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clamp.js's Issues

Sentence ending with dot creates ellipsis

When a sentence ending with a dot creates ellipsis, even when de sentence is just 1 word.

This is not happening in Chrome. Only in Firefox and IE.

How can I solve this?

Clamp.js deletes content of target element

I have an element with a fixed height and Clamp.js is deleting its content if there is a span within. There were some spans from beginning to the end of the element. Clamp.js was called like this:

$('.clamp').each(function() { $clamp(this, { clamp: 'auto' }) });

The spans were:

<span style="font-style: italic;">...</span>

Don't know by what this is caused, removed Clamp.js for now.


Firefox is short by one line

I've been testing Clamp.js with the following simple code. I get Firefox consistently showing one less line, while Chrome and IE perform ok.

  <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  .mypar {
    margin:0; border:0; padding:0; }
  .mydiv1 {
    position:fixed; background:yellow;
    top:50px; left:50px;
    margin:0; border:1px solid; padding:0;
    width:205px; height:92px; line-height:120%;
    font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; color:black; }
  .mydiv2 {
    position:fixed; background:yellow;
    top:200px; left:50px;
    margin:0; border:1px solid; padding:0;
    width:205px; height:92px; line-height:120%;
    font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; color:black; }
window.onload=function() {
  var p = document.getElementById("p1");
  $clamp(p, {clamp: 4}); }
<div class="mydiv1">
  <p id="p1" class="mypar">Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>
<div class="mydiv2">
  <p id="p2" class="mypar">Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>


Any thoughts on how one would test usage of clamp in a unit test? I don't see any here.

Truncation occurs even when initial height is equal to max height

Example of the issue:
If you have text that fits into two lines and you are clamping to 2 lines, truncation/clamping is unnecessary. However, with the current version you'll lose the last letter of the text and it will be replaced by the ellipsis.
So you might expect:

clamp.js is a fun way
to clamp text

But you get

clamp.js is a fun way
to clamp tex...

This issue seems to be caused by line 221, which calls the initial truncate even when the height matches the max height.
if (height <= element.clientHeight) {

Changing this to a simple '<' seems to fix the problem.

auto clamping doesnt work?

i have been searching for auto clamping according to the height for a long time now.

but not sure what needs to be done for this. can you give an example of fitting to several sizes?


Clamp Text inside anchor tag

I'm trying to clamp data inside anchor tag which in turn inside header, but it was not working as expected

I'm i doing the right way ?


<h1><a id="mylink" href="#"> Curabitur magna lectus, cursus at euismod sed, aliquet a lectus. Vivamus ac magna purus, in eleifend eros.</a></h1>


var header = document.getElementById('mylink');
$clamp(header, {clamp: 2, useNativeClamp: false});

onClamp callback

Hi. A good idea is to add callback support for clamping with success, no clamp needed.

not working in firefox

My code:

var module = $('.eventon_desc_in > p:first-child');
for (var i = module.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
$clamp(module[i], {clamp: 2});

Works like a charm in Chrome, nothing happens in Firefox however.

Removes whitespace characters from text when truncationChar is set to : ' '


$clamp(contentElement, {
clamp: numLines,
useNativeClamp: false,
truncationChar: ' ',
truncationHTML: '... see more'

original text: jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa
Clamped text: jpaajpaajpaajpaajpaajpaajpaajpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa jpaa ... see more

truncationChar works fine with these uses:

truncationChar: ' '
truncationChar: ''

If it's not worth fixing, maybe just add a note to the ReadMe.


Please state what license this code is released under. I'm not allowed to use anything in my current project that doesn't have a sufficiently permissive license explicitly stated.

The MIT license is a common option, but whatever you pick please clearly state it in the readme file or add a new file to the project called LICENSE containing the text of the license in it.

Under current copyright law, if no license is stated, it is copyrighted.

Thanks :)

The example is wrong


this would pick the p tag content, currently nothing is being clamped

Using Clamp.js with jQuery, possible?

I have a table, and inside each rows there's a single <td> element with the class "clampThis" that I'd like to clamp the text within.

