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mustache-sharp's Issues

Errors when recompiling under .NET 3.5

Hi Travis!

I need to define a target framework of .NET 3.5, (possibly even lower) for use in a current project. I was able to find and correct (maybe wrongly) two of the three errors I encountered:

The ones I fixed:

  • KeyGenerator.getFormat: replace String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace with String.IsNullOrEmpty
  • FormatCompiler.prepareRegex: replace String.Join("|", matches) with String.Join("|", matches.ToArray())

The one I can't:

  • FormatCompiler.getArguments: Error generated: 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Mustache.TagParameter>' does not contain a definition for 'Zip' and no extension method 'Zip' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Mustache.TagParameter>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

What is the desired effect of the use of Enumerable.Zip in this context, and would it be easy enough to work around it?


Double Quotes

I'm transforming data:

FormatCompiler compiler = new FormatCompiler();
Generator generator = compiler.Compile(template.TransformationTemplate);
transformedData = generator.Render(gbRequest.Data);

Then I want to parse it using JObject.Parse

JObject Data = JObject.Parse(transformedData);

If a string value in gbRequest.Data contains a double quote, then JObject.Parse raises an exception. I don't think you are escaping double quote correctly.

Feature Request: {{#unless ...}}

Would it be possible to implement handler for {{#unless ...}}, which is an inverse of {{#if ...}}?

In certain situations this can save many nested ifs.

Also, I note that the handler bar docs use {{else}} without a hash tag, where as your version uses the hash. Don't have a huge issue with this, just wanted to check it was "By Design"

Sporadic NullReferenceException's

I am getting some null reference exceptions while debugging... they are always happening on startup of a web application. Below is the stack trace... any ideas?

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at Mustache.PropertyDictionary.getCacheType(Object instance)
at Mustache.PropertyDictionary..ctor(Object instance)
at Mustache.Scope.toLookup(Object value)
at Mustache.Scope.tryFindFirst(SearchResults results)
at Mustache.Scope.tryFind(String name)
at Mustache.Scope.Find(String name)
at Mustache.KeyGenerator.Mustache.IGenerator.GetText(Scope scope, TextWriter writer, Scope context)
at Mustache.CompoundGenerator.Mustache.IGenerator.GetText(Scope keyScope, TextWriter writer, Scope contextScope)
at Mustache.Generator.render(IFormatProvider provider, Object source)
at Mustache.Generator.Render(Object source)

Handlebars not doing the substitutions correctly

I have the following template:

{{#each Records}} {{/each}}
Bug ID: {{ID}}{{Title}}{{Component}}{{OS}}{{Project}}
Root Cause/Resolution: {{Resolution}}

I have this data structure:

{"Records": [{ "Title": "some title", "Component": "some component", "OS": "Some os", "Project": "Some project", "ID": "some id"}, ... more records follow

But it's not rendering the Title, Component, OS, Project or Resolution. Essentially all those fields are the bug ID. Somehow the substitutions are all being done inserting the ID in all of the placeholders. Is my syntax wrong or what is going on?

Compiler.PlaceholderFound not firing for {{#if...

Is it possible to have the PlaceholderFound event fire for {{#if...}}, {{#with...}} and {{#each...}} as well as normal placeholders? The current PlaceholderFound logic works great, but I can't seem to pick up whether a particular field is in the template if the field is ONLY in the {{#if tag.

Render using a JSON.Net's JObject

I am trying to render HTML from JSON string by parsing it first using JSON.Net. But following test case is failing with message:

Test method Mustache.Test.FormatCompilerTester.TestCompile_Json threw exception: 
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The key Name could not be found

Test case:

        public void TestCompile_Json()
            FormatCompiler compiler = new FormatCompiler();
            const string format = @"Hello, {{Name}}!!!";
            Generator generator = compiler.Compile(format);
            string json = @"{""Name"" : ""Bob""}";
            JObject o = JObject.Parse(json);
            string result = generator.Render(o);
            Assert.AreEqual("Hello, Bob!!!", result, "The wrong text was generated.");

Any help would be appreciated.

