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predicao-de-dados-de-fluxo-de-trafego's Introduction

Trabalhos primários obtidos através do trabalho "Predição de Dados de Fluxo de Tráfego: Uma Revisão Sistemática"

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Estudos Qualidade
Ranqueamento Técnicas
Aljuaydi et al. [2022] Alta Alta Alta Alta CNN, LSTM, Autoencoder LSTM Normalização RMSE, MAE
An et al. [2019] Alta Alta Alta Alta Fuzzy-based CNN Normalização, Preenchimento de dados faltosos MSE, MAE, RMSE
Awan et al. [2021] Alta Alta Alta Alta CNN, LSTM Normalização MAPE, RMSE
Bao et al. [2021] Média Média Alta Média DBN, SVR Normalização Accuracy, Mean Computing Time
Bartlett et al. [2019] Alta Média Alta Média CNN, GRU Não informado RMSE
Bilotta et al. [2022] Alta Alta Alta Alta CONV-BI-LSTM Normalização MAE, MAPE, RMSE, MASE
Buroni et al. [2021] Alta Média Alta Média FNN, GCN, GRU Não informado RMSE, MAE, MASE
Cai et al. [2020] Alta Média Média Média PSO Correção de dados errôneos MAPE, RMSE
Cao et al. [2020] Alta Alta Alta Alta CNN, LSTM Wavelet Transform MAPE, RMSE
Chen et al. [2018] Alta Alta Alta Alta LSSVR Não informado RMSE
Chen et al. [2019] Alta Média Alta Média TFDC Normalização RMSE, MRE, MAE
Chen et al. [2021] Alta Média Alta Média LSTM Normalização, Remoção de dados anormais RMSE, MAE, MAPE
Chen et al. [2022] Alta Média Média Média RF, GWN Não informado RMSE, MAE
Djenouri et al. [2023] Alta Alta Alta Alta GCN, branch-and-bound LOF mAP
Duan et al. [2018] Alta Média Alta Média CNN, LSTM Não informado MSE, RMSE
Duan et al. [2019a] Alta Alta Alta Alta CPPBTR Não informado MAPE, RMSE
Duan et al. [2019b] Alta Baixa Baixa Baixa Convolutional LSTM Normalização MAPE, RMSE, MAE
Feng et al. [2022] Alta Alta Alta Alta GCN, GRU Normalização RMSE, MAE, Accuracy, R-square
Guo et al. [2019] Alta Média Alta Média SVR, LSTM Não informado MAPE, RMSE, MAE
Huang et al. [2019] Alta Média Média Média LSTM, GAV Não informado MAPE, RMSE
Hussain et al. [2021] Alta Alta Alta Alta GRU Não informado RMSE, MAPE, MAE
Jin et al. [2019] Alta Média Média Média GRU Não informado RMSE, MRE, MAE
Kong et al. [2020] Alta Alta Alta Alta STGAT Normalização MAE, RMSE, MAPE
Li et al. [2019] Alta Alta Média Média Densely CNN, LSTM Normalização RMSE
Li et al. [2020] Alta Alta Alta Alta Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation, LSTM-SPRVM Normalização MAPE, RMSE
Li et al. [2021a] Alta Alta Alta Alta DGCN Normalização MAE, MAPE, RMSE
Li et al. [2021b] Alta Alta Alta Alta CNN, LSTM. Wavelet Transform, Normalização RMSE, MAE, R-square
Liu et al. [2019a] Alta Média Média Média 3D-CNN, LSTM Normalização MPE, MER, PEV
Liu et al. [2019b] Alta Alta Alta Alta KELM Wavelet Transform RMSE, MAPE, R square
Ma et al. [2020] Alta Alta Alta Alta CNN, LSTM Normalização MAE, RMSE, NSE, CORR
Mena-Oreja e Gozalvez [2021] Alta Média Alta Média eRCNN Não informado MAE, MAPE, RMSE
Mou et al. [2019] Alta Alta Alta Alta LSTM Normalização RMSE, MAPE
Muhammed et al. [2018] Alta Média Média Média Stacked LSTM Normalização RMSE, MAE
Nigam e Srivastava [2023] Alta Média Alta Média CNN, LSTM Normalização MAE, RMSE
Olayode et al. [2021] Alta Alta Alta Alta RNA Não informado MAE, RMSE, R
Pranolo et al. [2022] Alta Média Média Média LSTM, PSO, Bifold-Attention Normalização MAPE, RMSE
Qi et al. [2020] Alta Alta Média Alta NCAE, ELM Normalização MAPE, VAPE
Reza et al. [2022] Alta Alta Alta Alta Multi-head Attention-based Transformer Normalização MAPE, MSE
Ruan et al. [2020] Alta Média Alta Média TCN Normalização MAE, MAPE, RMSE
Ruan et al. [2021] Alta Alta Alta Alta LSTM Normalização RMSE, MAE
Van Der Bijl et al. [2022] Alta Alta Alta Alta TBATS, SARIMAX, LSTM Não informado MAE
Villarroya et al. [2022] Alta Alta Alta Alta LSTM Não informado MAPE, sMAPE
Yang et al. [2020] Alta Média Alta Alta Attention Neural Network (DNN-Attention), Deep FM Não informado MAE, RMSE
Zang et al. [2019] Alta Alta Alta Alta RDBDGN Normalização MRE, MAE, RMSE
Zhang e Xin [2020] Alta Alta Alta Alta LSTM AGACS MAE, MRE, RMSE
Zhang et al. [2018] Alta Alta Alta Alta SVR, GA, RF Normalização MAPE, RMSE
Zhang et al. [2019] Média Alta Média Média LSTM, K-means clustering Não informado RMSE, MAE, R-square
Zhang et al. [2020a] Alta Alta Alta Alta MTL, GRU Normalização MAPE
Zhang et al. [2020b] Média Média Média Média RBM, SVR Normalização MAPE, RMSE
Zhang et al. [2021] Alta Média Alta Média CNN, GRU, Convolutional LSTM Não informado MAPE, MAE, RMSE
Zhao et al. [2019] Alta Alta Alta Alta TCN Não informado MAE, MRE
Zhao et al. [2020] Alta Média Média Média SAEs, LSTM, GRU Imputação de dados ausentes MAE, MRE, RMSE
Zheng e Huang [2020] Alta Alta Alta Alta LSTM Normalização MAE, MAPE, RMSE
Zheng et al. [2022] Alta Alta Alta Alta GCN, GAN Não informado MAE, MSE, RMSE
Zhu et al. [2019] Alta Média Média Média SVM, DBN Normalização MAPE, RMSE, MAE, MSE

