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grex's Issues

Transactions: switching from Batch Kibble to Gremlin Kibble?

Following your #19 (comment), I thought about opening a broader discussion on transactions (broader than just refactoring the current system), and how grex could/should ideally handle them.

As mentioned in the comment, grex "simulates" transaction via Batch Kibble and does not support true transactions. This is due to a workaround for handling database generated IDs.

As far as I understand, it seems to be possible to handle true transactions via Gremlin kibble. There's a Python framework out there, called Bulbs, which does a little bit of grex (ie Gremlin/somewhat-low-level interaction with graph databases) and mogwai (data modeling, higher-level interaction). It looks like Bulbs handles transaction via Gremlin Kibble rather than via Batch Kibble. Bulbs uses specific .groovy files to handle Gremlin scripts, which I imagine are parsed and later sent as strings to Rexster/Gremlin Kibble.

I was thinking that this could be an inspiration for grex in order for it to fully support true transactions. However, there may be some current limitations I'm not aware of that prevent implementing this in a Node.js/Browser environment.

I understand that this would be quite a move, needs to be thought out and requires some work. Would that switch be feasible? I'd happily participate.

Exposing Node.js default callback style


Playing around with Titan database right now, I was thinking about coding a quick Object-to-Graph Mapper library and recently came across grex.

Although I use Q myself in most of my apps for handling async code, I was somehow expecting that grex (especially commit()) would expose regular Node.js default callback style, ie.:

g.commit(function (err, result) {
  if err
    // Handle error
    // Do something else

Then one could use use Q.ninvoke() (or even Q.denodeify()) in the application if needed.

Q.ninvoke(g, "commit")
.then(function (result) {
  // Handle result
.fail(function (err) {
  // Handle error

Just some thoughts! Thanks for sharing this library :).

Vertex returned server-side script can't be used in a transaction

I'd like to use a server-side function getOrCreateNode to return a vertex and use it to add an Edge.
with something like:

var query = gremlin();
query.var('getOrCreateNode(g, "user_id", "first")', 'v1');
query.var('getOrCreateNode(g, "user_id", "second")', 'v2');
query(g.addEdge('v1', 'v2', 'label', {prop1: 'something'}));
query.var('getOrCreateNode(g, "user_id", "first")', 'v1');
TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'identifier' of getOrCreateNode(g, "user_id", "first")
    at GremlinScript.var (/home/goat/code/FS_sync_data_dumper/node_modules/grex/node_modules/gremlin-script/src/gremlinscript.js:90:22)

PS: I am using the latest version in npm

Error when using the grex library on a browser

Hi Jean-Baptiste,

While working on my projects related to titan graph database, I found this useful grex library ( I am looking at using that in my project. After downloading the source from github ( I followed the instruction in the README file to include the grex.js script resided in the client directory in a html file as following:

        <script type="text/javascript" src="grex.js"></script>

Inside that HTML file, I have a very simple script as following:

        gRex.connect(options, function(err, g) {
            g.v(40088).both().get(function(err, result) {
                if (err) {
                } else {

The above script doesn't work and it throws the error message on the browser console: "Uncaught ReferenceError: gRex is not defined ".

That error seems because the global gRex variable defined in the grex.min.js is not yet defined. Looking at the browser's console, I also saw another error "Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'readFileSync' ". It seems to me that when loading up the grex.js file, it causes that TypeError and so making the gRex variable not defined. I also tried using the grex.min.js instead and still was the same error.

Can you please let me know what steps I should take to overcome that error so that I can use this grex library on the browser? Is there any details that I have missed?

Looking forward to your reply.

Many thanks,


Automatically instantiate GremlinScript when calling .exec() or .fetch()

gRex currently requires passing an instance of GremlinScript to client.exec() or client.fetch(). These two methods should be able to instantiate a new script themselves.

This will make the API smaller for one line scripts, which are typical for simple queries/traversals.

The following:


may then be replaced by:

client.exec(g.V()).done(function(res) {

Refactored Transaction cud() with polymorphism

Hi there!

I kinda started refactoring the Transaction class in a more OOP-way. This refactoring tries to decouple the logic of handling the "type", the "action" and the "arguments" in Transaction.cud(), making it easier to maintain.

See: e5a79ff (from that branch).

Long story short: I refactored the if/else pyramid found in Transaction.cud() with polymorphism.