Should mustache-sharp cope with array elements

In handlebars.js, you can access array elements using the syntax:

{{ item.[12] }}
{{ item.[propname] }}

It would be nice if mustache-sharp allowed the same (using the this[] indexer if the item was not an array).

Different syntax of "else"

In handlebars.js, else is implemented as "{{else}}" while in mustache-sharp is implemented as "{{#else}}", any workaround of this issue?

Moreover, in the meanwhile, I'm trying to fix this problem by using "#unless" and found that it is not supported, any possible workaround?

Ability to check logical NOT condition in block tag such as {{#if! Condition}} {{/if}}

Awesome work. I have a small request:

I've come across multiple scenarios where I need to check the logical NOT condition of a value such as:

if(!condition) {
    // do stuff

Currently, I use the {{#else}} block to handle this (with an empty {{#if}} section), but it would be nice to not have unnecessary empty "if" sections which can clutter the templates.

Feature implementation: DynamicObject support

I've created some initial support for DynamicObject objects. It works for DynamicObject objects that have members, but not indexes (like Array, IList, etc.). For the moment, it depends on Dynamitey.

It's over here in commit 05a7da4 and 90ef52c. I'm probably going to work on it some more before I'll be completely happy with it, but it does work.

This is a feature that is going to be required for a project I'm working on. I would be interested in what sort of inputs you might have regarding this feature as the project maintainer. I would be happy to send you a Pull Request when I wrap up the work on it. And, I'll be sure to include some test cases for DynamicObject objects as well.

Handlebars ?

Has any thought been given to getting in sync with the Handlebars syntax or are you already? Do you have a sample app that executes a big template. I am the author of which is a cloud based code generator based on HandlebBars. The thing is I want to create a desktop app that will execute the templates as well. I've added some nice syntactical sugar to handlebars too as you can see here

I guess I'm asking if there is any chance mustach-sharp will work for me? I'm willing to help if need be.

  • Mike

Feature Request - Rename Placeholder in template

A feature request we have is to be able to rename a particular field. The business objects that get passed into this library are often renamed, so it would be fantastic if there was a way to rename them on the fly and have Mustache# rename all the occurrences in a template, without removing the "{{" or any of the format strings etc.

var newTemplate = generator.RenameField("Customer.Name","Customer.FirstName");

Another related option would be to check whether a particular template contains a key/field name/path:

if (generator.ContainsKey("Customer.Name")) {

Emoji support

When I have emojis in parameter string they are escaped. How can I avoid this?

Add option to not have to use the {{#newline}} placeholder

It would be great to have a compile option to be able to omit the {{#newline}}.

I was using this to simply grab the content of a file and render it against a class, and seeing the new line place holder everywhere gets a bit daunting.

How do I handle json strings

I am new to this so if you could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

I have a json string that I want to parse through mustache-sharp.
I keep getting this error:

Test method Mustache.Test.FormatCompilerTester.TestCompile_Json threw exception:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The key Name could not be found.

public void TestCompile_Json()
FormatCompiler compiler = new FormatCompiler();
const string format = @"Hello, {{Name}}!!!";
Generator generator = compiler.Compile(format);
object json = @"{""Name"": ""Bob""}";
string result = generator.Render(json);
Assert.AreEqual("Hello, Bob!!!", result, "The wrong text was generated.");


Recursivity with partials not working

I have a JSON element with some recursivity in it :

        "Nom": "Accueil",
        "CleMenu": 97038,
        "Menus": []
        "Nom": "Conseil",
        "CleMenu": 96442,
        "Menus": [
                "Nom": "Gérer au quotidien",
                "CleMenu": 96443,
                "Menus": []

And according to Mustache documentation, using partials like this :