Referências dos Trabalhos em Ordem Alfabética

Aljuaydi, F., Wiwatanapataphee, B., e Wu, Y. H. (2022).Multivariate machine learning-based prediction models of freeway traffic flow under non-recurrent events.Alexandria Engineering Journal. ISSN 11100168.

An, J., Fu, L., Hu, M., Chen, W., e Zhan, J. (2019). A Novel Fuzzy-Based Convolutional Neural Network Method to Traffic Flow Prediction With Uncertain Traffic Accident Information.IEEE Access, 7:20708–20722.

Awan, N., Ali, A., Khan, F., Zakarya, M., Alturki, R., Kundi, M., Alshehri, M. D., e Haleem, M. (2021).Modeling Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Correlations for Urban Traffic Flows Prediction. IEEE Access, 9:26502–26511. ISSN 2169-3536.

Bao, X., Jiang, D., Yang, X., e Wang, H. (2021).An improved deep belief network for traffic prediction considering weather factors.Alexandria Engineering Journal, 60(1):413–420. ISSN 11100168. URL

Bartlett, Z., Han, L., Nguyen, T. T., e Johnson, P. (2019).A Novel Online Dynamic Temporal Context Neural Network Framework for the Prediction of Road Traffic Flow.IEEE Access, 7: 153533–153541.

