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xhook's Introduction




Android PLT hook 概述 中文版

xHook is a PLT (Procedure Linkage Table) hook library for Android native ELF (executable and shared libraries).

xHook has been keeping optimized for stability and compatibility.


  • Support Android 4.0 - 10 (API level 14 - 29).
  • Support armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
  • Support ELF HASH and GNU HASH indexed symbols.
  • Support SLEB128 encoded relocation info.
  • Support setting hook info via regular expressions.
  • Do not require root permission or any system permissions.
  • Do not depends on any third-party shared libraries.


  • Download Android NDK r16b, set environment PATH. (support for armeabi has been removed since r17)

  • Build and install the native libraries.



cd ./xhookwrapper/
./gradlew assembleDebug
adb install ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk


External API header file: libxhook/jni/xhook.h

1. Register hook info

int xhook_register(const char  *pathname_regex_str,  
                   const char  *symbol,  
                   void        *new_func,  
                   void       **old_func);

In current process's memory space, in every loaded ELF which pathname matches regular expression pathname_regex_str, every PLT entries to symbol will be replaced with new_func. The original one will be saved in old_func.

The new_func must have the same function declaration as the original one.

Return zero if successful, non-zero otherwise.

The regular expression for pathname_regex_str only support POSIX BRE (Basic Regular Expression).

2. Ignore some hook info

int xhook_ignore(const char *pathname_regex_str,  
                 const char *symbol);

Ignore some hook info according to pathname_regex_str and symbol, from registered hooks by xhook_register. If symbol is NULL, xhook will ignore all symbols from ELF which pathname matches pathname_regex_str.

Return zero if successful, non-zero otherwise.

The regular expression for pathname_regex_str only support POSIX BRE.

3. Do hook

int xhook_refresh(int async);

Do the real hook operations according to the registered hook info.

Pass 1 to async for asynchronous hook. Pass 0 to async for synchronous hook.

Return zero if successful, non-zero otherwise.

xhook will keep a global cache for saving the last ELF loading info from /proc/self/maps. This cache will also be updated in xhook_refresh. With this cache, xhook_refresh can determine which ELF is newly loaded. We only need to do hook in these newly loaded ELF.

4. Clear cache

void xhook_clear();

Clear all cache owned by xhook, reset all global flags to default value.

If you confirm that all PLT entries you want have been hooked, you could call this function to save some memory.

5. Enable/Disable debug info

void xhook_enable_debug(int flag);

Pass 1 to flag for enable debug info. Pass 0 to flag for disable. (disabled by default)

Debug info will be sent to logcat with tag xhook.

6. Enable/Disable SFP (segmentation fault protection)

void xhook_enable_sigsegv_protection(int flag);

Pass 1 to flag for enable SFP. Pass 0 to flag for disable. (enabled by default)

xhook is NOT a compliant business layer library. We have to calculate the value of some pointers directly. Reading or writing the memory pointed to by these pointers will cause a segmentation fault in some unusual situations and environment. The APP crash rate increased which caused by xhook is about one ten-millionth (0.0000001) according to our test. (The increased crash rate is also related to the ELFs and symbols you need to hook). Finally, we have to use some trick to prevent this harmless crashing. We called it SFP (segmentation fault protection) which consists of: sigaction(), SIGSEGV, siglongjmp() and sigsetjmp().

You should always enable SFP for release-APP, this will prevent your app from crashing. On the other hand, you should always disable SFP for debug-APP, so you can't miss any common coding mistakes that should be fixed.


//detect memory leaks
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "malloc",  my_malloc,  NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "calloc",  my_calloc,  NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "realloc", my_realloc, NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "free",    my_free,    NULL);

//inspect sockets lifecycle
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "getaddrinfo", my_getaddrinfo, NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "socket",      my_socket,      NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "setsockopt"   my_setsockopt,  NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "bind",        my_bind,        NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "listen",      my_listen,      NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "connect",     my_connect,     NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "shutdown",    my_shutdown,    NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "close",       my_close,       NULL);

//filter off and save some android log to local file
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "__android_log_write",  my_log_write,  NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "__android_log_print",  my_log_print,  NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "__android_log_vprint", my_log_vprint, NULL);
xhook_register(".*\\.so$", "__android_log_assert", my_log_assert, NULL);

