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go-scientist's Introduction


This package is improved version of orginal repository:



  1. Added experiment.RunAsyn() - Runs both control and candidate behaviours asynchronously
  2. Added experiment.RunAsyncCandidatesOnly() - Runs candidates alone asynchronously and return control result as soon as control execution complete. This will greatly help if we want to test multiple versions of unit of work and compare the results and response times without affecting the current working flow.

Bug Fixes

  1. Added recovery handling to avoid application crashing in case of any unknown errors.
  2. Adding named return value to observe method in scientist to handle panics. Ref:

go-scientist is a port of a great Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths. Check out the original:

For a detailed look at actually using this thing, check out this blog post: Move fast and fix things.

NOTE: The Ruby version, however, is very stable. The differences in the languages result in interesting comparisons and contrasts between the approaches. The Go version can be used in production.

How do I science?

Let's pretend you're changing the way you handle permissions in a large web app. Tests can help guide your refactoring, but you really want to compare the current and refactored behaviors under load.

package permissions

import (


type Widget struct {

func (w *Widget) Allows(u *User) (bool, error) {
  ctx := context.Background()

  experiment := scientist.New("widget-permissions")
  // old way
  experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    return w.IsValid(u), nil
  // new way
  experiment.Try(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    return u.Can("read", w), nil

  return scientist.Bool(experiment.Run(ctx))

Write a Use callback around the code's original behavior, and a Try around the new behavior. experiment.Run() will always return whatever the Use callback returns, but it does a bunch of stuff behind the scenes:

  • It decides whether or not to run the Try callback,
  • Randomizes the order in which Use and Try callbacks are run,
  • Measures the durations of all behaviors,
  • Compares the result of Try to the result of Use,
  • Swallows (but records) any errors in the Try callback, and
  • Publishes all this information.

The Use callback is called the control. The Try callback is called the candidate.

scientist.Bool() is a helper function, can be used if return value is boolean

If you don't declare any Try callbacks, none of the Scientist machinery is invoked and the control value is always returned.

Experiments do not attempt to recover from any runtime panics, and are not goroutine safe. Any *scientist.Experiment objects should be Run and discarded immediately after being initialized. Ideally, your application should already handle any runtime panics somehow.

All science experiment callbacks return generic interface{} objects, which may be inconvenient for your application. Scientist comes with some helpers, like scientist.Bool() that attempt to cast the values to common types. If it can't be casted, nil is returned, along with an error. Your application can define a similar helper for custom types:

func User(value interface{}, err error) (*User, error) {
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	switch t := value.(type) {
	case *User:
		return t, nil
		return false, fmt.Errorf("[scientist] bad result type: %v (%T)", value, value)

Making science useful

The examples above will run, but they're not really doing anything. The Try callbacks run every time and none of the results get published. Replace the default experiment implementation to control execution and reporting:

package permissions

import (


type Widget struct {

func (w *Widget) Allows(u *User) (bool, error) {
  ctx := context.Background()

  experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
  experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    return w.IsValid(u), nil
  experiment.Try(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    u.Can("read", w)

  return scientist.Bool(experiment.Run(ctx))

// experiment constructor for all uses in the "permissions" package
func Experiment(name string) *scientist.Experiment {
  experiment := scientist.New("widget-permissions")
  experiment.RunIf(func() (bool, error) {
    // see "Ramping up experiments" below
    return true, nil

  experiment.Publish(func(r scientist.Result) error {
    // see "Publishing results" below
    // post to graphite/redis/librato/etc
    return nil

  experiment.ReportErrors(func(errs ...scientist.ResultError) {
    // post to sentry or other error reporting tool
  return experiment

Now calls to the Experiment() function return a *scientist.Experiment with common callbacks for ramping up experiments, publishing results, and reporting errors.