So I thought something like this would work

var item = $('.clampThis');
$clamp(item, {clamp: 1, useNativeClamp: false});

But I get this error instead:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'webkitLineClamp' of undefined clamp.min.js:11

Maybe I'm doing it the wrong way? I'm not sure. I'm not a great JavaScript wizard, so help would be much appreciated. :)

This happens on Google Chrome (Version 31.0.1650.63 m) on Windows 7.

Last character clamped when rendered number of lines matches the clamped number of lines

Let's say you have a div that contains enough text that when rendered in the browser yields 4 lines of text. Let's also say that you set up clamp.js as follows:

$clamp(el, {clamp: 4, useNativeClamp: false});

The last character in your text will end up getting clamped. We are using version 0.4.

Suggested fix:

Remove from line 234 the "=" in your <= comparator so that it looks like:

if (height < element.clientHeight) {

This solved the issue.

How to remove clamp?

There is no way to remove clamp styling from a

tag. Like in case of read more functionality, I want to remove the clamp (truncationHTML option is not fulfilling my requirement).

Feature Request: option to stop after boundaries instead of removing partial words

I'd like an option to stop after a full word, actually, instead of moving on to the last step (individual characters.) So you could set, say, boundariesOnly : true , and then once it got to the step where it's found a space but it's a little too short, it would STOP and put an ellipsis there. Because I'd rather only have full words, sometimes, even if that means my last line is shorter than the full width of my element.

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

function getLastChild(elem) {

        if (elem.lastChild.children && elem.lastChild.children.length > 0) {
            return getLastChild(;
        } else if (!elem.lastChild || !elem.lastChild.nodeValue || elem.lastChild.nodeValue == '' || elem.lastChild.nodeValue == opt.truncationChar) {
            return getLastChild(element);
        } else {
            return elem.lastChild;

internet explorer 8 support

Hi all,

I couldn't find any supported browsers information and trying to make it work in ie8. I am getting "Object required" error for "getLastChild" function where "if" begins.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Rounding issue in 'getLineHeight' method

The method getLineHeight uses parseInt, which always rounds decimal numbers down. Chrome returns a decimal when calling computeStyle, which can (in some cases) be something like 23.994. So in this case Chrome will calculate the value to be 23, but FF and IE round it up to 24. This small difference though can mean the difference between lines failing to truncate to the correct number of lines. I propose something like this Math.round(parseFloat(lh)) instead of parseInt(lh) to give consistent results across browsers.
Tested on Chrome 53.0.2785.116 m (64-bit), FireFox 48.0.2, Microsoft Edge 38.14393.0.0.

Feature request: unclamp or reclamp

This project seems like it might be dead, but I thought I'd request a feature.

I'm currently using clamp.js (love it by the way) in a site with responsive design, and I want to clamp some text when the layout changes (i.e. when someone switches from portrait to landscape on iPad, or vice versa). I've accomplished this without a problem.

When someone changes the layout back, however, I want to unclamp their text, but it's actually been deleted. Would be great if clamp could keep track of the original text (in an html data attribute?) so it could be restored or re-clamped at a higher # of lines.

Fails hard on empty elements in Firefox


Trying to clamp the above element fails hard in Firefox on line 109:

if (elem.lastChild.children && elem.lastChild.children.length > 0)


TypeError: elem.lastChild is null

Trying to fix function getLastChild() just propagates the error elsewhere, so I won't go digging around too deep.

truncationHTML doesn't work

getLastChild looks odd, you should check if elem.lastChild exists before use it:

if (elem.lastChild.children && elem.lastChild.children.length > 0) {

Another conditional has if (!elem.lastChild and then tries to use elem.lastChild

else if (!elem.lastChild || !elem.lastChild.nodeValue || elem.lastChild.nodeValue == '' || elem.lastChild.nodeValue == opt.truncationChar) {

My usage example:

$clamp(this, {
      clamp: 'auto',
      useNativeClamp: false,
      truncationHTML: '<a href="#">read more</a>'

String &lt; and &gt; characters after clamp with custom HTML will convert to <>

Using clamp for displaying list of emails (chrome). Email format is a standard outlook format

Smith, John (EY123987) <john[email protected]>; Simpson, Homer (EY123987) <homer[email protected]>...