//tracking (ignore linker and linker64)
xhook_register("^/system/.*$", "mmap",   my_mmap,   NULL);
xhook_register("^/vendor/.*$", "munmap", my_munmap, NULL);
xhook_ignore  (".*/linker$",   "mmap");
xhook_ignore  (".*/linker$",   "munmap");
xhook_ignore  (".*/linker64$", "mmap");
xhook_ignore  (".*/linker64$", "munmap");

//defense to some injection attacks
xhook_register(".*com\\.hacker.*\\.so$", "malloc",  my_malloc_always_return_NULL, NULL);
xhook_register(".*/libhacker\\.so$",     "connect", my_connect_with_recorder,     NULL);

//fix some system bug
xhook_register(".*some_vendor.*/libvictim\\.so$", "bad_func", my_nice_func, NULL);

//ignore all hooks in
xhook_ignore(".*/$", NULL);

//hook now!



See xHook Contributing Guide.


xHook is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.

xHook documentation is Creative Commons licensed, as found in the LICENSE-docs file.

xhook's People


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xhook's Issues



2.definitely failed when compiled with -O0 这个表示什么意思哈,局部定义的函数hook不到吗?


`void Java_com_qiyi_biz_NativeHandler_start(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj)

xhook_register("^/system/.*\\.so$",  "__android_log_print", my_system_log_print,  NULL);
xhook_register("^/vendor/.*\\.so$",  "__android_log_print", my_system_log_print,  NULL);
//xhook_register(".*/libtest\\.so$", "__android_log_print", my_libtest_log_print, NULL);

//just for testing
//xhook_ignore(".*/liblog\\.so$", "__android_log_print"); //ignore __android_log_print in
//xhook_ignore(".*/libjavacore\\.so$", NULL); //ignore all hooks in


2019-01-03 15:53:49.137 8594-8618/com.qiyi.xhookwrapper D/mytest: call directly. 216
2019-01-03 15:53:49.137 8594-8618/com.qiyi.xhookwrapper D/mytest: call from global ptr. 216
2019-01-03 15:53:49.137 8594-8618/com.qiyi.xhookwrapper D/mytest: call from local ptr. 216
2019-01-03 15:53:49.137 8594-8618/com.qiyi.xhookwrapper D/mytest: call from local ptr2. 216 (definitely failed when compiled with -O0)

如何 hook C++方法呢?

90 bool Exec(std::vectorstd::string& arg_vector, std::string* error_msg) {
91 int status = ExecAndReturnCode(arg_vector, error_msg);
92 if (status != 0) {
93 const std::string command_line(android::base::Join(arg_vector, ' '));
94 error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed execv(%s) because non-0 exit status",
95 command_line.c_str());
96 return false;
97 }
98 return true;
99 }
bool (org_Exec)(std::vectorstd::string&arg_vector, std::string error_msg) = NULL;
bool hook_Exec(std::vectorstd::string&arg_vector, std::string
error_msg) {
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "ElvisPreventDex2Oat", "hook_Exec222 false\n");
return false;
void *getHookMethod(){
return (void *)hook_Exec;
void **getOrgMethod(){
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "ElvisPreventDex2Oat", "org_Exec : %ld ",(long)org_Exec);
return (void )&org_Exec;
int hook_exec_result = xhook_register("
.so$", "Exec", (void *)getHookMethod(), (void **)getOrgMethod());


可否给一个c++hook 的demo呢?

Android4.4.3(arm)Hook libandroidfw.so中的函数失败。

使用了xhook 尝试去hook /frameworks/base/libs/androidfw/ZipFileRO.cpp中的inflateBuffer函数,在日志中显示成功。但是在调用该函数是,并没有打印相应的日志,也就是hook没有真正的起作用。请问这个怎么解决啊?