<li class="">
    <a href="">{{Nom}}</a>
    {{if Menu.Menus}}

    {{#each Menu}}

I should be able to iterate over my elements recursively ... but it seems that the element is simply ignored by your library.
Is it supported or not ? (I've not been able to find the partials in your documentation :s).

whitespace control

From experience writing a lot of code-generation sorts of templates (e.g. generating C++ or C# code, not HTML "code"), a useful variation of this feature is to allow a block to have whitespace compressed similar to HTML's rules, allowing markup like:

var {{name}} = {{compress-whitespace}}
  {{if is_string}}

which would produce (for name=foo and is_string=true and value=bar)

  var foo = "bar";

The ability to strip out the line of any control tag (if/else/end) that is nothing but whitespace is also useful to avoid a bunch of empty lines showing up in the output.

It's also handy to have a way to output the current input line number and filename so you can insert #line tags and the like.

#each_top n

How about an each with a limit? Anyone done that?

A template file with windows line-feeds produces a result with no line feeds

I am reading a template like so:

    private string getFileContent( DataDto saveData )
        string fileContent = string.Empty;
        string templateFilePath = string.Format( "{0}\\Template.txt", CONFIGURATION_FOLDER );
        using ( StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( templateFilePath ) )
            string template = sr.ReadToEnd();
            FormatCompiler compiler = new FormatCompiler();
            Generator generator = compiler.Compile( template );
            fileContent = generator.Render( saveData );
        return fileContent;

If the file Template.txt has windows linefeed, then fileContent has none. Changing the linefeeds to unix solves the problem.

What gives?

Mustache-sharp does not have a strong name


From Visual Studio 2013, I could not find a signed version of Mustache-sharp using the NugetPackage management.

Does it exist or should I create it myself from the sources? (which I'd rather not do in order to be able to keep the package management aspect of the thing :-))

Thanks in advance for your help


Greater Than / Equals / Less Than

Any thoughts on how this might be implemented? There is a handlebars extension library which does this:

It would be great to enable multiple level lists, for example:

{{#each Category}}
<h1>{{Name}} - {{MainCategoryId}}</h1>
{{#each Product}}
{{#is CategoryId MainCategoryId}}

Or for conditional formatting:

{{#each Budget}}
{{#is amount ">=" 200}}class="overbudget"{{/is}}

Rename Namespace to Mustache

I didn't realize that I made the namespace lowercase. This will need to be fixed before release It is purely an aesthetics thing.



When data is DynamicJsonObject it cannot find a way to get values for it.

In my case I have the following structure (simplified):

var data = new {
Issue = this, // this is just a normal class
DataSources = new Dictionary<string, dynamic[]> { }


foreach (var dataSource in dataSources) {
var dataSourceData = dataSource.Fetch(); // This returns a dynamic
data.DataSources.Add(dataSource.Name, dataSourceData);

This data can be rendered into the template:

each DataSources.SomeDataSource


This works if the data in each DataSourche is dynamic or Dictionary. But when dataSource.Fetch() returns an array of DynamicJsonObject it can't find a way to get values. I made this to fake data:

var i1 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
i1.Add("Title", "t1");
var i2 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
i2.Add("Title", "t2");
return new dynamic[] {new DynamicJsonObject(i1), new DynamicJsonObject(i2)};

It seems to me that DynamicJsonObject is not identified as a valid property getter whereas dynamic is but both behave the same way,

Parent scope references

I created a "for" helper in order to be able to generate content using {{#for min max}} ... {{/for}} and use 'this' for index reference. I want to use nested for blocks, but can't reference parent block index neither with {{../this}}, nor {{this.this}}.

