f43f0000000000f00000f420900.state changed: true (ack = true)
2021-06-15 14:57:59.511 - �[35msilly�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) States user redis pmessage digitalstrom.0.
2021-06-15 14:57:59.511 - �[34mdebug�[39m: digitalstrom.0 (2803) state digitalstrom.0.devices.302ed89f43f0000000000e400000ecaa00.302ed89f43f0000000000f00000f420900.brightness changed: 10 (ack = true)


  • Adapter version: 2.2
  • Node version: v12.21.0
  • ubuntu 20.4

Release script: Action required

Hi, it looks like you are using @alcalzone/release-script to manage your releases.
When updating to the latest version, you need to remove the following line from your .github/workflows/test-and-release.yml if you want the releases to keep working:

    # Trigger this step only when a commit on master is tagged with a version number
    if: |
      contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[skip ci]') == false &&
      github.event_name == 'push' &&
-     github.event.base_ref == 'refs/heads/master' &&
      startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')

It may also look like this one:

    # Trigger this step only when a commit on master is tagged with a version number
    if: |
      contains(github.event.head_commit.message, '[skip ci]') == false &&
      github.event_name == 'push' &&
-     github.event.base_ref == 'refs/heads/main' &&
      startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')

String instead of number

Ein paar Werte sind als String anstatt als zahl definiert. Habe ich gerade beim neu Einlesen im Log gefunden:

digitalstrom.0 2021-01-11 12:26:35.265 warn (21963) This value will not be set in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
digitalstrom.0 2021-01-11 12:26:35.265 warn (21963) State value to set is invalid for digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunelevation: The state property "ts" has the wrong type "string" (should be "number")!
digitalstrom.0 2021-01-11 12:26:35.255 warn (21963) This value will not be set in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
digitalstrom.0 2021-01-11 12:26:35.254 warn (21963) State value to set is invalid for digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.sunazimuth: The state property "ts" has the wrong type "string" (should be "number")!
digitalstrom.0 2021-01-11 12:26:35.249 warn (21963) This value will not be set in future versions. Please report this to the developer.
digitalstrom.0 2021-01-11 12:26:35.249 warn (21963) State value to set is invalid for digitalstrom.0.apartment.sensors.outdoor.temperature: The state property "ts" has the wrong type "string" (should be "number")!

Think about to fix the issues found by adapter checker

I am an automatic service that looks for possible errors in ioBroker and creates an issue for it. The link below leads directly to the test:

  • [E605] No actual year found in copyright. Please add "Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Apollon77 [email protected]" at the end of
  • [E701] No actual year found in LICENSE. Please add "Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Apollon77 [email protected]" at the start of LICENSE

your automatic adapter checker.

Connection does not work after dss restart or after some time

I am not exactly sure if it happens after a certain time or only when the DSS is restarted.
I figured out several times now that suddenly the connection to the DSS server does not work correctly anymore - values do not get refreshed in iobroker and commands done in iobroker will not be reflected in DS. Only a restart of the adapter brings a working connection back. The last values nevertheless stay inside the system and iobroker tells that the connector was connected successfully (green connection icon) - but actually there is no successful exchange possible any longer.
Would be great if the adapter was able to check the connectivity regularly (maybe via a regularly updated value that every DS system delivers - like e.g. sunazimuth) and reestablish connection correctly if values do not change any more... - as a full restart will take a lot of time...
Version is 2.0.5
BR, Arne

DS Hue App DP are not writable

Describe the bug
If I change the value of level.brightness it change to red. The lampe doesn't make anything. Same for colortenp. If I change a preset it work instantly

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add Hue App in DS and load all lamps
  2. open objects in iob and go to ds/device/hue/lamp xy
  3. change the value
  4. See number in red and no effect on the lamp

Expected behavior
The lamp shine in the level I put in.

Screenshots & Logfiles
There is no issue in the protocol on debug mode


  • Adapter version: <2.3.0>
  • JS-Controller version: <4.0.23>
  • Node version: <v14.20.0>
  • Operating system:

Adapter startet nicht

Adapter 1.0.1 installiert
JS-Controller 2.2.8

Der Adapter startet nur mit einer Fehlermeldung im Log:
(7102) Error while initializing Data: Error on query user-defined-states: [object Object]

Werte (Objekte) werden keine angelegt

Log im Anhang (debug)


Shutterlevel is not updating new value

Describe the bug
If close or open an Shuttergroup (not each device) the behavier is as expacted all shutter of the group are moving. If I go to each device and check the shutterlevel it didn't change in any way. If I have a look on Digitalstrom directly the level has changed. If I restart the instance it got the right shutterlevel value.

Short if I change the group i have no feedback on the device.

There is no error in the log or something.

I checked it with an other user and he have the same.


  • Adapter version: v2.3.0
  • JS-Controller version: v16.19.1
  • Node version: 8.19.3
  • Operating system: Ubuntu

Status der Enocean Fenstersensoren Typ: EnOcean single contact (D5-00-01)

Es scheint, dass der Bug noch nicht gefixt ist.
Im Plan44 bekomme ich die Stati 0/1 für die Fenstersensoren angezeigt, leider wird durch den ioBroker.digitalstrom V2.05 nur die Stati 1/2 angezeigt.
Was zur Folge natürlich falsche Anzeigen der Widgets hat, nämlich gekippt statt geschlossen, geöffnet stimmt aber.
Dieser Sensor kann nur offen(0) oder geschlossen(1) feststellen, da es sich nicht um einen Fenstergriff mit 3 Stati handelt.

Gruss BA2000

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