Basically, Transaction.cud() is down to about 7 lines of code. All the previous work is now done in three classes called "ActionHandler" (kind of an abstract class), "VertexActionHandler" and "EdgeActionHandler". The delete() method is shared across all handlers, but create() and update() are specific to vertices and edges, respectively. Each of these methods is responsible for handling the transaction method arguments signature (see for example).

With this refactoring, Transaction.cud(action, type) looks like this: when a "create", "update" or "delete" action is called on a graph element (namely of type "vertex" or "edge"), cud() will now...:

  1. ... build/instantiate a graph element of said type
  2. build a [Vertex|Edge]ActionHandler, with constructor taking the element, the transaction and the arguments of said action (for ex. an array of four arguments if addEdge(inV, outV, "label", {someKey: "Some data"}) was called)
  3. ask the action handler to handle the appropriate action, modifying the element's properties according to its type, and eventually flagging that element not to be added to the transaction (defaults to true)
  4. check if element should be added to the transaction, and eventually push to Transaction.transactionArray
  5. return that element

This commit removes the previous if/else {} pyramid which could become hard to debug/improve/test if needed. All the logic previously found there was moved to create(), update() and delete() methods found in VertexActionHandler and EdgeActionHandler.

I'm opening an issue instead of a pull request because this branch hasn't been fully tested yet. There is room for possible performance improvements (ie. avoid recreating ActionHandler for all element every time a transaction is instantiated, but rather instantiate the two Edge and Vertex ActionHandlers once and for all at gRex start up and then pass the element, the transaction and the arguments to handleAction()).

Titan 0.9 and Tinkerpop 3

I would like to use Titan 0.9. Are you planning to support it? if not, should I just use the request module directly?

The transaction array is a closure within the module

This makes it not possible to use multiple connections to the graph to utilize the module within an web server application for example. Transactions executed for one user would affect transactions for another user.

npm published wrong tag?

(continuing from IRC)

I see this in the JSON at

_id: "grex",
_rev: "136-950eafc98c38183e617d464718319d4b",
name: "grex",
description: "Client for Rexster Graph Server",
dist-tags: {
latest: "0.4.0",
v0.1.0: "0.5.6"

What does npm config ls show? Are you publishing with a --tag argument or something?

Transaction error when creating vertices with database generated id's

Adding a vertex in a transaction fails with 0.2.0 (using latest Titan DB).

problem with Transaction
Could not complete transaction. Transaction has been rolled back.

Code is very close to the following:

var trxn = g.begin();
var v1, v2;

v1 = trxn.addVertex({name:'Frank'});
v2 = trxn.addVertex({name:'Luca'});
trxn.addEdge(v1, v2, 'knows', {since:"2003/06/01"})

// ...

    console.log("New vertices -> ", result);            
}, function(err) {

v1 (and v2) seems to be undefined

console.log v1
=> undefined

something wrong with / src / pipeline.js ?

I tried to perform the simple vertex call by id (with nodejs) just like it's shown in the getting started section, but the rexster server responded with

message: 'no scripts provided'
then I called console.log(gremlin) and the script was really empty.

However, I was able to add vertex to the graph with proper response.
It seems like anything that has something to do with pipeline would not work properly. (ie no script is passed into the gremlin object in pipeline)


this is more of a question than an issue, but:

You say closures don't map to javascript, but couldn't this example


also be written as

g.v(1).out().gather( function(it) { return it.size(); } );

in javascript?

Better handle error when executing an empty script

client.exec() and client.fetch() currently raise an exception when called with no argument.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'script' of undefined is currently thrown.

Grex should better handle these errors and return an explicit error message.

Updating isGraphReference() to avoid Regex testing

Following your comment on this commit (a31104b#commitcomment-4294676), I was thinking that Utils.isGraphReference() could be changed to either of the following ways:

  • either dynamically generate the regex from classes definition in classes.js
  • remove regex test, and test for graph references existence with something like classes.hasOwnProperty()

This would give the advantage of simply having to append stuff to classes.js without having to simultaneously update the Regex when adding more graph references in the future.

There might be a performance improvement as well, though quite minor :P.

If that's fine with you, I can try working on this minor update.