Clamp replace &lt; with <, and browser understands it as a HTML element, thus loosing text <[email protected]>

Issue is on this line

element.innerHTML = target.nodeValue + ' ' + truncationHTMLContainer.innerHTML + opt.truncationChar;

I have applied a fix on local copy of clamp.js file

element.innerHTML = escapeHtml(target.nodeValue) + ' ' + truncationHTMLContainer.innerHTML + opt.truncationChar;

Where escapeHtml is

function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
            return unsafe
                 .replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
                 .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
                 .replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
                 .replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
                 .replace(/'/g, "&#039;");

Please fix it in a main version

Can't use it with react js

Hey guys,

First of all, this is a great job ! Thank you !
I just ran over some problem using clamp with react. The problem is that I can't pass "window" to the function and in that environment, it doesn't know what it is.

An easy fix would just be to pass window as an option :
in Clamp.js :

var self = this,
  win = options.window || window,
  // ...

I've made a pull request : #62

Thanks guys !

Refactor code to be more modular and use JsLint/JsHint

Ill probably submit a merge request in my freetime; however, as it stands, functions are extremely large and complex and there is little encapsulation of features/functions even though the whole thing is defined in a closure.

The clamp function is HUGE. it creates utility subfunctions which should be defined externally to the function (its generally bad practice unless its a callback to a utility that you're using. like _.each )

there are missing semicolons, as well as the usage of global variables (why so afraid to use this?)

Infact self isnt used...

On that note.... use JSLint/JsHint its how I found a lot of these coding style challenges for such a useful library.

"Unreasonable" truncation in some cases

Consider the following screenshot:

The third word (partly elliptisized in the second text line on the screenshot) is "ID". The ellipsis is clearly unnecessary here.

The following little change seems to solve the problem: pdkovacs@2756c06 . This solution is, however, completely based on "informal reasoning", that is, without me really understanding the details of the implementation. (I just told to myself as I was debugging the issue: "Hey, why do we need to do anything if the clientHeight equals the required height?")

Any comments? Any advices on what I may be missing in terms of configuration, usage scenario, etc?

It doesn't work in chrome if u add <p> in content.

div id="clamp">






$clamp(document.getElementById("clamp"), {clamp: 3});

it doesn't work in chrome.
and there is sth wrong in firefox.

[enhancement] Add missing bower.json.

Hey, maintainer(s) of josephschmitt/Clamp.js!

We at VersionEye are working hard to keep up the quality of the bower's registry.

We just finished our initial analysis of the quality of the registry:

7530 - registered packages, 224 of them doesnt exists anymore;

We analysed 7306 existing packages and 1070 of them don't have bower.json on the master branch ( that's where a Bower client pulls a data ).

Sadly, your library josephschmitt/Clamp.js is one of them.

Can you spare 15 minutes to help us to make Bower better?

Just add a new file bower.json and change attributes.

  "name": "josephschmitt/Clamp.js",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "path/to/main.css",
  "description": "please add it",
  "license": "Eclipse",
  "ignore": [
  "dependencies": {
    "<dependency_name>": "<semantic_version>",
    "<dependency_name>": "<Local_folder>",
    "<dependency_name>": "<package>"
  "devDependencies": {
    "<test-framework-name>": "<version>"

Read more about bower.json on the official spefication and nodejs semver library has great examples of proper versioning.

NB! Please validate your bower.json with jsonlint before commiting your updates.

Thank you!

twitter: @versioneye
email: [email protected]
VersionEye - no more legacy software!