Bilotta, S., Collini, E., Nesi, P., e Pantaleo, G. (2022). Short-term prediction of city traffic flow via convolutional deep learning.IEEE Access, 10:113086–113099. ISSN 21693536.

Buroni, G., Lebichot, B., e Bontempi, G. (2021). Ast-mtl: An attention-based multi-task learning strategy for traffic forecasting.IEEE Access, 9:77359–77370. ISSN 21693536.

Cai, W., Yang, J., Yu, Y., Song, Y., Zhou, T., e Qin, J. (2020). PSO-ELM: A Hybrid Learning Model for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting.IEEE Access, 8:6505–6514.

Cao, J., Guan, X., Zhang, N., Wang, X., e Wu, H. (2020). A Hybrid Deep Learning-Based Traf- fic Forecasting Approach Integrating Adjacency Filtering and Frequency Decomposition.IEEE Access, 8:81735–81746.

Chen, X., Cai, X., Liang, J., e Liu, Q. (2018). Ensemble Learning Multiple LSSVR With Improved Harmony Search Algorithm for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting. IEEE Access, 6:9347–9357

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Chen, Z., Wu, B., Li, B., e Ruan, H. (2021).Expressway Exit Traffic Flow Prediction for ETC and MTC Charging System Based on Entry Traffic Flows and LSTM Model.IEEE Access, 9: 54613–54624. ISSN 2169-3536.

Djenouri, Y., Belhadi, A., Srivastava, G., e Lin, J. C. W. (2023). Hybrid graph convolution neu- ral network and branch-and-bound optimization for traffic flow forecasting.Future Generation Computer Systems, 139:100–108. ISSN 0167739X.

Dresch, A., Lacerda, D. P., e J ́unior, J. A. V. A. (2015).Design science research: m ́etodo de pesquisa para avanc ̧o da ciˆencia e tecnologia. Bookman Editora.

Duan, W., Jiang, L., Wang, N., e Rao, H. (2019a). Pre-Trained Bidirectional Temporal Representa- tion for Crowd Flows Prediction in Regular Region.IEEE Access, 7:143855–143865.

Duan, Z., Yang, Y., Zhang, K., Ni, Y., e Bajgain, S. (2018). Improved Deep Hybrid Networks for Urban Traffic Flow Prediction Using Trajectory Data.IEEE Access, 6:31820–31827.

Duan, Z., Zhang, K., Chen, Z., Liu, Z., Tang, L., Yang, Y., e Ni, Y. (2019b). Prediction of City-Scale Dynamic Taxi Origin-Destination Flows Using a Hybrid Deep Neural Network Combined With Travel Time.IEEE Access, 7:127816–127832.

Feng, S., Huang, J., Shen, Q., Shi, Q., e Shi, Z. (2022). A hybrid model integrating local and global spatial correlation for traffic prediction.IEEE Access, 10:2170–2181. ISSN 21693536. Guo, J., Xie, Z., Qin, Y., Jia, L., e Wang, Y. (2019). Short-Term Abnormal Passenger Flow Predic- tion Based on the Fusion of SVR and LSTM.IEEE Access, 7:42946–42955.

Guo, J., Xie, Z., Qin, Y., Jia, L., e Wang, Y. (2019). Short-Term Abnormal Passenger Flow Prediction Based on the Fusion of SVR and LSTM. IEEE Access, 7:42946–42955.

Huang, Z., Li, Q., Li, F., e Xia, J. (2019). A Novel Bus-Dispatching Model Based on Passenger Flow and Arrival Time Prediction.IEEE Access, 7:106453–106465.