I/xhook: libxhook 1.1.9 (arm)
      hook: _ZN7android9ZipFileRO13inflateBufferEPvPKvjj @ /system/lib/, (0xa9c40259, 0xa9c48048)
I/xhook: init OK: /system/lib/ (REL ELF_HASH PLT:1360 DYN:1904 ANDROID:0)
    hooking _ZN7android9ZipFileRO13inflateBufferEPvPKvjj in /system/lib/
    found _ZN7android9ZipFileRO13inflateBufferEPvPKvjj at symidx: 14 (ELF_HASH)
    map refreshed
D/xhook:   b6deb000 /system/lib/


                   (void *) inflateBufferFake,
                   (void **) &inflateBuffer);
typedef bool (*inflateBufferType)(void *outBuf, const void *inBuf,
                                  size_t uncompLen, size_t compLen);

inflateBufferType inflateBuffer = NULL;

bool inflateBufferFake(void *outBuf, const void *inBuf, size_t uncompLen, size_t compLen) {
    DEBUG("invoke inflateBuffer");
    if (inflateBuffer != NULL) {
        return inflateBuffer(outBuf, inBuf, uncompLen, compLen);   
    } else {
        EGIS_ERROR("get the inflateBuffer function failed!");
        return false;

I can hook can't work

,I want hook "open" and close but "open " can't work,"close" loop execution

public void copyFile(String oldPath, String newPath) {
try {
int bytesum = 0;
int byteread = 0;
File oldfile = new File(oldPath);
if (oldfile.exists()) {
InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(oldPath);
FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(newPath);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1444];
int length;
while ( (byteread = != -1) {
bytesum += byteread;
fs.write(buffer, 0, byteread);

    catch (Exception e) {



hook android_getaddrinfofornet ,貌似没hook成功

机型:小米6 Android8.0.0



static int new_android_getaddrinfofornet(const char *hostname, const char *servname,
                                         const struct addrinfo *hints, unsigned netid,
                                         unsigned mark, struct addrinfo **res) {
    log_error("hahahha,wo hook dao l ->android_getaddrinfofornet ");
    log_error(hostname, "");
    if (hints->ai_flags == AI_NUMERICHOST) {
        if (fp) {
            fp(hostname, servname, hints, netid, mark, res);
    } else {
        const char *ip = getIpByHttpDns(hostname);
        if (ip != NULL) {
            log_error("httpdns 解析成功,直接走IP");
            log_error(ip, "");
            fp(ip, servname, hints, netid, mark, res);
        } else {
            fp(hostname, servname, hints, netid, mark, res);


    return 0;

    xhook_register("/system/lib/", "android_getaddrinfofornet",
                   (void *) new_android_getaddrinfofornet, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&fp));


08-28 14:53:01.919 30014-30014/com.example.guolei.myapplication I/xhook: libxhook 1.1.9 (arm)
08-28 14:53:01.925 30014-30118/com.example.guolei.myapplication I/xhook: init OK: /system/lib/ (REL GNU_HASH PLT:5392 DYN:11968 ANDROID:0)
    hooking android_getaddrinfofornet in /system/lib/
08-28 14:53:01.932 30014-30118/com.example.guolei.myapplication I/xhook: map refreshed

greadelf 工具查看sysbol

greadelf -s lib/| grep 'addrinfo'
    81: 000282e1    84 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 getaddrinfo@@LIBC
   618: 00028335    80 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 android_getaddrinfofornet@@LIBC_PRIVATE
   661: 00028271    30 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 freeaddrinfo@@LIBC
  1480: 00028385  2112 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 android_getaddrinfofornet@@LIBC_PRIVATE
  2253: 00028d99  1148 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT   13 _dns_getaddrinfo
  2254: 00028bc5   468 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT   13 _files_getaddrinfo
  8415: 00028385  2112 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 android_getaddrinfofornet
  8417: 00028271    30 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 freeaddrinfo
  8418: 00028335    80 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 android_getaddrinfofornet
  8420: 000282e1    84 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   13 getaddrinfo

[咨询] 文档代码不能在 mumu 模拟器上运行

~/repos/xHook/docs/overview/code [master] $ ./
./main/libs/armeabi-v7a/ 1 file pushed. 6.2 MB/s (13728 bytes in 0.002s)
./main/libs/armeabi-v7a/main: 1 file pushed. 7.3 MB/s (13784 bytes in 0.002s)
2 files pushed. 4.3 MB/s (27512 bytes in 0.006s)
/system/bin/sh: /data/local/tmp/main: not executable: 32-bit ELF file

just get the old func

execuse me, in my case , i just want to get the old_func and invoke it .
those are my logic:
void **old_func = NULL;
but when i try xhook_register(".*/libart\.so$", "XXX", NULL, old_func),
old_func is always NULL, can xhook just get the address of old_func?