[BUG] lastChild is null Error on dymanical content...


i like this plugin but now i have a first conflict that i can not solved :(
I use jq owlCarousel and on this section have clamp.js problems :(

<div class="thisCarousel">
    <div class="aucSlidItem">
        <div style="background-image: url('<?php echo IMG_URI; ?>dummy/01.jpg');"></div>
        <div class="clamp"><a id="auc_1" data-mode="win" href="<?php link::get('auction/view?id=%s', ['test_auktion_1']); ?>" onclick="contentWindow( $(this) ); return false;">1Erster Versuch - stilvolles Date langer name</a></div>
        <div class="auCtn cal" data-end="11/11/2017 16:00:00"></div>
        <div><?php wwmCalc::getAucPrice(999, 'EUR', '["2017-12-18 20:00:00",5.55]'); ?></div>
    <div class="aucSlidItem">
        <div style="background-image: url('<?php echo IMG_URI; ?>dummy/01.jpg');"></div>
        <div class="clamps"><a id="auc_2" data-mode="win" href="<?php link::get('auction/view?id=%s', ['test_auktion_2']); ?>" onclick="contentWindow( $(this) ); return false;">2Erster Versuch - stilvolles Date2</a></div>
        <div class="auCtn cal" data-end="11/11/2017 16:00:00"></div>
        <div><?php wwmCalc::getAucPrice(999, 'EUR', '["2017-12-18 20:00:00",5.55]'); ?></div>
    <!-- more items.... -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    loop: false,
	margin: 20,
	nav: false,
	dots: false,
	autoplay: true,
	autoplayTimeout: 2500,
	lazyLoad: true,
	responsiveClass: true,
	responsive: {
		0: { items: 2 },
		700: { items: 3 },
		1200: { items: 4 }
    var items = document.getElementsByClassName('clamp');
    for( i in items ){
        if( items.hasOwnProperty(i) ){
            $clamp(items[i], {clamp: (( items[i].hasAttribute("data-clamp") ) ? items[i].getAttribute("data-clamp") : 'auto')});
}, 1500); 
// result TypeError: a.lastChild is null on getLastchild() #121

This error is only on browsers without webkitLineClamp

I hope any can help me to fix :(

Changing ellipsis color on hover.

Current I have the clamped text change color on hover, but the ellipsis remains the same. Is it possible to have it change as well?

Text does not wrap with hyphenation

If you attempt to put in a word that is too long for the container, it wraps the text but crops off the end of the word. This really should hyphenate the word that is too long and wrap it onto the next line before continuing with the string. Example is here:


This word should read Supercalifragalisticexpialdocius but has been cropped.

Current minified source does not compile on Chrome

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ( at line 8.
To reproduce: create an HTML file along these lines:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="clamp.min.js"></script>

Run it in in a local webserver in Chrome and observe the error in the JS console.

Truncate occurs once. Doesn't store original string it truncated.

In responsive design. When invoking clamp, it does not use the original text. This only works for a single load or invocation. Once clamp occurs, game over. No original text is stored.

Adding clamp to the window resize event, shrink screen down, then enlarge will remain truncated down to the smallest resize point.

I've added a data attribute for original in the past as a solution. This could probably be added in this plugin.


<div class="rc-description">In sit amet dictum velit. Vivamus quam mi, com…</div>

<div class="rc-description" data-original="In sit amet dictum velit. Vivamus quam mi, com In sit amet dictum velit. Vivamus quam mi, com In sit amet dictum velit. Vivamus quam mi, com In sit amet dictum velit. Vivamus quam mi, com">In sit amet dictum velit. Vivamus quam mi, com…</div>

Needs to use the original pre-truncated text, not the already truncated text.

Clamp on span interferes with contenteditable on text clear

When using clamp on a span within Chrome (and possibly other browsers) and using the "contenteditable" attribute on the span to allow inline editing, after clearing the text, the area then becomes uneditable. It still shows the editable border and everything, but no characters you type ever appear in the field. When I stop using clamp, normal functioning returns.

This seems to bring two problems to light. One is that I have not been able to find a way to easily suspend the use of clamp on a field. The second is the bug.. Editing does still appear to function, until you remove the last character from the field.

It doesn't work in chrome if i don't add style "word-break:break-all"

someting wrong!!!!

            use clampJS:
        <p id="ellipsis" style="width:100px;">
        <script src="Clamp.js-master/Clamp.js-master/clamp.min.js"></script>
            $clamp( document.getElementById("ellipsis"), {clamp: 2});

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