Hussain, B., Afzal, M. K., Ahmad, S., e Mostafa, A. M. (2021). Intelligent traffic flow prediction using optimized gru model.IEEE Access, 9:100736–100746. ISSN 21693536.

Jin, Y., Jia, Z., Wang, P., Sun, Z., Wen, K., e Wang, J. (2019). Quantitative Assessment on Truck- Related Road Risk for the Safety Control via Truck Flow Estimation of Various Types.IEEE Access, 7:88799–88810. ISSN 21693536.

Kong, X., Xing, W., Wei, X., Bao, P., Zhang, J., e Lu, W. (2020). STGAT: Spatial-Temporal Graph Attention Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting.IEEE Access, 8:134363–134372.

Li, G., Knoop, V. L., e van Lint, H. (2021a). Multistep traffic forecasting by dynamic graph convolu- tion: Interpretations of real-time spatial correlations.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 128. ISSN 0968090X.

Li, L., Lin, H., Wan, J., Ma, Z., e Wang, H. (2020). MF-TCPV: A Machine Learning and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation-Based Framework for Traffic Congestion Prediction and Visualiza- tion.IEEE Access, 8:227113–227125.

Li, W., Tao, W., Qiu, J., Liu, X., Zhou, X., e Pan, Z. (2019).Densely Connected Convolutional Networks With Attention LSTM for Crowd Flows Prediction.IEEE Access, 7:140488–140498.

Li, Y., Chai, S., Ma, Z., e Wang, G. (2021b). A Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Long-Term Traffic Flow Prediction.IEEE Access, 9:11264–11271. ISSN 21693536.

Liu, H., Lin, Y., Chen, Z., Guo, D., Zhang, J., e Jing, H. (2019a). Research on the Air Traffic Flow Prediction Using a Deep Learning Approach.IEEE Access, 7:148019–148030. ISSN 21693536.

Liu, R., Wang, Y., Zhou, H., e Qian, Z. (2019b). Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction Based on Wavelet Transform and Kernel Extreme Learning Machine.IEEE Access, 7:158025–158034.

Ma, Y., Zhang, Z., e Ihler, A. (2020). Multi-Lane Short-Term Traffic Forecasting with Convolutional LSTM Network.IEEE Access, 8:34629–34643. ISSN 21693536.

Mena-Oreja, J. e Gozalvez, J. (2021).On the impact of floating car data and data fusion on the prediction of the traffic density, flow and speed using an error recurrent convolutional neural network.IEEE Access, 9:133710–133724. ISSN 21693536.

Mou, L., Zhao, P., Xie, H., e Chen, Y. (2019).T-LSTM: A Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Enhanced by Temporal Information for Traffic Flow Prediction.IEEE Access, 7:98053– 98060.

Muhammed, T., Mehmood, R., Albeshri, A., e Katib, I. (2018). UbeHealth: A Personalized Ubi- quitous Cloud and Edge-Enabled Networked Healthcare System for Smart Cities.IEEE Access, 6:32258–32285.

Nigam, A. e Srivastava, S. (2023). Hybrid deep learning models for traffic stream variables predic- tion during rainfall.Multimodal Transportation, 2:100052. ISSN 27725863.

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Pranolo, A., Mao, Y., Wibawa, A. P., Utama, A. B. P., e Dwiyanto, F. A. (2022). Robust lstm with tuned-pso and bifold-attention mechanism for analyzing multivariate time-series.IEEE Access, 10:78423–78434. ISSN 21693536.

Qi, X., Qin, X., Jia, Z., Lin, M., e Liu, Y. (2020).NCAE and ELM Based Enhanced Ensemble Optimized Model for Traffic Flow Forecasting.IEEE Access, 8:200486–200499.

Reza, S., Ferreira, M. C., Machado, J. J., e Tavares, J. M. R. (2022). A multi-head attention-based transformer model for traffic flow forecasting with a comparative analysis to recurrent neural networks.Expert Systems with Applications, 202. ISSN 09574174.