好像无法hook exec 族的函数

int (*old_execve)(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);
int new_execve(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]){
    LOGD("hook sucessful");
    return 99;
int so_init(){
    LOGD("start so_init");
    xhook_register("/system/lib/", "execve", (void *)new_execve, (void**)&old_execve);
    LOGD("finshed so_init");
    return 0;

01-13 01:01:32.946 25904-25904/com.winer.proxyapp I/xhook: libxhook 1.1.10 (arm)
01-13 01:01:32.952 25904-25904/com.winer.proxyapp I/xhook: init OK: /system/lib/ (REL ELF_HASH PLT:5096 DYN:10872 ANDROID:0)
hooking execve in /system/lib/
found execve at symidx: 932 (ELF_HASH)
found execve at .rel.plt offset: 0x69db8
01-13 01:01:32.956 25904-25904/com.winer.proxyapp I/xhook: XH_HK_OK 0xb6e86db8: 0xb6e5708c -> 0xb3598a75 execve /system/lib/

日志上是成功的 不知道是不是fork影响的?

how to hook a member function ?

For example, how i can hook WebRequest:WebRequest funtion in webkit . Could you give more details example, thank u very much

用2中写法 hook mmap方法都会报错

环境: Android 6.0 x86模拟器

void *( my_mmap)(void *start, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset){
LOGD(" [mmap] =========“);
return old_mmap11(start, len, prot, flags, fd, offset);

xhook_register(".*libc\.so$", "mmap", (void )my_mmap, NULL); // 第一种写法
$", "mmap", my_mmap, NULL); // 第二种写法



看日志应该是hook有输出 ,但是实际 my_mmap没有执行

xhook_ignore 函数的调用问题

请问在 hook 一个函数之后,调用了xhook_refresh()函数使hook 生效.
之后如果想不 hook 该函数,调用xhook_ignore 之后,提示不要在 refresh 后调用.
那怎么实现动态的取消 hook 呢?

hook getaddrinfo

excuse me , when i use xhook to hook getaddrinfo, i just modify biz.c and add:
xhook_register("^/system/.\.so$", "getaddrinfo", my_getaddrinfo, NULL); xhook_register("^/vendor/.\.so$", "getaddrinfo", my_getaddrinfo, NULL);

my_getaddrinfo is defined as following:

static int my_getaddrinfo(const char* hostname, const char* servname,
const struct addrinfo* hints, struct addrinfo** res) {
LOGD("rock_hook getaddrinfo");
return getaddrinfo(hostname, servname, hints, res);

however , when I load a webview with, I can not receive the log, can you help me ?

hooking in JNI_OnLoad

I'm trying to dynamically load .so to debuggable apk by using jdwp:
and after loading my custom, i implimented a JNI_Onload function
JNIEXPORT jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void*) {
and try to do malloc hooking in it, but it seems didn't work. Everything works fine when i pack the so to the apk like before. But there's no malloc log when i'm using the above method.
So, is it because we can't do PLT hook in JNI_OnLoad or i'm doing something wrong here?


02-15 19:45:28.215: E/xhook(9452): get addr prot failed. ret: 1009
02-15 19:45:28.216: E/xhook(9452): replace function failed: fopen at .rel.plt
02-15 19:45:28.269: E/xhook(9452): get addr prot failed. ret: 1009
02-15 19:45:28.269: E/xhook(9452): replace function failed: access at .rel.plt
02-15 19:45:28.287: E/xhook(9452): get addr prot failed. ret: 1009
02-15 19:45:28.287: E/xhook(9452): replace function failed: chdir at .rel.plt
02-15 19:45:28.351: E/xhook(9452): get addr prot failed. ret: 1009
02-15 19:45:28.351: E/xhook(9452): replace function failed: __system_property_get at .rel.plt



  int test_add(int a,int b){

    return a+b;