Except/Retain Pattern

I'm back again with another question regarding the gremlin patterns. This time I am working on the Except and Retain patterns. I get an empty result for what I do. Here's what I have so far:

it('Should Use The Except Pattern', function (done) {
    console.log("Should Use Except Pattern");
    client.connect(settings, function(err, client) {
    if (err) { 

    var query   = gremlin(); 
    // .groupCount().loop(3)
    query('x = [];');

    query('g.V("type", "user").out.aggregate(x).out.except(x)');

    client.exec(query, function(err, response) {                
            console.log("You have an error with your syntax.");

The result is:

{ success: true,
  results: [],
  version: '2.4.0',
  queryTime: 1834.183232,
  typeMap: {} }

simple example getting error: Object #<Grex> has no method 'gremlin'

I'm trying the example in readme file:

var Grex = require('grex');

var settings = {
  'database': 'graph',
  'host': '',
  'port': 8182

// 1. connect() takes two optional parameters: a settings Object and a Node style callback
Grex.connect(settings, function(err, client) {
  if (err) {

  // 2. Initialize a Gremlin object to work with
  var gremlin = client.gremlin();

  // Start appending some code
  gremlin.g.v(1); // gremlin.script === 'g.v(1)'

  // 3. Send script for execution, and return a response with the results (if any)
  gremlin.exec(function(err, response) {
    // ...

So, when I run app, I get this:

TypeError: Object #<Grex> has no method 'gremlin'

Am I doing something wrong?

Erratic api behavior, am I missing something?

I'm assessing whether to move forward with a graph dbase over a document dbase in a project, and I've written a simple mocha script that exercises various grex api's to Titan as a way to familiarize myself with the query syntax etc.

The Mocha script is simple, but if I run it 10x I am likely to get 10 different results - sometimes all tests will pass, sometimes some will pass and others will fail. If I wait several minutes between runs it's more likely that the tests will pass, and if I run the test script several times in succession it may pass all once or twice and then it will begin to fail consistently.

The test script has a setup block that erases all vertices and edges before any tests are run, so I would expect that it's starting from the same initial conditions every time, but this doesn't seem to be the case, and I'm wondering if there is a transactional aspect to the grex api that I'm missing or if there is something else obvious?

My database is the titan + gremlin stack as documented at

The dbase is a private installation with no other users.

Comments appreciated, my test script below.

'use strict'


goal of this modules is to demonstrate basic operations against a titan
graph using gremlin queries over grex


var assert = require('chai').assert,
grex = require('grex')

var db = {
host: '',
port: 8182,
graph: 'graph'

var client = grex.createClient(db),
gremlin = grex.gremlin,
g = grex.g,
p1, p2,

describe("Graph Interface", function() {


console.log('RUNNING BEFORE with g ', g )



  function(cb) {
    client.execute('g.E().remove()', cb)        

  function(cb) {
    client.execute('g.V().remove()', cb)        

], done )


it("should have no vertices", function(done) {

client.execute('g.V().count()', function(err,results) {
  console.log('count returned err,results', results )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')
  assert( !results.results[0], 'should have returned 0 instead of ' + results.results )


it("can create a vertext with properties", function(done) {

  var query = gremlin()
  query.var(g.addVertex({ '@type':'ita:User', name: 'p1' }))        
  client.execute( query, function(err,response) {
    assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')
    assert(response.results.length === 1, 'should have returned 1 result')
    p1 = response.results[0]  


it("can create another vertex with properties", function(done) {

  var query = gremlin()
  query.var(g.addVertex({ '@type':'ita:User', name: 'p2' }))        
  client.execute( query, function(err,response) {
    assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')
    assert(response.results.length === 1, 'should have returned 1 result')
    p2 = response.results[0]  


it("can add a new vertex with edges to existing vertices", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
var s1 = query.var(g.v(p1._id))
var s2 = query.var(g.v(p2._id))    
var tgt1 = query.var(g.addVertex({ '@type':'ita:Place', name:'Home', cr: new Date().toString() }));
var tgt2 = query.var(g.addVertex({ '@type':'ita:Thing', name:'Car', cr: new Date().toString() }));
var tgt3 = query.var(g.addVertex({ '@type':'ita:Project', name:'Dash', cr: new Date().toString() }));  
var tgt4 = query.var(g.addVertex({ '@type':'ita:Task', name:'Setup', cr: new Date().toString() }));           
query(g.addEdge(s1, tgt1, 'owns', { since: 'now' }));
query(g.addEdge(s1, tgt2, 'owns', { since: 'now' }));
query(g.addEdge(s1, tgt3, 'owns', { since: 'now' }));   
query(g.addEdge(tgt3, tgt4, 'appears', { since: 'now' }));           
query(g.addEdge(s2, tgt1, 'sees', { since: 'now' }));
client.execute( query, function(err,results) {
  if ( err ) console.log('1. execution returned err,result', err, results )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')