Controlling comparison

Scientist compares control and candidate values using reflect.DeepEqual(). To override this behavior, set a Compare callback to define how to compare observed values instead:

func (w *Widget) Allows(u *User) (bool, error) {
  experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
  experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    return w.IsValid(u), nil
  experiment.Try(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    u.Can("read", w)

  experiment.Compare(func(control, candidate interface{}) (bool, error) {
    // cast as user, return login, or convert to string
    getLogin = func(value interface{}) string {
      if user, ok := value.(*User); ok {
        return user.Login
      return fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)

    return getLogin(control) == getLogin(candidate), nil

  return scientist.Bool(experiment.Run())

Adding context

Results aren't very useful without some way to identify them. Use the context method to add to or retrieve the context for an experiment:

experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
  return w.IsValid(u), nil
experiment.Try(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
  u.Can("read", w)
experiment.Context["user"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", user.Id)

Context is a string-keyed map of string values. The data is available in the Publish callback.

Expensive setup

If an experiment requires expensive setup that should only occur when the experiment is going to be run, define it with the before_run method:

experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
  return w.IsValid(u), nil
experiment.BeforeRun(func() error {
  // something expensive...
  return nil
experiment.Try(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
  u.Can("read", w)

Keeping it clean

Sometimes you don't want to store the full value for later analysis. For example, an experiment may return User instances, but when researching a mismatch, all you care about is the logins. You can define how to clean these values in an experiment:

experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
  return w.IsValid(u), nil
experiment.Try(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
  u.Can("read", w)

experiment.Clean(func(value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
  switch arr := value.(type) {
  case []*User:
    logins := make([]string, len(arr))
    for i, u := range arr {
      logins[i] = u.Login
    return logins, nil
    return value, nil

And this cleaned value is available in observations in the final published result:

experiment.Publish(func(result scientist.Result) {
  result.Control.Value          // [*User, *User, *User]
  result.Control.CleanedValue() // ["alice", "bob", "carol"]

Ignoring mismatches

During the early stages of an experiment, it's possible that some of your code will always generate a mismatch for reasons you know and understand but haven't yet fixed. Instead of these known cases always showing up as mismatches in your metrics or analysis, you can tell an experiment whether or not to ignore a mismatch using an Ignore callback. You may include more than one callback if needed:

func (w *Widget) IsAdmin(u *User) (bool, error) {
  ctx := context.Background()
  experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
  experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    return w.IsAdmin(u), nil
  experiment.Try(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    u.Can("admin", w)

  experiment.Ignore(func(control, candidate interface{}) (bool, error) {
    return u.IsStaff, nil

  experiment.Ignore(func(control, candidate interface{}) (bool, error) {
    return control != nil && candidate == nil && !u.HasConfirmedEmail, nil
  return scientist.Bool(experiment.Run(ctx))

The ignore callbacks are only called if the values don't match. If one observation returns an error and the other doesn't, it's always considered a mismatch. If both observations return different errors, that is also considered a mismatch.

Ramping up experiments

Sometimes you don't want an experiment to run. Say, disabling a new codepath for anyone who isn't staff. You can disable an experiment by setting a RunIf callback. If this returns false, the experiment will merely return the control value.

experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
experiment.RunIf(func() (bool, error) {
  return currentUser.IsStaff, nil

As a scientist, you know it's always important to be able to turn your experiment off, lest it run amok and result in villagers with pitchforks on your doorstep.

experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
experiment.RunIf(func() (bool, error) {
  // track this in a databae, env var, etc
  // flipper isn't ported to Go... YET
  percentEnabled, err := flipper.PercentEnabled()
  if err != nil {
    return false, err

  return percentEnabled > 0 && rand.Intn(100) < percentEnabled, nil

This code will be invoked for every method with an experiment every time, so be sensitive about its performance. For example, you can store an experiment in the database but wrap it in various levels of caching such as memcache or a per-request context.

Publishing results

What good is science if you can't publish your results?

You must implement the Publish callback, and can publish data however you like. For example, timing data can be sent to graphite, and mismatches can be placed in a capped collection in redis for debugging later.

The Publish callback is given a scientist.Result instance with its associated *scientist.Observations:

// Globally setup somewhere...
// Example uses
statsd, _ := g2s.Dial("udp", "statsd-server:8125")

// The actual experiment
experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
experiment.Publish(func(r scientist.Result) error {
  statsd.Timing(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("science.%s.control", r.Experiment.Name), r.Control.Runtime)
  statsd.Timing(1.0, fmt.Sprintf("science.%s.candidate", r.Experiment.Name), r.Candidates[0].Runtime)


When running your test suite, it's helpful to know that the experimental results always match. To help with testing, Scientist has a ErrorOnMismatches bool value to set either on the scientist package, or on a *scientist.Experiment:

To raise on mismatches:

// do this in a *_test.go file so it's set on tests only
import (

func init() {
  scientist.ErrorOnMismatches = true

// or enable it for a specific experiment only
experiment := scientist.New("something")
experiment.ErrorOnMismatches = true
// ... implementation

Scientist will raise a scientist.MismatchError error if any observations don't match.