Java_com_famgy_xhooktest_NativeHandler_test_1add(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,jint a,jint b)

    return test_add(a,b);


int (*ori_testadd)(jint,jint);

static int my_test_add(jint a,jint b){
    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "XHOOK====>> before ","a=%d ,b=%d", a,b);
    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "XHOOK====>> after ","a=%d ,b=%d", a,b);
    return ori_testadd(a,b);

xhook_register(".*/libxhooktest\\.so$", "test_add", my_test_add,(void**)&ori_testadd);


05-20 13:37:35.649 30579-30598/com.famgy.famgyelfhook I/xhook: init OK: /data/app/com.famgy.famgyelfhook-1/lib/arm/ (REL ELF_HASH PLT:96 DYN:88 ANDROID:0)
    hooking test_add in /data/app/com.famgy.famgyelfhook-1/lib/arm/
    found test_add at symidx: 3 (ELF_HASH)
05-20 13:37:35.649 30579-30598/com.famgy.famgyelfhook E/xhook: sym  equals ,r_sym=3 ,symidx=3
    type   equals ,r_type=22 ,XH_ELF_R_GENERIC_JUMP_SLOT=22
    方法不是plt类型 is_plt=1 ,r_type=22,XH_ELF_R_GENERIC_GLOB_DAT=21,XH_ELF_R_GENERIC_ABS=2
05-20 13:37:35.649 30579-30598/com.famgy.famgyelfhook I/xhook: found test_add at .rel.plt offset: 0x2fe8
05-20 13:37:35.651 30579-30598/com.famgy.famgyelfhook I/xhook: XH_HK_OK 0xb3406fe8: 0xb3404775 -> 0xb35066b5 test_add /data/app/com.famgy.famgyelfhook-1/lib/arm/
05-20 13:37:35.654 30579-30598/com.famgy.famgyelfhook I/xhook: map refreshed
05-20 13:37:35.847 30579-30579/com.famgy.famgyelfhook E/XHOOK====>> before: a=10 ,b=6
05-20 13:37:35.847 30579-30579/com.famgy.famgyelfhook E/XHOOK====>> after: a=20 ,b=6    


但是现在 有个问题是,按照上面的步骤,写另一个hooktest2.so的时候,调用里边的函数tt_add,如下


void (*ori_testadd)(int,int);

 static void my_dohook(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,jint sync)
    if(sync ==1)
        __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "XHOOK ====>>  before param ","sync=%d", sync);
        sync =5555;

     __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "XHOOK ====>>  change param ","sync=%d", sync);

static int register_hook()

      xhook_register(".*/libtest\\.so$", "tt_add", my_test_add,(void**)&ori_testadd);
    return 0;



void tt_add(int a,int b)

    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "XHOOK_TEST====> ","tt_add>>>>  a=%d , b =%d   c =a+b=%d",a,b,(a+b));


void Java_itsec_testerxhook_MainActivity_dohooktest(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj,jint sync)

    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "XHOOK_TEST====> ","Java_itsec_testerxhook_MainActivity_dohooktest >>>> ");

    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "XHOOK_TEST====> ","Java_itsec_testerxhook_MainActivity_dohooktest >>>>  sync=%d",sync);




05-20 13:18:15.606 29891-29909/itsec.testerxhook I/xhook: init OK: /data/app/itsec.testerxhook-1/lib/arm/ (REL ELF_HASH PLT:224 DYN:64 ANDROID:0)
    hooking tt_add in /data/app/itsec.testerxhook-1/lib/arm/
    found tt_add at symidx: 3 (ELF_HASH)
05-20 13:18:15.606 29891-29909/itsec.testerxhook E/xhook: hooking tt_add in /data/app/itsec.testerxhook-1/lib/arm/
    sym not equals ,r_sym=1 ,symidx=3 ,plt: is_plt=1
    sym not equals ,r_sym=4 ,symidx=3 ,plt: is_plt=1
    sym not equals ,r_sym=13 ,symidx=3 ,plt: is_plt=1
    sym not equals ,r_sym=15 ,symidx=3 ,plt: is_plt=1
    sym not equals ,r_sym=16 ,symidx=3 ,plt: is_plt=1   


cannot get target function name in taget so-file

after loading so-files in order (,,,I sucessfully hook malloc/free method,but fail to get back_trace symbols in thirdSDK with using dladdr(return empty character,just get symbol in xhookInject so).Thanks for your help.