it("can traverse relations", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
client.fetch( query, function(err,results) {
  if ( err ) console.log(' execution returned err,result', err, results )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')      
  assert(results.length === 1)


it("can traverse inverse relations", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
client.execute( query, function(err,response) {
  if ( err ) console.log('execution returned err,result', err, response )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')      
  assert(response.results.length === 1, 'should have returned 1 result but returned ' + response.results.length )
  task = response.results[0]      


it("can query by multiple attributes", function(done) {
var query = gremlin()
//console.log('script is ', query.script)
//console.log('params are ', query.params)
client.execute( query, function(err,response) { // g.V().has('@type',"ita:Task").has('name','Setup'), function(err,response) {
if ( err ) console.log('query by multiple attributes returned err,result', err, response )
assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')
assert(response.results.length === 1, 'should have returned 1 result but returned ' + JSON.stringify(response.results) )


it("we can query by id", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
client.fetch( query, function(err,results) {
  if ( err ) console.log('execution returned err,result', err, results )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')      
  assert(results.length === 1)
  task = results[0]      


it("we can query by sprintf", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
query("g.v(%s)", task._id)
client.fetch( query, function(err,results) {
  if ( err ) console.log('sprintf execution returned err,result', err, results )
  assert(!err,' should not have returned an error')      
  assert(results.length === 1,'should have returned 1 result')


it("can update the properties of a vertex", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
query("g.v(%s).setProperty('name','Teardown')", task._id)
query("g.v(%s).setProperty('name','john')", p1._id)    
client.execute( query, function(err,response) {
  if ( err )console.log('execution returned err,result', err, response )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')      


it("mutated vertex should retain its value", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
client.fetch( query, function(err,results) {
  if ( err ) console.log('execution returned err,result', err, results )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')      
  assert(results.length === 1)
  assert(results[0] === 'Teardown', 'name should have been mutated')


it("mutated vertex should retain its value", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
client.fetch( query, function(err,results) {
  if ( err ) console.log('execution returned err,result', err, results )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')      
  assert(results.length === 1)
  assert(results[0] === 'john', 'name should have been mutated')


it("can query the vertex we're about to remove", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
client.fetch( query, function(err,results) {
  if ( err ) console.log('execution returned err,result', err, results )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')      


it("can remove a vertex by id", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
query("g.removeVertex(g.v(%s))", task._id )
client.execute( query, function(err,response) {
  if ( err ) console.log('remove returned err,result', err, response )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')        


it("can no longer find the removed vertex", function(done) {

var query = gremlin()
client.fetch( query, function(err,results) {
  if ( err ) console.log('execution returned err,result', err, results )
  assert(!err,'should not have returned an error')      



Argument#parse converts numeric strings to numbers

Passing numeric strings to any of the step methods seems to convert those strings to numbers:

g.V().has('id', '1234').methods;
[ '.V()', '.has(\'id\',1234)' ]

I believe this stems from this false in Argument#parse, but I could be missing something.

Cannot chain methods in CUD transaction

I'm working on supporting indexes in Mogwai, which is trickier than I thought considering I use Titan database. Indeed, Titan has a specific way to declare and handle indexes.

In grex's style, adding a new vertex with an indexed property in Titan would be done this way:

v = g.addVertex();
v.addProperty('lastname', 'Doe');

(Related discussion:!msg/aureliusgraphs/FFaZmp6P5JE/NwtmsAVh1BUJ)

Basically, grex needs to be able to chain transaction methods. Currently, cud() in transaction.js returns a plain JavaScript object, preventing chaining of - yet - currently missing addProperty() or setProperty() methods.

So here's my question: do you have any recommendation on how to implement chaining in the context of a transaction? I'm unsure yet how to do it, and felt it should be opened for discussion.

