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bulk_insert's Introduction


A little ActiveRecord extension for helping to insert lots of rows in a single insert statement.


Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'bulk_insert'


BulkInsert adds a new class method to your ActiveRecord models:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base

book_attrs = ... # some array of hashes, for instance
Book.bulk_insert do |worker|
  book_attrs.each do |attrs|

All of those #add calls will be accumulated into a single SQL insert statement, vastly improving the performance of multiple sequential inserts (think data imports and the like).

If you don't like using a block API, you can also simply pass an array of rows to be inserted:

book_attrs = ... # some array of hashes, for instance
Book.bulk_insert values: book_attrs

By default, the columns to be inserted will be all columns in the table, minus the id column, but if you want, you can explicitly enumerate the columns:

Book.bulk_insert(:title, :author) do |worker|
  # specify a row as an array of values...
  worker.add ["Eye of the World", "Robert Jordan"]

  # or as a hash
  worker.add title: "Lord of Light", author: "Roger Zelazny"

It will automatically set created_at/updated_at columns to the current date, as well.

Book.bulk_insert(:title, :author, :created_at, :updated_at) do |worker|
  # specify created_at/updated_at explicitly...
  worker.add ["The Chosen", "Chaim Potok",,]

  # or let BulkInsert set them by default...
  worker.add ["Hello Ruby", "Linda Liukas"]

Similarly, if a value is omitted, BulkInsert will use whatever default value is defined for that column in the database:

# create_table :books do |t|
#   ...
#   t.string "medium", default: "paper"
#   ...
# end

Book.bulk_insert(:title, :author, :medium) do |worker|
  worker.add title: "Ender's Game", author: "Orson Scott Card"

Book.first.medium #-> "paper"

By default, the batch is always saved when the block finishes, but you can explicitly save inside the block whenever you want, by calling #save! on the worker:

Book.bulk_insert do |worker|


That will save the batch as it has been defined to that point, and then empty the batch so that you can add more rows to it if you want. Note that all records saved together will have the same created_at/updated_at timestamp (unless one was explicitly set).

Batch Set Size

By default, the size of the insert is limited to 500 rows at a time. This is called the set size. If you add another row that causes the set to exceed the set size, the insert statement is automatically built and executed, and the batch is reset.

If you want a larger (or smaller) set size, you can specify it in two ways:

# specify set_size when initializing the bulk insert...
Book.bulk_insert(set_size: 100) do |worker|
  # ...

# specify it on the worker directly...
Book.bulk_insert do |worker|
  worker.set_size = 100
  # ...

Insert Ignore

By default, when an insert fails the whole batch of inserts fail. The ignore option ignores the inserts that would have failed (because of duplicate keys or a null in column with a not null constraint) and inserts the rest of the batch.

This is not the default because no errors are raised for the bad inserts in the batch.

destination_columns = [:title, :author]

# Ignore bad inserts in the batch
Book.bulk_insert(*destination_columns, ignore: true) do |worker|
  # ...

Update Duplicates (MySQL, PostgreSQL)

If you don't want to ignore duplicate rows but instead want to update them then you can use the update_duplicates option. Set this option to true (MySQL) or list unique column names (PostgreSQL) and when a duplicate row is found the row will be updated with your new values. Default value for this option is false.

destination_columns = [:title, :author]

# Update duplicate rows (MySQL)
Book.bulk_insert(*destination_columns, update_duplicates: true) do |worker|
  # ...

# Update duplicate rows (PostgreSQL)
Book.bulk_insert(*destination_columns, update_duplicates: %w[title]) do |worker|
  # ...

Return Primary Keys (PostgreSQL, PostGIS)

If you want the worker to store primary keys of inserted records, then you can use the return_primary_keys option. The worker will store a result_sets array of ActiveRecord::Result objects. Each ActiveRecord::Result object will contain the primary keys of a batch of inserted records.

worker = Book.bulk_insert(*destination_columns, return_primary_keys: true) do
  # ...


Ruby and Rails Versions Supported

⚠️ The scope of this gem may be somehow covered natively by the .insert_all API introduced by Rails 6. This gem represents the state of art for rails version < 6 and it is still open to further developments for more recent versions.