case DT_HASH: 此时应该加个判断 self->is_use_gnu_hash 跳过,或者建立其他的bucket变量,否则会被覆盖,而且按gnu查找的时候会查找不到


  1. xh_core.c中未引入stdio.h导致编译时产生如下错误:
    jni/xh_core.c:140:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'FILE'
    FILE *fp;

  2. xh_elf.h中一些宏重复定义或者没有定义:

jni/xh_elf.c:61:9: error: 'ELF_R_SYM' macro redefined [-Werror,-Wmacro-redefined]
#define ELF_R_SYM(info) ELF32_R_SYM(info)
/Users/killer/AndTool/ndk/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include/sys/exec_elf.h:559:9: note: previous definition is here
#define ELF_R_SYM ELF32_R_SYM
jni/xh_elf.c:62:9: error: 'ELF_R_TYPE' macro redefined [-Werror,-Wmacro-redefined]
#define ELF_R_TYPE(info) ELF32_R_TYPE(info)
/Users/killer/AndTool/ndk/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/include/sys/exec_elf.h:560:9: note: previous definition is here
jni/xh_elf.c:906:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'DT_ANDROID_REL'
jni/xh_elf.c:907:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'DT_ANDROID_RELA'
jni/xh_elf.c:913:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'DT_ANDROID_RELSZ'
jni/xh_elf.c:914:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'DT_ANDROID_RELASZ'
jni/xh_elf.c:927:14: error: use of undeclared identifier 'DT_GNU_HASH'
jni/xh_elf.c:1026:28: error: use of undeclared identifier 'R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT'
if(is_plt && r_type != R_GENERIC_JUMP_SLOT) return 0;
jni/xh_elf.c:48:29: note: expanded from macro 'R_GENERIC_JUMP_SLOT'
jni/xh_elf.c:1027:30: error: use of undeclared identifier 'R_ARM_GLOB_DAT'
if(!is_plt && (r_type != R_GENERIC_GLOB_DAT && r_type != R_GENERIC_ABS)) return 0;
jni/xh_elf.c:49:29: note: expanded from macro 'R_GENERIC_GLOB_DAT'
#define R_GENERIC_GLOB_DAT R_ARM_GLOB_DAT //.rel.dyn
jni/xh_elf.c:1027:62: error: use of undeclared identifier 'R_ARM_ABS32'
if(!is_plt && (r_type != R_GENERIC_GLOB_DAT && r_type != R_GENERIC_ABS)) return 0;
jni/xh_elf.c:50:29: note: expanded from macro 'R_GENERIC_ABS'
#define R_GENERIC_ABS R_ARM_ABS32 //.rel.dyn
10 errors generated.

macOS 无法编译出相关 so 库

[armeabi] Compile thumb  : xhook <= xhook.c
[armeabi] Compile thumb  : xhook <= xh_core.c
/Users/hans/GitSpace/xHook/libxhook/jni/xh_core.c: In function 'xh_core_refresh_impl':
/Users/hans/GitSpace/xHook/libxhook/jni/xh_core.c:329:9: error: use of assignment suppression and length modifier together in gnu_scanf format [-Werror=format=]
         if(sscanf(line, "%"PRIxPTR"-%*lx %4s %lx %*x:%*x %*d%n", &base_addr, perm, &offset, &pathname_pos) != 3) continue;
cc1: all warnings being treated as errors
make: *** [/Users/hans/GitSpace/xHook/libxhook/obj/local/armeabi/objs/xhook/xh_core.o] Error 1
Android NDK: ERROR:/Users/hans/GitSpace/xHook/libbiz/jni/ LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file    
Android NDK: Check that /Users/hans/GitSpace/xHook/libbiz/jni/../../libxhook/libs/armeabi/ exists  or that its path is correct   
/Users/Hans/Library/Android/ndk/android-ndk-r12b/build/core/ *** Android NDK: Aborting    .  Stop.
[armeabi] Compile thumb  : test <= test.c
[armeabi] SharedLibrary  :
[armeabi] Install        : => libs/armeabi/
[armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb  : test <= test.c
[armeabi-v7a] SharedLibrary  :
[armeabi-v7a] Install        : => libs/armeabi-v7a/
[arm64-v8a] Compile        : test <= test.c
[arm64-v8a] SharedLibrary  :
[arm64-v8a] Install        : => libs/arm64-v8a/
[x86] Compile        : test <= test.c
[x86] SharedLibrary  :
[x86] Install        : => libs/x86/
[x86_64] Compile        : test <= test.c
[x86_64] SharedLibrary  :
[x86_64] Install        : => libs/x86_64/