On a side note, I started adding support for types creation in Titan's way in grex (see a31104b from

The following is a valid grex query in this branch:


(Note that I haven't thoroughly tested this yet, but it seems to be working fine on Titan v0.3.2)

Grex should be able to handle bound parameters

The Gremlin extension API allows for parameters to be sent as a map bound to the script engine (see

Grex currently does not support bound parameters, making it vulnerable to Gremlin-injection vulnerabilities (just like SQL-injections).

This issue should be addressed as soon as possible, though it may require a bit more refactoring regarding the way arguments are currently handled.

Thoughts welcome!

Create edges/vertices without properties

Currently it's not able to add edges and vertices without properties.

gremlin.g.addEdge(auth, user, "authenticates"); // Not even possible, will throw TypeError (cannot read _id of undefined in [L185](
gremlin.g.addEdge(auth, user, "authenticates", {});

The last line will produce

g.addEdge(auth, user, "authenticates", []);

which is invalid Gremlin (or Groovy).

javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException:
No signature of method: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException.addEdge() is applicable for argument types: () values: []

Currently you have to add a property the get it working:

gremlin.g.addEdge(auth, user, "authenticates", {});

It's the same for addVertex:

gremlin.g.addVertex(); // Throws TypeError
gremlin.g.addVertex({}); // Invalid Gremlin
gremlin.g.addVertex({}); // Works

javax.script.ScriptException with Object argument

Apologies if I'm misunderstanding the api but to query a Vertex on multiple properties I do

var query = gremlin()
client.execute( query .. )

or even with just one property

client.execute( query, function(err,response) {

This returns an exception,

execution returned err,result [Error: javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang
MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.lang.MissingMethodExcept
on.V() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[@t
Possible solutions: _(groovy.lang.Closure), is(java.lang.Object), any(), use([L
ava.lang.Object;), any(groovy.lang.Closure), wait()] undefined

I'm completely new to this technology stack, any suggestions how to diagnose?

Passing array argument results in java class cast exception

I am probably doing something wrong here but just wanted to post it here if it is an actual error.

I am passing an array of strings over to be used as an argument for the .out() transform function. Specifically, my code is the following:

var point_of_traverse_vertice = query.var(g.V('name', point_of_traverse_id).next())
query(point_of_traverse_vertice.out(['edge_label_1', 'edge_label_2']))

This will result in an error with the following stacktrace:

 Error: javax.script.ScriptException: java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.String; cannot be cast to java.util.List
      at RexsterClient.<anonymous> (/Users/gching/Projects/app-builder/api/node_modules/grex/src/rexsterclient.js:117:34)
      at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
      at _stream_readable.js:910:16
      at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)

Trying to debug it personally, the script being sent over is:


The thing to note is that %5B and %5D is present, which represents the [ and ] respectively. I am assuming that is being parsed through ArrayArgument rather than the Argument helper class. I don't know much about the code base and have just recently started using grex so I might be making wrong assumptions; do tell me if I am.

Thanks for the help!

setProperty() example?

Have tried various permutations of setProperty(key,val) or updateVertex(map) with no luck and can't find anything in the docs, can anyone provide a quick example?

Graph [undefined] could not be found

Yeah, I have no idea how I'm supposed to create a graph using this module. I thought it would be somewhat automatic. Could somebody fill me in on how to get rid of this error?

Flowrank using Grex

So I am trying to use flow rank. I have my database setup and the algorithm works perfectly using gremlin by it's self.

Here's what I have using gremlin:

m = [:]; c = 0;
g.V("type", "user").out.groupCount(m).loop(3){c++ < 1000}

It gives me all of the results with the count of the number of times each node has been touched through out the loop. It looks like this:


Here's my solution using grex:

client.connect(settings, function(err, client) {
    if (err) { 

    var query  = gremlin(); 
    query('m = [:]; c = 0;');
        query('g.V("type", "user").out.groupCount(m).loop(3){c++ < 1000}');

    client.exec(query, function(err, response) {                

I copied the query string instead of using the pipeline.js calls because it could allow me to easily transfer what I have from gremlin to grex. It somewhat works.

By doing this I just get a print out of all of the nodes the loop moves across instead of the results I get from my gremlin example. I only want the results that gremlin shows me.

How can I get this using grex?