"Item with the same key already added" exception in PropertyDictionary

Occasionally when rendering a relatively simple template I get the following error:

[ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.]
   System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) +14648955
   Mustache.PropertyDictionary.getCacheType(Object instance) +960
   Mustache.PropertyDictionary..ctor(Object instance) +41
   Mustache.Scope.tryFindFirst(SearchResults results) +74
   Mustache.Scope.tryFind(String name) +175
   Mustache.KeyGenerator.Mustache.IGenerator.GetText(Scope scope, TextWriter writer, Scope context) +80
   Mustache.CompoundGenerator.Mustache.IGenerator.GetText(Scope keyScope, TextWriter writer, Scope contextScope) +477
   Mustache.CompoundGenerator.Mustache.IGenerator.GetText(Scope keyScope, TextWriter writer, Scope contextScope) +477
   Mustache.Generator.render(IFormatProvider provider, Object source) +769

When you refresh the page it's fine, and Mustache should be given the same data every time.

There could potentially be something weird in the data that it's given since I haven't investigated fully, but just thought I'd see if there's any obvious reason why this might happen?

I've tried looking through the getCacheType() method myself but I'm not super familiar with the internals of how MustacheSharp works so nothing really stood out at me.

Lowercasing of tokens?

Is there a way to lowercase a token? I'm looking for something like {{Entity:lowercase}}. If Entity value is 'Ticket', then I want 'ticket'

Feature Request - {{@index}}

One of the things we used frequently in front-end handlebars.js implementations was the item index over array loops to help with various jquery/css sliders, etc. I don't see direct support for the {{@Index}} var in the current mustache# build. is there a mechanism to reference the loop index in an "each" construct, or are there plans for future support?

Can the PropertyDictionary be made thread-safe

I ran into an issue where my application had hung due to high CPU usage, and it turns out that the runaway threads were all trying to access the PropertyDictionary.getCacheType.

The lock occurred in the TryGetValue (_cache.TryGetValue in PropertyDictionary.cs - Line 41).

Of course, easiest solution would be to use ConcurrentDictionary, but that is only available in .net 4.0. We could possibly use a lock to make sure only one thread can access this static dictionary at a time.

Windows service

We've experienced failures when running the package in a windows service. Works great in console mode but fails in parallel.for.

feature request: unclude tag

It would be great if mustache has support of include tag:

{{#include 'path-to-other-mustache-template-file.html'}}

Tags with multiple arguments

First of all, great work. =) Love what' you've done.

I have a quick question, I've done a proof of concept using your code to generate HTML invoices. I created a Tag to calculate the total amount of the invoice which has to multiply item price x quantity for each row and sum all values. The issue that I'm facing is that I had to hard code the name of the fields that contain the price and quantity in my code, in the current code base would be possible to have something like this: ${{#total Products:[ItemPrice, Quantity]}}? Right now I have: ${{#total Products}} and have on my code the fields that should be used on the calculation. That's only a problem for me because the data comes from a json that is generated based a form builder system and people can name their fields however they want.


Tests failing

I have 18 of the tests that fail and they all have a simular characteristic having to do with whitespaces.
Some tests are adding blank lines when compared to the expected value.
Some tests are removing whitespaces, Expected < > Actual<>

Am I missing something?

I have added a few of test results that are failing.

Test Name: TestCompile_CommentNewLineBlank_PrintsBlank
Result Message: Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:< >. Actual:<>. The wrong text was generated.

Test Name: TestCompile_CommentNewLineContent_PrintsContent
Result Message: Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:. Actual:<
After>. The wrong text was generated.

Test Name: TestCompile_CommentNewLineContentNewLineComment_PrintsContent
Result Message: Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:. Actual:<

. The wrong text was generated.

Test Name: TestCompile_MultipleTags
Result Message: Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<Hello Bob:

Below are your order details:

Banana: $2.50 x 1
Orange: $0.50 x 5
Apple: $0.25 x 10

Your order total was: $7.50>. Actual:<Hello Bob:

Below are your order details:

Banana: $2.50 x 1

Orange: $0.50 x 5

Apple: $0.25 x 10

Your order total was: $7.50

. The wrong text was generated.