The current CI prevents regressions on the following versions:

ruby / rails ~>3 ~>4 ~>5 ~>6
2.2 yes yes no no
2.3 yes yes yes no
2.4 no yes yes no
2.5 no no yes yes
2.6 no no yes yes
2.7 no no yes yes

The adapters covered in the CI are:

  • sqlite
  • mysql
  • postgresql


BulkInsert is released under the MIT license (see MIT-LICENSE) by Jamis Buck ([email protected]).

bulk_insert's People


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bulk_insert's Issues

Result returned from INSERT is nil

Upgrading from v1.6.0 to v1.7.0, I'm seeing the following failure when trying to call save! on a bulk worker (using mysql2 v0.4.5 database connector against mysql v5.7.23 server):

D, [2018-10-11T09:17:07.739444 #72035] DEBUG -- : 2018-10-11 09:17:07.734938 D [72035:70195788170560] (0.727ms) ActiveRecord::Base -- SQL -- {:sql=>"INSERT  INTO `recent_files` (`repo_id`,`md5`,`size`,`created_at`,`updated_at`) VALUES (1,'ae3e83e2fab3a7d8683d8eefabd1e74d',3,'2018-10-11 16:17:07','2018-10-11 16:17:07')"}
E, [2018-10-11T09:17:07.740832 #72035] ERROR -- : 2018-10-11 09:17:07.735079 E [72035:70195788170560 bulk_insert_thread.rb:29] BulkInsertThread -- Exception: NoMethodError: undefined method `fields' for nil:NilClass
.../gems/activerecord-4.2.10/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/mysql2_adapter.rb:222:in `exec_query'
.../gems/bulk_insert-1.7.0/lib/bulk_insert/worker.rb:92:in `execute_query'
.../gems/bulk_insert-1.7.0/lib/bulk_insert/worker.rb:82:in `save!'
.../lib/modules/bulk_insert_thread.rb:27:in `block in initialize'

Update duplicates option currently updates all columns which may not be desirable

The current implementation of update_duplicates is such that it updates all columns if there is a conflict during the insert phase. This is not always desirable. A classic case is the created_at.

If an insert fails, and we want the update to happen instead we would typically want created_at to keep its existing value. An option to control this behaviour would be great.

Bulk Insert Concurrency

When trying to insert 60k records in a go , the total results in the database is 60k * 7

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: 'sqlserver', host: "xxx", username: "xxx", password: "xxx", database: "xxx", azure: true, port: 1433, timeout: 5000)

class Report < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.primary_key = 'id'

my_array = [] #count of 100000 records
Report.bulk_insert(:account_owner_id) do |worker|
  my_array.each do |arr|
    worker.add account_owner_id: arr[0]

This issue occurs when I add this to a cron/scheduler. This also occurs when the table to which insertion happens have a lot of data

before_create not working, Is there any solution?

rails: 6.0
ruby: 2.7.2
bulk_insert: 1.8.1


WrittenPadQuestion.bulk_insert(.....) do |worker|



belongs_to :original_question, optional: true

has_many :question_tag_relations, dependent: :destroy
has_many :tags, through: :question_tag_relations

before_create :setup_tags


def setup_tags
  self.tag_ids = original_question.tag_ids

before_create not working, Is there any solution?

Make it work properly without *_id when it's a relation

When not using *_id on a relation when building the attr hash, .bulk_insert runs without errors, but no records are inserted.


  1. Take advantage of AR to discover if it's a relation and properly format with *_id when building the SQL
  2. Throw an error if something goes wrong

Abstract database-specific statements

I think that library structure would probably benefit from having database-specific behaviour abstracted to some sort of statement adapters. Currently it's heavily relying on ifs which is not really easy to maintain or modify.

It might be also good to consider keyword arguments. It's always easy mix an order of long list of arguments.

Sample code ans structure below.

module BulkInsert
  module StatementAdapters
    class GenericAdapter
      def insert_ignore_statement

      def on_conflict_ignore_statement

      def on_conflict_update_statement

      def primary_key_return_statement
require 'bulk_insert/statement_adapters/generic_adapter'
require 'bulk_insert/statement_adapters/mysql_adapter'
require 'bulk_insert/statement_adapters/postgresql_adapter'
require 'bulk_insert/statement_adapters/sqlite_adapter'

module StatementAdapter
  def self.for(connection)
    case connection.adapter_name
    when /^mysql/i
    when /\APost(?:greSQL|GIS)/i
    when /\ASQLite/i

screenshot 2018-11-22 at 19 07 28

screenshot 2018-11-22 at 19 07 47

Support for psql ON CONFLICT

Would it be possible to extend the ignore: true option for PostgreSQL adapter as well?
When I added it to my Rails application, I got the following error:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::SyntaxError: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "IGNORE"
LINE 1: INSERT IGNORE INTO "table_name" ("date","i...