Support for removeVertex

Is there support for removing a vertex? For example, given that you find a vertex by its name index


test data missing


the data against which the tests are running is missing. Could you please add the dump file or assume an empty database at beginning.

Cannot index a node using the syntax as shown under Example 8: indexing

g.idx("my-index").put("name", "marko", g.v(1))

does not seem to create an index. Here is the code excerpt I used:

On the console:
HEADERS: {"content-type":"application/json;charset=UTF-8","server":"grizzly/2.2.16","access-control-allow-origin":"*","date":"Sat, 25 May 2013 14:40:02 GMT","transfer-encoding":"chunked"}
BODY: {"txProcessed":0,"success":true,"version":"2.3.0","queryTime":0.582144}
Index added successfully for bob

When I query that index node through the rexster console, it comes up with nothing:

rexster[groovy]> g.idx('actor')[[name:'bob']]

But then I can create the index through the rexster console
rexster[groovy]> g.idx('actor').put('name','bob', g.v(0))
rexster[groovy]> g.idx('actor')[[name:'bob']]


How can I have more than one URL's in hostname (replica-set) in createClient()?

Cannot perform Elasticsearch queries

Seems like there's no support for arbitrary class references like:
g.V().has('name', 'com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Text.CONTAINS', 'bob')

Indexing ignores identifier

Grex = require("grex")
client = Grex.createClient({graph:"graph"})
query = Grex.gremlin()
g = Grex.g
foo = query.var(g.addVertex())
foo.identifier // 'i0'
query(g.idx("index").put("foo", "foo", foo))
query.script // 'i0=g.addVertex()\ng.idx(\'index\').put(\'foo\',\'foo\',g.addVertex())'

g.idx().put ignores an elements identifier.

It should generate following script:


RequireJS Example

Thanks for the lib!!

I've been playing around with gRex in the browser and was hoping to integrate it with a backbone application that I am developing. You said that it could be loaded as a RequireJS module and I'm having some problems setting it up. Do you have any example of how you had that set up? I'm specifically looking for anything like a shim / config or anything that can lay out the dependencies that could be used. Once I figure it out I will put in a pull-request if you do not have anything .


Add custom error types when handling errors

Consider passing custom/explicit error types to the callback when errors occur.

I can think of these errors right now:

  • NetworkError Ex: no internet connection, should be easy to catch at the http module level
  • ServerError Ex: Rexster returns with a 500 error for some reasons (the HTTP code should be explicitely returned as well).
  • TimeoutError Ex: connected, but script timed out for various reasons (connection timeout? script timeout?)
  • ScriptError Ex: exception thrown by Rexster when executing the script.

There could be more (or less) errors. Maybe ConnectionError and ClientError. Thoughts welcomed!

Cannot addVertex with UTF8 data

Using the code listed in:

I can only addVertex if data is ASCII only. Otherwise it returns:

HEADERS: {"server":"grizzly/2.2.16","access-control-allow-origin":"*","date":"Sun, 02 Jun 2013 13:29:13 GMT","connection":"close","content-length":"0"}


SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
at Object.parse (native)
at IncomingMessage. (/Users/daniel/Lab/my-titan/node_modules/grex/grex.js:411:43)
at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
at _stream_readable.js:883:14
at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)

Using curl I can send the request to the server, but the result is still a bit off (note the "name" in the request and compare it to the results):

curl -v -X POST "http://localhost:8182/graphs/emptygraph/vertices?name=(s,Gösta)"

  • About to connect() to localhost port 8182 (#0)
  • Trying ::1... connected
  • Connected to localhost (::1) port 8182 (#0)

    POST /graphs/emptygraph/vertices?name=(s,Gösta) HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.21.4 (universal-apple-darwin11.0) libcurl/7.21.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5
    Host: localhost:8182
    Accept: /

    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    < server: grizzly/2.2.16
    < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    < Vary: Accept
    < Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2013 13:20:59 GMT
    < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  • Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
  • Closing connection #0

This is the "only" way I can find that would do UTF-8 addVertex properly:

curl -v -d '{"name":"市務總監"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" 'http://localhost:8182/graphs/emptygraph/vertices/'

What are the data types.

What are the data types I can use in the Grex module? I noticed I was rather limited to strings and intergers. I want to try using things like dates, geographic data, booleans, etc. How can I figure our how to use those?

Again thanks for your time.

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