Ruan, H., Wu, B., Li, B., Chen, Z., e Yun, W. (2021). Expressway exit station short-term traffic flow prediction with split traffic flows according originating entry stations.IEEE Access, 9: 86285–86299. ISSN 21693536.

Ruan, T., Wu, D., Chen, T., Jin, C., Xu, L., Zhou, S., e Jiang, Z. (2020). Context-Aware Traffic Prediction Framework Based on Series Decomposition.IEEE Access, 8:202848–202857.

Van Der Bijl, B., Gijsbertsen, B., Van Loon, S., Reurich, Y., De Valk, T., Koch, T., e Dugundji, E. (2022). A comparison of approaches for the time series forecasting of motorway traffic flow rate at hourly and daily aggregation levels.Procedia Computer Science, 201:213–222.

Villarroya, C., Calafate, C. T., Onaindia, E., Cano, J.-C., e Martinez, F. J. (2022). Neural network- based model for traffic prediction in the city of valencia.Procedia Computer Science, 207: 552–562. ISSN 18770509.

Yang, J., Dong, X., e Jin, S. (2020). Metro Passenger Flow Prediction Model Using Attention-Based Neural Network.IEEE Access, 8:30953–30959.

Zang, D., Fang, Y., Wei, Z., Tang, K., e Cheng, J. (2019).Traffic Flow Data Prediction Using Residual Deconvolution Based Deep Generative Network.IEEE Access, 7:71311–71322. ISSN 21693536.

Zhang, J., Chen, F., e Shen, Q. (2019). Cluster-Based LSTM Network for Short-Term Passenger Flow Forecasting in Urban Rail Transit.IEEE Access, 7:147653–147671. ISSN 21693536.

Zhang, K., Wu, L., Zhu, Z., e Deng, J. (2020a). A Multitask Learning Model for Traffic Flow and Speed Forecasting.IEEE Access, 8:80707–80715.

Zhang, L., Alharbe, N. R., Luo, G., Yao, Z., e Li, Y. (2018). A hybrid forecasting framework based on support vector regression with a modified genetic algorithm and a random forest for traffic flow prediction.Tsinghua Science and Technology, 23(4):479–492. ISSN 18787606.

Zhang, W., Yao, R., Du, X., e Ye, J. (2021). Hybrid deep spatio-temporal models for traffic flow pre- diction on holidays and under adverse weather.IEEE Access, 9:157165–157181. ISSN 21693536.

Zhang, X., Zhang, T., Zou, Y., Du, G., e Guo, N. (2020b).Predictive Eco-Driving Application Considering Real-World Traffic Flow.IEEE Access, 8:82187–82200.

Zhang, Y. e Xin, D. (2020).Dynamic Optimization Long Short-Term Memory Model Based on Data Preprocessing for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction.IEEE Access, 8:91510–91520.

Zhao, J., Nie, Y., Ni, S., e Sun, X. (2020). Traffic Data Imputation and Prediction: An Efficient Realization of Deep Learning.IEEE Access, 8:46713–46722. ISSN 21693536.

Zhao, W., Gao, Y., Ji, T., Wan, X., Ye, F., e Bai, G. (2019). Deep Temporal Convolutional Networks for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting.IEEE Access, 7:114496–114507.

Zheng, H., Li, X., Li, Y., Yan, Z., e Li, T. (2022). Gcn-gan: Integrating graph convolutional network and generative adversarial network for traffic flow prediction.IEEE Access, 10:94051–94062. ISSN 21693536.

Zheng, J. e Huang, M. (2020). Traffic Flow Forecast Through Time Series Analysis Based on Deep Learning.IEEE Access, 8:82562–82570.

Zhu, K., Xun, P., Li, W., Li, Z., e Zhou, R. (2019). Prediction of Passenger Flow in Urban Rail Transit Based on Big Data Analysis and Deep Learning.IEEE Access, 7:142272–142279.

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