As a suggestion/benchmark, you can find below the way it was implemented in activerecord-import gem:

# postgresql_adapter.rb
# ...
  def post_sql_statements( table_name, options ) # :nodoc:
    sql = []

    if supports_on_duplicate_key_update?
      # Options :recursive and :on_duplicate_key_ignore are mutually exclusive
      if (options[:ignore] || options[:on_duplicate_key_ignore]) && !options[:on_duplicate_key_update] && !options[:recursive]
        sql << sql_for_on_duplicate_key_ignore( table_name, options[:on_duplicate_key_ignore] )
    elsif options[:on_duplicate_key_ignore] && !options[:on_duplicate_key_update]
      logger.warn "Ignoring on_duplicate_key_ignore because it is not supported by the database."

    sql += super(table_name, options)

    unless options[:no_returning] || options[:primary_key].blank?
      primary_key = Array(options[:primary_key])
      sql << " RETURNING \"#{primary_key.join('", "')}\""

  def sql_for_on_duplicate_key_ignore( table_name, *args ) # :nodoc:
    arg = args.first
    conflict_target = sql_for_conflict_target( arg ) if arg.is_a?( Hash )
    " ON CONFLICT #{conflict_target}DO NOTHING"

I haven't found any CONTRIBUTING guideline in your project. Thank you

Rails dependency indirectly required

I might be wrong but on bulk_insert/lib/bulk_insert/worker.rb:67 you seem to be requiring rails instead of activerecord and that, when saving a worker causes:

*** NameError Exception: uninitialized constant BulkInsert::Worker::Rails

I discovered it while using the gem in a project where I only use ActiveRecord.
That can be bypassed if a module Rails that respond to version is defined inside the project

Falsey column defaults not used

Column default values like '' or false aren't used when a value is omitted for that column.

For example, if I have a table foo with a column bar that has a default value of '', and I don't provide a value for bar in my call to bulk_insert, the newly-inserted row will have a bar value of NULL, and not '' like I expect.

The issue seems to be the use of #present? to determine a column has a default value:

if column.default.present?

Not null contraint but PARAM exists

Hello, I am trying to use bulk_insert on a model whose not null constraint is ID, the problema is I have an object with ID on it's value


But when I try to use bulk_insert on it:


My schema.rb of Tweet


Any ideas how to fix this?

Drop support for Ruby < 2.4

Ruby 2.4 has recently reached its EOL.
All previous versions can be safely considered unsupported

  • Update CI
  • Update .gemspec

bulk_insert version 1.8.1 doesn't play nice with activerecord and mysql2

I have created a test project here:

When cloning said project and running ruby main.rb the following bug appears:

Traceback (most recent call last):
	23: from main.rb:18:in `<main>'
	22: from /Users/gerard/.ruby/gems/bulk_insert-1.8.1/lib/bulk_insert.rb:18:in `bulk_insert'
/Users/gerard/.ruby/gems/bulk_insert-1.8.1/lib/bulk_insert/worker.rb:112:in `block (2 levels) in compose_insert_query': 
undefined method `type_cast_from_column' for #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Mysql2Adapter:0x00007ffc9488e788> (NoMethodError)

It seems something has changed from ActiveRecord to 6.1.0.

POC: Use Ruby inherited callback instead InsertBulk module

Firstly, I really like your project ! Really helpful 👍

I would suggest you to move the code inside InsertBulk module ActiveRecord::Base by using inherited callback.

  • That permit to don't pollute the looong ancestor chain of ActiveRecord::Base.
  • ActiveRecord Models already inherit from ActiveRecord::Base.
  • You have access to the model's name via the inherited callback argument.

I've coded a POC there: inherited_callback

I've decided to create a bulk_insert per Model. But it's possible to create the method only once in ActiveRecord::Base

module ActiveRecord
  class Base
    def self.inherited(child_class)
      return if methods.include?(:insert_bulk)

So, you have the same flexibility and behaviour with less constraints.
What do you think about this design ? Maybe I missed something ? :)

bulk_insert does not return a worker object

I am using version 1.8.1, ruby 2.3.8, rails 4.2.5
I am trying to use non-block mode, passing an array of attribute hashes. My model is named Gap:

worker = Gap.bulk_insert(return_primary_keys: true)

however, bulk_insert returns nil. (block mode also returns nil).
Looking at the code it looks like it only returns a worker if bulk_insert is only called without values or a block:

    def bulk_insert(*columns, values: nil, set_size:500, ignore: false, update_duplicates: false, return_primary_keys: false)
      columns = default_bulk_columns if columns.empty?
      worker =, table_name, primary_key, columns, set_size, ignore, update_duplicates, return_primary_keys)

      if values.present?
        transaction do
      elsif block_given?
        transaction do
          yield worker

How would I access the worker object in order to look at result_sets?
thanks, fw

Error when default column names are different

I am using bulk insert in Rails Table.
My id column is named as PRODUCT_ID and created_at and updated_at are respectively RECORD_CREATE_DATE and RECORD_UPDATE_DATE.