请教一个问题关于 hook 系统 so 的

如果是一个native 程序,直接调用了 libc 的 open 函数,没有经过其他 so.那还可以 hook 这个 open 函数的调用吗 ? 我理解是不可以的,不知是否理解有误?请赐教.

Make it work for other process

This is a great work and works as expected. However, this approach only able to hook functions of the same process. I am trying hook native library function of other processes. Do you have any idea with which I can make this framework with other process (may be with root privilege or as a kernel module)?



int android_getnameinfofornet(const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t, char *, size_t, char *, size_t, int, unsigned, unsigned) LIBC_HIDDEN;

#define LIBC_HIDDEN attribute((visibility("hidden")))


xh_elf_plain_reloc_iterator_init(&plain_iter, self->relplt, self->relplt_sz, self->is_use_rela); while((NULL != (rel_common = xh_elf_plain_reloc_iterator_next(&plain_iter))) { if(0 != (r = xh_elf_find_and_replace_func(self, (self->is_use_rela ? ".rela.plt" : ".rel.plt"), 1, symbol, new_func, old_func, symidx, rel_common, &found))) return r; if(found) break; }
xh_elf_plain_reloc_iterator_init(&plain_iter, self->relplt, self->relplt_sz, self->is_use_rela); rel_common = plain_iter.cur; while(NULL != rel_common) //(NULL != (rel_common = xh_elf_plain_reloc_iterator_next(&plain_iter))) { if(0 != (r = xh_elf_find_and_replace_func(self, (self->is_use_rela ? ".rela.plt" : ".rel.plt"), 1, symbol, new_func, old_func, symidx, rel_common, &found))) return r; if(found) break; rel_common = xh_elf_plain_reloc_iterator_next(&plain_iter); }


换一种说法就是:如何在自己写的hook方法里面调用被hook的方法.比如,我要hook某个游戏的解密方法:char[] Decrypt(),把这个函数换成我的myDecrypt,然后在myDecrypt调用Decrypt方法,获取Decrypt方法的返回值,得到解密后的数据.我看了demo,发现没有这方面的代码,可以指教一下用xHook如何实现我说的这个功能吗.

gnu hash 及 dl_iterate_phdr 疑问

  1. gnu hash 查找方法,似乎与 一致。
    与 linker 稍有不同,当然结果肯定是一致的。
    linker 版本:

与此相关的一个疑问是,在 plt 查找过程中,基本上是要遍历两遍的。
一是 gnu hash 没有,要遍历 undef;另外就是直接遍历 plt。
这个过程,个人是觉得没有必须去遍历 undef hash,直接遍历 plt 就好。
目前的实现可能对 elf hash 友好一点。

  1. 有计划使用 dl_iterate_phdr 重写么?
    毕竟 android 4.X 以下越来越少,而使用 dl_iterate_phdr 的话,可能工作会轻松很多。
    自己尝试使用 dl_iterate_phdr 去检查是否被 hook,发现还比较简单。
    而在使用 dl_iterate_phdr 的过程中,发现直接部分替代 dlsym,完全可以替代系统隐藏的公开方法。


I am trying to use your project, but I do not know exactly how to proceed. Could you add some more documentation about how to create the hooks, use them, and interact with the Android application in the project?