Html Escaping and non-escaping: {{{ or {{&

Hello, thanks for putting this together!

I'm testing this and trying to use it in a project, but I noticed that the variables don't seem to be HTML escaped by default.

Am I missing something or is this not supported?

Please let me know! This is pretty important for us since we need to HTML escape most of our variables to avoid XSS attacks.


#if and DBNull

If the value is DBNull a #if treats it as though it has a value, is it me or should DBNull be a falsey value ?

Exceptions when placeholder not found

I would like an option to prevent an exception being thrown when a field is not found, simply replacing it with something like [Field "MyTag" not found!]. This would enable the template engine to carry on, and most of it would be rendered correctly.

Great library by the way, keep it up!

Removes NewLines on tag lines

For me a simple approach would be to remove new lines for lines thats contain only tags when not using {{#NewLine}} tag

For example, here is a template :

{{#each Items}}
{{#if IsOk}}
That's okay !
Nope ...

Currently, the ouput would be for example

That's okay !

That's okay !


It could be great if we could have the lines with only tag ignored

That's okay !
That's okay !

mustache-sharp cannot cope with "new" properties

public class BaseClass {
public OtherBaseClass Other { get; set; }

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass {
new public OtherDerivedClass Other {
get { return (OtherDerivedClass)base.Other; }

If you then try to render a template for DerivedClass, PropertyDictionary will throw in line 48 at:
typeCache.Add(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo);
because there are 2 properties with the same name.

I suggest the property in the most derived class should take precedence (but just picking one at random, rather than throwing, would be better than nothing).

Performance Problem on Compile

I appear to have an odd performance issue on the compile step. I am running a web application on Amazon EC2. The "compile" step is taking huge amounts of time to compute, and is causing the CPU to fire on 100% for several seconds (30sec + in some cases). This is with the simplest of templates.

This is the code that is running:

const string template = "Hello {{name}}, how are you today?  Welcome to this App {{name}}";
            dynamic obj = new {Name = "Mr Smith",OtherField="Other value with a bit more text"};
            using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Prepping Template")) {
                var compiler = new FormatCompiler();
                var keys = new HashSet<string>();
                compiler.PlaceholderFound += (o, e) => keys.Add(e.Key);

                using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Compiling Template")) {
                    var generator = compiler.Compile(template);
                    using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Template key not found handler")) {
                        generator.KeyNotFound += (objR, args) => {
                            args.Substitute = String.Format("[Field \"{0}\" of path \"{1}\" not found!]", args.MissingMember, args.Key);
                            args.Handled = true;

                        using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Fetching Expando Object")) {

                            using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Rendering Template")) {
                                var result = generator.Render(new CustomFormatProvider(), obj);

And below you can see the times for each step output by MiniProfiler:


Getting the root object in a custom tag definition

Is it possible to get the root object in a custom tag definition?

Here what I'm trying to accomplish

    public class JsonPathTagDefinition : InlineTagDefinition
        public JsonPathTagDefinition() : base("json")

        protected override IEnumerable<TagParameter> GetParameters()
            return new TagParameter[] { new TagParameter("path") { IsRequired = true }}

        public override void GetText(System.IO.TextWriter writer, Dictionary<string, object> arguments, Scope context)
            string path = (string)arguments["path"];
            object source = null;
            bool found = context.TryFind("this", out source);

            var json = JObject.FromObject(source)
            String val = json.SelectToken(path).Value<String>();

Then I want to do this in my template

{{#jsonpath '$[2]'}}

Alternatively, I can define another parameter with the source object

{{#jsonpath this '$[2]'}}

But I'm trying to avoid it.

Any idea

Error in parsing multilingunal content


I need to pass a set of values to my custom tag , all works fine when those value are aplhanumeric (as passed by '\w' by regex) , but when I pass data other than alphanumeric it throws exception , "Encountered an unknown tag. It was either not registered or exists in a different context."

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