The bulk insert takes these values as NULL and I get an error because these fields have not null constraint.

How do I solve these?

Incorrect default value inserted for JSON column types

In case of a JSON column, bulk_insert will incorrectly insert the default value. It inserts "{}" (ie. a string) instead of {} (ie. an object).

Here's a failing test:

  require "bundler/inline"
rescue LoadError => e
  $stderr.puts "Bundler version 1.10 or later is required. Please update your Bundler"
  raise e

gemfile(true) do
  source ""
  gem "rails"
  gem "sqlite3"
  gem "bulk_insert"

require "active_record"
require "minitest/autorun"
require "logger"

# This connection will do for database-independent bug reports.
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =

ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
  create_table :profiles, force: true do |t|
    t.string :name
    t.json :json_data, default: {}, null: false

class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base

class BugTest < Minitest::Test
  def test_bulk_insert_json_default
    worker = Profile.bulk_insert
    worker.add(name: "Foo", json_data: {})
    worker.add(name: "Bar")!

    profile1 = Profile.find_by!(name: "Foo")
    profile2 = Profile.find_by!(name: "Bar")
    assert_equal profile1.json_data, {}
    assert_equal profile2.json_data, {}

The reason is the following code:

mapped = do |column, index|
value_exists = values.is_a?(Hash) ? values.key?( : (index < values.length)
if !value_exists
if column.default.present?
elsif == "created_at" || == "updated_at"
values.is_a?(Hash) ? values[] : values[index]

In case a value does not exist, the column default is used. The column default in rails is expressed as a string (ie. in the example above: Profile.columns_hash["json_data"].default == {}). This is problematic for JSON columns, as both "{}" and {} are valid JSON (one a string, the other an object).

CI: fix ruby 2.7 build

Make sure that ruby 2.7 builds can run.
Currently there is a minor issue with bundler installation in travis:

The command "eval bundle install --jobs=3 --retry=3 --deployment " failed. Retrying, 2 of 3.

Traceback (most recent call last):

	4: from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.1/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `<main>'

	3: from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.1/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `eval'

	2: from /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.1/bin/bundle:23:in `<main>'

	1: from /home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.1/lib/ruby/2.7.0/rubygems.rb:294:in `activate_bin_path'

/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.1/lib/ruby/2.7.0/rubygems.rb:275:in `find_spec_for_exe': Could not find 'bundler' (1.17.2) required by your /home/travis/build/jamis/bulk_insert/Gemfile.lock. (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

To update to the latest version installed on your system, run `bundle update --bundler`.

To install the missing version, run `gem install bundler:1.17.2`

counter_cache values are not updated

It seems like counter_cache columns aren't updated after a bulk insert. What's the best way to remedy this?

It would be bad to have to run reset_counter on every record that's affected.

NoMethodError: undefined method 'result_sets' for nil:NilClass

Hello there!

I just updated to latest version v1.7.0 because I'm trying to use Return Primary Keys feature.

So, I just wrote down:

while my_condition
  packs << [some_value, another_value,,]
  # decrement my_condition

destination_columns = [:column1, :column2, :created_at, :updated_at]
worker = Pack.bulk_insert(*destination_columns, return_primary_keys: true) { |worker|
  packs.each { |pack|
    worker.add pack
  # That's how I use bulk_insert everywhere

I'm doing that because I need to associate these packs with another model. Sometime I need to write pack.my_model_associated << [ids] or just something like that. I do not know if it is possible not using Return Primary Keys feature. I was thinking about something like:

worker.result_sets.each { |pack|
  pack.my_model_associated << [1, 2, 3, 4]!

I know worker.result_sets is an ActiveRecord::Result and does not contain each method. But like I said, it is just an idea. I was going to code something like that.
Anyway, I get the error:
NoMethodError: undefined method 'result_sets' for nil:NilClass, because my worker is nil.

I cloned the repository and modified line 22 in lib/bulk_insert.rb. I returned worker instead of nil even on block_given? is true and the error stopped happening. But, I really don't know why I did that and I was not confident, so I did not submit a pull request or something else (I'm not an expert ruby developer). I just know worker.result_sets was not nil anymore. Although I couldn't do what I wanted (bulk_insert packs and relate all them with my_model_associated quickly).

Could you help me?


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