Why not return r here (last line)?

int xh_elf_hook(xh_elf_t *self, const char *symbol, void *new_func, void **old_func)
    uint32_t                        symidx;
    void                           *rel_common;
    xh_elf_plain_reloc_iterator_t   plain_iter;
    xh_elf_packed_reloc_iterator_t  packed_iter;
    int                             found;
    int                             r;

    if(NULL == self->pathname)
        XH_LOG_ERROR("not inited\n");
        return XH_ERRNO_ELFINIT; //not inited?

    if(NULL == symbol || NULL == new_func) return XH_ERRNO_INVAL;

    XH_LOG_INFO("hooking %s in %s\n", symbol, self->pathname);
    //find symbol index by symbol name

    // NOTE: why not return r here
    if(0 != (r = xh_elf_find_symidx_by_name(self, symbol, &symidx))) return 0;

Hooking /system/bin/linker

Hello, I want to hook usages of open in linker, but it is not working. I can hook open in other libs, like libart but not in the linker. Is this not possible with xHook?

I want to hook this open specifically

Thank you for your wonderful tool.

int (*old_open)(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
int my_open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode) {

    int result = old_open(pathname, flags, mode);
    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "xHook", "open - %s, %d, result %d", pathname, flags, result);
    return result;

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) {
    JNIEnv* env;
    if (vm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6) != JNI_OK) {
        return JNI_ERR; // JNI version not supported.
    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "Culet", " JNI_OnLoad");
    xhook_register(".*\\linker$", "open", (void *)my_open, (void**)&old_open);
    return  JNI_VERSION_1_6;



#define PAGE_START(addr) ((addr)&PAGE_MASK)
#define PAGE_END(addr) (PAGE_START(addr + sizeof(uintptr_t) - 1) + PAGE_SIZE)
#define PAGE_COVER(addr) (PAGE_END(addr) - PAGE_START(addr))
#define PAGE_COVER(saddr,eaddr) (PAGE_END(eaddr) - PAGE_START(saddr))

xh_util_flush_instruction_cache函数和xh_util_set_addr_protect 函数都要改

Have problems to hook "new" rather than "malloc" in

I have used it to hook "malloc" in and it works. However, I can not hook "new" in Is this possible?
With the follow code:
xhook_register(".\.so$", "malloc", (void)my_malloc, NULL);
xhook_ignore(".*/libbiz\.so$", "malloc");
I can hook "new" in in this way.
However, if I try to use data structure in standard library to record some memory information(e.g. unordered_map) in biz.cpp, "new" can not be hooked. It seems that any called "new" in biz.cpp can cause that problem, maybe I have used this tool in a wrong way, I wish that anyone can help me, thanks.

hook libart.so的mmap函数,跳转不到新的new_mmap函数

Nexus5 CM12


LOGD("[+]xhook hook register");
    xhook_register(LIB_ART_PATH, "open", (void *)new_open, (void **)&old_open);
    xhook_register(LIB_ART_PATH, "mmap", (void *)new_mmap, (void **)&old_mmap);
     xhook_register(LIB_ART_PATH, "munmap", (void *)new_munmap, (void **)&old_munmap);
     if (xhook_refresh(0)) {
                LOGE("[-]xhook refresh failed");


I/xhook   ( 9542): libxhook 1.1.4 (arm)
I/xhook   ( 9542): init OK: /system/lib/ (REL ELF_HASH PLT:1736 DYN:53984 ANDROID:0
I/xhook   ( 9542): hooking open in /system/lib/
I/xhook   ( 9542): found open at symidx: 505 (ELF_HASH)
I/xhook   ( 9542): found open at .rel.plt offset: 0x304d78
I/xhook   ( 9542): XH_HK_OK 0xb47fad78: 0xb6dcf76d -> 0xaf3a26e9 open /system/lib/
I/xhook   ( 9542): hooking mmap in /system/lib/
I/xhook   ( 9542): found mmap at symidx: 522 (ELF_HASH)
I/xhook   ( 9542): found mmap at .rel.plt offset: 0x304d80
I/xhook   ( 9542): XH_HK_OK 0xb47fad80: 0xb6dd3521 -> 0xaf3a2ae9 mmap /system/lib/
I/xhook   ( 9542): hooking munmap in /system/lib/
I/xhook   ( 9542): found munmap at symidx: 525 (ELF_HASH)
I/xhook   ( 9542): found munmap at .rel.plt offset: 0x304d84

hook open函数 可以跳转到new_open函数,但是mmap和munmap函数不能跳转到新的函数

我看了下hook之后libart.so的got表 open mmap都被替换为了新的函数地址

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