Handling errors

If an exception is raised within any of scientist's internal callbacks, like Publish, Compare, or Clean, the ReportErrors method is called with a slice of errors, each containing the string name of the internal operation that failed and the error that was returned. The default behavior is to dump the errors to STDERR.

experiment := Experiment("widget-permissions")
experiment.ReportErrors(func(errs ...scientist.ResultError) {
  for _, resErr := range errs {
    errortracker.Track(resErr.Err, "science failure in %s: %s", resErr.Experiment, resErr.Operation)

The operations that may be handled here are:

  • before_run - an error returned in a BeforeRun callback
  • clean - an exception is raised in a Clean callback
  • compare - an exception is raised in a Compare callback
  • ignore - an exception is raised in an Ignore callback
  • publish - an exception is raised in the Publish callback
  • run_if - an exception is raised in a RunIf callback

Designing an experiment

Because the RunIf callback determines when a candidate runs, it's impossible to guarantee that it will run every time. For this reason, Scientist is only safe for wrapping methods that aren't changing data.

When using Scientist, we've found it most useful to modify both the existing and new systems simultaneously anywhere writes happen, and verify the results at read time with science. raise_on_mismatches has also been useful to ensure that the correct data was written during tests, and reviewing published mismatches has helped us find any situations we overlooked with our production data at runtime. When writing to and reading from two systems, it's also useful to write some data reconciliation scripts to verify and clean up production data alongside any running experiments.

Finishing an experiment

As your candidate behavior converges on the controls, you'll start thinking about removing an experiment and using the new behavior.

  • If there are any ignore callbacks, the candidate behavior is guaranteed to be different. If this is unacceptable, you'll need to remove the ignore callbacks and resolve any ongoing mismatches in behavior until the observations match perfectly every time.
  • When removing a read-behavior experiment, it's a good idea to keep any write-side duplication between an old and new system in place until well after the new behavior has been in production, in case you need to roll back.

Breaking the rules

Sometimes scientists just gotta do weird stuff. We understand.

Ignoring results entirely

Science is useful even when all you care about is the timing data or even whether or not a new code path blew up. If you have the ability to incrementally control how often an experiment runs via your RunIf callback, you can use it to silently and carefully test new code paths and ignore the results altogether. You can do this by:

experiment.Compare(func(control, candidate interface{}) (bool, error) {
  return true, nil

This will still log mismatches if any errors are returned, but will disregard the values entirely.

Trying more than one thing

It's not usually a good idea to try more than one alternative simultaneously. Behavior isn't guaranteed to be isolated and reporting + visualization get quite a bit harder. Still, it's sometimes useful.

To try more than one alternative at once, add names to some Behavior callbacks:

experiment := scientist.New("widget-permissions")
experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
  return w.IsValid(u), nil

// new service API
experiment.Behavior("api", func() (interface{}, error) {
  return u.Can("read", w), nil

// raw query
experiment.Behavior("raw-sql", func() (interface{}, error) {
  return u.CanSql("read", w), nil

When the experiment runs, all candidate behaviors are tested and each candidate observation is compared with the control in turn.

No control, just candidates

Define the candidates with named Behavior callbacks, omit a Use, and pass a candidate name to run:

experiment := scientist.New("widget-permissions")
experiment.Use(func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
  return w.IsValid(u), nil

// new service API
experiment.Behavior("api", func() (interface{}, error) {
  return u.Can("read", w), nil

// raw query
experiment.Behavior("raw-sql", func() (interface{}, error) {
  return u.CanSql("read", w), nil



Run go fmt before committing. go test runs the unit tests. Supported Go 1.11+


@Sreevani871, @RashmiRam and @kinnera-kokkiligadda

go-scientist's People


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